The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 13, 1889, Image 4

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BETTER THAN GOLD. RESTORED IIER HEALTH. Foi 25 years I tuff end from boils, erysipelas and other blood affections, taking during that time great quantities i f different medicines with out giving me any perceptible relief. Friends induced me to try S. $. S. It improved me from the start, and after taking several bottles, re* ftored my health as far ns I could hope for at my age, which is now seventy-five years Mbs. S. M. Lucas, Bowling Green, Ky. TttSTtise on Blood and Skin Pi*oi>y -niai’ed free. SWIFT SI'KiMFB''.'O '• '■eta, Ga. N. S. Eaves, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Thomnsvllle, Georgia I will be glad to nn construction of all cla lie and private, in eit! I will guarantee give satisfaction. I>< and careful estimates Mr Motto—Goad, prices. If you want ni Only a Brief Play. IMll.-lIlM, ;,I1. tie was one nf those dry old jokers, and as tie settled his portly frame into a Murry r.RW.d.i rocker, for Iris a'ter- noop smoke, a dashing, fashionably dressed young man rushed up, held out his hand and c xclatmcd . “Well, I d elare. Judge; wtien did you get “On t'other day; when did you get in?'' returned the Judge. “hast night, over the llurlingtoii.” “How long are you going to >!a;?" ‘•As long as my money holds out.” chuckled the young man. “Sorry you're going to leave so soon,” observed the Junge, wrliout cracking a smile. Headquarters tor Drags! ifiW = OFFERS A Fork irr the Road. the Iiiirlingtim l'i (to tramp) — Want eh? Well, here’s on contract Is awarded me the many public building* ThomaHVlllft and clsewhe of building**, pub- ’••rk nt fall itca whett.i t. I refer -•d by me : ul all parties Grlei & Leviot Contractors & Builders THOM AS VILLE. GA. Wo will be glad superintend, fill elf or private, In either nlsh plans and spec you want any bull we will submit estii awarded us <>r n<-t. faction In all our \v« buildings erected bj to all partio • for \ gRhop on Fletcher * Thomasvlll sscs of buildings, public brick or wood. Will fur- flca’ions if required. It ling done call on us. nrd latcs whether contract l* Wo will guarantee satis- *k. We refer to the many us In Thoiuftsvllle, n d fur- Wonittn ing to in cold hush. Tramp—Hut I haven’t got anylhi to eat it, with. Woman—-Just keep on a littl ther and you’ll find a fork in the read. Don't Like the Bank Selected. Drown—“My children manifest too early in lift' n tendency to put away money, and I am exceedingly worried over it. Jenkins—“Why, that is an excel lent trait, and I don’t see any reason why you should he worrit Brown—“Hut I am. The baby swallowed a dime this morning.’ Boston Budget. WHICH WILL IT BE? SBID & CULPEPPER'S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga :School and Blank Boohs, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. < beIr IN MIND i> » falirsMi rose or a lily? lx* sweetest, a peach or a pear? urtisli, and charming is Milly; nf lo mid lair. fhei lower was tier face when I kicsct (Love is the romance and glory of life,) Milly, my playmate, I love like a sister," But Dora I choose for my wife. Which is tin Which is t Merry's coq Dora is w Sweet as a 1 That : phL young- —CARBONATED WITH- NATURAL GAS Imported from the Mineral Springs on the Rhine, Ger many, on dranglit at L. SGHMIST’S. l > i; i n k Glen Springs Mineral Water For the Liver "and Kidneys. For sale at L. SaHMISSS. The Drummer’s Home. NEW Gulf House, THOMASVILLE, GA., Will open for the reception of guests DEC. 8th. New and Modern Throughout. Ele gant Rooms, Single and cn Suite. S. T. PHILI’OT & CO., nov20-tf Proprietors. Florida Trunk Line. ULOrTdA CENTRAL & Peninsular R. R. Standard Time Useu-Cct. 20.1889. - | UlMA riiri-xT-i : A - , * ~~ 4 DOp 10 Ida Lv I'crnaiidinn Ar •>'i► H 7 00j> 11 4. r »a I.v .Jacksonville Ar 1 :*Up 0 1« C sop 11 27a I.v Callahan Ar 1 blip 6 40 »30p 12 42p I.v Baldwin AivU Up 5 W H 25p 1 27|> Ar J.awtcy Ar il Mu, 3 55 ‘J55p 1 42ji Ar Starke Arjll 2Sa :* an lODUp 227ji Ar 11 20p DOJpAr 110a 4 gOp’Ar 3 50a 5 42p Ar > 10a fi l »Al t'. 