The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 19, 1889, Image 1

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nterprfet VOL. 1.--N0 l>s7. TLIOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. THURSDAY MORN I MG, DECEMBER 19, 188!) $5.00 PER ANNUM Mr. W. W. Tyler and family, of Buffalo, N. V., are in the ei.y, the guests of I) 1- . McKee, oil Dawson street. THIS IS COLUMN. As soon as he gets >ver the rush of justomers he will ill it with his usu- il announcement. IN THE CITY. The pet of the Gulf house is ft par rot. Mr. A. 1’. Brown, of Boston, Mass , is stopping at the Stuart. ✓ Miss Ruby Stone, of Boston, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wi"is Moore, in Fletcherville. Mrs. J. E. Pittman and son, Master Eddie, are in the city, the guests of Mrs. \V. R. Pittman, on Clay street. See the new locals of Messrs. J. L. & \V. A. Pringle. They are offering some rare bargains during the holi days. Misses Julia Anthony, of Washing ton, Wilks county, and Sallic Lou Varnadoe, of Valdosta, are visiting the family of Mr. S. A. Jones. Rev. B. L. Baker and wife, of Monticello, who have been visiting the family of Judge Hanscll, have returned home. Closing of the Schools. The Fall term of South Georgia College closed yesterday at noon for the holidays, to resume again early in January. Young Female College will close for the holidays Friday. Will Open January First. The De Soto, Savannah’s new and palatial hotel,will be opened for travel January 1st. The De Soto ranks among the finest hotels in the cour.tiy and gives Savannah what she has long needed, a hotel that will be on a par with the costly and popular resorts of Florida. Piney Woods. Among the latest prominent arri vals at the Piney Woods are Messrs. Jiis. S. Hartmann, Milwaukee, C. D. Alton, Hartford, Conn., M. B. Chon and E. D. Holm, Mr. and M>-s. M. Berber, New York, Mrs. Sarah C. Wheeler, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Brown, and Mr. W. E. Heston, Pa. In tho Open Streets. Tuesday night a carriage contain ing a lady and gentleman and driver, ran inlo a Jbrokcir down wagon in the middle of Jackson, just beyond the depot. The horses were very much frightened and there came near being a serious runaway. There are no lights on Jackson street, and if broken down wagons arc loft in the middle of the way, a serious accident will he the result. From Colquitt. A note from Mr. A. D. Patterson, Moultrie, dated yesterday, says : “The surveying corps, making the permanent location of the extension of the Georgia Southern, from Tifton to Tliomasville, have crossed the Warrior aud will be in Moultrie in a few days.” Mr. Patterson says fur ther : “I think we will have n lively time over the election for ordinary. The measles have captured our town, there being no less than fifteen or twenty cases in our little town.” exhibition by a Texas Cowboy. Dick Johnson, known as the giant cowboy who, for two years, was one of the main attractions of Buffalo Bill’s wild west show, will give a free exhibition of lassobig and riding in Thomasville, Christmas Day,£which will be the most novel and exciting exhibition of horsemanship ever seen in Georgia. He won the first prize, a beautiful silver cup, at the Fourth of July exhibition at the fair grounds. San Antonio, Tex., for being the champion lasso thrower :vuil rider of the state. Diek is in charge of two car loads of Texas horses en route to this city, which are said to be the fin est Texas stock cvec.brought to this market. They will be sold at auc tion Chi istmas day, commencing at ten o’clock. The Twain Were Made One. For addition to his duties as a dis penser of justice, His Honor, Judge W. II. Bibb, is frequently called on to assuage tho pangs suffered by hearts that have been lorn by cupids arrows. Tuesday afternoon William Tavlor and Mollic Powell, colored, walked into his office and in a trice were bound in the silken bonds. At the suggestion of a looker ou the groom kissed the bride; constable Kottman reminded the groom that the Judge expected a fee, and the sum of 50 cents was forthcoming the crowd dispersed aud aH went merry as a