Newspaper Page Text
Fla Weekly Times-Enterprise,
John Triplett, Editor and Manager.
Saturday, January 7th, 1893,
A single maich wo.pld set., Europe
Into a blare. * ; >
The usual bloodless French" 3'uel
took place yesterday.
Speaker Crisp is confined to his
room by a severe cold;* ; t.
General P. M. B. Young is spoken
ol as minister to Mexica,
It is said that Mercer University at
Macon is financially embarrassed. b
The negroes “celebrated emancipa
tion day very, genejraUy on »Monday.
Savannah revels in NJrtberg morn-
ing^dailics, of the day before, at*£arly
breakfast. > *,«- ' ;• 3 l *
The men wh6 wrecked ‘th’e Iron
Hall are being arrested in‘different
pans at the fpnti>i^^
*” Bonrke Cochran sij»s > and says *h
never did want the NeV YorV t^cna-
torship. Bourke is nothing*if not
modest. • F
Heaven vs. Hades.
•vihrone, of Atlanta, having
zed fcr sajirg' in ajsefmoo
that Jay^^j dtd not go to heav.n^
aWudtd to ^knaiter.on Sunday again;
He referred t^be^difacultics which
ministers ercouWK painting the
Ceauti^and gloryV//\ eni aod . de .
picting the honors oT -
K^terring to the min^ \ cr ’ Kf ^
“If he could exhibit a sp!
the gold with which the streets’
cn are paved, every eye would
ed upon him, every car could be
to hear ai.d every utterance of h's Ii|
wou’d be as sweet as the fabled * nee*
tar with which the gods regaled them
selves. N& building would accommo
date the multitudes that would ,ga her
»o he^r him, and ihe highest bidder
for the choicest seats in. his. church
would be the most hungry and rap*- "same thing s'J
cious commercial shark in the comma
nity. : - ’ ? ?'
“If I could convince the people that
heaven was a place of material rea#,
ties and sensuous delights—If I could
show them a specimen of precidbs
coin bearing the imago-and superscript
non .of some celestial hierarchy, 1 * 'or
give them a taste of some; celestial
The democrats, according .to tale
graphic- reports’, iwept everything
throughout the state in Wednesday's
election. ; V
Mr. Cleveland nced'nqijjoihef him
self any further about a cabinet; the
New York Herald has fixed one op
for him. Ibis .is real kind of the Her
Congress inee\a again to-day.
Much is to be d mo between ihts and
tbs 4ih of March, at which time the
52ud congress expires uy legui limits
tiOH. . 4 imr > v* ♦- * •
Mexico has another revolution oi
hand. This however, will not sur
prise any one Th*»e revouti**n
break out generally about thin into o
year. "-<• * • ~
The New Year has father
look for several European
Muiterings and discontent, war c ouds
and dynamite, make up rather a bad
Governor elect Mitchell, of Florida,
was formally inducted into office
yesterday at the capital in Tallahas
see. .Thousands of Floridi&Ds were
in the city. *
As yet Mr. Carli!se is about tbe
only man upon whom all havaagreed
fir a cabinet place. _Tha secretary
ship of the treasury is at -the Ken
tuckian’s disposal.
The New York world fays the si
words which wcuUl cbme Df-are-t’ t
giving a summary ol" the past vi-hj
are Cleveland, Corbett, Crr.ktr, O
lurobus, Chicago and cholera.
Tuacott, the muchly hunted young;
man who is accused of killing million
lira Snell in Chicago a few years ago,
turned up in thrle places, Alaska,
Denver and Spokane falls in one day
last week.
“Society” did not receive in Wash
ington on New Years day. The.prcsi
dent could not receive^on . account of
the case of ecitln/ev/rgi the. White
house) and so fashtonab’e “sassiety’
followed sou. .
“I am innocent, your bbnor.
Heaven is my witness.”
“I am 6orry,” returned the sympa
thetic justice. “Your 'witness ii
beyond the jurisdiction of the court.
Five years,”—’a Bazar,
Harrison’s vote ’ was ’rfurprisiugly
small. He received a majority in
only seven states, viz: Maine, Ma*
chqsettes, Vermont,'Rhode Island,
Now Hampshire, Pennsylvania and
Wyoming. H»w the great’* republi
can party has “swank.”
