The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 17, 1889, Image 1

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4 VOL. 1 -NO lsfi. T [IOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. TUESD AT MO I {Nils’ (., DECEMBER 1880 .00 PER AJ5TK1TM THIS IS COLUMN. As soon as he gets over the rush of customers he will fill it with his usu al announcement. IN THE CITY. St. Thomas Church. The congregation of St. Thomas Episcopal church hope to have the new church building ready in time to hold Christmas services in it. The stained glass windows of this church will be very handsome. Lost and Found. The party that lost a ladys’ reticule or purse during the post week, will hear of something of advantage by applying to Policeman \V. I’. Coyle. Shoot To-Morrow. The Thomasville Gun Club will give a shoot to its friends to-morrow, at its new grounds between the Mag nolia and Linton Mill roads. Negro Immigrants. ' Five extra coaches of the Atlantic Coast Line came in Saturday night attached to the Savannah train. The coaches contained, includingabildren, about five hundred negro emigrants moving from South Carolina to the “Lone Star” state. Police Court. William Lcggins, Joe Dixon, Ed ward Johnson and Simon Leggins, were before his honor yesterday in the police court for firing crackers in the city limits. The first two plead guiltv and were let off with the cost, $1. Willie Davis was fined $fi and costs for failing to obey street summons. Returns to Thomasville. Mr. A. L. Loeb, of Chicago, who came here early in the fall, but who, for the past several weeks, has been making a tour of Florida, has return ed here for the balance of the season. It is a compliment to Thomasville for him, after making a tour of the popu lar resorts in Florida, to choose this place iu preference to other places during his sojourn south. Cows on the Streets. The city ordiuance, prohibiting cows running at large on the streets, went into effect Sunday. The terri tory embraced by the forbidden dis tricts is large, aid owners v ill do well to see that their favorites are kept away from it. Marshal Spair says the law will be enforced without fear, favor or affection. Cows caught iu the forbidden districts will be im pounded and sold if not paid out. The Macon Construction Company. This company, which built the Georgia Southern & Florida railroad, has made financial arrangements to continue the line from Macon to Birmingham, Ala. This will open lip a new and direct line from Birmiug ham and points West to Florida. As it is likely that Thomasville will soon have a connection with the Georgia Southern & Florida, we have an especial interest in the new connec tion. Special attention is called to the local of Miss Laura Jones She has a beautiful lot of holiday goods. You will find something there suitable for all ages and conditions. Unusual taste lias been shown in the selection of the stock. Everything is pretty and appropriate, and prices will he found as cheap as the cheapest. Call on Miss Laura before your purchases are all made. Mr. L. Simmons, lower Broad street, has a splendid stock of canes, finished in oxydized silver handles and natural wood. Some of them arc quaintly carved. If you would carry or' send away a souvenir of Thomasville, you canuot make a bet ter choice than one of these canes. Mr. S. J. Cassels has something new, novel and beautiful iu the way if Christmas and New Year cards. They must be seen to be appreciated. The pewa in the new Presbyterian church will he in place by next Sab bath, and the congregation will use the auditorium of the handsome building. It Was a Scoop. “The news of the sale of the Narrow Gauge railroad was read with interest yesterday morning. “Outside of those connected with the deal and the transfer of bonds and securities the sale was unknown. “Mr. Jackson said yesterday: “Of course, I know who the purchasers arc, for I woiked up the deal and found the purchasers myself, hut no body’ else knows who they are, and 1 am absolutely bound to sccrcsy in the matter.” “As suggested in yestcrday’s.Chron- icle, it is probable that nothing will be done before the auniial incctimr of the company, which is less