The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 12, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIRLK I T, - - - Editor. S. B. BURR, - Business Manager. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1880. Daily Times-Enterpuisr in publish* every morning (Monday exempted.) Ti e Weekly Times-Enteuprise is publishc every Saturday morning. Daily Time W fEKLY cription Rates KRPHISK, . . Daily Advertis no Rates 2 Transient Hates.—$1.00 per squa first insertion, and oO on ts for ea uent insertion. One Square, one month, - - - • One Square, two month? --- One Square, three month?, - - • Or«o Square, six months, - - - One Square, twelve numt is, - - - Subject to change by special arm H. II. Ill UK. Kiiftfn ea h subs . . i 5 00 - - 8 00 - - 12 00 - . 20 00 - - 35 00 irranf ement M» linger. Congress will adjourn in a few days for the holidays. Southward the Northman takes way. He is welcome to our sunshine. Come! Farmers in Georgia are looking after their material interests, just now. They are not bothering themselves about who is going to be tbe next governor. What has become of Foraker? He seems to have subsided. But Mr. Campbell will soon be heard from, as lie delivers a sound democratic inau gural at Columbus, Ohio. The Indian is not dying ofl and vanishing from the earth any more than the Caucasian is. They have, for the most part, adopted .semi- civilized habits and live quiet lives. They arc increasing rather than de creasing. They are fairly prosperous, are raising families and increasing in the laud. Home of the most prominent of the New York clergymen have recently given their opinions as to whether or not clergymen should smoke. Mr. Talmage says: “Every clergyman must settle the question for himself according to his own conscience and belief. But as for myself, smoking is utterly out of the question. It is my opinion that many clergymen who have on their tombstone, ‘Died in the Lord,’ might have a far more appro priate epitaph, ‘Killed by Tobacco.”’ It is rumored that the White Re publican League, of Alabama, is going to petition congress to disfranchise the colored people. Maj. W. H. Hunter, the secretary of the league, said to a reporter, who questioned him on the subject the other day : "Wait until congress is organized and ready tor work, and then the country will hear from us. Harrison asked us last sum mer to keep quiet until the fall elec tions were over, and not alarm the ne groes. We have kept quiet, and the fall elections are over, so we will not keep still much longer. I am not at liberty to make public the character of our new movement, but congress will hear from us early in December.” Jefferson Davis. Yesterday the south, dnijied in mourning, paid tribute to the mem ory of Jefferson Davis. From the Potomac to the Kio Grande, sable black ami emblems of mourning were every where displayed. In the cities, towns, villages and hamlets, and even in country homes, the southern pen pie paused in their pursuits ami avo cation.-, and uttered lametations over the open grave of the leader oi the Lost Cause. The distinguished dead was embalmed afresh in the love ami hearts ot his countrymen. Words of prais-' and high eulogy fell from the trembling lips of southern orators. While expressing no disloyalty to the union—lor the south is loyal to the constitution—burning words of elo quence portrayed the high character, and the noble traits of tlie man who suffered so much for the southern people. No man was nearer the masses, or possessed in a more eminent and enduring degree the love of his people. His grave, yesterday, was a tied of flowers. The prayers of a whole peo ple went ii]) for his wife and absent daughter. It was a tribute—such tribute as is rarely paid to the dead. Jeff Davis belonged to the south, but ids fame is not hounded by geograph cal lines. It extends far beyond the confines of the American continent. It will till a conspicuous and hono rable place in the world’s history. The south need not be—nor is she— ashamed of her leaders They were the peers of the proudest and most gifted. And Jeff Davis stood at their head. A telegram has been received from President