The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 15, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TIM PLKTT, - - - Editor. S. B. BUHK, - Business Manager. St’NDAY, DECEMBER U, 1889. Daily Timks-Entekprisk \ n published every morning (Monday exempted.) The Weekly Timks-Entkrprisk is published every Saturday morning. SrnscHimoN Rates. Daily Timks-Kntkrprire $- r > 00 WiRKLV “ 1 00 Daily Apvertis no Rates Transient Rates.—$1.00 per squar* o for tlie 4 1 hrst insert uent insertion. One Square, one montli, - - One Square, two months - One Square, three month i, - Or.o Square, six months, One Square, twelve months, - - - 35 00 Subject to change by special nrrang -ment. N. B. KI KK. ItiiNinofta Mn linger. . $ r» oo - . 8 oo . 12 00 - . 20 00 It is now that the democrats will carry Alaska, in ’ff2. A number «f Congressmen are mourning the absence of Col. Silcott from Washington. He is serenely basking ’neath Canadian skies. Rutherford B. Hayes should never again he charged with having been the weakest president of the United States. B. Harrison is in the presi dential chair. ern people, that one grand monu ment, a monument worthy of the south’s dead chieftain, should he erected at some suitable place. Rich mond, Ya., has been suggested as the most appropriate place. I hat city was the theatre of the most stirring and important period of the history of ihe dead statesman ami soldier. Let other monuments follow and lie scattered over this southland, but, first and foremost, the work of erect ing a grand and enduring monument, by the whole south, should receive attention. Every ex-Confedcrate soldier in the south will contribute his mite. Now that the family of Mr. Davis lias been provided for, let the work begin for the monument. A small select'd stock of Holiday Goods i is offered in my Drug Store, 11^ Broad St. 14 dec if * S. J. CASSELS, Wanted, 5,000 Brim and Oat Sacks at lee Factor i;>dcc0t \V. S. Keifer, Ma ,7 Cars Best Bran, o Cars Seed Oats, ,7 Cars Feed Oats, Just re< ci vi JOHN T. WEST S. 114 tiros t S' Charley Crisp is at the head of the democrats on the election committee. He will he apt to say some crisp things when the process of unseating democrats begins Henry Grady. This brilliant young Georgian fair ly captivated and captured cultured Boston, at a banquet given there on Thursday night. Grady surpassed himself in discussing the race prob lem. Mr. Grady commenced his addres-, by saying: “I thank you my, fellow country men, from the bottom of my heart, for this generous welcome. I know that it goes deeper than a personal compliment, and I accept it as evi dence unspeakably touching to me, that a citizen of this republic, no mat ter from what remote section lie may have come, if he carry the American spirit in his heart, can nowhere find in this broad land, or elsewhere on earth, so this sacred ilag flies above him, strangers or estrangement, but everywhere friendsand comradeship.” This was received with rounds of applause, and three cheers, and Mr. Grady then entered upon his argu ment, which consumed about an hour and ten minutes. Twice during the cheering which consumed him EX-PRESIDENT CLEVELAND AROSE, and joined in the cheering. At the close of the speech, President Cleve land was the first to congratulate Mr. Grady, saying: “It was a great speech, sir, for which the country will thank you.” Mr. Carnegie, who was the next speaker, alluding to two great speech es he had just heard, congratulated the audience that both were pitched above partisanry and said : “I feel sure that in all the south could not have been found a more eloquent or convincing advocate. His appeal for patience and sympathy from the people of the north in help ing to work out their great problem, should command, and it will com mand, the fullest patience and sym pathy of this people.” This statement was received with vociferous cheering. Robert Browning Dead. London, Dec. 12.—The poet, Robert Browning, died at 10 o’clock to-night without suffering. Davis and Grant. Boston, Mass., Dec. 12.