The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, March 08, 1916, Image 1

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uitiftt thtlr '(irrting 'mtUc£» W ‘ tjhe’’ French * - night hut 4 renewal qf the t&yfM&szs heavy artillery Indicates that the time f6f"ti/ii"u'n6t’far distant. | A detemifned assau.t on the for- trfaa'ta now being pressed with the greatest vigor, along the (our-mlle frint, from, north Of Cumleres, near the river. Jleuee,' to Betbincourt. , kea^ tiio^etter'.piaee^.tae Germans rinsed forward Into,.the Corbeaux 'd£ I oj M:;: : 'f•:>: *♦ u A-i ^AA8ed ^fAaulte,, gp|>fy*f^i 4 i - 1 developments-Would Ihdl- ' that.: ne i petienlar. part 1 of the (.tattle, line ia free from the pos- llty of''massed .assaults atasy no longer unsettled. It -la now expected the battle will rehch a climax either tomorrow or Friday. Until then, it la impos sible to /jiidge'which way the bat- tie 'may.go, v.';.... e .battle I*'ragthg'with'• a tar- lntenelty, 'from ;: ■4Be’ :r - Wocrtre, aoithwlat'Of'vetdniV where Frees-’ barnstormed yeterddy. around curving line at Douadmont had onj through the- diatrlcfJ-reit of the into the Argonne' region ad- jolnldg. • jnr*olio! i-hn French Take Initiative. Heavy Bgbttagilg‘itto-to ; progress m | the champagne district, “bat- this n the- French initiative, hdw- evMw;« i» t .u PaHa reports that" the tfiflohea lost to the 1 ' 'Germans,- In " the' surprise' gttack; of'March «th, herd retkkCn. in ptft, teas*. 1 o! t*"! ' >0 " Jr,j AfepaWiitly these operations are dlfedtly- ednnected - erltll " 'the effort toward a complete .•.•in. GERMANS EXTEND BATTLE ' LINES AND REDOUBLE THE fcFFORTS TO TAKE VERDUN .(By Associated .Press.) Parle, Raroh; g-r-rThb battle lot Verdun developed ttt intensity snd extent' yeSterday, and the conflict Is now 'rSgldg along the line from, the village of Cheppy, In ihe Argonne district to Presenes, in the Woevre, ebotrtflg' that- the second attack for the ; ^ch ^(mghqld. U,Jp,be made-on a larger scale than, that of the first textile .drfye,.,y » yj1 h So .far. according! toreport* reach-. Ing here' fhjm the:-fifing -: line, ■ the riisllr - 'DANGEROt'SLY ILL, ♦ -13IA »»ff na:l;(iBy Associated Press ) ♦ CgmwrdfdHr, Hardb': 8.—HWud ♦ ♦ Atttnfithd'fh'flfoee'cieisfe' tfifli *■' ♦ cer, Is reported to be dying ■*' ♦ at . A/local hospital/.today,- after ♦ ♦ an .operation for appendicitis. ♦ i- iMlas Allan, according i to ♦ ♦ tales reports: from’ the hoapl- ♦ to tal is on: Rte /road to recovery. ♦ ♦ oShe.hss an international rep- ♦ ♦ ulatlon, .having- appeared • be- ♦ ♦ fore, many crowned beads. ♦ ♦ erwi/O*.*'<a ♦♦♦♦♦♦ (By Associated lagara Falls, N.jr^| ! |<fejih C- re iwhlcb broke'out','"'following an explosion, In the Chlorate depart ment of (he Niagara Electro-Cheml;, cal'Company, threatened tl Pleie destruction of that p] ' fire began last alg sevhral explosions caused mated damage thousai emplfiylng great mass es of mien, without counting the uctlbn bf Verdun. . .. i.-fr.jiej .. “urupnt »»»*'• The possibilities, t))gt ( . v jCge.,; Ten, tonic .offenalyo dW^ggya^ i W tiule westward tbrpjigq thg,Argopne low’' ' “ Again Jhey. Oprrtod.. tbs day—this time 271 to ,118-rrgn^ then pushed their victory la a'f^jeetaeion by ta bling the Mcf *r.