The Times-enterprise semi-weekly edition. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1???-????, December 29, 1922, Image 3

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F«'P^ oseWRKMfc iMic>21 — *BM|.Wi«ktV TIMEft-ENTKItPRtSE, THOMAfiVILLE, GEORGIA, PAGE THREE Legal Advertising UtlUiliilM 00 lb* «UU of of J. A. __l ft-Cm th# a*., to lavor . • Grocery Company, m ipM th* lfth day of HmoMt lHt GORDON E. DAVIS. Sheriff. Thomas County, Georgia. ' SHCRIFF** SALE GEORGIA, Thomaa County: Will be sold at nubile: outcry beforeth* court houa* door In Thomasvllle. within th* lcsal hour* of sale, on th* first Tuea- day In January, 1*1*, to th* highest blddet for eaan, th* followlns described property, th* authority for aam* being hereinafter ftitld! On* houa* and lot In th* town of Pavo, Howard Broom and Lavlad Peacock, U , ,, , city court of Thomasvllto'Ga.. In favor of Georgia Northern Railroad and against X). D. Peacock. This tha 10th day of November* INS. GORDON E. DAVIS. Sheriff. Thomas County, Georgia. SHERIFF'S SAL#" GEORGIA, Thomas County: Will be sold at public outcry before the Court House door In Thomasvllle, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday In January 1922, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, the authority * same being hereinafter stated: One 7-horse power Heroules engine. Levied on as the property of W. H. Groover, to satisfy an execution from the City Court of Thomasvllle, Ga., In favor of Wight A Jones Seed Mfg., CO. and against W. H. Groover. This the Ith day of December, 1022. GORDON E. DAVIS, Sheriff, Thomas County, Georgia. SHERIFF'S SALe GEORGIA, Thomas County: Will be sold at public outcry before the Court House door In Thomasvllle, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January, 1121, to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed property, the authority for same being hereinafter stated: One brick store, located In the town of Boston, Ga., on Railroad St., now oc cupied by Heeth and Jarrett, Meat Mar ket. Levied on as the property of J. W. Moody, to satisfy an execution from the City Court of Thomasvllle, Ga., In favor of The Garland Co., and against J. W. Moody. This the Ith day of December, 1922. GORDON B. DAVIS. 8hsriff. Thomas County, Georgia. SHERIFF'S SALE GEORGIA, Thomas County: Will bo sold at public outcry before* ths court house door In Thomasvllle, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues day In Januaiy. 1922, to ths highest bidder for cash, the following described property, the authority for same being hereinafter described: One brick building located In the town of Boston. Ga., on Railroad street, now occupied by Heeth and Jerrett'e meat market. Levied on as the property of J. W. Moody, to satisfy an execution from the City Court of Thomasvllle. Ga. In favor of Continental Works Company and against J. W. Moody. This the 20th day of November. 1922. GORDON E. DAVIS. Sheriff. Thomas County. Georgia. LAND 8ALE STATE of Georgia, County of Thomas: Under and by virtue of a power of sale vested In the undersigned by deed made and delivered to it by William W. Lind sey, dated May tl, 1921, and recorded In the office of the clerk of the superior court of Thomas county, Georgia, In book S-U, Polio 129, the undersigned will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, on the first Tuesday In January, 1922, before the court house door at Thomasvllle, Thomaa county, Georgia, between the legal hours of sheriffs sales, ths following described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the 12th district of the county of Thomas, stats of Georgia, con sulting of one hundred and forty (140) acres, mors or loss. In the northwest cor ner of land 1st Number Three Hundred and Porty-flx (249), bounded north by Unflf of Lanier; Mat by Isndi formerly pwned L * H. B. Beaman and new owned