The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 06, 1889, Image 3

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We are still dis playing the hand somest stock of FINE DRESS GOODS, with the Latest Trimmings to Match, ever isattheStuart shown across a Thomasville Dress Goods Counter. No cheap trash, but GENUINE IMPOR TED MATERIALS; Fresh Desir able Goods such as the people want, at prices to suit the purchaser. Two Hundred Rolls Carpet in Stock and in Tran sit. The most Com plete Stock in Southern Georgia. This Department is our “JUST PRIDE.” Besides giving you the Largest and Best Selection, our prices are away down below other houses. Lace Curtains, White and Colored Quilts, and House Furnishings Gen erally. Your Patronage Solicited, THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1R8L Local Schedule. Passenger for Savannah Lv... 6 35 Passenger from Savannah Ar... 7 00 Fast mail for Savannah Ar.. .12 05 “ •• “ Lv.. .12 35 4 44 from 44 Ar... 131 44 44 from Savannah Lv... 200 Passenger from Albany Ar... 520 Passenger for 44 from 44 for ..Lv.. Freight and Acorn, for Albany L •» •* from 44 Ar, Freight and aecom. from Wayc.. Ar 8 30 a 11 20 a 4 50 p 5 45 p 7 20 a 4 50 p COO p Chatt. Lv. •• •• “ for Wayc....Lv. •* *• «• from Chatt. Ar... 6 30ai THOMASVILLE AND MOXTICELLO. Freight accom. for RIonticello LV...8 45 a i “ “ from 44 .... Ar.. .6 00 p i Fast mail for “ ....Lv.. .2 0C p i 44 44 from 44 .... Ar. .12 10 p t SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU AT R. Thomas Jr’s 1 126 Broad Street. O. S. Bondurant Vounteer Observer Weather Bulletin for the 24 hours ending at 7 o’clock P. M., Dec. 5, 1880. TKMPEUATLBrf. 7 a.m 47 2 p. 72 7 p. m 50 Maximum for 24 hours 72 Minimum 44 44 “ 44 Rain-fall 1 Indications: Fair weather Fair. I ^stationary temperature. Mr. S. A. Hughes is in the city. Dr. Culpepper got caught on the jury yesterday. Mr. F. M. Maddox, of New York, Mr Jno. M. Lloyd, of Baltimore, is at the Whiddon. Mr. Wyche Linton has returned from a short trip to Tallahassee. Sir. O. P. Warde, of Boston, Mass., is among the recent arrivals. Mrs. M. L. Grieve and daughter, of New York, arrived yesterday. Sir. W. Gale and wife, of San Francisco, are registered at the Stu art. The “Said Pasha” Opera Company went from here to Slacon yesterday morning. AI is s Aleph Smith, ol Valdosta, is visiting the family of Hon. Robert Mitchell. Hon. D. A. Russell, wife nud daughler, of Bainbridge, were in the city yesterday. The first fire-works of the season have been placed on sale by some of the merchants. Sir. II. Slurphy, a prominent con tractor and builder of Waycross, was in the city yesterday. Moonlight and sugar boilings go well together. The young people are taking advantage of them. Dr. Ward and wife, of Utica, N. Y., arrived Wednesday night. They will spend the winter among us. Mr. and Mrs. John II Girvin, of Baltimore, who spent last season here at the Stuart, returned yesterday. Mrs. W. H. Sage, of Wellington, Ohio, was among the visitors who arrived yesterday to spend some time. Mr. J. G. Slays, superintendent of the Georgia division of the Southern Express Company, was in the city yesterday. Sir. J. F. Jones, who travels for Mr. Lawrence Henry, of Slacon, was in the city yesterday in the interest of his house. Leaders of Styles and Low Prices, Sirs. William Gray, who died at Bostou yesterday, will be brought hero this morning for burial in the old cemetary. The office of the Southern Expresn Company received a splendid horse trom Macon yesterday to be used in ' the delivery service here. 109 & 111 BROAD ST The morning train from Albany , 1 missed connection at Albany yester day, on account of the train on the Central road being two hours late. See the professional card of Dr. W. G. Patrick in our columns. Dr. Patrick is well known to our people, having been hern several seasons, and : occupies his former office over Stey- ' ermans. ! Passengers leaving New York at 1 8:30 a. m., for Thomasville, reach , Waycross next afternoon (one night : out) at 4 p. m.; and then they have to stay in Waycross until 1:30 in the morning, taking a train which lias no sleeper. Is this just and fair to the people who are coming here? OXT3RL CHRISTMAS STOCK OF LADIES’ AND GENTS’ IF 1 1 3ST ZE0 SHLiIIPFIEZE^S BY FAR Is the Handsomest Ever Shown in Thomasville. 