The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, April 30, 1913, Image 1

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f j ! 4 & ?: K < t ENGRAVING Orders Taken TIMES-ENTERPRISE CO THE WEATHER ■ F “ ir Ton, * ht “ nd Thursday. HIGH CLASS JOB PRINTING AT THIS OFFICE. VOL. XXV. No. 67. THOMA8VILLE, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY' AFTERNOON, .11*1111, :!<>, 1013. $s.oo per annum. BIG COURT GRAND JURY PRESENTMENTS YESTERDAY AND DISMISSED WITH THANKS—MANY SMALL MATTERS DISPOSED OP DUR ING TODAY. The April term of Superior Court was formally adjourned this morn ing by Judge Thomas, after all busi ness had been formally disposed of. The Jury was dismissed yesterday afternoon, it being apparent that no fur'her criminal business could be gotten ready by the time today’s session was opened. The docket is practically, cleared of everything except misdemeanor cases, which will be transferred to the City Court. The Grand Jury returned their presentments into court yesterday afternoon about four o'clock and were dismissed with the thanks of the Judge for their faithful and conscientious work during ’.he ses sion. Their presentments appear elsewhere in this issue of The Tlnies-Enterprlse. This momlny Judge Thomas fined Mr. B. C. Johnson seventy-five dol lars or twenty days in Jail, for con tempt of court. The Judge stated that from ‘.he evidence submitted that he was convinced that Mr. Johnson, either himself cut the tele phone wires across his place or saw UNDERWOOD NAMED AS LEADER OF COMMITTEE IN CHARGE OP, EVERY SCHEDULE OF THE' TARIFF AND TAKES PEltSONAL j CHARGE. I HIGHER IN THE LATTER PART OF NINETEEN TWELVE THAN IN ANY PERIOD SLVCE EIGH TEEN AND NINETY. crats purpose to have the night ses sions continuously until the bill is voted upon. Democratic Leader Underwood, in guiding the measure through, the House, Is putting in direct charge, as each echedule is read, a I member of the committee who had i charge of that schedule. j The consideratloa of the earthen ware and glass-ware schedule was resumed at the outset of today’s I session. The weary debate in the House today was relieved by a row between Representatives Hamilton, Republi can, and Tardy, a Democrat, over Angora goats and their duty, that , set the House into roars of laugb- that it was done, and that ‘.hie was ' ter . done after the injunction had been The attempt to amend the duties granted by the court, ordering that on Blass was lost, the poles and wires of the company (By Associated Press.) Washington, April 30.—The cost of living in the United States was higher during the latter part of 1912 than at any other time, from 1890 to 1913, according to a report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Just issued. The lowest coet was during 1896, „ and from then until 1912, the cost ’ Xmtii’™ “ma “hnnncrs «■»,» up In the House today, the Demo- 0 f living per year for a working e( j (By Assoctatea rress.) Washington, April 30.—With every Indication of fighting the schedules all along the line, tne Republicans, under the leadership of Representative Mann today resumed their ''heckling" of the Democrats who framed the tariff revision bill, but when the measure was taken SUFFRAGISTS HE RAMPANT FOR GOOD ROADS BE 4S INGRES LATEST IN ENGLAND IS ATTACK »V A NTI-SUFFIl AG KTTES ON BlTFFItAGIST IIKADQU AKTEKS —MANY ARRESTS ARK TO HE MADE. (By Associated Press.) New Castle on Tyne, April 30.— A violent attack was made today by party of Anti-Suffragettes on the headquarters cf the Women's So cial and Political Union here. Bricks were hurled through the windows, all desks were broken open, and quantities of suffrage lit- destroy- THREE BILLION TRUNK MUST FOR THE NATIONAL GOVERN MENT TO ASSIST IN PERFECT- ING ROADS TO EXTEND OVER PERIOD OF TWENTY YEARS IS MADE. OR UNDER THAT LEXGHTH, AC- COKD1XG TO NEW LAW WHICH GOES INTO EFFECT TODAY ON ALL RAILROADS. (By Associated Press.) Chicago, April 30.