Newspaper Page Text
Legal Advertising
/GEORGIA, Thomas County: . .
Will be sold at public outcry before the I Will be sold at public outcry before the
•oourt house door In Thomaavllle, within court house door in Thomasvilie within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues- • the legal ho-irs of sale, on the first T»ioi-
■day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder day in April. 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property, for cash, the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter the authority for same being hereinafter
■stated: . stated:
Forty-seven acres of land In lot No. 153 One house and lot, 111 Calhoun street,
In the 13th Land District of said county.! In the city of Thomasvilie, Ga.
Levied on as the property of Isaao Levied on as the property of W. H. Wll-
Toung to satisfy a fl fa from the tax col* ■ Hams, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
lector of Thomas county, in favor of P. I collector of Thomas county, in favor of
S. Heeth, T. C. T. C. and against Isaac H S. Heeth, T. C. T. C.. and against W.
Toung, for state and county taxes for H. Williams, for state and county taxes
■*'* 1 for the year 1921.
This the 8th day of March. 1922.
* Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at outcry before the
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door in Thomasvilie. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April. 1922, to the highest bidder
the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March. 1922.
Thomas County. Georgia.
for castti the following described property. 'GEORGIA Thoma^nouM*^
the amforiw for «m.,belng he?e i naftlr, C ^ 1 !j'y. A «m h0 «rpubfir„ t u r .cry before the
OnA Vom* I court house door in Thomasvilie. within
In the Thnmnaviiu J r£ k *°° 8treet ' the l«k r al hours of sale, on the first Tues-
1 jUvled lt oii f M* nranerti nf iT-firv ? wy ,n Aprl1 ' 1922 * to 11,6 bidder
Mills to m/fefv ?)n y for cash the following described property.
“'tor of Thogu 2> u m£°K favor of P* ‘ “ aUthorlty ,or h ' l ”‘ r
•EORGI/., Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
day in April, 1922, to'the highest bidder • day in April, 1922. to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property, * for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter me authority for same being hereinafter
stated: | stated:
. One house and lot located on 318 South One vacant lot on School street, In the
street. In the city of Thomasvilie, Ga. fCity of Thomasvilie, Ga.
Levied on as the property of Charlie Levied on as the property of Rheuben
Wiggins, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax Taylor to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county, in favor of collector of Thomas county, In favor of
P. S. Heeth, T. C. T. C., and against **• S. Heeth, T. C T. C., and against
Charlie Wiggins, for state and county Rheuben Taylor, for state and county
taxes for the year 1921. taxes for the year 1921. -■—
This the 8th day of March, 1922. ; This the 8th day of March. 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia. | Thomas County, Georgia.
Mills, for state and
year 1921.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
GORDON E. DAVIS. Sheriff.,
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will he sold at public outcry before the
court house door in Thomasvilie, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One vacant lot located on West Jack-
son street In the city of Thomasvilie. Ga.
“ i the property of Joe Mose-
the authority for same being hereinafter
One house and lot on Howard street.
Levied on as the property of Mose Dun
lap. to satisfy a fl fa from the tax col
lector of Thomas county. In favor of P.
S. Heeth, T. C. T. C.. and against Mose
Dunlap, for state and county taxes for
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house'ttoor In Thomasvillo. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922. to the highest bidder
ui muse- *? r ca * h u th ,® following described property,
ly to satisfy a fl fa from the tax collector u ‘® auth ority for same being hereinafter
irum ina uu coueciur ui mumu tuuiu/.
In favor of P. S. Heeth, T. C. T. C., and
against Hattie Alexander estate, for
state and county taxes for the year 1921.
Thla the 7th day of March. 1922.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house, door in Thomasvilie, within
the legal hours dt sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property.
*the authority for same being hereinafter
on east by D. C. Mathews, west by Mrs.
W. L. Mathews, and j. IL Wilson, south
by M. R. Peacock and 8helly EsL, and
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door in Thomasvilie. within
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
Will he sold at public outcry before the
* house door In Thomasvilie, within
the legal hours of sale on the first Tues- .the legal hours of sate, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property, I for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter {the authority for same being hereinafter
"*"*"*• | stated:
• Fifty acres of land in lot No. 172 in the
13th land district of said county.
Levied on as the property of Mose
Thompson, Sr., to satisfy a fl fa from the
tax collector of Thomas county, in favor
of P. S. lleeth, T. C. T. C., and against
Mose Thompson, Sr., for state and coun
ty taxes for the year 1921.
This the 8th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
aker, to satisfy a fi fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county. In favor of
P. S. Heeth, T. C. T. C., and against I. D.
Whitaker, for state and county taxes for
tha year 1921.