—When Gen. Grant was dying in the Mount McGregor cottage, the Boston Globe instructed its New Orleans correspon dent to interview Jefferson Davis. Mr. Duvis was not seen personally, but a few days later penned the fol lowing letter: Deaii Silt -.—Your request on behalf of a Boston journal for me to prepare a criticism on Gen. Grant's military career cannot bo complied with for the follow ing reasons: First, Gen. Grant is dying; second, though lie invaded our country with a ruthless hand,it was with an open hand, and, as far as I know, he abated much Buffering and pillage, and has, since the war, I believe, shown no ma lignity to the confederacy, either of the m litary or civil service. Therefore, insteud of seeking to disturb the quiet of his closing hours, I would, if it were in my power, contribute to the peace of his mind and the comfort of ids body. Jefferson Davis. One Grand Monument. There is danger that the efforts being made in various paris of the south to erect monuments to Mr. Davis will result in the defeat of the generally expressed wish of the south- JOHIff T. WS3ST-, Agent for Standard Oil Go., 114 Broad St, - Thomasvil'e, Ga. OPERA HOUSE TH REE WIGHTS, Commencing Thursday, Dec. Iflili Matinee Saturday for Ladies and Child ren, at 2: 80 SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT. The Great Bell-Ellis Combination Two Big Shows in one. Bell's OHIGI- NALKOYAL MARIONETTES . Together With Ellis Cyclone of Novelties and Gland Gift Carnival. mnElcgant ami Vnluablo Pre-Kents Olv-IAn lUU en Away at Each Performance. IUU Admission 35 and 50c Reserved Scats on sale at III ED A CULPEPPER’S W'c have sonic choice perfumery that will make your sweetheart even sweeter. Do not forgot this. 12dectf REID A CULPEPPER. Seasonable books for the little ones and people of larger growth, now ready for t he holiday trade. Miss Adpje McClellan, Jackson Street. The goods i our 5 and 10 cent counters rush. Secure the best selec tions and avoid the rush later. 12dectf REID k CULPEPPER. Do not forget that we are headquarters tor Santa Claus, and that we have a sure enough steam engine. Let tlu* little fellows come and see it. By buying a dollars worth of tors one of them may become its owner 12dectf REID k CULPEPPER. \Ve have holiday gif books 12 dei ie elegant books, suitable for Come early before the assort- All the standard poets and ted to the season. REID k CULPEPPER. L. F, flOlPIOI & CO, No. 131 BROAD STREET, Thomasville, - Ga. Me veil ant Tailor. Gentlemen wanting iin and good goods, good work and fit in execution of garments will find it to their interest to call and see me, up stairs, over Doctor Cassels’ drug store, ThomnsvilSc, Ga. Cleaning and repairing done at short notice. qdcclm B. W. Rumxky Nothing more suitable :or a holiday gift than a gold pen or pencil. We have a splen did stock, and so cheap you will be surpris ed. REID kCULPEPPER rid no See the steam engine. It is a wonderful toy. Buy a dollars worth of toys and y will have a chance to own it. 12dectf REID k CULPEPPER I hav Photo and Auto Albums, (not the largest stock in the city) but I want to sell what I have. S. J. CASSELS. Come in and see on ;nn suit you, whether m elaborate pre l’Meetf Xmas goods. We on want a cheap or RF.1D & CULPEPPER. Country Board. Good hoard, with nice country fare, can be had at I)r. J. B. Watkin’s residence. Sun- dale, one-mile and a half from court house,at moderate rates. Carriage rides tree, every other day. Good hunting and sport ground. Apple oil the premises or address Dr. J. B. WATKINS, nor26dtf Thomasvillc, Ga. Holiday Goods, Plush sots, novel, use ful and pretty. For sale by Miss Addie McClellan, Jackson Street. The steam engine, run by actual steam, will be on exhibition in the front of our store to-day and until the holidays. Let the little folks come and see it. If they buy a dollars worth of toys they will secure a ticket that will give a chance to secure the engine. 12deetf REID k CULPE n PER. DAVIS BOARDING HOUSE, TIIOJUSVIMiE. «A. This house, which is situated in Klctclicr- vjiu-, one of the healthiest ami most desira ble localities in Thomasville, is under tile management of Mrs. M innie F. Davis, who has luid considerable experience in this line, and would solicit a liberal share of patron age. i lie can furnish northern guests with pleasant rooms. For tenns apply to propri etress. ihlcclf CIIItIHl .1I AH CAltDM, Mail one to your friends. Mdeetf S. J. CASSELS. