The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 24, 1889, Image 4

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-The Printing Office Towel. When 1 think of,the towel, the old- (ashioned towel, that used to hang up by the priming house door, I think that nobody in ihese days of shoddy can hammer out iron to wear as it wore. The tramp, who abused the devil who used it, the comp., who got at it when these two were gone, the make-up aod foreman, the editor, pqor man, each rubbed some grime off while they put a heap on. In, ov- er and under, ’twas blacker than thun der, 'twas harder than poverty, rough er than sin; from the roller suspended, it never was bended, and it flapped on the wall like a banner of tin. It grew thicker and rougher and harder and tougher, and daily put on a more ink ier hue, until one windy morning, without any warning, it fell to the floor and was broken in two. The first issue ol the Indianapolis, (Ind.,) Globe has the following sensi- ble paragraph: The success ot the Farm; rs Alliance means the emanci pation of the farmers’ and laborers’ wives, daughters, and mothers, from the isolated slavery that now environs them. No intelligent people have ever been enslaved, no ignorant peo pie have been found in any other codition than slavery. The great trouble with the farmers is they culti vate their muscles too much and their brains too little. -CARBONATED WITH- NATURAL GAS Imported from the Mineral Springs on the Rhine, Ger many, on draught at L. SCHMIDT’S. DRINK £ Mineral W ater For the Liver and Kidneys. For sale at L. SCHMIDTS. MEAT MARKET We desire to notify those who are winter ing in Thomosville, as well as our old cus- .tomers, that wc make a specialty of keeping the V*RY BEST OF MEATS of all kinds, which we sell at reasonable prices, and de liver at any residence in the city. A per- sonal inspection of onr market on Jackson street (the stand formerly kept by Mr. Bone) is invited. nor5tf F. P. Hobh A Bbo. lO Yt rr r | c e Wash Dissolution. < The partnership heretofore existing be tween Bass A McKinnon, is this day lissoiv- , mutual consent. Mr. B. A. Boss will continue the business at the old stand. Oar books will be foand in the ' nnds of Mr. J. N. McKinnon at the old sts id, and wc earnestly request all persons i idebted to us, to come forward and settle b; ;ore the first of January, alter that time all unsettled claims will be placed in the bands of an officer for collection. B. A. Biss, J. N. McKisxok. ; ; X. Calling attention to the above, I desire to My to. our old customers, and the pnblic generally, that I sbsU continue business in the asms line, at the same old stand, adding the new feature of Comnssioi Business to my other line. Prompt and careful atten tion will Jm given to the sale and purchase of all goods entrusted to me, and satisfactioi in every particular assured. B. A Bass. Thomssvllle, Os., Kor, 19, '89. dA nl. Stenographer and Type-Writer. Ir. Joseph M. Dreyer offers Ms services to ‘ “ c m a stenographer and type-writer promptly done aod satisfaction Apply to or address, ■ , JOS. M. DREVER, IA McIntyre’s office. 131J Broad Street to DO scroiula nuccuuK iuo muge, " uu * u been looked upon os miraculous, but now peo- So aro beginning to realiie that tho direaao is not incurablo. Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery will cure it, if taken in time and Sven a fair trial. This world-renowned rem edy wUl not mako new lungs, but it wlU ro- . r . —3 to a healthy state when foiled. Thousands grate, s. It is the most potent i restorer, alterative), or blooa-cieanser tuiu nutritlre. or flesh-builder, known to medical soicnco. For Weak Lungs, sSitttag of mood. Bronchitis, AsthmaTCa- tarrhin tho Head, and all Lingering Coughs, . ...IaJ aAmfulw Tn dnmnivnmnnfo rill now U1UAU UCIT A diseased ones to a other means have fr”- fully testify to tills, tonio, or strength ilood-clcanscr and Medical tho only med- Ooldon covery" is icino of its class, sold l>y druggists, under a printed guarantee, from tho manufact urers. that it will beneflt or cure In ovory caso of dlscaso for which it is recommended, or money paid for it will bo promptly rofnndcd. Copyright, 18S3, l,y Wobld's ms. Med. Ass'tr. $300 bytoonuumfiulS ere of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy, for on Incurablo caso of Catarrh in the Head. Florida Trunk Line. F LORIDA CENTRAL & Peninsular R. R. Standard Time Used—Oct. 20.1889. 