The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 19, 1889, Image 3

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r. •" UK GRAND InOur Clothing ATO0STI AT COST! Christmas comes hut once a year, and we are going to give the poor and rich alike a chance to get more for your money than you ever bought before. At Cost! BOYS’ CLOTHING At Cost! At Cost! Although wohave sold more clothing than in any other previous season, we have more left than we want to carey over; hence, this great reduc tion in prices. This holds good until January 1st. “BE IN TIME.” Come early and secure the best se lection. Remember, for 15 days only. THE D/tlLY TIMES-ENTERPRISE ALBERT WINTER, City Editok. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19. 188!. Local Schedule. Passenger for Savannah Lv... 0 35 p i Passenger from Savannah Ar... 7 00a i Fast mail for Savannah Ar...12 05 p i o o •« «. Lv.. .12 35 p l ‘ “ from “ Ar... 131P> “ “ from Savannah Lv... 200 p i Passenger from Albany Ar... 5 20p i Passenger for “ ••• “ for “ 4 P 1 * * Freight ami Acorn, for Albany Lv... 5 45 p l “ - from “ Ar... 7 20 a i Freight ami aeeom. from Wayc.. Ar... 4 50 p i for Chatt. Lv... 6 00 p .. o “ for Wave....Lv... 8 00 a l o *. «• from Chatt. Ar... G30ai THOMASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight accoro. for Monticello Lv.. .8 45 a 1 •< o from “ . ...Ar...6 00 p l Fast mail for “ ...206p 1 “ “ from “ .... Ar. .12 10 p 1 SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU R. Thomas Jr's - 126 Broad Street. C. S. Bondurant Vounteor Observer Weather'Bulletin for the 24 hours ending at 7 o'clock P. M., Dec. 18, 1889. Tkmpkraturk. p. m.. 7 p. m., Maximum for 24 hours C8 .Minimum 4 S. * * * * lo, I Rain-fall Indication#: Fair vjcallier. Xcarli/ xtationanj tempera- J hire, Dr. Patrick advertises a sure cure for colds. Mr. Leo B. Marks, of Frauklyn, Pa., is at the Stuart. Mr. Ed McRea, of Lowndes county, was iu the city yesterday. Miss Honorine Mitchell has return ed from a pleasant visit to Montgom ery, Ala. A large number of hands for the S. A. & M. Ity., passed through the city yesterday. Mr. A. W. Eldridgc, of the Ala bama Midland Railway, was in the city yesterday. Mr. John T. Denham, of Mouticel lo, was among the Floridians in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kautcr, of Detroit, Mich., are the latest arrivals at the Stuart for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Lnmbert Foster, of New York, arc among the latest arri vals. They are at the Whiddon. The hanging of carpets about the Mitchell House, is a suggestive fore runner of the openiDg of that, hotel- The friends of Miss Kate Ball ure pleased to have her at home for the hol idays. She has returned from a visit to Quincy, Fla. Mr. H. B. Ainsworih has returned from a trip to the west. He bought two loads el fine stock, which will be here iu a few days, f The following party from Quincy, Fla., were guests of the Gulf yester day: Mr, F. Scott and wife, aud Misses Julia and L. Moate. Mr. J. A. Mills, who has been in the city for a few days making or rangements for the appearance of the Bcll-Ellis company, left yesterday afternoon for Pensacola, Fla. Mr. John Hardaway, an old Thom- asville boy, but now a prominent aud successful business man of Chattanoo- , is at home among his old friends. A brace of colored amazous raised ripple of excitement on lower Broad street by using a deal of bad language at each other aud pulling hair, to a limited extent yesterday morning. llih, i Jack Wright, who runs the lathe department at the Variety Works, ; has so far recovered from the bruises 'he sustained by getting his arm ! caught iu a belt last week, as to he ' able to resume work this morning. leaders of Styles and Low Prices. Boston will have a theatrical enter tainment on the evening of the 20th. An invitation to attend lias been re ceived, and wo hope to be on hand ' when the curtain rises, likewise when it drops on the last scene. OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK OF LADIES’ AND GENTS' FIFE SLIPPERS BY FAR The Handsomest Ever Show'll in Thomasville. fSTOALL AND SEE THEM. CURTRIGHT & T>J ISTIEL, 108 Broad St Santa Claus Is pleased with The Holiday Goods AT The Mitchell House Pharmacy The nicest line of Christmas Cards ever displayed in the city and at less prices, due to the fact that they were bought direct from the manufacturers. Some to suitcveiybody’" taste and ideas, Come and sec them. Something nice in Alligator Tooth Jewel ry and wav down cheap. Special drive this week in Gold Pens Pearl Desk-holders, Oxidized Silver Sets i" Chnmoisc Coses, Fountain Pens, etc. Nice assortment of Fine Perfumery, Face Powder and TOILET SOAPS. We lead the entire section in assortment styles, prices and quality. 