6STCALL ANB SEE US. A HEW FEATURE! We have added a nice line of Fine Cutlery embracing all sizes, prices and styles of D ocket Knives, Fine Scissors and Razors, all warrantedj»and when not as represented will be replaced without further cost. See them. Some People Need Mineral Waters And wc can supply all first class waters-fresh. Heine sole agents at this point for Arcadian Waukeshaw and Bowden LIthia Waters. Sec ond to none, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Thompson’s Br#miiif Arsenic* Congress, Hawthorn* Apolfnairir, Ilmiyndi, Bine lifek* Deep Hock, SELTKER AND VICHV, We can offer inducements on all, in any quan tity that Is worthy of investigation. Remember the “old stylo Long Price” is a thing of the past with us. Any goods not in stock furnished at qui ckest. telegraphic time. Every attention shown visitors in all depart ments. Stamps and Postal Cards sold. Prescription deparflnent in charge of ^ a regular Licensed and Registered Pharmacist who uses only absolute pure Drugs and Fquibbs, Merks and such other Chemicals. McRAE BROS. Said Pashi. This popular opera was rendered at the opera house on Wednesday night, by the Thompson Opera Co., to a fair audience. Some of the singing was very fine, and the piece in the main pleased and entertained the audience throughout its rendition. Mr. Frank David, as Hadad, captivated the audience from the start. His talent and versatility added largely to the success of the entertainment. He is a born actor. Mr. Will S. Rising, ns the Mexican nobleman, was a success. His singing was the feature of the evening. He has a wonderfully flexible voice and it has been thoroughly cultivated. Blanche Chapman, as Serena, won fresh laurels. She is an old favorite in Thomasville. The Ideal Queen, represented by Miss Carrie Godfrey, was a character which took with the audience. Her singing was very much enjoyed by lovers of fine vocal music. The entire performance was good. Died. Mrs. Isaac Bowen, of this place,died at the residence of her husband Wed nesday morning. The funeral took place yesterday -afternoon, the inter ment being in Laurel Hill, Rev. J. W. Williams officiating. She leaves, besides her husband, a large family of little children. Quarterly Conference. The Presiding Elder, Dr. Hinton, is expected this evening, and will hold the fourth quarterly conference at the pastor’s study, Methodist church, to night at 7 o'clock. He will occupy the pulpit on next Sabbath morning nud night. The jury in the case of the estate of Cone against J. M. Clewis, for re covery of lands, brought in a verdict in favor of the estate yesterday morn- ing. Capt. R. G. Fleming, Hon. Fleming DuBignon and Messrs Erwin and Kingsbery, ofSavannah, arrived yes terday in Capt. Fleming’s private car. They are here on legal business con nected with the S., F. <& W. Ry. Crowds of ladies and others gather ed af Jerger’s yesterday to inspect and admire his magnificent display of holiday goods. It is dazzling. Mr. Jerger has certainly excelled himself this year in the selection of holiday goods. They are mighty “temptin’ ”. Wc regret to learn that Mr Win. J. Miller was thrown from his horse, near his place, on the Magnolia road, on Wednesday afternoon, and was con siderably hurt. In the fall his arm was broken, and an open knife, which he held in his hand, inflicted a slight head wound. Mrs. Geo. A. Dewson, a sister of the Rev. G. G. N. McDonell, died very suddenly in Savauuah, on Wed nesday night. Mr. McDonell receiv ed a telegram yesterday morning announcing the sad news. She was the widow of the late Col. George A. Dewson, a prominent lawyer of Fer- nandina, Fla. Jr THE li® mm / RED FRONT GROCERY. \ Fall I & OUT YOUR & \\ IThanksgiving Turkey * Cranberries J AND Winter \ J. L. Si W. A. PRINGLE, y/ CLOTHING! BROAD ST and our line ot Court Proceedings. The case of the state vs Cone.charg ed with killing Harper, occupied the day yesterday. A jury was obtained without much trouble, aud a portion of the state’s evidence put in. The case will be resumed this morning. It will be apt to occupy the entire day. Piney Woods Hotel Arrivals. The following are the latest arrivals at the Piney Woods: F. W. Carter, Cincinnati, 0.; I. J. Mays, Macon; Mr. aud Mrs. It. M. Gilbert and maid, Columbus, O.; Wm. A. Scase, Danville, III.; J. Mainard, Washington, D. C. Mr. F. A. Burllong, the popular room clerk at the Piney Woods last sea son, returned yesterday and will occu py the same position again this season. The patrons of the hotel, ns well as Mr. Budlong’s many Thomasville friends, are glad to see him here again. ■ NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The nnniml election for directors ol tire Thomnsville National Ilnnk for the year lsnn will he held at the hanking house on the second Tuesday in January, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. ra. Blank proxies will he Inrnished on appli cation at the bank. Jas. A. Buandon, Thomasville, Dec. 0, 1889. Cashier. PRIVATE HOARDING. On Seward street, 2nd. door northwest ol Warren, (next door to the Misses l liter.) The house and furniture new. 1100X3 AN1> SI SXV, table unexceptionable, Terms moderate. Apply on the premises or at the olliee of Mitchell & McIntyre. nov9-3m. MRS. GEO. CARUObL. Notice to Tax Payers and Voters. Notice is hereby given thnt the Tux and Registration hooks for the year 1889 will positively close on Friday, Dee. 20th, at 4 p. m. Can be found at my olliee in Thom asville from now until the close. Respectfully, P. S. HEATH, T. C. A Registrar. Nov. 20, 1889. GAS HIDES. Hereafter all gas hills irust he settled by the loth of each month. Ddeclot Gas Works. Country Board. Good board, with nicetountry fare, can he had at Dr. J. H. Watkin's residence, Sun- dalc, one-mile and a half from court house,at moderate rates. Carriage rides free, every other day. Good hunting and sport ground. Apply on tile premises or address Dr. J. U. WATKINS, nov28dtf Thomasville, Ga. W A N T tb G. II. Wyant, the Upholsterer, wants to lay Carpets, Wool at 79 eta., Hrussels at $1; wants to rc-upholster your parlor furniture; wants to make over your mattresses. Call at Ainsworth’s Grocery. 