40i) Ar Wildwoo Lees bur* Tavares c.rrkei l’ai Suiuterville St. Catharine Lacooohee Dado City riant City jAk kisv divisi beauty fade after marriage, remember that this is usually due to functional disturbances, weaknesses, irregularities, or painful disor ders peculiar to her sex. in the cure of which I)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is guaran< ..teed to give sntisfar* 1 — ' -J ‘ J See the printed ce: bottle-wrapper. For overworked, ‘‘worn-out,” “run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, “shop-girls,” housekeepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women gener ally, I)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is tho greatest earthly boon, being unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic, strength-giver. Copyright. 18SS, by World's Dis. Med. Ass’lf. Dr, PIERCE’S PELLETS regulate and cleanse the 1 bowels. They arc purely fectly harmless. ~ druggists. 25 ce \ stomach and • vegetable and per- n Dose. Sold * rilOKKSSIOXAI. ('AIil)S. AM G. PATRICK, Homfflopathic Physician & Surgeon. Oilier mer L SkjcmM Si Bn, Broad St. Uesiiienee nt Mrs. Ball's, corner of Craw ml and Was lington street', Thomasville, icorgia. fulec.Tr 10 45a 4 12p Ar . 4 43p Ar 7 00p Ar Oal 5 Up 2 3np :ui5p :M.',p 2 4 >; aoup I K 1 2*|) 11 221 Mad Molitieello I Tallahassee I iRiincy I Liver .Junction I cep: FKKNANDI NA AND I No.: ! uindina Lv Shortest id West trains N’o.CO | N’o.C y 00a I 4 00p I I.v J; 0 25a I 530]) I Ar F< f., (»0, Gl","daily. No. 5 daily exerp “7715, New Orleans Expnn and quickest lino to all Middle Florida points, Pensacola, Mot " Orleans. 7 :15 u. m. an I 7 :00 p. i through to Thomasville, Montgomery, Nashville, St. Louis. Cincinnati. Chicago, and all points North and West. Arrive at 2:45 p. and 3.45 p. m. 1:45 p. m. Mall and Express for all points South, Gainesville, Ocala. Leesburg, Taveres, Apopka, Orlando, PanasotTkee (St. Catt arlne) Dade City, Plant City. Arrives at 1:5o p. ni, 7:00p. tn. Local, connects through for all )olnts South, Ocala, Gainesville, Leesburg, Tavares, Orlando, Tarpon Springs, Souther land, St. Petersburg, and Tampa. Arrives at 6:10 a. ni, 9 00 a. in. Cumberland Route Express, con nects at Feruaudlnn with steamer City of Brunswick, dally, for Brunswick, Mucon, At lanta, Chattanooga, Louisville, Cincinnati. St. Louis and Chicago. Arrives 12:51 p In. 4:00 p. m. Fernandlna Mali and Express, dallv, connecting Thusday with Mallory Steam •s for New York. Arrives 8:50a. in. This new service gives perfect conn at Baldwin for all points North and We Callahan to all points North, East and West. Via Fernandlna, connecting with Str. City ol Brunswick, for Brunswick, Macon, Atlanta and all points North and West, D. E. MAXWELL, A. 0.1 Gen. Manager, N. 8. PENNINGTON, Traffic Manager. DR. M. M. T. HUTCHINGSON of Lake City, Fla., 30 Years in the Practice of Medicine, llVr:> his proffis.Gonal services to the citi- n? of Thomasvilie and surrounding coun- y. Office, '211*. door over A. <_'. Brown’s ore, ami A. (’. Brown's residence on Daw- n street. d&wfim Sept 17. DR. A. B. COUCH, Modern - Paihoiogy, - New - Remedies, DIRECT TREATMENT. s liis professional services to the citi- of Thomasville and surrounding coun try. Office over Stcyerman’s store, Broad street, Thomfisyillc, (in. O-.'Ld&w !v s SNODGRASS. E.'F. HAWKINS XOIilillASS HAWKINS, Attorneys-at-Law. . 