marriage hell. School Statistics. Hon. James H. Blodgett has been appointed by the census Bureau to get school statistics, for the census of next year. Hon. Robert I*. Porter, superintendent, has issued a circular asking that the teachers of private schools in the country send him their name, with the number of schol ars entered during the next year. It is desired that the next census be made the most complete one ever taken, in all respects, and aid can he rendered in the direction suggested, if teachers of private schools will send the information asked for. Cell's"Royal Marionettes. The Bcll-Ellis combination com menced a week’s engagement at the Academy of Music last, evening, the audience being not only large, but well pleased. The entertainment was varied and entertaining, and double worth the price of admission. Prof. Ellis, the magician, performed some wonderful foals and was loudly ap plauded, as was the Royal Marion etie.-. Tho Japanese juggler was almost exceptional, and the chair balancer was entirely so. The original Magil ton aud his enchanted butterflies formed an interesting feature of the entertainment, and the pantomine on- tit'ed “Fun in the Moon.” was excep tionally amusing. Upon tho whole the show was a good one, aud should he seen to-night by all. A large -lumber ot presents were given away.—Norfolk Virginian. A Shame. The. Atlanta Constitution says that: “A commission merchant stood in his door a few days ago checking off an invoice of turnips and rutabagas from Indiana. ‘It is a shame,’ho lcinark- ed, ‘that I have to send to Indiana for these things, when right here within sight of Atlanta they can he cultivated to a degree of perfection uot excelled anywhere else on earth. Fulton county alone cotihl raise enough of them to furnish the whole South, hut it don’t do it, and conse quently we have to send oil for them.’ There is a lesson iu this that the farmc’-s of Georgia ought to profit by, 4,000 barrels of rutabagas come to Atlanta every year, worth 81.50 per barrel, and ns it is with Atlanta so must it he, in proportion, with every other city in Georgia.” A TiM38-E.ntku' , h , sr reporter has seen a turnip grown by Mrs. Soph- ronia Mitchell that weighed 04 pounds, and with a circumference of 21 inches. Why cannot Thomas county undertake to supply the state with rutabagas aud turnips. We have the soil, and the specimen infer red to above, shows that it can he done. Albany Votes no Bonds. Albany had an election Monday to decide whether tho city should issue bonds to raise money to give the city a sewerage system. The city voted no bonds, and our sister must continue to trust to surface sewerage to keep the city clean and healthy. Thomasville, besides putting in opera tion a system of water works, and purchasing a park, has laid the foun dation for a thorough sewerage sys tem that will be perfected as rapidly aa the finauces of the town will per mit. Cairo Dots. Mrs. Dr. Wilmot, a former resident of Cairo, but now of Lumpkin, is visit ing friends and relatives here this week. Robert Roddenbcrry, who has been nt the bedside ot his sick lather, lor the past few days, returned home yes terday. Dr. S. A. Roddcnberry continues in a very bad state of health, but hopes are entertained cf his ultimate recov ery. The tonsorial business of our little burgh seems to have been in a very precarious condition lor die last week, the business having changed hands four times, and the last encumbent found himself in limbo this morning. Mr. Lemuel Powell, and party, consisting of himself, Miss Mellie Powell, Dr. and .Mrs. Oliver and the Misses I). H. Singletary and Gus Bell, left on Tuesday morning for Spring- dale, Ga., where the marriage of him self and Miss Eula Crap; s will be sol emnized on Wedncscday evening at 5 o.clock The groom is a prominent business man of our growing little city, while the bride is a reigning belle and general favorite of Springdale. Thus Cairo and Springdale will be united by the silken knot of love, that death can only sever. May- happiness unalloyed attend them through the future journey of life. Who will be the next victim? ‘‘Mess Mates,” a new and interest ing play, will be rendered here on the 23d. And right here, Captain, we lake the liberty of inviting you over, and promise you a reserved seat. Some ol the best local talent in town is en gaged in llie play. J. R. S. Ca'ko, Ga., Dec. iS, 1889. Thanks for the invitation; ive hope to be there.