s« -.urpoey and Lanier, being th# hind* whereon William W. Lindsey re sided *t the tlm* of execution of (aid 8ald land will be aold a* the property of **ld William W. Lind**y, to pur the tndebtednes* referred to in aald deed, more particularly described a* folio*,. On* principal note for th* -jm rsf. toon Hundred and tt/H, Jduore, dated WiSlt tSSon fISS October 1. Mil, to January t till, at th* rata of t par cent, per annum: atao one Interest coupon for the sum of One Hundred, Five and 00/100 Dollars, dated May II. lilt, and dua October 1, 1*3. witJi ln*«t„U»r«,n t^n-tjurjlr » t tills prd- 'bVtHraSfi 252^. tine ll.Ot.4S. tocether with th* coat of this proceeding. Default having been made by the siud William W. Lindsey i^LW’LSb.’?*,. ,n «nT25S coupon note still remaining VtnpMd, 'the aald dead and the power of bat* contained In aald daad baa become operative Tha proceed* of aaMml* will bo applied tint to th* payment of laid Indebtedness, and lUmTu't^*^ 4 ETO WU ' In deed book i-B. pay#' MT, tho under- II at public signed will cell at public outcry, to the CITATION hlgivert bidder for each, on flrat Tuesday GEORGIA, Thomaa County: In January. 10M, batbr* court bourn door whS*M. JSZr -* - to ThomagvIUe. between total hour* of tratrtx of taut* < ahortfr* aale*. that city lot In city of &t w M?Sf. 1 ! ' administered W. J. Vaughan estate. t2rtt2taw2t&3 - —i -— , “""evl. cernea, Kinarea ana creditors, to snow it. wMch C °S >< n(HtbMrt ‘^rlS"Sf ffiM Kful?*2, W Sherman Henry'* lot, and running thence her administration ^Sss?" on th * Mon ^ '”’ , “ ro - S& KS _WM L MJONE 8 . Ordinary. Henry's northwest comer; thence along CITATION S'*™*? “*"‘ 7 '* “ortK >*”• **• to OEOROIA. Thomas County: Said land "win be sold aa property of T< Wra! H^PleVt *havbig n fS , ^roper form 2^r,n7^° ISOM si a,;w slsxt cM' Proceed* of ealo will be appUod. first cSdlter?. of 3S1S Hidloy. to be 223 November 27. MM. J. H. FLOWERS. LAND tALC witness my band and official signature. lereas. on March 21, MM, Wm. M. this December t' 1*22. »o “ hit nrtiNi *pronl! Jory £57f5 &&T2 W2L M. J0.NE8. OrdUmry. gather with bis security deed ,to secure •CITATION •ame to thajtollowlng land In the towp OEOROIA, Thomae CdUKtSrt of Coolldge. Thomaa county, Oeorgla, to- To Wbom It . May Concern: Lot number t In Block No. 1. In 8tana- Gardner, admbtlrtrator (dTl*'iWohnsom land's weet side eunrey atao: diSiiS. taVlSr Wplled to m* hrlSvi number* 1 and J In Block 12 aur- to sell the land of aald dBceased; all hairs 'ZJ&SE&l r,:'nnd«. ,n Block A m survey of town of Coolldge Lot* numbers t and 4 In Block IT eur- vey of town of Coolldge. Lota numbers 1, 1, I and 4 In Block I, survey of town of Coolldge. And whereas said not* Is past dua and balance of 1100.04, principal, beside* Interest, la unpaid, and whereas aald deed, recorded In Book 1-V, page 180. office Clerk of Superior Court, Thorns, Dave'kindred t* the > Harvard? late bf said county, fids la to cite all «nd singular, the next at kin and cradltom. of Dave Harvard, to be and ap pear at my office within- th4 am* allowed by law, and show causa, 4 any they can, why admlnfstratldn ehould not ba granted to R. O. Harvard on Mid estate Witness my land and official slgnatura, this December «, lltl. WM. 1L JONES, Ordinary. aanto to the oourt in her petition, duly they can, why administration should 1 be granted to Wm. H. Platt, estate. OEOROIA, Thomas County: county, Oeorgla, and tha laws so provide, To Whom It May Concern: Sm nn <|®J* , » n * a . “ .executor of the last Notice la hereby given that J. C. Wood, yil “ n A te * t n, nlen , t , °L Mar ? El c i lAwrlo, ham, administrator of Llddla Maaal. . d **f lb *2 Eeett, deceased, having applied to mo for !h2 d IP . hour * °f “I*. »l> leave to sell the land of said deceased; all ths first Tuesday in January, 1922, bl* heirs at law and creditors of tho ■« to^h?hSJ^ h *ni^tiJ2VM4i Th< V ma8vl,, w Lld , dl * Mm « u Scott, deceased, will take h 5i.