The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 13, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, • - - Editor. S. 15. BURR, - Business Manager. FRIDAY, DECEMBER I A, 1880. Daily Timks-Kntkrhusf. i' piildish-u every morning (Monday exempted.I The Wkkkly TiMi-.s-KsTEiirRisE IS published 4 every Saturday morning. Subscription Rates. Daily Times-Enterprise $5 00 WEEKLY “ • • 1 00 Daily Advertising Rates jj* Transient Hates.- f< r *|»a-* .'nr tl'f first insertion, ami 50 cvi ts for eii n puh.-r- uent insertion. One Square, one month, ““”*** One Square, two months - - - * » 00 One Square, three month i, - - - 12 Or.o Square, six months, - - - * 20 00 One Square, twelve mont ns, - - - 3j 0( Subject to change by special arrang *ment. M. B. Bl'KRi HiiHincs* Wnnngfr. Brazil, for a new republic, seems lo be doing right well. The Canadians are talking, though in whispers, of a republic. Blaine hasn’t scooped in Cuba yet. But it is thought that he would like to do so. We presume northern fanatics will not stop maligning Jefferson Davis. If the man had defects—and few have not—the grave should cover them. Almost every town in Georgia held memorial services on Wednesday. Georgia sincerely mourns with her sister southern states, over the new grave of her hero. Florida is looking out for a healthy immigration. And that’s just what Georgia should be doing. We don’t want any socialists or anarchists down here, but we do want a good set of industrious, law abiding immigrants. Farmer Livingston’s picture in the St. Louis Republican, is calculated to injure bis chances for governor. Georgia will never elect such a look ing man governor of this state. Farmer Livingston has good cause for action against the Republican. « ■ • - <XO- It is said that Hon. Roswell P. Flower, of New York, will introduce a measure in Congress, “relegating the selection of postmasters, custom house oflieials and internal revenue collector;, to the people of the vicinage wherein their duties are performed.” At Rest. All that was mortal of .Tclhrson Davis was laid to rest in New Orleans on Wednesday. Eight governors of southern states and hundreds of dis tinguished citizens of the south were present, lending their presence to the impres-ive occasion. The military was a distinguishing feature of the funeral. Companies, battalions and regiments from all parts of the south were there. Georgia sent the Gate City Guards, Atlanta, to swell the ptgeant. Gov. Gordon was the Hon orary Ghief Marshal of the occasion. New Orleans was a sea of black and bathed in tears. No such tribute has ever been paid the dead in the south. And from one end of our fair south land to the other, memorial services were everywhere held. It was a universal funeral throughout the south. Flowers, bright beautiful flowers, were heaped on the grave of the south’s dead. They were sent from every state in the south. One duty remains: the “daughter of the Confederacy,” Miss Winnie Davis, and her aged mother, should be the special care of the south. They arc, in a sense, the heritage of the south—the links which bind the past to the future. The south will see that they never want. May God in his infinite goodness and mercy, tenderly and lovingly bind up their broken, bleeding hearts, and shield them from all harm. DEATH OF MRS. SCOTT LORD. Holiibiv dmids, Plusli sets, novel, use ful and pi cdlv. For sale by JIiss Addie McClellan, Jackson Street. I'unic and sec the engine, run by lire eniuigh sb'iini. round a circular track. It is novel and unique. Buy a dollar's worth of toys mid you get a ticket that will give you a eliauee to own this wonderful machine. I-Jdeetl' It KID k CULPEPPER. Beautiful toilet sets In china, and vases of the most artistic design. Come eariv nod avoid the crowd. Miss Addie McClellan, Jackson Street. Mrs. Harrison's Sister Dies Rather Unex pectedly in Washington. Washington, Dec. 10.