—Forty-fiv . {Inches Is the longest trunk that may I § PAYJNS1 SAN DIMAS SCENE OF GRAVE DISORDERS, WHERE UNITED STATES CITIZENS ARE FORCED TO PAY AND GIVE UP .ARMS, (By Associated Press.) Washington. April 30.—The Mexi can Constitutionalists at 3aa Dimas man's family It the South Atlantic Division showed a total Increase of $152. be unmolested Sentence was passed on Walter Winn, who was charged with as sault and battery on the Marshal of Meigs, some time ago, and brought here from Texas. He was fined five hundred dollars or a year on the gang. Roy Milton, the young lean who broke into the depot at Boston and was convicted of robbery, was sent to the gang for five years. After some discussion, the dia mond ring which was hold by the State for evidence, being the prop erty of Mr. J. W. L. Yates, was re leased from possession of the State by an order of the court, the Solici tor General being unable to ihow cause why It should be further kept for evidence. It was In the Citi zens Banking and Trust Company’s ▼ault. Hearing motions and getting oth er affaire in shape consumed most of the morning, after which the court was adjourned. The Juries for the next term were also drawn, by the court in regular form. ALIEN UTTER IN STATU QUO (By Associated Press.) Washington, April 30.—The next step of the administration regard ing the California situation probe bly will not be determined until the legislative status of the substi tute, alien land owning bill, - which was adopted by the California Sen ate last night. It is expected that the lower House. will later approve the action of the Senate, but It is believed that a delay may Improve the chances for an introduction of some amendment on the lines of the Webb bill, which presumably would have the approval of the National Government. REPUBS STILL FIGHT HARRIS (By Associated Press.) Washington, April 30.—The Sen ate Republican today lined up their Webb Hill, Substitute For First Anti- Alien Hill, Will Likely Pass. (By Associated Press.) Sacramento, Cal., April 30.—Ow ing to the absence of Secretary ol Slate Bryan, who has gone to Sa* Francisco, as a guest of the Pana ma-Pacific Exposition Co., the Cali fornia Senate leaders plan to take no further action on the alien land legislation until Thursday, when the Webb bill, which was voted no a substitute for the Birdsall-Thomu- forcee to make their first serious : son hill last night, will bo taken up. patronage fight of this session, the It will undoubtedly pass and Lien first being that on W. J. Harris,'goes to the Assembly, finally going of Georgia, who has been' nominated to Governor Johnson, who has said to be Director of the Census. he will sign the bill Immediately. The fight is expected to come up The Webb bill Is in reality the old during the Executive session tomor- Blrdsnll bill, with several provisions row. The Democratic Census Com- passed upon by Attorney General mittee derided today to favorably Webb Inserted. Such portions of report the nomination. the old bill, which would not con- Senator Townsend, Republican, filet with the new draft were al- wlll file the minority report. lowed to stand. The Finest Candy Made UALITY S^Jhere can be no purer, more delicious candy than the'kind we handle. EVERY PIECE A LUSCIOUS MORSEL THAT MELTS IN YOU MOUTH, Perfect freshness is one of the many reason’s that NUNNALLY’3 candy is always good. Put up in neat boxes that [make a .fitting con- tainer for this delicious candy. ; — ■ — Peacock-Mash Drug Co, TEN THOUSAND ENTER PROTEST TO THE POST OFFICE AGAINST CLOSING THE OFFICE TO THE TRANSIENT PUBLIC ON SUN. DAYS. (By Associates Preen.) Washington, April 30.—Ten thou sand names, signed to the most vol uminous petition ever received by the Post Office Department, wero submitted today, protesting against the Sunday closing of postoifices to "the transient population of the United States. PITCHED BATTLE BY .. STRIKERS AT AUBURN (By Associated Press.) Auburn, N. Y„ April 39.