Newspaper Page Text
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Legal Advertising
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry, to
the highest bidder for cash, during
the legal hours of sale, before the
Court house door in Thomasville,
Ga., on the first Tuesday in April
1915, the property hereinafter de
scribed, tlie authority for same be
ing hereinafter stated:
A certain house and lot on 4!
South side, of East Clay Street.
Thomasville, Ga., fronting one hun-4
dred and forty feet, more or less on j
East Clay street, and running back .
two hundred feet, more or less,.
bounded on the East by lands of
Tom Holland, on tnc South by |
lands of James Brown, on the West,
street, between Lee Street and the
property formerly owned by Chason,
and running back to I,oe Street, on
which is located the Thomasville
Iron Works.
Levied on as the property of tne
Thomasville Iron Works, to satisfy
an execution from P. S. Heeth, Tax
Collector, Thomas County, Ga., for
State and County taxes for the
year, 1914.
Levied this lltli day of March,
1915, by J. W. Johnson, Deputy
W. A. REHBERG, S.ieriff,
Thomas County, Ga.
by lands of I. G. Glass, and on north
by Clay street.
Levied on as the property of
Blackshear Wilson, Estate, tc sat
isfy an execution from t. 3. Heeth,
Tax Collector Thomas county for
State and County Taxes. Levied by
J. L. Pittman, L. C.
This, March 10th, 1915.
Sheriff Thomas County.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry to
tb© highest bidder for cash during
the legal hours of sale, before the
Court house door in Thomasville,
Ga., on the first Tuesday In April
1915, the property hereinafter de
scribed, the authority tor same be
ing hereinafter stated:
70 acres of land in the 1C;*i
trict of said State and County, be
ing that part of lot of land No. 266
bounded as follows: On the North
by lands of Estate of Moses Wil
liams, on the East, South and West
by lands of the Estate of Moses Wil
liams, being known as ’:r Lucky
Also 2S0 acres in the said district
known as the J. I. Hancock place,
being a portion of lots Nos. 240
and 241 bounded as follows: On
the North by lands of J. C. Young,
on the East by lands of Mrs. Lillah
Mills, and the Estate of Moses Wil
liams, on South by lands of P. M.
McKinnon and J. B. G. Eason and
on West by lands of H. J. Moore.
Levied on as the property of Mra.
Thomas Williams to satisfy an execu
tion from P. 3. Heeth, Tax Collector,
Thomas county, Ga., for State and
County taxes, and School taxes for
the year 1914.
Levied by W. M. Vonler, L C.,
this March 8th, 1915.
Sheriff Thomas County.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold uc public outcry
to the highest bidder for cash dur
ing the legal hours of sale, before
the Court House door in Thomas
ville, Ga., on the first Tuesday In
April, 1915, the property hereinaf
ter described the authority for same
being hereinafter stated:
130 acres of land In Lot. No. 310
in the 13th District of said state
and county, bounded on North by
lands of Rountree, on East by lands
of C. C. Vick, on 3outh by lands of
M. H. Rogers, on West, by lands
of James Williams. Levied on as
the property of James Williams to
satisfy an execution from P. 8.
Heeth, Tax Collector, Thomas Coun
ty. for State and County taxes for
the year 1914. Levlel on by W. M.
Vonler, L. C., this March 8th, 1915.
Sheriff Thomas County.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry, to
the highest bidder for cash, during
the legal hours of sale, before the
court house door, in Thomasville,
Ga., on the first Tuesday in April,
1915. the property hereinafter de
scribed. the authority for same be
ing hereinafter stated:
That parcel of land in the Town
of Ochlocknee, Ga., described as fol
lows: Commencing at the North
west corner of Mrs. D. A. Hendry's
lot in said town, near the east mar
gin of the right-of-way of the A. C-
L. R. R., and running north and
parallel with track of said railway,
and fronting on said rlght-of-tfay,
the distance of 116 feet; thence back
and East from margin of said right-
of-way a distance of 175 feet, more
or less; thence nearly due South 116
feet to the North line of Mrs. D. A.
