Newspaper Page Text
Will be poM at the Court bouse door In
Raid county on first Tuesday in January
1920 within the lexal hours of sale, an
undivided one-half Jntereft in a tract of
land in City of Thomaaville. Georgia, be
ginning at corner of Hopkins street and
Wright street and runplng along Wright
street toward center of city 49 feet,
from Wright street 89 feet, thence in »
straight line back to Hopkins street 90
feet, thence along Hopkins street to
starting point, 85 feet, levied on as prop
erty of Eugene Mann, alias Hugh Mann,
to satisfy an execution issued from City
Court of Cairo, in favor of R. F. Whid-
don. S. Steyerman. transferee, against
Hugh Mann and Will Mann.
December 3. 1919
W. A' REHBERO. Sheriff.
Thomas Countx. Georgia.
twJbfuRifc legal hours of sale to the
highest bidder that lot of land lying and
being In the city of Thomaaville, more
particularly described ns follows:
Beginning at the Intersection of Craw
ford Street, with Smith Avenue, run
ning thence Northerly seventy-eight
feet more or less, to the line of the Stan-
aland lot; thence Westerly along th<
Stanaland line one hundred and forty
feet more or less to the Mitchell lot;
thence southerly along the Mitchell lot
line ninety feet more or less to Smith
avenue: tnenoe easterly along Smith
avenue ninety feet more or less to Craw
ford street, the beginning point, contain
ing thereon a twenty-four room hotel,
known as the Randall House.
December 1st. 1919.
Will be sold at the court house door
In said county on the first Tuesday
January. 1920, within the legal hours of
aale. all that certain tract of land lyirtg
In lot number 155 in 13th dlstrietp
Thomas county, Georgia, bounded
Court of Thomasville In favor of Farm
ers A Merchants Bank of Coolidge
against Hich Ingram and James Hubert.
This December 3. 1919.
Will be sold at the court house door
in said county on first Tuesday in Jan
uary 1920. within legal hours of sale, one
town lot in town of Coolidge, Thomas
county. Georgia, being east half of lot
one. block seventeen, fronting on Orlan
do Avenue, seventy feet and running
back north two hundred feet, in shape
of a rectangle, and haring thereon a
framed weling house, levied on as the
property of J. T. Kelley, to satisfy an
execution Issued from City Court of
Thomasvile in favor of Farmers & Mer
chants Bank against J. T. Kelley and
W. H. Wages
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
Under and by virtue of i
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
By virtue of an order from the Court
of Ordinary of Thomas County, will be
sold at public outcry, on the first Tu**a-
340 feet to land of B.
East two hundred feet Into
thence South 343 feet, along said alley
to Harris street; thence West along Har
ris street 197 feet tc starting point.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Notice is hereby given that application
will he made to the Court of Ordinary.
Thomas county. Georgia, at the first reg-
January. 1920. for leave
'ttds 1st day of December 1919.
manent letters of administration should
not be granted to the said W T . B. Groov
er. on the estate of said lira. Lona D.
Groover, deceased.
Witness my official signature. .
Wm. M. JONES. Ordinary,
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
To All whom it May Concern:
James M Jones, having. In proper
form, applied to me.for Permanent Let
ters of Administration on the estate of
Less Wells, late of said county, this Is
to cite all and singular the creditors and
next of kin of I/ess Wells to be and ap
pear at my office within the time allowed
by law. and show cause. If any they can.
why permanent administration should
not be granted to James If. Jones,
Less Wells’ estate.
Witness my hand and official signature
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
To All Whom It May Concern:
Notice Is hereby given that W. C. Wil
son. as Administrator of J. M. and E. E
Wilson, deceased, havingi applied to me
by petition, for leave to sell real estate
of said deceased Being in Boston, Oa..
sll the heirs at law and creditors of the
said deceased, will take notice, that I
ture. this 1st day of December 1913.
. Wm. M. JONES. Ordinary.
Thomas bounty, Georgia.
GFORGIA. Thomas County
To All .Whom It May Conct
L. T Vick, having In proper form, ap
plied to me for Permanent Letters of Ad-
singular the creditors and next of kin of
James Vick, to he and appear at my of
fice within the time allowed by law, and
show cause, If any they
Witness my hand and official signature
this 28th day of November 1919.
Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary,
Thomas County, Georgia.
ianship of the person and property
James Denis, Jr., (an insane person)
son of T’eggy Dennis, of said county, no
tice is given that said application will be
heard at my office at ten oclock on the
first Monday In January next,
Thomas County. Georgia.
Wm. M. JONES, Ordnlary.
Thomas County. Georgia.