%Kv^l fui 5*** b i dd6r for notice that I will pan upon aald appllca- •’too** - *, “ provide tloif at the January term 1M1, of the !/l “ o* 1 Oeorgla—all Court of Ordinary of Thomas County, and undersigned exer- that unless cause Is shown to the con- *’ ower °f attorney granted In trary at tha laid Um* said leave will be ssld deed. granted. This Ith day of December. 1122. W. H. ROCKWELL, WM. M. JONES, Ordinary Ehcecutor of the laet will and testament ® -yw^wrainary. of Mary E. C. Lawrle. deceased. CITATION GEORGIA, Thomas County: To Whom It May Concern: Mrs. S. L. Hayes, having mado applica tion to me in due form for the appoint ment of a permanent administrator upon the estate of Wm. M. Miller, late of said county; notice la hereby given that aald application will bo heard It the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, to be held on the first Monday In January, 1922. thrssrmM mS 4 o “ c “ • tan “ ur *- WM. M. JONES. Ordinary. Und,r and by vlrtn, 6f a power of aale verted |n W. P. Sparks, his heirs end assigns, by deed made and delivered to ‘ h ® “M W. P. Sparks, by J. R. Dormlney, dated the llth day of November, Ml#, end recorded In the office of tho clerk of the superior court of Thomas county, ?®onrta. on tha 20th day of November. MM. In deed record ''2-R" at page — tha undersigned, heirs and legatee*, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder foroart. on tha first Tuesday In January, 19U, before the court house door in Thom- nsvllle, said county, between the legal hour* of sheriff's seise, th* following property, to-wlt: All that tract or parcel of lend situate: Ivlin and being In tho llth district ot Thomee county, Georgia, and In land lot No- *«5. djecrlbed an followa: Beginning at the northeast corner of said lot and running west on tho north lino thirty-six and five one-hundredths (I4-I/100) chains: thence along the dividing lino be- twoon thin tract and L. L. Vann'* land southward to the publlo road; thence west along said road four and seven-tenths ;4.7V chain* to tho northeast corner of tho O'Neal lend; thence a little westward tn0 * un < to the bank offering tt eouth along tha ssld O’Neal lend twenty- *">?unt of Interest on monthly balances four and two-tenths (24.2) chains to the » ni5 who nhnll furnish bond In aoma lino running oast and west which divides "curlty company authorised to do hurt- tha lot; thence along said line forty-eight •J** •“ tkl* atato. In tho aum heretofore and seventy-nine one-hundredths CIS 7*1 d* v ® n by tha Treasurer of said County, chains to tho out line; thence north ! h ® premium on which bond shall be paid ——* ' by the County, uld bond paynblo to tho ~ ‘ ‘ of aald County, heretofore given NOTICE OF ELECTION OF COUNTY DEPOSITORY. Thomuvillo, O*.. Nov. 2#, MM. In compliance with Section 1 of the Act approved Aug.. 17th Ml*, which read* as follows: "That uld Commissioners, prior to the 1st day of January M17. and biennially thereafter, shall glva thirty days notlca by publication In the official organ of aald County, Inviting proponla In any chartered bank In aald County for tho ufo keeping and disbursement of th* County funds of uld County for tho next succeeding two years, end ehell award the same to tho bank offering the largest per^numj yjeo aO cpenaa* : Uvered to tho ^nSartWed/b being ll.433.Cfl. 1 ANCB COMPANY. LAND SALE OEOROIA. Thome* County; Under And by virtu* of a power of aale vested In th* undersigned by dud mad* and raeordad In Offlce of dark of super- ■ell at public outcry, to tha high eat hid der for oash. on first Tuesday In Janu ary. till, before court bouba door In Md*w55ert«BKnSSSS5? said land win be aoM si til* : CEORQTA. — P“ b "? known u th. Turner puSJ The trnot hereby conveyed contain, on* .® nd fity-two and nlne-tenthe (182.9) scree, more or lain, ^ ,ll J- b * .