The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 01, 1889, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES-EHTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1B8E. SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU AT R. Thomas Jr's' 12G Broad Street. O. S. Bondurant Vountoer Observer Weather Bulletin for the 24 hours ending at 7 o'clock I>. M., Nov. 20, 1889. Tempkhatuba. 7 a.m 2a r 2 I>- ^ Maximum for 24 hours 1>J Minimum “ “ “ Rain-fall 1 weather for Sunday and Monday. CHURCH DIRECTORY. We are still dis playing the hand somest stock of FINED RE S S GOODS, with the Latest Trimmings to Match, ever shown across a Thomasville Dress Goods Counter. No cheap trash, but Genuine Impor ted MATERIALS; Fresh Desir able Goods such as the people want, at prices to suit the purchaser. Two Hundred Rolls Carpet in Stock and in Tran sit. The most Com plete Stock in Southern Georgia. This Department is our “JUST PRIDE.” Besides giving you the Largest and Best Selection, our prices are away down below other houses. Lace Curtains, White and Colored Quilts, and House Furnishings Gen erally. Methodist Church:—Prayer meet ing 9:30 a. m. Preaching by pastor at 11 a. tn., followed by sacrament of the Lords Supper. Sunday School 3 p. m. Sunday School Missionary Anniversary at 7 p. m. The church will be comfoitably warmed. Strangers and visitors are cordially invited to attend these services. Baptist Church—Pastor, Rev. W. J. Williams. Sunday School 9.30. Preaching at 11 n. m. and 7 p. m. by the pastor. Prayer meeting every Wednesday, 7 p. in. Presbyterian Church.—Services in the lecture room—Pastor J. H. Hcrbencr—services at 11 a. m. and aud at night. Prayer meeting Wed- nesdav night at 7:30. Sunday school 9.30 a. m. Episcopal Church:—Rev. C. I. LaRochc, Rector. Services at Library Sunday morning 11 o’clock; afternoon 5 o’clock; Friday afternoon 5 o’clock. Catholic Church:—Mass on sec ond Sunday at 8:00 o’clock a. m. sermon at 11a. m. Remember that city registra tion CLOSES AT 4 O’CLOCK 1*. SI., ON Monday. Col. A. T. Mc’ntyrespent yesterday in Hardaway. The ten cents circus has departed. It went to Boston. Mr. Joe Beverly, ol Meigs, was in town yesterday. Mr. Kenney wants seamstresses. See his advertisement. Mr. T. J. Hogan, of Albany, N. Y., is stopping at the Stuart. Rev. R. T. Goodrum, of Valdosta, j was in the city last night. Mr. A. B. Simons, of Monticello, was in the city yesttrday. The interior of .R. Thomas’ drug store is being re-painted. The Frederick Warde company went Irom here to Columbus. Next Saturday will decide the fence question south of the railroad. VVe are having a cold snap. Prob ably you may have observed that. Judge H. W. Hopkins received a large red fox last night by express. Mr. F. B. Wakefield, ol Appalachi cola, Fla., was at the Whiddon yester day. Mrs. E. A. Barkly, of Chicago, III., is apong the recent arrivals of visitors at the Whiddon. Your Patronage Solicited, Leaders of Styles and Low prices. 109 & 111 BROAD S' The Library has been closed for repairs for a few days, but will open again on Monday. Miss Ella Stuart, who has been vis iting friends in Valdosta, returned yes terday. , The hotels were lull Friday night. , The Stuart was compelled to put cots in the public rooms. I Every one speaks in glowing terms ! of Mr. Warde’s acting in the Moun tebank on Friday night, i Mr. Henry Bellinger, of Monticello, spent Friday night in the ci.y, the guest of Mr. Clay Wethington. J Mr. J. M. Lee has gone up to Chat tooga county, to return with his fam ily, who have been visiting there. The market was well supplied with game yesterday. Fish, wild ducks, and other game were plentiful. J "Black Heels on While Necks,” is the latest book at Reid & Culpepper’s. ! It will probably have many readers. | Errata.