The government will hardly make
another appropriation tb Carry on
experiments in producing
Uncle Sam U too shore, just now,
indnlge in the luxury or experimente.
It takes about all his loose change to
satisfy the pension sharks.
Spokane. Wash , Jan. 2 —A snow
plow was wrecked yesterday on the
line of the Great Northern. Four
lives were lost. The disaster occurred
near Java station, sixty miles east ot
Kalispel, Mont. The plow wa3stand
ing on the track and was struck by
an avalanche, which came’ down tbe
■HI-; mountain.
We endorse ihe iollowiqg from the
Constitntion: "Charley Pendleton,
of the Valdosta Times, is the coming
man for 'Congress from the new
eleventh ^should Mr. Turner be taken
into the cabinet or elevated to the
supreme bench. Charley deserv.B
well of tbe democracy and would make
a splendid 'yoke-fellow-for Editor-
Congressman Sen Russell. - -
r Mi., Susan B. Anthony .beljevea
That America is "on the.vcrge of an
erf of unmarried women.' because
. young men do not earn enough money
to, support theis. wives, and there is
* subh a craze for-dissipation Among
Bh ehem that a woman would rather go
into a store for almost nothing than jo
marry.” * . ,
Fie; Susan, you don’t known what
you’ro talking about. Your picture
in the ordinary's offices will Ebow.
Control of the Sonata
Washington, Jao. 3—Chairman
Carter's addussmn that the republicans
w^uld not get the senator from Mon
tana was bad news alike for the reptib-
licaus, who were trying to retain the
control of the senate for the sake of
ihe.friends they have in the senate of
fices, and the democrats, of whom
there are a few, who would rather
have the senate under republican coo-
trol, so that Mr. Cleveland’s policies
might not be enacted into legislation,
nator Carlisle, who is a member of
democratic caucus committee, be.
that there can now be no ques-
„hat the democrats will control
,h ®€ Bqizition of ihe senate, and
thatYf ^-contain a majority in favor
of tanMsim, Some of the mem
ber! of tiwCWinblican , caucus com
mittee are X. gitimr. privately, the
It does not Badgersville, N. C., o— Tuesday.
brave sheriff and 75 determined , men
defended a murderer with their lives!
I The Augusta 1
neat election font
idatura: - •
•The-fight for then
Soldiers' home ■ by the s
.yet beeo.giwn.-ap; *s wee 1
when the last session defeated the!
drink, akin to-, their favorite, eafiiily Advocates.of ; the homo agree that
b-verage—I should ueverhave cause
10 complain of Jistlrss congregafiofif
be properly presented before
the penpletoTGeorgia in the - election
.ol ,ltm>y attended prayer meetings; snejnrity of
or ol a lack of money in the churtfh
treasury, for any benevolent purpefefe.
It I could convince them that *b<^r
is a place ot material .rcalitiet; if, 1
cou^d show them even a spark of :lhi'
flame in w’ ich Dives ‘lifted -up his
eyes/ there would be more -penitents
than I could talk to, and more - bap
asms than I should have the physical
strength to administer.
A Novel Demonstration.
The colored democrat, of this city*
ffictatly issued " « - 7. preliminary investigation of I
have (•ffictall/ issued a call for all
colored democrats ol the state to meet
for organization in Savannah on Fri<
lay, Jan ?7, 1893. Prof. A A
Gordon, of Macon, the fiver trngudd
orator and editor of the Advocate,
colored democratic organ, will speaks
•>n the evil9 of the high tarifl measure
• >n the night of the first day’s session
The citizens are earnestly requested
to encourage this Convention in every
way possible. In this meeting the
fact will be publicly made known'
that in Chicago, where five thousand
hands are employed on the world’
fair buildings, not a single negro’s
name can be fouud*on the.’ *payrolls.
This seems to be the sUt^, of .tftflairs
in all of the republican states.
In the suany south the negrois
employed iu almost every capacity.
