The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 10, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE JOHN TRIPLETT, • - - Editor, S. B. BURR, - Business Manager. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1889. Daily Times-Entkkpkiric h published every morning (Monday excepted.) Tiie Weekly Timfs-Kntkkphisk is published every Saturday morning. Subscription Rates. Daily Timks-Exterprisk $* r > 00 Wifely “ 1 00 Daily Rates jSl'rnnsieut Rates.—$1.00 per square for the first insertion, and 50 cei ts for ea h subse- uent insertion. One Square, one month, - - - • $ 5 00 One Square, two months - - - - 8 00 One Square, three month;, - - - 12 00 One Square, six months, - - - - -20 00 One Square, twelve montis, - - - 35 00 Subject to change by special arrangement. H.R. Ill'KIt, RiiNlnis* Manager, According to tl.e News, a goat started a (ire in Savannah yesterday. Congress ought to tackle the loca tion of the World’s fair. No time should bo lost in locating it. It will require hustling to get ready for it. The President has appointed Judge Brewer, of Kansas, to the vacancy on the Supreme bench. This leaves his partner, Miller, out. The republicans will lower flags for Belknap, the ex secretary of war, who stands self convicted of ciiuies which should have lauded him in the peni tentiary, but the colors were not dropp ed for ex-Secrclary of War Jcflerson Davis, whose spotless record and de votion to constitutional liberty, marks him as oue of the great men of the country. Well, the dead states man cannot be hurt by the slight; but this detracts nothing from the narrowness of the republicans. Mrs- Davis Thanks Friends. New Orleans, Dec. 8.—The fol lowing is self-explanatory: New Orleans, Dec. 7, ’80. of iiic Associated Press: Dear Sir :—Will you have the kindness to say for me, through the Assoc'ated Press, that it will he a physical impossibility for me to answer the thousands of telegrams of condolence that have poured in from all parts of the United States. I therefore take this means of express ing my appreciation of the profound sympathy exhibited by so many ol Mr. Davis’ friends to bis bereaved and grateful family. \ cry respect fully yours, Yarina Howell Davis. In Memoriam. “He is gone who was so great. Gone; but nothing could or can be reave him of the love he made his own.” To-morrow, in all the cities and villages in the south memorial ser vices wdl be he'd in honor of -he great chieftain who stood at the head of the “Lost Cause” while it was some thing more than a name, and who, since it went down amid the smoke and roar of battle, has s ood as a mark for the bitterness of our enemies This is meet and proper. The rap’dly hurrying years are fast removing the men who took part in the great struggle, and when Jefferson Davis died, ; n the hush a"d quiet of the early morning horns, the grand central figure ol the greatest of mod ern wars passed away. To-morrow his remains will be laid away under the soil of In's own south land, and tears will fall from the eyes of all his people. The Tjmes-Enierprise suggests that a meetmg of the citizens be held to-day at twelve o’clock in the city hall, to arrange a programme for memorial services. Doubtless the opera house will be tendered by its courteous manager, and no better place can be found for the holding of the services. It is also suggested that the business houses be closed from 12 till 2, while the services arc being held, and that all the church bells in the city be tolled. A concerted move has been started to raise a fund for the wife and daugh ler of the departed hero, and no belter time can be than at the close ot the services to-morrow. Hon. Robert G. Mitchell has been named as chairman for the committee for this senatorial district, and he will receive and for ward to the proper parties as much as our people will give. The care of the widow and daughter of our dead leader is a sacred trust to the south, and one that will be met and discharged. No grander epitaph could be inscribed over the immortal dead than the words: "He served his couiry feithfulty, stood at the head of his people fearlessly, and ihough mil y < HORROCKS. CONTRACTOR and builder, ty.” But now that wife and daughter have lost the fostering care of husband and father, let the people see to it that their future is placed beyond the reach of uneasiness and want. Go out to the meeting to day, and attend the memorial services to mor row from 12 to 2. An Atlanta Company Going. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 8.—The Gate City Guards to-day determined to at tend the funeral of Mr. Davis. » .Earthquakes in Italy. Rome, Dec. 8.—Esirtqunkc shocks, felt to-day in the central portion of Italy, caused no loss of life or damage to property. Mount Vesuvius is in a state of eruption. When being urged by his wife to take some medicine, a short time before his death, Mr. Davis replied in a whisper: “Pray excuse me. These were the last words lie uttered. Tliomanrillcy Oa. Having had a long experience in the northri n states, and being fully competent to contract for and build any kind of store house, public building?, private residences, kc., kc., and having located in Thomasville with a view to making it my future home, I respectfully oiler my services to those who may wish any kind ot building erected. I am prepared to make contracts or superin tend, make plans, specifications, Ac. A share of the patronage of the people ofThom- asville and vicinity is respectfully solicited. Letters addressed to me through post office will reach me, or I ran be seen for the pres ent at the new brick building on Madison street, corner Jackson. V. A. HORROCKS. dcclOtf Thonmsvillc, Ga. WELL! Poles, Poles aodPo'esl Fifty dozen fine coinicc poles reeelv this week. All sizes—all styles of finish. Oko. \V. Forbes, Musury Building. Our stores have been made In for Santa Ciaus and h ! s court, decree. His Majesty will ascend Thursday of this week. Come a bring the little fellows with thee. REID k CULPEPPER. declOtt 120-122 Bioad street arters perial ami Best cheap window shades in the city, 3x7 feet Dado Shades on spiing roller. 50c. Only at Geo. W. Forres, Masurv Building. Look out for our Christinas goods. They will be ?eady for inspection by Thurs day of ibis week. Our 5 and 10 cent coun- ers will be fu’ler than eve., and our dis play of more elaborate holiday goods will be larger and finer than ever. REID CULPEPPER. declOtf 120-122 Bioad Street. Large lot of lace curtains received direct f.'om the importers, and marked below the dry goods” price. Geo. W. Forbes, Masurv Building. In b.onzes. decorative objects, etc. yet will find a beautiful assortment of ' ie.\* lensive groups, figures, busts, Uitis, vases, Mexican onyx base inks, Mexican onyx aides, piano lamps, etc. Jkrger's. ‘ai;,e variety ol “nic-nac: p’cces, tor any p\u pose and use, ait all, ’ in small in prices to Jeaoia’s. Opeia glasses in casings of leathc, pea.l silver. Lenses of unusual clearness-and power. Juneau's. K *3 well known that my window shade oek ; s the largest in the city. All kinds of shadings and decorated shades in great icty. Geo. W. Forres, Mesury Building. Buyers of all at tides of d'amord jeweliy, fiom the most inexpensive to the iidlest and most cosily, will find the'r warns met bv choice, carefully se'cc.ed stones, set in the most finished and a »isUc manfle;. Jeruer's. There has probably been no .bnc i l life past when articles in sol : d sHvcrand do*by ware were so much sought as wedding anniversary and holiday git s, as diring tl>e nast anu p.csent season. ; a«ing demand.. I have p-.epared for th : s season tlfc largest and most complc c line in navel.>s personal ornanien.s,e.c., ever offered here. JeruEii’s. A new line of i.incv, pearl and antique iro»y pen staffs wUh repou*** tnoun ingg. also a full line of antique and chased pencils. These gooc.s ate enU ely new. Jergee's. ~~ i th« We chcs. all grades and price?, from famous Po ck. PhiP’-mc k Co.’s Gc watches, io Iho inex,»ens ve ones. The assovlnient is by ;, ar the la gefi. ever seen hero. Jkugkjl Those wood h. ske s at Jkrunr i mental as well as nsc.'uk are orua- MORNING CHAT [Ovea-TIEAHD.] Husband—Wei*. 1 wouidn t wa't any longer. This is ihe ibtrd day since they *>romised you vonr hat, ami because of tliei failuie o finish it, we were kept borne from cb.'