—The militiamen, who were called out last night did not prevent rioting at the International Harvester Compan twine mills hero this morning. Several pitched battles occurred between tho police, soldiers, depu ties and strikers. Six strikers wero arrested during tbe morning, including three wom en, who fought viciously. The break In the ranks of the strikers continued to grow. BOG BITES ARE EXPENSIVE The State of Georgia l'nid Out Thirty-Seven Thousand Dollar* For That Alone La»t Year. June first. (By Associated Press.) nenditure n of°thrM Prl biliion dollars j be carried as free baggage on the’have forced the American residents ior good roads—one billion for con-1 railroads of the United States after | there to pay a ransom of eighteen two billion for taining the investment, to extend over a period of twenty year?, was proposed today in a plan submitted to a Joint Congressional Committee on Federal Aid for post thousand Mexican dollars, and hare the J confiscated their arms, carrying of a trunk with bulging, Official reports received bj the side or bottom, but notice is re- state Department today from Ma- quired to reject them lawfully. Jzatla-n, say that great unrest pre- alls among the American residents London Police Made Arrest of Scv- n °"™ e ’ ° r ° re £°"' oral Leaders in Movement. T h f , : lnns . . _ . .and State co-operation. (By Associated Press.) • London, April 30.—Seeking evi dence against the .Militant Suffra gettes, the police department for dealing with the Suffragettes today raided the headquarters of the Wom en’s Social and Political Union. Miss Barbara Kerr, the Secretary, Misses Lake, Lennox, Barrett, Mrs. Saunders, officials of the 3ocIety in charge of the offices at the* time of the raid, were arrested, and a large quantity of documents were seized. The premises were then closed and policemen left on guard. The women werp arrested, charg ed with a conspiracy or violations of the malicious damages act. As a result of the active campaign to put an end to'the militant suf frage program, the British Home office, beside the raid on the Head quarters of the Women’s Social and Political League, ordered the arrest of ''-General” Mrs. Flora Drummond and Miss Innie Kenney, who were out on ball. They were arrested on a fresh charge of conspiring with members of the Pankhurst family to commit malicious damage. roads'"bv' former Senator Jonathan I GREEK WILL I1E TAUGHT IN there, as the Huerta forces are Mid It orezon ATLANTA’S PUBLIC he insufficient to protect proper)? ‘ in that district. Atlanta, April 30.—Greek won out against Spanish before the City Hoard of Education today, and af ter discussion. It was decided to keep Greek on the regular high school curriculum. Constitutionalists May Attack Chi huahua At Any Time. (By Associated Press.) El Paso, April 30.—Chihuahua City fears a Constitutionalist at- PATTERSON COURT GUARDED For the Trial of the Fire Charged With Inciting Riot, Among the Worners in Rig Silk Mills. (By Associated Preen.) Patterson, N. J., April 30.—Scores of officers guarded the Court of Special Sessions today, for the ar raignment of Wm. D. Haywood, Ellzabeh Gurley Flynn, Carlo Tres- ko, Patrick Sunland and Adolph Lesnlg, Industrials Workers of the World leaders, who were recently Indicted for Inciting Patterson silk mill strikers to riot. Forty other members of the or ganization are awaiting '.heir turn to plead to charges of being parties to an unlawful assemblage. The hoard also took up the ques-'tack and refugees arriving her* to- tion of whether a high school pro-1 day say there are serious grounds fessor ought to be employed to 1 for such fears. teach penmanship at $1,500 a year,) The Constitutionalists have rft. | but this motion was tabled, many .captured Jlminez, an Important Junc- !of the hoard members taking the!Mon point between Bachlmba and j view that a boy ought to he taught j Chihuahua, and the Federals are ] to write correctly before he ever therefore unable to advance relief AT CORONER’S INQUEST ABOUT , reaches high school. , to the City of Chihuahua. THE MURDER OF YOUNG AT- j — LAXTA GIRL AT PENCIL FAC-1 TORY SATURDAY AFTERNOON. ! (By Associated Press.) j Atlanta, April 30.