—Mrs.Scott Lord, sister of Mrs. Harrison, died this morning at 3:30 o’clock. No body outside the family in the house where she was stopping were present when Mrs. Lord died. It Was known that the ease was well nigh hopeless, but still her death was sudden and was not expected so soon. Mrs. Har rison and Dr. Scott are now at the house with the remains. No arrange ments for the funeral have yet been made. The country was never more pros perous. The great lines of railways and water transportation, are iuade quate to move the crops. From every section of the country comes the same report: the best crops made for years. “Jefferson Davis is dead, but the rebellion which he led still lives in a largo part of the country,” says the New York Mail and Express. Editor Shepard should strap on a pair of pistols, come down South, and crush the new rebellion. Shepard simply lies for political effect. Miles Cooper (colored) lives in Or lando, Fla. He was one of Mr. Davis’ servants, and when lie heard that the ex-President was dangerously ill, he went to New Orleans to minister at his bedside. He arrived too late, however—Mr. Davis died a few hours before he could get to the house, and, when lie saw the lifeless features of his old master, his grief was indeed pathetic. Grand army men in Philadelphia are greatly excited because Capt. Gray, a grand army man, wants to take part in the funeral ceremonies of Mr. Davis. They say that they don’t want any grand army men to be pres ent at the funeral. Capt. Gray wants the animosities of the war forgotten The Philadelphia veterans want them funned into a good-sized flame. It is not difficult to decide which is the more patriotic.—News. From llie Enquirer-Sun. A special train on the Michigan Central.'' carrying Cornelius Vander bilt and family, about two weeks ago, made a run ot 107 miles in ninety' seven minutes, stopping four minutes, running at one point for three miles at the rate el seventy-eight miles per hour. This is the fastest railroad time ever made in this country. Dr. Howard Crosby wants news papers that will be above the desire of money making. The Doctor ".ill probably have his wish gratified when ju preachers decline to accept a call to •ore lucreative positions and evince •Merest in the salaries they are to Atlanta. Ga., Dec. 11.—Mr. Calvin, of Richmond, will not oppose Mr. Henderson’s re-election as com missioner of agriculture. The an nouncement of his withdrawal from the race is now iu the hands of the alliauce organ here and will appear iu a day or two. It is understood that lie retires in favor of the incum bent. W A X T H. (1. If. Wyant, the Upholsterer, wants to lay Carpets, Wool at 75 its., Brussels at $1; wants to re-upholstcr your parlor furniture; wants to make over your mattresses. Call at Ainsworth's (irocery. 2Goct 3m HOUSE FOR RENT. A seven-room, well furnished house, on corner of Crawford and Fletcher streets, for Rent. Apply on premis s, or to Dr. T. S. Hopkins. BOARD IN THE COUNTRY. A few persons desiring the quietude of tin country ami the aronm of the pines, can he accommodated at Jersey Farm.. Gentlemen, not sick enough to require special attention, preferred. 2i>octf For Bent. Furnished house in suburbs, six rooms well furnished, good water, will rent reiuon- ahlv to a good party. Apply to Mrs. Belle Linn, Magnolia Avenue. See the steam engine. It is a wonderful toy. Buy a dollar’s worth of toys and you will have a clmncc to own it. 12dectf REID k CULPEPPER. L F, THOMPSON 4 00, No. 131 BROAD STREET, Thomasvill©, - Ga. PROF. E. I). BALDWIN Announces that he will he glad to repair and keep in tune. Pianos and atlicr musical in struments and give instruction in music in its various branches, Orders left at Geo. Foam's real estate office, or through the post office, given prompt attention. 