Negroes are filling places to day in
Savannah that white men would be
glad to get.—Savannah Press.
preliminary investigation of the
HenklevWorsham tragedy . to day
J udge* J. fe’ w a thews commuted both
J. B. and A. B. Hinkle to jail for tnur-
(ler. The^rand jury meets nextMon-
dav,^whe)i true bills against both the
Hmklcs fbr murder will doubtless be
promptly returned. To-day the pub
lic was. excluded from the trial. Bad
itfiotbeenso doubdess many who
are to-night qualified jurors would
now be disqualified from having heard
the evidence under oath. The result
of to'day’s hearing has not 'tended
lesson the general belief that both ihe
pnsoners are guilty ot murder in the
first degree.
Mr .Blaine’s Condition.'
HiNGTON, Juu. 2 ;‘Mr.
Blaine is much betfer,” said Dr-
J ;hnHton this evening
‘ Mr. Blaine is a IiUe better,”, said
an attendant at the door of Mr.
Blaine’s residence at a late hour.*
When asked if Mr. Blaine sat up,any
yet, Dr. Johnston replied in the-neg
ative. It is now fourteen days since
Mr. Blaine suffered the relapse which
many ot his intimate friends feared
would speedily prove fatal. That .he
has lived the old year and witnessed
the coming of another year is surpxis*
ing to nuy who have means of know*
fug just how-ill Mr. Blaiuc La's, been
and who al. o know how sick he is. to-
W;39 Words.. . 4 .
vannah Press speaks wisely
The Sa
when it s;
‘Salaries are uot evenly'bk’anced
in Georgia. The United States judge
gets 85,000 a year for life. The*
judge of ihe superior court‘gets 82,-
000 a year for four years. GeoVgia
should put good men'on the bznih
for longer terms and with fuller pay
Ii is not often that siund lawyers' are
content to stay on the bench longer
than one term, uuless they are men
ot independent private means.”
A Democrat from California*
Sacramento. Jan 2 —A seasa-
lion war caused la<t night by the
wiihdruwa cf Mr. Foote, democrat,
trom the senatorial contest. He and
his chief eupporters declare in favor
of Stephen M. White, the only ether
democrat, iu the field. This BlCai
the election of Whip* to succeed Cbas.
N. Fulton, republican. Balloting
for senator will begin the second
Tuesday alter the organization oL the
legislature assembling to-day.
Crisp in Bed With a Cold
Washington, Jan. 2.—Speaker
Crisp spent yesterday in bed. He
was denied to all callers. Even his
private secretary did not see him,.and
Chairman Springer and Representa
tive Jlolman called in the rain to find
<>ut what Mr. Crisp said to Mr. Cleve
land and what Mr. Cleveland said to
Mr. Crisp. It was given out that
Speaker Crisp was suffering from a,
heavy cold. . "'
Carter of the republican national
committee, who is here on his wa^ lb*
New Yyrk for the i*«wfp T «T'' of' the
committee,; gives up ^3 Montahff
legislature. He telegraphed ■ friends
In Selena to-night not’ only that, ho
wss of the fight f j?. the acnaioz-
ship, but that they would do well to
lhak:bod^4»iU bo rettumed pledged to
vote fontto acceptance of the home.
Iuis proposed to make the acceptance
of the home the one man isshe^fore
the people. Id the selection* of the next
Ibgislatfset and to that end to make a
thojtiugh tcanvase ' of the state from
the mountains to the Sea, which will
be conducted by the most brilliant
and eloquent public men in Georgia
Are the ^political methods ot the
day growing worse?
look like the^ were growing better.
It is too cofnmoni^Torth and South,
to see men selling their votes. Such The sheriff was
prostitution ot the ballot should
never occur. Speaking of the county
election in Chatham on Wednesday
the News says:
“The buying of votes, it is said,
was carried on to a greats extent
than ever before. The price was
rapidly run up from $3 to 86, and at
11 o’clock good votes, with no doubt
as to registration, were bringing as
high as 88. These were fancy figures,
however, and after 12 o’clock the
leaders began to reduce prices towaid
the level of those paid in the early
morniDg. It was a very dull negro
who did not get 85 for his vote iF he
wanted to sell it.” M
In pleasing contrastwitli the above
"\ the two leading candidates for Mayor
obSavannali have signed and issued
the lollowiog card: * * ’ lf *
January, 4,.1893.