. CITATlon.
vJKORGIA. Thomas County:
To Whom . It May Concern: 9
Sodce la hereby given that K/H. Cha-
eon, Executor of J. P. Chason. deceased,
having applied to ms by petition for
leave to sell the real estate of said J. P.
rhaaqn, deceased. All the heirs at law
and creditors of the said J. P. Chason.
deceased, will take notice that I will paaa
upon naid application at the January
Term 1920, or tha Court of Ordinary.
Thomas County; unless cause is showa
to the contrary at said time, Uave
will be granted.
This the 10th day of Decamber I91i.
Wm. M. JONES. Ordinary.
Thomas County. Georgia.
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
Notice Is hereby given that Eliza Jane
Futch and Hugh Abraham, administra
ting to tha estate of Jane Walters.
This the 3rd, day ot December. 1911
As Guardian for Bobble Led Wil
lie Lee Walters.
GBORGM, Thomis Comity:
To All Whom It May Concern:
Notice Is hereby given that W. Y.
Cochran* as Administrator of the es
tate of Bo<aker Tripp, deceased, hav
ing applied to me by petition for leave
to sell real estate of said deceased,
Being In Lot No. 139 In the 14th dis
trict of Thorny county, Georgia, all
the heirs at law and creditors of the
said decearfd. will take notice, that 1
will pass upon said application oa the
first Monday In January 1920 of the
Court of Ordinary, of Thomas county:
and unless cause Is shown to the con-
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
D. E. Fain, having applied to the Or
dinary by petition, asking that J. D.
Gardner, as Administrator of the estate
of L. D. Johnson, deceased, late of said
county, be required to make him a deed
all of lot of land number 236. in
order of district of Thomas county. Georgia
. _id state an'* 5 ft acres on the North side, sold to , fiiiii .
ublic outcry be-! F,o y d Ru . rk - Jr T- S. Copeland.In pur- l Krunt ; d
fore the court house door in Thomasville I of m P OT }*? ^Rle
on the first Tuesday in January 1920. ! {? Johnson, In his life-time to the said
within the legal houra of suTe to the 1 J?- sa *d P- E. F. sHvglng
highest bidder for cash the following de- “ * * “
•cribed prop
ntrary. at said time leave will he
December 2. 1919.
Win. M. JONES, Ordinary,
Thomas County. Georgia.
Mrs. Sally M. Roddcnherry, late of said
county, this Is to etre ail and singular
the creditors and next of kin of Sally
M. Rodder.berry to be and appear at
my office within the time allowed by
nd show cause. If any they can.
this 3rd day of DecemberG919.
Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
Thomas Oourt of Ordinary:
At Chambers. Nov. 25. 1919.:
The appraisers upon the application of
Mrs. Arlene Pilklnton, widow of said J
E. I’ilkinton. deceased, #or a twelve
lonths' support for herself and 5 minor
'.lldren, having filed their return; all
persons concerned hereby are cited
cause. If any they have, at the
regular January 1920, term, of this
why eali} application should not b#
his obligations in
I that he has fully
said Bond.
a „ a . „ . ...... This Is to notify Mrs. L. D. Johnson,
All th»t tract or parcel of land situat- Marirtirite Johnson, Ttoy Johnson and La-
-d ’yin, and hointr originally * the 13 th | mar John8 „ n , helra at , aw 0( the sald L .
district of Thomas ( ounty ^_<now j D. Johnson, deceased to he and app
quIU) .onalatlng of seventy-five acres In j the January T , rm , of the court
the Southwest corner of land lot j Ordinary of Thomas countv. and show
° cause If any they have, or can. why the
also 60 acres In the northwest
er of land lot No. 3M In (the 13th dlatrlet ’ ald ' Administrator should n« he r^uir-
of Thomas county All «aM land lying „ d to mak , mll , deed aa prayed , or |,y
In one body of 135 acres, more or Lea. t he said D. E. Fain, petitioner.
'formerly ‘ GEORGIA. Thomas County:
mde^k on the North by Porter
East by Porter Bay. and lands of Amos
Hart, South by lands of Amanda Hart.
West by lands of Homer Ueddltig and
Covington and Watson and being
land whereon John W. Griffin for. „ , „ ....... . ..
resided I To A 11 Whom It May
Sold as the property of the estate of! W. B. Groover, of the State of Florida
John W. Griffin, deceased for the pur-j having shown that he is heir at law and
pose of payment of debts and dlstrlbu- • of equal Interst with others In the estate
tl on [of Lona P. Groover, and having applied
MRS. P. L. GRIFFIN, Admrx. ! to me for permanent letters of admlnis-
Estate John W. Griffin, deceased. tration on estate of Mrs. Lona P. Groov-
_______ . er, late of the city of Jacksonville, State
LAND SALE. I of Florida, but formerly of the county
GEORGIA. Thomas Countv: j of Thomas, state of Georgia: this la to
By virtue of an order from the Court c,te all and singular the heirs and credl
of Ordinary of Thomas County. I will * ' ’ ~
Jof the said Mrs. Ix>na P. Groov
. <•11 before the Court House door In be and appear at the January term 1929 j allowed by
Thomas county at public outcry on Tues- of Thomas county Court of Ordinary and | th]
day thd 6th day of January I j " |j| ’ ||
To All Whom It May Concern:
W. J. Simmons having, In proper form,
aplied to me for Permanent Letters of
Administration on the estate of J. M.
