Newspaper Page Text
Legal Advertising
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door in Thomaaville. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for caah the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
stated: M
One house and lot located on 318 South
street, in the city of Thomasville, Ga.
Levied on as the property of Charlie
Wlgglna, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county, in favor of
P. 8. Heeth, T. C. T. C.. and against
Charlie Wiggins, for state and county
taxes for the year 1921.
This the 8th day of March, 1922.
GORDON E. DAVIS. 8heriff.
Thomas County. Georgia.
GEOROIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasville, within
the legal hours of sale on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
In the city of Thomasville. Ga.
Levied on us the property of I. D. Whit
aker, to satisfy h fl fa from the tax
collector of Thotnun county. In favor of
P. 8. Heeth. T. C'. T. C.. and against I. D.
Andrew Ilandell.
This the 8th day of March, 1922.
enunnu ■>- mvia
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
i Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasville, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 11*22. to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One improved lot on Calhoun street.
Levied on as the property of Corn Ram-
bo, to satisfy s fl fa from the tax collec
tor of Thomas county, in favor of P. 8.
Heeth. T. C. T. C„ and against Cora
Rambo. for state and county taxes for
the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
GORDON E. DAVIS. Sheriff..
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasville, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereianfter
year 192L
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
GORDON E. DAVI8, Sheriff.
Thomas County, Oeorgls.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
the Tax Collector of Thomas county, in
favor of P. 8. Heetb. T. C.. T. C., and
against Mrs. Lena Peacock Eat., for 1921
state and county taxes.
This the 9th day of March. 1922.
GORDON K. DAVI8, Sheriff
Thomas County, Georgia
court house door In Tliomuvlll,. within OBOnOfA, Thomas County: *
the leiml hours of sale, on the llrst Tues- will be sold »t nubile outcry before tho
Sr_ y ”u .w . to i he hjehest bidder courthouse door In Thomasville, within
for cadi the following deacrlbed property., the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuei-
u — day in April, 1K22. to the highest bidder
A . O. ItCOlll, 1, v. I. U1IU UHillllOl A. u. I
Whitaker, for state and county taxes for {ton road.
ths year 193L
This Die fth day of March. 1922.
GORDON K. DAVIS. 8herlff.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasville, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April. 1922. to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
In the city of Thomasville, Ga.
Levied on as the property of LHIa
Wyche, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county, in favor of
P. 8. Heeth, T. C. T. C., and against
LlUa Wyche, for state and county taxes
for the year 1921.
This the 8th day of March, 1922.
hahnnv i.' mvm ui.c
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door in Thomasville, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
One-fourth acre of land in lot No. 41,
in the 13th Land District of said county,
located on the extension of Lester street,
in the city of Thomasville, Ga.
Levied on as the property of Annie
Wright, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county. In favor of
P. 8. Heeth, T. C. T. C., arid against An
nie Wright, for state and county taxes
for the year 1921.
This the 8th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court bouse door in Thomasville, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
stated: _ ,
One house on Boulevard.
Levied on as the property of Mary L.
Lawson, to aatlafy n fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county, In favor of
P. S. Heeth. T. C. T. C.. and against
Mary L. Lawson, for state and county
taxes for the year 1921.
This the 8th day of March, 1922.
collector of Thomas county. In favor of
8- Heeth, T. C. T. C., and against J.
A. Minnefleld, for state and county tax
es for the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
GORDON E. DAVIS, Steriff..
Thomas County, Georgia.
Will he sold at public outcry before the
court house door in Thomasvllle, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door in Thomasville. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
tbe authority for same being hereinafter
One house and lot. 433 East Jackson
street. In the city of Thomasville Ga.
Levied on as the property of Jai
Wright, to satisfy a fl fa from the
collector of Thomas county, in favor of
P. 8. Heeth. T. O. T. C.. and against
Jas. E. Wright, for state and county tax
es for tho year 1921.
This the 8th day of March 1922.
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasville within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash, the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One house end lot, 111 Calhoun street,
In the city of Thomaaville, Ga.
Levied on as the property of W. H. Wil
liams. to satisfy a fl fa from tho tax
collector of Thomas county, In favor of
P. 8. Heeth. T. C. T. C., and against W.
H. Williams, for state and county taxes
for the year 1921.
the 8th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County. Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasville, within
the legal hours of sals, on ths first Tues
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for caah tbe following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One vacant lot on School street, In the
dty of Thomasville, Ga.
Levied on as the property of Rheubea
Taylor to aatlafy a ft fa from the tax
odllsctor of Thomas county, In favor of
P. 8. Heetb. T. C T. C.. and against
Rheuben Taylor, for stats and county
taxes for the year 1921.
This ths 8th day of March, 1923.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
W1U be sold at public outcry before the
court house door in Thomaaville. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1923, to ths highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One vacant lot on Eaat Jackson street.
In the city of Thomasville, Ga.
Levied on as the property ol
Salters, to satisfy a fl. fa. froiu — —-
collector of Thomas county. In favor of
P. 8. Heeth, T. C.. T. C., and against
Malcolm Salters, for etate and county
taxes for tho year 1*31.
This the 3th day of March, 1913.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One house and lot located on Stephene
street and Monroe street, in the city of
Thomasville, Ga.
S " ed on as the property of Clarice
Ids estate to satisfy, a fl fa from the
Hector of Thornes county. In favor
S. Heeth, T. C. T. C., and against
» Reynold’s estate, for etate and
r taxes for tbe year 192L
- This the Sth day of March, 1333.
