The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 01, 1913, Image 1

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», .li. H,.HjWWp|fpi .11 Al.Wl.-, U >V -.-W ■ u, , A ENGRAVING Orders Taken TIMES-ENTERPRISE CO THE WEATHER Pair Tonight anil Friday. VOU XXV. So. 58. THO.UASVILLE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 1, 1013. HORNETS THE IE THIS OXB SELECTED FROM SFV KRAL THIS MORNING—MISS PICA COCK WINS TICK FT—SKA- SOX TICKET FOB ALL GAMES AXI) FOB LADIES TO TWO GAMES PER WEEK DECIDED OX. The Directors of the Thomasvi’le baseball club met this morning, and selected “The Hornets” as the nlcK- nanie for the team for the year. This name was selected from three which were believed to be the best and it was drawn from a hat. -None of the directors who made the selec tion knew the names of those offer ing them. .Miss Majorie Peacock suggested “The Hornets,” and to her will go the season ticket for all games to be played at local ball lot. The directors also decided to sell season tickets to all games here, forty-five in number, for fifteen dol lars and make them transferable to any one, and also good for several admissions to any one game. This is seven dollars and a half reduc tion from the regular price, and ad mits holders to the grandstand also. There will also bo placed on sale at once ladies tickets, which are good for all gnm»»» played in this city on Tuesdays and Fridays, good for admission to grand stand also. These tickets are to be sold for • three dollars, which is almost half of the Tegular price. SUFFRAGETTES HAVE A PAPER WHICH WAS IMTII.ISHEI) RESPITE GOVERNMENT — MEMBER AR RESTED FOR CONSPIRACY AGAISST GOVERNMENT. T (By Associated Press.) London, May 1.—Miss Annie Ken ney, one of the most prominent of the English Militant Suffra gettes, was arrested here today, or. her arrival from the Continent. A detective nad accompanied her from Paris, with a warrant charging a conspiracy. The police today remain in pos- OFFICIAL IX DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RELIEVES IT IS ONE OF THE UNDEVELOPED C90PS OF THE UNITED STATES (By Associated Press.) Washington, May 1.—A new fac tor has been introduced into the problem of long staple and upland cotton production by the early ma turing varieties now being distribut ed by the Department of Agricul ture. WOOD SCHEDULE TRIED 10 GET PEACE S00S4 LEO. M. F TO WILSON in TUHO TIE STAND WHEN THE TARIFF MEASURE INSANE OVEIt IMAGINARY MAR RIAGE DURING TAFT REGIME, MAX GETS RE VON I) GUARD IN TO WHITE HOUSE. CAME UP FOR DISCUSSION THIS MORNING—FREE LUM BER THE HONE OF CONTEN TION. (By Associated Press.) Washington, May 1.—Evading tin wood • White House guard, Alfred L. Wood, !^ le Montenegrin seaports of Anti- 1 - - - 1 “ari and Dulcigno be occupied by a (By Associated Press.) Washington, May 1.—The schedule, involving the fight on the! a painter, this turning made his antl-free lumber advocates, was thej into the main corridor, target of attack when the House to- j avowed determination of seeing day resumed the debate on the tarifT i President Wilson concerning his do- bill. The Democratic leaders ex- mestic difficulties which had fol- The long staple production Is one^Pected to make great progress on lowed his imaginary marriage dur- IN)WKRS MAY DECIDE TO OCCU PY TWO MONTENEGRIN PORTS TO OVERAWE THAT COUNTRY INTO SUBMISSION. (By Associated Press.) London, May 1.—A proposal *..c j/un.„ w, ... the undeveloped agricultural re- the re-reading of the bill for j ing the Taft regime, in the East session of the headquarters of the sources of the United States, and amendment by tonight. j room of the White House. Woman's Social Political Union. In I * s capable of enormous expansion, f The agricultural schedule, the; Mood was later arrested and Js spite of this repression, however, | sa >' 8 O- F. Cook, who is In charge of j wool section and income tax, were in j being held for investigation reg4“ti the campaign of arson by Militant J cr °P acclimatization, in the Depart- sight when the Democratic leaders, his sanity. E TALKS IX CALIFORNIA, IN COMMUNI TIES THICKLY SETTLED BY JAPANESE—ALSO MADE NOT ABLE ADDRESS LAST XIG1IT AT SAX FRANCISCO. (By Associated Press.) Sacramento, Cal., May 1.—Secre tary Bryan’s acceptance of Gover nor Johnson’s Invitation to make a . short tour today through the farm ing communities which are largely iohabltated by Japanese, caused tno Majority leaders in the General As sembly to amend their plans for bringing up the anti-alien bill for passage this morning. It was agreed, out of courtesy to Secretary Bryan, that nothing would be done during his absence, and un til his formal departure from the State. Bryan Relieves Rig College Will Be Established on CannI Zone. (By Associated Press.) San Francisco, May 1.