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. Four nice, sunny moms, in best locality ia the city. Don’t want any very sick people, or children. Table board next door. Apply at Reid and Of ^” j 1-EitV Drag Store A sharp and see it. 12dectf lJDcetf n engine run by steam, on a track with •p curves, with never tin accident. Come REID A CULPEPPER. Our 5 and la cent counters were never so full. You will be surpiiscd to see wlmt you can buy for these small sums. \Vc have enougli to go round, but. the first buyers will fare best. Come early. dec12tf REID & CULPEPPER. The little folks will be delighted with our steam engine. If they buy n dollars worth of toys they will have a chance to own it. Let them come and tee it. dee 12 tf REID & CULPEPPER. Mark Oolinsky, Commercial Agt. BRANCH OFFICE: SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA. H. A. WAIDNEB k CO., Canned Goods Exchange, Baltimore. Baltimore, Feb. 18, 18S5. Baltimore Condensed Milk Co., York, Pa: Dear ."Ire—I have used the products of your factory for years with tho best results, both as nourishment for my children and tablo use. I have compared It Bide by side with the Eagle, Swiss, English. Crown and Diamond *>ran«ls. aud unhesitatingly pronounce your Meadow Brand far superior to any of thorn. Yours truly, Hdjt H. A. WAIDNEB* ■Itios in fancy sta- i please the most fastidious, to show our goods. REID k CULPEPPER. Always r IJdcctf Bountiful toilet sot* in chinn, and vases of tho most artistic design. Come early and avoid the crowd. Miss Addie McClellan, Jackson Street. W A N T S. G. JI. Wyant, the Upholsterer, wants to lay Carpets* Wool at 75 its., Brussels nt $1; wants to re-upholstcr your parlor furniture; wants to make over your mattresses. Call at Ainsworth’s Grocery. 2Goet3m HOUSE FOR RENT. A seven-room, well furnished house, on corner of Crawford and Fletcher streets, for Rent. Applv on p r cmiscs, or to Dr. T. S. Hopkins. BOARD IN THE COUNTRY. A few persons desiring the quietude of the country and the aroma of the pines, can he accommodated at Jersey Farm. Gentlemen, not sick enough to require special attention, preferred. 20octf For Rent. Furnished house in suburbs, six rooms .*11 furnished, good water, will rent reajon- ably to n good party. Apply to Mus. Belle Linn, Magnolia Avenue. CALL OS SEND FOB enough and see the engine, run by .i steam, round a circular track. It is id unique. Buy a dollar’s worth of 1 you get a ticket that will give you * to own this wonderful machine. REID k CULPEPPER. 12deetf Santa Claus has come to headquarters. He has brought an unusual number of pretty. ful gifts for the season. Come yourself and bring the little folks. 12dcctf REID k CULPEPPER. PROP. E. I). BALDWIN Announces that lie will be glad to repair and keep in tune, Pianos and ather musical in struments aud give instruction in music in its various branches. Orders left at Geo. Fearn’s real estate office, or through the post ofiicc, given prompt attention. 7oct tt WOLCOTT IIAIAL, THOMASVILLE, GA. Caters to families desiring a QUIET ADD EXCLUSIVE HOUSE, For the winter months. Located on the HIGHEST ELEVATION in Thomasville and surrounded by LARGE GROUNDS, with Tennis, Archery. Croquet, Etc. V. A. HORROCKS, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Tlioiuaxrillc. (•». Having had a long experience in the northern states, nml being fully competent to contract for and bui'd any kind of store house, public buildings, private residences, kt\, and having located in Thomasville with a view to making it my future home, I respectfully offer my services to those who may wish any kind ot building erected. I repared to make contracts or suj erin- tnake plans, specifications, kc. A •hare of the patronage of the people of Thom- a.sville and vicinity is respectfully solicited. Letters addressed to me through post oflice will reach me, or I can be seen for the pres ent at the new brick building on Madison street, corner