Thomas County, Georgia.
|he authority for tame being hereinafter
Wright street. In the
One vacant lot
lty of Thomasville, Ga.
ns the property of Spencer
Levied ... , w ,. VB ,
Mitchell, to satisfy a fl fa from ths tax
collector of Thomas county, In favor of
P. 8. Heeth. T. C. T. C.. and igSnit
Spencer Mitchell, for state and county
taxes for year 1921.
This the 7th day of March. 1922.
GORDON E. DAVIS. 8herlff„
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasville, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One vacant lot ...
in the c-lty of Thonmnvllle. Ga.
Levied on as the property of Henry
Mills, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax col
lector of Thomas county, in favor of P.
S. Heeth, T. C. T. C., and against Henry
Mills, for state and < ounty taxes for
ear 1921.
This the 7th day of March. 1922.
GORDON E. DAVIS. Sheriff..
East Jackson street,
Thomas County. Georgia.
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
turl house door in Thonmri Me. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922. to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One vacant lot located on West Jack
son street In the city of Thomasville. Qa.
Levied on as the property of Joe Mote-
ly to satisfy n fi fa from the tax collector
of Thomus county, In favor of P.
This the 7th day of March. 1922.
GORDON B. DAVIS, Sheriff..
Thomas County, Georgia.
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door in Thoniuavllle, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April. 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash, the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One vucant lot. No. 64 on East Jackson
Levied on as the property of j
Mayo, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax ool
lector of Thomas county. In favor of P.
8. Heeth, T. C. T. C., and against Annie
Mayo, for state and county taxes for the
year 1921.
This tho 7fh day of March. 1922.
GORDON E. DAVIS. Sheriff..
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasville. within
for cash tho following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One vacant lot on Fletcher street.
Levied on au the property of Amos
Goodman, to satisfy a ft fa from the tax
col lector of Thomas county, in favor of
I*. 8. Heeth, T. C. T. C., and against
Amos Goodman, for state and county
taxes for the year 1931.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasville, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for caah the following described property,
the authority tor same being hereinafter
One house of Wright street and 8th
Levied ....
to satisfy a fl fa from the tax collector
of Thomas county. In favor of P. 8.
Heeth, T. C.. T. C., and against 8usle
Grey, for state and county taxes for the
year 1921.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
nnnnnv u* nimo ov._
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
Will be eold at public outcry before the
court hodse door In Thomasville, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April. 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
ths authority for same being hereinafter
Two vacant lots on 1st avenue and
Wright street
Levied on as the property of Silas Pen
nell estate, to satisfy a ft fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county. In favor of
■ WUlbo Mid at public outcry before tho GEORGIA. Thcma* County:
court botuo door la Thornurm,. within will bo Mid at public outc
for cash the following described property.
the authority for same being hereinafter
Five acres of land tn lot No. 132 In tho
13th Land District of said county.
Levied on no tho property of Andrew
Ran dell, to satisfy a fl fa from tho tax
2? w & r ’ ln , **vor ot
Andrew Randan, for state'’ and
lasso Her tho ysar 1921.
es for the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March, 1933.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public'outcry before the
court house door In Thomasvlllt. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1923, to tho highest bidder
for cash ths Jpllowlng described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One vacant lot In Pear Orchard.
Levied on as the property of Albert
Pletcher, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county, In favor of
P. 8. Heeth, T. C. T. C.. and against
Albert Fletcher, for state and county
taxes, for ths year 1931.
This the 7th day of Mkrch, 1933.
Thomas County, Georgia.
the authority for name being hereinafter
One house and lot, 320 Lowls alley.
Levied on as the property of Mary Car
ter. to satisfy a fl la from the tax collec
tor of Thomas county, In favor ot P. 8.
Heeth, T. C. T. C.. and against Mary
Carter, for state and county taxes for
the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March. 1922.
GORDON E. DAVIS. 8herlff,
Thomas County. Georgia.
GEOROIA, Thomas County.
Will be sold at public outcry before tbe
court house door In Thomanvllle, within
the legal hours of sule, on the first Tues
day in April. 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following deacrlbed property.
the authority for same being hereinafter
One house in Dewey City.
Levied on as the property of Minnie O.
Brown to satisfy a fi fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county, In favor of
P. 8. Heeth. T. C. T. C.. and against
Minnie O. Brown, for state and county
taxes for the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March. 1922.
.GORDON E. DAVIS, Sheriff.
Thomas County. Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County.
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door in Thomasville. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One vacant lot on Wolf street.
Levied on as the property of Hattie
Brown, to satisfy an execution from the
tax collector of Thomas county, Jn favor
of P. 8. Heeth, T. C. T. C.. and against
Hattie Brown, for state and county taxes
for the year 1921.
This the 7th day ot March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In ThomnsviUe, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April. 1922. to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One residence In the Town of Ochlock-
8e. on Railroad street.
Levied on as the property of Mrs. H. A.
Wall, to satisfy a fl. fa. from the tax col
lector of Thomas county, in favor of P.
8. Heeth, T. C. T. C., and against Mrs.
H. A. Wall, for state and county taxes
for the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
for cash, the following described prop
erty, the authority for same being nere-
Inafter stated;
One 8-room house and lot. located at
431 Colton Ave., in the city of Thomas
ville, Ga.
