The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 24, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIHES-EHTEBPBISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - - - Editor. S. B. BURR. • Business Manager. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 11181. ■Daily Tmu-ExTiBrniss !■' published tv-ry morning (Monday exempted.) Tl:e VYrexlt TiMxa-EitTEBrmsi is published •Tsry.Saturdsy morning. Subscription Rates. Dajlt TuiES-E.iTEnrmsE, .... $8 00 WlIKLT “ » Daily Adyertis -bo Rates ^rransient Rates $1.00 per square for the fint insertion, and 00 cel ts for ea*.b subse- nent insertion. One Square, one mouth, * - - .$500 On? Square, two months .... 8 00 Can Square, three month i, - - - 12 00 On* Square, six months, .... 20 00 One Square, twelve months, - - - 35 00 Subject to change by special arrangement, M. n. Bl'BB, Bnslnes. Mnnnncr, Albany has nominated a municipal ticket, pledged to inaugurate a system of water-works itt that thriving town Hampton.—A Boston paper says that Senator Wade Hampton is very polite in the social world, but uses mighty strong language in secret ses sions. Not including Alaska, Brazil is larger in extent than the United States. It possessen within its limits an area of 3,287,974 square miles, with a population of 12,333,375. oum- The Birmingham Age-Herald has a long editorial on “the decline of states manship.” Our observation leads us to remark, that it is a rare thing for the average “statesman” of the present day, to “decline” anything. An English scientist says that if wo were to visit the moon wo should find tho days and nights a fortnight in length, and if we “survived the scorching during the day we should certainly be frozen to deRth during the ensuing night.” Congress will meet next Monday week. If the world’s fair in 1892 is to be made a success,its location should be among the first things attended to by that body. - Paris was four years getting ready for her great exposition. "Uncle San has less than three years to get r&rdy in. ioi ■ Last year when the protected man ufacturers of Massachusetts gave their employes tho tickets which they were expected to vote, the republican ma jority in Massachusetts was 32,000. This year, when the employes, under the Australian ballot system, fixed their tickets to suit themselves, the republicans carried the state by barely 5,000. j That is a startling proposition, pub lished recently, to build a broad gauge electric railway to run from Atlanta to the sea. Eleotrioity is a wonderful power, and it appears that man is getting it pretty well in har ness. Ben Franklin, when flying that kite, would be surprised to see a long train of cars r ushing along at the rate of one hundred miles per hour, driven by electricity. Judge Wooten, who was a conspic uous figure in the senate, and the author of the substitute for the Wes tern and Atlantic lease bill which passed, is strongly inclined to cross swords with Congressmen Turner. Mr. Wooten is a good lawyer, a forci ble debater and cultured gentleman. He has plenty of means, and is very popular. He would doubtless make it interesting for Mr. Turner if he decides to run.—Columbus Enquirer. Hon. Henry G. Turner is very firmly fixed in congress. Ranking, as he does, with the ablest men in that body, the people of the second district will not be in a hurry to make any change. The Law 8hould be Obeyed. The Constitution, in defiance of law, goes on publishing the adver tisement of the Louisiana State Lot tery. Their “spunk” is glorious, but wo have occasion to doubt the wisdom of their coune. We are anxious to see a test case made and let the courts determine the rights of the newspapers in the premises.—News and Adver tiser, Albany. The Times-Ehterprise, which had a contract with the Lottery Co., has, in obedience to tho law, discontinued ) same, and we hope every paper in mil be forced to do like The Louisiana Lottery takes and thousands of dollars annually, and any l check this out-flow is I be enforced. Invited to Augusta. Augusta, Ga., Nov. 23.—The Au gusta exchange has invited the mem ■ here of the international American conference to visit Augusta. The city council sends a similai invitation. Augusta is the largest cotton manu facturing center in the south. Brice Will Be Elected.; Washington, Nov. 22.—Repr; sen tativc Outhwaite, of Columbus, r im sell mentioned for the place, says Col Brice will be elected senator from Ohio. Representative Hayne, who represents Frank Hurd’s district, says that Col. Brice will be elected because the popular sentiment favors him Dr. Talmage in Greece- Athens, Nov. 22.