This tho 8th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door in Thomasvilie, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One vacant lot located on First avenue,
to the city of Thomaavllle, Ga.
Levied on as the property of Lilia
Wvche, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county, In favor of
P.-S. Heeth, T. c. T. _C., and against
Lilia Wyche, for state and county taxes
for the year 1921.
Thla the 8th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasvilie. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
tho authority for same'being hereinafter
One house and two lots on Wolff street
In the city of Thomasvilie, Ga.
Levied on as the property of Thomas
L. Williams to satisfy a fi fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county, in favor of
P. S. Heeth. T. C. T. C.. and against
Thomas L. Williams, for state and coun
ty taxes for the year 1921.
This the 8th day of March, 1922.
county, in favor, of P. 8.
*jcuiii, I . T. C., and against, Joe Mose-
1921 8tate and coum y taxes for year
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
GORDON E. DAVIS. Sheriff.,
1'homas County, Georgia.
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door in Thomasvilie. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In Apfll, 1922. to the highest bidder
for caph the following described property,
the uuthority for same being hereinafter
401 East
One house and lot located ... ...
Calhoun street, in tho city of Thomas-
the property of C.
vllle, Ga.
Levied .......... Vl
Mitchell, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county. In favor
P. S. lleeth, T. C. T. C., und against
O. Mitchell, for state and coumy taxes
year 1921.
This the 7th day of March. 1922.
GORDON E. DAVIS, Sheriff.,
Thomas County, Georgia.
Will he sold at public outcry before the
court house door in Thomasvilie, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following dcscrlbod property,
the authority for Bamo being hereinafter
One house and two lots on North Broad
Levied „ w
son estate, to satisfy a'fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county, In favor of
P. S. Heeth, T. C. T. C., and against Mary
One house and lot located at 1107 Les
ter street.
Levied on as the property of E. J. Ed
wards, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county. In favor of
I*. S. Heeth, and against K. D. Edwards
for state and county taxes for tho year
the legal hours of sale on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to "the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One vacant lot on Alexander street, in
the city of Thooiasvllle, Ga.
Levied on as the property of Enoch
umj ui Aiurun, ins.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold ut public outcry before the
court bouse door in Thomasvilie, within
the legal hours of sale on the first Tues
day iu Apr^, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
Two vacant lots located on Wright
street, in -the city of Thomasvilie Ga.
Levied on as the property of Jesse Law-
son, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax col
lector of Thomas county. In favor of P.
8. Heeth, T. C. T. C.. and against Jesse
Lawson, for state and county taxes for
the year 1921.
Thla the 8th day of March, 1922. *
Thomaa County, Georgia.
Will be sold at public outcry before the
oourt house door fn Thomasvilie, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues-
the authority for same being hereinafter
One-fourth acre of land in lot No. 41,
In the 13th Land District of said county,
located on the extension of Lester street.
In the city of Thomasvilie. Ga.
« Levied on as the property of Annie
Wright, to aatlsfy a fi fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county. In favor of
P. 8. lleeth, T. C. T. C., and against An
nie Wright, for state and county taxes
for the year 1921.
This the tth day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door in Thomasvilie, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
stated: _ ,
Ono house on Boulevard.
Levied on as the property of Mary L.
Lawson, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county, In favor or
P. S. Heeth, T. C. T. C„ and against
Mary Lawson, for state and county
taxes for the year 192V _ ....
This the 8 th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
court house door in Thomasvilie. within Mawn estate ' for state and coirftv ft*
fh. legal hour, ot sale, on the tlr.t Tuee- I yea? 1921 . y
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder | This the 7th day of March 1922
for PAHh thm following doarrlhAd nrotI ln,B GORDON E DA VIS Sheriff
Thomas County, Goorgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at publio outcry before the
court house door In Thomasvilie, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash, the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One vacant lot. No. 54 on East Jackson
Levied on as the property of Annie
Mayo, to satisfy a fi fa from the tax col
lector of Thomas county. In favor of P.
S. Heeth, T. C. T. C., and against Annie
Mayo, for state and county taxes for the
year 1921.
This the 7th day of March. 1922.
GORDON E. DAVIS. Sheriff..
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
In the city of Thomasvilie, Ga.
Levied on as the property of Edward
Timmons, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county, in favor of
P. 8. Heeth, T. C. T. C., and against Ed
ward Timmons, for state and county
taxes for the year 1921.
This the 8th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasvilie, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One vacant lot on East Jackson street,
in the city- of Thomasvilie, Ga.
