The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 06, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN THII’LETT, - - • Editor. S. B. BURR, • Business Manager. THURSDAY, DECEMBER a, 1S8P. Ohio's Election Contest. Columbus, O., Dee. 4.—\V. A. Marquis today filed the necessary papers, contesting the othceof lieuten ant governor, upon L. L. Lainpson, who has 'li majority, Daily Times-Ekteiumiisk i' publish'd every morning (Monday excepted.) The Weekly Times-Extekniise is putilished every Saturday morning. Ki-bsckittion Rates. Diitr Times-Enterprise, . ... $5 00 Wisely “ 1 00 Mr. Davis’ Condition Unchanged. New Olti.r.ANs, Dec. 4.—Idlers m Davis' condition to-day is about the same as it has been for the past two days, no change eithi r way. The fact that he has had no fever for fm-ty Daily Advertis kg Rates 2 Transient Rates first insertion, nil uent insertion. One Square, one i One Square, two One Square, three On. Square, six n One Square, e.vs! .$l.iiO per square 'or Hie r,i) cei is Cor ea- h eulise- mth. - - - ■ .1 5 00 mills - S 00 aontlii, - - - 12 00 illlis, - - - - 20 on ,unlit is. - - - 35 01 Sullied to eliange by sneeial arraiif “ment K. II. until. IlnvIneKK VIuliaBer. The congressman who said, while listening to Harrison’s message: ‘'ll sounds like Cleveland, must have been in a muddled slate of mind, the result, probably, of the quality and effect of the liquor sold in vice-presi dent Morton’s bar, in \\ ashiugton. The idea of the message sounding like Cleveland! It is preposterous. Cleve land concentrates more statesmanship, patriotism and wisdom in a dozen lines, than the grand-son of his grand- daddv has put in the 1,11000 words used in the message. Harrison’s head is too little for his hat. Ole E. Larsen, of Brooklyn, refus ed at administer mediciue to his little boy, saying t.lip.t it was God’s wish that the child should have diphtheria, and it was not his place to interfere. Mr. Larsen has been arrested, and his hoy is in charge of a benevolent society.—Ex. There are too many religious crank? in the country charging disasters, deaths and accidents- to God. Man is, largely, responsible for these things himself. -> The Disabilities of Mr. Davis- The Evening Capital (independent) contains the following editorial under the caption “With Malice Towards None, With Charity to All.” It says: This is the first congress of the second century of the republic ami it ia republican. A republican congress may do things a democratic congress dare not. This is largely owing to the fact that some -years ago the dem ocratic majority .went away and stay ed; Away for 24 years. Then it came back and since that time there were some things it dare not do. There was a war duiiuir that time, but it is believed now very generally, outside of a narrow political margin, that the war is over. The union is restored, and it includes over sixty million of citizens. There is one who is not a citizen. A man of ability and dis tinction, he was too, high tip in the affairs of state and in the confidence of his people, and of the people’s rep resentatives. Yet lie went astray. Others did likewise and have come back to the fold. But the war is over. This man without a country is to-day dying. He is the at eh rebel, the arch rebel, if you will. He is Jeff Davis. Has the republican party in congress the courage to remove his .disabilities ? Is there a republican on the floor of.that house who will offer a resolution making Jeflerson Davis a citizen of the United States? We are making no recommendations. We are merely asking a question; suggest ed by the news from Beauvoir. A republican congress will hardly dare do justice to Mr. Davis. After all it matters little with the dying old man and the southern people whether radical hate pursues Jeff Davis into his grave or not. Ho is amenable to God, not to the republican party, for the role be lias played on earth. The bitter shafts of malice and hate which have been hurled at Mr. Davis for the past twenty-live years, have fallen harmless at his feet. Now and then he has hit hack—and hit back hard. He is embalmed in the affections of the people whom he served so faith fully, and for whom he has suffered so much, and he cau view, with com placcncy, if not with indifference, the assaults of men whose records for patriotism and purity pale before the spotless record which he will leave as a heritage to his family and country. It is not generally the girl with the most beaux who gets married first. It is the little, grave, demure girl who sits in the corner with one young man and hangs on to him.