*° ,d “ ,h ® I*nd of the uld J. R. Dormlney to pay tha In- debedness referred to In uld deed, and PartleuleMy described sa follows; un* not* dated November M, MM. and it uium m*? VL"' ( or tb ® Principal sum J2' » nd Peering Interest from Its £5 of ® l * h i <•> pen cent !5* •“»“»* of Interest being “ “I* *econd day of January. M2I, Therefore, notice la hereby given that the County Commissioners at the regular meeting In January 1922 will proceed to the selection of a County Depository as required by the above quoted law. HOMER WILLIAMS. _ _ Chairman. 8. L. HEALD, Clerk County Commissioners. * APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF ^ CHARTER GEORGIA, Thomas County: To tho Honorable Superior Court of Said County: ‘ the date of sale, belni 2274.26. the total m - amount due being the principal and in- The Petition of Kirby Planing Mill Com- tereet, together with the cost of this pro- P* n y» iwoctfully shows: CSMlnir evneaee.A I. I-a r . Fll*tt . Heretofore, to-wlt, on tho i»" ' Thomee county. Georgia for tho full termoftwerity (l(r) year* thereafter, with tb* right of succession. _ Second POtllloner represents that Its uld char ter will expire on tha lith day of January, «P™“® d In uld note and „ First deed. Default having been made In the . Heretofore, to-wlt, on the i" payment of uld note, the - * .... m ,,r ; r-f./i - •*' t-jr.toiy.unto'CTlf W^P^arka object af th* oorpor- auon, mat may aum desirable. Fifth Petitioners desire that aald corporation, shall have tha right, power and authority to buy, own, hold and sell stock In other coraoratlona within the limitations per mitted by tha laws In regard thereto; to b«y r brtd. *w«r and esO real eetets for the nui nnses of the. corporation, and to SmtoaZ STotoer fln“ ciil |*n»l and to pledge *11 property by ige. aeurity dead or othorwiw. as may boomno d*atrabl* la th* conduct *1 It* hualnua gnd to 4* any and all of tha ktik and engagd In any and Nr of tho enterprises as set out In this petition. SIXTH toWfS^^^XOTM divided Into shnru of the per value' ot One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars each, but petitioners desire the right to tneread* aald capital stock to an amount not ax. eoedlng One Hundred Thousand (tlOO.MO.- 00) Dollara at any tlm# when aUHtoHs.'d by a majority of the atook than outstand ing. More than ten (10%) per cant dt uld capital stock hu already bun paid SEVENTH Petitioners desire that th* corporation he granted all of the privilege* and b*n*r ntf «f th* l»W» ?f tha atot* of Georgia, for tho benefit ot and applicable to cor porations of this character, and that there shall be no liability of any stock holder to tho corporation or Its creditors of any unpaid suU- lucn stockholders, ty to bo —r— — — r —— «.«. Jie name entitled to the rights, privileges ana* Immunities, and subject to the liabilities fixed by law. H. H. MERRY. Attorney for Ptltlonere. GEORQ 1 ^, Thomaa County: H. F. Groover, deputy clerk of 8u- Shl* sfc 00 ' ot i County, certify MVM^'Si'BSSSo^roSU ficlal Mai, this De- H. F. GROOVER. Deputy Clerk. UNITY Mr- and Mrs- J. W. Price are all raflea oyar tiw arrival of a fine baby girl at their home. Mr. Dixie Williford of Evergreen community called on Mr. J. C, Me Donald one day last week. Friends of Mr. and Mra. J. R. Smith and family are sorry to learn ot their moving from our communitv, they have moved back to their oid home place at Fitzgerald, Ga. Mr. and Mr*. Clifton Jordan and ^y^nt Sunday with Hr. and Mra A. W. Riley and family. Mra. Mandy Cox spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John L. Walker near Quitman. • Mr. E. J; Brooks and family of below Boston were welcome visitors in this community Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Gandy and baby are •ending Christmas with Mrs. J. C. cDonald and family. Mr. George Stansell