Will b« Ml(l at public outcry befor* the
court houM door In Thomaavllle. within
tho local houra of aalo, on Ui* flrat Tues
day In April, 1921, to tho hlsheat bidder
(or caah tha following described property,
the authority for some being hereinafter
* t On?'houae and lot. 411 East Jackson
■treat, In the city of Thomaavlllo Ga.
Levied on aa tho property of J as. H-
Wright, to aatlsfy a fl fa from tho tax
collector of Thomaa county. In favor of
r. 8. lleeth, T. C. T. C.. and agalnit
jaa E. Wright, for state and county tax-
as for the year 1921. •
This the Ith day of March 1922.
Thomaa County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomaa County:
Will he Mid at public outcry before the
oourt houM door In Thomaavllle, within
the legal houra ot sale on the tint Tore-
gay In April, 1912, to the highest bidder
(Or caah the following described property,
the authority for asms being hereinafter
One house and lot located on Tli Pino
•treat. In tha cRy of ThomarrUle, da.
major Mat...
'the tth day of March, UU
GORDON E. DAyiS, Sheriff.
-rhcmcc County, floorgle.
collector of Thomas county, In favor of
P. S. Heeth, T. C., T. C., and against
Malcolm Salters, for state and county
taxes for the year 1921.
This tho 8th day of March, 1922.
. GORDON E. DAVIS. Sheriff
^ Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasvilie, within
the legal hours of salo, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
street und Monroe street. In the city of
Reynolda estate, to satisfy a fI fa from the
tax collector of Thomas county, In favor
of P. S. Heeth, T. C. T. C„ and against
Clarice Reynold’s cstato, for state and
county taxes for the year 1921.
Thla the 8th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door in Thomasvillo, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash tho following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
Five acres of land in lot No. 133 In the
12th Land District of said county.
Levied on us the property of Andrew
Randell, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county, in favor of
P. S. Heeth, T. C., T. C„ and against
Andrew Randell, for state and county
taxes for tho year 1921.
Andrew Randell.
This the 8th day of March, 1922.
GORDON E. DAVIS. Sheriff.,
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomaa County:
Will bo sold at public outcry before the
court house door in Thomasvilie. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 2922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One Improved lot on Calhoun street
Levied on as the uroperty of Cora Ram-
bo, to aatlsfy a fi fa from the tax collec
tor of Thomaa county, in favor of P. S.
Heeth. T. C. T. C.. and against Cora
Rarnbo, for state and county taxes for
the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
GORDON E. DAVIS. Sheriff.,
Thomaa County, Georgia.
the authority for same being hereinafter
One house on East Jackson street.
Levied on as the property of Cathrlne
Mitchell, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
collector ef Thomas county. In favor of
Heeth, T. C. T. C., nnd against
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
. Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasvilie, within
the legal hours of sate, on the first Tues
day in April. 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One house and lot located
street. In the city of Thomasvilie, Ga.
- . - Ga.
Levied on as the property of Marlah
Gibson, to satisfy a fi fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county, In favor of
P. S. Heeth. T. CT .. T. C., and against
Marlah Gibson, for state and county tax
eu for the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasvilie. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
One vacant lot on Fletcher street.
Levied on as the property of Amos
Goodman, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county, In favor of
P. 8. Heeth, T. C. T. C., and against
Amos Goodman, for state and county
taxes for the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasvilie, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for sara* being hereinafter
« . o. nceui, a. u, a. v»., iuiu •aaiiih *»•
H. Owens, for state and county taxes for
the year 1921.
•Thfa 7th day of March, 1922.
GORDON E. DAVIS. Sheriff.,
Thomaa County, Georgia.
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court houae door in Thomasvilie, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for aame being herelanfter
stated: . „
Two vacant lota in “Roaedale** on Boa-
ton road.
Levied on as the property of J. A. Min
P. S. Heeth. T. C. T. C., and agalnat J.
A. Mlnnefield, for state and county tax
es for the year 1921.
Thla the 7th day of March, 1922.
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court houae door In Thomaavllle, within
the legal hours of aole, on the flrat Tues
day In April, 1922, to tha blgheat bidder
for caah tho following described property,
the authority for aame being hereinafter
One vacant lot on Wright street. In the
city of Thomaavllle, Go.
Levied on aa the property of Minnie "levied ou as the property of Spencer
t? s«wy«n(.L».s: s?
collector of Tkomx, county. In teror of
P. & HmUl t. C. T. &, nnd acalntt
Hp.ncr Mitchell, for Mat, and county
taxM lor ywr 1911.
Thla. mo 1t» day of March. 1911
Thomas. County, Georgia i
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door in Thomasvilie. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
tho authority for same being hereinafter
One houae of Wright street and 8th
Levied on as the property of Susie Grey
to satisfy a fl fa from the tax collector
of Thomas county. In favor of P. 8.