Hendry’s lot; thence nearly west to
the point of beginning, said lot be
ing in part situated in land lot 235
in the 17th District of Thomas
County, Ga.
ALSO. That tract or parcel of
land being part of land lot No. 235
in the 17th District of Thomas Coun
ty, Ga., beginning at o point on
Ohurch Street, where It is Inter
sected by the West Hue of Stubbs
Ave., in Ochlocknee, Ga., and run
ning In a westerly direction along
said Church Street, a distance of
723 feet; thence north 3°, 20' W.,
723 feet; thence east 3 & . 30' N., 723
feet to the west line of Stubbs ave.,
a distance of 723 feet to beginning
point, containing twelve (12) acres.
Levied on as the property of T. A.
Bullock, in favor of the Dannenberg
Co., under a City Court fl fa., City
Court of Thomasville, Ga. Property
found in defendant’s possession. De
fendant notified in writing.
Levied on by J. W. Johnson, Dep
uty Sheriff, this 11th day of March,
W. A. REHBERG, Sheriff,
Thomas County, Ga.
land In the City of Thomasville,
Georgia, said county, beginning at a
point on Hansell Street, 236 feet
north from the intersection of War
ren Street and Hansel! Street, and
running back toward Warren Street
on the West margin of Hansell
3treet fifty (50) feet, more or less,
thence at right angles with Hansell
street on e hundred and three (103)
feet, more or less; thence fifty (50)
feet, more or less, to S. W. Davis'
lot; thence easterly tlong said Da
vis lot* 103 feet, more or less, to
starting point, having thereon one
certain dwelling in which B. K.
Gunn resides.
j Said parcel of land being levied
Ion as the property of B. K. Gunn to
j satisfy an execution issued from
the City Court of Thomasville, on
'the 8th day of May, 1913, in favor
jof Cameron Stove Company, and
'against said B. K. Gunn,
j This. March 10th. 1915.
j W. A. REHBERG, Sheriff,
j Thomas County, Ga.
GEORGIA. Thomas County;
Will be sold before the court
house door in Thomasville. Georgia,
on the first Tuesday in April, 1915,
between the legal hours of sale, to
the highest and best bidder for cash,
the following described property, to-
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry to
the highest bidder for cash during
the legal hours of sale, before the
Court house door in Thomasville,
Ga., on the first Tuesday in April
1915, the property hereinafter de
scribed, the authority for same be
ing hereinafter stated:
A certain lot in the town of Pavo,
Ga., said state and county one hun
dred and fifty feet square, more or
less, bounded on North and West
by lands of M. R. Peacock, on South
by the Pavo Power house and on
East by 3ycamore street.
Levied on as ihe property of the
estate of M. Brice, to satisfy an
execution from P. S. Heeth, Tax
Collector, Thomas County, for
Slate and County and School taxes
for Pavo district, for the year 1914
Levied this 8th day of March
1915, by W. M. Vonler, L. C.
gheriff, Thomas County, Ga.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sola at pumic outcry, to
the highest bidder for cash, during
the legal hours of sale, before the
court house door, in Thomasville,
Ga., on the first Tuesday in April,
1915, the property hereinafter de
scribed, the authority for same be
ing hereinafter stated:
That certain lot or block of land
in the City of Thomasville, bound
ed on the north by Walcott street,
on the east by North Dawson street,
on the South by East Jerger street,
and on the West by North Crawford
Levied on as the property of the
Estate of A. W. Hastings, to satisfy
an execution from P. S. Heeth, Tax
Collector, Thomas County, Ga., for
State and County taxes fof the year
Levied, this March lUh, 1915, by
J. W. Johnson, Deputy Sheriff.
W. A. REHBERG, Sheriff,
Thomas County, Ga.