—Dr. Talmage is here. He has secured a corner stone (or the new tabernacle from Mars Hill. He had an interview with Premier Trocoupis to-day. He will have an audience with Queen Olga of Greece, and ex-Emprcss Victoria, of Germany, who is here. —<■>-»-«■- Brazil’s Naw Regime. Rio Janeiro, Nov. 22.—All pen sions granted by the imperial gov ernment have been confirmed by the provisional government and nn order has been issued that they he paid out pf the revenues. A decree will be issued shortly, making numerous changes in the personnel of the gov ernment officeholders and naming the officials who have been appointed to succeed those who will be removed. The greater number of officials who served under the emperor have an nounced their allegianco to tho new government. An ovation was given to tho ministers of Uruguay and tho Argentine republic last night upon their recognition of the republic. Supported by »n excellent company In D’Bn- uery'e poworful 4-Mt romantic drama, THE IODNTEBAHK, A piny ot interest, and one that touches the whole gamut ol human passions. LEGITIMATE CAST, BEAUTIFUL, PICTURESQUE COSTUMBt, COMPLETE ACCESSORIES Prices—Orchestra $1; Gallery 6O0. Scuts on sale nt Reid A Culpepper’s Drag Store. SHRUBBERY. DIXIE NURSERY. H, H. SANF0RDI& 00., Proprietors. Heavy Snow In Montana. Mineapolis, Minn., Nov. 22.— The Journal’s special from Missoula, Mont., says : “A terriffic snow storm struck here about 5 o’clock this morn ing, and is still raging in ail its fury. All trains on the Northern Pacific road have been blockaded, and two serious wrecks are reported near Bonner, a town about seven miles from here on the banks of the Hell Gate river. Several trainmen were injured, and a special train conveying physicians and local railroad officials has gone to the scene of the wreck. This is the third wreck that ha* occurred at that place during the past three weeks. Two more serious wrecks, in all prob- abiliy more serious than the first mentioned, occurred west of here. It is impossible to ascertain full particu lars, at this hour.” The Pulse of Trade. New York, Nov. 22.—R G. Dunn & Co.’s weekly review of trade for the past week is as follows: The Brazilian revolution has had surprisingly little influence as yet. Coffee is only $ cent higher for the week, and the new government ap pears to be so generally sustained that apprehension of closing of the ports or interruption of trade has almost ceased. But it is possible that the money mnrkets were indircetly affect ed to some extent through Europe, where uncertainty continued. The bank of England lost for t*ie week £1,050,000, and the bank of France 430,000 francs. Here money has been scarce and dull at times, light at Philadelphia, and decidedly close at Boston. Reports regarding the policy of the administration about silver have been assiduously used to create a feeling of distrust os to the financial future, and in any case the near approach of the first session of the new congress would naturally have an unsettling influence with some. Under the circumstances the money markets have been less disturbed than might have been ap prehended, and the volume of bust ness has not been perceptibly affected. A Republican Caucus. Washington, Nov. 22.—Hon. LF,. McComas, the secretary of the repub. lican caucus of the last congress, has, with the concurrence of all the candi dates for the speakership, and with the consent of the friends of the candidates lor other offices, issued the following call for a caucus: “The republican representatives-elect to the Fifty-first congress are requested to meet in the ball of representatives in Washington, at noon, Saturday, Nov. 30, 1889, In caucus to nominate candidates for speaker, clerk, seigeaot-at-arms, door keeper, postmaster and chaplain, to be elected at the commencement « the Fifty-first congress.” This is tho proper time to transplant and set out nil kinds of roses, balbs, plant* nnd shrubbery. We have all kinds of these plants, Ac., and a first class Landscape Gar dener, who will attend to the proper laying out of lawns, gardens, yards, Ac., and of all plants, Ac. Plans and estimates will be made on notice given us, and we will take pleas ure in giving any nnd all information on the subject nov24tf II. H. SANFORD A OO. Car Load Mules. I have a car load of fine males fast from Columbia, Tenn., which I will be glad to sell to those needing them. I will be in Tbomasvi'.lc this season, and.canT» found at the Kentucky Stables, where I shall keep ray stock. J. 0. Obb. nov24-tf special"engagement. OPERA HOUSE, . Thanksgiving Eve, THTIRSUAY. 