The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 28, 1889, Image 3

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A. New line for Tliomasville! In Which Every One is Interested. We mean our elegant NEW STOCK of J. S. Turner’s, Jas. A. Banister’s and Stacy Adams & Co.’s Shoes for Men, and Bennett & Barnard’s and E. P. Reed & Co.’s Ladies Fine Shoes, of which we INTERPRISE. City Editor. ALBERT WJ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 188£, are daily receiving SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU ——AT— R. Thoms Jr’i' 126 Broad Street & Bondurant Vounteer Obterver 108 IffiOAT) STREET. SEE! INSPECT!I PRICE!!! —NICE ASSORTMENT OF— ALLIGATOR TOOTH JEWELRY Prices to-night at the opera house: Gallery, 25o for everybody; drees circle, 50c; parquette, 76c. Vote for no fence. Remember the poor to-day. The feathers will fly to-day. Watch our columns for bargains. The streets will be deserted to-day. Say a good word for your town to strangers. Mr. Jack Moore left yesterday for Tr’lahassee. The gun club has ordered five new pigeon traps. The fox hunters w !, l wake the echoes this morning. Dr. Clower, of Ca : "o, we* iu the city yesterday. Judge Alexander returned yester day from Valdosta. Mr. J. M. Dickson, of Harrisburg, Pa., is at the Stuart. The front of S, Fleisher’s barber shop is being painted. Time out next Monday in which to pay city taxes and register. Miss Cora Walker returned home last night from North Georgia. Two car loads of mules and horses arrived from the west yesterday. Mr. B. Glickrann left yesterday for Ozark, Alai, to spend Thunksgiving. Let everybody bo thankful to-day. We all have much thankful for. Rev. J. T. Ainsworth, of Cairo, was in the city yesterday visiting his sons. Mr. W.,0. Howland, of Chester, Pa., is among the visitors at the Wbid don. • Messrs H. L. Cummings and John M. Payne, of Baltimore, aro at the Stuart. Fred Wardo will appear before a large, and fashionable audience to morrow night. Fred Warde will draw a largo and fashionable audience to-night. He is a great actor. Miss Rachie Mosely, of Chattahoo chee. Fla., is visiting Miss Bessie Her ring, on Madison street. Pay your taxes and - register. The Winter We are still dis playing the hand somest stock of FIN E DRESS Goods, with the Latest Trimmings to Match, ever across a Bar Bangles,— ; Watoh Charms, Single and Double Brooches, Watch Charms and Fobs ALL SO CHEAP AS TO Startle the Natives. Nuf Red. Finest Handkerchief Extracts, per OZ....S .35 Swan Down Face Powder, per box........ .15 Finest Sachett Powders, per os- .35 Hair brashes and all other kinds marked down. Prescription department in charge of a regular Licensed and Registered Pharmacist who uses only absolute pure Drugs and Squibbs, Merks and such other Chemicals. MoRAEBROS. . shown Thomasville Dress Goods Counter. No cheap trash, but GENUINE IMPOR TED MATERIALS; Fresh D esirable Goods such as the people want, at prices to suit the purchaser. Two H undr ed Rolls Carpet in Stock and in Tran sit. The most Com plete Stock in Southern Georgia. This Department is our “JUST PRIDE.” Besides giving you the Largest and Best Selection, our are away Certified List of Registered Voters. Advertising Thomasville. We find the following in the Kenne- saw Gazette, one of the best and most widely circulated railroad publi cations of the day: The pihe trees in and around Thomasville, have been, and still are, her most powerful magnets. The medical profession is on record in this country and Europe as to the healing qualities of soft southern breezes when blown through forests of pines. Catch ing and bearing on their wings, as they do, the rich aroma of these pines, they bring back the flush of health to wasted cheeks and kindle the eye again with hope. Prices Down. The management of the opera house are selling tickets to day at 25, 50 and 75 cents for the performance to-night. These are popular prices, and wilt doubtless draw a good house. Miss Austen is a charming young act ress, supported by a splendid com pany. ^ A Olnb House. The Thomasville Gun Club met at the office of J. M. Lee&Co., Tuesday niRht, for the purpose of discussing the question ot building a club house. A review of the growth of the club its organization was flattering, Weds a Philadelphian. Mrs. A. W. Hastings, of Boston, Mass., has many friends in Thomas ville, who will be pleased to learn that she has been happily married to Mr. E. A. W. Hunter, 'a prominent and wealthy citizen of Philadelphia, Penn. Mrs. Hastings, during her stay in Thomasville, made many friends who will cordially join with us in wishing her great happiness W11TFS. Isaac Griffin, L J Siiiidovanf, J L Finn, H B Mai .in, LJSpiiz, J D Amh-owp, B F Bolsman, A J Goff, J G Crovalt, 8 T Young, T C Mitchell, J W Dillon. 