109 & 111 BROAD ST To night the Bell-Ellis combination begins an engagement of three nights with a Saturday matineo* at our , Opera House. The combination is very highly spoken of by the press of the South. A Free Exhibition. j A free stcreopticon exhibition will 1 be given by the Bell-Ellis combina- : tion to-night at 7 o’clock, in front of ■ the opera house. Go early and take it all in. Tiic most unique lot of Toilet Cases, .Man icure Rets, OUT anil Collar Boxes, genuine in fho fitvnnil leure Sets, Lull ana t.onar i>oxe», genuine Japanese Bronzes, etc., in the city and prices below comparison. Something of usefulness to everybody. No trashy stuff. McRAE BROS. At the Gun Club Grounds. The first shoot by the membern of the Thomasville gun club on their new grounds came oft yesterday after noon. Quite a number of the mem bers, and a goodly number of the friends of the club, were present to witness the contest between theknights of the trigger and the nimble clay pigeons, as they sped from the new traps. It will be noticed by the scores, which are given i-n full, that several of the shooters were not up to their usual form; but the situation is a splendid one, the light coming to the back of the shooters, and the Thomas- u club will make a fine showing before the season closes. FIRST SIIOOT—10 SINGLES. ENTRIES. Mason, 7 Hopkins, Sr 0 Whiddon, 3 Young, 3 Schurmeier, 3 Hopkins, Jr 3 SECOND SHOOT—10 SINGLES. Mason, 0 Hopkins, Sr 6 Whiddon, 1 Young, 3 Schurmeier, 10 Hopkins, Jr ft Culpepper, 1 THIRD SHOOT—5 SINGLES, 3 PAIRS. Mason, 7 Hopkins, Sr 7 Whiddon, 5 Young, o Culpepper, ft Hopkius, Jr 8 Schurmeier, 8 FOURTH SIIOOT—8 SINGLES—2 TAIR. Mason, Hopkins, Sr. Whiddon, Young, Culpepper, Hopkins, Jr Schurmeier, Lee, Eaves, FIFTH SHOOT—5 PAIRS. Mason, Hopkins, Sr Whiddon, Young, Hopkins, Jr Schurmeier, Eaves, Lee, SIXTH SIIOOT—10 SINGLES. Mason, 5 Hopkins, Sr 5 Whiddon, 4 Young, <> Hopkins, Jr ^ Schurmeier, 8 Eaves, 4 Leo, 5 After the last shoot the reporter and a prominent druggist of the city, shot a three hall match. The repor ter lost. While not an expert at bagging items, he is, perhaps, better at that than shooting pigeons from a trap in the dim twilight. The shoots of the gun club will be a popular amusement during the winter. A big shoot will be given the afternoon of Christmas day. Will Meot. The hoard of Stewards of the Meth odist church will meet to-night at the pastor’s study for tho purpose of look ing after the interests of the church. Full of Cars. The railroad yard was crowded to its utmost capacity, yesterday morning, with freight and passenger trains. Be sides an unusual number of cars, three freight trains, averaging over twenty- five cars each, entered the yard from Chattahoochee, Albany and Waycross almost at the same moment, together with the morning passenger from Sa vannah. It is reported that another side track will be built, and it seems to be badly needed. The Albany Ex press was detained almost an hour yesterday unable to get out. Holiday golds the newest and prettiest,at Miss Addie McClellan’s. ,. ' 1:» 2t It is a Beauty. This is what a Times-Enterpiiise reporter said yesterday as lie looked at one of the widows at H. Wolff & Bros., alter it had passed under the skillful management of Mr. A. S. Sil- verberg. You will say tho same after you have seen it, and it is worth a trip down town to do so. Mr. John Stark, 121 Broad street, wants a boy aged about 18, to work in his store. At Home Again. Rev. G. G. N. McDonell returned home last night. It is a matter of profouud gratification to the members of his congregation that he has been returned for another year, and tins feeling is shared by every one in the city. Mr. McDonell has made an admirable pastor, and in a'l relations in which lie has liceu brought into contact with our people, ho has made friends. The return of Rev. Dr. J. W. Hinton ns Presiding Elder of the Thomasville District, will be hailed with pleasure by the pastors nod con gregations in the district. Dr. Hin ton is not only a pulpit orator of splendid attainments, hut lie makes an excellent presiding officer, and his splendid administrative ability was demonstrated by the fine show ing the district made at the confer ence just adjourned. Pringle is giving away a sewing ma chine with a can of Sewing Machine link ing Powder. Call and secure one Before they are all gone. lOdtf Run Fiioxt Grocbky. Remember tile guesses on the beans are no longer after January I; Then sonic one will possoss— A barrel of Flour, A box of Tobacco, A Ilnui, or A box of Cigars, for nothing. I9d4t Red Fiioxt Grocery. FOR COLDS. I will guarantee to arrest any cold and complcteiy relieve it, or money refunuea. Medicine pleasant and agreeable to take; any can take it. Only $1.00. W. G. PATRICK, M. I). Office over Steyerman's, Broad St.; Resi dence Mrs. Ball’s, corner of Washington ami Crawford streets. 