The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 17, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - - - Editor. 8. 15. BURR, - Business Manager. TUESDAY, DECEMBER IT,-1889. Daily Timks-Entkki'Uisk ii publish'd every morning (Monday exc-ptt-d.) The Weekly Timks-Exteiipkisk is published every Saturday morning. SrrsrnimciN Hates. Daily Times-Entehiuiise, . . WvEKLY “ ... Daily AnvFiiTis Nil Rates ;jTransient per squar Tj{Transient first insertii i ts for i 5 TO uent insertion One Square, no moiilli. - One Square, two nionllis One Square, three month q - - - 1 - 00 One Square, six inunths, - - - - 110 on One Square, twelve moot is, - - - do 00 Subject to change by special nrm’U •inellt. u. n. ill 1C It, llnslnru .llmineer. CAKICIUKS nrr no< |>rrinll(etl <« sell Pii|»ere. Tliey c«.« lie lintl til iliiw cfllee. or at ilie news Niaml. Strange to heat Carnegie talk about running Cleveland for President again. _ Macon will have a Christmas tree forty feet high and two feet through at the base. lo denounce the common school sys tem of the country, whose non-secta rianism prevented the education ot youths in the religion of their fathers. The gentleman made a mistake m denouncing the common schools of our country because they are non secta rian, That is just what tliey should be. If religious denominations, whether they lie Presbyterian, Baptist, Method's!, Episcopal, Catholic, or what not, want sectarian schools, let them establish them and support them, but leave ll^e common schools of the country purely and wholly non-secta rian. Keep church and state wide apart. Anything to the contrary is inimical to tree institutions. fried stock of Holiday Good: iiv Drug .Store, 118 I trout! St. S. .1. CASSKI.S, The poods .it our 5 nnd 10 cent counters rush, Secure the lient selec- ,1 the rush Inter. REID A CULPEPPER. money at Iteesc lfalcctf They are talking about sending Foraker as minister to Russia. Any thing to get him out ot the country. , The democrats wil; carry three re form mottoes on their banner, in 1S92, tariff reform, civil service reform and ballot reform. A uumber of Congressmen aro mourning the absence of Col. Silcott from Washington. He is sereuely basking ’neath Canadian skies. The biggest mortgage on record was drawn by a Philadelphia lawyer, a few days ago. It was on the Northern Pacific railroad for $160,002,000. The next centenary to be celebrated in this country will be that, of the establishment of the supreme court of the United States. It wilt be iu New York, Feb. 4, and cx-Prcsident Cleveland will preside. It is hoped that the wheels of con gressional machinery will be duly greased, and a sufficient amount of statesmanly steam ' generated by the timo the spproaching recess shall have been concluded. Broad Views. Henry Grady closed his Boston banquet speech with this peroration . What do we ask of you? First, pa tience; second, confidence; third, sym pathy; fourth, give us your sons as hostages. When you plant your cap ital in millions, send your sorts that they may know how true are our hearts and may help to swell the Anglo-Sax on current until it can carry without danger this infusion. Fifth, loyalty to tlie republic; for there is sectional ism in loyalty as well as estrangement. This hour little needs a loyalty that is loyal to one section, and yet holds the other in enduring suspicion and es trangement. Give us the broad and perfect loyalty that loves and trusts Georgia, alike with Massachusetts that knows no south, no north, east, no west, but endears with equal and patriotic love every foot of • our soil, every state of our union. I forget llltl ( 'lulls 11 we :ui- headquarters it Unit \Ve turn- 11 sure in'. Let Ilie little fellows tv Inlying a dollars wortti muv heroine its owner Itl-tlD A CPI,PEPPER. L F. THOM! & SI i’I forget to go to Reese k Mason’s and eir display. lodcctf suitable for • the assort- ■k«'ii. All tin* standard poets and •tl to the season. KKID k CULPEPPER. elegant b< tillable for a holiday gift r pencil. We have a splen- clieap you will he surpris- UKI!) k CULPEPPER. No, 131 BROAD STREET, Themasville,, - Ga. In j.lil.