The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 06, 1889, Image 1

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TEOMASVTLLE, GEORGIA. FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER G, '.88H $5.00 PER AN2f CTM Around the World. Miss Nellie Corcoran, better known bv her pen name of “Nellie Bly, tbc noted writer of the World newspaper, has just received one of tbe most remarkable assignments ever given by an editor to a member of his re- porlorial staff. Miss Corcoran has no less a task to accomplish than 1.0 make a circuit of the globe in the shortest space of time possible to human ex pedition and endurance. h>he has already left New ^ ork by Steamer bound for Southampton,. England. She will endeavor to make her flying journey around the world in seventy days—or less, if such an unheard of feat be at a'l feasible. When it was made known to tbe public through the co’umns of the World that Nellie Bly was to circumnavigate the earth and beat all previous records of trav elers who had made the journey in a limited number of days, the enter prising publisher of the New T ork magazine selected from among his trusted staff of editors, a lady known for her courage, tact, and ability to travel rapidly and take care of herseL, aud at once s-arted her on a similar nussiou. Both ladies were given by their respective journals carle blanc to choose their own routes, and to draw upon them to an unlimited amount for the necessary funds required to meet the expenses of the journey. The magazine representative whose name, by the way, is Miss Elizabeth Bislaud, and Nellie Blv, have thus become rivals in one of the most novel undertakings in the history of jour nalistic enterprise. Both ladies left New Yo-k on the mornirg of the 14th inst., Miss Bisland going by way of San Francisco westward and Nellie Bly as intimated above, going east ward. A peculiar feature of the affair is that tbe ocean voyager is.not awa r c that she lias a rival, and will not learn tbc fact until lief steamer touches port in England. The fact that both travelers are women, and both experienced writers and inex perienced travelers, adds an intereet to the unique contest, apart from tbe general excitement felt by everyone in the question of record-breaking directly involved. The letters which .will be indited by the two fair globe trotters I.f.-om tbe various points at which they must stop—if they stop anywhere long enough to write at all —will be read as they appear in their respective ^periodicals with the great est avidity, and the result of their circumnavigations awaited with the deepest interest and enthusiasm by the many thousands of their readers. A Despicable Father. From the Minneapolis Tribune. Thero was au educational scene down at the depot the other day be tween a man and a boy, but it was tbe man who needed the education, not the boy. The boy came there to meet his father, and failed to bring some piece of baggage which was ex pected. “I did just ns you told me to, papa,’ said the little fellow, who was a manly little chap. “I told John to get it and put it in the car riage, and he didn’t do it.” “I don’t believe you’re telling me the truth,” said the father, in aj loud, bullying tone. “You forgot to say a word about it, and when I get home I’ll settle with you.” “But, father, I did ” “Hush up,” said the man, sternly, while the boy’s cheeks flushed and his eyes filled with tears. At that moment the man John,who seemed to he a family factotum, or coachman, came into the depot, and the father asked him about the mat ter. “Ered is right, sir,” said the man, candidly; “ho told me about it, but I had a good bit to do, an’ it slipped my mind. You can blame me, sir, if it’s wrong.” Did the father then turn to his sou and ask to he excused for doubting his word and speakiug so harshly? Not a hit of it. He looked as angry as if he wished his son had been wrong, and the passengers waiting there were sorry for tho future of that hoy. Newspapers of the United Stales- The last number of Current litera ture gives an interesting sketch of the history of newspapers of the United S'ate-. Benjamin Harris pub’ished the first American newspaper, and its ini tial number was published in Boston, Sept. 25, 1690. It was almost imme- diate’y suppressed, because it criticised the local government. The Boston News Letter was the first paper that achieved any considerable existence, and it did not appear until April 24, 1704. The Boston Gazette was issued first on the 21st of December, 1719, and the American Weekly Mercurie made its appearance in the same city a day later. The fi-st lively venture in American journalism, was the New England Courant, published by James, the el der brother of Benjamin Franklin. Its first number was issued August 17, 1721.. James Franklin was an ag gressive fellow and from the start be gan to publish very plain talk in his paper. His caustic criticisms on church and state led to the passing of a resolution in the Massachusetts legislature, in 1722, forbidding