'Formerly occupied bytEnterprlaoJof- rj-i M, McIMTOSH, Pliysieian <& Surgeos, Thomasville, '^Georgia. jry OFFICE, over Stark’s, corner,; Broadband Fletcher Streets. J. 11. COYLE, I). I). S., Via Dissolution. The partnership tween Bass k McKi ed by mutual consi continue the bus: Our books will he f< etofore existing hc- n, is this dav .issolv- Mr. B. A.‘B.is4 will at the old stand, und in the ' nndsof Mr. J. N. McKinnon at the old st' id, and we earnestly request all persons i idebted to u*, to come forward and settle b: :ore the fir^t of January, alter that time all unsettled claims will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. B. A. Bars, J. X. McKinnon. If, In Calling attention to the above, I desire to fay to our old customers, and the public generally, that 1 shall continue business in the same line, at the same old stand, adding the new feature of Commission Bi siniss to * my other line. Prompt and careful atten tion will he given to the sale and purchase of all goods entrusted to me, and satisfaction in every particular assured. B. A. Bask. Thomasville, Ga., Nov. 10 18b0, B. D. PUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA., DEALER IN-*— hardware Stoves, Iron, Tin and Hollow Ware, Gis ii Sjortii Ms of all;kinds, and agnnt for King’s Powder Co. Resident Dentist, Thomasvlllo, ecs to ti ity. . m. to 1 p. m., and from 2 to 5p.ra Office—On Jackson street. W. I). MITCHELL, ;it. G. MITCHEI L. J^ITCIIKLL & MITCHELL, Attorneys-at-Law, Thomasville, • • Georgia. W. BRUCE,, M. r>. Office, up-stairs. Coiner <»f Broad and Fletcher streots. [aug T. S. DEKLE, M. D., Reside lolla str» Tcleph Office in Hayes Building, -Corner College avenue and Mag communication, No. 25 for night JOEL Ii. COYLE. 3>ENTIST THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. OFKICK. Hr.sail St..'over l'ickftt'R. THAT THF.Y HATE THE Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store IN’ CrEORO-IA. ere yen can hud fre?h and pure drugs and get prescriptions c#mp«unded at all hours day or night, by competent Pharmacists. Tlmy u*« anly Sqvibhif preparations in the prescription department and guarantee goods ami {'rices. REID & C'UIiPlHPJPJEB, ^roinl At. TO THE LADIES, Before you buy you Winter Dress Goods, it will pay you to give us a call. We have just received another lot oi the latest patterns of Dress Goods and Trimmings. If you are in need of a Corset, we can supply you with the well known brands, C. P., P. D., J. B., and WARNER S. We call special attention to our com plete stock of Ladies and Misses Hose, which we guarantee to be fast colors. If these goods fade, bring them back and get your money. Come and look at our Plushes, Jackets,Wraps, Cloaks, Underwear, Blankets, Comforts, Etc. L. STETEHMAXT & BSDTEm LEADERS OF FASHION. IH. H Piney ’\Voocls Hotel, Tliomasville, Ga. M. A. BOWER, Proprietor. W. E. DAVIES, Manager, OPENS DECEMBER 4, 1889. jgl M< LLXDON, Attorney-at-Law, Prompt attention given to^all’ business en listed to him. Office—Over Watt’s store, coi ner Broad and B. GOLDBERG, AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE. A large lot of 3-lb can tomatoes just je- ceived on consignment. I offer them at $1.25 doz. Also a large lot of vinegar of fered at 25 cents per gallon. B. GOLDBERG’S Auction and C’ouimiinion House. Lower Jackson, second door from Cotton Warehouse. 