The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, December 30, 1922, Image 8

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SATURDAY.* AFTERNOON, DECEMBER SO, 1tt£ DAILY TtMEB-SKTBRPRIfE, THOMA8VILLE, GEORGIA Where Two Years Meet 1922 1923jiii ”1 To^oaRrhOM friendlr patronaco bob belied WYnake a commer cial relation one of the real pleasures of life, we extend heartfelt ippreclatlon anl best wishes for a most healthy, happy and pros- * porous New vlt. -- .jr-. —- • J | Oar success Is due to your help, your cooperation and your good- 11 wUL and this Is to thank you one and all. Soring the coming year we Intend^tp keep pace with every ad vance in the selence of pharmacy, handle the best goods, give { | prompt, courteous and reliable Service, and. endeavor by every f1 means within our power to promoie the Interests of our custo- j | mers. May we serve You? INGRAM DRUG CO. V B. 8. INMAN’. Manner. the klan will be lifted and the plan Sawed, It waa announced. 'If any individual member of the klan are found guilty of these murders not oaiy wm tney ce ouiiawea irom the klan, but every bit of power the klan has will be used to help obtain their conviction. “The atory told by United 8tates De partment of Juatice agents that mem bers of the klan In black hoods form- the wrecking crew lor the kidnap ing and murder of Daniels and Rich ards Is absurd. There la no auch re- qylia In any part of the Ku Klux Klan 1 To All Our Friends A Merry, Merry May Your Heart Be Filled With Joy- ami May the Approaching New Year Bring Wealth and Peace. MEAT MARKET Phones 14 and \5 In the business 25 years MARKETS CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION - ‘JHARKET Chicago, III., Dec. SO.—Wheat closed unsettled. Corn closed strong. WHEAT— P. C. Close ec. 1.26*4 July 1.12% CORN— ec. ’. .73% July .71% OATS— 1-1*% of Its degrees The klan chief* scored the tale that Clarence Darrow “or any other promi nent lawyer had been retained by the klan" to fight, in the defense of the ho might be ctaar$od with the murder. The klan has raised no de fense fund nor has It made any de fense plans," It was stated. A signed statement Issued to the enn several days ago by an unoffi cial spokesman of the Morehouse-klan declared It had offered the services Its 500 members to the state in solving the mystery and punishing the guilty. Gov. Parker has charged that Dr. D. M. McKoin, under arrest at Baltimore der charge, was a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Attorney General Coco yesterday stated he had ibeen Im plicated In many mob activities, so cording to the evidence. McKoin has denied he was a klansman. Former Deputy Sheriff T. J. Burnett, the first irrest In the case, has also denied he Dec. .42% .42 July. .41% .42% 10-87 1U0 May . ST. LOUIS MARKETS St. Louis, Dec. 30.—Wheat No. 3 red 31.35 to 11.37%; No. 4 |1.24 to |1.25; ‘Dec. $1.21%; May $L21%. Corn No. 2 white 72%c; No. 2 70 70%c; Dec. 72%c; May 72%c. Oats No. 3 white 46% to 47 %c; No. 3 46 to 46%c; Dec. 46c; May 46c. l%99S03A999SSi9 Educator Shoes For Children Welt Soles, full stock Calf and Kid Brogue Leathers. Sizes Prices 5 to 8 $3.00 8 Vi to II $3.25 H V, to 2 $3.50 It would pay you to put good warm shoes on your child. MITCHELL SHOE CO. North Broad Street LOCAL PRODUCE MARKETS Prices Current Today Ga. cane syrup. No. L gal Ga. cane syVup, best grade A-l .35c Corn, ahallad, bu. Corn. In ear Velvet beans, ton $20.0(1 j Turkeys, lb. . Peanuts: Market weak. KU KLUX OF LA. WILL INVESTIGATE MER ROUGE CONDITIONS THOROUGHLY (Continued from Page 1) (bring fr^m ah attack of bronchitis at the city Jail this morning. He was ordered to bed by the jail physicla who Issued Instructions that vlslto< be denied the petlent He was not r garded as seriously 111, however. LOUISIANA KLAN CHIEFS TO START INTENSIVE PROBE New Orleans, Doc. 30—Klan chiefs of Louisiana met