GEORGIA, Thomaa County:
Will be sold at public outcry to
the highest bidder for cash during
the legal hours of sale, before the
court house door in Thomasville,
Ga., on the first Tuesday In April
1915, the property hereinafter de
scribed, the authority for same be
ing hereinafter stated:
A certain house and lot fronting
thirty feet more or less on the East
side of South Spair street, Thomas
ville, Ga., and running back two
hundred and ten feet, more or less,
bounded on the North, by lands of
Minnie Heard, on the East by lands
of Joe Grooms, on the South by
lands of C. W. Cochran, and on the
West, by Spair street.
Levied on as the property of
A. C. Linton Estate to satisfy an exe
cution from P. 3. Heeth, Tax Col
lector Thomas county, for State and
County Taxes.
Levied by J. L. Pittman, L. C.,
this March 10th, 1915.
gheriff, Thomas County, Ga.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will bo sold at public outcry, to
the highest bidder for cash, during
the legal hours of sale, before The
court house door, in Thomasville,
Ga., on the first Tuesday In April,
1915, the property hereinafter de
scribed rroperty, the authority for
scribed, the authority for same be
ing hereinafter stated:
That lot In the Citv of Thomas
ville. said State and Countv, fronting
one hundred feet, more or less on
the West side of South Stevens
GEORGIA, Tbomas County;
Will be sold at public outcry, to
the highest bidder for. cash, during
the legal hours of sale, before the
court house door, in Thomasville,
Ga., on the first Tuesday In April,
1915, the property hereinafter de
scribed, the authority for same be
ing hereinafter stated:
That lot in the City of Thomas
ville, State and County aforesaid,
known as the Thompson Opera
House lot, fronting one hundred feet
on the gouth side of West Jackson
Street, and running back one hun
dred fifty feet South, bounded on
West by lot of Mrs. M. J. Williams,
on South by lot of C. B. Thompson,
on east by lot of J. l,. Beverly and
on North by Jackson Street.
levied on as the property of C. L.
Thompson, to satisfy an execution
from P. 3. Heeth, Tax Collector,
Thomas County, Ga., for State and
County Taxes for the year 1914.
Levied this March 11th, 1915, by
J. W. Johnson, Deputy Sheriff.
W. A. REHBERG, Sheriff,
Thomas County, Ga.
GEORGIA, Thomas County-
Will be sold at public outcry, to
•he highest bidder for cash, during
tiie legal hours of sale, before the
•ourt house door, in Thomasville,
Ga., on the first Tuesday In April,
1915, the property hereinafter de-
s cribod, the authority for same be-
! ng hereinafter Btated:
Sixty-two and one-balf acres of
'and In lot No. 397, of the 13th dis
trict of Thomas County, Ga., bound
ed as follows: On the North, by
lands of M. D. Redfearn; on the
East by lands of Mathews; on the
West, bv lands of T. W. Webb; on
the South by lands of H. Roberts.
Levied on as the property of T. W.
Webb, to satisfy an execution from
P. 8. Heeth, Tax Collector, Thomas
County, Ga., for State and County
taxes, and school taxes for the Pavo
district for the year 1914.
Levied this 8th day of March,
1915, by W. M. Vonler. L, C.
W. A. REHBERG, Sheriff,
Thomas County, Ga.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold before the court
house door In Thomasville, Georgia.
*a<d county, during the legal hour*
of sale, on the first Tuesday of April.
1915. to the blehest bidder for cash,
at public outcry, the following pron-
erty to-wlt:
All that certain tract or parcel of
That certain city residence lot on
Hansell street, in the City of Thom
asville, described by being bounded
by a line beginning on the West
side of said Hansell street, at the
Southeast corner of the said resi
dence lot of 3. A. Roddenbery and
running thence Southerly along Han
sell Street one hundred and thirty
(130) feet to North line of the
Crawford lot, two hundred and fifty-
five (255) feet to the Harry Davis
lot, thence northerly one hundred
twenty-one and one-half (121%)
feet to the Roddenbery lot, thence
easterly two hundred and fifty-five
(255) feet, more or leis to the start
ing point on Hansell Street, with
dwelling house and out buildings.
Levied on and sold as the prop
erty of G. W. Beverly to satisfy a
fi fa, issued from the City Court of
Thomasville, in favor of Mrs. S. L.
