Newspaper Page Text
(By IV. Irwin MacIntyre)
(Continued trom Monday's issue o(
The Tlmcs-Enterprlse).
One Night, Dec. 4
Drive Over—The
Roads are fine.
Maxwell House
Coffee 40c.
Charmer Coffee. .25c.
Ground Coffee. .25c.
Roasted, in
Bean 25c.
Green Coffee... -20c.
Chum Salmon ... 15c
25 Bars Soap. .$1.00
25 Washing
Powder $1.00
Lard 20c.
Vicks Salve 25c
Stevens Street
Thomasville, Georgia
Mrs. Alfred Fielding
Expression—Voice Culture
Physical Culture
Aesthetic Dancing
Studio—234 Warren Ave.
Phone 345
Only a limited number of
Read bow Mrs. Albert
Gregory, of R. F. D. No.
1, BTuford, III., got rid ol
her His. '‘During ... I
was awfully weak . . .
My pains were terrific. I
thought I would die. The
bearing-down pains were
actually so severe I could
not stand the pressure of
my hands on the lower
F art of my stomach . . .
simply felt as if life was
for but a short time. My
husband was worried...
One evening, while read
ing the Birthday Alma
nac, he came across a
case similar to mine, and
went straight lor some
Cardui for me to try.
The Woman's Tonic
“I toolc it faithfully and
the results were immedi
ate,” adds Mrs. Gregory.
‘T continued to get bet.
ter, all my ills left me,
and I went through .
with no further trouble.
My baby was fat and
strong, andmysell—thank
God—am once more hale
and hearty, can walk
miles, do my work,
though 44 years old, feel
tike a new person. All 1
owe to Cardui." For
many years Cardui has
been found helpful ia
bunding up the system
when run down by dis
orders peculiar to women.
In Mny 1848, Fletcher Institute was
Incorporated by Messrs. Peyton Smith,
R. H. Lucky, William W. Orlffln, Old-
eon A. Mallette, Ira L. Potter, Hamil
ton W Sharpe. Daniel Bird, James
Kirksey and William O Ponder.
Two large brick buildings were
erected on the site ot the present cam
pus and It became the official Institu
tion of the Florida Conference, to
which southern Georgia at that time
The catalogue for the year 1851 was
printed by Joseph Clisby In the office
of the Florida Sentinel and shows the
Board of Trustees.
Conference Trustees:
Rev. Peyton P. Smith. President.
Rev. Anderson Peeler.
Rev. Reuben H Luckey
Rev. William Choice.
Rev. William W. Clrlffln.
Lay Trustees
Daniel Bird. Esq. Montlcello, Fla.
Thomas Jones, Esq., -Thomas Conn*,
ty. Ga.
William G. Ponder, Esq.. Thomas
County, Ga., Treasurer.
Rev. H. W Sharpe. Thomasville. On,
Board of Instruction.
Mr. William C. Hunt Principal of
Mato Department.
Mr. Belfleld W. Cave. A. B, Assist
ant In Male Department
Rev. Reuben H. Luckey, Principal
of Female Department.
Miss Isabella M. Galbraith, Assist-
ant Female Department. i
Mrs. Adeline R. Simmons, Music
Male Students.
James fi. Archer, Grooversvllle, Ga.
Monthoton Atkinson. Thomasville.
William Bailey. AucUIa, Fla.
Abram Z. Baltey, Audits, Fla.
Walter R. Blake, Miccoaukle, Fla.
William Blewett, Jasper Texas.
Plckena B. Bird. Jefferson Co.. Fla.
Tbomas C. Bracewoll, Key West,
Joseph B. Brocket!, Leon Co„ Fla.
Thomas J. Brown, Leon Co, Fla.
Leonidas Byrd, Mlccosukle, Fla.
Arthur B. Byrd, Wakulla Oo, Fla.
James H Boston. Thomasville. Oa.
Hardy Bryan, Thomasville, Ga.
Courtland Bryan, Thomasvtlle. Ga.
William P. Clower, Gwinnett Co,
William S. Davis, Thomasville. Ga.
Aaron J. Donaldson. Thomasville,
Hardy B. Harvard, Th-mas Co, Ga.
