The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 18, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TIUPLETT, - - - Editor. S. B. BURR, - Business Manager. WEDNESDAY. DKCKMHER is, 1880. DAILY TiMKS-KsTKIU’IUSK il I'ulilisll-ll every mariiing (Monday cxc-pteil.) The Wfeki.y Timfs-Estkuhusk is published everj Saturday morning. Daily Timks-Kntkjui WiEirr.T Daily Transient Rat ? -st insertion, t ertion Am brst n uent One Square, 01 One Square, t\ One Square, t! Or.o Square, six months, One Square, twelve mont Subject to change by s N. II. BI KH, It) In* - - . & 5 00 .... 8 00 ... 12 00 - - - 20 00 - - - 3, r > 00 special arranf *ment. slnewt Mnnnsi r, Bismarck lias been snubbed by tbe Germen Ricclistag. And the Chan cellor is exceeding wroth. Fighting and bloodshed is reported in Brazil, over the change of govern ment. Bad for-Brazil. The monar chies of the old world would like to see the republic fall. The Negro at the North. “New York, Dec. Hi.—This after noon 250 white men, employed longshoremen at the National Line pier stopped work suddenly because negroes were being employed by the same company.” Down South, negroes work, every where, alongside of white men Bricklayers, carpenters, mechanics of all kinds, whose faces are black, are given the same showing down here with a white man, receiving the same wages and accorded the same treatment by bosses. Not so North ; up there the colored man is not given the showing which we give him down here. And yet the republican papers and radical republican politicians are continually howling about the wrongs of the negro at the South. This is a flagrant outrage on our people, aud a most untenable position. General John B. Gordon. The line of heroes of our revolution of 1861-5' s f ast passing away. First Sidney Johnston and then Stonewall Jackson fell while yet the struggle was raging ho'. Warm from the strife and inline glow of heroic deeds, they passed “over the river to rest in the shade oi the trees.” Then, in peace, died Lee, greatest of generals since Napoleon, and sweetest, gentlest of heroes; and now Davis, the great chief, the "creator of a nation,” the majestic, royal man who bowed to but one command, the call of God. Thus the great are dying. We are living in an age of the passing away of many knightly Arthuts. But one remains ; one who stood a peer among these knightly heroes, and without a peer, now that they are gone—John 15. Gordon. In war his naked sword was the oriflamme of battle ; in peace, his clarion voice is the heralding of ktndler feelings and has power to lay the bitter storms of hate. He stands easily first in southern love ; first in honor; aud is the last of a knightly band whose lives have adorned and made better the world, and whose heroic deeds “sweeten the memory” of their people.—Atlanta Journal. One Grand Monument. There are several distinct move ments to build monuments to Mr. Davis in different Southern cities. The Coustitutiou wants Georgia to build otic in Atlanta. The Times does not favor the plan. One great aud towering monumeut ought to be built iu the South, and all the con tributions should lie united to that end. At present we are disposed to favor Richmond as the place. Local rivalries and jealousies should be hush ed aud one combined eflort made in the whole South. —Valdosta Times. Our contemporary voices the senti ments of the masses on this subject. Col. J. II. Estill, of the Morning News, than whom a more fitting se lection could not have been made, has been put at the head of the move ment in Georgia. This is a work inaugurated by the press of the South, and the press will push it to comple tion. Let every one unite in erecting one grand monument to Jell Davis, before efforts are made to erect smaller ones. These latter will naturally follow. It would seem that Rich mond, Va., is the most appropriate place for the towering shaft. 