19dtf WANTED. A boy, aged about 18, to work in store. Apply to Joux Stake’s Coxfectioxeuv, I9d2t 121 Broad Street. Come in and see our Xmas goods. \Ve can suit you, whether you want a cheap or an elaborate present. 12dcctf RRID A CULPEPPER. Our !> and 10 cent counters were ncvci full. You will be surprised to see what you can buy for these small sums. \Yc have enough to go round, but the first buyers will fare licit. Come early. decl’Jtf REID A CULPEPPER. HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES. I liftve.received ft full line of Homoeopath ic preparations, and am prepared to supply them to the public. W. G. PATRICK, M. D., 17dec Office over Steyerman’s* IIOU3K FOR RKNT. A seven-room, well furnished house, on corner of Crawford and Fletcher streets, lor Rent. Apply on premises, or lo Dr. T. S. Hopkins. PROF. K. D. BALDWIN Announces that he will he glad to repair and keep in tunc, Pianos anti athcr musical in struments ai.d give instruction in music in its various branches. Orders left at Geo. Fearn’s real estate office, or through the post office, given prompt attention. 7oct tt Country Board. Good board, with nice country fare, can he had at Dr. J. B. Watkin’s residence, Sun- dale, one-mile and a half from court house,at moderate rates. Carriage rides free, every other day. Good hunting ami sport ground; Apply on the premises or address Dr J. B. WATKINS, nov2Cdtf Thomasville, Ga. PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brown, the Jeweler, has se cured the agency for all the lirst-class Pianos and Organs, which ho is soiling at tho lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do well to learn his prices and terms. Wc have some choice perfumery that will make your sweetheart even sweeter. Do not forget this. 12deetf HKII) k CULPEPPER. Sec what Reese k Eason have for Christ mas, before you buy. suntucsthurlt For Rent. Furnished house iu suburbs, six rooms well furnished, good water, will rent reaion- ably to a good party. Apply to Mrs. Brllk Linn, Magnolia Avenue. Christmas Eire, w:e:ei:k: ii The last week before Christmas! We may just as well call it Christinas Kvc, for there is nothing in a name; but the advice we off er is to get your orders in early for the hol iday’s headwear. Every lady, miss anu infant wants something new for Christmas, and Lower Broad is the place to secure it. We arc prepared to meet all tastes and all purses and can supply you in any style and quantity desired. To all, kind friends, who wish to remember the poor, Mrs. Jennie Car- roll will make special low prices, and if eny of the good ladies will furnish her with the names of four little girls who arc not able to buy new hats she will present one free to each of them, if they will call at her store next Tuesday. Don’t be afraid to leave your orders with us—you shall have them on lime—for, if nec essary, we will employ extra force to make prompt deliveries this week. We expect to he rushed—and want to he rushed—hut at mr store there is always room and a wel- otnc for one more. BIG TRADES, NOBBY GENTS’, YOUTHS AND BOYS’ Wc haue what you want. Wc hauc the prices. We have the TRADE. Wc arc the largest buyers, the largest sellers and the largest dealers in our line in TIIOS'VILLE TO SEE US BEFORE BUYING DRESS SUITS. dress smrs. FULLDRE3S SUITS & SHIRTS. BOYS’ SUITS. BOYS’ FULL OUTFITS. WE DO WHAT WE PROMISE. CHRISTMAS Approaches. Dont forget our lovely line of SCARFS, OLLARS, CUFFS AID HATS. Yours, anxiou3 to please, In fact everything in tho Gent’s Fur nishing business. Mrs. Jennie Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. DAVIS BOARDING HOUSE, TIIO.Yl ANY1I.I.K, iSA. This house, which is situated iu Flctchcr- ville, oue of the healthiest and most desira ble localities in Thomasville, is under the management of Mrs. Minnie F. Davis, who has had considerable experience in this line, and would solicit a liberal share of patron age. i he can furnish northern guests with plcasao^roorns. For terms apply to propri- 8dectf