Heeth, T. C., T. C., and ngalnst Susie
Grey, for state and county taxes for the
year 1921.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
8HErTfF'8 8ALE
GEORGIA, Thomaa County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomaavllle, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for caah the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
Two vacant lots on 1st avenue and
Wright street.
Levied on aa tha property of Silas Fen
nell estate, to satisfy a ft fa from the tax
collector of Thomaa county, In favor of
P. 8. Heeth, T. C. T. C., and agalnat Silas
Fennell estate, for state and county tax
es for the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court bouse door in Thomaavllle. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for caah the jollowing described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One vacant lot In Pear Orchard.
Levied on as the property of Albert
Fletcher, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomaa county. In favor of
P. 8. Heeth, T. C. T. C„ and agalnet
Albert Fletcher, for state and county
taxes, for the year 1921.
Thla the 7th day of March. 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomaa County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
oourt house door In Thomaavllle, within
the legal hours of tale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to tha highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for aame being hereinafter
One houae and lot located at 601 Cal
houn atreeL
Levied on aa the property of Geo. Es-
crldge, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax col-
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasvilie. within
the legul hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922. to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
tho authority for same being hereinafter
One house and lot located on 118 Webs
ter street.
Levied on as the property of Georgia
Davis, to satisfy a fi fa from tho tax col
lector of Thomas county. In favor of P.
S. Heeth, T. C. T. C.. nnd against Georgia
Davis, for state and county taxes for the
year 1921.
This the 7th day of March. 1922
Thomas County, Georgia.
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasvilie, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
authority for same being hereinafter
nd lot. 320 Lewis alley,
i the property of Mary Car-
Carter, for state and county taxes for
the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door in Thomasvilie. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One vacant lot on Magnolia street.
Levied on as the property of Robert
Conyers, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the tax
collector of Thomas county. In favor of
P. S Heeth. T. C. T. C., and again s'
Robert Conyers, for state and county
taxes for the year 1921. ’
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
Will bo sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasvillo. within
tho logal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash tho following described property,
tho authority for same being hereinafter
, ,c . ro ln ,ot No » In the ISth
Land District of said county.
Levied on as tho property of Marietta
Brown, to satisfy an execution from tho
tax collector of Thomas county, In favor
of P. S. Heeth. T. C. T. C.. nnd apninst
Marietta Brown, for state and county
taxes for the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
derson, to satisfy, a fi fa from tho tax
collector of Thomaa county, in favor of
P. 8. lleeth, T. C. T. C., and against H.
C. Anderson, for stats and county taxes
for the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March. 1922.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In ThomaHVille, within
tho legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
186 acres of land in lot No. 138 In the
13th Laud District of said county.
Levied on as the property of Wade An
derson. to satisfy a fi fa from tho tax
collector of Thomas county, in favor of
P. S. lleeth, T. C. T. C.. and against
Wade Anderson, for state and county
taxes for the year 1921.
This the 7th duy of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
much thereof os win L
lofy the city Tax on tho city <
villa for tha year mi, am
3fi centa principal, lateroot _
tha owner of cold tend being
PeacocK LBt:, to satisfy a fi. fa. from
the Tax Collector of Thomas county. In
favor of P. S. Heeth, T. a, T. C., and
against Mrs. Lena Peacock Est., for 1921
state and county taxes. .
This the 9th day ot March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
land located on .southwest
Vine street and East Broad si root, s
city of Thomasvilie. Thomiui a
w.o peorgla, and bounded os follows:
courthouse door in Thomasvilie, within Vine street, east by East
GEORGIA. Thomas County. i
On Tuesday, the ith day of Anri
will be sold at the courthouse do
tween the lawful lours of sals.
GEORGIA, Thomaa Courfty:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
-jurthouse door In Thomasvilie, within. . . L --
the legal hours of'sale. on the first Tues- , • outh *>y J. S. MontL——.
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder; 1 '/ s - Steyerman. and fronting i
for cash, the following described prop- j Ltoad street about 60 feet and
erty, the authority for same being icre- i bac £ westerly direction to
lnafter stated: of S. steyerman, or so much th
One 8-room house and lot, located at w *‘* P e sufficient to satisfy ths 4
431 Colton Ave., in the city of Thomas- «*• c,t y of Thomasvilie for 1
vllle, Ga. 1921, amounting to 70 cents prlnfl
Levied on as the property of Redden 1 Interest and costs, the owner of" sold
Smith, trustee for children, to satisfy u unknown.
fl. fa. from the Tax Collector of Thomas '* “ ‘ *
county, in favor of 1*. S. Heeth. T. C.
