The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 11, 1889, Image 2

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.7-. -‘-X— - THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TKll’LETT, - - - Editor. S. B. BURR, • Business Manager. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1889. Daily TiMES-EsTKKrmsK ii imhlish.ii cT^ry mornina (Monday exrqiU'cl.) Tr.e Weekly Timks-Entf.iii'iiise is jmlilis’ied every Saturday morning. SnwRirTioN Hates. Daily Times-Esteiii’Kise, . . Wjekly “ . . . $5 on . 1 no Daily Advertising Rates f | Transient Rates.—jl.oo per squar r.-t u insertion, and 50 ce» ts tor <*»:■ n sun uent insertion. 0 ie Square, one month, - - ■ • I j One Square, two months - - - - '■ #ae Square, tluee month - - - 12 Ouc Square, six months. - - - - ‘20 Oue Square, twelve ment is, - - - 35 Subjec t to change by special arran^-mei A. 15. ni lSK, Itn^lnoM Jin linger, An Earthquake Shock. Vienna, Dec. 9.—There was a sharp sliock ot earthquake in D.ilma tia, Bosnia, and Herzegovinia to day. Parnell III. London, Dec. 9.—Sir, Parnell is ill. lie will not speck at the meeting at Nottingham to morrow, as was pre viously announced. V. A. HORROCKS, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER TIioniaMrillCy Ga. Empnrer William at Frankfort. Berlin, Dec. 9.—Emperor William arrived at Franklort to-day. A large crowd gathered to welcome him, and he was greeted with much enthusiasm. A weak message: that is the opinion of those who have carefully read the president's message. Secrelary of war Proctor (It should be spelled with a little p) telegraphed that he shall take no notice of the death of Mr. Davis, once secretary of war. The South will take care of the memory of Jefferson Davis. The ac tion of Harrison's administration, ii this matter, as in everything else, i narrow and sectional. The perpelua tion of the memory of Mr. Davis and his v rtue«, does not depend on lower ed flags in Washington city. His memory is embalmed in the hearts of the Southern people. Savannah s Tribute to the Dead. We take the following discretion of a floral design sent by the confederate veterans of Savannah, to be placed on the grave of Mr. Davis, from the Daily Times : The design, which is three feet in diameter, is that of a knapsack and blanket, enclosed by a wreath of white cameilas; white roses, violets and fern, edged with laurel. The knapsack is formed of white roses, tube roses and sweet elyssium. The roll representing the blanket is made of sweet elyssium and asparagus lern. Across it, in raised letters of violets, are the words, “OUR PRESIDENT.” On the front of the knapsack is the confederate flag and battle flag in im mortelles, with the flag staff draped and the initials, “C. V. A.” in violets. At the bottom, between the knapsack and the wreaths, in the same sweet flower, are the words : “Savannah, Ga.'’ The tribute is one of the most exquiste ever seen in Savannah. Sullivan is Willing to Fight. Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 0.—The Erie County Athletic Club, recently organized by a number of wealthy men in this city, has decided to otter a §fl(),000 purse for a fight between Sullivan and Jackson. It issaid that Sullivan lias responded favorably, but Jackson has not vet been heard from Having had a long experience in the northern states, and being fully competent to contract for and buUd any kind of store house, public buildings, private residences, Ac., Ac., and having located in Thomnsvillc with a view to making it nly future home, I respectfully "tier my services to those who may wish any kind ol building erected. 1 am "prepared to make run tracts o** siij erin- tend, make plans, specifications, Ac. A share of the patronage of the people of Thom- asvillc and vicinity is respectfully solicited. Letters addressed to me through post office will reach me, or I can be seen for the pres ent at the new brick budding on Madison street, corner Jackson. V. A. HORROCKS. otf Thomnsvillc, On. L F. TIliFM l No. !3I BROAD STREET, Merchant Tailor. iting fin » and good goods, Egypt’s Cotton Crop. Alexandria, Egypt, Dec. UN-A report issued by the cotton association of this city, states that the cotton crop is in favorable condition, except in upper Egypt, province of Tayottin, in middle Egypt, and in one province in lower Egypt, where fogs and cold weather have damaged the plants. The yield is estimated at •‘i,2-')0,000 contars. A New Ruling by the Georgia Rail road Commission. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 9.—The rail road commission has promulgated a rule that only three cents a mile shall be charged passengers from stations where tickets are now kept on sale; also, that when trains are delayed, and it is impracticable for tickets to be purchased, no more than the above rate shall be exacted. To Coerce the South. Two members of the United States senate, Sherman and Chandler, with bitterness and hatred in their hearts against the south, have pre pared hills for bulldozing the southern states national elections. The repub lican party tried this game after the war, backed by bayonets, and failed, And they will fail again. Each state, north and south, will conirol its own elections. Senator Chandler's bill provides for the appointment of supervisors of con gressional election-, who shall act as a canvassing hoard and declare the result; that the voters must he regis tcred, and limits the application of the bill to elections for representatives in congress within the states of South Carolina, Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana. Senator Sherman’s bill provides for the appointment by the President, to be confirmed by the senate, of a state board of canvassers of five voters and a board of three voters in each con gressional district. The boards shall serve during good behavior. The stato board shall appoint a register of elec tions in each congressional district to serve six years. The district hoards shall select three citizens in their re spective districts who shall constitute judges of elections for all Federal elections to serve six years. The dis trict board shall also appoint three commissioners ot election for each jeounty (city or corresponding po litical division) in the congressional districts. These commissioners shall canvass the vote. The judges of elec tion shall not be all ot oue political party. The secretary of the interior shall furnish registration hooks. The electoral board of each congressional district shall, in the month of April of each year of the general election, certify to the secretary of state the number of election districts and the number of voters iu each, and the sec rotary of state shall thereupon trans mit to the hoard duplicate poll books in each district. These hills will be Sam Small Joins the Episcopalians. Atlanta, Ga., Dec 9.—Rev. Sam Small was to-day admitted as a can didate for the ministry to the Episco pal church. His abandonment of tile Methodists excited some surprise here, but Mr. Small has always bten in clined towards the Episcopalians. Before he began his career as an evangelist he thought of applying for admission to the Episcopal ministry, but was not .encouraged at that time by the bishop. Mr. Davis was great in his triumphs, great in defeat—and he is great in dentil. good work and fit in execution of garment* will find it to their interest to call and see me, ii|> stairs, over Doctor Cnssels’ drug More, Thomnsvillc, (Ja. Cleaning and repairing done at short notice. 3decl m B. W. Ri mnbv. DAVIS BOARDING HOUSE, THOJlAMIViLE, GA. This house, width is situated in Flctchcr- ' illc, oue of the healthiest and most desira ble localities in Thomasvillc. is under the management of Mrs. Minnie F. Davis, who has hud considerable experience in this line, and would solicit a liberal share of patron age. i lie can furnish northern guests with pleasant rooms. For terms apply to propri- et css. 8dectf Anno keep i ollif 1MIOF. B. D. BALDWIN 11 ecs that he will be glad to repair and 1 tune, Pianos and at her musical in nts aud give instruction in music in oils branches, Orders left at Geo 1 real estate office, or through the post riven prompt attention. 