Levied on as the property of Redden
Smith, trustee for children, to satisfy a
fl. fa. from the Tax Collector of Thomas
county, In favor of P. 8. Heeth, T. C*
T. O., and against Redden Smith, trus
tee for children, for state and county
taxes for 1921.
This the 9th day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
Will he sold at public outcry before the
courthouse door In Thomasville. within
the legal hours of sale, on the flrst Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash, the following described prop
erty, the authority for same being here
inafter stated:
M1-3 acres of land in lot N*». 134, It.
the 14th land district of said county,
bounded as follows:
On the west by O . A. Than: .
north by W. S. Odom, on . ast by Gus
Roddenberry, on south by Mrs. Saille
Levied on as the pniperty of
Plumber, to satisfy an fi. fa. from tho
Tax Collector of Thomas county, In fa
vor of P. 8. Heeth. T. C.. r. C.. and
against C. E. Plumber, for state and
county taxes for year 193L
This the 9th day of Marcn, 1922.
GEORGIA. Thomas County.
On Tuesday, ths 4th day of April. 1923. ...
will be sold at the courthouse door be- lows: North by Amanda Smith, east by
tween the lawful hours of sale, lot of Anne Mitchell, south by R. N. Apple-
land located on southwest corner of | white, west by Wright street, fronting
Vine street and East Broad street. In the} about 60 feet on Wright end running
city of Thomaaville,_ Thomas county, j back about 150 feet to line of Anne
as the property of Ed Men*
of 8. Steyerman, or so much thereof as
will be sufficient to satisfy the City Tax
on the city of Thomasville for the year
1921, amounting to 70 cents principal.
Interest and costs, the owner of said land
being unknown.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
A. II. MILTON. City Marshal.
This the 8rh day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasvlllo, within
the legal hours of sale, on ths first Tues
day in Aprii, 1922. to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
Eight acres of land In lot No. 197 In
the 13th Land District of said county
bounded as follows: On the west by Ar-
line road; on the north by the land o.
Lucy Graham; on the east and south by
Lucy Graham.
Levied on as the property of Jas. Ora-^
ham, Jr., to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county. In favor of
P. 8.* Heeth. T. C. —•--*
Graham. Jr., for
for the year 1921.
This 7th day of March. 1922.
GORDON E. DAVI8, Sheriff.
Thomas County, Georgia.
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasville, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922. to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property.
the^ authority for same being hereinafter
.. - - j East Stetson
street 60 feet and running back 250 feet,
being in the Jim Town subdivision of the
Town of Coolldge. Ga.
Levied on as the property of G. W. Up
ton. to satisfy a ft fa from the tax cob
lector of Thomas county. In favor of P,
8. Heeth, T. C. T. C.. and against O. W.
Upton, for state and county taxes for the
year 1921.
This the 7th day of March. 1922.
Thomas County. Georgia.
Will he sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasville. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922. to the highest bidder
for cash the following described proporty,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One brown mule, one blue mule, one
second-hand two-horse wagon.
Levied on as the property of Mrs. T. N.
Bussey, to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county, In favor of
P. S. Heeth, T. C. T. C.. and against
Mrs. T. N. Bussey, for state and county
taxes for the year 1921.
This the 7th day of March. 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEOROIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasville. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in April. 1922, to tbe highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
loots Nos. 13. 14, 16. 18, 17. It, 19. 29.
eight lots in the Bellvlew subdivision of
the city of Boston. Ga.
Levied on as the property of Samuel
. Samms. to satisfy a fl fa from the tax
collector of Thomas county, In favor of
P. 8. Heeth, T. C. T. C., and against
Samuel T. Samms, for state and four
taxes for ths year 1921.
This the 7th day of March. 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
Will he sold at public outcry before the
court bouse door In Thomasville, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
Twenty-five acres of land In lot No. 291.
lying and being In the 18th Land District
of Thomas county, bounded as follows;
North by lands of W. Green; south by
tor of Thomas county. In favor of P. 8.
Heeth. T. C.. T. C.. and against Ben Wil
son. for stats and county taxes for the
year 1*31.
This the 7th day of March, 1923.
Thomas County, Georgia.
outcry before the
court house door In Thomasvlllo, within
tho local hours of Bale, on tho flrst Tues
day in April, 192& to tho highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
ths authority for same being hereinafter
‘a.Oho'M and lot located on 111 Wobo-
t«r atrect.
Pari*, to uturyH
1 nty someth, T^c, T. c.
Da via, for otato and
tax coi-
snty. In favor of P.
and aga
Will be sold at public outcry before the
courthouse door In Thomasville, within
the legal hours of sale, on the llrst Tues
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder
inafter stated:
160 acres of land In tho 13th land dis
trict of said county, bounded as follows:
North by land of W. L. Thigpen, west
and south and oast by J. H. Hancock,
and J. L. Clark.
Levied on as the property of C. L.
Griffin to satisfy a fl. fa. from the Tax
Collector of Thomas county, In favor ot
P. 8. Heeth. T. C., T. C.. and against
C. L. Griffin, for 1921 state and county
This the 9th day of March, 1921
GEOROIA, Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before the
courthouse door in Thomasville. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash, the following described prop
erty. the authority for same living ture-
Inafter stated:
2 acres of city prope*-.v In lot So. 91
In the 14th land district of said county.
Levied on as the property of Neel
Guyton, to sattafy an fi. fa. from tbe
Tax Collector of Thomas county. In favor
of P. 8. Heeth, T. C., T. C., and against
Neel Guyton, for state and county tax-
» for the year 1921.