than sixty days off. “The buyears will devote the enter- veniug time to making investigations into the character and condition of their new property, and in laying their plans for improvements and ex tensions. “The charter of the company ex tends already to Thomasville, and there are a number of desirable con nections and extensions which arc easily within the range of possibility. Keep your eve on the narrow gauge.” I jThc above, from the Augusta Chrouicle, will be read with interest by our readers. It is another sign board pointing to Thomasville. Our people should he alert and alive to the importance of securing—before the railroad map of South Georgia i- made up—such connections ns will nrotect their interests. Deals and developments arc being made which will make and unmake towns. Thotn- nsvillc must look after her own inter ests. If she doost not the mistake can never be remedied. Abie is the time for action. A Sweet Little Letter. Some days since, Reid * Culpepper gave notice that their store had been made headquarters for Santa Claus. They have received a sweet letter, written bv a little girl six years old, addressed to the patron saint of the children, in their care. TIicTimeh- Entkki’imse ventures to cherish the hope that, the letter may induce Santa Claus to grant what has been asked him, anil for fear the venerable old fellow may not otherwise know what is expected, the letter is here given. Tiiomasvii.i.e, Dec. 25, 188!). Dear Santa Claus:—As it is almost Christmas I have decided that I would write to you and tell you what I want for a Christmas present. I want a tricycle, balloon and some confec tioneries. This is nil I want. Now My Dear old Santa Claus wont you be sure to bring them tome? I will bn a good girl, if you will, I live on Jackson street, the fourth door from the Gulf house on the corner, in a low bouse. I will promise you I will not peep. Now Santa Glaus you will be sure to come I know. T will close. Your little girl, Ei.m.v Lee. At regular meeting of Thomasville Council No. 338 American Legion of Honor, held at Finn Hall Tuesday evening, Dec. 10, the following officers were elected to serve fortlteyear’iSgo: A. F. I’revatt—Commander. J H. Jcrger—Vire. A. S. Silverberg—Secretary. Jas. F. Evans—Collector. If. Wolff—Treasurer. R. C. Balfour—Chaplain. Louis Steyerman —Orator. K B. Whiddon—Guide. L. J. Sturdevant—Warden. H. Wise—Sentry. This Council has a large member ship and is in a flourishing condition. A party of sportsmen returned from a duck hunt on Lake Iamonee, Satur day. We suppress names for pruden tial reasons, as there is a serious dis crepancy among the parties at inter est, as to whether a “blue peter” is, properly speaking, a duck. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Stapleton, of Atlanta, were registered at the Piney Woods Sunday. South Georgia Conference. Third Day.—The examination of the undergraduates was concluded to day, and the elders were called, their work inquired into and their characters passed. The Savannah, Macon, Columbus and Americus districts were finished up. The afternoon session was devoted to the election ol delegates to the gen eral conference, with the following re sults : Dr. J, W. Hinton, Dr. W. P. Harrison, J. 15. McCehee, Dr. J. O. Branch and T. T. Christian. Alter nate's : Dr. J. O. A. Clarke, Geo. G. N. MacDonell and W. M, Hayes. The Church Extension Board field its anniversary to-night, and addresses were made by Dr. Candler and Bishop Hargrove. Lay delegates to general conference: J. S. Giles, J. II. Hines. J. A. Bush, J. I,. Day and Rev. W. I, Greene. Alternates : R. B. Reppard, T. J. Pearce and W. P. Hill, The Bishop is pushing the business with dispatch, and most ol the busi ness will be finished to-day. To-night the anniversary of the Board of Mis sions will be held. The collections for missions are in advance of former years, and will aggregate $20,000. M. Tariff Reform to the Front. Every day demonstrates the wis dom and courage of Grover Cleveland in launching his famous message against monopolists and trusts, and in favor of tariff reform. The people are waking tip to the fact that they are being robbed by the monopolists Touching