Sparks, of the Macon Con struction Company, saying that all necessary arrangements had been com pleted for pushing construction on the Macon and Birmingham railroad. A force of at lesat 1,000 men went to work several days ago on the road and the number is constantly increas ing, “if we can get them,” said one of the road’s officials, Thursday, “we will have 11,000 men at work on the line within thirty days. But, even with this large force of workmen, we do not expect to have the road built to LaCrange in lens than ten months. There will he some very heavy grad ing ami also some tunneling to do on Confirmed by the Senate. Washini.ton, Dec. 10.—The Sen ate this afternoon confirmed the fol lowing nominations: Robert I’. Por ter of New York, to be superiuten dent of the census: Lewis A. Groff of Nebraska, to lie commissioner of the general laud office ; William M. Stone of Iowa, assitant commissioner of the general land office; James M. Townsend of Indiana, recorder of the general land office. The nomination of Green 15. Kanin of Illinois, to he commissioner of pensions, was repor ted favorably by the committee o pensions. The Chaplain’s Prayer. Yesterday morning when emigre; met, the blind chaplain, Mr. Milium prayed as follows: Almighty God, the land is full of sorrow, Rachel weeping for her chil dren and will not be comforted he cause they are not; fathers for their first-born, the pride and stay of their future years; children, their parents, and millions sit cold in the atmosphere of death, mourning the departure from earth of a man dear to their hearts, who had reached the term of fourscore years. Grant that the solemn mystery of death, the common heritage of us all, the meaning of which all must know ere long, may soften and heal our hearts and feeling into the noble gentleness of the golden text uttered by the most conspicuous man of the century, in whom the ten derness of heart made greatness of station and character more ^illustrious, “Charity for all! Malice for none.’ The World Scores the Tribune The New York World flays the Tribune as lollows : The article on Jefferson Davis, which appeared yesterday in the chief republican organ in this city, mu.-.t have caused melancholy reflections in the minds of those leaders who cherish the memory of the journal’s character when Horace Greelv was its editor. It was nearly twenty-five years ago, and while the passions of the civil war were yet at white heat, that Mr. Greely went to Richmond and wrote his name as sureity on Jefferson Dav.s’s bail bond, because his honest, manly soul was stirred to indignation by the inju „„ „ , , , : lice of making this one man the scape- the line. I he cost of the road when : goat for the d , ed5 of a whoIs . people, completed will be about 820,000 a cvcr y 0 ne of whom was as guilty as he. mile. The entire line when equipped 1 ]> ut ^osc days t h e or g an was a will represent an investment of close j newspaper. In those days it had char- on to 8o,000,0110. It is expected to ; acter and an editor. It had not then be in operation within two years. Ex. Brewer Will bs Confirmed. voluntarily enslaved itself, and it had not been bought to subserviency by the bauble of adiploniatic appointment for its owner. ,. r , „„ , If Jefierson Davis had died while \\ Asm.soTox, Dee. 10. I he mem- I pj orace (j ree ly lived, the newspaper hers of the Senate judiciary committee ■ he edited would have spoken honestly say that Judge Brewer's nomination of Ins character and career. It would to the supreme court will uttques- have recognized the facts and told the i .ii truth. It would have condemned the tionahly he confirmed eventually. : cause o| which M „ Davls 1;ad mlslak . Diphtheria in the School. j only made himself the leader, but it ! would not have trampled on the corpse Hablboiio, Mass., Dec. 10. All. Q f (h e dead man; it would not have the schools here will lie closed to- j maligned the dead man; it would not morrow and the high school on Fri- I have misrepresented his character, his day, owing to the lire valance ofdiph- j motives and his career for the sake ol thcria in town. Twenty cases have stirring up dying animosities for parti- already been reported. I san effect. They all Unite. Sr. Loris Mo., December fi.