-ll goods and novelties in fancy sla- ■ase the most fastidious, iiow our goods. Itl-tlD k CULPEPPER. Kent. ltopki: Aid tloUdK FOR RENT. 1-,,,,111, well furnished Iiuilsc, 411 raw fill'd and Fletcher streets, for ly mi premises-, or to Dr. T. S. Congressman Crisp had his overcoat stolen in Washington, last week. He will find it on some democrat's back fi fine umbrella was left when the fel low took the coat. If he had been a republican he would have taken both What He Thought Then. General ,Sherman has been ex tremely bitter against the South, of late years. lie has even gone bo far as to advise the negroes to use the torch to right fancied ami alleged wrong. But there was a time when lie thought and talked differently about the negroes. Instance the fol lowing letter which lias recently been unearthed: In the Field Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 8, 1S04.—Hear Sir: Your kind note of Aug. 24, from Rochester, N. Y., reached me here, and I am really thankful for the warm terms in which you write, and I know you will not feel the less kindly when you know we are inside Atlanta. I don’t see why we can’t have some sense about negroes, as well as about horses, mules, iron, copper, etc.—but say “nigger" in the United States and from Sumner to Attorney Kelly the whole country goes crazy. I never thought my negro letter would get into the papers, but since it has, 1 lay low. I like niggers well enough as uiggers, but when fools and idiots try to make niggers better titan our selves, I have an opinion. We are also ruining our country financially iu this bounty and substitute business. It only amounts to spending money ; it don't make a single soldier. Fools think they can buy off and will spend their money on Eome worthless substitute who shirks ami is of no use, and after spending all his money will have to serve besides. Well, this thing will work out to itn natural solution. W. T. Sherman, Major-Gcueral. This was written by the light of Atlanta in flames; written when he was “marching through Georgia”; written when he was in close contact with the “contrabands.'’ No Sectarianism in purs. Jacksonville, Fla, Dec. 15.—The Presbyterian Synod of west Florida and Alabama has been in session in Pensacola for the past three dayS; A profound seusation was created by Dr. Shearerf president ot Davidson college, N. C. in his address last niglyt. The reverend .’gentleman proceedi Passenger Rates in Georgia. The railroad commission of this state has issued a circular amending the rates governing the transportation of passengers. The charges, as will be seen by reference to the circular pub lished in the Morning News of Dec. 12th, go into effect Dec. 18, and are quite important. Those who travel the railroads will find it to their interest to makethemselvesacquaintrd with them. It is noticeable that a higher rate for a lower berth iu a sleeping car may be charged when the upper berth not lowered than when it is. By paying a small advance on the regu lar priee, therefore, occupants of lower berths need not be incommoded by unoccupied upper berths. .The commission requires that like and equal accommodations shall be furnished to all persons without dis tinction of race, color or previous condition. With a rule like this there ought to he uo trouble between the races so far as railway travel is concerned. Self respecting white peo ple will not occupy ears set apart for colored people, nor will self-respecting colored people thrust themselves Into cars intended for white people. The changes in the rules are evidently intended to bring about a condition of affairs in railroad travel that will give satisfaction to ail classes of peo pic.