—Newt Lee, the . negro night watchman at the Na-1 tlonal Pencil Company factory, was; the principal witness today at the j Coroner’s Inquest into the death of j Mary Phagan, the young Atlanta j girl, whose body was found in a cellar at an early hour Sunday morn- j ing. j Exhausted Dy tne third degree, Lie j Wilson, according to Democratic negro again told of finding the tnur- House leaders, has proposed IS 10RIMER WITS HOUSE III 1914 H CURE TRIES (By Associated Press, i i Washington, April 30.—President' dered girl's body in a cellar of the pencil factory, early Sunday morn ing. He reiterated his protesta tions of Innocenco. Eleven witnesses were cnlleJ when the inquiry was resumed to : day. A policeman told of the negro calling up police headquarters, to tell of the discovery of the body of a white girl In the basement. The officers found the body lying face downward in a corner. The face was so discolored and bloody that at fire*, they wore not sure wheth-r the girl was white or black.. One of the officers said he used a flash light, while the negro had a lan tern. Notes found near the body were again identified today. (By Associated Press.' Washington, April 30.—Julius O. Cobb, who is director of the Marine I Hospital, at Chicago, wan today de- " ' mined Surgeon General Blue to ,. h A v ?,. ^ n , n * 31 A; 80 investigate the alleged tubcrculoaie gresslona] r8 ^I'rlT Commit^ ™ F ’ ““*•*- to work together. Tho new Chairman to succeed Representative Lloyd, of Missouri, is expected to be Representative Ben Johnson, of Kentucky. Representa- Mv6 Finley, of South Carolina, has withdrawn his name ne a candidate for this position. THE I-OPE CONTINUES TO SHOW IMPROVEMENT. This assignment was made at the request of former Senator Lorimer, of Illinois, vtho. statea that be bax also ask all Governors to send re presentatives to watch tbe work, WILSON RAD MANY GUESTS TODAY JEFFERSON OOD FELLOWS LOCAL MEN | - - - j Masonic chapter In Georgi. 30. The , distinguished visitors from a dis- Mr« Zangwill a»d Mr. Davis Get I>i- i dedication of the Jefferson Memor-i ,a * 1Ce are * n attendance;. ; pointed Ambassador to Great Brit- vlsion Otliocs at Meeting Held in Iial building, a $430,000 structure,! Among the prominent Atlantians ain, had a final talk with President Cuiro Y’ewterdny and Today. which stands at the entrance to th» "’ho have gone to ‘.he Convention is, Wilson before leaving for London. jold Louisiana Purchase Exposition i Secretary Geo. E. Argard. of the; have as his dinner guests. Col. and The Odd Fellows of the Second ; grounds, was the feature of the'Masons Annuity. The Masons’ An-,' Tonight, President Wilson Is to division held a most entertaining: celebration of the one hundred an J | nulty has paid to henefl iaries and < have as his dinner guests, Col. a*hd hied members $**, J3. a accumulated assets of $01 03.00, all of which Is for tne pro- nta’p of Mr ction of its members, as There is :> capital stock. The Masons An- titv owns a handsome building at ie corner of Kdgewood Avenue and y Street. Atlanta, April 30.—That dog bites cost the state of leorgia just $37,- 475 in one year, is the official state ment made public today by Geor gia’s Pasteur Institute. Many lives have bee-n endangered, in addition to the great expense. During 1912, cases of rabies were treated, and the number bids fair to be a great deal larger this year, as up to date, there have been already over! two days’ session In Cairo, conclud-! tenth anniversary of thp signing ofjdl 300 cases. It is declared that withijng their work this morning at j the Louisiana purchase treaty. '*■ proper care, tho muzzling of dogs, j twelve o'clock. The session wasj \ maroie statue of Jefferson i« t<> with more strict laws about letting j opened