him to publish the Courant, or any other pa per, unless it should be first supervised by the secretary of foe province. The paper was 'oned down to suit this edict for a few mon hs, and then it appeared with the name of Benjamin Franklin,a boy of 16, and a compositor in the office, as editor and proprietor. The great Franklin did not stay there long before leaving for Philadelphia. New York did not have a newspaper until Oct. 16, 1725, when the New York Gazette, under the editorship of William Bradford, appeared. In 1728 Benjamin Franklin established the Pennsylvania Gazette, and this jrobust old.papcr lived until 1845, when it was merged into the North American, wh'ch still thrives. Under Franklin, the Gazette was the most famous and influential paper in America. The Virginia Gazette was the first newspaper published in that slate and was published in Williamsburg by William Sparks. The Massachusetts spy began in 1771. Four years later it was removed to Worcester. It still lives aud prospers. The oldest paper south of Virginia is the Augusta Chronicle, which was founded in 1785. At the end of the last century there only 200 newspa pers in the United States. The progress of the country is not shown in anything more strikingly than in the advance of its journalism. A newspaper in the United Slates now that is worthy of the name presents to its rcade s every morning a record of the most important transactions in the civilized world. It is a daily his tory of the deeds of mankind. Science, literature, art., commerce, gossip fill its columns and make it as indispensable to the average man as his breakfast, and often more enjoya ble. In the memory of living men 10,000 copies was considered a big dirculatiou for a newspaper in the chief city of America. Now there is a paper in New York which claims to issue over 300,000 copies daily. The newspaper is more than keeping pace with the march of civilizationr It is running ahead and is proving a valuable pioneer.—Telegraph. Corn and Hogs in Georgia. Macon Telegraph. j,^ Hon. W. J. Northern, President of the Georgia State Agricultural Society, was in Macon yesterday. The day before he spent in Perry, and there saw something that was calculated to gladden the heart of a patriotic Geor gian. Several Houston county farm ers came to town with wagon loads of corn for sale, and in the same county Mr. Northern says ho saw “fields full of hogs.’’ These are hopeful signs indeed. They are visible in many another county besides Houston—arid they show that the farmers of Georgia are becoming independent of the gran aries of the west. They raised more cotton last year than they ever raised before, but along with it they pro duced a large portion of t heir own supplies. Never in the history of the state was there so much corn in Geor gia cribs, or so much Georgia raised meat. The farmers of the state will have to buy less provisions for the coming year than they ever bought before. They have more to sell than they ever had before. It is evident, therefore, that they are better off. A remarkable incident occurred in a South Georgia county a few weeks ago. A farmer who had hoarded sev eral hundred dollars in his house was robbed of the amount. His misfor tune was noised throughout the vicinity, and in a short time the farmers of that county had deposited JSioo,ooo in the bank. It was money which they had saved up just as their unfortunate neighbor had. Not one of them sup posed that so much money was hoarded by the farmers of the county until the e came a prac'ical suggestion that they should seek a safer place for its depos it. The farmers of Georgia haye lifted and decreased many a mortgage this fall. They are in better shape than they have been since the war. They have a larger surplus on which to be gin the next year, and an outlook which in all respects is more cheerful than that they have faced with such heroic courage for the past two de cades. Pearls of Thought. Ideas are queer, hut none more so than true ones. ■ We murmur because we are in want, and, therefore, want because we murmur. The great men of the ancients un derstood how to reconcile manual labor with affaire ofstate. A^charity^requires forgetfulness or evil deeds so patience requires forget fulness of evil accidents. The emptiness of all things, from politics to pastimes, a-e never so striking to us as when we fail in them. Fnnatieism, to which men are so much inclined, has always served not only to render them more brutalized, but more wicked. Part with it as with money, spar ingly ; pay-no moment hut in purchase of its worth ; and what is its worth ? Ask death-beds, they can tell. If there were nothing hut showers, we would conclude the world would bo drowned. If nothing hut sunshine, wo would fear tbe world would he burned. The esscnco of true nobility is neg lect of self. Let the thought of cell pass in, and tho beauty of greatactiou is gone like tho bloom from a soiled flower. That which is easy to do, though it may he worth doing, is not so impor tant as that