The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, May 01, 1913, Image 3

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DAILY TKMKS-K.N'TKUPUISK, THURSDAY AFTERXOOV, MAY 1, 1018. Base-Ball May 5th. Thomasville vs. Valdosta Opening game of season —- Closed —- Gone to base ball game, will open immediately after game. This rfign will be on our door :ho u'ternoon of the opening game from one o’clock until after the .tame We are going out and give THOMASVILLE a record breaking attendance on op ening day. lames Gribben BASE BALL May 5th. Thomasville vs. Valdosta Opening game of season — Closed - — Gone to base ball game, will open iirmediately after game This sign will be on our door the afternoon of the opening game from one o’clock until after the .game. We are going out and give THOMASVILLE a record breaking attendance on op ening day. W. Feinberg & Son BASE 1 BALL MAY 5th. THOMASVILLE VS. VALDOSTA Opening Game of Season CLOSED Gone to baseball game, will open immediately after game. This sign will be on our door the afernoon of the openlag name, from one o'clock until after the game. We are going out and give THOMASVILLE a record breaking attendance on opening day. MALLARD & VARNEDOE The Wise Builder Looks Years Ahead. Then figures with us to fur nish material for the entire house. We Furnish Everything Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mill work, Interior Trim, Sash Doors and Blinds, Lime, Sand, Cement, Paints, Oils and Glass. Off. AND MRS. HURST INJURED BROAD STREET THEATRE = TO-DAY= Extraordinary Piuture Tonight. “From the Manger to the Cross,” the great play, portraying the life of Christ, I* being shown at the .Broad Street Theatre, this after- DVl 1W1ID j noon, and tonight, which will be the'a severe wound over li In It mm way Yesterday—Mis. Ilurst Suffers Most Severe Injury on Her Right Side. .Schedule of ‘Tile Hornets” For the _ ... “ ’ ,, i Baseball Season. Dr. and Mrs. \\. 11. Hurst were The followlnK is the schedule of injured yesterday morning In a run-■ tUe TilomaaV |lle team's games away In Fnlrview. Thr^ horse^whlch .throughout the entire season. Half he games are at home and the last opportunity for local patrons of this theatre to see the famous pic ture. Clreat interest is taken in this play, which pictures the life of Christ, from His birth in the lowly manger, at Bethlehem, to His death on the Cross at Calvary. The pic tures for this famous play were all taken on the actual spots, where j these jreat events occurred, making them very realistic. 1 Wherever it has been put on, it* has attracted great crowds and the universal verdict has been that it is the most wonderful play ever shown. The play takes about an hour and twenty minutes and will be shown continuously without intermission from 2;00 P. M., to 11:00 o'clock. Admission will be 25 cents for adults and 10 cents for children. Mr. J. E. Helms of Dothan, was in town yesterday on business. Mr. Hoy Blount, of Barnesville, is in the city today on business. Heed's Pennsylvania Auto . »» will run you further with best results. We guarantee It. Taylor .Mitchell, Agent. Hurst was driving became frl Jif- ened and in turning a corner the buggy was overturned and lmth. Dr. Hurst and Mrs. Hurst were thrown violently to the ground. Dr. Hurst was knocked senseless, remaining unconscious for a short time. He had no broken bones and .•ill be out in a short time without ny serious injury. Mrs. Hurst has right eye. her ri.*ht wrist was badly sprained and her shoulder on the right side badly sprained. She suffered severe ly from the effect of the accident. Dr. Little who is attending them reports that they are both petting on nicely and their friends will he glad to know that both wJU be out in a short time. MR. STRINGED ROBBED Representative of Tire Filler Com* pauy lias Hard How to Travel in YortJ* Carolina, Accord ing to Telegram. balance on the road. None of th road trips are long and there ai not more tnan six consecutive game at home. Thomasville opens and winds up the season witn Valrlo^t .. j opening at Valdosta and closing ar j home. will the i-iy! 1 Mr. H. E. Crow of Albany spent a short time in the eity today with frlende. Mr. Wharton Mitchell of Jackson ville, is spending a