2doctTm For the Next 10 Dais For the next ten days I will sell millinery goods at prices never before sold at in Thoniasville. My stock of Holiday Goods must hare room and Millinery must go. Kvery lady should call and sec what heavy reductions are being made. My stock is all new and fushionable, but it is large, and must be sold. Am going to paralyze prices. If yon don’t believe it call and be convinced. Remember that these bargains will only he olFcred for the next ten days. Hiss Laura Jones- Uec5-d2t\vlt HOUSE FOR RENT. A seven-room, well furnished house, on corner of Crawford and Fletcher streets, for Rent. Apply on premises, or to Dr. T. S. Announces that lie will he glad torepairand keep in tune, Pianos and ather musical in struments and give instruction in music in its various branches. Orders left at Geo. Fcam’s real estate office, or through the post office, given prompt attention. 7oct tt For Rent. Furnished house in suburbs, six rooms well furnished, good water, will rent reason ably to a good party. Apply to Mas. Hrm.s Lrsx, Magnolia Avenue. HOARD IN THE COUNTRY. A few persons desiring the quietude of the country and the aroma ol the pines, can he accommodated at Jersey l-arni. Gentlemen, not sick enough to require special attention, preferred. 28octf PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Drown, the Jeweler, has 80- cured t lie ngeney for all the first-class Pianos and Organs, which lie is selling at the lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do well to learn his prices and terras. &LY Situation Wanted. I am a fust-class cook, pastry and meat, and want a situation. I have first-class recommend 'tions from my former employ ers. 1 can lie found at Richard Green’s, on Jackson street. ilec4d2t. Jkffeiison Woods. GEORGIA—Thomas County, Ouihnaky’h Office, Dec. 4, 1889. All persons interested are hereby cited to ap pear at my oflicc on the first Monday in .Janua ry next, 1890, to show tatise. if any they have, why letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. II E. Blaekshear should not lie Issued to K. B. Mardre, public administrat Jos. S. aMk , Ord’y. GEORGIA-ThomAs County. I). It. Grilliu, oi said cotintr, has apnlied tome for tin; guardianship of Cora L. Grilfin and An nie Grinin, minors,and I will pass upon said application at my office on the first Monday in January next (1890). JOS. S. MERRILL, Ord’y. CHRISTMAS CARDS AND BOOKLETS. Mi S3 Addie McClellan has a nice lot of Christmas Cards and Booklets. Call and see them. Also all the Northern papers. dec4codtf LOWER BROAD MILLINERYM_ MILLINERY!! We still keep up the racket of sell ing lor lower prices than was ever known in Thomasville lor fine milline ry. The past month is our best. We can only explain it by the truths set forth in this space every week. We claim to sell the best goods at least prices and are prepared to back up the assertion. Money saved is made. 25c., 50c., 75c. or $1 on every purchase counts up immensely in the long run. Again, I want your trade. I work for it and ask for it on the basis of mutual interest. When you need headwear please don’t forget Lower Broad. New hats are in, and also a nice line infants’ caps; just the thing to keep baby’s head warm this winter. Yours, anxious to please, Mrs. Jennie Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. Seamstresses Wanted. I want four or five good seamstresses to work on coats, pants anil vests. To good hands good wages will he paid. JOHN KENNV, 81 Ilroad St., rhomasville, Ga. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. GEORGIA—'Thomas County: Under and by virtuo of an order Trom the court of ordinary, granted at the December Term, 1889, wilt bo sold before the court house door in the city of Thomasville on the lirst Tuesday in January. 1890. between the legal hours of sale, the following described realty belonging to the estate of S. T. 1’layer, deceas ed to wit: 02 acres of land In the southwest corner of lot No; 242 tn the 13th district of said county, known as part of the Slater place. Also 02 acres of land in tho northwest conrer of lot No. 242 In said district and county, known as uart of the Slater place, and 02 acres in the northeast corner of lot No. 280, In said county and uistriet and known a* part of the Surratt place. Terma cash, 31- A. Flektwooi*. Adm'r do bonis non with will annexed Of Eatutc of S. T. Playor. are daily receiving Light -AND j MUST 60! Call and get IR, Prices before buy ing at ANYBODTTS Cost Prices,^and we will SAVE YOU MONEY Clothiers andilFurnishers, lOQ St. Thomasville, IOa|