The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 11, 1889, Image 3

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We are still dis playing the hand somest stock of FINE DRESS GOODS, with the Latest Trimmings to Match, ever shown across a Thomasville Dress Goods Counter. No cheap trash, hut GENUINE IMPOR TED MATERIALS; Fresh Desirable Goods such as the people want, at prices to suit the purchaser. Two Hundred Rolls Carpet in Stock and in Tran sit. The most Com plete Stock in Ptr»n+TlPT»n Gpnreia Policeman Gordon stopped a runs DOUinern U-tJUIgia. waytean)0imu | eB> on Broad street This Department is yesterday, before any damage wa6 our “JUST PRIDE.” J “ Besides giving you the Largest Best Selection, our Mr D W ; Hewiett and Mrs. F. prices are away Hewlett, of Watcrville, N. ar- down below other houses. Lace Curtains, White and Colored Quilts, and House Furnishings Gen erally. your Patronise Solicited, THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, \M. Local Schedule. Passenger for Savannah Lv... 6 35 p i Passenger from Savannah Ar... 7 00 a i Fast mail for Savannah Ar...l2 05 p i •. •• •• ♦. Lt...12 35 p i * “ from “ Ar... 1 31 i> i “ from Savannah Lr... 200 p i Passenger from Albany Ar... 5 20p i Passenger for “ V T '“i?oo?I “ for “ Lv 4 50 p i Freight ami Aoom. for Albany Lv... 5«pi .4 44 .» from “ Ar... 7 20ai Freight and aecom. from Wayc..Ar... 4 50 p i •• .. *i f 0 r Chatt. Lr... 6 00 p i •• 4. <t for Wave....Lv... 8 00 a i it ♦. 4. from Chatt. Ar... 6 30 a r THOMASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight aeeoro. for Monticcllo Lv...8 45a i •• 44 from “ ....Ar...6 00 p i inall.for " .. ..Lv...2 06 p l “ ....Ar..!2 lOp i f roin SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU AT R. Thomas Jr's’ 126 Broad Street. C. S. Bondurant Vounteor Observer Weatlifr Bulletin for tlif 24 hours ending «t 7 o'clock I>. M., Dec. 10, 1889 TnsrisiUTUB.. 7 2 p. m 7 Maximum for 24 hours Minimur Ruin-fall ' 1 Indication*: [tain. * mol ‘ T - Rain and See notice ot buggy robe lost. There was another fox chase Mon day night. The Mortimer Comedy company stopped at the Whiddon. Mr. J. W. Mather, of Lincoln, Eng land, was at the Stuart yesterday. Major B. W. Bellamy, of Florida, was in the city yesterday. Mr. B. F. Townsend, of Rochester, N. Y., arrived Sunday, to spend some time in our city The season has opened in good earnest. The Piney Woods hotel registered-12 arrivals yesterday. Misses Viola C. Kennedy and An nie Nelson, ol Savannah, are visiting friends in the city. Dr. Robert T. Wilson and wife, of Baltimore, Md., are stopping at Oak Hill for the season. Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Gilbert, of Syrncuse, N. Y,, are tlie guests of Mrs. George Carroll, ou Seward street Mr, W. R, Lynch and daughter, of C'rawfordville, Iud., are among the latest arrivals at the Whiddon. A force from the chain gang was at „ work about the new Gulf yestsiday, UllCl c l ear ' n S U P the debris a °d leveling the sidewalk ved Sunday. Whiddon. They are at the Leaders of Styles and Low Prices. 1U9 & 111 BROAD ST Mr. Ed Ward, a former Thomas ville boy, but now with the S., F, & W. Ry., at Albany, spent Sunday in the city, visiting his parents. Mrs. C. B. Townsend, who lias been visiting friends in Valdosta, lias re turned and is pleasantly located at the new Gulf. The ladies of the Baptist church will probably hold a bazaar during the Christmas holidays in aid of the building fund of the new church. I The Thomasville Variety Works shipped a car load of fixtures for the j Alabama Midland Ry., yesterday, j A large number of other car loads will follow. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Chisholm and Mr. Andrew T. Chisholm, of Cleve land, O., are among the latest arri- ! vals for the season, all are at the ! Whiddon. I Mr. J. E. Mnueru, Mrs. A. Mat- tern, and Miss M. E. Kauffman, of j Washington, D. C., arc among the j latest arrivals for the winter. They I arc stopping at Mr. II. T. Mnshc’s, ou I Smith Avenue. ! Mrs. C. M. Quarterman, who has been visiting the family of Hon. W, G. Brantley, at Brunswick, and Mrs. T. M. Fleming, who 1ms been visiting in Albany, have returned and are stopping at C’apt. Tom Lake’s. I)r. and Mrs. J. T. Metcalfe arriv ed yesterday and are the guests of the I’iney Woods. Nature put on her brightest smiles to welcome the Dr., and his friends here are in full sym pathy with nature. OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK OF LADIES’ AND GENTS’ FI1TB SIL. I IP IF> IE =R, S BY FAR— The Handsomest Ever Shown hi Thomasville. teTOALL AIN’T) SEE THEM. CURTBIGHT & D/ JSHEE, .108 Broad St. " SAY! Have you s' :n the display of FANCY AND HOLIDAY GOODS? Well! Have you Inspected timsc New Hold Pci Pencils and Charms V Now! you priced all that new Terfumery and Fine Soaps The Mitchell House Pharmacy I54 Broad Street, Hare I) luetit everythin!; way down and proposo to undersoil everybody in t.ieclty, consequently all goods way down below any competitor. Remember. Swan Down Face l’owdo-’ per box Swan Dowlgwlth bottle perfume) STOCK COjtlfLKTE IN *1,1. DEPARTMENTS. 