This the 9th tiny ot March. 1922.
Thomas County. Georgia.
GEORGIA. Thonuis County:
Will be aold at public outcry before the
courthouse door in ThomsHville. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922. to the highest bidder
for cash, the following described prop
erty. the authority for same being here
inafter stated:
2 1-2 acres of land In tot No. 411 In
the 13th land district of sail touuty.
Levied on hh the property of Mary
Hooker Est., to satisfy au fl. fa. 1
Tax Collector of Thomas county,
favor of P. 8. Heeth. T. C., T. C.. and
against Mary Hooker Est.. for state and
county taxes for year 1921.
This the Sth day of March. 1922.
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
Will be sold at public outcry before
the court house door In Thomasville,
within the legal hours of sale, on the
first Tuesday in April, 1922, ;o Die high
est bidder for cash the following describ-
.<*d property, the authority for same being
On Tuesday, the 4th day of April, 1922. hereinafter stated:
will bo sold at tho courthouse door be- / One house and lot located hetw-en the
tween the lawful hours of sale, lot of Intersection of West Calhoun, inner B#»u-
land No. 11 located on Booker St., lajlevard and Short streets, being a Irian-
Hooker Heights In the city of Thomas- I gular lot fronting about *5 feet on West
vllle. Thomas county. Georgia, and: Calhoun and about 1.17 fe-t on Inner
bounded as follows: North by land of (Boulevard and about 105 feet on Short
J. P. Hadley east by land of 8peneer 1 street.
Ha-lley, south by lot No. 12, west by Levied on as the property -*f Walter and
Booker St., fronting 20 feet on Booktr I v Ictorla Gardner, to satisfy a tax execu-
81 and running back 110 feet to land of tton from the City of Thomasville. tor
Sputcer Hadley, or so much thereof as 1 taxes due the City of Thomasvtfle, Ga..
win be sufficient to satisfy tho City ' or the year 1921, and against Waiter and
Tax on the city of Thomasville for the Victoria Gardner,
year 1921, amounting to 7uc prinoipal. In- ‘
terest and costs, the owner of said land
being unknown.
This 7th day of March. 1922.
A. 3. MILTON. City Marsha!
GEORGIA. Thomas County.
On Tuesday, ths 4th day of April. 1931,
land No. 12. located on Booker St.. ...
Booker Heights In the city of Thomae-
Thuman county. Georgia, and
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court houae door In Thomasville. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to tho highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One hundred, eighty-three acres In lot
inuds of Henry Martin; south by *atids
of Madison Hobbs and M. Herndon; east
by lands of .1. T. Sherrod; west by lands
of W. D. WlUls.
Levied on as the property of Mrs. An
nie Prosser to satisfy a fl fa from the
tax collector of Thomas county. In favoi
of P. 8. Heeth, T. C. T. C., and against
Mrs. Annie Prosser, for state ^nd county
taxes for the yeur 1921.
Thin the 7th day of March, 1922.
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
•Will be sold at public outcry before
court house door In ThomnsviUe. within
the legal hours of sale, 011 the first Tues
day In April, 1922. to tho highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
Thirty-three acres of land, more
less, part of lot No. 309 in the 13th Land
District of said county, bounded as fol
lows: On the north by lands of It. C.
Jones and F. C. Carter; south by original
land line, east by lands of John Barrett,
west by lands of F. N. Carter.
Levied on as the property of Jas. Wil
liams, J. D. Gardner. Kcc., to satisfy a
fl fa from the tax collector of Thomas
county, in favor of P. 8. Heeth, T. C. T.
C., and against Jas. Williams, J.
Gardner, Itec., for state and county tax
for the year 1921.
This tho Sth day of March, 1922.
Thomas County, Georgia.
On Tuesday, the 4th day of April. 1922.
ill be sold at the courthouse door be
tween the lawful hours of sale, lots of
land Nos. <3, 14, and 65, located on
Payne St., In Hooker Heights In the
city of Thomasville, Thomas county,
Georgia, and bounded as follows: North
by James Hayes. euMt by Payne St.
south by Will Randall, west by K. B.
Mack, fronting about 150 feet on k Payne
St., und running back about 110 feet to
the Tine of E. E. Mack or so much there
in be sufficient to satisfy the
City Tax on the city of Thomasville tor
the year 1921, amounting to $1.76 prin
cipal, Interest and costs, the owner of
said land being unknow’n.
bounded as follows: North by lot No.
11. east by 8pencer Hadley and Mary
Etta Maxwell south by Gus Martin, west
by Booker St. fronting SO feet on Booker
St. and running back about 110 feet to
the line of ^Spencer Hadley and Mary
year .......
Interest and costs, the owner of sand
land being unknown.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
A. B. MILTON. City Marshal.
GEORGIA. Thomas County.
On Tuesday, the 4th day of April, 1922.
land No. 17, located on Wall
Booker Heights, In the city of Thomas-
vllle* Thomas county. Georgia and
bounded as follows: North by lot No.
2. oast by Everett Franklin, south by
north about 110 feet to line of lot No.
2. or so much thereof us will be suffi
cient to satisfy the City Tax on ths
city of Thomasvlle for the year 1921,
amounting to 70c principal. Interest and
costs, the owner of said land being un
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
A. B. MILTON. City Marshal.
GEORGIA. Thomas County.