‘ RU. l)i'.. . :,‘ ,*!» In aeven hours .of tense, turbu lent/session, In which the admlnts- told them he was much gratified w ‘$,/**>•■ mm faq&r&L.,« Released fromuthe tbondsiof em fsrrflismrtit forced niton' ''hnfis^V tha i have bee%, l^er^enUd , Jij rest io the C.hampsgnp.district,Is' f *W W* «tf. , iibefe are. grave tentlelltles Involved ip drive into. ler of these seetprs,,## tbs comi |nlcation .tines.,, pf, ,tt)n., .fqrtreaa , ‘ h ®.' one railway. Developments are |“* TOBhi ms I '•.«* tpect Victory- France awaits atHdOuliy, but don. fldjcnuy tbs issue-Of toddy's batue it Verdun. The dermdab,' ’kt a cost,,-badi/made alight gains, .both west of the Mease end in tie Woevre district, where they carried Fresenes "iatfUjfij§W» v'. ,r RegnevUle Also Captured. Desperate fighting Is again fining on ba the ieft tmnfi .of the. ueuse- rtveif...jMiowing up their advantage of yesterday, the Germaas are going aroiind the loot efepe; which served roa^ qn^sntered JUfinrurllle. From k*rei, they launched.fifteen thousand men sgalrist HIR Noi 2(5 snd 'ba^- »*•).,»-j, >■ ■ '* ' « T^uts Sbey control an , Important loop. of the river .Means, within vi-klwM- loop Revnevilie M located. •ig k^fmmedUtteiy .'withdrew :fieir .right wing from within thia oop, and it now rests on : the Meuse rlve>r above Cumierea. ,,i became neces- saty,,, according to military experts, In order ito: maintain an alignment ■wltff 1 their' pbblttona on the right bank, it would Indeed have been extremely bard for the French to hold ufty UdiUxtoti yjtoC'iWbiA 'tie •Iflc TODAY I V THE SUBMARINE MAT- TBR — GERMANS CLAIM ENG LAND HAD VIOLATED BULB SUFFICIENTLY TO ESTABLISH NON-RULING ON THE GERMAN CASE. (By Asaodafc tla on he the! flames watjer, after being mixed «rth the onnt handed to Sec- : Innslng a long memorandum, explaining In detail EB^tbe German position regarding the noise cans- <U»estion bf armed merchantmen and He mill-- tb® underlying causes leading up to Htbe Central Powers’ declsloa. to tor pedo all armed enemy njerehant- Hen without warning. The memorandum contains, among great store of chemicals, merely otller ‘•‘‘“l*' *“ »«egaUon that the served to spread the raelnAlfi. „*>ve_rafl)5nt has taken ad- PteTROO] ... TORY AlX>S'd' ENGLISH F iffipCLSKii. . . A‘hi*:- • mi:“^By "'Aseddated"PWia.)' ^ • London,. March/ g.J-^THe latest RusslAn -operation!, slbnfi 1 the Black' Sea•• corn, tn 'Armenia, ate drawing attention. The advance ,v in this region, oil: enabling i tbe Russian * afmyv.-Still well inland, to keep up Its remarkable march,- from Erie- rum southward '.toward -Slvaa. An official statement lashed riom Conetaatisopls > today says 'that tba British 'army .ahd*r Oseeral Ayl mer, / Which to trying to relieve Gen Townsend, who is besieged at Kut- el-Amara, .has been making renew- ei' efforts 4o advance, -die has fall* ♦d to do. tke dlspetob adds! The manager. Dr. Hedti vath issued a bris*^this afternoon, saying two bomba start ed Ihe exploelons and fire. erioan contention that Americans maft be safe on de- Ibnslvelr Vlnnea 1 merciantmen, to have those ships act offensively to ward anemy submarines, .gennany-cnnfsdss that as sahiage. vines are a new engln wmf lontfntAelfju* Ing'to'the terms of International 'lav recognised prior to the begia- fning tiP theiprW*t :l wW, :, fefcvlaed' j i the •hulinJridCs 'io ' hot' vlo- ' tote thfc«r»:Hto!fUt/rfc — BOMB 18 ' ■ l (By Assoctoted press.) . Paris, March 8.