short time in the city on business. Messrs. .1. S. Ellis and O. C. Webb of Amerlcns, were among the > tors to the city today. Mrs. Carrie Boyd Walker, of Way- cross, is spending a few days here, the Sliest of Mrs. J. G. Hopkins. Now 1m the time to screen your house. See the Thomasville Variety Works, Mrs. J. McR. Williams left today for St. Louis after a pleasant visit of several weeks to her father, Major C. T. Stuart. Mr. W. W. Fiddler of Nashville, Tenn.. Is in the city visiting his niece’s. Misses Dorothy and Carolyn Fiddler, on Smith Ave. Mr. T. P. Walton, the popular manager of Neel's Grocery, has re cently acquired the residence for merly occupied by Mr. L. B. Hanaw on Cx’orth Broad Street, and wl’.l make it his home in the future. JELLY GLASSES AT IIOIHSOV HARDWARE CO.’S. PHONE 108. The Bludwlne Bottling Company has recently Installed a modern bot tling plant In the Watkins building, on West Jackson street, where they will manufacture their products in the future. They have abandoned the old plant on South Broad 3t. Gamblers Caught. Sheriff Singletary Sunday Jumprt a crowd of negro gamblers along the Albany railroad three miles from town. They all broke Into a mara thon when caught and only four of the eleven were brought to 1*11. One of the negroes made violent efforts to jet away, but Sheriff Singletary and Deputy Pittman managed tc handcuff him and bring him to Jail His name was Hawk. The others hiked north at a rapid rate. Dr. Morgan Returns. Dr. W. C. Morgan returns tomor row from Texas, where he nas been selling the Clark Resilient Tire Fil ler rights. He will be at his office Monday morning nnd will remain in the city permanently thereafter. This will come as good news to the many friends of Dr. Morgan, who were sorry to see him move to Tex- left here for North Carolina, wi*h the tire filler rights to that state: “Raleigh,-N. C., April 27, 1913. “Clark’s Resilient Tire Filler Co., Thomasville, Ga. "Dear Si'rs: Arrived at Raieign Sunday 11 o'clock. Got robbed at Chattanooga of all money and some clothes, even my hat and all ‘.he damps (tools) I had purchased to bring to Raleigh, and railroad tick et which I had purchased to cone to Ralei-.’h on the next morning. “1 have had quite an experience up to this writing, but am in good spir its yet. looking forward to doing some business this week. ! Thomasville’s schedule ollowa May 1-2-3, at Valdosta. ; May 5-6-7, \vi* 1 Valdosta at hoi May 8-9-10 a Brunswic 1 May 12-13- 1 i. with Bruit a wick at hofe. { May 15-16- 1 7, with A me rieue, at home. May 19-20- 21, at A meric IS. ! May 22-23- ‘-4, with Cordele at home. ! May 26-27- 2N, with Way •ross, at , home. 1 29-30- 31, at Cordeli June 2-3-4 at Waycross. ! June 5-6-7, with Cordele it home. > June 9-10- 1, with Way ross, at home. ! June 12-13 1 4 at Cordel June 16-17 IS, at Waycross. June 19-20 21 at Valdosta. June 23-24 25, Americus it home. June 26-27 28, at Brunswick. June 30-July 1-2, Brunswick, at home. July 3-4-5, at Valdosta. Per Cent. Interest If ycu have money idle, you can deposit it’with us'and draw 4 per cent interest on it under rule. If put into time certifi cates it will earn 4 1-2 per cent People’s Savings Bank MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK. July 4, morning game at home with Valdosta. July 7-S-9, at Americus. July 10-11-12, Valdosta at homo. July 14-15-16, at Brunswick. July 17-IS-19, Brunswick at home. July 21-22-23, Americus at hone. July 24-25-26. at Amwicus. July 28-29-30, Cordele at home. July 31-Aug. 1-2, Waycross, at j home. TEACHERS ATTEND ATLANTA EDUCATIONAL MEETING Aug. 4-5-6, at Cordele. Aug. 7-8-9, at Waycross. Aug. 11-12, Valdosta at homo. Dudley pries open the season to day. Kates ^ about the most handy man about the diamond that the - — j Thomasville bunch has. He was first Several of the teachers of the, tried in the outfield, then at third j Thomasville Public School will at-,and is now holding down first base, i tend a meeting of the Georgia Edu- • * • rational Association which meets in That was a gruelling practice yes-1 Atlanta tomorrow and Saturday. Mr. terday afternoon and BASE BALL MAY 5th THOMASVILLE VS. VALDOSTA Opening Game of Season CLOSED Gone to baseball' game, will open immediately after game. This sign will he on our door the afternoon of the opening game, from one’ orlock until after the game. We are going out and Jive THOMASVILLE a record breaking attendance on op ening day. Thomasville, Ga. showed up well. If they g did then today, there wil hope unless the Valdosta bit them safely. boys they sluggers We respectfully Morse-Macks,” as suggest name for and Mrs. James A. Duncan left to day to spend that time in the Capi tol City. Mr. Duncan is on the Sat urday program for an address, his subject being, “For Whom Are the Schools.’’ The other teachers who v. ill attend are Professor A. Knox Starlings, and Misses Mary Hargrave,! Valdosta aggregation Fraser Mitchell, Juanita Acker and * * * Margaret McKay. | The club will be named at once Captain A. G. Miller, formerly a! by the Directors and plans made to resident of this city, and Supt. of! bold the crowd which will attend he the South Georgia College, fg Presf- ©Pining game, dent of the Association and will • • • have charge of the meeting. | Bill Cooper has worked like forty-1 !*®”s Trojans to make the opening Iiv/ILMI TYI day a 8U0( * eM and thp credit is due! STRINGER TO SER\ E HIS him for the enthusiasm which has TIME IN COI/JI ITT COr.NTV, j been aroused. It always takes a| j you nr fellow with hustle and gin-1 Young Man Who Confessed to Tak- : ger to make anythink of this kind n ing I large Sum From Express go. Company, Hegins 18-Month i • • • Sentence At Once. j Luke says if he thought Thomas- • ville would lose the opening game, j he would fling the horsehide covered Base Ball May 5th. Thomasville vs. Valdosta Opening game of season Closed Gone to base ball game, will open immediately after game. This sign will be on our door the afternoon of the opening game, from one o’clock until after the game. We are joing out and give THOMASVILLE u reccrd-breuking attendance on op ening day. | Mrs. J. H. Spence & Co. If you eat something that disa- greos with you, don’t let it work its own way through. Its a slow pro cess and makes you feel bad. Get rid of it quickly by ’aklnj a ninth of DR. M. A. SIMMONS LIVER MEDICINE, and wash it down with a swallow of water. It drives out impurities in the stomach and bowels and you feel better immediately. Price 25 cents. Sold by R. Thomas nnd Peacock-Mash Drug Com pany.adv. WEATHER REPORT. Local Office l T . S. Weather Bureau Thomasville. Ga., May 1, 1913. Weather forecast for Thomasville and vicinity: Fair Tonight and Friday. Observations at 2 p. m Highest temp, past 24 hours See you at the game Monday. Brunswick, Waycross. Valdosta, Cordele and Americus are all claim ing the attendance trophy. Thom asville isn’t in It. according to the dope from the other towns, but they hare been fooled before. Come on around and we will tell you what the 6core wag. Dudley took Roth. Meyers, Roon ey, Elrod. Kates, Murphy, Smith. PUue. Pierre, Wilkes a-nd Barnett to Valdosta. Blackman. Eliot and Jordan did not go with the tean*. There ire quite a number of fans who expert the sec the irauic in Vaidos’a this afternoon, whether a special train is run back or not. day contained the following: *J. D. Stringer, the young ex press messenger, who plead guilty to embezzling $5,000 of the com pany's money and who was sen tenced to year and a half in the chalngang, will serve his rime In Colquitt county. Superintendent Gilmore left last night for Jesup aud will bring Stringer back with him. They will reach Moultrie tonight, and the one-time express messen ger will begin his sentence tomor row. “Stringer’e arrest followed soon after the theft. The finger of sus picion was pointed at him when it was learned that a package that was supposed to have five thousand dollars In currency was filled with blank paper. Detectives of the com pany were put to work at once and when he arrived at Jesup, on his' regular run, Stringer was arrested. I After being put through the third I — degree for some little time, lliej MAY PROVE FAT.. young man acknowledged the ciiarne i When Will rhomnsvllle loop; and Rtated that he had sp«*nt on»> • Learn the Importance of It? ten dollars of the five thousand, and j Backache la only a simile thin that the remainder ho had buried at first; in Jesup. near the Farmers’ Fnion I But tfher. you k: nv 'tla fro warehouse. At 2 o'clock, in the thy kl<|nt?