In the interest of goo’d govern^
ment we agree not to contrifiute to
any fund in-the approaching ’munici*
pal election which can by any possi
“Ity be used for the corruption of
.voters. We will not permit our
to raise such'a fund, and, so
influence extends, the selec-
mayor and board of alder
left to the free afid hon
est choice ^.he people of Savannah.
J. McDonough *
R- XHarsi6n.
Bloody Wbrk-
Tbit wss a terrible sranghter at
' Trial of the Hinkles.
-Tbe- Enquirer Sun, nf Oilumbus,
label this Hiw of tbe salaries ot our
judge.:': ,
Tbe state press is again hammering
away on tbe question of salaries paid
tbe judges of tbe superior court.
Most flyer,body recognizes tbe fact
that tbe: salaries are not only nig-
irardly, bet inadequate, except the
Georgia legislature A reasonable
increase of the salaries of the superior
court judges would put new life into
tbe judiciary system of this state. It
would only be justice to theover-
'worked judges, end would bring to
the bench and return in tbe service
the most competent men for those
positions. —
Miss Mary. Elizabeth Garrett has
njydedxieaible the opening of the pro
posed medical, school of Johns Hop
kins university, in which women shall
receive tbe came opportunity for
Study.,as men. The school, by vote
of trustees, will open
in October, 1893. Miss Garrett
placed gt the disposal of tbe trustees
$306,977, which, with the amount
already in hand; will make up $500,'
000, the snm which was required by
the.trustess to be made available for
the medial school before its establish
ment would became a fact. The gift
is to be called “The Mary Elizabeth
Garrett Fond.'’
- Mr, A. B. Shepperson, an authority
on cotton, in a letter to the Augusta
Chronicle, says:
“Hone but lunatics would go on
planting full crops of ootton and run
the risk of selling it below cost of pro
duction, to tbe neglect of food crops
which they would not have tbe money
to buy iu the event of another big
onttion yield next year and low prices.
Southern planters have their fortunes
and their prosperity in their own
hands: If they plant wheat, corn,
Oats, hay and garden crops that can
be raised in abundance, they and not
tbe spiooers can dictate the price of
A recent definition of ihe word
“fruit”'has included tomatoes, melons
and cucumbers in tbe same classifica
tion as strawberries. Of this subject
The Hew York Commercial Advertiss
-or says: "One suggested distinction
between a vegetable and a fruit is that
the latter may be eaten raw, while the
former must be cooked; but; that
doesn’t bold always. : Technically
friitt incloses the seeds of tbe plant,
spd is, matured over ground; plant
growth mamred under ground is vege-
table.’’.- i
Texas has fifty-seven counties, each
larger than Rhode Island, two larger
Carter Gives up Montana. , ,- • „ - . ,
. Washington, Jan. 2,-Chairhthif rt)Connecticut, and one larger
than Massachusetts.' The area of
Texas is more than equal to tiiai.of
HewY'drklHdw Jersey,’Pennsylvania,
OhiogltidbJua'and'New England com-
btaeiLs'*> - k
Texas is an empire within herself.
'llsjor, Byaif,. The Hews says, has
been elected treasurer of Chatham
give up tho fightfor the legislature, county. He beat one of the Bussells.
A Fortune fftS Yearling
New York, Jan. i^-A special to
the .World from Lexiu^aw Ky., says
that the -Kendall slabl
from the California breeder?
Winters, a refusal ot asacktioV^stud*
colt, a brother to the flying fiU^o
Tambien, at the reputed price of
000 the transfer .to take place ia the 1
colt’s yearling form. The sum named
is not only greater than any yearling
has yet sold for in America but as
well tops the world’s best record in
this respect The colt is raid to be
nearly a counterpart of his sensation
al sister.
ortally wounded,
having been snoi through the bod> in
three places, and seven of h:s posse
killed outrghr. Twenty five numbers
of the mob were kill d and many- olh''
s woundtjd. \ •
The latest telearaphic news says: •
“SiDce the first news was received
four more of the sherifi’s possa arc
reported dead anil five more of the
mob. The mob remained under
arms A handful of the sheriff’s
posse also remained* under arun and
was rapidly reinforced. Ail through
the morning the crowd continued to
receive accessions to its ranks,, awl by
noon the party numbered about 5Q0.
to 600 men.- Feeling ran high and
after a few speeches the,posse resolved
to avenge Sheriff Moomaws’ death.