—*An Atcsss Harak dispatch says the. Bulgarians nkve (tssMl tke> work' Bcgun trenchments in :theonsuttw} rstme, Italians Fight la Alhsmls. atftlg ths : Greoo-ButgartsAftWBtr.'j’Uis Rom# advices indicate, UuA Rato is determlaed to, make eveny effort to rri*to, thv., Avlona section, off A> bsnla., Jfie Allied troops have keen wtfbdrawn frpm virtually ; aU other Albapton territory.. tp the north, ,b i .-t—— rrr ,i.!!'i icw. uu' ui flank. f«S CLOWI DEM , *" tBy Associated Press.) ' NeW York. March 8—Frank Oflk- ley, widely known as ■ , 81tvers,” 'a (anitrua circus clown,-, wa*/ /found dead ms a result of his having com mitted: suicide, In- Vu, theatrics! cost, have sustained ccmmand tration opponento charged that «« capitals' as lndlcatlng„tbat he :dwna *,j the Approaches - to (be maln L^Z* .,,:??. .' ^®!'. Presidilhf^Walt’ contending for a maklng ’hle demtude okCorUanW IX r,,.,h nn.itim,. ho-one ,h. night- says the «>Mh,of t .Verdpn is | imardlng house oarty today. Gas totter* T j ew. werfi »olnspiyxlatlon caused-his-death. DROPPED there. man' I ' ( jmq8uncer(iept,. whle 1 , proves, that nBriUeh,,shine,.have besoi'ln- sfrmktd tb bet offensively, and also that they hkfh B, 4oW ! sb. :1, ’fhey kre -' as a-malt br thoGreek'*r<JlCst; '" i] AdWees tb Athens frbbi“ Salonika affite'ithafi'a oettaktr teritotoni^ fiew+eubmarild waifa'ri .wdi" itfri owtt tfie Franco^UrttUb cattle ! ‘ ’add‘ retaliation of.^tfcie announdpd^ dropped a bomb which famed' to ex- - ' plodK-* • . IceUw.-owj , t . Inu.R . .. CWI1-I b -.', frEWMSilO Preslfidhf^fxk’, contending for s (toubtfuije^'t' rigkt nnil was ablftr, lng 6 tfie i; reuppnslBlUty. of diplomatic negotiations to Congress, the bouse swayed book end' forth In the most eensaUbhsl' eoagretriohal spectacle making kle demands - 6h~OerM>»yi l« •“■yf 1 :,?w o, w° a K tv he . of the elected ropres^ntst(ves of .the people, Presldeafc'WUepo now sfaiide. prepared to go on with tbe suhma- rlne hCgotfatibna' with the central .if : ; 8! , Erencb positions, beyond the Wost struggle to. to. begin twhdn they "hurl themselves „ against 'the foor-mlle linjs of, HeightS:from..Betlhtncoari-to announcement, . hut ?•»»%» cpnt&iuee. Hill the artillery > I Oakley, who was about' forty-five VeaterdeF* Wtttck left the battle undecided. '’'’Tbe’'' COrbeaux Woods, f 'ih whlChTtim "Germans bave eatah- Ilshed : themselves, ,; ls within tbe hollow betWsen -Dead^ Jtan" and "Goose*i HiiMi wt' ak’ 1 neither m these pdsItloBs -"H :: endangered,' the German succcbs has little of strata-1 gie importance:’^ b,?i 0 *- J It'tt ImtArif Wetiiaf t£S Mmiiii S uitio^ei baWirei' (houemid If 'to tKbturiJ'viftfuif. 