—Secretary of State William .1. Bryan, at the close of a banquet which was given in his honor by the directors of tho Panama-Pacific Exposition glorified the Golden Rule, as applied to the South American Republics. Suffragettes continued this morn-1 ng, when a large etable.was horn 'd. Suffrage placards were found j on the premises. ' Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, of New I York, who is o:ie of the most fam ous of the American Suffragists, and who has been sojourning in London for the past few days, left this 1 morning for Paris. She said that the coercive measures, which have been adopted by the, is bound to fail. The Suffragette newspaper win published this morning, despite the warning of the Government and the seizure of type yesterday. ment of Agriculture. ABOVE RESERVE NATIONAL RANKS HAVE THAT MUCH MORE MONEY THAN IS REQUIRED IIY LAW—I/OSSES NOTED ELSEWHERE. (By Aeeoclated Press.) Washington, May 1.—Reports of the condition of the National Banks of the United States, in response to the call of the Comptroller of the Currency, on April 4th, show large Increases in loans, but large losses in cash and deposits, as compared with the previous call on February fourth. The total reserve in the banks as more than thirty-six million dollars above th<* amount required by law. R. Y. P. I*. Social Ftiday Evenfhg. j The B. Y. P. U. will give a so cial tomorrow night At 8 o’clock, at the Pastorium. All members, anti friends of the B. Y. P. U. # are most •ordially invited. T». S.TO LEAD III PEACE MANY NOTABLE MEN HEARD \T FIRST DAY’S SESSION OF AMERICAN PEACE CONGRESS, WHICH IS MEETING IN ST. LOUIS. (By Associated Press.) St. Louis, Mo., May I. —The Fourth American Peace Congress began a three days session in ‘his city this morning, with delegates present from all parts of Hie coun try. The chief address of the morning session was delivered by Andrew Carnegie. Benjamin F. Trueblood, Secretary of the American Peace Society, dis cussed ‘The Present Demands of the Peace Movement.” He urged that when the present administra tion takes up the matter of arbitra tion treaties, every possible influ ence be brought to bear on the Sen ate to get a 'ratification of these treaties. He also urged that the United States take the lead for an agreement among the great world powers for a limitation of nrma-1 ments. reviewed the situation as the ais-| cussion began today, confident, however, that there would he no disturbance of the hill api>Toved by the Democratic caucus. An amendment, to restore thoi Payne rates on -metals, platinum, j gold, silver and plated ware, was. voted down. i The placing or sugar on the free j list would result in the turning ofj the Hawaiian Islands over TO BE SETTLED The reply of Montenegro, to the demand of tho Powers for the avac- uation of Scutari, was received *o- day. The reply was non-com mitt'll, [thus leaving the door open for fur- | ther negotiations. i Arrangements are now in progress | for a definite conclusion of peace | between the Balkan Allies and T.«r- | key. ! BEFORE CORONER'S JURY THIS AFTERNOON, IN ATLANTA, TO TELL WHAT HE KNOWS IN CONNECTION WITH DEATH OF YOUNG GIRL. (By Associated Presa.) Atlanta, Ga., May 1.—Important developments are expected' this if-/ with th«lJ (, * nt international force of Austrian, ternoon when the coroner’s inquest Italian and British troops, as a fur- resumes Its investigation of the* ther demonstration to King Nicholas death of fourteen-year-old Mary that the Powers are resolved to car- Phagan, whose body was found In ry out their previous decision in re-, the basement of the National Lead gard to Scutari, was made at a Pencil Company’s factory, at an meeting today of the Ambassadors j early hour Sunday morning, in London. j Leo M. Frank, superintendent of * the company, and who is now under .arrest in connection with the case, . is expected to take the stand this af ternoon. Much interest centers In i I his testimony. I Eight or more witnesses probably [ will he called during the hearing , today. iCONDUCTORS AND TRAINMEN TURNED DOWN BY ROADS. Japanese, said al letter which Sena- J RECLAMATION SERVICE tor Works read (n the Senate today,! from an Episcopal Bishop, who lives i in Honolulu. j Six Democratic Western Senators j carried a protest against *he tariff hill, principally against the sugar COMES (By Associated Press.) IX FOH IXVESTIGATION, AT I NVw York ' Ma >' ' — Thu Confi WHICH EEEVEN STATUS AltE Pn,R Committee of Manngr-8 of K m- TO MC KRPHEBEXTED—t SEKS | ,Prn Hallway*, I t.i.lay to OF WATER CI.AIM THEY AltE| KTant thp requeats „f .ondtictor* . id SCIMECT TO IHSOItIMIXATIOX. | lri,l,,n > p " for niplu r wago*. and wool schedules, to President Wilson today. President Wilson (By Associated Press.) Washington, May 1.