.ch yesterday, WHe—Vos, I am awfully put out about it. and I’m going right down ‘o Mis. Ca*»oir on Lower Broad and order one .ho e. .She never fails to have her work read v when promised. Husband—Well, 1 hope you w ;, l. for if you don't get it by lo-raoirow, wc w ! ll be unable io fill ihai* engagement with Mis Next morning she was happy as a lark. Brrn new bonnet; husband delighted; splended visit to Mrs. M’s. and a futuve friend to lower Broad. Those are four cardinal points in which Mrs. Carroll always excels. Choicest goods. Lowest pi ices. Neatest trimming. Pioinpleat work. We want your l a s to be satisfactory in every iospcct, and if they are not we are willing at aU times to make any adjustment necessrry. Place your orders witn us, ana you shall always be pleased. 1 am anxious for a share of your trade. Mrs. Jennie Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. PROF. E. D. RALDWIN Announces that lie will be glad to repair and keep in tunc, Pianos and ather musical in struments and give instruction in music in its various branches. Orders left at Geo. Fcarn's real estate office, or through the post office, given prompt attention. 7oct tt L F. Tiora & 00 No. !3I BROAD STREET, Thomasville, - Ga. I have just got up from New York, Come and see me. I have “some thing sweet to tell you. IS. A. BASS. DAVIS BOARDING HOUSE, TIIO.HASYIMjE, ga. This house, which is situated in Flctcher- illc, oue of the healthiest and most desira ble localities in Thomasville. is under the agement of Mrs. Minnie F. Davis, who has had considerable experience in this line, and would solicit u liberal share of patron age. i he can furnish northern guests with pleasant room?. For terms apply to propri- :s, 8dectf FRESII ARRIVALS CRYSTAL WAFERS, COCOANUT MACA ROONS, VANILLA k LEMON WAFERS. FRENCH CANDIES. IMPORTED CIGARS. NEW ORLEANS BANANAS. AT A. C BROWN’S, THE JACKSON ST GROCF<£. Td3t BOARD IN THE COUNTRY. A few persons desiring the quietude of the country anil the aroma of the pines, can he accommodated at Jersey Farm. Gentlemen, not sick enough to require special attention, preferred. 29octf PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brotvn, the Jeweler, lias se cured the agency for nil the lirst-clnss Pianos nnd Organs, which lie Is selling nt the lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do well to learn Ills prices and terms. W A N T S. G. H. Wyant, the Upholsterer, wants to lay Carpets, Wool at 79 ets., Brussels at $1; wants to re-npholster your parlor furniture; wants to make over your mattresses. Call at Ainsworth's Grocery. 'JCoct Jni Ilrncvn Her Youth. Mrs. Phoebe Clicsley. Peterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, die truth of which is vouched lor by the icsidents of the town: “lain 7.1 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint nml lameness for many years; could not dress myself without help’. Now I am free from alf p in and soieness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to"Electric Bitters for having renew ed my youth, and lemoved completely all disease and pain.” Try a bottle, 50c and $1, at S. J.Ca.sels’ Drug Store. For Rent. Furnished house in suburbs, Eix rooms well furnished, good water, will rent reaion- ablv to a good party. Apply to Mas. Bells Linn, Magnolia Avenue Till VAT E BOARDING. Oil Seward street, 2nd. door northwest of Warien, (next door to the Misses Uhlcr.) The house nnd furniture new. ROOMS COM FORT All LE AND Sl'NNY, table unexceptionable. Terms moderate. Applv on the premises or at the otlice of Mitchell k Mclntyic. nov9-3m. MRS. GEO. CARROLL. Country Board. Good board, with nice country fare, cun be had at Dr. j. B. Watkin's residence, Sun- dale, one-mile and a half from court house,nt moderate rates. Carriage rides free, every other day. Good hunting and sport ground. A only on the premises or address Dr. J.B. WATKINS, nov'JGdtf Thomasville, Ga. Change of Firm. I have this day sold my entire business— fancy and family groceeries—heretofore car ried on by me on Bruce’s corner, to Joshua Carroll k Son, who assume all liabilities on goods. J. O. J. LEW IS. Thomasville, Ga., Dec, li, 1880. GALL OS SEND FOE OF FURNITURE. fkmpsoi & Co. Referring to above we desire to say that wc will endeavor to please all who favor ua with their patronage, and will, at all times, keep a nice and fresh stock of fancy and family groceries, which will be sold as low as can be afforded. Joshua Caiiholl k Sox. Thomasville, Dec. 5, 1889. 