1 An Army of Prezchers. Bishop Hargrove issued marching orders, on Monday, to a small army of Methodist preachers. And every soldier took up the lino of march for his liehl. The following are the appointments for the Tin masville district: ,T. W. Hinton, presiding elder. Thouiasville, G. <i. N. McDonnell. Albany and Leesburg, G. S. Johnston. Attapulgus, N. IL 01 instead. Bainliridge, J. S. Jordan. Boston, W. W. Stewart. Blakely. S. W. Stubbs. Cairo, J. T. Ainsworth. Camilla, J. W. Arnold. Cohjiiitt, R. 15. Ross. Decatur. J. \V. Tinlcy. Leary, T. K. Leonard. Mars Hill, J. S. C. Glenn. Pelham, O B. Chester. Pierce, J. T. Ryder, J. B. V ight. Sumner, H. Branch. We notice the location of the fol lowing ministers, well known to many of our readers: E. H. McGehee, Presiding Elder, Americas district; W. M. Hayes, Christ’s church, Americas; II.Stubbs, Magnolia ; J. O. Branch, Presiding Elder, Valdosta; J. O. A. Cook, Presiding Elder, Brunswick, district; G. IV. Mathews, Waycross; P. 11 Clumpier, Gordon; T. T. Christian, Presiding Elder, Savannah tlistri it; A. M. Wynn, Wesley Monumental church, Savannah; Wesley Lane, South Macon ; C. D, Adams, Cochran; F. A. Branch, Fort Valley : M. D. Morehouse, Perry ; J. B. McGehee, Presiding Elder, Columbus district; IV. F. Lloyd, St. Paul and Pierce chapel, Columbus; J. M. Austin, Buena Vista. Rev. C. W. Snow, was transferred to the West Texas conference. The next conference will be held in Macon in December 1890. A Final I Felcctcl stock of my Drugr Store. 1 Tlcctf The goi Hir and 10 cent counters sh. Secure t lie best selec- ! avoid the rush liuer. RKID k CULPEPPER. ; ?f«s* HOTEL MASURY THOMASVILLE, GA. S. .J. CASS ELS. »Is for the lo i*st money at Reese lodcctf rth Reese k Eason puts out something no everyday. Hotel v Brighton, BROAD ST., OIT. MITCHELL HOUSE. European J?1 an. Gas, Electric Bel is,Hot and Cold Baths,&c. MILLER & CO. lSilam MANAGERS. I licit »f arc licuilqnnrtcrs ami that tve have a sure i-ueiiie. Let the little lelhnvs I;v having a dollars worth ai may heroine its owner ItKIi) k CULPEPPER. lto to Keese k Mason's and lSdectf elegant hooks, suitable for aar early before the assort- ill the standard poets and lie season. 11 MID k CULUKITKR. in table :or a holiday gift r P -neil. We have a splen- rheap von will he stirini.-'- IlMIli i CULPEPPER and novelties in faney s a-e the most histidin how our goods. KMii) k CULPEPPER rjdeetf ,e engine, run by Bure ,nd a (drenlar traek'. It is Huy a dollar's worth of a ticket that will give you iis wondei til machine. ItMID CULPEPPER. Santa Claus has come to headcitinrters. lie has brought an unusual manlier of pretty, useful gifts for tho season, funic yourself and bring the little folks. 12deetf ItMID k CULPEPPER. <11111.STM *S CA It OS, Mail one to your friends, l-ldeetf H. J. CASSELS. i track with blent. Come run by steal witli never lZdeetf It Mil) & CL'LPMPPKH. The little folks will he delighted with our steam engine. If they buy a dollar's worth of toys they will have a chance to own it. Let them come and tee it. deel - tf RKII) k tTLPKPPKR. Holiday Goods for the Hundreds- Immense Stock to Select From. A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIALTIES: Jcwelrv novelties, Gold and Silver \\ ntcli- es, Sterling Silverware, Fine Leather Goods, Photograoh .Stands, Fancy Articles of every description, Picture Pinnies, Brick-nllnick, Brass Goods, Onera Glasses, Fine Silk Um- hrellas, Canes anil Riding Whips, Clocks in liny::, Marble IJronze, Hard Wood. Crystal, Carriage Clocks, etc., Cut Glass, Japanese Ware, Cutlery, Decorated Lamps, Hollow nnd Flat Plate Ware, and Fine China, com prising the following articles: Vases, Coin- ports, Dessert Sets, Cups and Saucers,Crack er Jars, Pot Potiri Jars, Chockolatc- Pots,etc, anil many other things too numerous to mention. dec!8 JKRGKR'S. HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES. I have received a full line of Homoeopath ic preparations, nnd am prepared to supply them to the public. W. G. PATRICK, M. D„ 17dec Office over Steycrman's- We have some choice perfumery that will like your sweetheart even sweeter. Do not forget this. 1 Jdectf RKII) & tTLPKPPKR. See what Reese k Kason have !br Christ mas, before you buy. suntucsthurlt Holiday goods the newest and prettiest,at Miss Addie McClellan's. U1R Our a and 10 cent counters were never so full. Vou will he surprised to sec what you can hay for