The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 13, 1889, Image 3

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We are still dis playing the hand somest stock of FINE DRESS GOODS, with the - Latest Trimmings to Match, ever shown across a Thomasville Dress Goods Counter. No cheap trash, hut GENUINE IMPOR TED MATERIALS; Fresh Desirable Goods such as the people want, at prices to suit the purchaser. Two Hundred Rolls Carpet in Stock and in Tran sit. The most Com plete St ock in Southern Georgia. This Department is our “JUST PRIDE.” Besides giving you the Largest and Best Selection, our prices are away down below other houses. Lace Curtains, White and Colored Quilts, and House Furnishings Gen erally. YoarFatronise Solicited, Leaders of Styles and Low Prices. 101) & 111 mtOAI) ST THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editoh. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1H8'. Local Schedule. Passenger for Savannah Lv... 6 35 p r Passenger from Savannah Ar... 7 00 a i Fast mail for Savannah Ar.. .12 05 p i «* “ Lv...12 35 p r * “from “ Ar... 1 31 p r “ •* from Savannah Lv... 200 p i Passenger from Albany Ar... 5 20 p i Passenger for “ Lv... 8 30ar “ from “ Ar 11 20 a r “ for ** Lv 4 50 p i Freight and Acorn, for Albany Lv... 5 45 p r from “ Ar... 7 20 a r Freight and accoin. from Wayc..Ar..: 4 50 p r i. •• for Chatt. Lr... 6 00 p r •• *• •* for Wayc....Lv... 8 00 a r »• from Chatt. Ar... 6 30ar THOMASVILLE ANI) MONTICELLO. • Freight accoro. for Monticello Lv...8 45 a i •• “ from “ .... Ar.. .6 00 p i Fast mail for “ ....Lv.. .2 06 p r .. .. from “ ....Ar..l210p i SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU AT K. Thomas Jr’s* 126 Broad Street. O. S. Bondurant Vounteer Observer Weather Bulletin fdt* the 24 hours ending at 7 o’clock P. M., Dec. 12, 1889. TKMrSHATUIU. 7 U 2 p. m .' T4 7 p. m 00 Maximum for 24 hours 71 Minimum “ “ “ 45 Rain-full Indicationn: Fair weather. Fair > Nearly stationary tempera- 1 turc. r air, i Cnpt. Shuck Whittnkcr went down ;o Monticello yesterday. Mr. It. C. Westmoreland, of At lanta, was in the city yesterday. The lovely japonicas which grow so profusely here, arc in full bloom. Mr. Mitch Jones went over to Bainbridge yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Love Wilder, left yesterday morning for a visit to Al bany. I)r. J. D. Andrews, was called to Wilcox county yesterday, to attend a patient. A splendid tennis court is being laid out in the Mitchell House grounds. Thomasville must put on her best appearance now that she, has so many visitors. Mr It. W. Olading has returned from a tour in Florida in the inter est of the Mouon Route. Rev. James M. Rushin, of Boston, ivns in the city yesterday shaking lands with friends. Judge Hansel! thinks that ' the jusiness of the court will probably be got through with to-day. Golden sunshine and soft south winds. These arc the attractions that rhomasville offers her guests. Mr. James'F. Evans left yesterday ir Americus to attend to the Metho ist Conference now iu session there. Miss Fannie Evans will be at Reid commit a larceny. , Culpepper’s to assist Santa Clause Assistant Superintendent A. A. , veilhe, of the S. F. & W. Ry., 1 ' issed through the city yesterday on ute to Albany. rivals for the season iests of "Oak Hill.” They sterday morning. OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK -or J. YDIFS' AND GENTS’ jy IInT IU SLIPPERS BY FAR The Handsomest Ever Shown in Thomasville. SSiTOALL ANB SEE THEM. ni-TUTRIO HT & T)/ NTEh, IPS .Broad ht. SAY! Have you seen the display of FANCY AND HOLIDAY GOODS? Well! Havo you Inspected those New Hold Tens, Pencils and Charms ? Now! Have you prior,1 all tliat now Perfumery anil Fine Soaps ? The Mitchell House Pharmacy 154 Broad Street, vorything way down and propose •ybodv in Wily uunu !*«■ •eryfiodv in the city, consequently f down below any competitor Have 1) night to undersell e all goods way Remember. . n Swan Down Face Powder per box m Swan I)own(with bottle perfume) 15 STOCK COMPLETE IIV a ILL DEPABTMENTN. r#“Spoeinl bargains oiTered for Santa Claus nnd^Lovcrs.” We havn’t time to snj more now, but come on and let us show you the nicest and lowest price lino of Holiday (loo tlio city. Something to onit everybody. Come before the stork is nicked over. Some sold every day. Melt A E RliOS. In Court Circles. Judge Ilanscll has been trying hard to clear the docket of Thomas county superior court of all cases, and he has succeeded in having a great number disposed of. Heretofore our county has been noted for litigation, and now that most of the old cases are off the docket, we hope we will fall back to our habit of one week’s court at each term. We give below the cases tried and disposed of yesterday: The case of J.jj^. Glenn vs. The Phoenix