—Somer ville Journal. We oft hear mentioned, a- we pass through life, The moled husband and the model wife; Bat, fad to Bay, wc very seldom see The two residing in one family. —Boston Courier. eight hours is looked upon as an en couraging indication by his physicians- Boiled Down. The Constitution voices the senti ments of the .South iu noticing the President's message, when it says: “We need not say that there is tM a spark ot statesmanship or ol genu ine patriotism in the message. It i- the production of a mind, narrow, bigoted, egotistical and provincial. And vet it is important in one sense. It is a warning—a storm signal. The democratic party must get together. The south must prepare itself for this last republican attack. Hit Him Again. Pledger made an incendiary speech in Albany a few nights ago, and at its close Jack Outlaw, an Albany darkey, arose to reply, hut the negro audience refused to listen. A few stayed to hear him, and lie attacked Pledger's methods with gloves off, saying: "This nigger Pledger ain’t nothing but a bar room bum from Atlanta,and he’s come here to stir up strife. .Some time ago he sent down here for us to raise some money fbr this league busi ness he’s gettiu’ up, and we raised $78, but some niggers put the money in their pockets and thats the last of it. You niggers who’s got good plantations go ’long, and let Pledger’s ’lone. He’s not gwine do you any good.” Ex. Attorney (to juror)—“Have you at within the last six months paid I §2,000 of the old debts that was itlawed years ago ?” Juror—“I have.” Attorney (triumphantly)—“I ehal- nge him for cause. He is insane." -Chicago Tribune. The profession of rat-catching has not yet been invaded by women.— Burlington Free Press. Baby oneSolidRash (Jglr, pnlufnli blotchfil. malicious. No rc«t by ilny. no pence br nigh*. Doriorn nntl nil reroc«lien fnilnl. Tried Cullen- rn. JEffecl Jlnrrellous. 8nreu Him life. Cured by Cuticura Our elilo-t chilli, nmv six years of airc, when an infant six months ole' was attacked with a virulent, malignant akin disease. All ordinary remedies taiiinp.we called our iamily physician who attempted to cure it; hut it spread with al- •nogt Incredible rapidity, until the lower por- tionof the little fellow's person, lroin the mid dle of hia back down to his knees, was one solid rash, uirlv, painful, blotched and malicious. A\e had no rest at night* no peace hvday. Finally, we wore advised to try the Cuticura Hen odies. The effect was simply marvellous. In three or four weeks a complete cure was wrought, leav ing the little fellow’s person as white and healthy as though he had never been attacked. In my opinion your valuable remedies saved his life, and to-day he Is a strong, healthy child.perfect lv well, no repetition of the disease having ever occurred. GEO. II. SMITH, Att’y at Law and Ex-l’ros. Att’y, Ashland,O. Boy Covered With Scabs. Mv hoy, ftgod nine years, has been troubled all hia life by a very had humor, which appeared all over his body in small, red blotches, with a dry white scab on them. Last year lie was worse than ever, being covered with scabs from the op of hia’ lieaiT to hi* feet, and continually growing worse, although he had been treated by two phosleians. As a last resort, I determined to try the Cuticura Remedies, and am happy to sav they did all that I could wish. Using them according to direction, the humor rapidly dis appeared, leaving the skin fyirand smooth, and performing a thorough cure. Tim Cuticura Remedies are all you claim lor them, They are worth their weight in gold. GEO. F.LEAVITT, No. Andover, Mass, Cuticura Resolvont. Tho new Blood Purifier and purest and best of Humor Remedies, internally, and Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exquis ite Skin Beautlfier, externally, speedily, perma nently, and economically cure in early life itch ing, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, pimply, scrofulous, and hereditary humors, with loss of hair thus avoiding years of torture and disfig uration. Parents, remember this: Cures in childhood are permanent. Hold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, fiOe.: Soap 25c.; Resolvent, SI.f.0. Prepared bv the Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation, Boston. eySend for “How to Cute Skin Diseases, G4 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. u y A Skin and Scalp preserved and l>cautlfied J O by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely p:r M HOW MY SIDE ACHES, A Aching Sides and