Hayes against the said G. W. Bev
This, 11th day of March, 1915.
W. A. REHBERG, Sheriff,
Thomas County, Ga.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has applied to the Ordi
nary of said County, for leave to
sell land belonging to the estate of
William Gordy, for the payment of
debts and for distribution. Said ap
plication will be heard at the regu
lar term of the Court of Ordinary
for said county, to be held on the
first Monday in April, 1915.
This, the 11th day o7 March, 1915.
As Administratrix on the Estate of
William Gordy.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry, to
the highest bidder for cash, during
the legal hours of sale, before the
court house door. In Thomasville,
Ga.. on the first Tuesday In April,
1915, the property lcreinatfer de
scribed, the authority foi same being
hereinafter stated:
That certain vacant lot in the town
of Boston, State and County afore
said, bounded as follows: On the
West by Main Street; on the South
by A. Huber lot; on the East by G.
W. Williams’ lot; on the North by
Reid Hotel.
Levied on as the property of Mrs.
Sarah Russell to satisfy an execution
from P. S. Heeth, Tax Collector,
Thomas County, Georgia, for State
and County taxes for th e year 1914.
Levied, this March 9th, 1915, by
George M. Harrell, Deputy 3heriff.
W. A. REHBERG,’Sheriff,
Thomas County, Ga.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry to
the highest bidder for cash, during
the legal hours of sale, jbefore the
court house door in Thomasville,
Ga., on the first Tuesday in April,
1915, the property hereinafter de
scribed, the authority tor same De-
ing hereinafter stated:
That certain house ^nd lot In the
town of Boston, State and County
aforesaid, bounded as follows: On
the North by Adams Store; on the
West by J. M. Wilson lot, on the
South by Coffee lot; on the East by
Levied on as the property of R.
D. Garbett, to satisfy an execution
from P. g. Heeth, Tax Collector
Thomas County, Ga., for State and
County taxes for the year 1914.
Levied this March 10th, 1915, by
Geo. M. Harrell, Deputy Sheriff.
W. A REHBERG, Sheriff,
Thomas County, Ga.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at the court house
door in said county, to the highest
bidder for cash, on the first Tuesday
in April next, between the legal
hours of sale, tli e following describ
ed property, to-wlt:
All that tract or p.i-'Xl of land
described as follows: The East half
of the west half of lot No. 84 in
block 8, column 4, In the City of
Thomasville, Ga., fronting on Jef
ferson street and being the place
bought from H. Feinberg by the de
fendant in fl fa in OctODer, 1909.
Same levied on as the property of
Jennie Davis to satisfy an execution
from the Superior Court, of said
State and County, in favor of the
State of Georgia, and against the
said Jennie Davis. The defendant
being in possession of *>aid property
and notified in writing.
W. A. REHBERG, Sheriff,
Thomas County, Ga.
GEORGIA, Thomas County.
Will be sold at public outcry, to
the highest bidder for cash, during
the legal hours of sale, before the
Court House Door, in Thomasville,
Ga., on the first Tuesday in April,
1915, the property hereinafter de
scribed, the authority for same .be
ing hereinafter stated:
Two certain tenant houses and
lots, facing Bennett Street, said
houses numbered 114 and 118, in
the City of Thomasville, Thomas
County, Ga., and being part of Lot
No. fifty-four (54) in the 13th Dis
trict of said county, bounded as fol
lows: On the west by property of
James Watt; north by property of
L. B. Bouchelle; on South by prop
erty of R. C. Balfour, Jr., and on
the East by Bennett Street, said
property containing one-half acres,
more or less, and being the property
recently conveyed by Warranty
Deed to K. E. Mack, by R. C. Bdl-
four, Jr. Said property levied on as
the property of K. E. Mack, under
and by virtue of an execution Issued
from City Court of Thomasville, in
favor of Mason-Donaldson Lumber
Company, and against K. E. Mack.
Said property found in Defendant’s
possession. Defendant notified in
Levied on by J. W. Johnson, Dep
uty Sheriff, March 13th, 1915.