On Tuesday, the 4th day of April. 1922,
will be sold at the courthouse door be
tween the lawful hours of sale, lot of
land No. 49, located on Wall St., in Book
er Heights. In the city of Thomaaville,
Thomas county. Georgia, and bounded
as follows: North by Joe Nichols,
east by Archie Coleman, south by Wall
St., west by Payne St., fronting on Wall
St., about 60 foot and running north
along Payne St., about 110 feet to line
of Joe Nichols, or so much thereof
will l»e sufficient to satisfy the City
interest and costa, the
land being unknown.
This the 7*h day of March, 1922.
A. B. MILTON. City Marshal.
3-43 ~ "
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
fin Tuesday, the 4th day of April, 1922.
will be sold at the courthouse door be
tween the lawful hours of sale, lot of
land No. 39. lorated on Payne St.. In
Hooker Heights In the city of Thomas
ville Thomas county. Georglu, and
hounded ms follows: North by Amanda
Williams, east by Llzzio Everett, south
by Geo, W. launnr, west by Payne St.,
and fronting about 5ft feet on Payne St.,
and running east about 110 foot to lino
of Ltxzle Everett, or so muon thereof
as will be sufficient to satisfy the City
Will be sold at public outcry before the
court house door In Thomasville. within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues-
»nwiiiMviiio, Ol., tOT i Ji,
taxes, and against L. J. Reynolds.
This the Ith day of March. 1933.
A. B. MILTON. Marshal.
Thomasville, Ga.
GEORGIA, Thomaa County.
Will be sold at publle outcry before
the courthouse door in Coolldge, Georgia,
within the legal hours of sale, on tha
flrst Tuesday in April. 1923, to the high
est bidder for caah, tha following de
scribed property, the authority for same
being hereinafter stated:
Sixteen and three-tenths acres of land
in the Thirteenth land district of Thom
aa county Georgia, and being In tha
town of Coolldge and bounded aa fol
lows: On the west by ths A., B. A A.
Railroad, on the north by lands of B.
Harrison, on the eaat by lands of Bar
ber, and the Jim Town sub-division, and
" the south by Eaat Stetson street, ao
Carter to satisfy a fl. fa. for town tax
es In favor of A. P. Megahee. Tax Col
lector of town of Coolldge, Georgia, ant
GEORGIA, Thomas County.
Will be sold at public outcry before
the court house door In Coolldge, Ga.,
within the legal hours of sale, oa tho
first Tuesday in April. 1923. to the high
est bidder for cash, the following de
scribed property, the authority for same
being hereinafter stated:
Lot* number 3 and 4 in block 6. and
numbers 1 and 2 In block 6, in the Jim-
Town subdivision of the Town of Cool
ldge. Ga. Levied on as the property of
W. Carter, to satisfy a fl fa for
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder 1 town taxes In favor of A. P. Megahee,
for cash the following described property, I Tax Collector of Town of Coolldge, Oa„
the authority for same being hereinafter! and against Mrs. A. W. Carter.
■tated: , This the 8th day of March. 1922.
A vacant lot on the east side of North' W. H. SHEFFIELD, Marshal.
Hansell street in the City of Thomasville. • Town of Coolldge, Ga.
Thomas county, Ga.. and bounded as fol-1 — —
lows: North by W. E. Gibson: east by! MARSHAL’S SALE
estate of E. M. Mallette; south by Llnnte, GEORGIA. Thomas v'ounty.
Williams: west by Hansell street, front-1 Will he sold at public outcry before
my about fifty feet on North Hansell the court house door In Coolldge, Oa.,
street and running back a uniform width within the legal hours of sale, on tha
a distance of about 65 feet. first Tuesday in April, 1922, to the hlgh-
Levied on as the property of Rosa <*st bidder for cash, the following d«-
Rivtns, to satisfy a fax execution from scribed property, the authority for same
the City of Thomaaville. Ga.. for taxes being hereinafter stated:
due the City of Thomaaville. Ga.. for the I*ot number 5 In block 3. In the Jim-
Town subdivision of the Town of Cool
ldge. Ga.. flouting East Stetson street,
fifty feet and running back one hundred
and fifty feet.
MARSHAL’S SALE. I levied on as the property of Lee Du-
UKORGIA. Thomaa County: ren. to satisfy a fl fa for. town taxes
Will be sold at public outcry before the In favor of A. P. Megahee. Tax Collector
courthouse door In Thomasville, within of Town of Coolldge. Ga., and against
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues- ' ^
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder;
for cash, the following described ntoper- •
fy. the authority for same being herein-j
B. MILTON. City Marshal
_ -. - - west side of
Chestnut stroet In Thomasville, Thomas; GKOKGIA. Thomas County:
county. Georgia, and bounded as follows:, Under and by virtue of a power ot sale
North by Joseph Jerger. Sr., eaat by i vested In the undersigned by a deed
Chestnut street, south by Mitchell and made and delivered to him by Hattie
taura Few, west by W. H. Williams, W’hlte McQuaide, dated December 2,
fronting about 2ft0 feet on Chestnut 192ft. and recorded In the office of the
street and running hack about 150 feet clerk of the Superior Court said county
to line of W. H. Williams. In deed record 3-U, Page One. the un-
Levled on as the property of Jim j derslgned will sell at public sale at the
Mitchell to satisfy an tax execution court house In said county on the 3rd
from the City of TIiomaMville. Georgia, day of April. 1922. before the court house
In favor of City of Tlioniaavide. Georgia, door at Thomasville. said county,
for taxes for year 1921. and .