T. C., and against Redden Smith, trus
tee for children, for state and county
taxes for 1921.
This the 9th day of March, 1922.-
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
courthouse door In Thomasvilie, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day ln April, 1922. to the highest bidder
for cash, the following described prop
erty, the authority for same being hcre-
GEORGIA, Thomas County;
Win be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasvilie. within
the legal Tioura of sale, on tho first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
tho authority for same being hereinafter
One vacant lot on South street.
Levied on as tho property of Will
Barnes, to satisfy a fi fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county. In favor of
P. S. Heeth. T. C. T. C„ and against Will
Barnes, for state and county taxes for
the year 1921.
This tho 7th day of March, 1922.
- GORDON K. DAVIS. Sheriff.
Thomas County, Georgia.
tho legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day ln April, 1922, to tho highest bidder
for caah tho following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One house In Dewey City.
Levied on as the property of Minnie O.
Brown to satisfy a fi fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county, ln favor of
taxes for the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County.
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door ln Thomasvilie, within
the legal hours of sale, en the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One house on South and Siexas street.
Levied on as the property of Marlah
Bowen to satisfy an execution from the
tax collector of Thomas county, in favor
of P. S. Heeth, T. C. T. C., and against
Marlah Bowen, for state and county
taxes for the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasvilie. within
the legal hours of qale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One residence In the Town of Ochlock
ee, on Railroad street.
Levied on ns the property of Mrs. II.
Wall, to satisfy a fl. fa. from the tax col
lector of Thomas county, in favor of F
S. Heeth. T. C. T. C-. and against Mrs.
H. A. Wall, for state and county taxes
for the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomaa County:
Will bo aold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasvilie. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuen
day in April. 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
Eight acres of land In lot No. 197 In
the 13th Land District of said county,
hounded as follows: On the west by Ar
line road: on the north by the land of
Lucy Graham; on the east nnd south by
Lucy Graham.
•Levied on as tha property of Jas. Gra'
ham. Jr., to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county. In favor of
8. Heeth, T. C. T. C., and against Jaa.
Graham, Jr., for state and county taxea
for the year 1921.
Thla 7th day of March. 1922.
Thomaa County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomaa County:
Will be aold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomaavllle, within
the legal hours of sale, on the flrat Tuea
day In April, 1922, to the higheat bidder
for caah the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
Lot 6. Block 3. fronting on East Stetson
street 50 feet and running back 150 feet,,
being in the Jim Town subdivision of tho
Town of Coolidge, Ga.
Levied on aa the property of O. W. Up
ton, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax col
lector of Thomas county, In favor of P,
8. lleeth, T. C. T. C., and agalnat G. W,
Upton, fbr state and county taxea fur the
year 1921.
This the 7th day of March. 1922.
Thomaa County, Georgia.
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasvilie. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One vacant lot on Wolf atreet.
Levied on as the property of Hattie
Brown, to aatlsfy an execution from the
tax collector of Thomas county. In favor
of P. S. lleeth. T. C. T. C., and against
Hattie Brown, for state and county taxes
for the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomaa County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door ln Thomaavllle, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to tho highest bidder
One house on South street.
Levied on as the property of Cathrlne
Barnes, to satisfy an execution from the
tax collector of Thomas county, tft favor
of P. 8. Heeth. T. C. T. C.. and against
Cathrlne Barnes, for state and county
taxes for the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March. 1922.
Thomaa County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry beforo the
court house door in Thomasvilie, within
the legal hours of sale, on tho flrat Tues
day ln April. 1922, to the highest bidder
for caah the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
Twenty acres of tend, more or less, In
Lot No. 8, In tho 18th Land District of
lector of Thomaa oounty. In favor of P. i said county.
8. Heeth, T. C. T. C., and against Geo. Levied on aa tho property of Hattie
Socridge, for itnte and county taxea for Alexander estate, to aatlsfy an execution
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be aold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomaavllle, within
the legal houra of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following deacribed property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One brown mule, one blue mule, one
second-hand two-horse wagon,
Levied on as tho property of Mrs. T. N,
Bussey, to satisfy a fi fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county. In favor 1 of
" S. Heeth, T. C. T. C.. and agalnat
Mrs. T. N. Bussey, for state and county
taxes for the year 1921.
This tho 7th day of March. 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be aold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomaavllle, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April. 1922. to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
Lota Noe. 13. 14. 15. 18. 17, 18. 19. 29;
eight lots In the Bellview subdivision of
the city of Boston. Ga.