Insurance Co., was resumed day before yesterday morning. Capt. C. P. Ilansell and A. T. McIntyre, Jr., consumed the entire morning, up to 11 o’clock, when Judge Hansel! adjourned until 2 o’clock on account of the memorial ser vices at the opera house The jurv, after being out a short while, brought in a verdict for SI,290, and interest from date. On Wednesday afternoon Judge Ilansell again took up the criminal docket and the following cases were tried: The state vs Wiley Miller, assault with intent to murder; acquitted. The state vs Mose Sheffield, burgla ry; acquitted. The state vs George Brown, burgla ry; verdict of guilty of attempt to THE RED FRONT GROCERY, XMAS GOODS. Mince Meats, Raisins, Nuts, Currant*, Citron, Primes 3SE WORKS. ^ J. L. & I. A. PRINGLE. BIS©AH ST The above were all colored, except dispense his favors till the holiday M iley Miller. Several divorce cases were tried, good many of them being white Mr. B. F. Hawkins made his maid en speech in the superior court, in the defense of Mr. Wiley Miller, and it Mr. L. D. Loughi and wife, of does credit to the young gentleman mtreal, Can., are among the latest to say that he won his -iase. At Rest. — The funeral of Mr. John W. Briley, Mr. John Lester, formerly of this young fireman who was killed in nee, but now of Macon, came down the rcccn( : ra ;i roa ,i accident, took sterday to spend some time with p] ace yesterday morning from the ends and relutives. residence of his, mother, Mrs. A. E. Mr. W. II. Gunn had four expert Briley, on Oak street. ’1 he services irkmen to commence putting in which were held at the grave were pews in the Presbyterian church conducted by Rev. W. J. \\ illinms. The interment took place in Lnural ., , T ,, J— .- . Hill cemetery. A large number of Col- J. C. Wyman and wife, of .. , , , ,, ., „ ; . , . , friends of the young man and the ovidence, It. I., arrived yesterday J family were present, will occupy the Coyle residence, J 1 _ Jackson street, for the season. Mr. W. II. Barr left yesterday Bowling Green, Ky., to bring on ' itlier lot of horses. Ilia family 1 return with him to spend the i ter. Cambridge Manor” is proving very iiilar with our winter guests. It Id uot be otherwise with such a ular host and hostess as Mr. and i. Roberts. ’he ladies are always foremost in otion to the dead, and southern nen have been and always will be : to the memories of their section, ras a matter of remark, Wednes- , that Miss Laura Jones showed msite taste in draping her store, onor of the solemn services of the Married. Cairo, Ga., on the nth inst., Rev. M Rushin officiating, Miss Bessie Ramsey and Mr. Frank Pittman. At Whigham, Ga., on the 12th inst, Miss Annie Martin and Mr. Albert R. Butler; Rev. J. M. Rushin officiating. The Times-EnterI’RISe extends con gratulations to both couples. The oldest iuhabitaut, and this re nowned personage remembers many things that did happen and many that never happened, never saw such charming December weather as we are now blessed with. The days are dreams of brightness and sunshine, and when night has dropped her sable mantle over the world, pale Luna comes on the scene to drive nwnv the darkness. The New Train. The new trains to connect at Way- cross with the fast trains from New York to Jacksonville, will be put on next Sunday, 15th inst. The sched ules are as follows: Leave Waycioss 1:30 p. m. Arrive Tliomiisville H:l0p. m. LcavoThomasville 5:20 a. ni. Arrive Wayeross....*. 9:00 a. m. The sleeper from New York to Thomasville will arrive on the new train at 8:10 p. m. Returning it w ill he carried by No. 8 to Wayeross, leaving Thomasville at 12:10 p. m. The new schedules arc very con venient for travelers coming from New York to Thomasville, the sleeper leaves New York at 8:45 n. in., which makes only one night out. Returning to New York the schedule is put as onvenieut and pleasant. Rail Road Racket. It ia currently reported that the Georgia Southern & Florida railroad will build a line from Tifton to Thomasville. It is even said that a surveying corps is engaged iu locating the permanent line. Thomasville will gladly welcome the Georgia Southern. At the Masury Mr. George Fearn, Jr., will hold the position of bookkeeper and naah- ier at the Masury hotel for the coming season. The management of the Masury was fortunate in securing the services of so popular and efficient a gentleman as Mr. Fearn. The New Gulf Opans. Although all the furniture has not yet arrived, enough rooms were open for the new Gulf to open to the pub lic last night. The popularity sus tained by the old Gulf will no doubt be transferred to the new. A Times-Enterprise reporter saw a visitor ou the streets yesterday clad in an alpaca coat and carrying a green cotton umbrella. A whole volume could not speak as much for the charm