—Ed. tile or lim back down to Ills knees, was on. solid rash, tielv,painful, blotched and malicious, lit bad no rest at niuht, no peace by day. Hnally, wo were advised to try the Cutlciira Hen.edict. The oircct was simply marvellous. In three or four weeks a complcto cure was wroniflit. lear- inn tin* little fellow's person as white and healthy My boy, aped nine years, lias been troubled all his life by a very ban humor, which appeared all over his body in small, red blotches, with a dry - • -■ r »vas worse from the „ „„ ..... untlnually LT row inn worse, although he had been treated by two phosleians. As a last resort, I determined to try the Cutieura Remedies, and am happy to A 1 -inn them The South's Population. Cli ATTANOOdA, Ti.N.V., Dec. id.— The Tradesman has reports and esti mates from the governors and state comptrollers of tho Southern states giving their estimates of the present population of each slate. These esti mates are based largely upon careful inquiries instituted by the comptrollers on the behalf of the Tradesman. The estimates are as follows : Alabama — 1,(358,453; increase, per cent., in last ten years, 31. Arkansas—1,247,771, increase in the last ten years 55 per cent. Florida—224,890, increase 58 per cent. Georgia—2,105,541,increase 57 per cent. Kentucky—2,200,000, inciense 30 per cent. Louisiana—1,251,040, increase 00 per cent. Mississippi—1,540,750, increase 00.I per cent. North Caiolina—1,813,02 1, itnws * 1 29i per cent. South Carolina—1,200,000, increase 2). per cent. Tennessee—1,800,000, increase 20 per cent. Texas—2,042,812, increase 45 per cent. Virginia—1,800,500, increase 20 per cent. Total-19,489,150, against 10,008- <130 in 1880, hchig an increase in ten years in the whole south of over 00 per cent. The comptrollers estimate the whites and blacks as follows : Whites—12,218,400. Blacks—7,270,720. It is estimated that there are to day in the southern states 094,900 whites from the northern states, against 244,- 885 in 1S80. Tho foreign born whites in the South to-day are estimated by the comptrollers in their reports to the Tradesman 043,043, against 420,871 in 1880. The white population of the South, according to these estimates, has in creased a little over 3,200,000, while the colored population shows an in crease in the ten years of about 1,- GOO,000. Baby oneSolidRash Ugly, painful, blotched, inalicioMN. So by (lay, no pence br night. Doctor* nml n'll rcmcillc* failed* Tried Cntlc»i' ru. Effect Jfnrrellotia. «arcu hi* life. Cured by Cutieura Our oiliest chilli, now nix years of neo, when an infant six months nil) was attacked with a allctiant skin disease. All ordinary ■medics lallimr.we called our family physician 1,0 attcn.nti d to euro it; but it spread with al- oat Incredible rapidity, until the lower por- ,f the little fellow's perwa, from the “ s tho I lay lie i« a strum:, healthy chlhl.perfect- jy Hi ll, no repetition of the disease haying ever GKO. II. SMITH, vand Kx-l'ros. Att’y, Ashland,O. Boy Covered "With Scabs. ne yea ban hti over Ills pony 111 nimiu, ...... w hite seal) on them. Last year he was than ever, being covered with scabs fro top of his head to his feet, and eontl Tom Watson is going for the scalp of Mr. Barnes, in the 8th District. They nr, Mass. say they did all that I could wish. I sine accordine to direction, tin 1 liumor rapidly — annearoik leavimr tlm skin lair and smooth, and iicrforiuinf,- a t'borou-b cure. The Cutieura Jlemedies arc all you cialm lor them, worth their weight In gold. OKI.). l'\ l.KAVi rr, No. Amlun Cutieura Resolvent. Tho new Blood Purifier and purest and best of Humor Kemcdics, Internally, and Cutieura, the great Skin Cure, and Cutieura Soap, an exquis- ItoSkin lloautlllor, externally, speedily, perma- - ntlv. and economleally euro in vary lifo Itch ing, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, pimply, serofulous, and hereditary humors, with loss of hair, thus avoiding years of torture and distig- iration. Parents, remember this; Cures In ddldhond are permanent. Sold everywhere. Price, Cutieura, Mr.; Soap T,e.