Levied on .as the property of Samuel
T. Samms, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county, In favor of
P. S. Heeth. T. C. T. C., and against
Samuel T. Samma, for state and county
taxes for the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia
Georgia, Thomae County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomitsvllle, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for caah the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
Twenty-five acres of land In lot No. 291,
lying and being In the 13th Land District
of Thomaa county, bounded as follows:
North by lands of W. Green; south by
lands of Sam Wilson; east by lands of
Jim Gloves; west by lands of Ben Smith.
Levied on as the property of Ben Wil-
aatiafy a fl fa from the tax collec-
Thle the 7th day of March, 1922.
Will be sold at public outcry before
the courthouse door in Thomaavllle,
within the legal hours of sale, on the
first Tuesday in April, 1922, to the high
est bidder for cash the following describ
ed property, the authority for same be
ing hereinafter stated:
One vacant lot, bounded as follows:
East by County Line atreet, north by
Adams and Reddick, aouth by J. D.
Strickland, on west by J. A. Kennedy.
Levied on as the property of D. C.
Peacock, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the
Thla the 9th day of March. 1922.
Thomas County. Georgia.
Will be aold at public outcry before the
courthouse door In Thomaavllle, within
the legal houre of sale, on the flret Tues
day In April, 1922. to the highest bidder
for cosh, the following described prop
erty, the authrolty for same being here
inafter etated:
140 acres of tend ln the 13th tend dis
trict of said county, bounded as follows:
North by land of W. L. Thigpen, west
id south and east by J. H. Hancock,
id J. L. Clark.
Levied on ax the property of C. L
Griffin to satisfy a fl. fa. from the Tax
Collector of Thomas county, in favor of
, S. Heeth. T. C., T. C.. and against
C. L. Griffin, for 1921 state and county
U Thte the 9th day of March. 1922.
Will be sold at public outcry before the
courthouse door in Tbomaaville, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day ln April, 1922. to the highest bidder
for cash, the following described proper
ty, the authority for aame being herein
after stated: t ...
IS acres of tend In the 19th tend dle-
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be so’d at public outcry bel
the court house door fn Thomosvi
within the legal hours of sale, on l
first Tuesday in April, 1922, to the hil
est bidder for cash the following deocr
ed property, the authority for some 1
ing hereinafter etated:
One vacant fot on the north %ide
McKinley street/ bounded as follow
North by Catherine Sherman. L. K. She
man and Fannie Reynolds; east by Add
and Andrew Vaughn; south by McKinU
'"mi" land In lot .Vo. m. i„
bounded 1 ^ C0Unty ’ i a uniform width about 110 fM
Roddenbcrry, on south by Mrs.
ied on
the p-operiv of «?. E.
Plumber, to satisfy an fl. fa. from* the
Tax Collector of Thomas county, in fa
vor of P. S. Heeth. T. O.. J\ C., and
against C. E. Plumber, for atato and
>unty taxes for year 1921.
This the 9th day of March. 1922.
Thomas County. Georgia.
ajwtnst E. K. Sherman. _
Tills the -8th day of March, 1922.
; ^L_B. MILTON, CRy Marshal
3-12 >rj
GEORGIA. Thomas County. ,
On Tuesday, thfr 4th day of April, 1922,
will be sold at the courthouse door be-
tween the lawful hourH of pale, lot of
land No. 11 located on Booker 8L V in
Booker Heights in the ciiv or Tnornas-
Will 1,0 iold at public outcry beforo tho ! , 0 “ Unty V ,
courthouse door in Thomasvilie. within j i» Hn'dlev east hv* land of Rnenele
the legal hours of sale, on the flrat Tues- H adley Hou t h bT lo^ No 12 wJTkJ
day in April. 1912, to tlm hbrhor t, bidder, bookt?' s”“Ln?ln» 30 &t «,*SSrtK
St. and running back 110-feet to land of
Spciuer Hadley, or so much thereof os
sufficient to satisfy the Citjr
for cash, tho following described pr
erty. the authority for same bc-mg tc
lnafter stated:
2 acres of city prop«»vv In Jot
Guyton, to' satisfy
Tax Collector of Thomas county. In favor
of P. S. Heeth. T. C\. T. C.. and against
Neel Guyton, for state and county tax-
1 for the year 1921.
This the 9th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
courthouse.door in Thomasvilie, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922. to the high, at bidder
for cash, tho following described prrp-
erty. the authority for same being here
inafter stated:
2 1-2 acres of land In lot No. 411 ln
the 13th land district of sail county.
Levied on as the property of Mary
Hooker Est., to satisfy an fl. f*. from
Tax Collector of Thomas county. In
favor of P. S. Heeth, T. C., T. C.. and
against Mary Hooker Est.. for state and
county taxes for year 1921.