—News. sit ttie engine, run by sure 1, round a circular track. It is lique. Buy a dollar's worth of I got a ticket that will give you u-u this wonderful machine. REID k CULPEPPER. Santa (’Ians lias conic to headquarters. He as brought all unusual nuuiher of pretty, solid gills for tlie season. Come yourself nd tiring tlie little folks. ISdcctf REID k CULI’EPPER. ( llItlMT.VI AM CARDS, Mail one to your friends, l-ideeti" ’ ,S. J, CASSELS. n engine run by steam, on a track with sharp curves, with never an accident. Come and sec it. 1 ttdectf REID k CULPEPPER. Reese k Eason puts out something new every day. lodectf • little folks will tie delighted with our steam engine. If they buy a dollar's wortti ot toys they will have a chance to own it. Let 111! Ill come and tec it. decta tf REID A- CULPEPPER. .3. SHIOJfS, LOCKSMITH AND BELL HANGER, No. 3 Broad St., Near the Monument, General Repairs. OPERA HOUSE The railroads appear to be out joint. of HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES, I liftve received i ic preparations, an them to the public full line of Homo. 1 am prepared to opath- mpply ITdec (J. PATRICK, M. I)., Office over Stcvcrman's 'e have some choice perfumery that will make your sweetheart even sweeter. I not forget this. lUdectf REID k CULPEPPER. See what Reese & Mason have for Christ mas, before you buy. suntuesthurlt Our 5 and 10 cent counters were never so full. Vou will he surprised to see what can buy for these small sums. We have enough to go round, hut the first buyers w fare best. Come early, lec 12tf REID k CCMPEPPMR. A Pointer. I will do 2 collars and one pair of cuffs FREE, provided you bring in your laundry by Tuesday noon. SAM M. WOLFF, 15 2t 100 Broad St. Come in and see our Xmas goods. We cau suit you, whether you want a cheap or n elaborate present. 12dcctf RKID & CTLPMPPMR, All my friends are invited to call and ex amine my holiday goods. 15 2t Miss Addik McClellan. Holiday golds the newest and prettiest,at Miss Addie McClellan's. l.Vit See the steam engine. It is a wonderful toy. Buy a dollar's worth of toys and you will hn\e a chance to own it. 12dcctf RKID k CCLPEPPER. I have Photo and Auto Albums, (not the largest stock in the city) but I want to sell what I have. J. CASSKLS. The steam engine, run by actual steam, will be on exhibition in the front of our store tpr-day and until the holidays. Let the little folks come and see it. If they buy a dollars worth of toys they will secure a ticket that will give a chance to secure the engine. 12dectf REID k CCLPEPPER. CALL OR SENS FOR OF 1 FURNITURE. L F. fkeafSM l Co. TIE «SEE JMlfcillTS, Commencin'! Thursday, Dee. 19th Matinee Saturday fur Ladles and Child ron, at 2: 30 SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT. The Great Bell-Ellis Combination Two P>ig Shows in one. Bell’s ORIGI NAL ROYAL MARIONETTES Together With Ellis Cyclone of Novelties and Grand Gift Carnival. (Elegant and Valuable Presents’felv-l I cn Away at Each Performance. I Admission 35 and 50c Reserved Keats (in salo ut HIED &. CULPEPPER'S 5,i,mi limn Wanted, nd Out Sacks at Icc Factory. W. S. Kkikkr, Man. JOHM T. WEST, Agent for Standard Oil Go 114 Broad St, - Thomasville, Ga V. A. HORROCIvS, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Thorarurlllc, (tin. Having had a long experience in the northern states, and being fully competent to contract for and build any kind of store house, public buildings, private residences, Ac., Ac., and having located in Thomasville ith a view to making it my future home, I respectfully oiler my services to those who may wish any kind ot building erected, prepared to make contracts or superin tend, make plans, specifications, &c. share of the patronage of the people of Thom asville and vicinity is respectfully solicited Letters addressed to me through post office will reach me, or I can be seen for the pres- nt at the new brick building on Madison street, corner Jackson. V. A. IlORROCKS. dcclOtf Thomasville, C NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual election for directors of the Tho nasville National Bank for the year 1890 will