Another battle took place ebortly
after noon in which at least, twenty
five more men were killed.” ' .
-' ",
•The Athens Bander is clearly in
favor of making the acceptance of the
soldiers’ hbme the issue in the next
election. In stating its position on
the question It does it in’ this way :
**The* great issue to be carried ta
the people of Georgia at the next
election for members of the general
assembly shculd he the acceptance
afid maintenance of the : soldiers*
home.' The people of Georgia should
' wipe. oat the disgrace placed upon
them by their own representatives.
They should be given a chance to’
quiet the tongues'and pens of slander
ous repnblicaiiB who paint in glowing
terms the manner in which Georgia
has forsaken the soldiers'of the con
And Twsnty-Five of the Lynching Party
' Were Killed.
Johnson, City, Tenn., January
4.—Last night a masked mob of 500
tered-' the jail at Bakersville,
North Carolina, and took Calvin
Sit) pc?, who had murdered Isaac
Osborne, a prominent citizen of
Mitchell county, to . a dense forest
%Wit half a*mile away, -and lynched
him. «
Sovcn of tho sheriff’s posse were
killed in their efforts to defend the I
prisonerl- About-twenty-five of, the
mob were killed, and among- the dead
and wounded some ot the mostprom
ineot m6u in . .tbe county were the
unfonutfate8, J >•> -
The Atlanta Journal ha? this to say
of Mr. B. Norman:
Hon. J B. Norman represents the
wiregrass county of CoiquUt in the
general assembly. His father was
senator before hft advent into state
During the recent‘session Mr. Nor-
man aid good server for his sectioh
and the state at large, but came very
near losing his grip on his domestic
affiliations, sooner did be arrive
at home than a new constituent ap<
peared on the scene. He was only
ten pounds weight, but he‘h ad a voice
in the proceedings aud made himself
mo^t distmciiy heard “on the floor pi
the house **
Rul&3 for Daily Conduct
Never speak unkindly of anybody.
Never step over one duty to per
form another.
Never worry about what you can’t
help* .it.
Neyer go where you wouldnY have
your best friend follow you.
Never do anything before children
that you don’t want them to imitate.
Never profess one way and behave
another.—Ram’s Horn. : ' 1
Men and women were made
married—men in particular., x have
heard tell 9f women, that wouldn’t
marry, but up to the present bein I
never have seen many ot that sorL
The way to tell whether a woman will
marry or not is to cut her finger. If
her finger don’t bleed she won’t mar
ry, but if it does *bleed ehe will
marry. If you'don’tWieve that you
can try it and find oat for yourself.
I have said it and T will stick to it.
What is writ is writ^-Rufus Sanders.
Atlanta's Growth-
Atlanta, Ga., Jan/ 3.—The city
directory for 1893, which is just out,
gives Allanfla~a population of 104,400.
including the vancus suburbs, wittnn a
radiu • of three miles from the center
of thp city. - This places Atlanta be
yond the 100,000 mark, a feat which
she has been endeavoring to apoom
push for years past. I - :cv
Senator Kenna Wo’se- .
Washington, Jsn. 3.—^Senator
Kenna at West Virginia hai had a
relapse, and «u much worse to-daj.
The gravest .ppreheusions are enter
tained in regard to him.
The senate and south could ill
afford to low Mr. Kenna. He is one
of the brightest and brainiest men in
the senate.
Deadlock In Nebraska..
Lincoln, Jan. 2 —The legislature
opens to morrow. Heither party has
the strength to organize oit'.c- house.
There it talk that the anti - duopoly
members will get together ;c> control
things, regardless of eithe- party. A
senator is to be ohoseu to succeed
Frozen' tiDeai
Hazleton, ? ' , Jau 2.—John
Morgan lost hit < y'm^ Stio* storm
on the mount:.;,. Inst nigltf. This
morning he whs iouad frozen to death.
He had {raveled-in> a circle until
overcome by ihe cold:’
- The Bussells hare at last been Savannah! They have been
power iu that city and Chatham
county for many years.