spent Christ mas with Mr. J. C. McDonald. Miss Willie Lee Cox spent Sunday morning with Mias Effie Dixon. Mr. Will Ansley of near Pine Park passed through this community Mon day afternoon. Mr. and Mra. J. L. Walker passed through this community Monday p. DILLON Mr. B. F. White made a business trip to Waycross Tuesday. Miss Florence Lawhorn spent lait Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Oselle Hancock. Miss Ruth Lawler and Miss Lola Duren spent Saturday night and Sun day with Miss Elizabeth Duren. The sing, given at the home of Mra. Lula Burkbalt Saturday night was enjoyed by all present. We aro glad to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hough as residents of Dll- Ion. Quite a number of our young people attended preaching services at Now Shlloab, Sunday. Mr. Tom Duren made a professional call on Miss Ozelle Hancoc! Sunday afternoon Mr. Johnnie Hough was a dinner ji I A New Live Stock Business For Thomasville Just received two car loads 2- 5—2 of the very best Tennessee Mules that can be bought They are Bought Right and be Sold Right Will We have them suitable for every purpose. Come in and look them over and get acquainted whether you are reddy to buy or not. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Oliver Live Stock Company THOMASVILLE, GA. W. E. OLIVER, Proprietor Located in the Old Thomasville Live Stock Company’s Barn TUESDAY'S LOCALS Mr. W. H. Lester, ol Washington, D. C., wsb among tho visitors here for tho holidays. Miss Helen Moller, of Sholbyvllle. 111., Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Moller. Rev. and Mra. Robert T. Wallace, of Dothan, Ala., are the guests ot rala- charter war amended by order of the Superior Court of Thomaa county, Geor< —, £*». November 25th, 1205, and lti mini- Tb Whom It May Concern; sspttjU was thereby fixed at fifty .kL. Slven that W. W. 2*®““*, <M®,9°9.90> dollars, with tho 0. wUaon. ^ o. H. Wilson, the eome to not over MdmtoiktvwfM*. rt# t «» - ’ two hundred thousand (2200,000.00) dol- Fourth Petitioner desires a renewal of Its aald charter as so amended and la aet out In tho Sa admlntfetrators of J. W. 'wilwjn. de- , ceoae^, haylnsr applied to mo by petition aafc s?. rtidT^'wiiit m4 Cfleeed. will take notice that f!J?5' “ Id application at the January term, 1421, of too Oourt of Ordinary of SSfW countyi aad that unl« fi <on,r * , T' ataald time, saw Dmata!. I4lf““ 4 - Tb " Oay " W2I. M. JONES, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Thomaa Counts: To Whom. It May Concern: tvnlilf* t h • , ’ ren th *t W. W. Wilson, J. o. WUson and O. H. Wilson, aa admlnletratore ot J. W. Wilson, late '®V* d - Tjn take notice that I wifi pass ”P° n ■aw apptt^tlon at tha January .TD^'hJ m i.^.^^ Thl * WH E JONES, Ordinary. ■ CITATION tFM. M. >ONSS, Ordinary. Prr ; of superior court ot Thomas couty - V *V *! • ' ' (20) years Petitioner attaches hereto.* certified abstract from the minutes of tho cor poration showing that th* application for renewal has been authorised by proper corporate action. WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays an or der granting th* ranawal of aald charter tor twenty (M) years, to take effect from date of expiration of tho old charter. KIRBY PLANING MILL COMPANY. L. S. bfoore. Attorney for Prtltlontr. GEORGIA. Thomaa County: I, Oscar Groover, do certify that I am clerk of tha Superior Court of Thomas county, Georgia, and that the foregoing K UUon for renewal of Its charter by rby Planing Mill Company la a true 5? 4 fiif !r£..