3 I 7 I SOUTHERN DIVISION, | » | < 4 30pl0l0a.Lv Fernandina Ar 7 cop 1145a Lt Jacksonville Ar eoAniiWoTv Pflllnhan Ar 10 30p 11 20p 110a 8 60a 510a 6 oca 042a 1242p' r L < X27pA 1 42p 227p 3 02p 429p._ 642p Ar 6 lOn Ar G40n:Ar 822pAr Baldwin Lawtey Hawthorne Ocala Wildwood Leesburg Lv 31 | | TAMPA DIVISION. TOOpi sq 155 1080a 1 I Ar Jacksonville Wildwood Ari Panasoffkco Ari SumterviUe Ari ’Xr St. Catharine Ari 'Ar Lacoochee Ar Dade City Ari Plant City G ioa 845p 8 OOp 7 30p G40p 6 OOp 616p 4 OOP 73 I 13 "l cEPAn KKV DIVISION. ( 14 I 24* 7 OOp 11 45a 6 00a 240p 710a 322p ‘ 412p 443p 7 OOp Lv Jacksonville Ar 160p Lv Waldo Gainesville Archer Bronson Cedar Key Ar,10 35p Ar 0 40a Lv 8 25a 6 tOa 3 40p 2 80p 1215p 0 I 1 WESTERN DIVISION. 7 OOp 104$ 1158p 140a 410a 610a 800a 020a 715a 800a 0 86a 10 27a 1128a 12 52p 202p 303p 4 OOp Lv Jacksonville Ar Baldwin Ar Lake City Ar Live Oak Ar Madison Ar Monticello Ar Tallahassee Ar Quincy Ar River Junotion 1 2 I 1Q~ 345p 3 OOp 128p 12 3Cp 11 28s 10 05a 0 00a 8 00a 7 06a 2 45a 146a 1122a 0 55a 815a 5 25a 320p Train. Nos. 1, 3,7,S, 9,10.13,14, dally., 1 3,4,24,23,30, daily cxcopt Sunday; 31 dally cept Monday. Nos. FERNANDINA AND No.601 NoA I J'.VYltLE ilUAXon. | NoJ I No.O S00a 14OOp I Lt JackaonvIUe Ar 18 4fla 1 1223p 10 25a 1530n I Ar Fernandina Lv 1715a 111 Ioa jffani —— o.'oo, 61, daily. Nn. 5 daily except Sunday. 7,15 a. m., Naw Orleans Express. Shortest and qulokest line to all Middle and Wait Florida points, Pensacola, Mobile and New Orleans. 7 .IS a. m. an J 7:00 p. m. trains con nect through to Tbomnsvtlle, Montgomery. NaebvUle, 8L Louis. Cincinnati. Chicago, and all point. North and West. Arrive at 2:45 p. m. and 3.45 p. m. 11,45 p. m. Mall and Express tor all points Bonth, Gainesville, Ocala. Leesburg, Taveres. BO lull, uameavmo, uuuii, iaicduuib. amoioo, Apopka. Orlando, Fanaaoffkoe (St. (iatii.rlae) Dado City, Plant City. Arrives at 1:50 p. m, 7:00p. m. Local, connects through tor all « slats Bouth. Ocala, Oatneavllle, Leesburg, avares, Orlando, Tarp-m Springs, Sontber- land, St. Petersburg, and Tampa. Arrives at * 900m'in.Cumberland Routo Express, con' neeta at Fernandina with steamer City of Brunswick, dally, lor Brunswick, Macon, At lanta, Chattanooga, Louisville, Cincinnati. St. Lottie and Chicago. Arrives 12:31 p. m. 4:00 p. m. Fernandina Mall and Express, dally, connecting Thusday with Mnllory.Steam ere foi New York. Arrives 8:50 a. m. This new service gives perfect connections at Baldwin tor all points North and West, Yin Callahan to all points North, East and West Via Fernandina, connecting with Str. city ot Brunswick, for Brunswick, Macon, Atlanta and all points North and West. D. E. MAXWELL, A O. MACDONELL, Gen. Manager, O. P. A T. A. N. S. PENNINGTON, Trafflo Manager. iULIHTW, DRY LUMBER. IN SOUTH GEORGIA. I have five hundred .thousand feet of Standard Mouldings, Which I will sell at a me bargain, in fact it will save purchasers money to see me be fore placing their orders for lumber of any kind. JoiLBeverly, (Successor to Fife & Beverly.) MEIG-S - - GJL. REDD aOULPEPPBR’S 120122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga : School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. 