Fairfax Everett. Thomas Co, Ga.
David E. Fondren, Thomasville, Ga.
John O. Fondren, Thomasvtllo, Ga.
Clayton Groover, Grooversvllle, Qa
Robert A. Hayes. Thomasvltle. Ga.
George T. Hurst, Thomas Co, Ga —
Aldridge W. Hurst, Thomas Co, Ga.
Lawrence Hall, Thomasville, Ga.
Samuel A. Hall, Thomasville, Ga.
John F. Hall. Thomasville, Ga.
George W. Hunt. FletchervlIIe, Ga.
Washington L. Irwin. Thoma9 Co,
George W. Jones, Decatur Co, Ga.
Henry F. Jones, Thomas Co, Qp.
(Continued from Tuesday's Issue ot
Thomas W Jones, Thomas Co, Ga.
Shadrack James, Thomas Co, Ga.
John Lester. Decatur Co, Ga.
Amos J. Love, Thomasville, Ga.
Thomas Mitchell. Thomas Co, Ga.
Wesley B. Mills, Leon Co, Fla.
Llttleborry Manning. Thomas Co,
Thomas S. Mills, Leon Co, Fla.
Albert P. Munville. Thomasville,
Henry Miller, Thomasville, Ga.
Lewis H. Mattalr, Columbia Co, 1
Fla. (
George T. McMillan, Thomas Co, I
Duncan MclntORh
James P Sharpe, Thomasville, Ga.
Enoch J. Vann, Thomas Co, Ga.
Pleasant Vickers, Thomasville, Ga.
William H. Wyche, Thomas Co, Ga
James N. Winn, Thomas Co, Ga.
John Wilson, Thomas Co, Ga.
Tbomas Voung, Thomas Co, Ga.
John C. Young, Thomas Co, Ce.
Michael H. Young, Thomas Co, Ga.
Female Students.
Nancy A Blewett Jasper, Texas.
Harriet E. Brockett, Leon Co, Flu.
Mary A. P. Bryan, Thomas Co. Ga.
Rebecca 8 Blocker, Early Co, Oa.
Margaret Blocker, Early Co, Ga.
Surn h Boston, Thomasville Ga.
Hannali A. Choice, FletchervlIIe, Ga.
Frances R. Choice, FletchervlIIe,
Harriet A. Coachman, Decatur Co,
Eliza A. Cook, Leon Co, Fla.
Leonora Carr, Leon Co, Fla.
Gertrude M Dasher, Lowndot Co,
Mary A. Dixon, Thomasville, Ga.
Jane Davis, Thomasville, Ga.
Mary E. Edwards, Thomas Co, Ga.
Julia E. Edwards. Tbomas Co, Ga.
Mary F. Everett, Dooly Co, Ga.
Jane E. Felket, Leon Co, Fla. ,
Emily F. George, Baker Co, Ga
Martha H. Hayes, Thomasville, Ga.
Mary A. Hayes, Thomas Co, Ga.
Sarah T. R. Hayes Thomas Co. Ga.
Mary J. Harrison, Thomas Co, Oa.
Georgia A Harrison. Thomas Co,
Sarah A. Harrison. Thomas Co, Ga.
Smithy A. Hale. Leon Co, Fla.
Susan F. Hale., Leon Co, Fla.
America Hurst. Thomas Co, Ga.
Savannah Hurst. Thomas Co, Ga.
Isabelle S. Irwin, Thomas Co, Ga.
Charlotte tvy, Thomas Co, Ga.
Susan E. Jones, Thomas Co, Qa.
Florence Jones, Thomas Co, Ga.
Mary E. Luckey, FletchervlIIe, Ga.
-Catharine E. McLean, Thomasville,
Sarah A. McGuire, Thomas Co, Ga.
Judith McGuire, Thomas Co, Ga.
Frances McKinnon, Thomas Co, Ga.
Louisa J. Manning, Thomas Co, Ga.
Eliza Manning. Thomas Co, Ga.
Caroline A. Mitchell, Thomas Co,
Lucy F. Mills, FletchervlIIe. Ga.
Leonora A. Mills, FletchervlIIe, Ga.