“o%£ th * ^ ^ : ' OSCAR GROOVER, CNriL^Superior Court, Thomaa County. „__„„J*ITIpN FQR CHARTER GEORGIA, Thomas County: To too Superior Court of Bald County: The petition of H. R Brandon, E. R. *» nd o , >. D. I. Brandon. F. Y. BpelgBt add H. B. Fuller, all of Thomas county, Georgia, respectfully shows: That they desire for themselves and thalr associates and successors to ha In corporated and mad* a body politic under BMP® *”A rtrl* of BRANDON ORO- OTRT COMPANY, for a period of twenty (t*> years, with th* privilege of amend ment, renewal, sufrapder and dissolution of the charter. guests at the home of Mr. Georgs u ™ here lor a * h ° rt tlme ‘ Davis, Sunday. Master Carl Tucker has been Very sick, but we are glad to aay that he is better at this writing. A wedding of much Interest was that ot Miss Grace Lawhorn and Mr. Allen L. Richard, which occurred ot the home of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lawhead, Wednesday afternoon at 6:30 o'clock. They will remain In this community through the Christmas holidays, after which they will moke their future home at Juni per, FIs. Congratulations are extend ed to them throughout this communl- ty, and we wish tme a long and happy wedded life. Whaleakln Valuable. Whaleaklu I* so thick that It can be ■pllt Into several layers, each as stout at ox hide, anil It It excellent for mak ing' boot's, bags, harness or belling. The Usefulness of the whale In this respect la not confined to hla outer (kin. Th# stomach furnishes a leather as aoft and as strong aa tha 'beat kid. Another Important thing abont tha whale fa that the whole of his sktn I* good. The aklnf of cow* horses and other land animats famish a com paratively Hull quantity of It for only certain portions of the ere of th* right quality. ■KuhbZSnSI platoa of bnalnert within aald state or etoewher# whenever It may seem destr- Itm object of •Ud'corporatloh la pe- cuhlary gain for Hseir and Its aharehold- y ' '• P6UHTH [The business to ha carried on by said ■fe kinds end deaMS of au- and generally to engage In any NOW CURING MEAT flflity fcir eyoy- RATE; 2c for 40 days. We ^uy r m^at for ;G Miss VaiiLhndlnglmm and Mr Wh. Searcy, of Cairo, visited friend* hero yesterday. Mr. Jesae Newton, who is with the Atlanta Georgian is in the city today with relatives and friend*. Miss Dotty Monroo, of Quincy, spent a port of Sunday here with friends. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hall and Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Solomon, Jr., of Mocon, wore among tho visitors hero for a short time Sundiy. Mrs. W. E. Harrison, ot Atlanta, arrived today to be the guest of her slater, Mrs. Luke Langford, for the remainder of the holiday*. Mra. J. C. Neel, Miss Dalay Neel end Mlsa Martha Neel are (pending the holidays with relatives In Waycross. Mr. and Mrs. Juno Balloy and daughters left today for Macon, after spending Christmas with Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Culpepper. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sparks have returned from Washington, Qa^ where they (pent the holidays with Mrs. Spark's mother, Mrs. Pharr. !M«ssra. Joo Palmer and Joe Tup nor have returned home for the hol idays from Atlanta, where they are students at tha Georgia Tech. Mr. Roecoe Newton, a former ThomssvlUo resident, end htt wife are spending the holidays with rela tives here. Mr. end Mrs. Fred Eanior left to day for Qteir home In Jacksonville after (pending a abort time here with ! Mr. and Mra. Joe Mitchell, at their country place.' i Dr. and Mra. W. U Story and Mra W. B. Dasher, ot Aahbum. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. ' Cooper and family for ths Christmas i holidays. j Mrs. Bar hart Smith wag called ts Marietta yesterday, by the death ot hat father, tho. end joomlng very sud4enly. friend* here sympathise -glib tag tt this great bereavement. WEDNESDAYS LOCALS Mr. J. H. Harris, of Cairo, spent yes terday in Thomasvllle. Mr. W. B. Fincher, of Cairo, was a visitor in the city today. Mr and Mrs. L. B. Jones, of Shell- man, are visitors In the city tor a short time. Miss Virginia Cochran and Mis. June Seibert urn the guests of Miss Miriam Johnson In Montlcello. Mr. Frank Cochran, of Winter Haven, Fla.. 1s visiting Mr. and Mrs W. E. Cochran on South Broad street Mr. G. A. Brasington and son, of Macon, were among tho visitors here yestorday for a sbo: I time. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Pittman, of Valdosta, were among th© visitors hero for a short time yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Hurst, of Camil la, are spending a short time In the city. Mr. George Baker Is spending a week during the holidays visiting THURSDAY’S LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Shafer, of Savan nah, Ga., are spending the holidays with their daughter, Mra. J. W. Macey. Rev. and Mrs. Robert T. Wallace re turned to Dothan, Ala., Ibis morning, after spending a few days with rela tives hero. Mrs. II. R. Rainey and daughter, Mls» ltutli Rainey, arrived this week from Petersburg to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Spence. Mr. and Mrs. J. B Jemlson and Miss Jcmison returned yesterday from Mo con, where they spent the holiduys with relatives. •Miss Susie Swnln, of Waycross, U here for u short time, tho guest ot her sister, Mrs. C. O. Hinson, on Fletcher street. Miss Elizabeth Way returned this morning from Barlow, Fla., where she spent the Christmas holidays with rep atives. Mrs. F. H. Powers and little daugh ter, of Macon, are here for the re- malnder of the holiday season with Mrs. Powers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Way. Mrs. J. R. Cotton, of Albany, spent a short time hero this week with whom friends In Jacksonville and Brunswick. I friends and relatives, all were delighted to see her again, even Mr. "Ted" Porter, of Charleston, S. C., is spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Davis Parter. Mr. T. H. Jordon, of Albany, among th* visitors spending a short tlmo In the city on business Mr. Bob MoCormack, of Albany, with a party of friends spent yester day here. Mr. B. E. Etsrldge Is visiting his parents near the city. Mr. Estrldge It an old Thomasville boy, now living In Brunswick. Phone 044, or write for appointment to have your */** examined. Get gleeefl 'thkt ere correct, give comfort and look well, af t-awhesa. Mr. and Mrs.' t. B. Chisholm re turned to their kett* in Valdosta, ye» terday after spending the bolldayi with relatives here. Mies Vinte Stuart left this afternoon for Savannah, where she will spend the remainder ot the holidays with relatives.' Mr. and Mrs. (V 8. Woodward, ol Pensoooia, motored to Thomasvllle this week to spend » short time with Mr. on* Mrs; 4. W. Moller. Mrs. MaCbesney Jewries and J{o Chesney. Jeffries, .Jr, are "expected jo arrive :thl*. afternoon to upend home time wttb -Mrs.- Jeffrie*, mother, Miw Jams* Watt * for a short time. Mrs. M. E. Winchester and little daughter, Evelyn, left this morning for Jacksonville, where they will vlrit Mrs. Winchester's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Dixon. Mrs. S. Sampson, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bnckelew and son left this morning In their car to visit Dr. and Mrs. B. H. Sanchez, at Plant City and other points In Florida. They will be gone for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Moody and Mr. .Rufus Odom, of Dothan, Ala., have re turned home after spending the holi days with their mother, Mrs. E. & Ran dolph. at 4X1 West Jackson street- They were accompanied by Mlse Ruby Odom, who goes to Dothan (or a short. visit Judge C. T. Gandy returned home this morning from Colnmh 1 *, Tenn, where he and Mr*. Gandy have be« spending the holiday* w ih thelf daughter, Mrs. II. E. Riot .-for. who they found very lit Mrs. Gandy re mained with her daughter lor a few days. William Goreqi of tht* Brl iglitg up Father Company; wai & te ty yeitaiv day, making glong for the appearance ot the show at Ue Grand Thursday, and attractive lines. R wU douhUrw drew a Mg crowd a* usual.