tliesc small sums. We have enough to go round, hut the first buyers will fare best. Come early. decl'Jtf RKID .X Cl'LPKPPKR. Come in and see our Xmns goods. We can suit you, whether you want a cheap or an elaborate present. Jdectf RKII) k Cl'LPKPPKR. See the steam engine. It is a wonderful toy. Huy a dollar's worth of toys and you will have a chance to own it. 12dectf RKID k CL'LPKPPKR. I have Photo and Auto Albums, (not the largest stock in the city) hut 1 want to sell what I have. K. J. CASSELS. The steam engine, run by actual steam, will he on exhibition in the front of our store to-day and until Hie holidays. Let the little folks come and see it. If they buy a dollars worth of toys they will secure a ticket that will give a chance to secure tin- engine. lJdeetf RKII) k CULPEPPER. BOARD IX TIIK COUNTRY. A few persons desiring the <(include of the country and the aroma of the pines, can -lie .-ommodated at Jersey Farm. Gentlemen, L sick enough tu require special attention, preferred. JPoctt For Rent. Furnished house iu suburbs, fix rooms .tell furnished, good water, will rent reuton- ably to a good party. Apply to Mas. Rellk Liss, Magnolia Avenue. LATON’IA ICE -.- COMPANY. 1GE MADE FROM DEEP WELL WATER, CHEMICALLY l’UBE. DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN THE CITY. GIVE ORDERS TO WAGON'S AND MAI I. DIRECT TO W. S. KEIFER, MANAGER, OPERA HOUSE THBEEE NIGHTS, Commencing Thursday, Dec. 19th. Matinee Saturday- for Ladies and Child ren, at 2:1)0 SPECIAL engagement. The Great Bell-Ellis Combination Two llig Shows In one. Hell’s ORIGI NAL ROYAL MARIONETTES Together With Ellis Cyclono ol Novelties and Gland Gift Carnival. Admission 35 and 50c Reserved Scuts on salo at RIED & CULPEPPER'S Wanted, 1,000 Bran and Oat Sacks at Ice Factory. lodecGt W. S. Kkifkr, Man. Remember your friends here and elsewhere by making them a suitable holiday present We can suit you. 12dectf * RKII) k CULPEPPER. Itcucws Her Youth. Mrs. Phoebe Chesley. Peterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, the truth of which i3 vouched for by the residents of the town : “I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not dress myself without help. Now I am free from all p in and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Ritters for having renew ed my youth, and removed completely all disease and pain.” Try a bottle, 50c and $1, at »S. J. Camels' Drug Store. $75.00 to $250.00 can Ik'S orkliig for us. Agents preferred who can furnish a horse and give their whole tlrno to the business. Spare moments may be profit ably employed also. A few canvasers In towns ami cities B. F. JOHNSON k CO , 100) Main St. Richmond, Va. # , A’. Jl —Please state aye and business expert- icr. Never mind about sending stamp for reply, . r, J. k Co. Notice to Tax Payers and Voters. Notice is hereby given that the Tax and Registration hooks for the year 188‘J will positively close on Friday, Dec. 20tli, at 4 p. m. Can he found at my office in Thom- asvillc from now until the close. Respectfully, P. S. HEATH, T. C. k Registrar. Nov. 2(S, 1881). W A X T S. G. II. Wyant, the Upholsterer, wants to ay Carpets, Wool at 75 rtn., Brussels at $1; vuiits to re-upholstcr your parlor furniture; units to make over your mattresses. Call it Ainsworth's Grocery-. J Govt k in FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. Four nice, sunny rooms, in best locality la the city. Don’t want any very sick people, or children. Table board next door. Apply at Reid and Cti.t’d*- peb’s Rug Store. 12Dcctf ’ •>*:•-. ’ ,c . ft EpSUaW 4# ESiJ. jiBi ■pay rjiR. kodiFi'jjSjjpL ■ fessf • I?. IIA MILTON, Proprietor. Open for the Season of 1889-90. L. P. THOMPSON No. 131 BROAD STREET, Thomasville, - Ga. BALL on SSOT Fm FURNITURE. L F. fl®mp®n & Go. They Have Come! They Have Rome! We are now in receipt of the :m For the Cash In New York Prices never equalled in the South. Come aud sec. IS. A. HASS. BOARDING! miss tj ii Tj r n, Formerly of Philadelphia, will open her house for the senion, Monday, December 2nd. Corner Warren and Seward Bircets, 3.11m 1IIO.lIASVIV.lsi:, HA. Y. A. HOKEOCKS, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, TlioiumtvillCf Ga. Having had a long experience in the northern states, and being fully competent to contract for and build any kind of store house, public buildings, private residences, Ac., ike,, and having located in Thomasvillc with a view to making it iny future home, I respectfully offer my services to those who may wish any kind ot building erected. 