here yesterd consider action to be taken In regard to the reports that have gained latioa that klansmen were responsible for the Morehouse kidnaping! and murders. A repqrjar of a New Orleans news paper waa permitted to be present and the conclusion of the conference he was authorized to announce thi ents of the klan would be sent I Morehouse to Investigate what had occurred on Aug^ 24. the date of the kidnapping. If the klan of Morehouse parish in any way responsible (or the murder of Daniels and Richards the charter of would be the next' I ^airman of tha^ Georgia commisalpe. It therefore that the reorganisation will result in the first and second execu tive offices on lbs commission being filled by the two senior members. E. Price, the rate expert who sue- ctsded J. P.| Webster about three years ago, and Albert Collier, who hag been secretary gf the commission about aid or aeven years, succeeding Campbell Wallace n\aka up the others ,of the executive organization of the body. Under the “Brantley Law** thie organization, though! will be augment ed hereafter by an additional number of men specialized in the line of work they will hereafter be engaged for. There was a home of Mr. G. day. It was the first time in yean gether. There were-forty-four in all. The dinner was served in'the yard on long table which was loaded with things, in. the a/ternoon Mr. Moller, came not and took a picture of the group, after vvlikh there wi family Christmas tree. Mrs. Eva llauldeo, . and family •pent the holidays with Mr. and Mn W. F. MeMath. Mr. William and Henry Knapp, Gov. Parker has been placed along Wfth Gov. Allen of Kansas, Mayor Ilylon of New York and other national figures as the leaders in the antl-klan movement. MURPHY CANDLER ENDS L0N0 SERVICE (Continued from page one) he gave that pressure serious consid eration. But always arrived at the conclusion that he was peculiarly fitted for and able to give the state in especial service in the guidance >f the regulatory body deeling with the utilities of the state, and has re mained in that service. Some time ago Mr. Candler announced the elusion that he must, in the interest of himself and Mrs. Candler, retire from public service, and let it be known that he would not offer again for re-election. Ilia term ends Dec. 31 and, today being tho last business day of the year, he will bid hit col leagues his official farewelL Tues day the commiaion will hold Its reorganization meeting and begin work under the new law which re created the body under ths name oi the Georgia Public Service Com mission, with a broader scope and enlarged machinery, providing for series of auditors and engineers with whom to carry on utility investiga tions in such a way the commission er before been able to operate. "" chairman and vice Chairman je elected. Commissioner Paul B. Trammell of Dalton is and has since the retirement of Judge HUlyer, been the vice chairman. Mr. Trammell and Commissioner James A. Perry began service on the mission al almost the same time there being about fifteen days difference in their period* of service. During tha campaign preceding the last pri mary, when two places on the com mission were to be voted for W. R. McDonald standing successfully fox | the vacancy to be created by the re tirement of Mr. Candler as • com missioner that campaign was con ducted with the announcement and general understanding that Mr. Perry, who was then completing hta term as president of the National As sociation of Utility. Commissioners, NEW SHlLOW that the whole family had been to- and Mn Cecil Palin, spent. Christ Knsjip. last Tuesday night. WEATHER REPORT local office of the unitei STATES WEATHER BUREAU \ Thomasrllle, Ga., Dec. 20. 1021 Weather forecast for TkomasvIUe and itclnlty: Increasing cloudiness to night. Probably followed by rain Sun day. 31owly rising temperature. . * Observations at 1. P. M. Standard Tin* Highest temperature yesterday .... 