—This morning, Messrs, l’owderly, Wright and Beaumont, representing the Labor, met the demands of the com mittee ot the Farmers’and Laborers’ union mid the basis of a federation between the farmers and Knights was agreed upon. Then it was agreed that the farmers should appoint a legislative committee of two to act in conjunction with a legislative com mittee of the knights at Washington to secure legislation in accordance with the views of both bodies. A committee on platform was agreed upon, upon land, money and trans portation reform, and an understand ing arrived at by which each organi zation will assist the other in every possible way- The executive officer of the two organizations will form central council to consult from time to time upon all matters of joint in terest. The various farmers’ bodies have agreed upon a plan of consoli dation which will, as soon as necessary references can be had to various state organizations, result in bringing about an absolute union in one body. It is probable that in time the knights will also join the farmers in actual union. IF, THOMPSON I Cl No, !3! BROAD STREET, Themasville, - Ga. unit- Pilot'. E. I). BALDWIN net's that lw will heglml to repair and time, Pianos amt other musical in ii t s a ml give instruetiiin in music in uus branches. Orders left at Geo. real estate office, or through the post ;iven prompt attention. 7oct tf NOTICE. Tiro monthly meeting of the Thotn- asvi!le Building and*i Association will be held at the office ot Iit#n. II. IV. Hopkins to-night at J-B0 o'clock. This being the annual meeting, an election for the officers to s r.e for the ensuing rear will lie hold. A. h WUIGIIT, Pres. C. H. W1 bid AMS, Secy aid Treas. Santa Claus lias come to headquarters. He has brought an unusual number of pretty, useful gifts fur the season. Come yourself and bring the little folks. llM' i tf UKII) .t (TI.PKPPKR. V. A. MORROCKS, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, TIioiii.'tNvillr. (an. Having had ,‘t long experience in the northern state?, and being fully competent to contract for ami build any kind of store house, public buildings, private residences, ekt k<-., and ha\ing located in Tltomasvillc with a view In making it my future borne. 1 respectfully offer my services to those who may wish any kind of building erected. / suj crin- > plan. : patrol , specifications, kc. A age of the people ofTliom- • is respectfully solicited, o me through post office can be seen for the pres- •k building on Madison son. V. A. IIORROCKS, Thomasvillc, Ga. We have some elegant books, suitable for oliday gifts. Come early before the assort ment is broken All the standard poets and looks suitted to the season. 12dcctf REID & CULPEPPER. Merchant Tailor. Gentlemen wanting fin* and good goods, ood work and fit in execution of garment* ill find it to their interest to call and see me, up stairs, over Doctor Casscls’ drug store, -aning and repairing )!u* at short i ::dcclm R. W. Rl’mxby. Nothing more suitable tor a holiday gift than a gold pen or pencil. We have a splen- lid stock, and so cheap you will be surpris ed. REID k CULPEPPER. DAVIS BOARDING HOUSE, T 110.11 ANYIM.K, GA. This house, which is situated in Fletchcr- cille, one of the healthiest and most desira ble loealities in Thomasville, is under the management of Mrs. Minnie F. Davis, who lias lmd considerable experience in this line, \nd would solicit a liberal share of patron- ige. i he can furnish northern guests with pleasant rooms. For terms apply to propri- 8dcctf CALL OR SENS FOE G> FURNITURE. L F. Thompson & to WELL! JSI'I L m V s c / ? To SPORTSMEN i TIIK THOM AN VII. 1.1! GUST WORKS, One ilnnr from Watts,on Jackson St., is now fully supplied with nil kinds of Sporting Guoils, Guns, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, Am munition, Ac. j LOADED -SHELLS I Always on hand and loaded to order,at short notice and on reasonable terms. j REPAIRING I Of all kinds on guns, pistols, kc. t executed in the best style, and satisfaction guaranteed. GL'NS FOIt UENT At reasonable term*, to responsible