4 BiCA.Il IN MIND ► THAT THEY HAVE THE Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store IJST GEORGIA. Where you can find fresh and pure drugs and get prescriptions compounded at all hours day or night, by competent Pharmacists. They use only Squlbb’g preparations in the prescription department and guarantee goods and prices. BEID A CULPEPPER, 120-122 Broad St TO TEE LADIES. Before you buy you Winter Dress Goods, it will pay you to give us a call. We have just received another lot oi the latest pattern! of Dress Goods and Trimmings. If you are in need of a, Corset, we can supply you with the well known brands, O. P., P. D., J. B., and WARNER’S. We call special attention to our com plete stock of Ladies and Misses Hose, which we guarantee to be fast colors. If these goods fade, bring them back and get your money. Come and look at our Plushes, Jackets,Wraps, Cloaks, Underwear, Blankets, Comforts, Etc. L. STEYERMAN & BROTHER, LEADERS OOF FASHION. Young "Female College Thomasville, Ga. Fall Session Begins Wednesday, September 4tii, 1889. Full Collegiate course, affords every facility for a thorough education. Location healthful, grounds extensive and attractive. Collegiate course, term of-20 weeks, - - - 816.00 Preparatory Department, 20 weeks, - - 10.00 Music, per month, - 4.60 Drawing, per month, ----- 3.00 Painting, “ f‘ - - - - - - - 4.00 Board in College per month, - • - 16.00 Tuition payable one-half in advance, balance . at expiration of first quarter. JHO. E. BAKER, ■ aug23- President. Thomasville Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis, Prop’rs. Manufacturers and Dealers ROUGH & DUE ED LUMBER. LATHES, PICKETS, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK, MANTLES, BALUSTERS, STAIR-RAILS Newel Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Furniture. STORE FRONTS. WIN Screen Doors and Windows, Sasb> Doors and Blinds TO ORDE’R. STAIR BUILDING, AND INSIDE HARDWOOD FINISH A SPECIALTY. |®*00RRKSP0KDKNCB SOLICITED. J. S. MONTGOMERY. Real Estate Agent, THOMASVILLB, GA. OSes over BtiJ 4 Colptppet’i Dng Eton, Broil EL I am now prepared to bay or sell, forothcr parties, all UtadS of town or country real estate, and have on my list a good assort meat oi both bind*.' Strict and closo atten- on to tbe business will be my aim, and 1 spcctfully solicit n sham of tbe business ot osninity'. augistf BY FAB THE ROUTES —TO— NEW Yflffi OR BOSTON —IS VIA— SAVANNAH —AND THE— OCEANSTEAMSHIPLIKE Mai Railroad of Georgia. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Mow on sale at reduced rates. Good to return until October 31st, 1889. - Magnificent Steamers and elegant ser vice. Free horn the beat and duet Incident to ail-rail rentes. If yon are sick the trip will invigorate and build you np. Go east by sen and you'll never regret It, Passengers, before purchasing tickets via other routes, would do well to Inquire first of tho merits of tho Roate via Savannah. Further lnformatlon may be had by apply ing to tbe Agent at yonr station, 6r to RM. S. BELKNAP, W. F. SHELLHAN, General Manager. Traffic Manager' E. T. CHARLTON. CLYDE BOSTICK, Gen. Pass. Agent. Trav. Pass.JAgt., Savannah Ga. Whiddon House (Opposite Flnty Woods Hotel.) THOMASVILLE, - GA: H. B. Whiddon, Prop, This house, located In the most desir able and central part of tho city, Is now and oomplete In every particular. Fur nished in the most elegant manner and provided with sdl conveniences of mod ern hotels. The menu is perfect,land the service rendered by trained undipo- Hte servants. .Termsreasonable, and prices graded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages from tho house meet all trains.^ „ decIO-ly PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. M. M.T.HUTCHINQSON, of Lake City, Fla., 30 Years in tbe Practice of Medicine, Offers his professional services to the citi zens of Thomasrillo and surrounding coun try; Office, 2nd dodr over. A. C. Brown’s store, and A. O. Brown’s residence on Daw son street. d&wGm Sept IT. PR, A. B. COUCH, Modern • Pathology, - Hew - Remedies, DIRECT TREATMENT, Offers his professional services to the citi zens of Thomasville and surrounding coun try. Office over Steyermsn’s store, Droad street, Thomasville, Ga, 9-3-d&wly W.C.8NODGBASS. D. F. HAWKINS gNODGRASS & HAWKINS, Attorneys-at-Law. Office. Formerlyoceupledby.Enterprloe ofr «ji m McIntosh. Physician A Surgeon, ThomasvHlo, Georgia. Cp-OFFICI.over Stark's,learner, Broad! and Fletcher Streets. W. D. MITCHELL, B. G. MITCHELL. *ITCHELL & MITCHELL, M 1 Attorneys-at-Law, ThomaavlUv, • • Georgia. W. BRUCE,, M. D. Office, up-stairs. Comer ot Broad and Fl.teher streets, [sag 15-’8Wy] T. S. DEKLE, M. D., Office in Hayes Building. Besldeuce—Comer College avonne and Mag poll# ftUMt. Telephone oommnnlcation, No. 25 tor night alls. J)R. JOEL B. COYLE BE5TIST THOMASVILLE, ^GEORGIA.) OFFICE, Broad:St..lOTerJPlckott’a.l g G. MoLENDON, Attomey-at-Law, Thomasville, -nt- Georgia. Prompt attention given to all business en- trusted to him. . Office—Over Watt's store, coiner Broad and Jackson streota. ' , ' 1 '" J H. COYLE, D. D. 8., Resident Dentist, Thomasville, .