W. A. REHBERG, Sheriff,
Thomas County, Ga.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
To Whom it May Concern:
Mrs. Dena M. Snodgrass, having
made application to me in due form
to be appointed permanent adminis
tratrix de bonis non, upon the es
tate of G. G. Hawkins, late of said
County, notice is hereby given that
said application will be heard at
the next regular term of the Court
of Ordinary, for said County, to
be held on the first Monday In
April 1915.
Witness my hand and official sig-
nntn™. this the second day of
March, 1915.
Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
W. L. Howell, Administrator of
the ef-tate of M. A. P. Howell, hav
ing applied to me in due form for
leave to sell that residence lot be
longing to said estate on West side
of Broad Street. Thomasville, Geor
gia. bounded north by Loomis St.,
West by Gordon Avenue, South by
an alley, and being lot nineteen of
the plat of record in Book Z, page
222 for the purpose of paying debts
of said estate, and making distribu
tion among the heirs; all persons
interested ar e cited to show cause
before me at the April term 1915
of this court why leave to sell
should not be granted as prayed.
Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Mrs. Hattie E. Thomas, having
made application for twelve months
support, out of the estate of J. A.
Thomas, and appraisers duly ap
pointed to set apart the same, hav
ing filed their return, all persons
concerned, are hereby required to
show cause before the Court of Or
dinary, of said County, on the first
Monday in April 1915, why said ap
plication should not be granted.
This second day of March 1915.
Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary.
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
To All to Whom It May Concern:
Dr. W. W. Jarrell, having in prop
er form, applied to me for perma
nent letters of administration on the
estate of Mrs. Eva P. Luff, late of
said county, this Is to cite all and
singular the creditors and next of
kin of Mrs. Eva P. Luff, to be and
appear at my office within the time
allowed by law, and show cansc, if
any they can, why permanent ad
ministration should not be granted
to Dr. W. W. Jarrell, on Mrs. Eva
P. Luff's estate.
Witness my hand and official sig
nature. this 6th day of March 1915
Wm. M. JONES. Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has applied to the Or
dinary of said county, for leave to
sell land, belon ing to the estate oi
Arthur J. Duren, minor, for the
purpose of re-investment and sus
tenance. Said application will be
heard at the regular term of the
Court of Ordinary, for the said
County to be held cu the first
Monday in April 1915.
This 1st day of March, 1915.
Guardian of Arthur J. Duren, Minor.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
A. B. Finch, Guardian of Ruby
Tyson, has applied to me for dis
charge from his guardianship of
Ruby Tyson. This iS therefore to
notify all persons concerned to file
their objections, If any they have
on or before the first Monday in
April next, else he will be dis
charged from his guardianship as
applied for.
Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary.
In the Superior Court, Thomas
County, Ga., April Term, 1916.
Mrs. Allie Jacobs vs W. T. Jacobs.
The defendant, W. T. Jacobs is
hereby citied and required person
ally or by attorney to be and ap
pear at the Superior Court, to be
held in and for said county, on the
third Monday In April, 1915, then
and there to make answer or defen
sive allegation, in writing to the
plaintiff’s libel, as In default thereof
the Court will proceed according to
the statute In such cases made and
Witness, the Honorable W. E.
Thomas, Judge of said court, this
10th day of February, 1915.
O. GROOVER, Deputy Clerk,
Superior Court.
Attornev’s for Petitioner.
J. M. AU3TIN, Attorney,
Meigs, Ga.
Equity: Thomas Superior Court,
April Term. 1915.
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
Valdosta Investment Company vs.
R V. Waters. J. T. Waters, J. R.
To J. T. Waters and J. R. Waters:
You are hereby commanded to
appear at the next April Term,
1915 of the Superior Court of
Thomas County, Georgia, to answer
the complaint of Valdosta Invest
ment Company against you and
R. V. Waters, the same being a suit
in equity brought to recover per
sonal judgment against R. V. Wat
ers and a judgment In rem against
certain property in said county, in
which you are Interested.
Witness, the Honorable W. E.