parties, nov27d&w3m rtre RememL"'’ 1 ymr friends here and elsewhere by making them a suitable holiday present. We can suit you, 12dectf REID k CULPEPPER. Hninr* Her Youtli. Irs. Phoebe Cheslcy. Peterson. Clay Co., a, tells the following remarkable story, truth of which is vouched for by the dents of the town : “I am 73 years old, e been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not s myself without help. Now I am free from all p-in and soreness, and am able to .11 my own housework. I owe my iks to Electric Ritters for having renew- ly youth, and removed completely all ise and pain.” Try a bottle, 50c and tt S. J. Casscls' Drug Store. I have just got up from New York, Come and see me. I have “some thing sweet to tell you. It. A. BANS. PIUVATK HOARDING, n Seward street, 2nd. door northwest of Warren, (next door to the Misses Uhler.) house and furniture new. ROOMS COMFORTABLE ANJ> JiL'NNY, table unexceptionable, Terms moderate. Apply on the premises or at the office of Mitchell k McIntyre. iv9 3m. MRS. GEO. CARROLL. Country Board. loud hoard, with nice country fare, can had at Dr. J. R. Waikin’s residence, Sun- «*, onc-milc and a half from court house,at moderate rates. Carriage rides free, every r day. Good hunting and sport ground. Apply on the premises or address Dr. J. B. WATKINS, nov2«;dtf Thomasville, Ga. THE PEST AND MOST Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN TIIEiSOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTIIWEST. Wo through express trains dally, with Pull man Palace Buffet Bleeping Cars by night, and Chair Cars by day, between Cin- clnnuttl and Chicago, Indlanapo. 11s and Chicago, and also be; tween Louisville and Chicago, where close con* nectlons are made for 8t. Paul, Fargo, Blsmark, Po land, Omaha, Kansas City, Sail Francisco laud points Intermediate— New Fast Mail, Leaving Louisville, Dally except Sunday, at' 7’30a. m. Clnclnnaltl, Dally, except Sunday, at 7:45. Arriving at Chicago at 6:55. The most rapid service over attempted be tween the Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio III ver and Chicago. jJ£3T*7hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggngo check ed to destination, and your safety and com fort provided for, are among tho points that have made the MOXtXOXVJ ROUTES Universally and deservedly popular. OHNB.CARSOX Yloo-pres't and Grm'l Mgr W. II. McDOEL, Gen'l TratKc Manager, E. O. McCOItMICK, Oen.l Passenger Agent B. W. GLADING. Passenger and Frolght Agt. 158 Broad Bt., Thomasville Ga. BOARDING! MISS TJHLER, Formerly of Philadelphia, will open her h«BR« far the season, Monday, Decomber 2nd Corit 3dlm Wnrreu nnd Sewnrd Street** TBIOjTIAflVILIjE, GA. Notice to Tax Payers and Voters. Notice is hereby given that the Tax and Registration books for tho year 1880 will positively close on Friday, Dec. 20th, at 4 p. m. Cun be found at my office in Thom- asvillc from now until the close. Respectfully, I». S. HEATH, T. C. k Registrar. Nov. 20, 1889. J. S. Real Estate Agent, THOMASVILLE, GA. Office OTcr Reid k Culpepper’s Drug Store, Broad St. I am now prepared to buy or sell, for other parties, all kinds of town or country real estate, and hare on my list a good assort meat of both kinds. Strict and close atten tion to the business will be my aim, and I respectfully solicit a share of the business of the community. ang28tf SI-miT-BBEIlY. D1XLK mJRSEltY. H. H. SANFORD & GO., Proprietors. This is the proper time to transplant nnd set out all kinds of roses, bulbs, plants and shrubbery. We hare all kinds of these pi .nts, kc., and a first class Landscape Gur- depe”, who will attend to the proper laying out of lawns, garde '3, yards. kc. t and of all plants, kc, Plans nnd cs will be made on notice given u*, and we will take pleas ure in giving any and all information on the subject. . nov24tf It. II. CO. The Marshall House, TIIK I’UIDE AND OLD TIME FAVORITE HOTEL OF SAVANNAH. ODER THE PERSONAL HAMGEHEST 0f octr in. l. II Alt net r. M ip sell you Vacant City Lots, Suburban Acre Tracts, complete Elegant City Homes, Small Farms, Large Farms ; all gilt edge property at prices to suit your taste. Call at my office, or write to me.