which is hard a-id disa greeable, and which therefore finds fewer workers. Extinguish vanity in the mind, and you naturally retrench the little super fluities of garniture and equipage. The blossoms will fall off themselves when the root that nourishes them is desiroyed. It is the close observation of little things which is the secret of success in business, in art, in science, and in every pursuit iu life. Human knowl edge is hut an accumulation of small facts, made by successive generations of men, the little bits of knowledge and experience carefully treasured up by them growing at length into a mighty pyramid. “Been sawing wood?” inquired the caller. “Worse than that,” panted the bank president, wiping the prespira- tion from his brow and throwing him self exhausted into a chair. “I have been talking to a lady depositor. Whew !”■—Chicago Herald. The naan who resolves to quit drink ing, must be in sober earnest.—Picay une. Thompson’s Pear Bonanza. Dawson. Dec. 2.—A few evenings since, I met Mr. W. W. Thompson, or Smithville, the largest pear grower and shipper in the state. As Mr. Thompson is of a social temperament, when not preoccupied with his busi ness interests, it was no hard matter to beguile him into a chat concerning pears. He shipped from his Smithville nurse ry, the last season, 5,coo bushels of LeConte and 1,000 bushels of Keiffer pears. Mr. Thompson ships in crates and barrels. This summer, however, lie made an experiment gwhich may revolutionize the method of shipping pears in the future. lie shipped two cars in bulk—sent one to Philadelphia and one to Chicago- F'tve hundred bushels were put in each car. Id packing the car, the floor was covered with oat straw, and the sides and ends of the car padded with the same ma terial by tacking cloth over it. These cars arrived at their destination in good condition. Mr. Thompson says that Philadelphia excels all other cities in its arrangements for handling fruits on its arrival, Mr. Thompson gathers LeConles intended for shipping before ripe, as they mellow better in bulk than on the 'rees but he ships them when packed, as they will not keep over fifteen days. The Keiffers a^e treated more hu manely. They are alfowed to remain on the tree unharmed as long as they will. It pulled in an early stage they will never mellow, hut when ripe, take their, to the fruit house and keep in bins at least ten or fifeen days. Dur ing this mellowing process they color up handsomely and become attractive and edible. While speaking of fruit, I will linger long enough to say that the excellent crop of this past summer has given an impetus to fruit growing in this state. At Winchester, several miles south of Marshallsville, Col. Hamp Felton will set out this winter 100 acres in fruit trees. This large area will be mostly planter!in the best varieties of peach. The sma'ler industries are coming to the front in Georgia. It is stated, on information that is alleged to be positive, that congress man Blount, ol the Macon district, will be a candidate for governor of Geor gia next yea'. Col. Blount lias been frequently asked to run for that office, hue lie lias not seemed disposed to relinquish his present very influential position for an office that, would not pay as much and that would not in crease his reputation as a public man, unless, indeed, he succeeded in step ping out of it into the United States Senate. The avowed candidates for governor may be assured of one thing, viz., that if Col. Blount concludes to enter the race against them, lie will do so with the expectation of being in the lead on the home stretch.—News. As to the Decay of Oratory. Prom the New Orleans Picayune. As the heroic period of a race is its emergence from savagery and barba rism, so the orator's functions ure to stir people to great deeds, to arouse them to war and revolution, to de nounce tyrants, to preach a crusade, to lead a great religious movement. But when society reaches the dead level of stagnation produced by a great development ot physical comfort of luxury and riches, there is no longer place for sentiment or for oratory- What was the life work of the world’s orators? Demosthenes was the denouncer of tyranny, Cicero lived in the midst of a vast and terrible civil war, Peter the Hermit shook the earth with an eloquence that armed Christendom for the crusades; Patrick Henry lighted the camp-fires of the American revolution; Clay, Webster and Prentiss spent their lives in the effort to consolidate the foundations of the new republic, as did their succes- ors in an effort to destroy those foun dations, and whose eloquence precipi tated a terrible and bloody war. No, the orator can thrive only in turmoil. We have just re ceived 12 pieces of Dress Goods in all the leading colors. These^ goods are 36 inches wide,and we offer them at the extremely low price of 25 cts. per yard. At this low price we expect to close them all out this week. 10 new rolls ol Carpets, entirely new patterns, just received. Levys Wills III Mitchell House Block