Thomas, Judge of said court, this
the 10th day of February, 1915.
O. GROOVER. Deputy Clerk,
Superior Court.
In Thomas Superior uouri, April
Term, 1915.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Henrietta Bush vs. Cnarley Bush.
It appearing to the Court that the
defendant does not reside in the
State of Georgia.
Ordered by the Court that service
be perfected on defendant by publi
cation .of this order twice a month
for two months, before next terra of
this Court, in Thomasville Times-
This, 6th day of March, 1915.
W. E. THOMAS, Judge,
Superior Court, S. C.
In Thomas Superior Court, April
Term. 1915.
Mrs. Fannie Struber
3amuel Struber.
It appearing to the court by the
return of the Sheriff, that the de
fendant in the above case does not
reside In this State:
Ordered by the Court that service
be perfected on him by publication
of this order, twlc e a month for two
months before the next term of this
court, in The Thomasville Times-
This 24th day of February, 1915.
W. E. THOMAS, Judge, *
Superior Court, S. C.
GEORtGlA, Thomas County:
Alexander Jones vs. Edna Jones.
To the Defendant, Edna Jones:
You are hereby required to be
and appear personally or by attor
ney at the next term of the Superior
Court of said county, to be held in
and for said County .m the third
Monday of April, 1915, then and
there to answer the complaint to
which this process is annexed. In
default whereof, said Court will pro
ceed as to justice shall appertain.
Witness the Hon. W. E. Thomas,
Judge of said Court, this 22nd day
of February, 1915.
O. GROOVER, Deputy Clerk.
T. N. Hopkins, Attorney.
Narcotic Law Will Not Interfere
Say Druggist*, With the Sale of
Th|H Remedy Fop Children.
Atlanta, March 26.—That the new
federal narcotic law Is not a3 bad as
it was painted, and doesn’t inter
fere with the old and steady demand
for that well-known remedy, pare
goric, is the statement of Atlanta
druggists, who have Investigated the
law. There had been a report that
even this childhood delight could not
S. Sampson & Sons
High Grade Ice Cream
30 Years Experience, in This Business, Enables us to Handle
Your Orders Promptly and Satisfactorily. ; ; : < : :
$1.00 Per Gallon in Packers
50c Per 1-2 Gallon in Packers.
25c Per Quart in Paper Carriers.
Childs Sleeps on While Mattress Was
liurned Under It, In Home of Mr,
and Mrs. Gibson Tills Morning.
The baby of .Mr. and Mrs. Gibson
came very near being Durned last
night. The child was put to bed In
Its crib In the room, with its parents,
an electric blanket being placed in
the bed in order to keep it warm,
and covered with a wool sweater.
The parents awakened at about four
o'clock and found that the bed was
afire, the room being filled with
They took up the child Immed
iately and found that the matress
had been burned through to the
spring and the whole thing blazed
up when the covering was taken oft.
The electric blanket had evidently
burned through to the bottom, but
was prevented from spreading
the top by the wool sweater. The
bady was still asleep, not having
been harmed In any way by the fire.
It was a very narrow escape for the
Infant, and a most unusual occur
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ■
Cleveland finished fifth In the
American Association last rear, with
an average of .133. In club batting
It was third, with a percentage
.273, two teams being tied for firs*
place with an avenge .276.
Klrke, last year, was second bats
man in the league, with an average
of .349. The othei playere now
with the club hit as follows: Knight,
.308; Gardner, .287; Hillyard, .280;
3outhworth, .265; Brenton, .190;
Kahler, .130; James, .115
That little Evans who plays at
short is some fielder and he can
throw hard enough to get them
from almost any angle. He was dis
covered at the University - of Mis
sissippi last year by a trainer and Is
said to be a “comer.” He got two
bingles in the five rounds yesterday
Bates and Pezold ate having
nifty run for the third corner posi
tion, with Bates In the lead because
of his beautiful fielding stunts and
his experience. Pezold, however,
Is going to be heard from.