thu changes going on. the Telegraph says: Among the many recent converts to the democratic idea of taxation are some men who tormcrly held high position in the republican party. There is President Eliot, of Harvard, Hugh McCulloch, Secretary of the Treasury under two republican Presidents, and Wayne MaeYeagh, Attorney General under President Garfield. Last Saturday night Mr. MaeYeagh delivered in Boston, before the reform club, a powerful address in favor of the reform of the tariff on the lines advocated by Mr. Cleveland, Mr. Carlisle and all the recognized leaders of the democratic party. The Phila delphia Record says of his effort : “While Mr. MncVengh’s opinions on the present tariff system have not been concealed, this is, we believe, the first time that he has publicly pro claimed them. So we go. The time is rapidly approaching when the only remaining defenders of tariff robbery will he its monopolistic beneficiaries and its subsidized advocates.” Cleveland. Grover Cleveland docs not drop out ol sight. At a banquet in Boston, on Thursday night, Mr. Cleveland deliv ered a notable speech. He spoke, as he always does, to the point, and with great force and Lcrsencss. Mr. Cleve land has the happy taculty of saying the right thing at the right time. No public man catches and holds the at tention of the masses more firmly. The people hang on his words, for the reason that they always mean some thing. His appeal for a pure ballot, and an adherance to the principles of tariff reform, were clear and ringing as a bugle call. And the people heard. Grover Cleveland will be heard from in 1892, “See here, John,” said Mrs. Smith, laying aside her paper, ‘ this ball playing is barbarous. I never heard of anything so cruel.” “What’s wrong, Mainly?” “Why, the paper says that nine men were whitewashed seven times in less than two hours. I'd think the lime in the whitewash would cat all the skin off them. I’d rather be tarr ed and feathered, and dear knows that is bad enough.” “I don’t believe you have been to Sunday school. You’ve been iu swimming. Your hair is wet ami your trousers are himlpart foremost.” “Well, you see, mar, I was ruuuin’ so hard to Sunday school that my head got all wet wid perspiration and then 1 fell down, and I was going so fast I turned over in my trousers.” Baby oneSolidRash Uulr, painful, blotchnl, malicious. No its 1 bv day, no pence by night. Doctor* and nil remedies railed. Tried Cullen- ra. ICffeet Mu reel Ions. Mure* his life. Cured by Cuticura Our eldest child, now six years of age, when an infant six months old was attacked with a virulent, malignant skin disease. All ordinary remedies lailing.wc called our family physician who attempted to cure it; hut it spread with al most Incredible rapidity, until the lower por tion of the little fellow's person, from th« mid- file of his hack down to his knees, was on* solid rash, ugly, painful, blotched and malicious. \\e had uo rest at night, no peace by day. Finally, we were advised to try tho Cuticura Remedies. The eirect was simply marvellous. In three or four weeks a oomploto cure was wrought, leav ing tho little fellow’s person as white and healthy as though he bail never been attacked. In my oniniou vuur valuable remedies saved his life, and to-day he is a strong, healthy child,perfect- lv well, no repetition of the disease having ever occurred. GEO. 11. SMITH, Att’y at Law and Ex-Pros. Att’y, Ashland,O. Boy Covored "With Scabs. My hoy, aged nine years, has been troubled all his life by a very had humor, which appeared all over his body in small, red blotches, with n dry white scab on them. Last year lie was worse than ever, being covered with scabs from the top of his beau to his feet, and continually growing worse, although lie hail been treated by two phosieians. As a last resort, I determined to try the Cuticura Remedies, and am happy to say they did all t hat L could wish. 1 ’sing them according to direction, the humor rapidly dis- anpearod, leaving the skin fair and smooth, and neiforming a thorough cure. The Cuticura Remedies arc all you claim fur them. They arc worth their weight in gold. • GEO. F. LEAVITT, No. Andover, Mass. Cuticura Resolvent. Tho new Blood Purifier and purest and bestof Humor Remedies, internally, and Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exquis ite Skin Beautltier, externally, speedily, perma nently. and economically cure in early lile itch ing, burning, bleeding,'scaly, crusted, pimply, scrofulous, and hereditary humors, with loss of hair, thus avoiding years of torture and dhdl}!’ Parents, ends thi! (’tires in :hlldh«M>,i .in: |»».........«.— # „ Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticnni, f*0c.: Soap r.c.- Resolvent, 81.00. Prepared by the Potter Hug and Chemical Corporation, Boston, rr if 'Send for “How to Cute Skin Diseases, ;» pages. 50 illustrations, ami 100 testimonials HOW MY SIDE ACHES, (iilierilcsl Blood l*oi»on. II.,w many |>5v ty " l ‘" sc llis - t rr ss from .sores, ache.--. pains and eruptive tendencies ore due to inherited blood poison. I5.ul Rjood passes from patent to child, and u Ilu-i,fnr<- i- Oil- .liny •>!' mill wife l„ .'j. tlu-ir l.lmi'l pure. This is easily tu-.-.omplislii-.l l.y timely use of H. Ii, B, (Botanic Blood Balm). Ken,l to the. Blood iiuini L'o., Uliuilu, for hook of most con vincing proof. .Ilnurs Hill, Atlmilii, (iu., writes: “My two sons were jifliiete.l with Mood poison, uhh.-li i|,„-t„rs sai.l was hereditary. They 1, ill. broke out in sores mid eruptions whirl, lb IS. B. promplty eontrull.-d mid finally rure.l rompirtrly.” Mrs. .S. .M. Willi-ims, S.-tndy, T.-xas, writes: “.M\ tlir.-o j.oor :iIHic-ted, n, who in herited poison, have improved rapidly alter ,1 .ISO of I!. 1!. Ii. It isa Godsend.” .). I*. Wilson, Glen Alpine Ktulion, N. ('., I'.-lj. llas:,, writes: “lione and Blood poison Jorred toe to have my leg amputated, and on tile stump there earn.- a largo ulcer, whi.-h grew worse everyday until doctors ■ .tv.- me up to die. I oolv weighed 12b pounds when I began to take II. II. Ii., and 12 bottles increased my weight to 1HO p,mails ami made me sound and well. I n.-ver knew what good health was before.” CASH GROCERIES, While not in the ring yet, are in town by a large majority, and can point to friends and acquaintances in nearly every household in Thomasville. Arc you one of its friends? If not, make it’s acquaintance at once, for it will save you money. It’s competitors will, sometimes,—when you standby and make them do so—meet it’s prices, Lut just as soon ns you quit watching them they will charge you tho same old-time prices. Send and get it’s prices and compare them with your hook, and don’t fail to find out how much more it’s competitors charge for Raisins, Currants, Citron, etc, for making your fruit cake than it does. Respectfully, M. 1*. PICKETT. Uucklcn’N Arnica Waive. The Host Salve in tilt* World for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or i?o pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cassels, Drug Store. Worth Knowing. Mr. W. II. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fla., was taken with a severe cold, attended with a distressing cough and running into Consumption in its lirst stages. He tried many so-called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was •educed in flesh, had diilieulty in breathing and was unable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption and found inime- din’e relief, and after using about half a dozen bottles found himself well and has had no return of the disease. No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures, as Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion. Guaranteed to do just what is claim ed for it. Trial bottle free at S, J. Cassels’ Drug Store. EA III. Y O AT*. All parties to whom I engaged the early oat for seed, are notified that 1 am ready to deliver tire same, The yield having proven better than l expected, I* can also furnish a few other parties. Apply as soon as possi ble, if you would be supplied. It is the best tarlv oat that I ever planted, and yielded more than the old reliable rust proof oat last season. J. T. CHASTAIN. Latest Designs! LARGEST STOCK! Lowest f rices! —FOR— FOOTWEAR AT— f Near Post-Office." ■ELEGANT STOCK OFJ 3) FANCY .'.SLIPPERS FOR L des and: GENTS. DESIRABLE XMAS GIFT, AT City Shoe Store, Near Post Office.