Vote of the Electors-
Yoek, Jan.- J.—The Evening
t to-day says: “The settlement of
thcJ)regoo comes*, makes it possible
to girt an accurate tab e of the vote
for President as it should -be cas^ by.
the electo)al cO'ltge J ..^'k“«rnlcTi will
show: Total number of votes, 444;
necessary to a choice, 223; Cleve
land’s majority, 108. The total vote
for the respective candidates is as fol
lows: Cleveland, 276; Harrison, 144,
and Weaver 24.”
Hi/Iilk Ms; VAatTV.
San Juan’s data Fields.
Oubv, Col , 'Jan. 4—The first
stage to and.from tbe new San Juan
gold, .fields has returned to Dolores,
having, made the- trip to -Bluff City
god. yeuirnetl. in foor daya, with qne
coach and six horses and>: twenty-one
passengers. -.Two : stage- passengers
report ^ 7f00Q men tbere;and the rush
coatiqnes at. tbe rate of,600 daily.
They.. are scattered • over, a territory
150 mileain extent. -Gold is hll over
the region and, great results are an
ticipated. The diggings being near
Bluff City and extend for .250 miles
along. Jbe San Juan and Colorado
reserve nod over tbe adjacent conntry:
Alit: NEW AND OP THE i-VrU3V sfvi.T
Uall afid see our stock,-.. It races rn:;
able for Christmas jMresqnts^. I
Niagafa Rivqr Frozen Over _ .
KiAqA B A:oNT.,jan.4-For the Thoinasville.
first time in seven yean the Niagara
river, at this point is blocked with. ice.
People are crossing on it % . \
|i S3
a n ■
•*} ‘A*
A Love Feast In Montana
Helena, Mant., Jan. 4—Tl.e
great legislative blizzard has com
pletely blown over. At to-day's ses
sion of the House tlie repub icanS, *10
show that the'deveropments of ihe
past twenty-four hours have not hurt
their feelings, voted wilh the demo
mats and populists on all political
questions. The minor offices ot the
House were divided rquaily between
the'democrats and populists.
Montana Won Over.
Helium, Mont., Jan. i—The
democrats have secured control of the
organization of the *House of repre
sentatives, thus practically* assuring
the. election ot a democratic Uotted
States senator.
Knoxville, Tenn., Jau. 4.—A
restless disposition has been noted lor
the last few days among the.miners, at
Coal Creek. The state troops have
been fired upon recently and tbe mili
tary authorities are preparing lor more
trouble. -
Pollnitz’s Hanging Postponed.
Bainbridge, Ga., January 2.
Pollnitz will not be hung here on the
7th inst., for the murder ot his wife.
His case will go to the supreme ^ourt
a motion for new trial having been fil
ed. ;■
New York, Jan. 4.—Typhus fever
is now epidemic. Before ro o'clock
this morning the health officials bad
discovered ten new cases, all on
east side of ihe city and in the most
tkickiy populated districts.
Gov. Northen by ths Ocean.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 3 —Goy
Northen has gone to Brunswick and
other coast points to spend a week in
Congress is again at work. : At
least they Would have the conntry
believe they are at work. In any
event they are again lounging about
the capita!.
Tbe telegraph brings news of new
and wonderfully nob gold mineB in
the far West The craze and.rnsb
equals the forty niners.
The latest reports from'Washington
represent Mr. Blaine as being sligittly
better. His condition is, brwever,
very cri tical.
Prisoners in Fulton county jail just
take up their bed and walk out when,
eyer they get tired of staying in jail.
Uncle Sam’s soldier boys are kept
pretty busy on the border watching
Mexican bandits and revolutionists.
A'good many people turned oyer
:new leaf on the lsj, and.rome
turq^d two .leaves. 0 ~ . . : -
Elections lor county officers - were
held all over Georgia yesterday. >
Senatorships iu half a dro2en states
are hanging iu the balance.