—The diftV j or • ences of opinio-n between the official*- said he was not* In conference a conclusion of {the matters, *,«* . merely for an interchange of views. I, watnr from vario but I of the reclamation service and use f-'overmient I con ferenc parties, \ hich irrigation projects, he threshed out at a tween the interested begins today. Secretary Lane, of tho Interior Department, will preside over the conferences, at which eleven Wes tern states will he represented. The delegates Insist that the re clamation service is guilty jf .nai ad ministration: water charges are not uniform; and expensive delays in furnishing water are unnecessar ily frequent. O. M. Bailey, who is Interested in projects In Oregon, has proposed a j should promulgate ce and .lustice, the expansion of Bryan Optimistic Over Outcome of California Situation. (By Associated Press.) j Washington, May 1.—Secretary Dryan's latest dispatches to Presl- , 'dent Wilson contained a note of op- I glory, he said, “that we n rw , t | n| | Hm ovor the situation at Sacra- havc an administration which will metito, expressing the belief that a bring home to the Republics of South go | ut j on satiHfac*ory to California America our sense of National hon- n„,j tho Federal Government would or, which 'will herald to them our i, e reached. abandonment of dollar diplomacy. I report Is current in official cir- “The Canal Zone should he the I cles that John Bassett Moore, Act- center of American activities for j ing Secretary of 3tate did not re- the two continents. I dream of an , gard the Webb Bill as a violation American University there, which of the treaty obligations. STORE GIBES ARE ON STRIKE A debate on tnip Oriental labor question on the Pacific coast, and Its effect on the sh»b?le industry, bris tled with »ersonaHti?3 between Re- presen’ative Baker, of California. Falconer, of Washihngton. Hum phreys of W&shihg* >n and Palmer of Pennsylvania. Several amendments to the Wood schedule were voted down, and the consideration of the sugar schedule was then begun. Sugar Schedule Will Bring Forth Flow of Oratory From lloth Sided of the House. < By-AMocsJteti Press.) Washington, May 1.—With the I Pitted by the reclamation service. | Democratic machinery running j smoothly and rapidly, the House ’ today reached the first big rough I place i:i the Democratic tarifT, thut I rough place being the sugar ached-, ule. When that schedule was reached, | it became apparent that more ora- j tory clamoring would be let loose, t and Representative Underwood se- J cured an agreement to allow twoj hours' debate on that schedule and I all the amendments thereto. NEW JERSEY PITS INTO | FORCE FAMOUS R. R. RILL. (By Associated Press.) New Ark, N. J., May 1.—The so- called full-crew hill, which was bit terly opposed by tile railroads, went into effect throughout New Jersey today. The railTo^ls effected are planning a concerted action to test the constitutionality of the law, pos sibly !»y inviting prosecution. BY RAILROADS IN THE EASTERN) TEllltlTfiRY, AXM THEY Wll.l., ASK INTRUST ATE COMMERCE COMMISSION TO GIIANT THIS FREIGHT IXCIIEASK. UNCLE SAM TO FOR ALL CHILDREN UNDER III YEARS OF AGE, IS PIlOPOSAlj OF REPRESENTATIVE IIOIkSON WHO INTRODUCED HILL TO THAT EFFECT TODAY. (By Associated Press.) Washington, May 1.—“A Parental Court of the United States,’* is pfo* TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED WORK- ING PEOPLE IN DEPARTMENT STORKS OF BUFFALO GO OUT. (By Aseociated Press.) Buffalo, X. Y., May 1.—Over twen ty-five hundred depnrtmei* store employee*, involving every store of its kind here, went on u strike this morning, for increased wages and shorter working hours. (By Associated Press.) New York. May 1.