Thomas County, Georgia.
f Noel terest ami costs, the owner of said k
>m ti e I being unknown. •
This ?th day of March, 1922.
A. 13. MILTON. City Marshal.
GEORGIA. Thomas County.
On Tuesday, the 4th day of April, 1922,
will bo sold at the courthouse dpor be-
bounded ns follow*
11, east by Spent* . w
Etta Maxwell south by Gus Martin, west
by Hooker St. fronting 50 feet on Booker
St. und running back about 110 feet to
the line of Spencer Hadley and Mary
much thereof
fficient to satisfy the City
Tax on the city of Thomasvilie for tbo
year 1921, amounting to 70c prh
interest and costs, f
land being unknown.
This the Tth day of March, 1922.
A. B. MILTON, City Marshal.
of Sand
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the i
court house door in Thomasvillo, within ;
the legal hours of sale, on tho first Tues- J
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder]
for cash the following described property,
tho authority for same being hereinafter bounded
stated* 1
On Tuesday, the 4 th day of April, 1922.
will be sold at tlie courthouse door be-
the lawful hours of sale, lot of
17. located.on Wall St., ln
id No
........ . follows: North by lot No.
. ,_. 2. euHt by Everett Franklin, south by
Ono hundred, elghty-threo acres In Jot Wall St went hv* int \'n it fmniin»
Co. 293 in the 13th Land District of said | -i f
the 13th Igind
nty. bounded
lands of Henry Martin: south by lands
and runing
line of lot No.
2. or so much thereof as will be suffi
cient to satisfy tho City Tax on tho
city of Thomasvile for the year 1921,
amounting to 70c principal, interest and
the property of Mrs. An* ] costs, the owner of said land being un-
of Madison Hobbs and M. Herndon;
by lands of J. T. Sherrod; west by lands
of W. D. Willis.
nlo Prosser to satisfy a fl fa from tha
tax collector of Thomas county. In favoi
of P. S. lleeth, T. C. T. C., and against
Mrs. Annie Prosser, for state and county
taxes for tho year 2021.
This the 7th day ot March, 1923.
Thomas County, Georgia.
Will bo sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasvilie. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day ln April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
live authority for same being hereinafter
lows: On the nortli by lands of R.
Jones and F. C. Carter; south by original
land line, east by lands of John liarrutt.
west by lands of F. N. Carter.
Levied on as the property of Jas. Wil
liams. J. D. Gardner, Rec., to satisfy a
fa from the tax collector of Thomas
unty, in favor of P. 8. Heeth, T. C.
, nnd against Jas. Williams, J.
miner, Rec., for state and county taxes
for the year 1921.
This the 6th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia
On Tuesday, the 4th day of April. 1922,
will be sold at the courthouse door be
tween the lawful hours of sale, lots of
land Nos. 63, 64, and 65. located on
Payne St., in Booker Heights ln the
city of Thomaavllle, Thomas county,
Georgia, and bounded as follows: North
by James Hayes, east by Payne St.,
6outh by Will Randall, west by E. E.
Mack, fronting about 150 feet on Payne
St., and running back about 110 feet to
the line of E. E. Mack or so much there-
wlll bo sufficient to satisfy the
Ity Tax on the city of Thomasvilie for
ie year 1921, amounting to S1.75 prin
cipal, Interest and costs, the owner of
said land being unknown.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
A. B. MILTON. City Marsual.
.CORGIA. Thomas County.
On Tuesday, the 4th day of April, 1923.
This tho 7th day of March, 1922.
A. B. MILTON, City Marshal,
GEORGIA. Thomas County.
On Tuesday, the 4th day of April. 1922,
will be sold at the courthouse door be
tween tlie lawful hours of sale, lot of
land No. 19. located on Wall St.. In Book
er Heights, in the city of Thomasvilie.
Thomas county. Georgia, nnd bounded
a« follows: North by Joe Nichols,
east by Archie Coleman, south by Wall
St., west by Payne St., fronting on Wall
St., about 50 feet ami running north
along Payne St., about 110 feet to llna
of Joe Nichols, or *o much thereof as
will be sufficient to satisfy tho Citjr
Tax on tlie city of Thomasvilie for tha
year 1921. amounting to 70c principal,
interest and costs, the owner of said
land being unknown.
This the 7»h day of March, 1922.