yesterday morning when pre- j )P unveiled this afternoon ih the stray dogs run wild, that rabies j Umlnary work was done. In the af-, presence of n Congressional delegn- could be practically eliminated i.n j ternoon an open session was held a*| t | on an ,j n brilliant assemuiago. Georgia. ; the court house and Dr. Robert H.: Atlanta and vicinity have been 1 Harris, of that city, made an ml-; particularly unfortunate this spring I drees, which the delegates believe $ MJCflWC P JTU CD IN in the number of mad dog cases. j was as fine as has ever been heard , III Hu U ll u unlllLII 111 Whole families have been chewed up In this division. by rabid bull dogs and other fero-1 At the night session, work wasj clous canines. Nobody has been I Instituted, and Camilla was selected killed, but only the prompt Inter- for the next meeting place. This! niton on the one hand of the po- mornintr. Grand Master W. S. Cole-1 Atlanta, \pril 3*). — Prominent | lice with pistols and clubs, and of man addressed the meeting and {Masons from Atlanta and all parts the city’s pasteur treatment on the {made a beautiful and Instructive;of Georgia arc gathered at Macon talk. The officers were elected for {this week attending the annual eo:i- tho term and Mr. B. M. /angwiP, ventions of several divisions of the who has been Secretary for two! organization. The 70th annual yeare. was made Division Deputy j sembly of the grand council of the Grand Master. This is r*i hone*? ! Royal Arch and Selected Masters which the Thomasville Od! Fellow (met yesterday with several Atlan- fully deserved. Mr. 3. W. Davls v tians in attendance. The 12th an- of this city, was also elected as Sec- nua] session of the grand chapter of rotary of the division. | the Georgia order of Eastern Star, (Hy Associated Press.) (By Associated Prsss ) ! Washington, April 30.—Presidsnt , 1 Rome, Italy April 30 p„ i Wilson's intended departure for New I Plus, for the first time slnW his re- 1 ■ ,erse J r tomorrow on a speaking trip, ! eent illness, descended today from ■ congested his engagements today. !his apartment to the firs’ floor be-' Senator Robinson, of Arkansas, low. Those who accompanied bis brought two constituent, who were Holiness, say that his recovery )s 1 opposed to the Rice schedule, but domplete. Senator Robinson said he would — I support the bill. .... . . Louis Rivera, the resident com- which s the womens auxiliary. Is m |,gioner of Porto Rko. told Pres!- In St. IjoiiIm at Olil Louisiana Pur- in today. The l.Ot.i a’l-J^pH^ Wilson today that a delegation chase Exhibition Grounds, in m, al convocation of the grand chap-) f rom the Porto Rican Assembly was I'rwcncp of Brilliant Gutli- tor ^ Koyal Arch Masons is also 1A jc-oniing to protest against free sugar, ering of Notable*. .session today. In addition to re-1 Representative Richmond P. Hob- | presen tat ivea from practically every son> Q f .\labama, discussed the Jap- fBy Associated Press.) [ Masonic chapter In Georgia. ma py i auese situation with th*» President, .ouis, Mo., April 3*).—The j “languished ^Isltora from a dis-j an< j Walter H. Page, the newly ap- of Mont?om- te former was 1 collcgn Wilson. Wilson today t^e-Taph- r at being unable to at- nerican Peace Confer- Louis. which opens t’J- other, have prevented fatalities, called session of Atlanta’s Public Safety Committee will he held tills week to look Into the situation. It is expected that some kind of reso lution will be directed to the In coming legislature, urging upon 1 t’int body the necessity of some state-wide law. MACON THIS WEEK We sell [CLOTHES TAILORED-TO- ORDER, by Ed. V. Price & Co., because there are none better ob- > tainable. 2 a i Wear a suit from them this spring T 01 and be up to the minute. We s* 0) 3 ST guarantee to fit you. $15. to $50. (/> 3 y T* sr Smith ■ Harley Sh< ?3ka ' NEW DRESSES ALL COLORS LATEST STYLES Also Received New BALKANESE BANDS and EDGES Louis Steyerman, The Shop of Quality On the Corner. cal : : .