8th day of March. 1922.
A. B. MILTON. Marshal.
ThotnusvllJe. Ga
Thomas County, Georgia.
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
Will be eold at public outcry before the
courthouse door In Thomasville, within
the legal hours of sals, on tho flrst Tues
day In April. 1923, to the highest bidder
for cash, the following described proper
ty, the authority for same being herein
after stated:
96 acres of Und In ths 13th Und dis
trict of said county, bounded as follows:
North by lands of D. C. Mathews, also
east by D. €. Mathews, west by Mrs.
. L. Mathews, and J. R. Wilson, south
by M. R. Peacock and Shelly Est, and
, a . —, A. Parrish.
JS&ffVSZ'&Sl piSSSf Zff tts
GEORGIA. Thomas County.
On Tuesday, the 4th day ot April, lv22,
will be sold at the courthouse door be
tween the lawful hours of sale, lot ol
Und No. 33, Block “D", located on v inn
street, In the city of Thomasville, T‘
ns county. Georgia, and bounded as fol
lows: North by Vann street, east by
Khett Frasier, south by W. H. Platt,
west by W. H. PUtt, fronting about 60
feet on Vann street, and running back
in a southerly direction about 125 feet,
or as much thereof as will be sufficient
to satisfy the City Tax on the city of
Thomasville for the year 1931, amount
ing to 42 cents principal, Interest and
costs, the owner of said Und being un-
Thls the 7th day of March, 1922.
A. B. MILTON, City Marshal.
GEORGIA. Thomas County.
On Tuesday, the 4th day of April. 1922.
will be Hold at the courthouse door be
tween the lawful hours of sale lot of
land No. ”F*\ Block *‘E”, located on
Teddy street. In the city of Thomasville.
Thomas county. Georgia, and bounded
as follows: North by Cheeney Reed and
Dock McGough, east by Annie M. Smith,
south by Teddy street, west by W. Fein-
berg, fronting about 60 feet on Teddy
street, and running back in a northerly
direction about 110 feet to lands of
Cheeney Reed and Dock McGough, or
so much thereof as will be sufficient to
satisfy the City Tax on the city of
Thomasville for the year 1921. amount
ing to 70 cents principal, Interest and
costs, ths owner of said Und being un
Th!a the 7th day of March, 1923.
A. B. MILTON. City Marahil.
GEORGIA, Thomas County.
On Tuesday, ths 4th day of April, 1933,
will be sold at ths courthouse door be
tween the Uwful hours of sals, lot of
Und located on East Broad street. In
the wlty of Thomasville, Thomaa county,
Georgia, and bounded as follows: North
by ths old City Dump property, east by
East Broad street, south by H. P. Cone,
west by Addis L. Allen, fronting on East
Broad street about M feet and running
back in a westerly direction about 126
feet to the line of Addle L Allen, or so
much thereof aa wlU be sufficient to sat
isfy ths City Tax on ths dty of Thomas
ville for tbe yeas 1931. amounting to
36 cents principal, interest and costa,
tbe owner of said land being unknown
This the 7th day of March,
land being unknown.
Tins ;'»e 7tl» day of March, 1922.
A. B. MILTON. City Marshal. 1
3-51 ~ t
GEORGIA. Thomas County.
On Tuesday, the 4ih day of April. 1922.
will he fold at the rourthoutte door be
tween the lawful hours of sale, Jot of
land No. 60, located on Payne St., In
Hooker Heights In the city of Thomas-
vllle. Thomas county, Georgia, and
hounded mh follows: North by Richard
Taylor, east by Payne St., south by
Governor Reid, west by K. K. Mack
fronting about 60 feet on Payne St., and
running went about 110 feet to the line
of E. K. Mack, or so much thereof us will
he sufficient to satisfy the City Tax 011
tho city of Thomasville for tho ytnr
1921, amounting to 70o principal. Inter
est und costs, the owner of said land be
Ing unknown.
This the 7th day of March, 1922.
A. B. MILTON. City Murshal.
GEORGIA. Thomas Comity.
On Tuesday, the fth day of April. 1922.
*’111 ho sold at the courthouse door be-
ween the lawful hours of sale, .ot of
land No. 55, located on Payne St., In
Booker Heights, in the city of I'homas-
vllle. Thomas county. Georgia, and
bounded as follows: North by Mose
Madison, cast by Payne St., south by
Jot No. 54, west by E. E. Mack, front
ing about 60 feet on Payne St.,
running back west about 110 feet to line
of E. E. Mack, or so much thereof
will be sufficient to satisfy the City
Tax on the city of Thomasville for the
year 1921, amounting to 70c principal. In
terest and costs, the owner of said land
being unknown.
This the 7th day of March. 1922.