A. B. MILTON*. City Marshal.
On Tuesday, the 4th day of April, 1922.
will be Fold at the courthouse door be
tween tlie lawful hours of sale, lot of
land No. 39. located on Payne St.. In
Booker Heights In the city of Thomas
vilie Thomas county. Georgia, and
hounded ah follows: North by Amanda
Williams, east by Lizzie Everett, south
by Geo. W. Lamar, west by I'avne St.,
and fronting al>out 50 feet on Payne St.,
and running east about 110 feet to Una
of Lizzie Everett, or so muen thereof
as will be sufficient to satisfy the CUy
Tax on the city of ThoniarfvfJ/e for tha
year 1921, amounting to 70c principal,
Interent urul costs, toe owner of sold
land being unknown.
This the 7tl» dav of March. 1923.
A. B. MILTON. City Mvs^al-
GEORGIA. Thomas County.
On Tuesday, the 4th day of April. 1922,
ill bo Hold at the courthouse door be-
veen the lawful hours of iale, lot of
land No. 60, located on Payne St., ln
Booker Heights In the city of Thomas-
Hie, Thomas county. Georgia, and
ounded as follows: North by Richard
east by Payne St., south bjr
ill be sold at the courthouse door be
the lawful hours of sale, lot of runnln
land No. 33, Block "D", located on Vann o
street, in the city of Thomasvilie, Thorn- | b
as county. Georgia, and bounded aa fol- | tl
lows: North by Vann street, east by] 1'
Illicit Frazier, south by W. 11. Platt. > e
west by W. H. Platt, fronting about 59: Ing
by E. E. Mack.
fficient to satisfy the City Tax on
•ity of Thomasvilie for the year
amounting to 7<>o principal, lnter-
ul costs, the owner of said Land be-
_ mknown.
... und running back I This tho 7th day of March, 1922.
southerly direction about 125 feet, A. B. MILTON, City Marshal.
us much thereof as will be sufficient | ——
satisfy tho City Tax on the city of; 3-55
homasvllle for the year 1921, amount- CITY MARSHAL'S SALE.
Ing to 42 cents principal. Interest and GEORGIA. Thomas County,
osts. tho owner of Bald land being un- On Tuesday, the 4th day of April, 1922,
will be sold at tho courthouse door be
tween the lawful hours of salo, ,ot of
land No. 58, located on Payne St., In
Booker Heights, In the city of Thomas
vilie, Thomas oounty. Georgia, and
bounded as follows: North by Mose
Madison, east by Payne St., south by
the 7th day of March, 1922.
A. B. MILTON. City Marshal.
GEORGIA. Thomas County. , . v . -. ,, _ „•
On Tuesday, th. tth day of April, 1»22. ot >^ 5*. west by E. B- Mack front
will bo sold at tho courthouse door be- i L 11 * about 50 feet on layne St., and
tween the lawful hours of sale lot of r V n r. ln, f,* >a ‘l l< J** 8 * about 110 feet to lino
Thomas county. Georgia, and bounded
as follows: North by Cheeney Reed and
Dock McGough, east by Annie M. Smith,
south by Teddy street, west by W. Fein-
berg, fronting about 5? feet on Teddy
street, and running back In a northerly
direction about 110 feet to lands of
Cheeney Reed and Dock McGough, or
so much thereof as will be sufficient to
satisfy the City Tax on the city of
Thomasvilie for the year 1921. amount
ing to 70 cents principal. Interest and
costa, tha owner of said tend being un-
A. B. MILTON. City Marshal
terest and costs, the owner of said tend
being unknown.
This the 7th day of March. 1922.
A. B. MILTON. City Marshal. .
GEORGIA. Thomas Coumy.
On Tuesday, the 4th day of AprU, I9t%
will be sold at the courthouse door be
tween the lawful hours of sale, lot of
land No. 54, located on Payne St. la
Booker Heights in the city of Thomaa-
vllle. Thomas county. Georgia, and
bounded as follows: North by lot No.
55, east by Payne St., south by W. - It.
Parker, west by E. EL Mack, fronting
about 50 feet on Payne 8t., and running
back west about 110 feet to tha Know
will ba acid at tha courthouse door be-1 J** J* StiTfv ^h^
tween tha lawful houra of sale, lot of ^[O if ThomSiViiu foe
tend located on East Broad street, in jjj^homasriUe for im
the city of Thomasvilie. Thomas county, j 8 *"? ant i n * ‘“IS? *"•
Georgia, and bounded aa follows: North. go*** owner of sold tend being un-
Georgia, and —
by the old City Dump property, east by 1
East Broad atreet. south by H. P. Cone,!
west by Addle L. Allen, fronting on East .
Brood street about 50 feet and running I
back in a westerly dlrootion about 121*
This Tth day of March. 1921
A. B. MILTON. City MarahaL
Continued from pafi 6)