‘L; morning, Stringer piloted the ex-} That serious UJncy troubles 1* press company officers to the spot low; where he had buried the money i i a j That Bright’s Pise:»?c* may be tl coffee can. At the trial that fol-! fatal nd. lowed last week, 3’ringer p!«nd 1 You win gladly proilt by the »c guilty In the superior coi:»rt of I lowing experience. Wayne county and stated that he ’Tie the statement ot a Tnompg was drunk at the time of the theft ville citizen. and that he would not have com-j Mrs. P. D. runups, 502 East mitted the crime had he be**n sober. I Clay St., Thomasville, Ga., says I •Stringer will he put to work in suffered intensely from my back Moultrie district where the other and kidneys for several years and white convicts are now engaged in 11 tried various remedies without building the Norman Park road j getting relief. I steadily grew worse Another white man will be brought i until mv health was undermined from Jesup at the same time. He and I had almost given up hope of will serve a three-year term. This (ever being rid of the trouble. About gives Colquitt county eight white thtee weeks ago I began using COAL < o o Grade $5.00 while it laiti. Phone orders at cnce THOMASVILLE ICE AND MF6 COMPANY, Phone 6. o o > COAL convicts.” Lowest, past 24 hours 56 Mean temperature 70 Normnl for this date 70 Temperature 7 a. m 62 Temperature 2 p. m S3 Temperature 12 m Dep. since Jan. I plus 2.16 Rainfall, past 24 hours. . . .00 lu& Dep. since Jan. I plus. . 2.09 inn Metcalfe News Notes. , Metcalfe, May 1.—Miss Georgia . S3 ! Donaldson, of Batnbridge, former! music teacher In »he High School hore. is visiting Mrs. H. C. Cope land. Jr. Miss Bessie Dunn spent Saturday and Sunday very pleasantly with her parents in Cairo. Mr. Elmer Home spent yesterday In Thomasville on business. In honor of Miss Langford, Wind direction East. Boston, Miss Marjorie Monroe cn- Wind velocity.... 6 miles ner hour O. M. HADLEY, Observer In Charge. ALLEN’S FOOT-EASE tertalned Monday evening. Sevo-nl young people were present. Inte-. eating games were played after which refreshments were served. The ~f- fair was quite an enjoyable one. throughout, and those present ex- ; pressed themselves as having spent a very pleasant evening. fil MML $?££3ti&SSS£S£Metcalfe expert, to b. well repre- MR edy lor Um feet for a quarter I Rented at the opening game of the Em P lr e state League In Thomasville "addm* AUes s.'oimVteti. Cjioy.N v. next Monday, and every one of ’em Tfe»ManwKopvttbt EKi la r EEL will be ’'rooting” for the tribe of (▲dTtrttoemenL) Dudley. Doan’s Kidney Pills, which I obtain ed at R. Thomas’ Drug Store, and I reclevd a wonderful amount of benefit. My back does not pain me now, and my condition has im proved in every wa/. I shall al ways give Doan’s Kidney Pills my endorsement.” For sale bv all deaUrc. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co , Buf falo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s— and take no other.— (ad*) ANNUAL MEETING GEORGIA EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION Atlanta, Ga., May 1-3, 1913. ATLANTA ItlllMINGHAM At ATIjVNTIC UAII.ItOAD. Will sell round trip tickets from Thomas;ille to Ailinta return for this oecaston at rate of $10.10. Tickets on sale April 2 7th and .VUh, with rr'urn limit ■'h I0i:i W, 11. LEAHY, F M FI.BMIVQ, General Psgr Agent, fommercial Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Thomasville, Ga. May How's This? > ef Catarrh that canaot b« cured by iUUl Catarrh Car#. I K J. CIIE.NET A CO., Toledo, O. jl _We, th# anilfnUnH. ha . Ckeney for tb# last. IS y«*«r*. ai.d ba ll#*# him NAT. BANK Of COMMF.nCR. > by faU tom. or 1 Toledo, Obi* IUn*a Catarrh Cara la taken taternally. acting urfacea • Prtea ' Exactly * poo tbe blood aud mcmu the ajateia. Taattaoalala aeat free, ttata ht hot tla. Sold by all Dmfcfa Base May Ball 5th Thomasville vs. Valdosta OPENING GAME OF SEASON. Closed Gone to baseball game, will open immediately after game. This sign will be on our door the afternoon of the opening game from one o’clock until after the game. We are going ou*. and give THOMASVILLE a record breaking attendance o'i op ening day. The Art & Novelty Shop.