Catharine E. Mills. FletchervlIIe, Ga.
Ellen E. Ponder, Thomas Co, Go.
Martha J. Potter, FletchervlIIe, 0a.
Harriet E. Potter. FletchervlIIe. Ga.
Mary E. RaineB, Thomas Co, Ga.
Georgia A. Ray, Thomas Co.. Ga.
Henrietta F. Ross, Randolph, Co,
Mary S. Remington. Thomasville.
Ellen P. Sharpe. Thomasville, Ga.
Ann W. Sexlas, Thomasville. Ga.
Delia A. Smith, FletchervlIIe, Ga.
Mary E. Smith, Tallahassee, Fla.
Susan P. Smith. Newport. Fla.
Louisa Swearongin, Baker Co, Ga.
Phoebe A. Swearengln, Baker Co,
Sophia V. Slade. Decatur Co, Ga.
Mary E. Stroman. Leon Co, Fla.
Sarah C. Stroman, Leon Co, Fla.
Charlotte Spangler, Thomas Co, Ga.
Elizabeth Spangler, Thomas Co.. Ga.
Julia A. Sheffield. Thomas Co, Ga.
Mary J. Seward, Tbomas Co, Ga.
Martha Swetman, Thomasville, Ga.
Susan J. Turley, Baker Co, Ga.
Eliza Turley, Baker Co., Ga.
Henrietta Vickers, Thomasville, Oa.
Rachael Vann. Thomasville, Ga.
Emily S. Wyche, Thomas Co, Ga.
Anna H. E. Wyche, Thomas Co, Ga.
Caroline C. Wyche, Thomas Co., Ga.
Alice M. Wyche, Thomas Co, Ga.
Leah M. West, Leon Co, Fla.
Margaret J. Woody, Jefferson Co,
C. Woody. Jefferson Co.,
Laura J. Wooten, Decatur Co, Oa.
Harriet E. Winn, Thomas Co, Ga.
Sarah L. Young, Thomas Co, Ga.
S. Lavlnia Young, Thomas Co, Ga.
Thomas Co, 1 Course Of Study and Rates of Tuition
Ca. ’ I Orthography. Reading, writing
Henry McKinnon, Thomas Co, , an< ^ Arithmetic, per year $16.00
Ga. jThe above, with English, Gram-
Robert A. McKinnon, Thomas Co., I mar an <l Geography 24.00
Ga. .The above, with the higher
James T. McBain, Sumter Co. Ca. j branches of an English Edu
John Mclxctn. Thomasville, Ga
Richard J McLean, Thoraasvtllj.
cation, embi aelng Natural,
Mental and Moral Philosophy,
Rhetoric Logic, Botany, Chem
istry, Geology, Bookkeeping
and Political Ecooomy 30.00
Joseph S. Neeley, Thomas Co, Ga.
James B. Ponder, Thomas Co, Ga.
Thomas J. Ponder, Thomas Co, Ga. ! The above, with Latin, Greek,
William A. Ponder, Thomas Co, Ga. j French, Algebra, Geometry,
Jeremiah N. Phillips, Troup Co, Ga. | Mensuration, etc 36.00
William O. Pike, Thomus Co.. Oa. - Music on Plano, extra 40.00
Duncan S. Ray, Thomas Co, Ga Guitar, per bossIou 25.00
Edward S. Remington, Thomasville. Use of Guitar 4.00
Ga. Drawing and Painting, extra 26.00
Walker Revile, Thomas Co, Ga. j Use of Piano, per year 4.00
Wllltain J. F. Ross, Randolph Co, Fuel, per year .50
Ga. I It will be Been that the above course
Pleasant J. Ray, Thomasville, Ga. of study Is more extensive than la
Simeon A. Smith, Thomasvlllo, Ga. 1 usually given, even in high schools—
Achilles Smith, Thomasville, Ga. 1 the object of which Is to accommodate
Reddin P. Smith Thomasrtlle, Ga. 'young men, who do not wish to go
James J. Smltb, Tbomasvllle, Oa. through College, with such a course
Peyton Q. R. Smith, FletchervlIIe, as will enable them to enter upon any
Ga. ' , of the learned professions of this coun-
Edward R. Seixas, Tbomasvllle, Go. try. By an examination ot the Text
Nathaniel R. M. Spangler, Thomas Books used in the Institution, all will
Co, Ga. .perceive that the course of reading In
John F. Shackelford, Early Co, Ga. the languages Is extensive.