13sep3m Thomasville Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis, Prop'rs. Manufacturers and Dealers ROTJG-II Ac, ERE ED LUMBER. LATOES, PICKETS, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK, MANTLES, BALUSTERS, STAIR-RAILS Newel Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Furniture. STORE FRONTS, Wire Screen Doors and Windows, Sash, Doors and Blinds TO ORDER. STAIR BUILDING, AND INSIDE IIAUDWOOD FINISH A SPECIALTY. ggy-GORUBSPONDENCE SOLICITED. MEAT MARKET We desire to notify those who arc winter ing in Thomasville, as well as our old cus tomers, that we make a specialty of keeping the VERY BEST OF MEATS of all kinds, which we sell nt reasonable prices, and de liver at any residence in the city. A per sonal inspection of our market on Jackson street (the stand formerly kept by Mr. Bone) is invited. nov5tf F- F. Horn & Bbo. Him, WITH Till! Biggest and Best Stock —OF— DRY LUMBER IN SOUTH GEORGTA. I have five hundred thousand feet^of Standard 'Mouldings, Which I will sell at a rare bargain, in fact it will save purchasers money to see me be fore placing their orders for lumber of any kind.) Jos. L. Beverly, (Successor to Fife & Beverly.) Mirras - - GA. GUANOS! j. n. mckinnon, At the old stand of Bass k McKinnon, an nounces to the public that he is prepared to fill nil orders for guano at prices that will compare favorably with any others, nnd de sires all who intend buying to give him ft call and get prices. He will handle, espe cially, the old and favorite brands of JXO. RICRKIHIAX Sc t o., ACID PHOSPHATE, K AI NTT And a few tans «f a SPECIAL FERTILIZER FOR MELONS, VEGETABLES, Etc. Other guanos supplied when desired. nov27d&w4m The old Cooke plflce, *n .Madison street, lot 105 feet front pn Madison street and runs back to S. F. & W. R. A large but not new house, price $2,500. Terms easy. One and one-half acre corner lot on Stephens St., beyond Albany railroad; 2 houses, 1 2 stories, price $2,000. Terms easy. The Bill Bryant place, on Jackson st., in Fletcherrille, opposite the campus and near the depot and the South Ga. College, a large lot, fronting 117 feet on Jackson street, and running back 700 feet. G-room dwelling, nice little pear orchard, first class neigh borhood and a very valuable lot; price $2,000. Terms made to suit any bona fide buyer. A new 4-room cottage, on large lot in Fearnside; price $1,400. Terms easy. Corner lot in East End, new 5 room house, besides dining room and kitchen. Brice $1600 Terms easy Lot on Young St., 210x210 ft, four room house, all for $1000; 4 cash, bal ance in two payments, with 8 pr cent interest. A bargain to any one wish ing li cheap home. 3 beautiful vacant building lots on Ilayes and Calhoun sts. 70x196 ft,, at $250 each. On easy terms to those who wish to improve them. Elegant residence lot on Clay st., near Hardaway, 70x 207, first class neighborhood; price only $4oo. 5 small tracts of land, from lo to 25 acres in each piece, in less than two miles of tho courthouse; price $30 per acre. Easy terms. Besides the above, I hare many city lots, improved and unimproved, for business or residence, inside or outside lots, big and small lots, lovely suburban places and farms and plantations all over the county for sale. Any prospective buyer, who wishes to get the best and most for his money, would act very imprudently to purchase at lcast^before talking!with me. t 4 room house in Fearnside, unfur nished, at $10 per month. 4 unfurnished rooms, up-stairs, new and elegant neighborhood, Dawson street, at $20.00 per month. No chgdren wanted. Large Furnished House, close in on Jackson street; 8 1-2 rooms. Price, $500 for the season. Upstais of house on Calhoun street. Fui’nished house in East End, 5 rooms besides dining room and kitchen, at $50 per month. REAL ESTATE BROKER, Thomasville. Greor"ia