7oct tt Th0masvi21@ 5 - Ga, GALL OR SEND FOE HOARD WANTED. From about January lit'tr-cntli to April, for iicc ladies, two connecting, sunny rooms, lain, substantial laic. Terms must be oileratf Address S. M. trt Rnsinc Avenue, on bers, X, Y. BOARD IX THE COUNTRY. A few persons desiring the quietude of the .in.ry and the aroma of the pines, can be eonmioduted at Jersey Farm. Gentlemen, .t sick enough to require special attention, preferred. -29octf PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brown, the Jeweler, has se cured the agency for all the first-class Pianos and Organs, which lie is selling at the iowobt prices for cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do well to learn fits prices and terms. The Georgia Southern & I'lo-ida railroad has laid track 21 miles south ol Lake City, to a place called Lake Butler. The work southward to At lanta is being pushed very fast, and the connection to Palatka front Lake City will be soon. MONTH $75.00 to $250.00 A working for u». Agents preferred who cun furnish a horse and give their whole tlmo to the business. Spare moments may be profit ably employed also. A fewcunvnscrn in t •wn# and cities 11. F. JOHNSON & CO., 10UJ Main St. Richmond, Vu. 2V. 11 —1‘lease stale aye and busineea expert- nce. Sever mind about sending stamp fur reply, r. F. J. k Co. It is well known that uiy window shade s.ock is the largest in the city. All kinds of Bhading3 and decorated shade? in great variety. Gko. \V. J*ouhk-S Masurv Building. MORNING CHAT [over-heard.] Husband—Well. 1 wouldn't wait any longer. This is the third day since they promised you your hat, ami bcei u?e ol thcii failure to finish it, we were kept home frotn church yesterday. Wife—Yes, I uin awfully put out about it. and I’m going right down to Mrs. Carroll's on Lower Broad and order one these. .She never tails to have her work ready when promised. Husband—Well, I hope you wi’l, for if you don’t get it by to-morrow, we will be unable ,o fill that engagement with Mrs M . Next morning she was happy as a lark. Bran new bonnet; husband delighted; splcndcd visit to Mrs. M’s. and a futur friend to lower Bioad. These a~e four cardinal poi its in which Mrs. Carroll always excels. Choicest goods. Lowest prices. Neatest trimming. Promptest work. We want your hats to he satisfactory in every icspect, and if they are not we willing at all times to make any adjustment necessary, Place your orders with us, and you shall always be pleased. 1 am anxious for a share of your tiade. Mrs. Jennie Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. W A X T S. G. If. Wyant, the Upholsterer, wants to iy Carpets, Wool at 75 cts., Brussels at $1; -.mis to rc-upholster your parlor furniture; •ants to make over your mattresses. Call t Ainsworth’s Grocery. 2Goct 3m FTONITXJRE. HOUSE FOR KENT, ii—, lYc'll furnished house, on corner of Crawford ami Fletcher streets, tb’ Rent, Apply on premises, or to Dr. T. S. Hopkins. Mr IIenc\T„ Her Youth. , Phoebe Gheslcy. I’eterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, the truth of which is Touched lor by the residents of the town : “I am ":t years old, hove been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not dress myself without help. Xow I am free from nil p in and soreness, and urn nblc to do all my own housework. I owe thanks to* Electric Hitters for having renew ed my vouth, and removed completely all disease "anil pain." Try a bottle, 50c and $1, at S. J. Cnssels’ Drug Store. For Rent. Furnishe 1 bouse in suburbs, six rooms well furnished, good water, will rent rcnion ably to a good party. Apply to Hull* Linn, nolia Avenue. Mas. PRIVATE HOARDING, tbi Seward street, 2nd. door northwest of Warren, (next door to the Misses Uiilcr.) The house nnd furniture new. noons COMKOI1TAIILK AND Sl'NNY, table unexceptionable, Terms moderate. Appiv on the premises or at the office Mitchell k McIntyre. MRS. GEO. CARROLL. Country Board. ood board, with nice country fare, can be had at Dr. j. H. Wutkiu’s residence, Sun- dab', one-mile and a half from court house,at moderate rates. Carriage rides free, every other day. Good hunting and sport ground: Apply on the promises or address Dr. J. Ii. WATKINS, nov26iltf Thomnsvillc, Gn. CHRISTMAS CARDS AND BOOKLETS. “ . , . . - . I ilisd Audie Jlcl placed on the calendar by their I Christmas Cards and Booklets. Call and sci authors at the earliest practicable | them. moment. I Also all the Northern papers, dcctcodtf Poles, Poles and Pol as I Fittv dozen line cornice poles received this week. All sizes—all styles of finish, Gko. W. Fouiiks, Masury Building. Our stores have been made headquarters for Santa Glaus lin'd his court, by imperial decree. His .Majesty will ascend his throne Thursday of this week. Come ami sec nnd bring the little