of a winter in the sunny south. Miss Addie McClellan, Jackson street, has something to sty t'lis morning concerning her holiday goods. She has useful presents for little folks as well as those of larger growth. The Royal Marionettes are booked for a three nights engagement at the opera house, beginning Thursday night, 19th, inst. The ncxtattractiou Frank Jones and Si Perkins, will appear Christmas night. The cigarette smokers are in a “wale of war,” as Sam Wilier would say. The law against selling the “little weeds” to minors is being enforced, and the grand jury is after ollcuders with a pertinacity that means no more sales to minors. Fat mer's Alliance. The next meeting of the County Alliance will convene at Big Creek Lodge, the first Thursday in January next. Secretaries ot the Farmer’s A1 liances are, by virtue of their offices, made members of the County Al liance. We hope to meet the secre taries of each lodge in the county on that day, that they may receive the secret work of the Farmers and La borers' Union. All Alliancemen are invited, and a large attendance is ex pected. A. W. Ivey, President County Alliance. Dec. 11,1889. tjam ih i.k in:runs take notice. I fillvo a CMC or gooil young Texas .Mules cmoule. Will u.Tivu next Thursday, Dec. mill. (I. wet l-hrnken Texas Horses always mi hand. Call and see 1110 at \V. A. Diivis’s slahles. -Inc. It. Mahons. U FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. Four nice, sunny rooms, in best locality la the city. Don’t want any very sick people, or children Table board next door. Apply at ItEm and Culpkp- peii's Drugstore. 12Dcctf An engine run by steam, on 11 track with sharp curves, with never an accident. Conic 12ileetf REID A CULPEPPER. riANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Jirown, the Jeweler, lias se cured the agency for all tlie tlrst-elnss Pianos and Organs, which I10 is selling lit U10 lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do well to learn tils prices and terms. Our 5 unit 111 cent counters were never no full. Yon will lie surprised to sec what you can liny for these small sums. We have enough to go round, hut the first buyers will fare lici t. Come early, dee12tf REID & CULPEPPER. .SEED TIME AND HARVEST. If you would reap a good harvest you must have good seed. I have the best seed oats iu the countv, tor sale cheap. It. WISE, ilecll 2t II - Broad Street. The little folks will be delighted with our steam engine. If they buy a dollar's worth of toys they will have a chance to own it. Let them come and tee it. dee 12 if REID A CULPEPPER. MORNING CHAT [over-heard.] Apropos of the building of the proposed line of the Georgia Southern from Tifton to Thomasville, it is not amisi to say that the building of one railroad leads to the construction of others, so that the advent of one new road will be the signal for the appear ance of others. Husband—Well, 1 wouldn't wait any longer. This is I lie third day since they promised you your hat. and because of their failure to finish it, we were kept home from church yesterday. 1 Wife—Yes, I am awfully put out about it. and I'm going right down to Mrs. Carroll’s on Bower Broad and order one there. She never fails to have her work ready when promised. Husband—Well, I hope you will, for if you don’t get it by to-morrow, wc will be unable to till that engagement with Mrs. . Next morning she was happy as a lark. Bran new bonnet; husband delighted; splcnded visit to Mrs. M’s. and a future friend to lower Broad. These are four cardinal points in which Mrs. Carroll always excels. Choicest goods.’ Lowest prices. Neatest trimming. Promptest work. We want your hats to he satisfactory in every respect, and if they are not we are willing at all times to make any adjustment necessary. Place your orders with us, and you shall always be pleased. I am anxious for a share of your trade. Mrs. Jennie Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. The steam engine, run by actual steam, will bo on exhibition in the front ot our store to-day and until the holidays. Let the little folks come and see it. If they buy a dollars wortli ?f toys they will secure a ticket that will give a chance to secure the engine. 12dcctf REID & CULPEPPER. wzeieik: ii NOBBY GENTS’, YOUTHS AND BOYS’ OVERCOATS. We have We are the what YOU largest buyers, want. We t h e largest have the sellers and the prices . Wc largest dealers have the in our line in Tit A DIG. THUS VILLE 11 is mir m TO SEE US BEFORE BUYING DRESS SUITS. DRESS SHIRTS* FULL DRESS SUITS & SHIRTS. BOYS’ SUITS. BOYS’ FULL OUTFITS. WE 00 WHAT WE PROMISE. CHRISTMAS Approaches. Dont forget our lovely line of SCARFS, COLLARS, CUFFS AND HATS. In fuct everything 111 the Gent’s Fur nishing business. Clothier? and Furnishers, Broad Street, * Tbomasvtlle, Ga.