The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 12, 1889, Image 3

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We are still dis playing the hand somest stock of FINED re s s GOODS, with the Latest Trimmings to Match, ever shown across a Thomasville Dress Goods Counter. No cheap trash, but GENUINE IMPOR TED MATERIALS; Fresh Desirable Goods such as the people want, at prices to suit the purchaser. T wo Hundred Rolls Carpet in Stock and in Tran sit. The most Com plete Stock in Southern Georgia. This Department is our “Just Pride.” Besides giving you the Largest and Best Selection, our prices are away down below other houses. * Lace Curtains, White and Colored Quilts, and House Furnishings Gen erally. Your Palromge Solicited, Leaders of Style; and Low Prices. 109 & 111 BROAD ST THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editou. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 188£. Looal Schedule. Passenger for Savannah Lv... C 35 p l Passenger from Savannah Ar... TOOai Fast mail for Savannah Ar... 12 05 p i I/T...12 35 p r .Ar... 1 31 p i .Lv... 200 p i . Ar... 5 20 p Passenger for from ‘ “ from “ “ “ from Savannah . Passenger from Albany .. Freight and Acorn, for Albany Lv... 5 45p .. .. from “ Ar... 7 20a Freight and aecora. from Wayc..Ar... 4 50 p .r .. .. for Chatt. Lv... 6 00 p o «. o for Wave....Lv... 8 00a »• ». *• from Chatt. Ar... 0 30 a THOMASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight accoro. for Monticello L y -- 45 a •• o from “ ....Ar...6 00 p Fastmailfor “ p “ “ from **....Ar..l2 10 p Lv... 8 30 a r .11 20 a i 4 50 p I SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU AT R. Thomas Jr’s - 12f> Broad Street. O. S. Bondurant Vountoor Observer Weather Bulletin for the 24 houn ending At 7 o’clock P. M., Dec. 11, IH89. Tkmparatoba. 7 a. 2 p. 77 7 p. m it Maximum for 24 hours 77 Minimum “ “ “ Rain-fall Indications: Cloudy weather. Stationary temperature. Remember the display of holiday goods at Reid & Culpepper's to-day. All the flags on the hotels aud other buildings were at half mast yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gale, of North- boro, Mass., arrived Tuesday for the season. Mr. Wm. I’. Hardee, general freight agent of the S. F. & W. Ry., was in the city yesterday Charlie Stuart wears a smiling face, which would indicate thnthis popular hotel is having a fine custom. Mrs. O. A. Trezevant, of New Or leans, who lias been visiting her fath er, Dr. T. S. Hopkins, returned home yesterday. Mr. Geo. Ewart and wife, Mr. Samuel Ewart aud the Misses Ewart, of Pittsburg, Pa., arc among the latest arrivals for the season. Hon. Iiobt. Bearden and wile, of Moultrie, were in the city yesterday. Mr. Bearden is at home in Tbomas- ville. The annual election of officers of the Thomasville Building and Loan Association comes oft to-night at the office of Judge II. W. Hopkins. Mrs. Fields, mother of Mr. George Fields, of the Gulf house, accompa nied by her daughter, Miss Ellen, of Abingdon, Va., arrived yesterday to spend some time. Mr. J. Monroe Lee, accompanied by his wife aud little son, have re turned from Bcllville, near Rome, where Mrs. Lee has been lot some time. Mrs. Hattie A, Sawyer, the talent ed novelist, who 1ms been visiting the family of Mr. E. O. Thompson for several days, lias returned to her home in St. Louis, Mo. Rev. W. J. Snively, of Louisville, Ky., was in the city yesterday. Mr. Snively will fill the Methodist pulpit on Sunday morning and night, the Pastor being absent in attendance on the annual conference now in session at Americus. Now that our streets arc becoming crowded with visitors, many of them invalids, it would be as well for ped estrians and drivers of vehicles to be careful when turning corners. Fast riding or driving may endanger the lives or limbs ot those who do not care to lose either. Thomasville Chapter No. 44. Members of Thomasville Chapter No. 44, R. A. M., are requested to attend regular meeting to-night. By order II. P. M. A. Fi.eetwooi>, Secretary. A Pleasant Incident. Mr. H. K. Stearns, of New York, who is spending the season here, the guest of the Stuart, started the sub scription to the fund for Mrs. and Miss Winnie Davis, yesterday, by giving ten dollars. Mr. Stearns was on the other side during the war, but he is enough of a patriot to know no sec tional feelings, now that the war is over. Such gifts will heal the scars— the wounds have long since disappear ed—left by the great conflict. OUR CHRISTMAS OF LADIES’ AND GENTS’ _ ZFUsTIE slippebs BY FAR The Handsomest Ever Shown in Thomasville. BsTCALL AND SEE THEM. , c ,. OTT T fTTUGJTU & PA XU . I ., I PS Broad St. SAY! Have you seen the display of FANCY AND HOLIDAY GOODS? Well! Havo you Inspected those New Gold Pens, Pencils and Charms ? Now! Have you prico.l all that now