7d3td4tw THE PEST AND MOST Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THEsSOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. Wo through express trains dally, with Pull man Palace BufretSlosplng Cars by night, . and Chair Cars by day, between Cln- clnnattl and Chicago, Indlanapo Us and Chicago, and also bo tween Louisville and Chicago, where close con* nectlous are made for 8t. Paul, Fargo, Blamark, Pol- land, Omaha, Kansas City, Han Francisco |and peluts Intermediate— New Fait Mail, Leaving Louisville, Dallyexcopt Sunday, at 7 *30 a. m. Clnclnnaltl, Daily, except Sunday at 7:45. Arriving at Chicago at 6:55. The most rapid sorvlce ever attempted be tween the Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio River and Chicago. j*ylhrough Coupon Tickets, Baggage check ed to destination, and your safety nnd com fort provided for, are among tho points that have made the MOKOK ROUTE Universally and desorvedly popular. OHN B.OARSOM. Ylce pres’t and Oon*l Mgr W. H. McDOEL, Oeu’l Tra*c Mannger, E. O. MCCORMICK, Gen.l Passenger Agent r. W. GLARING. Passenger and Freight Agt. 158 Broad St.. Thomasville Ga. OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY, RFA TUESDAY, Utiii lUi Will present the funniest of all musical farce Comedies, entitled “LARKING” In 3 Larks, by a great company’of Barkers. Witty dialogue, funny situations, laughable climaxes, elegant costumes, clever and orig inal comedians, new songs and dances, fun without end—“BUTE.” Merchant Tailor. Gentlemen wanting finN and good goods, good work and lit in execution of garment! will find it to their interest to call and see me, up stairs, over Doctor Cassels’ drug store, Thomasville, Ga. Cleaning and repairing done at short notice. 3declm B. W. Rummy. To SPORTS MEW TIIE THOMASVILLE Gl/N WORKS, One door from Watts,on Jackson St., is now fully supplied with nil kinds of Sporting Goods, Guns, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, Am munition, &c. LOADED SHELLS Always on hand and loaded to order,at short notice nnd on reasonable terms. REPAIRING (If nil kinds on guns, pistols, kc., executed In the best style, tnd satisfaction guaranteed. t)IIN8 FOR RENT At rensonnble terms, to responsible parties. no»'J7dAw3m BOARDING! MISS IIHLER, Formerly of Philadelphia, will open her lionet for the season, Monday, December 2nd. Corner Warren nnd Mevrnrd Streets* 3d tin TIIOMASVIM.E, GA. Notice to Tax Payers and Voters. Notice is hereby given that the Tax nnd Registration hooks for the year 1889 will positively close on Friday, Dec. 20th, at 4 p. m. Gan be found at my office in Thom- nsvillc from now until the close. Respectfully, P. S. HEATH, T. C. k Registrar. Nov. 20, 1889. J. S. MONTGOMERY. Real Estate Agent, THOMASVILLE, GA. Office over Reid t Culpepper's Drug Store, Broad St. I am now prepared to buy or sell, lor other parties, all kinds of town or country real estate, and hare on my list a good assort ment ot both kinds. Strict and close atten tion to the business will be my aim, and I respectfully solicit a share of the business of the community. aog?8tf Private Boarding. Parties desiring hoard in a private family can find sunny rooms and good board for $8 per week at.II. T. Mush’s, corner Smith av enue and Hnnsell street. TCdcliv SHRUBBERY. DIXIE NURSERY. H. H. SANFORD & 00., Proprietors. This is the proper time to transplant and set out all kinds of roses, bulbs, plants and shrubbery. We have all kinds of these plants, kc., and a first class Landscape Gar dener, who will attend to the proper laying out of lawns, gardens, yards, Ac., and of all plants, kc. Plans and estimates will be made on notice given us, and wc will take pleas ure in giving any and all information on the subject. nov24tf II. II. SANFORD k CO. The Marshall House, THE PBIDE AND OLD TIME FAVORITE HOTEL OF SAVANNAH. UNDER TOR PERSONAL IANASHINI OP octf HI. L. HARNETT. A CD p o a p 3 s* 9 p o P p (rad 1—1 p CIQ l—i O e-f* c+- CD erg tH o O TJl V© o *3 m CD r-K P a* P P cr* P a QC P 0? 00 CfQ CD 'i