1STOV. 28. America’s Greatest Character Actor, Dor© Davidson, And the younir, beautiful and accomplished Emotional Actress, MISS RAMIE AT7STE2T, Supports 1 by a carefully selected company In the powerful 4-net drama, Guilty Without Crime An adapt Uion of M. E. Braddon’s Famous Novel, AURORA! FLOYD. The climaxes are atartllnc In the extreme. Abundance of Comedy. No drama In the his tory of the stage fills all the requirements — completely. IPiney Woods Hotel, Thomasville, Gl-a. OPERA HOUSE ONE HIGHT ONLY, II flll OQ Friday, ilUfg Zui The Fashionable Event of the Season. Engagement ot tho distinguished Tragedian, 1 White SnlEtmr Springs Hotel. The celebrated White Sulphur Springs Hotel, on the 8UWANEE RIVER Route, is now open for winter boarders, with carpeted rooms and open firo places. Real comfort guaranteed by . MRS. J. AVERITT, dlwi.ov22 of Thomasville. LOWER BROAD HAT NOTES, ?. Hardly anything receives less thanks and moro abuse than a lint. It is never thanked for the protection it renders against wind, cold nnd bent. It is thrown down, jerked up, and violently handled here, thcro and everywhere. Its crown crushed, its rim torn In constant and patient servitude. The bat, like sails to a ship or like wings to a bird, permits women to perform her duties nnd acluevo her objects. Lat the ship thank its sails, the bird it, wings and woman her hat. The best hats—the most stylish and rich ly trimmed—are always to be had at Lower Broad. Honest, upright dealing is my motto The lost work and best goods for tho least price my rutc. My object Is to satisfy the custo mer. I therefore cordially invite inquiries regarding goods, stylos and prices. Am al- wiwi happy to give full information. To the Indies of Boston, Ochlockonee, Cai ro, Metcalfe and the country: When you visit Thomasville make my store yoar head quarters. Yoo can rest jind refresh your selves here, if you like. No charge, and no obligation incurred. The trade of all earnestly solicited- Mrs. Jennie Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. 75 cents doz. tor sweet corn in 2 lb cans at Pickett’s, BRICK MASONS WANTED. 6 good brick masons wanted at once. Apply to V. P. Horrocks. nov21-3t. TbomssviUe, Go. HOUSE FOR RENT. A seven-room, well famished house, on comer of Crawford and Fletcher streets, for Rent. Apply on premises, or to Dr. T. S, Hopkins. Physician’s Card. Being drawn to Thomasville by the per fcction of its climate, 1 have permanently located hero for the practice of medicine, Homeopatbicolly, which really is the most efficient mode of treating and' caring dis eases, therefore, where known and practiced. Is in great repute. I have also In successful operation the hot air Inhaling apparatus far the can of consumption, invented and sac- ccesfully used by Prof. Weigert, of Berlin, Germany, in the cure of that dread disease. Circulars, explaining the nature oi the dis ease and its mode or care by this treatment, are lh>c upon application at my oflfoc, Mitchell House Block, next door north of Poet Office. Ornoi Ilonas— 9 to 12 a. m, nnd 3 to 5 p.m. Night calls answered at my residence, sonth side Jtcksoa street, 3 door* east of City Hall. J. T. BUCKLEY, U. D. 17-3t' M. A. BOWER, Proprietor. W. E. DAVIES, Manager, OPENS DECEMBER 4, 1889. An Awful SoreLimb Shin entirely gone. Fleah n ITInu of dU ease. Xvg diminished one third Inalxe. Condition hopeless, flared by the Ca- tlenra Remedies In two months. Cured by Cuticura For three years 1 was almost crippled with an awful sore leg from my knee down to my ankle, the skin was entirely gone, and the flesh was one mass of disease. Some physicians prononneed It lnnurablo. It had diminished about one third the size of the other, and I was In a hopeless oonditlon. After trying all kinds ot remedies and spending hundreds of dollars, from which I got no relief whatever. 1 was persuaded to try roar Cutlcara Remedies, and the result was ns follows: After throe .lays I noticed a decided change for the better, and at the end of two months I was completely cored. My Seth was leg Is os well os ever It was, sound In every re spect, and not a sign of the disease to be seen. B. G. AHERN, Dubois, Dodge Co., Ga. Skin Disease 17 Years. 