Shepherd, late of said county, this Is to
rite all and singular the creditors and
next of kin of J. M. Shepherd, to be and
appear at my office within the time al
lowed by law, and show cause. If any
they can. why permanent administration
should not be granted to W. J. Simmons
on J. M. Shephead’s estate.
Witness my hand and official signature
this 29th day of November 1919.
Wm. M. JONES. Ordinary.
Thomas County. Georgia.
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
To All Whom it May Concern:
Peach having, In proper form ap-‘
plied to me for Permanent Letters of
Administration on the estate of Mrs.
Mary Peach late of said county, this Is to
cite all and singular the creditors and
next of kin of Mrs. Mary Peach
ti appear at my office within th
deceased, having applied to me by peti
tion for leave to sell the real estate of
said J. P. Cay. deceased: All the heirs
at law and creditors of said J. P. Cay,
deceased, will take notice that I will pass
upon said application at the January
Term. 1920, of the Court of Ordinary of
Thomas county: and that unless cause
is shown to the contrary, at said time,
said leave will be granted.
This the 25th day of November*1919.
Wm. M. JONES. Ordinary.
Thomas County. Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas ('ounty:
G. T. Nelms, guardian of Inez Brinson
has applied to me for a discharge from
his guardianship of Inez Brinson. This
is therefore to notify al persons concern-
file their objections. If any they
have, on or before the frist Monday in
January next, else he .will be discharged
from his guardianship as applied for.
Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary.
Thomas County, Georgia, j
a,"e h"r'by°n‘tm«l JO t h hit^ U wm rm.sTpon trary - at Sald tlme leaVe wiU *"> « not
said application at the January Term Jed.
1920. of the Court of Ordinary of Thom- | T
as County. Unless cause Is shown to 1
.Mil be granted,
the «eontrar/. said leave
This the 10th day of December 1919.
Wm. M. JONES. Ordinary.
form applied to the Commissioners
Roads and Revenues of Thomas County.
Georgia, at their regular session in Dec
ember 1919, to have an order passed open-
g a new’ public road herein described
i follows:
Beginning at a point on the Air Line
road near the place of Lucy Graham
(col) and following along
land lot line to lot No. 243 thence dl
gressiug South East across lot No. 243
d 264 to a point on the Pavo road
about 400 yds. North of B. C. Johnson’!
place. Said road is about
long and is bound >
December 2, 1919. " ’ 9
Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary,
Thomas County, Georgia.
lot Nl_. ,
lot Nos. 197 and" 218.
ersnns interested are hereby
fled _ to file objections If any they
Sealed proposals will be received
by the Board of Commissioners of
Roads and Revenues of Thomas coun
ty, Georgia, at the office of said
Board, at the Court House at Thomas
ville, at 2 p. m. on the 6th day of Jan
uary, 1920, for the furnishing of all
labor, material, equipment and other
things necessary for tjie construction
of two and one-half-miles of Federal
Aid Road. Ga. Project No. 99; begin
ning one mile north of the Court
rnlle* House in Thomasville and extending
the" North’by land»for two and one-half miles on the Dis
hy the undersigned, and must be
companied by a certified check
bidders bond for five per cent of I
amount bid.
Bond will he required of the sue]
cessful bidder as required by law.
Right is reserved to reject any or
11 bid# and waive all "formalities.
This the 11th day . of November,
(By) S. L. HEALD, Clerk.
Project Engineer. qflr.
198-217 and 244. on the Smith by
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Mrs. F. L. MacIntyre. Guardian of H.
J.. R. Y , and W. F. MacIntyre, has ap
plied to me for a discharge from
guardianship of H. J.. R. Y., and W,
MacIntyre. This Is therefore, to notify
all persons concerned to file their ob
jections. If any they have, on or before
the first Monday In January next, else
she will be discharged from hei guard
ianship as applied for.
Wm M. JONES. Ordinary.
Thomas County. Georgia.
by the 2nd Tuesday in January 1920 next
with the undersigned as on that date
said application will be heard If no good
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice Is hereby given that Mrs. M. A.
Burgess. Guardian of Charlie L. Duren.
her ward, having applied to me by peti
tion for leave to sell real estate of said
ward, for the purpose of sustenance and
education, 50 acres of land lying and
being In lot No 244 In the 13th district
of Thomas county, Georgia. All parties
concerned are hereby notified that the
same will be heard at the regular Jan
uary 192(» term of the Court of Ordinary
Thomas county. Georgia.