1 ff ’Special bargains olfcred .’"or Santa Claus- and “Lovers." We havn't lime ,o say more now lmt come o and let os show to.i the nicest and lowest |ir < lino of Holiday floods i-i tbo cl.y. Somctbo'g to suit everybody. Come before the stock is picked over. Some sold every day. Melt A K HBOS. Honor the Day and Honor the Dead. All of the committee named in the resolution of council Monday night met in the director’s room of the Thomasville National Bank yesterday afternoon to arrange the programme for the memorial services at the Opera House this day, in honor of the South's dead chieftain. We give the programme in full below. The services will begin at 11 o’clock, and it is hoped that all of. our busi ness houses will close promptly at 10:30, so as to give th£ir employees an opportunity to attend the services. Our people need no incentive—tho icasion is one of deep sorrow—to pay the last sad rites to tho noble man that stood ot the head of a cause that claimed so much of tho blood and treasure of our people. In all of the cities of the. south business will be uspendeil during the entire day. and ns the committee only ask our busi ness men to devote two-atid-a-half hours to the memorial services, their request ought to be gladly granted The ladies of Thomasville ought to honor the occas'on, and they will. As already stated, a fund will be raised for the bereaved wife and daughter— give what you can to-day and rest assured you never gave to a bcltc.- cause. PROfIBAMME. Exercises to begin at opera house at 11 o’clock a. m. All business bouses earnestly re quested to close from 10:30 a in. until 1 p. m. Church bells and city hall hell to toll from 12 to 1 p. in. The South Georgia College cadets and the Thomasville Guards will turn out in full uniform, the members earing crape on the left arm. The superior court will adjourn at 10:30 o’clock, when the court, bar, juries and officers of the court will march in a body to the ope''a house. The city’s colors will be placed at half mast during the day. H : s Honor, Judge A. II. Hansel), ill preside at the meeting and make the opening address. He will be fol lowed by other distinguished speakers The exercises will be opened and closed by prayer. A .select choir will furnish music appropriate for the occasion. It is earnestly hoped by the com mittee that every citizen ol the place will join heartily in carrying out the above programme. John Tkiim.ett, >S. L. II ay ns, C. I. LaRociik, J. II. Hekiiknek, W. J. Williams, Rout. G. Mitcjiei.i,, Committee. The New Shooting Grounds. The location for the new shooting grounds and club house, lias been secured. The new location is in a prettily situatcll opening on the Smith property, between the Monti- cello and Lintou roads, and not a great distance fiom the present shoot ing grounds. Work has already begun on the positions for the traps, THE RED FRONT GROCERY, XMASGOODS. Mince Meats, Itaisius, Nuts, Currants, Citron, Prunes >> FIKBS W«1>SSKS. ^ J. L. & I. A. PRINGLE. Public Installation of Officers. St. Thomas Lodge will give a festi val in honor of St. John’s Day, 27th : nst., and at the same time the officers of the lodge for the coming year will be publicly installed. The ladies and the committees to arrange the detnils for the refresh ments will meet at the masonic hall this afternoon at 3 o’clock. Follow ing are tho committees: Mrs E M Smith, Mrs. I. Levy, Mrs. WiPki'n Campbell, Mrs. Betsman, Mrs. Dr. .1. G. Hopkins, Mr. Levick, Mrs. Dr. F. B. McRae, Misses Rena Rot'chelle, Mary Stephens, Cora Cassels, Fannie Mitchell, Ola Mallette, Cora Walker, Addic Ramsey. Left for the West. Mr. J. H. Clay, of New York, who has held a responsible position at the Mitchell House, fm- ti c p; s„ three season, left yesterday for Des Moines, Iowa, where lie goes to take charge of the Kirkwood house, for Major Bogue, the proprietor. Mr, Clay has made many friends in Thom asville who