1 have been troubled with skin and scalp dis ease for seventeen years. My head at times was one running sore, and my body was covered with them as large as a half dollar. I tried n great many remedies without effect until I need the Cutioura Remedies, and am thankful to state that after two months of their use I am entirely cured. I feel it my duty to yon and the pubilo to state the above esse. L. R. MCDOWELL, Jamosburg, N. J. Another Marvelous Cure. Tho Cuticura, Cutloura Resolvent, nnd Cuti cura Soap have brought about a marvelous cure in the case or a akin disease on my little son eight years old. Iqave tried almost all reme dies and also the most eminent doctors, ell alike failing, except the wonderful Cutlcnra Rcmo- ED N. BROWN, 720 N. 10 th St., Omaha, Neb. Cuticura Resolvent. The new Blood Purifier and purest and heat of B jr Remedies, Internally, and Cuticura, the Bklu Cure, and Cuticura Soap, an excula- :ln Beautlfler, externally, are a poslttvo ears for every disease and hnmor of the skin, scalp, and blood, with lota of hair,from pimples Sob?everywhere. Price, Cuticura, 60o.j Soap' toe.; Resolvent, 81.00. Prepared by the Potter DIMPLES, black-heads, rod. rough, chapped, rlln and oily skin proven ted by Cuticura Boap. The first a HOW Mf BACK ACHES, Back Ac te, Kidney Patns.and Weak ness,Bareness, Lameness,8 trains, and Pain relieved In one minute by the CnUenra Anti-Pain Plaster, and only Instantaneous paln-UUIng I PROF. E. D. BALDWIN Announces that he will be glad to repair and keep in tone, Pianos and other musical In strnments and give instruction in music in its various branches. Orders left at Geo. Fearn’s real estate office, or through the post office, given prompt attention. Toct tt WANTS. G. H. Wyant* the Upholsterer, wants to lay Carpets, Wool at 75 cts., Brussels at tl‘, wants, to re-npholstcr your parlor furniture: wants to make over your mattresses. Oali at Ainsworth’s Grocery. 26oct 3m OLD HOFFMAN HOUSE RYE, Pure and Unadulterated, For Sale By ■ A. F. PREV ATT. Cash groceries bound to win. Watch the figures at Pickett’s. The Drmier’s Home. NEW THOMASVILLE, GA., Will open for tho reception of guests DEC. 1st. New and Modern Throughout. Ele gant Rooms, Single and en Suite. S. T. PHILPOT & CO., nov2o-tl Proprietors, Notice of Dissolution. The firm of G. E. Clcwis & Bro., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. G. B. Clcwis will continue the business and assume nil liabilities nnd retain the assets of the late firm. O. E. Clewis, novl9-30d. Joan Clewis. Ham! Good, sweet ham,at way down prices, at Pickett’s. See him. CITY TAX. The time for paying your city taxes Is nt hand. Please call at my office nt the cotton ware hoosc and scstlo before execution is issued. Office hoars 0 a. m. to 6 p. m. Jin. F. Evans, (Sty Tr, Contagions Blood Diseases. Ulcers, sores, pimples, itch, salt rheom, etc., are evidences of contagions blood dis ease. It Is manifestly a duty to eradicate blood poison from the system by a use of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm), thus enabling the sore places to heal,and thereby removing all possibility of other members ofthe family becoming likewise afflicted. Send to Blood Balm C*., Atlanta, Ga., for a book that will convince. J. H. Outlaw, Mt. Olive, N.O , writes: “I bad running ssres on my shoulders and arms. One bottle B. B. B. cured me entlre- ly." L. Johnson, Belmont Station,Miss,writes. *‘B. B. B. has worked on me like a charm. My bead and body was covered with sores, and my hair came oat, bat B. B. B. healed me ontiiely,” W. J. Klanlo, Hutchens, Tex., writes: “B. B. B. has cured my wife of a large nicer on her leg that doctors and all other medicine conld not cure.” M. J. Rossmnn, a prominent merchant of Greensboro, Ga, writes: “l know of several cases of blood disease speedily cared by B.B. B. Two bottles cured a lady of ngly scrof ulas skin sores.” W. 0. Birchmoie & Co, Haxoy, Ga, writes: “B. B. B, In cnrlng Mr. Robt Ward of blood poison effected one of the -most wonderful cares that ever .came to opi knowledge.” Bucklen’a Arnica Halve. The Best Salve In the World for Cats Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhenm, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or nopay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. . For sale by S. J. Cosset*, Drug Store. ' frcraonnl. Mr. N. H.' FrobllchsteUj of Mobile, Ala, writes: I take great pleasure in recommend ing Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump tion, have used it for a severe attack of Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave me instant relief and entirely cured me and I have not been afflicted since. I also beg to state that I had tried other remedies with no good re sult. Haro also osed Electric Bitters and Dr. King’s New Life Pills, both of which I can rcccommeml. Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, is sold on a positive guarantee, free Trial bottles at S. J. Oassels Drug Store. A Woman's Discovery. “Another wonderful .discovery has been nfade and that too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened its clutch upon her and for seven years she withstood its sererest tests, bat her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed Incessantly and conld not sleep. She bought a bottle of Dr. King’s New Dis covery tor Consumption and was so much relieved on taking the first done that she slept all night and with one battle has been miraculously cared. Her name is Mrs. Lather Lata.” Thns writes W. O. Hamrick & Co, of Shelby, N. C.—Get n free trial bottle at S. J. Cnsscl’s drugstore. SCRAPS OF SONG! and Southern Scenes, by W. M. Folsom, for sale by C. W. Robinson In Thomasville and vicinity, will be supplied on application personally, or at Reid & Culpepper’s book store. novlS-dfcwit. BOARD IN THE COUNTRY. A few persons desiring the quletode ofthe country and tho aroma of the pines, can be accommodated at Jersey Farm. Gentlemen, not sick enough to require special attention, preferred. 29octf EARLY OATH. All parties to whom I engaged the early oat for seed, are notified that I am ready to deliver the same. The yield having proven better than I expected, I can also furnish a few other parties. Apply as soon os possi ble, If yon would be supplied. It is the best early oat that I ever planted, and yielded more than the old reliable rust proof oat last season. ' J. T. CHASTAIN: Look out sharply for your interest. Pickett is going to cut everybody’s prices this week Groceries must get down so’s people can live. Sugar still declines. Go to Pickett’s cash store and get 13 lbs granulated for $1. “Watch them slide.” m .... . i THE PRIDE AND OLD TIME FAVORITE HOTEL OF SAVANNAH. CMEE I08 PERSONAL MANAGEMENT CF Boctf PIANOS AND ORGANS W. 8. Brown, tho Jowoler, bos sc oured the agency for all the first-class Pianos and Organs, which ho Is selling at tho lowest prtoes for cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do .troll to loam hts prices nnd terms. PRIVATE BOARDING. On Seward street, 2nd. door northwest of Warren, (next door to. the Misses Uhler.) Tho house end furniture new. ROOKS OOKrORTARLS AXD SURRY, table unexceptionable, Terms moderate. Apply on the premises or at the office of Mitchell A McIntyre. nov9-3m. HRS. GEO. OABBOLL. HEAL ESTATE VALUABLE PROPERTY OFFERED BY te? tan, 158 Broad St, Mitchell House Block 2 lots on Love St., 95 feet front, 240 ft deep. 1 lot on Love St., I05 feet front, 140 ft deep. 1 lot on Love St, 120 feet front, 250 ft deep. The above lots are good enough and the prices reason able. 4 lots on Crawford St, 65 ft front, 18o deep, to an alley. These will not remain un sold long, at the price they are offered al. Only 4 blocks from business centre. 1 lot on Dawson St, 105 ft front, 200 ft deep, to an al ley. 1 lot op Dawson St, 103 ft. front, 420 ft deep, to Young street ; • These are royal lots, and the only two now for sale on Dawson, the best residence street in Thomasville. 5 lots on Chestnut St, 82 ft front, 150 ft deep, to an al- ley, for $i60 each. They are absolutely worth double* the money. 3 lots on north Dawson St, 88 ft front, I9O ft deep, to an alley, for $250 each. These are beauties, and very cheap. North Dawson is a beautiful street. 5 lovely one acre lots on Young St.handsomely dotted with beautiful pine trees, at a low down price. 10 acre tract, with good 3 room houseon Young St, just outside corporate limits. The S, F. & W 1 railroad is the west boundary, nearly all in cultivation. Some fine timber. Price low enough.considering the fine location. 51-2 tract corner Magnolia aye. and Maple st. 2 tenant houses; all under fence. 200 2-yearold LeConte pear trees; fine oak grove for building site. This is a lovely spot, and is worth lots of money, but I will sell it right to a good man. 2 7-acre tracts on Young St, that would make beautiful homes. At a reasonable price. 10 fine lots in Fearnside, covered with stately pines, at $260 each. Worth a great deal mdre money. 2-acre lot comer Magnolia and Linnwood aves, with new 5-room cottage. The lot all set with fruit trees, flowers and shrubbery and will make a charming home. 1 oacre tract on Magnolia ave, 250 to 3OO beautiful pear trees of different varieties, flowers and shrubbery. Hand some new 9-room boose in perfect order; servant’s house, barn and other outbuildings, all new and in first class order. This Is the best and most at tract suburban home for sale around Thomasville. Best of reasons given for selling. Price low. All the property I offer for sale is gilt edge. I don’t deal in any other sort Let me show it to you and be con vinced. 168 Broad St, - Thomasville, Oa