Williams A. W. Simmons, Thomas-1
vllle, Ga. (TO BE CONTINUED)
Atlanta, Ga, Nov. 24.—Every effort
Is being made by the Georgia Securi
ties Commission, created by the new
taw governing the sale of securities,
enacted by the laat General Assembly,
to give the peoplo protection against
fradulent stock promotion, and rascal
ly stock salesmen. The commission
has agreed, however, that the cooper
ation of the presB and the people wIU
be neoesuary to achieve this end.
One ot the most Important features
of tbe new law Is that every stock
talesman la required under penalty of
a misdemeanor to present his license
from tbe Securities Department, when
he offers any stock or other securities
for tale.
Any man whp offers stock or securi
ties of any kind to the public, without
presenting hla license, la violating tbe
law. and It la the duty of the man to
whom the approach la made, either to
have the party arrested and prosecut
ed by his local officials, or to call the
attention of the Securities Deport
ment to him.
The term "securities covers almost
every kind of contract or species of
paper that are offered to the public by
A recent decision of the Supreme
Court ot Minnesota subjects to tbe
Blue Sky Law of that state a contract
offering a discount to rotall mer
chants. This decision Is of special In-
terest to Georgia, as there has been
recently perpetrated on the country
merchants of Georgia a flagrant fraud
of this character.
Brisbane, Australia, Nov, 24.—It Is
reported from New Guinea that two
white men and 10 native carriers are
missing and are believed to have
been killed and eaten by the nattvea
on tbe Fly River.
The missing men were hunting
birds of paradise In New Guinea. A
searching party reported that on vis
iting a native village on the Fly River
Atlanta. Ga., Nov. 24.—L. R. Adams,
secretary of the Country Bankers As
sociation ot Georgia, today addressed
a letter to the member banks of the
association throughout the etate
strongly endorsing tbe Federal Inter
national Banking Company, which Is
being organized with an Initial capi
tal of $6,000,000, through the co-oper
ation ot twelve Southern states.
“The purpose of its organization—
to finance the marketing of our farm
products In foreign countries—Is one
of vital Importance to our entire busi
ness and banking classes, and of
especial and primary importance and
value to the banks that comprise thlB
association and the people of the com
munity they serve,” says Mr. Adams.
"I can conceive of no Investment ot
your funds that would give greater
promise of successful service to your
customers and communities and
your . own interests thsn to do yonr
part in making the movement a suc
cess. The men who wilt head it have
had broad and successful experience
in banking and export business, and
there is every reason to believe it will
be successful from an Investment
standpoint. That It will result In pro
viding foreign markets for large parts
of our staple products seems certain.
The higher and more stable prices
that will result will be of untold bene
fit to our small town and farming
communities and to the banks serving
‘‘The investment ot 6 per cent,
their capital and surplus has beea ap
proved for both state and national
banks by the proper authorities.
Georgia’s allotment ot the stock can
be raised by subscriptioa ot 3 per cent,
of the capital and surplus ot our
banks. I am sure you will be glad to
serve yourselves and your communi-
ties by. an Investment to this extent.”
R. F. Maddox, president of the At
lanta National Bank, who was named
as chairman of the organization com
mittee at the recent New Orleans
meetln, and Robert E. Harvey, who
was appointed field director tor Geor
gia, today expressed thomrelves as
being highly pleased with the support
and co-operation ot the Georgia banks
and give It as their opinion that “The
Empire State of the South" will be
among the leaders in the organization
work ot the twelve Southern’states.
The subscription bookB close De
cember 10, and it is the desire of the
organize™ that every bank In the
state should hare stock In the big in
ternational company. Aside from the
actual investment feature, which U,
»f course, recognized by all the banks,
the success ot the export bank will
redound to the commercial, Industrial
and agricultural growth of the state.
The following letter from Mr. J. L.
McMillin, manager of the Southern
Division of the Red Cross, In Atlanta,
has been received by Mrs. J. \v. L.