1 am prepared to make contracts or snj erin- tend, make plans, specifications, kc. A share of the patronage of the people of Thorn- asville anti vicinity is respectfully solicited. Letters addressed to me through post oflicc will reach me, or I can he seen for thp pres ent at the new brick building on Madison street, corner Jackson. V. A. IIORROCKS. dcclOtf Thomasvillc, Ga. , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY ThoHSitMyilIc, - a. 16 acres on cor. Remington avenue and Mitchell st., beau tifully situated, high and roll ing, all within the city limits. The depot of the Ga.Southern & Fla. R. R.will be located on or very near this property. Price $10,000. i lot on Love st., 190 feet front, 240 feet deep. Choice property $9 per foot front. 4 lots on Crawford st., G5 ft front each, 180 ft deep, to an alley, only 4 blocks from business business center. $10 per front foot. J lot on Love st., 105 feet front, 140 feet deep, beautiful lot for $1,000. 16 acres just outside the corporate limits, on the road to Mr. S. R. VanDuzer’s ele gant country home, 12 acres in fine state of cultivation,bal ance timber; nice new tenant house and fences all in tiptop order. Price $1,000. 1 lot on Love st.very choice: 120 ft front, 240 ft deep. Price: reasonable. 1 lot on Dawson st, 103 ft front, 420 ft deep to Young st. Some choice bearing fruit trees. This lot is very desir able. Price $1.6oo. 30 acres 21-2 miles from Mitchell House, in the forks of two noted public roads, ele gant location; very high and attractive. Price $l,ooo. !i lots on Clies, nit st., 82 ft front, 150 ft deep to tt.i a'ley for -floO each. These lots are absolutely worth double the tnoitey. K lots on north Dawson si., 88 feet fm d, 190 ft deep, to an alley, for $250 each; very cheap. North Dawson is a beautiful street. 10 acre tract on Magnolia avc., 250 lo 800 beanlil'id pear trees of different varieties eoin ! ng into bearing. Flow ers and shrubbery in abundance. Handsome new dwelling of 9 rooms in perfect order, servant’s bouse, barn and other outbuildings. I say, with out fear of contradiction, that this is the most attractive suburban homo for sale around Thomasvillc. Prico low. 5 lovely one-ae-e lots on Young st., handsomely doited with beautiful lino irccs, f.i. a low down price. 10 acc tract. cor.Young and Sp'-tmo sts., just outside the corporate limits. New 8 room house aud well fenced. Net-.: Iv all in cultivation. Some nice line timber. Splendid location. Prico $J,800. ,yj acre tract cor. Magnolia avc and Maple si. ; 2 tenant houses; all under new fence and in high state of culti vation ; 200 2-year old LeConle pear (roes; line oak grove for building site. This is a lovclv spot and is very cheap at *1,500. 2 7-acre tracts on Young street that would make, beautiful homes. This ground is especially adapted lo the growth of pears, plums, peaches,small trails and vegetables. Price $11)0 per acre. 10 very handsome lots in Fcarnsido covered with stalely pines, D to 1 acre each ; high and drv. Price $250 lo $800 each. 2-acre lot cor. Magnolia and Linn- wood aves., willi new 5-mom cottage. Tbe lot nicely fenced and all set with fruit trees, flowers and shrubbery; litis place will make a charming home and very cheap, price $1,800. 2 of the most complete and attract ive homes on Dawson street, very reasonable. Every one knows that Dawson is decidedly the best resi dence street in Thomasvillc. For tbe lirst lime I offer Magnolia park lor sale. Il .ms no equal around this town for beauty and convenience to the city. You go out the best resi dence street in the city to reach it and see nothing unpleasant to the eye on the road. It is the place of ail plates for some gentleman to build a hand some winter home. It contains 12‘a acres and I will sell for less titan ita value.