Back, Hip, Kidney, £1 and Utarine Pains, Rheumatic, Sciatic, Neuralgic, Sharp and Shooting Pains, ill relieved in one wiuiile by the Cu ra Anti-I'nln Pli»*fer. 25 cts. Merchant Tailor, lentlemen wanting fin ‘ mnl good goods, d work and fit m execution of garment! I find it to their interest to call and see up stair?, over Doctor Cassels’drug store, imasvilie, <ia. Cleaning and repairing e at Bliort notice. The Marshall House, THE PRIDE AND OLD TIME FAVORITE HOTEL OF HAVANNAII. r\DEU THE PERSONAL MANAGEMENT OP octf fl.L MAWNETT. Look out sharply for your interest. Pickett is going to cut everybody’s prices this week Groceries must ’get down so’s people can live. WELL! I have just got up from New York. C iine :uni see me. I have “some thing sweet to tell you. IS. A. BASS. GET"THE^TB^TH About the -atiack '—so-called — of the W.C. T. l\, «t it? recant Chicago convention on VICE - PRESIDENT MORTON, Soos ho Soop & S-vlooa? .Scii'l live cents lor “Daily Union Signal’ Xo. 5. It also tells all ab >'<it Iowa Withdrawing Thirteen Delegates Semi fifteen cents for all live copies of the -Daily I’nion Signal,” or 20 cents tor “Con vention Xumber’’ and “The Dailies.” Noth ing kept back. The exact words of dele gates and officers taken down. Intensely interesting. Don’t rely on what you read in bitterly partisan dailies, but first read the stenographic report ot facts and statements, and then make your inferences. Address The Woman’ll Temp. Pub. Au’n, 161 I.n Nolle At., Chicago, 111. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALb. Will be sold, on the first Tuesday In January, 1800. before the court house door, in the town or Thomasville, Thomas Co., Georgia, the follow ing property to-wlt: 400 1-2 acres, more or lew. of lot of land No. 281 in the 13th district of Thomas county. Also 355 acres, imoreorless, of lotofland So. 318, in the 13th district of Thomas county. All sold as the property of tho estate of Dan ’McIntyre, deceased, late of said eounty. S. L. HAYES, Administrator de bonis dou. Notice of Dissolution. The firm of G. E. Clewis A Bro., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. G. E. Clewis will continue the business and assume all liabilities and retain the assets of the late firm. G. E. Clf.wis, novlff-OOd. John Clewis. Tbs M Ik FLORIDA.CENTRAL AND PENINSULAR R. R. (Formerly the F. R. Co.) Offers increased facilities this season for travel to Florida, as in addition to its popular co an ac tion the Louisville and Nashville ft. R. at Rtrer Junction, and Fernandina, Callahan aid Alta Oak connections, it ha« arranged, with the GEORGIA SOUTHERN AND FLORIDA, The Sniunnec Rircr Route t» fleridi, For quick service from the North and North west, via Lake City. The Florida Central and Peninsular It. It Is the great artery of travel through the flneiv parts of Florida, traversing 24 counties frem Uadaden on the west, to Duval on the east, aa« south to Do Soto, all in their richest pertiene It runs through tho Middle Florida Region ef HILL COUNTRY Where are the tine old farming lands, end Ihe Tobacco Farms, (reached by no other line) eerae of them conducted on a large scale. Here are Quincy, Tallahaaaae, the capital, Meutiealla Madison and other towns, from whose cemfert able, ample dwellings, reposing La a fertile country, is coming a renewed energy te enplej the resources lavished about them. Stretching down through tho Peach f Gentry of Baker, Bradford, Alachua and Levy ceantiea through t’c prosperous Strawberry Farms I.awtey, Starke and Waldo—perhaps superior in profit to the Orange grove—it goes throggh the heart of the state, penetrating some ef tie .finest groves, one body being 70,000 Full Bearing OrangeTreea passing nearly a mile between them, maklnf its way southward to the Gulf and to the mere tropical regions of the State, In all portions of the roaches potatsef SCENIC INTEREST, Wakulla Springs in the west, the SnwneBeeRit or, as beautiful and romantic as It it fametis. Silver Springs in the Lake Region, and the lakes themselves, with their surroundings of rellivf land, interspersed with pleasant homes with groves sloping to tho clear lake fronts. By means of this road you can raosl readily reach tho Huntinff and Fishing Grounds. Of the state. Tarpon flahing has af late at tracted unusual attention from enterprising sportsmen. We are shortest line to thla repten. The settler will find on Its line of road a great er opportunity for varied selection af laadtbah any other in the state—from lightest aoils tw those underlaid with clay and marl, aad of rich est hammock .