Ferfumcry and Fine Soaps ? The Mitchell House Pharmacy 154 Broad Street, Have li malit everything way down and propose to undersell everybody in the city, consequently all goods way down below any competitor. Remember. , , _ Swan Down Face Powder per box 0 Swan I)own(with bottle perfume) 10 STACK l«U I'lKTI! IIV A 1.1. DEPARTMENTS. Special bargains offered for Santa Claus and “Lovers." We liavn’t time to say more now. but come on and let us show you the nicest and lowest price line of Holiday Hoods in the city. Ho '"“P ln ,b to suit everybody. Come before the stock is picked over. Some sold every day. McltAE BROS. Wrecked on tho Rails. The fast express freight train runn ing between Gainesville, Fla., and Savannah, aud roadway train No. 22, had a disastrous collision at the 101 mile post live miles from A aycross, yesterday morning at 12:55 o’clock. On account of the dense fog and smoke arising from the woods being on fire, the engineers of the two trains could not see the head lights of each other more than a dozen yards apart. Engineer George Crittenden, who was running the engine on the roadway train, says that lie did not discover the approaching train until it was only a few yards off. He dhi not have time to jump, hut rather fell oil, and the trains were so close to gether, that they had met before he had stopped turning over and over after his fall. He was painfully though not seriously hurt. John W. Briley, of this place, who was fireman on the roadway train, was instantly killed, the body being badly mangled. It is thought that lie was killed before he had any idea of tho ap proaching accident. T wo negro train hands are also reported to have been killed. Both trains were badly wrecked. Y'oung Briley, who had only been in the employ of tho road for about three months, leaves a widowed mother, Mrs. A. E. Briley, who resides here. He would have been seventeen years old the 10th of next, month, and has always borne the reputation of being a good, indus trious hoy. The body was brought here ou No. 7 yesterday afternoon. The “No Fenco” Vote. The Timeh-Enterpkise gives be low the official figures of the election held last Saturday. While the “no fence” advocates accept the result, they will, by discussing the question, so educate the public that the result of the next contest will he different: THOMASVILLE DISTRICT. For Stock Law 10 AStock Law ■ Il ‘ DUNCANVILLE DISTRICT. For Stock Law I' 1 Against Stock Law *** METCALFE DISTRICT. For Stock Law - 1 Against Stock Law BOSTON DISTRICT. For Stock Law Against Stock Law H1 01 Majority against Stock Law Li The above is the result of the elec tion held at the four precincts named ou Saturday, December 7th, 1881). Jos. *S. Merrill, Ordinary Thomas Co. Ga. “Larking.” A fair audience greeted the Morti mer Comedy Company in the above ronriug farce at the opera house Tuesday night. “Larking” is intend ed to make the audience laugh, and it docs so a3 effectually as any play to day ou the boards. There is no pro found plot in Larking, it is only a succession of ridiculous situations that provoke mirth. The Mortimer Com edy is above the average of comedy troupes. —the— RED FRONT GROCERY, XMAS Gf-OODS. Mince Meats, Raisins, Nuts, Currants, Citron, Prunes ^ FIRE WORSEN. i. L. & W. A. PRINGLE. liBOil) NT Opens Saturday. The Masury will he opened forguests next Saturday. All of the floors have been overhauled, and everything is as spick and spair as the most fastidious could desire. The Masury made an enviable rep utation last season, which is hound to he sustained during the coming one. Ho! For the Holidays. Reid & Culpepper have much to say about their Christmas goods this morn ing. Their annual grand opening aud display will begin to-day and .close only with the holidays. They have many novelties, one an engine run by sure enough steam,that will attract the little fellows. A Distinguished Party. A private car of the Cleveland, Akron A Columbus Ity., arrived yes terday with the following party: Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wood, Miss Mary Nurnhurg and Dr. G. E. C. Weber, Cleveland, O. They are the guests of the 1’iuey Woods. Tho Davis Fund. Tlioniasville always does her duty. The fact was never hotter attested than on yesterday, when 8180 was given to tho fund being raised for Mrs. and Miss. Davis. And more will he added. Col. Mitchell tele graphed the result to the Constitution last night. You can still give. As a window decorator, whether on invitation to trade, or on such a sol emn occasion as the memorial services of yesterday, Johnnie Jones has su perb taste. Mr. F. N. Lohnstein’s windows were sadly suggestive yester day. They contained portraits of the dead confederate leaders, grouped in black. On each side of a draped picture of the dead President, were muskets stacked and draped, and resting beside the picture was a sheath ed sword, draped in heavy etape—all suggestive ot the great services of the illustrious dead to his country. In plush goods and novelties in fancy s tionery wc can please the most # fa*tidio Always ready to show our goods. Udectf UK ID k CULPEPPER few pure b 1). l\ I have for sate i Leghorn Cockerels nov.lO.'ltcod See the steam engine. It is a (frouderfi toy. Buy a dollar's worth of toys and yo will have a chance to owibit. 