Witness my official sornature, this the
4th day of December 1919.
Wm M. JONES, Ordinary.
Thomas County, Georgia.
Whereas. L. C. Houston. Sr.. Executor
of Mrs. Sarah E. Miller, represents to th#
Court In his petition, duly filed and en*
.... tered on record, that he has fully ad-
he ministered Mrs. Sarah E. Miller’s estate.
e"tlme This Is. therefore, to cite al persons con-
if ar.y cerned, kindred and creditors, to show
be- show cause, if any they have
Thomasville, Oa.. Dec. 11, 1919.
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
Notice is hereby given that A. J. Mills
B. H. Smith. W. L. McMiJIen, et al.,
have In due form applied to the Com
missioners of Roads and Revenues of
Thomas county, Georgia at their regular
session in December 1919 to have an or-
—** 1 — * public road
land line West through lots Nos. 262-245-
21T and 198 Intersecting with Thomas
ville and Merrillville public road at the
A. B. & A. Ry., crossing at the Pink
Duren place.
All persons Interested are hereby noti
fied to file objections If any they have
by the 2nd Tuesday In January 1920 next
with the undersigned as on tl ‘ ‘ ’ ‘
said application will be heard If
»* to the contrary he shown.
S. L. HEALD, Clerk.
le Highway on what is locally knawn
s the Dixie Highway.
Proposals will be received on the
following types of road; one courie
concrete, bituminous macadam, rock
asphalt, and asphaltic concrete on
concrete base. _
The work will consist of the follow
ing approximate quantities:
26,400.0 sq. yds. pavement.
26.400.0 sq. yds. machine grading.
28.12 cu. yds. Class B. concrete In
I will take this method of express
ing our heartfelt gratitude to each,
and everyone who contributed so lib
erally in clothing, toys, fruit and
food. We placed these things where
we knew that there would have been
no Christmas joy without them.
I wish that it could have been pos
sible »for each contributor to have
peeped into the homes of those in the
town and county where the things
which they contributed were placed,
and seen the happiness their thought
fulness had brought to these homes. I
believe, they could have realized more
fully that “It is more blessed to give
than to receive.”
Thanking the people of Thomasv!"e,
Churches, School Classes, Societies iu
every branch of work and also indiv
iduals for their lovely cooperation ill
my work. I am,
Sincerely Yours,
• Special Probation Officer.
Thomasville. Ga.
I wish to express heartfelt thanks
to the good people who were so
good to me during the death of my
dear husband, Mr. S. J. Seilers. Es
pecially do I thank Mr. and Mrs. C.
C. Griffin und many other who were
so kind to us. May our heavenly
Father abundantly bless them all
Lin ft 24-inch Corrugated Iron with his richest blessings and may
* gpod
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
To Whom it May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that appllba-
tion will be made to the Court of Or
dinary of Thomas County, Georgia,
at the first regular terra after the ex
piration of thirty days from this no
tice for leave to sell the land belong-
Said work shall begin on or about
the 20th day of Jan. 1920, and shall be
completed within 150 working days
Plans and specifications are on file
at the office fo this Board at Thomas
ville, Ga., as aforesaid, and at the of
fice of the Btate Highway Engineer,
Atlanta, Ga., and at the office of Frank
Mitchell. County Highway Engineer.
Thomasville. Ga.
Plans can be had at $5.00 per set
and specifications at $1.00 per set at
the oJQce of Frank Mitchell, County
Highwdy Engineer, Thomasville, Ga. will be paid for as the
same progresses, to-wit: 85 per cent
cn the amount done in each calendar
month will be paid between the 10th
and 15th da^ of the succeeding month
and the remaining shall be paid with
in thirty days of final completion and
acceptance. \
Proposals must he submitted on
regular forms which will be supplied
they pray for me and mine.
With unexpressible thanks,
Z. E. Barron, Pastor
Services every Sunday at 11 oclock
a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by pastor.
Sunday school 10 a. m., Lee Bond
Young Men’s Bible Class 10 a. m.
Rev. Z. E. Barron, Teacher.
Young Ladies Bible Class 10 a. m.
Miss Agnes Owens, teacher.
Junior B. Y. P. U. 3:30 p. m. Miss
Mildred Bradshaw, Prest.
Seiiior B. Y. P. Uj 7:00 p. m. Miss
Claudle Richardson, Prest.
Prayer service 8 p. m. Wednesday's.
(All above Georgia time.)
f *
-lO A. M. to 3 P. M., AT
WATT & TUCK FARM, Magnolia Ave., Agoming Magnolia Park,
TT & BRIL Agents