A. B. MILTON, dty Marshal
the legal hours of sheriff’s
I to the highest bidder for cash, the fol
lowing described property: All that tract
1 of Und lying in that part of Thoinasvtllo
(known as Fletchervllle in the 13th Land
> District of Thomas county, Georgia, and
known in the plan of said district as part
. • of lot No. 40 and described ns follows:
Will he sold nt public outcry before the Bounded on the northwesterly side by
ourthouse door In Thomasville, within 1 Fletcher street; on the northeasterly side
he legal hours of sale, on the firm Tues- , Ly Bartow street; on tho southeasterly
day In April, 1922, to the highest didder ride by lot of R. B. Linson and a line
for cash, the following described proper- j which Is the extension line of the Lin*
ty. ihe authority for same being herein- son line Is a straight line to the property
after stated: • of Sarah M. Woodson and Lebeua Dekle
One house niul lot located h* 22ft Spiilr, on southwesterly side by lands of
street in Thomusvllle. Thomas county. 8*»rah M. Woodson and Is-beus Dekle;
Georgia, and bounded as follows: North "aid land being a part of that tract of
by SpMlr street, east by Jones Mlnni- land conveyed by W. II. Hammond to
field, south by W. H. Burch, west by O. J Hammond by a deed recorded In
MinnifleUl to satisfy an tax execution I White McQuaide to pay the indebtednei
from the City of Thomasville, Georgia. In referred to In said deed and more par-
favor of City of Thomasville, Georgia, 1 tlcularly described as follows: One note
for 1921 taxes, and against Jones Mlnni-j for |6(V*.0o due twelve months after date;
This the 81 h day of March. 1922.
A. B. MILTON, Marshal.
Thomasville. Ga.
for $600.00 due two years after
date, one note for $600.00 due three
years after date; one note for $500.00 dui
date; one note for $500.-
lue five years after date; one not*
MARSHAL'S 8ALE. J for $12,500 due five years after date; al
GEORGIA, Thomas County: (of "aid notes bearing Interest from dat(
Will he sold at public outcry before the, at 3 per cent per annum and dated I>e-
courthouse door In Thomnsvllhi. within ; ••ember 2, 192o. signed by the said Hat-
tho legal hours of sale, on the first Tues- ; tie While McQuaide. payable to the un
day in April, 1922, to the highest bidder derslgned; In
for cash, the following described proper- "NJ’ on all ot ......
ty. the authority for same being here- deed also provided that failure to
Inafter stated: the principal or Interest on any one of
Lot of land No. 47. located mi Payne "aid notes when due, makes all of the
reet In Booker Heights in toe City of, said notes become due and payable 1m-
Thomasvllle. Thomas county. Georgia, mediately at the option of the holder,
and bounded aa follows: North by Spen- The said T. L. Kooks being now til*
Payne street, fronting about Vi feet oil | tiotes. the said first note above described
Payne street and running back about 1 ‘ n . r . j* n d P»y**
U0 feet to the line of Jacob
Levied on a
jIh to satisfy
City of Thomasville, • leo.'gla.
of City of Thomusvllle, Georgia, for lf»21
k about for *&"«-• having heroine due
1 I’nyUls able, the said Hattie White J
having failed to pay the princip
i.«..«« .v principal on tli*
the properly of lo* NJch- ' "“hie, the said T. L. Rooks hereby exer*
tux execution from the Seises his option and declares ail of said
and payable.
Default having been made by the said
taxes, and against
This the 8th day it Mirch. 1922.
A B. MILTON. Marshal
ThomaHville. «;
1 flattie White McQuaide in the payment
of the first note and the said other note*
remaining unpaid, the entire debt both
I principal and interest is forced to rna*
I turity under the terms of said deed and
j notes and the power of sale contained In
I said deed has become operative. Pro
ceeds of the said sale sale will be ap*
On Tuesday, the Ith duy of April, 1922. j* h* 1 *° 1 ! e J ,a
111 he sold at the courthouse door be- i indebtedm
tween the lawful hours of sale, lot ot J *
land No. 2, local ed on Booker St., In I
Booker Heights in tho city of Thomas- j
vllle. Thomas county, Georgiu. and
bounded its follows: North by Jake!
Mitchell, east by Llge Maxwell, south J
by lots No. 17 and 18. west by Booker
St., fronting about 60 foot on Booker'
and running back about lift feet
id Hattie White McQuaide.
2 Ith day of March, 1922
5EORGIA, Thomas County:
Under and by virtue ot a power of sale
ontained In the security deed executed
Andrew Thompson to the Bank of
GEORGIA. Thomas County.
On Tuesday, the 4th day of April, 1922.
will be sold at the courthouse door be
tween the lawful hours of sale, lot of
land No. 5|, located on Payne 8t., In
(looker Heights In the city of Thomas
ville. Thomas county. Georgia, and
bounded as follow's: North by lot No.
55. east by Payne St., south by W. M.
Parker, west by E. E. Mack, fronting
about 50 feet on Payne 8t., and running
back west about 110 feet to tho tine of
E. E. Mack, or so much thereof as will
be sufficient to satisfy the City Tax on
the city of Thomasville for the year 1921
amounting to 70c principal. Interest and
costs, the owner of said land being un
This 7th day of March, 1922.
A. B. MILTON. City Marshal.
line of Llge Muxwell or so much there- I Poston the 31m duy of October, 1916.
of as will be sufficient to satisfy thr'-—* J J * **-- —* *- ■* *-
t’lty Tax on the city of Thomusvllie, foi
the year 193;, amounting to 70c prin
clpal. Interest and costs, the owner 01
said land being unknown.
This the 7th day of March 1922.
A. B. MILTON. City Marsnal
On Tuesday the 4th day of April, 1J22
will be sold al the courthouse door be
tween the lawful hours of sale, lot of
land No. 18 located on Wall St., in Book
er Heights, In the city of Thomasville.
Thomus county, Georgia, and hounded
us follows: North by lot No. 2. east
by lot No. 17, south by Wall St., west
by Booker St., fronting on Wall 8t .
about 6ft feet and running north about
110 feet to tho line of lot No. 2 or so
much thereof us will be sufficient to sat-
Isfy the Pity Tax on the city of Thom
usvllle for the year 1921, amounting to
70c princtpul. interest and costs, the 1
of said land being unknown.