12dcctf REID k CUUPEPPER. The goods on our 5 and 10 cent counters will go with a rush, Secure the best selec tions and avoid the rush later. 12dectf REID k CULPEPPER. board wanted. From about January fifteenth to April, Ur three ladies, two connecting, sunny rooms. Plain, substantial fare. Terms must be moderate* Address S. M. 81 Rosinc Avenue, Yonkers, X, Y. Do not forget that we are headquarters lor Santa Claus, and that we have a sure, enough steam engine. Let the little fellows come and see it. By buying a dollars wo&tli of toys one of them may become its owner 12dectf REID k CULPEPPER. BOARD IN TIIK COUNTRY. A few persons desiring the quietude ot the country and the aroma of the pines, can be accommodated at Jersey Farm.. Gentlemen, not sick enough to require special attention, preferred. 2‘Joctf \V A X l’S. G. II. W Vimt. tho I'l mist •rer, wants to lay Carpct> , Wool at 75 ets., Brus els (it $1; wants to r •-upholster y< >ur parlor furniture; wants to n ake over yo ir n attre ses. Call at A ins wo ■Ill's (Iruvcry (Joct 3rn We have some choice p«Tf men that will make voui sweetheart eve sw ■t'tir. Do not forget this. EI’l’ER. 12i]crtf liEII k TLP HOUSE FOl HE NT. • A seven -room, well urui shed house, on corner of( rawford am 1'litclnr streets, for Knit. A j >!.'• '>'1 I' 1 '*" 1 ' is, or to Dr. T. K. Conic in and see our Xn '•* K >ods. Wc can mi it v< u. whether \ on \ an t ; cheap or an elabora e present. 12«!ectf RE 11 > .V ( CLP •HTEU. For Rent. Furnish ed house in sub rbs, six rooms Come and see tho engine, run by sure enough steam, round a circular track. It is. novel and unique. Huy a dollar a worth of toys ami you get a ticket that will give .you a chance to own this wonderful machine. 12dectf REID k CULPEPJJER. ably to a good party. Apply to Mrs. Belle Linn, Magnolia Avenue. *lurp curv md sec it. 12dcctf , on a track with ii accident. Come REID k CUfcPEPPER. PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brown, tho Jeweler, has se cured the agency for all the first-class Pianos and Organs, which he is selling at the lowest prices for cosh or on long tiipc. Those desiring to purchase will do well to learn his prices and terms. Our :> and 10 cent counters were never so nil. You will he surprised to see what you an buy for these small sums. We have nough to go round, but the first buyers will are hc:t. Come early, dec 12tf REID k CULPEPPER. SEEDTIME AND HARVEST* If you would reap a good harvest you must have good seed. 1 have the best seed outs in the comity, lor sale cheap. H. WISE, dccl l 2t 4 112 Broad Street. The little folks will he delighted with our steam engine. If they buy a dollar's worth of toys they will have a chance to own it* Let them come and tec it. dec 12 tf REID A CULPEPPER. MORNING CHAT [OVER-IIKARD.] Husband—Well, I wouldn’t wait any longer. This is the third day since they promised you your hut, and because of their failure to finish it, we were kept home from church yesterday. Wife—Yes, I am awfully put out about it. and I’m going right down to Mrs. Carroll’s on Lower Broad and order one there.. She never fails to have her work ready‘when promised. Husband—Well, I hope you will, for if you don’t get it by to-morrow, we will be unable to fill that engagement with Mrs. Next morning she was happy as a lark. Bran new bonnet; husband delighted; splendid visit to Mrs. Ms. and a future friend to lower Broad. These are four cardinal points in which Mrs. Carroll always excels. Choicest goods. Lowest prices. Neatest trimming. Promptest work. We want your lmts to be satisfactory in every respect, and if they are not we are willing at all times to make any adjustment, necessary. Place your orders with us, and you shall always be pleased. I aui anxious for a share of your trade. Mrs. Jennie Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. The steam engine, run by actual steam, will be on exhibition in the front ot our store to-day and until the holidays. Let the little folks come and see it. If they buy' a dollars worth of toys they will secure ticket that will give a chance to secure the engine. l idectf REID k CULPEPPER. are daily receiving Fall Winter CLOTHING! and our line ot Light -AND- Call and get Prices before buy ing at ANYBODY’S Cost Prices, and we will YOU MONEY 100 ierr andilFurnishers, St. Thomasville, ,0a|