0 ''^/ 0 ^ kiftrtitnd 'Erf th'is' number employed up to yeeterday. >pen qnilitlMi , '''’when ' 'the toke 'SSilfrii thonsand tO'be 'uaSd fo tnake a sudden Barlv CUniax R^WetsAj ’ ’ ’ The 'heavy'ktffick wOet ‘of the'.riv- : R,,.,. c iv.p, 'tttslviqJ? A ;ui?/.')iU|’Owns:l'Lb Imash-miltoij . „ !iS &bs£ yo 1 LOUISVttLEAttRNlS»'0®llT S FRENCH RETAKE TRENCH KH. ^ 1mi • Asooclated Pram.) . • . Paris, March 8.—In the .Cbem- paRue, district. ,tho French re-capbur- ad: oertalu .portions of the .trenches. »t>tSh th|y„lu»t-..Karsh. «tb. accord- tog to i ,nfni70fflc{A) : :iaoottnM]S6a( nionilng. ... ,ei xIWAX®) .nil,! i'/n?' * at>o: »u< J :a : SRW^ I^BPOBTB CAPTUBK OF 8,277 MEN. TEN CANNON AND SEVERAL TOWNS (By Associated Press.) Beflifl, March S.-^Ths war of- flee today announces the oapture of an Important Frenth position west Of the Manse river. Both sides forded a brook below Bejhfit&jdrL six kilometer wide and three 0 deep.' ten cannon and 3,177 men srere captured during thli op- erarioir The French have been driven out M tbe last hbuse In the VHtage of C-r..; UfV.!„ s. tttt; 1 ;""'- 7 years old. came by hle name by his height, and -slendcruess, He. became a circus clown at fourteen, and. la ter went, out.on a .'number of .vaude ville circuits. «e, : was .born, In.Swe den., but came ,to.the. United States wheq quite young. ,v ,. ;m , ,j Fresenes. which is in the Woevro district. Over seven hundred prig; oners were'taken'here. ” The villages of Forges and Reg- nevllle, Ha ben Heights and the tsu- misrea iwoods were taken. Ptot^) tp .the , iBjichaagn -Telygraph Company rsports that rumors are current there today of the-death of EUveT Pasha, the Turkish Minister of War. ' ‘ 40 ' Alf, efforts, to , cogfirm or refute these: rumors - have proven unnvnll* ••rfliboirc I'Mi}.- sWkfkt ditfe itti'W wks r'ettorted i'Wi.i}. that ,ljfe ji|nl«er: >t„W«r ; .hag been BBBNSW “ W ANI> i-ANMN! the victim of an attempted assassi nation. his assailant having shot him In the' bfeast.” Nothin* bmchit. how ever, has been given out regarding the reported Incident., . .. GerntoMy again reiterates her for* - mer deciaraUCb; that ;thk 'present : . JJWfc:-'.i lib Intention of starving; out: the ids tl viitob poflutotlon' of: the' central " EmfliJM. rr y - 0 TJf^ 1 mfi^i0r)lfidu4d! copcl^des'WItk' *' *•>«*- •• standing friendship.existing between j Oertaany shd"Amertoas.t* ’snd hopes' ihst'>lhe",AteerifcsA. WiinMIlt explanation, :will fnltp.s appreciate the "pesnioe: -- tn". wWCh' Germany YmIwi*)' alleged - British, agshfsfitlstrtrals”are enumerated la detail In the memorandum. OO 'NFBRttAIR LEKG THE PUiMLUIO* PROBLEM. (By Associated Press.) ‘’J'jYCopfinn^d on'Page i.)', ' ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ -e- W'to «’■* 4 ♦ ♦ STORM WARNINGS OUT • > ' " ♦ ALONG ATLANTIC COAHT. Shirtwaists Assoctatsd; Press,), (tfitoa. Mch A,—3term ♦ ♦ warnings were ordered.display- ♦ ♦ ® d ' *•»•. . | Wf5fkj*' ^flereijn . -lain ftjwa. ( ' ♦ nab-' ifiirbng^' nort.heast' winds ♦ ♦ are pfrdictei for toPHtht and ♦. ♦ ™»eaS.....L.. l ‘''.Me »*r.I ♦ ♦ e dToi. 4 ! Not airiyais iri bur Shirt- waist stock give this line '"pEB^iess; fhat ttanflatt^ how particular you may be as to style, price or ma-i