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
Will be sold ut public outcry before the
urt house door In Thomasville, within
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April. 1922, to the highest bidder
for cash tbe following described property,
the authority for same being hereinafter
One house and lot located at So. 823
North Madison street. Thomasville,
he 7th day of March. 1933.
A. B. MILTON, City Marshal
Thomas county, Ga.. and bounded
follows: North by Elsie Gll-
Wlll be sold at public outcry before the I wore. Chas. B. Savage and Kst.
ourthouse door In Thomanvllle. within « n °- Colvin; east by Madison street; south
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day In April, 1922, to the highest bidder
for caah, the following described proper
ty, the authority for same being herein
after stated:
One lot of land located on south side
of McKinley street, Dewey City of
Thomaaville. Thomaa county. Georgia,
and bounded as follows: North by Mc
Kinley street, east by Lewis and Kate
Freeman, south by Mrs L. J. Quinn,
west by Mrs. B. F. Cochran, fronting
about 60 feet on McKinley atreet and
running back about 110 feet to line off
by W. K. Gibson; west by Miss E,
Wright, fronting about 60 feet on Madi
son street and running back about 150
feet to line of Miss K. J. Wright.
Levied on as the proptrty of P. A. Du-
V* execution from the
City of Thomaaville, Oa.. in favor of City
of Thomasville, Gu.. for 1921 city taxes
and against I*. A. Duhart.
This the 8th day of March. 1923.
A. B. MILTON. Marshal.
Thomasville. Ga.
Record Book 3-P. Foilo 407. the under
signed will soil at public sale, at tbe court
house door in said county, on the 1th day
of April. 1922. during the legal hours of
-.ile, to the highest bidder for cash, the
following property, to-wlt:
All that tract or parcel of land lying
and being In the 13th Land District of
Thomas county. Georgia, and In land lot
number 217, and consisting of 35 acres,
more or less, and bounded as follows:
• >n the north by the Dave Light foot
Williams' lands, and on the west
by Jim Parra more's lands; this to cover
all the described land, except five acres
known a« the laud of Jake Mitchell's ra
pt .
of October. 1918. and imyable on (X’toher
1919, made and executed by the vald
drew Thompson for the principal sum
$275.00, stipulating for Interest from
turity at the rate of 8 per cent. p«r
annum, said note having entered thereof*
credit of $19.37 under date of Nov. 15,
deed. The proceeds of this sale will be
used first to the payment of the $285 srnl
cost of this advertisment. and the bal
ance. If any. will be paid to Andrew
Thompson. A conveyance will be execut
ed to the purchaser by the undersigned
as authorized in said deed.
This 9th day of March. 1932.
By J. U. Merritt, attorney at law for
Bank of Boston.
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
Under and by virtue of a power of sale
In a security deed made end delivered te
Farmers end Merchants Bank. Coolldge,
Thomas county, Georgia, by Lee Duren,
on the 39th day of January, I92i>. and re
corded In office of clerk of Superior Court,
Thomas county. Georgia, in Book 1-8,
Uege 249. undersigned will aell at publio
outcry to the highest bidder for cash 01
flrst Tuesday In February. 1922. befori
court house door (n Thomasville. Thomoi
county, Ga., between legal hours of sale
the following described property
All that tract of land lying and heir* It
the county of Thomas, Bute of Georgia.
■ undred
known as part of lot number One Hund
Mrs. L. J. Quinn. GEORGIA. Thomaa County:
Levied on aa the property of Wm. Har-; Will be sold at public outcry before the
dy to aatlafy an tax execution from ths 1 court house door in Thomasville, within
City of Thomasville. Georgia. In favor > the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues-
of City of Thomasville, Georgia, for 1921 day In «’.prtl, 1922, to the highest bidder
Tity taxes, and against Wm. Hardy. i for cash the following deacrlbed property. ’ Seventy One, la 19th lend district, eon-
! l, »e authority for same being hereinafter i talnlng fifty-two acres, more or less, com-
. . . menctng at the east comer of 'ot run-
I ,5 )n *ol2 t J 2 f *» nd located on tho south »l*g north 9 1-2 degrees east. 34 chains
——; — 7— ® f TwMy street. In the City of Thom- to e cherry tree; thence meet 16 1-3 <te-
MARSHALN6 SALE. ,a*vlMe. Thomas county, Oa.. and bounded' greee. >9 chains end 69 links to e stake:
its follows: North by Teddy street; east thence south 38 chains
biii.v, autrsnai,
Thomasville, Ga
GEORGIA. Thomas County:
Will : ‘
courthouse door ...
(ho legal hours of sals, on the flrst
day In April. 1933, to ths highest bidder
lomaa County: ias follows: North by Teddy street; east thence south 38 chains aad 8# Units te a
at public outcry before the by F. D. ptsmuke; south by corporate (stake; thence east 8 1-3 degress south,
or In Thomxsvlll*. within 1 U»s; west by W. O. Evan a, fronting on. 83 shales aad 68 Uako to starting point.
_ —— -w- - - Tues- 1 Teddy •trest about id feet and running! Shfd land will he said aa property mi
SgjZ - *£JiTVVWl£S£F , 2'V i *t. 1 j&*.* gaSySyt;
nw>'o!di.°o unify* « P 2STf«utlon*from' tCMIlno* on Fu,