lie held at the hanking house on the second Tuesday in January, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. in. Blank proxies will he furnished on appli cation at the bank. Jas. A. Brandon, Thomasville, Dec. 0, 1889. Cashier. dec21 td Remember your friends here and elsewhere by making them a suitable holiday present We can suit you. 12dectf REID k CCLPEPPER. Renew* Her Youth. Mrs. Phoebe Chcsley. Peterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, the truth of which is vouched for by the residents of the town : “I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not dress myself without help. Now I am free from all p in and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renew ed my youth, and removed completely all disease and pain.” Try a bottle, 50c and $1, at S. J.Cassels’ Drug Store. They Have Gome! They Have Come! We are now iu receipt of tlie is J For the Gash BOARDING! MISS TJ1ILER, Formerly of Philadelphia, will open her honse for the season, Monday, December 2nd. Corner Warren anil Flewnrd Hired*. 3dlra TIIO.’WAHVILliE.OA. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. Four nice, sunny rooms, in best locnlit; in the city. Don’t want any very sicl people, or children. Table board noxt door. Apply nt Reid and Culpeu- rEit’s Drugstore. 12Dectf In New York Prices never equalled in tlie Poutli. Come and see. JR. A. BSAHS. 3 Cars Best Bran, 3 Cars Seed Oats, 3 Cars Feed Oats, Just received at J. S. Real Estate Agent, THOMASVILLE, GA. Office over Reid k Culpepper’s Drag Store, Broad St. I mu now prepared to buy or sell, forotlier parties, all kinds of town or country real estate, and have on my list a good assort meat of Loth kinds. Strict and close atten tion to tlie business will lie my aim, and I respectfully solicit a share of the business ol the community. aug?8tf SHRUBBERY. DIXIE NUKSEEY, H. H. SANFORD & GO., Proprietors. JOHN T. WEST’S. 114 Broad St WOLCOTT MALL, THOMASVILLE, GA. Caters to families desiring a QUIET AND EXCLUSIVE HOUSE, For the winter month?. Located on the HIGHEST ELEVATION in Thomasville nnd surrounded by LARGE GROUNDS, with Tennis, Archery. Croquet, Etc. dec 14 3m Notice to Tax Payers and Voters. Notice is hereby given that the Tax and Registration books for the year 1889 will positively close on Friday, Dec. 20th, at 4 p. m. Can be found at my office in Thom asville from now until the close. Respectfully, P. S. HEATH, T. C. k Registrar. Nov. 2G, 1889. Merchant Tailor. Gentlemen wanting fin 1 and good goods, good worknnd fit in execution of garments will find if to their interest to call and see me, up stairs, over Doctor Cossets’ drag store, Thomasville, Ga. Cleaning and repairing done at short notice. 8declm It. W. Rimsky. Til is is tlie proper time to transplant nnd set out all kinds of roses, bulbs, plants nnd shrubbery. We have *11 kinds of these plants, Ac., nnd a first class Landscape Gar dener, who will attend to the proper laying out of lawns, gardens, yards, Ac., nnd of nil plants, Ac, Plans and estimates will be made on notice given us, and we will take pleas ure ill giving any nnd all information on the subject. novli-itf 11. II. SANFORD A CO. The Marshall House THE PRIDE AND OLD TIME FAVORITE HOTEL OF SAVANNAH. I XaER THE PERSONAL MMGEUEM OF octf *1.1.. IIARNETr. Mark Golinsky, Commercial Agt. BRANCH OFFICE: SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA. H. A. WAIDNEIt A CO., Canned Goode Exchange, Baltimore. BALTIMOBE, Feb. 18, 1885. Baltimore Condeneod Milk Co., York, Pa: Dear Mrs-I havo used the products of your factory for years with tho best results, both as nourishment for my children and tablo uso. 1 havo compart'd It side by side with tho Eagle, Swiss, English, Crown and Diamond brands, d unhesitatingly pronounce your Meadow parlor to any of them. Yours truly, and uni Brand far sup lidSt . A.WAIDNEB, 4 CD a P | -a i as O kmi fi ted OB 4 23 23 CD P fi GTQ jaumd o <rf- I— 1 * CD P- CTQ CD o GC SO O W- CD hi fi u* * zn • 18 • ■