—As several errors occurred . in the notice ‘‘In Memoriam” of Mrs. * McKee, we re-print it this morning as it should have been. A. New Line for Thomasville! In Which Every One is Interested. We mean our elegant NEW STOCK of J. S. Turner’s, Jas. A. Banister’s and Stacy Adams & Co.’s Shoes for Men, and Bennett & Barnard’s and E. P. Reed & Co.’s Ladies Fine Shoes, of which we are SOJEjEj -£LC3r EDXTT'SL CURTRIGKHT & DANIEL, 108 BROAD STREET. are daily receiving Fall SEE! INSPECT!! PRICE!!! —NICE ASSORTMENT OF— ALLIGATOR TOOTH JEWELRY AT THE Mitchell House Pharmacy! r.MlIBAl.'IXn DIFFERENT STYLES OF Scarf Pins, Cuff Buttons, Bor Bangles, Watch Charms, Single aud Double Brooches, Watch Charms and Fobs ALL 80 CHEAP AS TO Startle the Natives. Nuf Sed. Finest Handkerchief Extracts, per oz....$ .35 Swim Down Face Powder, per box 15 Finest Hacliett Powders, per 07. 35 Hair brushes and all other kinds marked down. Prescription department in charge of a regular Licensed nnd Registered Pharmacist who uses only absolute pure Drugs nnd Fquihbg, Marks and such other Chemicals. Melt AG BROS. The Thompson Opera Company. This rare musical combination will render "Said I’asha,” a chaiming op era, at the opera house on Wednesday night. There are thirty-five persons in the troupe. The company em braces some of the be-t musical talent in the country and they have been playing to full and enthusiastic au diences in all the principal cities. The Philadelphia Record, in speak ing of the opera, says : The light opera sensation of the season thus far in Philadelphia is un questionably Richard Stahl’s “Said Pasha,” produced by the Thompson opeia company, which is running to very heavy business at the Grand Op- era House. A rehearsing of the work increases the admiration excited by the melodic richness and beauty of the music, and confirms all the favorable impressions that the listener has form ed. As an example ol effective or- c'nesiral and vocal arrangements and of good taste in dramatic treatment, "Said Pasha” may stand as a model for any later operatic production ol its class. It is never dull; the comedy, although broad and highly amusing, never de generates into buloonery or horse play, and the interest ol the auditor is constantly stimulated by little sur prises that spring up in the action or in the musical score. Constructed on the lines of the Viennese school of romantic opera, "Said Pasha” de serves to be ranked as co-equal with the best works of Von Suppe, Suauss and Milloecker; while in some res pects—fertility ot melodic invention, the developments of the comedy ele ment and the use of the ballet corps, for example—it easily surpasses them. The work ol the two comedians, Messrs. David and Gavan, is especially noteworthy because of its confinement within reasonable bounds. Thanks. We have been requested by the officers and members ot the General Benevolent Society, to return their grateful thanks to the ministers and congregation for their kindness in donating the collection taken up at the Thanksgiving services on Thurs day, amounting to S24, to that society. It was a timely and generous contri bution to their funds, and will be used lor the benefit of the poor. Both of the private boxes at the opera house were occupied on Thurs day night. Mrs. W. E. Davies, gladdened hus band, relatives and Iriends, by her re turn yesterday. Mr. M. R. Elder is now in charge of the extensive livery stables of Mr. H. B. Ainsworth. The Express Company has received another large express wagon to be used here. Another fine horse is on the way. GET YOUR . A. PRINGLE. BROAD ST ' Frederick Warde- This distinguished tragedian, sup ported by a splendid company, played the Mountebank at the opera house on Friday night. The play is well adapted to Mr. Warde’sgreat powers. There is ample play and scope for the delineation of those passions which largely predominate in human nature, and Mr. Warde is master of them all. It were useless to attempt a criticism; suffice it to say that from the time the curtain rose on the first scene, to the moment when it dropped on the last, the attention of the entire audience— and it was both large and fashionable —never flagged, but was held as if by magic by the great actor, throughout every scene. While Mr. Warde was the central figure, others claimed their share of attention ; but,' after all, the audience hung on the