7octtt NOTICE. The 73rd monthly meeting of the Thom- asvillc Building and Loan Association will be held at the office of Hon. II. W. Hopkins to-night nt 7-30 o’clock. This being the annual meeting, an election for the officers to serve for the ensuing year will be held. A. 1\ WRIGHT, Pres. C. II. WILLIAMS, Sec’y and Treas. Santa Claus has come to headquarters. He has brought an unusual number of pretty, useful gifts for the season. Come yourself nil bring the little fo^ks. 12dectf REID k CULPEPPER. Y. A . HORROCKS, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, TIioiunMYille* tin. Having hml n long experience in the northern sdutes, unit being fully competent to contract for anil build any kind of Store house, put,lie buildings, private residences, Ac., Ac., and having located in Thomasvill* with n view lo making il my future home, I respectfully oiler my services to those who may wish liny kind ot Building erected. I uni prepared to make eontracts or sil| con tend. make plans, speeifications, kc. A share of the patronage of the people ofThom- asville and vicinity is respectfully solicited. Letters me through post office will reach me,'or I can he seen for the pres ent at the new hrick huikting on Madison street, corner Jackson. V. A. HORROCKS. dc-c 1 oif Thomasvillc, On. Reed’s Committees. Washington-, Dec. 11.—It is the beliet about the House that Speaker Reed will announce the rest of his committees one week from to morrow, so that they may lie at work during the holiday recess. Kilrain’s Case Called. Prims, Miss., Dec. 11.—The case of the State vs. Jake Kilrain, for prize fighting, was called yesterday, and owing to the absence of a witness, went over to Thursday, and the court adjourned out of respect to Mr.Davis. Forrest Finishes. Chicago, Dec. 11.—In (lie Cronin trial to-day Air. Forrest dosed his argument, which had lasted three days and a half, with an appeal to the jury for an acquittal. The court then ad journed till Friday. Come in nnd see our Xmns goods. IV cm suit you, whether you want a cheap or an elaborate present. 12dectf HKID k CULPEPPER We have some choice perfumery that will make your sweetheart even sweeter. Do not forget this. l'Jdectf HE1I) k CTLPEPPKIt. Seasonable books for the little ones and people of larger growth, now ready for the holiday trade. Miss Addie McClellan, Jackson Street The goods on our 5 nnd 10 cent counters will go with n rush. Secure the best selec tions nnd avoid the rush later. 12'lcetf HKID k CULPEPPER fiOAISD WANTED. From about January fifteenth to April, for three Indies, two connecting, sunny rooms. Plain, substantial fare. Terms must be moderate- Address S. M. 84 Basilic A venue, Yonkers, X, Y. Do not forget that wc are headquarters tor Santa Claus, nnd that we have a sure enough steam engine. Let the little fellows come and see it. By buying a dollars worth of tors one of them may beconu its owner IZdectt HKID k CTLPEI’PEH. 1 have for sale a few pure bred Brown Leghorn Cockerels. nov303teod B. P. Walkeb. We have some elegant books, suitable for holidav gibs. Come early before the assort ment is biokcn All the standard poets nnd books suilted to the season. l'Jdectf HKID k CL’LPEPPER. Merchant Tailor. Gentlemen wanting fin' and good goods, good work and lit in execution of garments will find it to their interest to call and see me, up stairs, over DoctorCassels’ drugstore, Thomnsville, Ga. Cleaning nnd repniring done at short notice. 3declm B. W. Rumnky. Nothing more suitable for a holiday gift than n gold pen or pencil. Wc have a splen did stock, and so cheap you will be surpris ed. REID k CULPEPPER. DAVIS BOARDING HOUSE, TIIOMASVIM.E, GA. This house, which is situated in Flctclicr- villc, one of the healthiest and most desira ble localities in Thomnsville, is under the management of Mrs. Minnie F. Dnvis, who has had considerable experience in this line, and would solicit a liberal share of patron age. t lie can (urnisli northern guests with pleasant rooms. For terms apply to propri etress. Sdoctf Remember your friends here and elsewhere by making them a suitable holiday present. We can suit you. 1-jdectf HKID k CI’LPEPPKR lteucvr. Her Youth. Mrs. Phoebe Chcslcy, I’etcrson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, the truth of which is vouched for by the resident? of the town i “lam 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not dress nivselt without help. Now I am free fro in ali p ia and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to’Electric Hitters lor having renew ed in v youth, and removed completely nil disease'anil pain.'’ Try n bottle, DOc and $1, at S. J. Cassels' Drug Store, PRIVATE BOAHDIXG. On Seward street, 2nd. door northwest of Warren, (next door to the Misses Filler.) The house and furniture new. ROOMS COKFOBTAIIIB AXO BENNY, table unexceptionable, Terms moderate. Apply on the premises or at the office of Mitchell k McIntyre. novD-.’Jm. MRS. GKO. CARROLL. Country Board. Good board, with nice country fare, can be had at Dr. j. It. V.'atkin’s residence, Sun- dale, one-mile nnd n half from court house,at moderate rates. Carriage rides free, every other day. Good hunting and sport ground. Apply on the premises or address Dr. J. II. WATKINS, uov26dtf Thomnsville, Ga. CALL OB SENS FOE OF 1 FURHITURE. L F. SlsmpSM & Go. They Have Gome! They Have Gome! •' We are now in receipt of the For the Gash In New York Prices never equalled in the South. Come and see. SB. A. BASS. To SFORTSOTEHT run THOMAS VIM. U GUN WORKS, One door tram Watts,on Jackson St., is now fully supplied with all kinds of Sporting Goods, Guns, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, Am munition, Ac. LOADED SHELLS Always on hand and loaded to order,at short notice and on reasonable terms. REPAIRING Of nil kinds on guns, pistols, kc., executed in the best style, and satisfaction guaranteed. OL'NS FOR RENT At reasonable terms, to responsible partiep, nov27d&w3m BOARDING! MISS UIILER, Formerly of Philadelphia, will open her hoase for the season, Monday, December 2nd. (Corner Warren nnd Reward Sirecls* Sdlin TIlOHlANVIEliE. « A. Notice to Tax Payers and Voters. Notice is hereby given that the Tax and Registration hooks for the year 1889 will positively close on Friday, Dec. 20th, at 4 p. m. Can be fonnd at my office in Thom- asville from now until the close. Respectfullv, P. S. HEATH, T. C. k Registrar. Nov. 2G, 1889. THE PEST AND MOST Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THE7SOUTII TO C.IICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. wo through oxprees trains dally, with Tull man Palace BuffetSlocplngCars by night, and Chulr Cars by day, between Cln- cliinattt and Chicago, ludlanapo Its and Chicago, and also bo twcon Louisville and Chicago, where close con nections aro made for 8t. Paul, Fargo, Ulsraark, Pol- ! land, Omaha, Kansas City, Han Francisco land points Intermediate— New Fast Mail, Leaving Louisville, Datlyexcept Sunday, at 7 *30 a. m. Clnclnnattl, Dally, except Sunday, at 7 :45. Arriving at Chicago at 6:55. The most rapid service ever attempted be tween the Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio River and Chicago, yyl hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggage check ed to destination, and your safety and com fort provided for, aro among the points that have made the MONON ROUTE Universally nnd deservedly popular. OIINB.OAIUOX Vlce-preV. nn l iten'l Mgr W. H. McDOEL, Genq TraKe llannger, E. O. MCCORMICK, Oeu.i Passenger Agent. R. W. OLADING. Passenger and Freight Agt. 158 Broad 8L. ThomasrlUo Go. J. s. Real Estate Agent, THOMASVIL.LK, GA. Office over Reid t Culpepper’s Drug Store, Broad St. I nm now prepared to buy or sell, for other parties, all kinds of town or country real estate, and have on my list n good nssort ment ot both kinds. Strict and close atten tion to the business will lie my aim, and I respectfully solicit a share of the business of the community. angHStf SHRUBBERY. DIXIE NURSERY. H. H. SANFORD & GO., Proprietors. This is the proper time to transplant anil set out all kinds of roses, bulbs, plants and shrubbery. We have all kinds of these plants, kc., nnd a first class Landscape Har dener, who will attend to the proper laying out of lawns, gardens, yards, kc., and of all plants, &c. Finns nnd estimates will be made on notice given us, and wc will take pleas ure in giving any and all information on the subject. nov24tf H. II. SANFORD At CO. The Marshall House, THE PRIDE AND OLD TIME FAVORITE HOTEL OK SAVANNAH. rUDER HIE PERSONAL HANAGEUE.VT Or octr Hi. L. BARNGTf. .15 sell you Vacant City Lots, Suburban Acre Tracts, complete Elegant City Homes, Small Farms, Large Farms ; all gilt edge property at prices to suit your taste. Call at my office, or write to me.