57' Highest temperature today to 1 p. m. . Hlgheat temperature for this month. 20 years record (1011) —„—S3* Lowest temperature today $7* Lowest temperature for tills mohtl. 20 years record (1804) 18* Mean temperature today L—:.. 50* Normal for this date ! 51* Departure since first of month +188* Departure since January first +706’’ Relative humidity 8 a. m 87% Relative humidity 1 p. m. 62% Relative humidity t p. m. yester day . 78% the home of My. and Mrs. J. F. perlieu at Mr. Jenkins, _ .light' Miss Evla Davis, is spending sev- Rainfall past 24 hours .01 Ins Rainfall since first of month 4.881ns. Rainfall since January first 46.111ns. Departure since first of mo. +1.46 Ins Departure atnee Jan. first —3.02 Wind direction 1 p. m. i Wind velocity 1 p. m. 8 ml. per hour. O. M. HADLEY, Meteorologist also Christmas tree, at the resi dence of Mrs. Lilly Mims, on Christ- night. The title of the play was ■ho did'nt believe in Chrift- Ramery Davis. Cecil Duren, v». u. Mims, Miss' Annie Herring. Eulalia Mims, Johnpie. Hough, and Hula Davis. The play was very well rendered, each one playing his part well, the Christmas tree was very pretty, and given to the school and the Gold en Age Literary club, and the com munity at large every thing went off very well and the enf home happy. ihildren all went Didn't Knew rile Good Fortune. "Mister," began the scedy-looklni man, "I haven’t got no home and—" ’•No taxes to pay," interrupted the man addressed; “uo coal bills; no worry Job and—" “Lucky chap I danger of getting fired." "But Tm eert- oua, mister. 1 hare no money and—* "No temptation .to spend It foolishly on able-bodied beggars. Why, yooTn the very child of fortune Good 4ayP -Boston Transcript SABERS Infallible FLOU11 4". C/M NYONE who tells you there is no such thing as flavor in flour has never tasted the many palatable de- " made from Sauers Infallible. tha good old-fashioned dishes everyone loves so well, Sauers InfrlliU* %AA. a that’s eddom equaled. To the many newer pastries and dainties Sauers Infallible brings a fattiness you never dreamed 0£ Buy Sauers—for better flavor. Rountree Grocery Go., Pm»*—in Cm|i« Our sincere wish’ for you is a New Year That will fill your Heart’s Desire THQISIfILLE ICEi MFG. CB. ,< ■ ft PHONE GRAND THEATRE One Night THIE * ftro^ow oi iiu a The World JJffl. ' AND. ALI HEW THIS T|JP The Geo. McMans Musical Comedy Sensation BRINGING UP FATHER IF yflu can’t laugh at thie . Common Sans# • Prices' and $140 few at $1.50 Plus Tax GET THEM EARLY AS THIS SHOW SELLS OUT ALWAYS GLASS It you have PAINS call the Doctor It you have BROKEN WINDOW PANES CaU Us WATT SUPPLY CO. Phone 65 THK HOUSE OP QUALITY Save Halt ot Your Fuel Bill by Burning MONTEVALLO In Your Range It is a Perfect Cooking Coal absolutely Clinkerless W.H. BURCH & SON Phone J87 JACKSON TERRACE 316 Eas t Jackson Street UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT WILL OPEN JANUARY lit. Newly furnished thro ughout—Hot and cold run ning water. Polite and courteous Service will be our motto. APPLY FOR RATES. D.D. Pierce, Prop. Knitting THE WINTER DAYS With a nice fire to sit around or a sunshiny porch on a clear dav MINERVA YARNS The Right Kinds and Popular Color* •NONE BETTER" With pleasant memories of the past year, we extend Greetings and Best Wishes, to all for a Bright and Happy New Year. Pringle Company 1 • C FAITH You hava faith In yow doctor and that la axactly right, but at dasraa of caution that you da your doctor, far unlaoa Mo pro- acriptlana ara flllad PROPERLY and CAREFULLY with FULL STRENGTH Infredlenta, than ha nor tha patient hava a fair ehew of auccaaa. You aan put tha utmaot faith M ovary praacrlptlan Mad at our atora, far that io tha main faaturo of our -Hmti Thomas Drug Store Old Reliable Druggists ... ,- ESTABLISHED THOMABVtLLK, GA, 1