Southworth Is going to be a comer
without question. He is willing to
learn and always on the Job. and h,
hits the ball like a blacksmith, al
though he is small In statue. He Is
was who drove the pellet over the
centerfleld fence yesterday afternoon
In the game.
At second, Hi.rtsell t s doing well,
but his work must be taken for its
value, under a two y ars’ handicap.
He has been out of the game for
that tinte, unable to play because
of business reasons. He was drafted
by Cleveland from a minor league
club, In North Carolina, I* 1912.
Old Jay Klrke ought to be behind
the rubber, If he works with as
much pep as he did yesterday. He
can catch the ball from every angle
and apparently knows how to work
pitchers to their advantage. But
Jay, off If of third, would seem might
ily out* of place, when ne could be
working at first, and there Isn't a
man in the squad who can touch
be purchased without a physician's
The law merely applies to dan
gerous narcotics and drugs which
form habits, according to the local
druggists. They are ready to sup
ply paregoric by 'phone nr messen
ger upon payment of the price.
Brother of Mrs. Robert Alexander
Fussed Away in Florida—Was
Known U> Older Res idents.
Telegraphic Information was re
ceived here last nlrht of the death
of Captain W. H. Sharpe, of Indian
River, Fla.
Captain Sharpe was a brother of
Mrs. Robert Alexander, of this city.
His death will be much regretted
by the older residents of Thomaa-
ville, who knew him in the days of
his youth.
The deceased migrated from this
section, soon after the Civil Wai^
and established a home for himself
and wife, on the shores of the beau
tiful Indian river. He engaged in
the citrus business, and by his In
dustry and amiable qualities of mind
and heart, induced many others to
engaged in the same business.
His wife, who was a sister of Hod.
A. P. Perhara, of WaycroBs, pre
ceded him ,to the grave only two
months ago.
Everybody who knew Captain
Sharpe loved him. A splendid mind;
a congenial heart and a loving dis
position made every man his friend.
He was a devout Christian.
Can any more be said?
“Peace to his ashes.”
—A *itIEND.
Contending that the sweet potato
Is one of the most important food
crop that can be grown In the cot
ton belt and that the acreage could
be greatly Increased without decreas
ing the unit value of the crop, a
special circular or bulletin of strik
ing Interest to fanners that are In
terested In crop diversification, has
just been Issued by the United 3tates
department of agriculture.
It is of special Interest to farmers
of this section Just at this time for
reason df the Interest being man-
fested in diversification and in the
important Industry of catle and boga.
Among other reasons assignor as
to why mbre attention should be
given this crop In the coton belt, Is
the steadily growing demand for the
potato for canning purpose as well
as that thousands of acres could be •
grown profitable for stock feeding.
In discussing the value of sweet
potatoes for livestock the bulletin
says; “The value of sweet potatoes
Is not appreciated by most farmers.
Three to four bushels of sweet po
tatoes are equal to abushel of corn
for hogs and when fed In connection
with cotton soed meal, peanuts, or
other concentrate, they provide a
good ration fof both cattlo and hogs.
All classes of live stock need some
succulent food during the winter
and the sweet potato can be usod
for this purpose to good advantage.
On light soil that will produce 20 to
25 bushels of corn to the acre, 100
to -50 bushels of Rweet potatoes can
be grown with the same care and
attentton. Some farmers who grow
sweet potato6s for market estimate
that the vines and culls left after
harvest are worth $5 to $600 an
acre for ho- feeding purDose.
him, either In fielding, throwing or
batting. .
Hargroves, Kelly, Ogron, Daven
port, Guess and Johnson are out on
the Infield showing up remarkably
well. Davenport and Guess are
still making a hard fight to see who
will secure the regular first base
berth. The odds are In favor of
Davenport. * • • Two good prac
tices will be held today. Dudley
will probably be In his armor, hay
ing been forced to retire from prac
tice owing to two bum ankles.—Au
gusta Chronicle.
For the Easiest, Quickest, Most Brilliant and
Lasting Shine—Choose 2 in 1 Shoe Polishl In the
“Easy-Opening” Box. All Dealers, 10c. per Box,