fellows with tlice. REID k CULPEPPER, dcciott 120-122 Broad street. Look out for our Christmas goods. They will lie ready for inspection by Thurs day of this week. Our 5 and 10 cent coun ted will be fuller than ever, nnd our dis play of more claborr te holiday goods will he larger and liner than ever. ItEID A CULPEPPER, declOtf 120-122 Broad Street. OUongo of Firm. I have this day sold my entire business— fancy and family groceerics—heretofore ear ned on by me on Bruce’s corner, toyjoshua Carroll .V Son, who ae6umc all liabilities on good-. J. (). J. LEWIS. Tl onmcvillc, Ga., Dec, (1, 1880. Referring to above we desire to say that we will endeavor to please all who favor us with their patronage, and will, at nil times, keep a nice and fiesh stock of fancy nnd family groceries, which will lie sold as low its can be atlorded. Josiii'A Cabuoll k Son. Tliomasvilie, Dec. 5, 1889. 7d3td«w L. P. Slompsen & So. WELL! To SPORTSMEN TIIR TllO.'f AtSVIIsIsK Ul/N WORKS, One door from Watts,on Jackson St., is now fully supplied with ml kinds of Sporting Goods, Guns, Pistol^ Fishing Tnckle, Am munition, Ac. ; LOADED SHELLS 1 Always on hand and loaded to order,at short notice and on reasonable terms. I REPAIRING- Of nil kinds on guns, pistols, Ac., executed : in the best style, and satisfaction guaranteed, j Gl’NN FOR RENT At reasonable term*, to responsible parties, i nor27dtkw3m BOARDING! MISS UHLER, Formerly of Philadelphia, will open her 1iob6« for the season. j Monday, December 2nd. | Coratr Warren nnd Seward Street* j 3dlm TUO!HASVIMiE, GA. I have just got up from New York. Come and see me. I have “some thing sweet to tell you. «. A. BASS. THE PEST Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THEiSOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. Wo through express trains dally, with Full man Palace Buffet Sleeping Cars by night, and Chair Cars by day, between Cin cinnati! and Chicago, Indianapo Us and Chicago, anti also be tween Louisville and Chicago, where close con nections are made for St. Paul, Fargo, Blsnmrk, Pol- land, Omaha, Kansas City, San Francisco |and points Intermediate— New Fast Mail, Notico to Tax Payers and Voters. Notice-is hereby given that the Tax nnd Registration books for the year 1889 will positively close on Friday, Dec. 20th, at 4 p. m. Can be found at my office in Thom- nsvillc from now until the close. Respectfully, P. S. HEATH, T. C, k Registrar, Nov. 2G, 1889, J. s, Real Estate Agent, THOM AS VILLE, GA. Office over Reid k Culpepper’s Drag Store, Broad St. I am now prepared to buy or sell, tor other parties, all kinds of town or country real estate, and have on my list a good assort ment of both kinds. Strict and close atten tion to the business will he my aim, an4 I respectfully solicit a share of the buMness of the community. nng28tf SHRUBBERY, DIXIE NURSERY. H, H. SANFORD & GO., Proprietors. This is the proper time to transplant apd set out all kinds of roses, bulbs, plants and shrubbery. We have all kinds of these Leaving Louisville, Dallyexcept Sunday, at plan s, &c M apd a first class Landscape Gar- jjepc^ who will attend to the proper laying out of Ir wns, gardens, yards, &c., and of all plants, &c. Plans nnd estimates will be made on notice given us, and we will take pleas ure in giving any and all information on the subject. nov24tf II. II. SANFORD A CO. The meat rapid service < . attempted be tween the Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio River and Chicago. gyl hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggage chock ed to destination, and your safety and com fort provided for, are among the points that have made the MOXVTGai ROUTE Universally and deservedly popular. OHN B.CARSON, Vlce-pres't and Gen’l Mgr W. H. McDOEL, Ger *1 TrafCc Manager. E. O. MCCORMICK, Gon.l Passenger Agent B. W. OLADING. Passenger and Freight Aft. 158 Broad St.. Thomaarlllo Go. The Marshall House, THE PRIDfJ ANP OLD TIME FAVORITE HOTEL OF SAVANNAH; UNDER TUE PERSONAL MANAGEMENT Of octf n. L. HARNETT. <3 88 O a P P ae •v» • 88 £- CD P H-i P CfQ o rf 01 00 rP o e-K GC !> CD & CfQ CD o CD ^ S- rt- w 8- | hj m tj 01 S’ > CD 2 QD 2 CD rh O , u f 8 .d «■ - !fi <1 2 ® h- CD rf sa o § p SB jjp 2- S- S\® S H P | |H c-F 5 G o & H CD CD o a V* O P CD hi -~e f-s eh CD 3 p hi Q hi o SI Q O CD ^ 4 I-S ► t" 1 CfQ CD e H 0 H <i V