—The railroads of the Eastern Territory, having dis- j Plan to turn over new lands to the j <M,88e<1 freight rate problem, have j poeed in a bill introduced today by Department of Agriculture for set- M eci< * ed to a8,c *he Interstate Com- j Representative Hobson, which would tlement after thev have be*n com- n ^ erCo Commission to allow a five/give Judges of Federal District per cent Increase on freight of all .Courts jurisdiction over children character, according to a statement sixteen years old or less, in all mat- issued today by President Willard, j ters relating to violations of the of the Baltimore & Ohio Railw iy;: Federal statutes: to supply parental representing the committee. -care and education; to keep children This increase is absolutely neces- j from any court of record from com- sary they say, if the roads, are to . mittment to an institution r'or puii- j rovide the equipment and facilities J ishment, and to fix the responsiblli- for the growing demands country. HIT FREE Base Hflay Ball 5th THOBLLE VS. VALDOSTA OPENING GAME OF SEASON Closed Gone to baseball game, will open immediately after game. This sign will be on our door the afternoon of the opening game from one o'clock until after the game. We are going out and give THOMASVILLE a record breaking attendance on op ening day. | \ Peacock-Mash Drug Co, PHONES 105-106 . LDE.1W000ICAMP1IGI MANAGER HONORED E. li. Campl>ell, of Rirmingliam. j Nominated For Judge United States Court of Claim*. J (By Associated Press.) Washington, May I.—K. K. C'amp- [ hell, of Birmingham, who has for several years past been campaign | manager for Representative Oscar • W. Underwood, has been selected by President Wilson for Judge in the I United States Court of Claims. The selection of Mr. Campbell fer the Judgship probably means that Jud?e Chas. B. Howery, of Oxford, Miss., will he Chief Justice of the [Court of claims. ' Botn nominations ar-' scheduled . to bo acted on today. Atlanta, May Saffold. attorney Representative Broussard, of Lou- ! Naughton, the V isiana, representing the Democrats w j,o is sentenced to hang for the who are opposing free sugar, joined’murder of Fred Flanders declared with the Republicans in their battle ‘today, in connection with’ another to change the proposed tariff on this petition he has filed for his client’s commodity. 'pardon, that Mrs. Flanders, who was jointly indicted for the crime, would never he brought to trial. “I have tried to convince Gover nor Brown of that fact,” said Mr Saffold, “and that now is the t*me, if ever, to free Dr. McXaughton.” Dr. McXaughton has been respited (four times. His last respite expires on the 0th day of this month Gov ernor Brown has already signified his determination not to allow I)r. --- j McXaughton to he hanged until .‘Irs. so; Til FAHOI.IXA NKGIto, WHO j Fln,,,l ‘‘ rs is t>r°UKili to trial. YKSTEIIIIAY KII.I.KII TWO WHITE MEN. GOT IIY Ills IUTL ! SEEKS TOIIAY. AXII IS llEAKKoj TOWAItl) SAVANNAH lilVEK. •, ty for all person* who parental authority. TO NEW JERSEY; DESPERADO STILL AT LARGE! (By Associated Press.) Washington, May 1. — Preside it ] Wilson prepared to leave for New Jersey this afternoon, where he will appeal to the voters to bring pres-, s sure upon the Democratic members |t of the Legislature to pass the jury ? reform lull and the measure calling - for a constitutional •-(invention. I i which were wrPten in the Demo-j cratie -state platform, but failed of t (By Associated Press.) Washington, May 1.—Today's re ports from tlie Isthmus of Panama show that rapid progress is now be- iiiL made, with the possibility that ships jerhaps may he a‘>l.» to pass through the Canal before October, which was the last otli■ i:«i .-mnuie. ( By Associated Press.: Hampton. 8. C., May 1. hiding all night in the > Richard Henry Austin, a nog yesterday killed two white n wounded four other of a poss was pursuing him for an :»•: assault upon a white woman, through his pursuers this and escaped. Blood hounds were put on his track. The negro is headh a tor the Savannah river, with a posse of citizens close behind him. which mptedj Washington, May 1.—Among ti lipped J nominations made by President ““■'.ing Wilson today were: Commissi jner of Corporations. Joseph E. Davies, of Wisconsin. Assistant Comptroller of the Currency. Walter W. Warwick, of Ohio. BASE BALL MAY 5th THOMASVILLE vs. VALDOSTA Opening Game of Season. CLOSED Gone to baseball game, will open immediately after game. This sixn will be on our door the afternoon of the opeuint name from one o'clock until after the same. We are goinx oat and give TIIOSIASVII.I.E a record breaking attendance on op ening day. Smith-Harley Shoe Company, Base Ball May 5th Opening Game of Season CLOSED Gone to baseball game, will open immediately after game. This sign will bo on our loor the afternoon of the opening game from one o’clock until after the rame. We are going out and give THOMASVILLE a record breaking attendance on op ening day. Louis Steyerman, TL- CL.. .1 « u .t!t..