8 A Lord, J B Chisholm, C W Wiggins, R L Deklc, W R Pittman, W W Eeaslov, W C Nowboru, J G Hopkins, B D Ainswor.h, FM Vandvko, J M Mayo, A H 8 Cooke. C W Hun' JR Ale raider, RE Lev or, P 8 Hecfli- E Hnmphioy, G U JaculckO; L B Boyo’.iollo, J E Baker. MRCasscdy, __ M A FJeo. wood, Wm MUIe , J L Wolcoii, J C Coul-'er, J C Parnell, J J Siphons, T J Young, New Buildings. The number of new buildings going up in ihe city is noticeable. Con tractor Eaves informed the reporter yesterday that among the new build ings he has under contract, is a hand some residence lor Mr. Robert Dekle, near Young street;, also a residence for Mr. E. Lane, 00 the corner of Young and Clay streets; and one for Mr. J. R. Smith, on the McIntyre road, near Mr. Herbener’s. J T PHtman, J A McKco, A W Cllsby, JM S anselt, W P Coyle, H J Ashley, W L Cone, J B Coylo, Go and hear pretty Ramie Austen to-night. Popular prices, 25, 50 and prices down below other houses. Lace Curtains, White and Colored Quilts, and House Furnishings Gen erally. " Prices before buy ing at 75 cents. No charge for reserved seats. ", R. J. Mitchell, a colored preacher, was arrested and placed in jail yester day charged with selling mortgaged properly. _ ; Mr. J. A. Scott, of Mayfield, Ky.,1 is in the city looking after the inter est of the Pauly Jail Co., in the new jail. * Coll on Treasurer Evans, pay your city taxes, and register. The time expires next Monday. Do not neg lect Ibis duty. Mrs. Byrd and daughter, Miss Nd- since and it continues growing in popularity and members. Messrs. Milch Jones, Horace Thompson and Judge Hop kins were appointed a committee to look after the location and leasing ot the grounds, and Dr. Culpepper and Mr. B. F. Schurmicr were appointed to prepare by-laws and constitution. The club proposes to hold the greatest shooting tournament ever held in this county, some time next Janu ary or February. Mr. E. M. Malle tie has done a thriving business lately in selling lots to colored people. He says lie has made nine such sales in the last few days. Two of them were to promi nent colored citizens of the Glasgow District, viz: John Norris and Black- shear Wilson. Both these colored men have, by continued industry and honesty, earned a competency for their old age, and they will move to Thomasville to spend the balance of their days, in their well-earned ease and comfort. Mr. Mallette has also sold a lot to tbe Rev. C. B. Wilson, A. B. B. D., Pastor of Key’s Chapel, Murfreesboro, Tenn., and Secretary of Smoked sausage at Ball’s. Crosso A Blackwell’s Pickles at Ball’s. Cash groceries bound to win. Watch the figures at Pickett’s. Pickled Cherries at Ball’s. Good Butter and Coffee at Ball's. 27-3t 75 cents doz. for sweet corn in 2 lb cans at Pickett’s, Mincemeat at Ball's. Ham! Good, sweet ham,at way down prices, at Pickett’s. See him. time expires next Monday at 4o’clock p. m. This is important. Care should be used to-day by hunters, or some one may get a load ' of shot intended for a bl--d. Mr. Wm. Campbell, accompanied by Mrs. John Campbell, went over to Bainbridge yesterday afternoon. 1 Mayor Hopkins fined a white man Your Patronage Solicited, lie, bavo gone to Ousley, where they will spend the winter with son and brother, Mr. Way Byrd. A drinking fountain has been put $25 and costs for disorderly conduct and contempt of court yesterday. I Only 25, 50 and 76 cents admission 1 to tbe opera house to-night And the 1 play is said to bo a splendid one. ! The winding blasts of the fox hunt- , „ 1 cits’ horn, and the silvtr tongued hound 109 & 111 BROAD ST W ; U wake the echoes this^morning. I There ought to be a good audience at the opera house to-night. Prices will not be so low again this season. I Sunday bouts, which are from 8 to 11 a. rn., and from 7 to 9 p. ro-, will be observed at .the telegraph office ‘ to day. I Miss Rosebud Dqnham,. of Monti- ’ : cello, was in the city last night en ' : I route home from an extended visit to ! Atlanta. Services To-day. _ Thanksgiving services will be held in the Methodist church at 11 o’clock. The sermon will be preached by the ^ev. W.T-Williams. AU ar, inviteq. LOWER BROAD in Paradise Park, on Hansell street. It will be a great convenience to those who frequent tbe park. The stores where shooting outfits aro kept were busy yesterday loading JVUT ONE KOBE. At night twalde the gate full oft, When couruhlp has begun, These word* are whispered low end soft, "Do, please, dear Fan, Just one r' Just onel Yes, res, but people sap It happena o’er and o'er, When one he gets he’U beg and pray: "Dear Fanny, Just one more.” But when they twain are made one Loaders of Styles and Low Prices. MONEY shells for the hunters who will burn powder to-day. Guns found ready renters at a dollar each. A good way to celebrate Thanks giving day: Remember some poor family. God has blessed you with plenty; show your gratitude by dis- the Tennessee Annual Conference, (colored.) Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Lovell, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are among tbe re cent arrivals. Mrs. Lovell is a sister ot Mrs. W. L. Keifter, of this place. They expect to looate here, if pleased with tbo place. The holidays in sight now. I tub unu ****** »»*v • *•***— — — o — _ want your trade. Will do any and righ^/kin^lly 1 'dealing to secure £ Yours, anxious to please, Mrs. Jennie Carroll. Lower Broad Milliner.