We now have in stock a f;
fine cloth-covered Wood anc
Caskets,.also—sr—line-- 1
grades, all of which we prop*
i5LOOD POisoi v at cut prices. Our prices will
than was ever heard of befc
l line of
f cheap
3 to sell
is lower
1. Give
l cilred by that nevcr-faulicg
i beai of all mediancs,
Ub a call, inspect our line am .rear the
Cut Prices. L. F. THOMPSC
1 Citizens’ Bank- aniTTClio
& CO.
Jru I
The Pullman Gar Line
Louisville, Cincinnati
Here is a first-elas.- cha;;ee-jtion. .Very large . ’nrn, -;c.,
to buy a home cheap and e'tsi- for §700 c sh tin i -alance in
ly. They are also good inves-j monthly insta'lmj • <22.-
inents. I can sell-an -ight- ! 60. -Well oc.-ite: '..11 cited
ro ,m two story house close in I for 2-n per y.-c ■. (.’an be
for small cash payment, bal-j bought at a .res: b tr^ain.
ance in monthly installments Houses to re ;t furnished
for stryears. Good neighbor-; and urdumishei!
hood. .Rents for §15 00. per | A,nice little farm, near by,
month to good tenant. .; - ; to rent to good tl . int.
I also offer . a nine-room; ' Large tract til .bored lands
dwelling, new; in good ctfnoi-j iu FJor da for sal!
, - E. M. MALLET
Beal Estate and
-•'CSDEa MIThTISuL couse bl<j
BroacL St. -
oct8 7m .
The Pullman Vcstibuled Service os
Night Trains, Farlor Chair
Cars on Day Train.
The Monon Trains mako the fastest
time'between the Southern Win-
• s Cities and Sommer R^-
. torts of the North west,
W. H. McDOEL, General II
JAB. BA PKER,’ Gen. IVA^IcbSSjo.
rortnrther inlmnaMon addram
iiiiJ 'ss-a
109 BROAD STIIEHT, (Wolffs 0;d Stand)'
B. W, C IaAXnKG'Gon’l Amt
IBS Broad 8iraet Thomasvni*.
Ceatral R. R. of Georgia.
dJUO IT t JH rlfMJ
Loave Thomasvillo, 8. t
Arrive AiDany,
•• Macon, C. JL U.
LLlO4i am
B 06 pm
SHOE 3 and HATS,
Also a line of Pants and Children’s Suits of best qu lity
elegant styhs.
Co moctlons are mad 1 n Atlanta with K, k D.
trains lor the Norlh and East.
.cave Thamsscllle, 8. F.k W..
Eufanla, C B.B.
Arrive Albany,
** Knfanla, _
•* Montgomery
Leave Tbomasvllle, 8. 7. W.
Arri ro Savannah,
Leave Savannah, 0. B. B.
A great assortment of staple Dry Goocts, of solid texture!
and new paterns. All at astonishing low prices, It will pry'
you well to come and male your purchases at the lliiztr.
j. a haxle, gou. pass Agcntr
Bavanaw. Ga.
W. F. SHELLHAN, Traflc Manager,
Reynolds & Hargrave, Prop.,
^CatXX'ULfa.cVuLxezs ara.d. a .:ca,Ie-xs
Leave ThomiUviUe, S. F 4 W...-12:31 soon
Arrive Waycnas, 4:00 p i
Leave Wjgcross, « (limited)- 4:35 p i
Rough and Dressed Lumber,
Arrite Jesup, 8. F. k W.... — 0:00 p at
Leave Jnsup, E. T.,Y. * G.. .. &10 p m
Arrive Macon . “ p m
Arrive Atlanta, M . ..->2:40 an
Leave Auanta, bAtria ' It
- 2;55 an
5:35 a u
&43 an
8:00 a m
a Q. 4 0......... 8:20 i
^-Correspondence Solieitoi.
Elections, elections and elections.
Do give us a rest.
Typhus fever is becoming epidemic
In New York. .. .
Leave , _ .. _
Artive Cincinnati, <. * * T'20 a m
Puliinao Ctin ThomasyiUe to Wa:
Pulimao Cars Thomasyille to Waycroer,
»nd tolid traias from Wajcross to' Cincia-
cati, via Macon, Atlanta and Chattanooga.
Gen. Pas. A Ticket i gent.
158 Broad Street, Mitchell Holiga Black.
tl W.'BALL, Pri
_ .