—whether for regular mixed fann ing, ftock or dairy fanning, peach et strawber ry culture, orange groves or vegctablo gardens. The tourist wUI be gratified with its sceaery,the health seekor on its amplo route can And some spot adapted to his wants. On the hard clay roads of Middle Florida, the horseman will travel with comfort and pleasure, amd the Florida Central & Peninsular is the SPORTSMAN’S ROUTE of old. Send for map Folder, containing tlie best map of Florida published, to A, O. MacDonell, GT Pass. Act., N. 8. Pennine*tow, Jacksonville,Fla. Traffic Manager, D. E. Maxwell, General Manager. Election Notice. An election will bo held on the first Saturday in December, in tho following territory of Thomas county, viz: all that portion of the county cast of the Ochlockonee river, and south of the S. F. & W. Ry; the northern boundary of said tract being the northern boundary of the right of way of said railway, and bounded as follows: On the north by the S. F. & W. Ry; on the east by Brooks county; on the south uy the Florida line, and on the west by the Och- lockoneo river. All free holders, who are legal voters in Georgia, and who are resi dents of that section of the county above described, are entitled to vote at said election. The election shall be held under the rules governing elections for the General As sembly, except that the polls shall be closed at 3 p. ui. The election will be held at the voting place in each precinct, except that fraction of the Thomasville district; it will he hold at the court house. Each voter shall have printed ot written on his ticket: “For Stock Law,” or “Against Stock Law.” The returns shall he made to the Ordinary of Thomas county, who shall canvass and consoli date the same, and declare the result by publi cation in papers of said county. REAL ESTATE VALUABLE PROPERTY OFFERED BY George fern, 158 Broad St., Mitchell House Block L. F. THOMPSON k GO., No. 131 BROAD STREET, Thomasville, - Ga, GALL OS SETS TQB, OF FURNITURE. L F. Thompsen & C#. Ham! Good, sweet ham,at way down prices, at Pickett’s. See him. 75 cents doz. for sweet corn in a lb cans at Pickett’s, Sugar still declines. Go to Pickett’s cash store and get 13 lbs granulated for $1. ‘‘Watch them slide.” Cash groceries bound to win. Watch the figures at Pickett’s. Ilrncc P|>. You lire feeling depressed, your appetite is poor, you are bothered with Headache, you arc fidgety, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which hare for tlieir basis »ery cheap, bad whiskey, and which stim ulate you foran hour, then in worse condition than before. What you want is r.n alterative that will purify your nlood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys* restore your vitality,and give renewed health and strength Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at S. J. Cassels’ Drug Store, Their nu.luc«a;naominB. Probably nothing has caused such a general revival ot trade at S. J. Cassels’ Drug Store as their giving away to tlieir customers of bo many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable ar ticle from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthama, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size fl. Every bottle warranted. IcAItirUoATSb All parties to whom I engaged the early oat for seed, arc notified tlint I am ready to deliver the same The yield having proven better than I expected, 1 can also furnish a few other parties. Apply as soon a? possi ble, if you would he supplied. It is the best early oat that I ever planted, and yielded more than the old reliable rust proof oat last season. J- T. CHASTAIN. Inherited Ulood Poison. How many people there are whose dis tress from sores, aches, pains and eruptive tendencies are due to inherited blood poison. Bad blood passes from parent to child, and it therefore is the duty of husband and wife to ktep their blood pure. This is easily accomplished by a timely use of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). Send to the Blood Balqi Co., Atlanta, for hook of most con vincing proof. James Hill, Atlanta, Oa., writes: “My two sons were afflicted with blood poison, which doctors said was hereditary. They both broke out in sores and eruptions which B. B. B. promptly controlled and finally cured completely.’’ Mrs. S. M. Williams, Sandy, Texas, writes: “My three poor afflicted children, who in herited blood poison, have improved rapidly after it use of B. B. B. It is a Godsend." J. B. Wilson, Gleu Alpine Station, N. C., Feb. 13, 1(183, writes: “Bone and blood poison forced me to hnvc my leg amputated, and on the stump there came a large ulcer, which grew worse every day until doctors gave me up to die. I only weighed 120 pounds when I began to take B. B. B., anil 12 Kittles increased my weight to 180 pounds nnd made me sound and well. I never knew what good health was before.'^ To SFORTSMEET THE THOM ASYILEE Cll/X WORKS, One door from Watts,Jackson St., is now fully supplied with ail kinds of Sporting Goods, Guns, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, Am munition, Ac. LOADED SHELLS Always on hand nnd loaded to order,at short notice and on reasonable terms. REPAimisro Of all kinds on guns, pistols, Ac., executed in tkc best style, and satisfaction guaranteed. Gl'lfS FOR RENT At reasonable termi, to responsible parties, nov27d&w3m BOARDING! MISS UHLER, Formerly of Philadelphia, will Open her houst for the season, Monday, Dseember 2nd. C«r«ir Warrea and Ravrurd ftfreeta* 3dlm THOM AS VI Els E, OA. Stenographer and Type-Writer. Mr. Joseph U. Dreyer offers his services to the public as a stenographer ata \jpe-wnter All work promptly don* and satisfaction gtaranteed’ Apply to or address, JOS. M. DREYER, At M«Intyre A McIntyre’s effic*. 131£ Broad Stretfc J. S. IONTGHERY. Real Estate Agent, THOMASVILLE, OA. Office iter Iicid k Culpepper's Ora; Store, Broad St. I am now prepared to buy or sell, forother parties, all kinds of town or country real estate, and hare on my list a good assort ment of both kinds. Strict and close atten tion to the business will be my aim, and I respectfully solicit a share of the business of the'eommunity. aug38tf SHRUBBERY. DIXIE NURSERY. H. H. SANFORD & GO., Proprietors. This is the proper time to transplant and set out all kinds of roses, bulbs, plants .and shrubbery. We hare all kinds of these plants, Ac., and a first class Landscape Gar dener, who will attend to the proper laying out of lawns, gardens, yards, Ac., and of all plants, Ac, Plans and estimates will be made on notice given us, and we will take pleas ure in giving any and all information on the subject. nov24tf II. If. SANFORD A CO. Bncklea’a Aiaicu Salve. The Best Salve in the World for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per boi. For sale by S, J. Cassels, Drug Store. 2 lots on Love St., 95 feet front, 240 ft deep. 1 lot on Love St., I05 feet front, I40 ft deep. 1 lot on Love St., 120 feet front, 250 ft deep. The above lots are good enough and the prices reason able. 4 lots on Crawford St., 65 ft front, 18o deep, to an alley. These will not remain un sold long, at the price they are offered at. Only 4 blocks from business centre. 1 lot on Dawson St., 105 ft front, 200 ft deep, to an al ley. 1 lot on Dawson St., 103 ft. front, 420 ft deep, to Young street. These are royal lots, and the only two now for sale on Dawson, the best residence street in Thomasville. 5 lots on Chestnut St., 82 ft front, 150 ft deep, to an al ley, for $i50 each. They are absolutely worth doublej the money. 3 lots on north Dawson St., 88 ft front, I9O ft deep, to an alley, for $250 each. These are beauties, and very cheap. North Dawson is a beautiful street. 5 lovely one acre lots on Young St., handsomely dotted with beautiful pine trees, at a low down price, 10 acre tract, with good 3 room house on Young St., just outside coiporate limits. The S., F, & W‘ railroad is the west boundary, nearly all in cultivation. Some fine timber. Price low enough considering the fine location. 5 1-2 tract corner Magnolia ave. and Maple st. 2 tenant houses; all under fence. 200 2-year old LeConte pear trees; fine oak grove for building site. This is a lovely spot, and is worth lots ol money, but I will sell it right to a good man. 2 7-acre tracts on Young St., that would make beautiful homes. At a reasonable price. 10 fine lots in Fearnside, covered with stately pines, at $250 each. Worth a great deal more money. 2-acre lot corner Magnolia and Linnwood aves., with new 5-room cottage. The lot all set with fruit trees, flowers and shrubbery and will make a charming home. 10-acre tract on Magnolia ave., 250 to 3OO beautiful pear trees of different varieties, flowers and shrubbery. Hand some new 9-room bouse in perfect order; servant’s house, barn and other outbuildings, all new and in first class order. This is the best and most at tract suburban home for sale around Thomasville. Best of reasons given for selling. Price low. All the property I offer for sale is gilt edge. I don’t deal in any other sort. Let me show it to you and be con vinced, O-EORG-E PEAEvWt 158 Broad St„ - Thomasville, Ga