reget to sec him leave. They wish him sureoss and prosperity in his new field, and cordially coil mend him to the good people of De: Moines, as being entirely worthy of their confidence mid esteem. At'cnlion! Thomasville Guards. You arc hereby ordered to assem ble at your armory, in full dress uni form, with arms, at 10:-15 to-day to lake pa t in the funeral obsequies of President Jelfurso-i Dav's. By o’ der Capt. commanding. C. M. S.MiT- r , O. S. Holiday Goods. Miss Addie McClellan will have holiday goods ready for inspection and purchase to-morrow, Thursday. Miss Addie has exercised great sk'II and taste in the purchase of her holiday novelties. I’lusli sets, elegant bool s, novelties >n personal brie a brae a e among the useful and ornamental articles ou her counters and shelves. Drop in and see Mias Addie’s goods Governor and Escoit. GovernorFowle, ofXorth Carolina, accompanied by a military escort, of both artillery and infantry of that state, passed through the city yester day, cn route to New Orleans to at tend the funeral of President defier- son Davis to-day. Not So Serious. Mr. J. It. Hall, who was thought to have been severely shot at Boston Saturday night, is very much im proved. Neither of the halls entered his head, as at first supposed, hut grazing it, causing painful but not dantrerous wounds. Crowded With Work. The Thomasville Variety Works is behind its orders. Work is being done for all ot the towns within a radius of a hundred miles. Thomas ville is proud of the enterprising gen tlemen, Messrs. Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis, who have built up this splendid industry. * The funeral services of Col. Win. £. Bowden, ot Springfield, Mo.,were conducted at the Presbyterian church yesterday afternoon at 2 o’clock, buri al immediately afterwards at Laurel Hill cemetery. Though at rest among strangers, sympathetic friends grieve for the stricken family of the depart ed. What Shall We Say ? Yesterday a Timks-Entkki’BISE re- pone" took a look through Jerger’s Bijou Jewelry Store, and his admira tion finds vent in tho above question The usual good taste of the buyers h is been sut passed this season, and the result is the most complete and nchcrchf display of holiday goods ever seen in South Georgia. There are diamonds blight as tho eyes of a lieaiititul woman. Solid silver novel ties for personal adornment and use; exquisite specimens of the latest and nmst artistic designs of the decora tive art in China ol all tho standard makes; vases, and articles for table use. Besides there is sterling and plated silver ware in every conceiva ble design. The display of diamonds is unusually line, the stones of unusu al size and purity, the settings unique and elaborate. Drop in and look through, you will ho sure to be pleased, and you can get suitable gifts for present and ab sent friends. Piney Woods Arrivals. Among the recent arrivr's at the Piney Woods are Mr. N. Kaiser, of New York ; F. B. Fisher, Montgom ery; J. 8. Rahie, Atlanta, and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Metcalfe, two chil dren and Maid, of Erie, Pa. Died, In this c’ty, at 10:30 p. m., Monday, Doc. 'Jji, 1-SS0, Mrs. Carrie Thomp son, of 8t. Paul, Minn., aged 58 years. Ft'ucral at St. Paul. Fall Winter CLOTHING! and our line ot Light Call and get Messrs. Clips. Arnz, and Jacob .Seibert of Lotrsville, Ky., who have been slopping at tho Whiddon for some time, left yesterday for Jackson ville, Fla., where they will spend a few days. They expect to return to Thomasville before the season is over. Major Bogue, proprietor of the “Kvkwood” ho.el, Des Moines, Iowa, who has, been spending some time in Thomasville left yesterday for Iowa, going via Jacksonville and St. Augustine, Fla. The major, has by Ids khidly genial maimers made friends right and left in our little piney woods city, friends who will bo delighted to welcome him back to Dixie. Mrs. Bogue remains here the guest of the Stuart. SEED time and harvest. It you would roan a good luurest you must have goad seed. I have tli»* best seed jats in the countv, tor sale cheap. II. WISH, dec 11 112 IIIoad .Street. Best chi ap window shades iu the city, 1x7 teet ltado Shades oa spring roller. Sue. Only at (iso. \Y. Forbes, Musury Building. Large lot ot' lace curtains received direct from the importers, and marked below the “dry goods” price. (Iko. W. Forbes, Masury Building. Prices before buy ing at ANYBODY’S Cost Prices, and we will YOU MONEY Clothier* andi.Furnishers, St. Thomasville, 0*1