Jackson. V. A. HORROCKS. dcclOtf Thomasville, Ga. n,r Remember your friends here and elsewhere by making them n suitable holiday present. We ean suit you. l-jdcctf REID * CULPEPPER. lienor. Her Yon III. Mrs. Phoebe Cliesley, Peterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, the truth of which is vouched lor by the residents of the town : “I nm 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint nnd lameness for many years; could not dress myself without help. Now I am Iree from all p«in and soreness, nnd am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to’F.lectric Bitters for having renew ed my youth, and removed completely all disease and pain." Try a bottle, 50c and I il, at S. J. CasselB’ Drug Store. | O IP FURNITURE. L F. fkramstn & Ct, They Have Gome! They Have Gome! We are now in receipt of the For the Gash In New York Prices never equalled in the South. Come nnd see. B. A. JHAfiS. THE PEST Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THEJSOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. wo through express trains dally, with Pull man Palace Buffet81e#plng Cars by night, and Chair Cars by day, between Cln- clnnattl and Chicago, Indlanapo 11s and Chicago, and also bo tween Louisville and Chicago, where close con nections aro made for 8t. Paul, Fargo, Blsmark, Pol- land, Omaha, Kansas City, Kan Francisco |and points Intermediate— New Fast Mail, Leaving Louisville, Dally except Sunday, at T *30 a. m. Cincinnati, Dally, except Sunday, at 7 :45. Arriving at Chicago at fl :55. The most rapid service ever attempted be tween the Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio River aud Chicago. 43*1 hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggage check ed to destination, and your safety and com fort provided for, are among tho points that have made the MONON ROUTE Univorsally and deservedly popular. W. H. McDOEL, Gen’l Tra*c Manager, E. O. MCCORMICK. Gen.l Passenger Ageni ___ ii*r. _ _ dght i 158 Broad Bt. ( Thomasville To SPORTS MEET THE TIIOJUASVIIjIjK <41/91 WORKS, One door from Watts,on Jackson St., is now fully supplied with ail kinds of Sporting Goods, Guns, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, Am munition, k c. LOADED SHELLS Always on lmnd and loaded to order.nt short notice and on reasonable terms. REPAIRING Of all kinds on guns, pistols, Ac., executed in the besf style, and satisfaction guaranteed. GINS FOR RENT At reasonable terms, to responsible parties, nov27d&w3m BOARDING! MISS TJHLER, Formerly of Philadelphia, will open her house for the season, Monday, December 2nd. Corner Warren and Reward BirceWi Sdlm TIIOMABVII.liE* GA. Notice to Tax Payers and Voters. Notice is hereby given that the Tax and Registration books for the year 1889 will positively close on Friday, Dec. 20th, at 4 p. m. Can be found at my office in Thom- nsvillc from now until the close. Respectfully, P. S. HEATH, T. C. k Registrar. Nov. 2G, 1889. I. J. S. Real Estate Agent, THOMASVILLK, GA. Office oter Reid A Culpepper’s Drag Store, Broad St. I am now prepared to buy or sell, tor other parties, all kinds of town or country real estate, and have on my list a good assort meat of both kinds. Strict and close atten tion to the business will he ray aim, and I respectfully solicit a share of the business ot the community. augJStf SHRUBBERY. DIXIE NURSERY. H. H. SANFORD & GO., Proprietors. This is the proper time to transplant and set out all kinds of roses, bulbs, plants and j shrubbery. Wc have all kinds of these plants, Ac., and a first class Landscape Gar dener, who will attend to the proper laying out of lawns, gardens, yards, &o., and of nil plants, Ac, Flans and estimates will he made on notice given us, and we will take pleas ure in giving any and all information on the subject, nov24tf II. II. SANFORD A CO. The Marshall House, TIIE PRIDE AND OI.D TIME FAVORITE HOTEL OF SAVANNAH. ODER THE PERSONAL MANAGEMENT OP octf n. L. IIARNETT. M ill sell you ^ acant City Lots, Suburban Acre Tracts, complete Elegant City Homes, Small Farms, Large Farms ; all gilt edge property at prices to suit your taste. Call at my office, or write to me.