Yates, Roll Call Chairman for Thom-
as vllle.:
Mrs. J. W. I.. Yates, Roll Call Chair
Thomasville Chapter, A. R. C.,
Thomasville, Georgia
My dear Mrs. Yates:
Your letter of Novembor 18th iB re
ceived and T wish to congratulate you
on the success you are having with
the Roll Call in your Chapter.
In tbe Fourth Roll Call we have not
stt quotas In the manner followed In
previous Roll Calls, but have been an
xious for our Chapters to give all an
opportunity to Join, and enroll Just
as many members as possible. We
have estimated, however, about what
each Chapter should do and feet that
a fair quota for the Thomasville Chap
ter is 1,000 members. 1
Your report that you have secured
already 704 members Is most en
couraging to us. I want to congratu
late you personally and your Com
mittee on the good work that has
been done and express the assurance
that you will have no difficulty in
going over the top.
With best wishes, 1 am
Cordially yours,
Manager, Southern Division, American
Red Cross.
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 24.—The mer
chant In the town and small city Is to
blame lor letting so much ot his local
trade go out to tbe mall order houses,
according to men here who are makv
lug a study of business conditions.
What the merchants in the email
city and town should learn, declares
these students ot conditions. Is to at
tract trade by advertising, for adver
tising Is the secret ot every great
buslnesr. success In the world today.
Without it no business can grow. Not
only should the merchant advertlao,
but be should devote hla very beat ef
forts to tbe preparation of bright,
snappy, convincing copy.
the villagers fled. Some booklets
stained with blood, a photograph,
some clothes and other evidences
of the white men ware found.
Littlejohns United Show
Commencing Thursday Afternoon,
Thanksgiving Day, at 2 O’clock, will give
Special Shows at The Old Plantation Show.
The Merry-go-round will also be in opera- M
tion. Bring the children out and let them
have a good time
$ I
PurUand, Ore., Nov. 24.—John
Doughty, former private secretary to
Ambrose J. Smalt, millionaire theater
owner ot Toronto, Canada, who disap
peared lost December, was under ar
rest here last night and will start to
day In custody for the Eastern Can
adian city.
Officers who arrested Doughty said
he confessed to the theft of $100,000
In Canadian Victory bonds, which
wore missing after his disappearance.
The prisoner, they said would not dis
cuss the disappearance of Small be
yond saying that ho last saw his em
ployer In a Toronto theater on tbe
night of Small's disappearance.
Doughty said the bonds wore de
posited In Chicago and promised to
obtain them when he goes through
that city on his way to Toronto. He
will be taken east via Spokane and
Doughty was arrested Monday in
Oregon City near here, where he was
employod In a paper mill and where
he had risen from a laborer to an as
sistant foremanshlp in a department
A world-wide soarch has been maae
for Doughty, Toronto advices said yes
S aritijou almost smell it? Btj
le flavor tell it? good old
Luzianne.Through me day ijou
-hanker for it? mother knows
ijoull thankher for it- good old
Luzianne. Never cnanges.never
weak,for tne tin cankelps it
keep — Pood old Luzianne.
^ I .n/iG Tin
r Goes%)ice as Tar'
Wm. B. Retly 6- Co. lnc-,N*w OrUan*
i 11H44444444H44444W
We will be closed all day
The Enterprise Market
The Shop of Quality, Quantity and Personal Service
2 Phone's 22S and 227 A. C. Walden. Prop.
Used Cars Hot Will Pay You To See
1 Model 55 Cadillac Repainted and thoroughly overhauled, 7 passenger $2^50.00
» Model 53 Cadillac in fine shape. Cord tires, 7 passenger ... ,$1,500.00
l mo Model Velle Big Six, driven only three months. This car sella for over
two thousand. We oHcr It at »• •
1 Dodge, slightly used , •_ • * • -f
HUPS and OLDS. •
Our repair department It being operated every night until twelve. If you need your ear during the day
let ue make your neceaaary repelre at night. Save time by giving ua your work.
We work only skilled man and they are anxious to give you good service.
And perhaps you only want a tire changed or your ear grassed. Any job will receive careful attention