-Hesolvent, Sl.eo. Prepared by tho Potter iru’- and Chondral Corporation, Boston. FJ?-Sciul for"lloiv to Cure Skin liisfnscs, 14 pages, 50 illustrations, and 1DU testimonials. autllicd pure. 10W MY SIDE ACHES. Aching Sides nml Rack, Hip, Kidney, mid iTtnrine Pain", Rheumatic, Sciatic, •algic, Sharp and Shooting l’ains, cveil in one miluule by the <’n- Anti-Pnin Plndcr. *25 eta. Ini: lie ilcil III noil 1’oinon. people there are w hose dis- ln ? ; ; from sores, aches, pains and eruptive tendencies are due tuinherited blood poison. Had blond passes IVmii pm rut lo child, and it therefore is the duty of husband nnd wife til ktiqi their blood pure. This is easily accomplished By a timely use ol II. II. II. { Botanic Blond Halm). Send to the Blood Halm Co., Atlanta, for hook of most con vincing proof. James Hill, Atlanta, (in., writes: "My two sons were alllicted with blood poison, which doctors said wax hereditary. They both broke out in sores and eruptions which H. II. B. promptly controlled and litmlly eiired completely.” Mrs. S. M. V.'illi.ims.Sundy, Texas, writes: ->|y three poor alllieled children, who in herited blood poison, have improved rapidly alter u use of H. B. It. It is a (iodscnil.' .1. It. Wilson, (ill’ll Alpine .Station, X. I, 1,. hi, Ifld;,, writes: "Bone and blood poison forced me to have my leg amputated, and on the slump there i-amc a large ulcer, which grew worse every day until doctors gave me up to die. I only weighed 120 pounds when i began to take II. it. H., anil I ‘1 hollies increased my weight to 1H0 pounds mid made me sound and well. I never knew what good health was before." CASH GROCERIES, While not in the ring yet, are in town by a large majority, anil can point to friends and acquaintances in nearly every household in Tliomasville. Arc you one of its friends? If not, make it’s acquaintance at once, for it will save you money. It’s competitors will, sometimes,—when you stand by and make them do so—meet it’s prices, hut just as soon as you quit watching thi-iii they will charge you the same old-time price- 1 . Send anil get it’s prices and compare them with your hook, ami don’t fail to (iud out how much more it’s competitors charge for Raisins, Currants, Citron, etc., for making your fruit cake than it docs. Respectfully, M. 1’. PICKETT. lludtlcn’M Arnica Halve. The Rest Salve in the World tor Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Champed Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Kruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S. J. Cassels, Drug Store. Wovtli Knowing. Mr. \V. II. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fla., was taken with a severe cold, attended with a distressing cough and running into Consumption in its lirst stages. IB* tried many so-called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was ’•educed in flesh, had difficulty in breathing and was unable to deep. Finally tried Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption and found immo- dia»e relief, and after using about half a dozen bottles found himself well and has had no return of the disease. No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures, as Dr. King s New Discovery for consump tion. Guaranteed to do just what is claim ed for it. Trial bottle free at S, J. Cassels’ Drug Store. EA111.V OATS. All parties to whom I engaged the early oat for seed, are notified that l am ready to deliver the same. The yield having proven better than l expected, I can also furnish a few other parties. Apply as soon as possi ble, if you would be supplied. It is the best early oat that I ever planted, and yielded more than the old reliable rust proof oat lost season. J. T. CHASTAIN. Latest Designs! LARGEST STOCK! Lowest Prices ! —FOR— FOOTWEAR —AT- Near Post-Office. si KHKGANT STOCK OFJ zm FANCY .'SLIPPERS FOR Ladies and; GENTS. A DESIRABLE IAS GE AT City Shoe Store, \Xear Post Office.