impassioned words of Warde, and watched his mobile play of face and feature, as he portrayed the passions of human nature. There was lrequent and spontaneous applause during many of the more thrilling episodes in the play. There were many eyes moistened with tears during some ot the pathetic scenes. The tears started from the eyes of strong men, while handker chiefs went to the tear-stained cheeks of many a sympathetic woman. Thomasville has never seen such an actor before; and it will be some time before she sees such another one. Dr. G. B. Glover, ot Monticello, was among the party who came up Thursday night to attend the play. Miss Mellie Powell, who has been the guest of Miss Alleta Pittman, re turned to Cairo yesterday afternoon. Mr. Hami’ton, proprietor of the Hotel Masury, is expected here to-day. The hotel will be opened on the 4th of December. Mrs. E. M. Smith returned yester day from a visit to St. Louis. Her ;nends are glad to see her home again. AndCapt. Smith is happy. Among the pleasant guests stopp ing at Wolcott Hall, are Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Skinner and daughter, Miss Emmie, of New York city. Messrs. R. C. Balfour and Jeff White will leave in the morning for the lake to try the ducks. They are reported to be there in large numbers. Attention is called to the advertise ment of Mrs. Linn, offering a resi dence, nicely furnished, for rent. It is located in a retired and pleasant por tion of the town, near Magnolia Park, one of the most attractive places about the town, and will be rented on reasonable terms. Gulf House. The managers of the Gulf House have found it impossible to get the house ready for openingto-day, as was expected, consequently opening has been deferred until December 8th. From New York. A readable letter under the head of “People and Things in New York,” written by n Thomasville young lady, Miss Alice Jennings, who is trying her fortunes in the great metropolis of the New World, appears elsewhere. Miss Alice wields a very graceful mid flu ent pen, writing easily and naturally. The letter will not only he read with interest by her many friends, but by the general reading public as well. We trust Miss Alice will favor the readers of the Times-Enterprise with a letter now and then from NewYork. The Monticello train went out near ly an hour late yesterday, caused by having to go to the river for water, on account of an accident to the water tank here. The Methodist Sunday School Missionary Anniversary takes place at the Methodist church to-night. The school is a large one, and in a flour ishing condition. Misses Mellie Powell and Carrie Wight, two of Cairo’s most popular belles, were in the city, the guests of Miss Leta Pittman, on Crawfort street, Friday and Saturday. Hon. S. Pasco, Senator from Flori da, accompanied by his secretary, Mr. A. Hansell Baker, passed through yesterday evening going to Washing ton. Florida is fortunate in having such an able and intelligent worker in the Senate as Mr. Pasco. Dr. Robert Wilson and wife, of Philadelphia, arrived yesterday and look rooms at Oak Hill, on Jackson street. Dr. Wilson is one of the most distinguished young physicians of his uative city. Mr. A. II. Mason and family, of Philadelphia, reached Thomasville yesterday. They will be cordially welcomed to their winter home by everybody in Thomasville. Miss Margaret Fuller, of Cambridge, Mass., accompanies Mr. and Mrs. Mason, and will spend the winter here. i Found. Physician's pocket instrument case, near circus tent Friday night. Owner may re cover same by calling at this oliice ami pay ing tor advertisement. ideett Notice. All persons leaving any claims against Mr Frank Taylor, deceased, are hereby uotitied to present the same, duly authenticated within the terms of the law, within thirty davs Irom date, or they will be barred. JAMES (i. TAYLOR, 1 deeded Administrator. Winter CLOTHING! and our line ot AND WEIGHTS MISTM! Call and get Prices before buy- mg a J at ANYBODY’S Cost Prices, and we will SAVE YOU MOJfEY Clothier?, andtfurnishers, 100 St. Thomoaville, GaJ