- Georgia Offers hlaservlcea to th citizens ot Thom- Seville and vicinity. Office hours—From » a. m. to 1 p. m., and from2to6p.m. Office—On Jackson street. Grlen&Lemfc, Contractors|& Builders thomasville, ga. ■We will ha glad to make oontraota tor, or superintend, all olosaee ot buildings, public or privato, In either hrtok or wood. WUl fur- nlsn plans and speolgootiona If required. It — want any hntldlng dono coll on us, and vrewtifsnlHntt estimates wlxettiorconurnjtls awarded us or not. Wo will guoranteo sutls- factfon in all our work. We wter to the many buildings .reeled by us In to all nartlss tor whom we hoy* worked. Shop on Fletoherst, 2nd door trom Broad.. Thomasville, Ga., April 2,1889. N. S. Eaves , CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Thomasville, Georgia. X will be glad to moke contracts tox the construction ot all oltssss ot buildings, pub- lie and private. In either brick or wood. 1 wilt guarantee In every Instance to give satlsiaction. Designs and plans drawn and careful estimates mads. Mt Motto—Good, honest work at fair contract Is awarded me or not. I refer to to wh°nr I havo worked B. D. FUDGE, thomasville, oa., . DEALER IN EtAJEtD^WAJUS Stoves, Iron, Tin and Hollow Ware, oCali;kinds, and agent for King’s Powder Co. pt!2 *dSm B. GOLDBERG, AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE. A largo lot of 3-lb can tomatoes just re ceived on consignment, I offer them at $1.26 doz. Also a large lot of vinegar .of fered at 25 cents per gallon. B. GOLDBERG’S Auction aad Eraae. Lower Jackson, seeond/'door from Cotton Warehouse, 13sep3m -OF- The old Cooke place, on Madison, street, lot 106 feet front on Madison street and runs back to S. F. & W. R. A large but not ' new house 1 , price $2,600. Terms easy. One and one-half acre cor ner lot on Stephens St,, beyond Albany railroad; 2 houses, 1 2 stories, price $2,000. Terms easy. The Bill Bryant place, on Jackson st., in Fletcberville. the campus and near e depot and the South Ga. College, a large lot, fronting 117 feet on Jackson street, and running back 700 feet. 6-room dwelling, nice little pear orchard, first class neigh borhood and a very valuable lot; price $2,000. Terms made to suit any bona fide buyer. \ A new 4-room cottage, on large lot in Fearnside; price $1,400. Terms easy. Corner lot in East End, new 6 room house, dining room and kitchen. Price $1600 Terms easy. Lot on Youiig St., 210x210 ft, four room house, all for 81000; £ cash, bal- anco iu two payments, with 8 pr cent interest. A bargain to any one wish ing h cheap home. 3 beautiful vacant building lots on Ilr.ycs and Calhoun sts. 70x196 ft, a.t $250 each, On easy terms to those who wish to improve them. $ Elegant residence lot on Clay st., near Hardaway, 70x 207, first class neighborhood; price only $4oo. j5 small tracts of land, from 10 to 26 acres in each piece, in less than two miles of the courthouse; price $30 per acre. Easy terms. Besides the above, I have many city lota, improved and unimproved, for business or residence, inside or outside lots, big and small lots, lovely suburban places and farms and plantations all over the county for sale. Any prospective buyer, who wishes to get the best and most for his money, would act very imprudently to purchase at least before talking with me. 4 room house in Fearnside, unfur nished, at 810 per month'. 4 unfurnished rooms, up-stairs, new and elegant neighborhood, Dawson street, at $20.00. .per month. No children wanted. Large Furnished House, close in on Jackson street; 8 1-3 rooms. Price, $500 fqr the season. tfpstais of house on Calhoun street. Furnished house in East End, 5 rooms besides dining room and kitchen, at $60 per month. REAL ESTATE BROKER, Thomasville. GK©or<via