Newspaper Page Text
Hit Weekly Tlm-Ei>ryrin.
Saturday, Jaruary 7th, 1893.
A copy ef the Weekly Tnncs-Er-
teri'p.ise, dated November 26tb, ’92
Please mail or bring to this office.
‘ But didn’t the democrat! lay ’em
ont I O, it wee a caution.
The third party is tightly named.
There are only about three left.
Well, didn’t ire lay it on to ’em yes
terday. The third parly is too dead
to akm. * -
The colored contingent failed to
materialise to any great extent in this
' 'See notice ot a three year old Texas
mole lost. A liberal reward will be
paid lor its return.
Mr C.HV111 Carroll’s new boose has
bren Completed, it it one ot the
handsomest in the city.
No Place Like Home.
It is well known that a fox will try
many sly dodges to outwit his pursur-
era, and a number of sportsmen were
witnesses of this fact Monday night.
For several days a grey fox, caught
near lamonia, has been kept in cap-
tisity by Mr. Milton Ball at his home
on Crawford stteet. Monday night
was superb for a moonlight chase, and
a party of horsemen, with dogs and
fox, repaired to the Hawkins place,
three miles from the city, where the
chase commenced, fife fox led the
dogs a partial semi-circle, and then
madc a straight shoot for thereby.
Through the streets he dashed, and
never halted until safe in a tree io Mr.
Bairs Jard, over the very spot where
hts cage had been. Wonderingly the
en followed the dogs as they
took the trad for home, and their as
tonishment jras complete whe they
were greeted by ’’brer" fox himself.
Raymond Is again enjoying bis snog
cate. . . ' ■
Tii<- firm of I-. Levy & Co, is
this clay ais olved by mutual
consent. All accounts due the
lirm must be paid over to Mr.
D. Elias who is authorized to
0 ilect. Ho will also pay all
bi is and • emands against I.
Ee\y & Co.
II c mber 31st, 1892.
sr lLsI.u
Til.- firm of I. levy & Co,
has it: cl .y s Id out all their
stock of merchandise to “The
levy Mcrcanti'e Company,”
"Tv 1 will c ntinue the wholesale retail business at the old
stand, Mitclnll House f lock,
liy this'll nge Mr Levy be
comes the re.-ident buyer in
New York, with he dquar ers
on lfoadway, corner Canal
aireet, wheie he will be pleas
ed ais > to attend to all special
orders entrusted to the new
company.' Messrs D. Elias’
and M. L. Grausman will
manage the business here.
T his new concern, with an
increased capital, at d th • fa
cility to buy > itch as is enj ■}•—
cil hv the leading houses in
the South by being reprtsent-
cd in th M “” T w ork market
constantly wm m in a position
to offer the public the latest
and best s'.yies in their line *t
a’l times and at th' clo est
possible prices. The Levy
Mercantile Company int nds
doing altogether a live busi
ness upon the modern plan
and that is in carrying the
largest and most varied stock
1n this s< ct ion of the coun'ry,
and in a lopting the plan of all
successful h uses with its
“short terms and short profits.”
They hope to be favored with
the same liberal patronage ex-'
tended lie old firm of I. Lew
& Co.
Thoma-vi lo, Ga„ Dec. 31.
Mr. Burch hu notified bis firm at
Canton Ohio and tho hnndaoms and
substantial iron fence for the .court
boos? square will soon be on its way
here. \Vh»n the fence is put up we
hope since attention will be paid to
tue yard
fbat domuemt who offered to bet
8100 on Judge Merrill doobliag hi*
opponent would have won it
A new creasing will b- put down
from the upper oorner ot tbe Mitch
ell on Bread street to Ferrell's.
The municipal election for mayor
and aldermen comes off on tbe 1 jth.
We are having enough elections.
Judge Alexander baa movwd hi*
b ok. and fixtures from hia old office
over Bailour's to the court home.
The peop’e of North Carolina ought
to erect a monument to tho brave
Sbenfi Moomaws, ot Mitchell oounty
The little English sparrowv have
increased in number* until thnre is
now a flock of thirty nr more of ahem.
A donkey is now one of tbe fea.
tores of the park. He is well patro-
n zed by small boys at five cents a
Two more elections and ihen we
will have a rest. Well, we need
There are entirely too many elect :ons
in Georgia.
Mew. YearReceptiona.
Broeprinna ware only held at two
msea fn town on Monday evening,
but the eailera were numerous asd at
each place a royal time was had. The
rvaUeacea at which the ladies received
were Judge Hopkins’ aed-Mr. J. J.
Listen's. Toe foliowirg ladles re
ceived at Judge Hopkins:,Mrs. H.
W. HTpklna, Mr* J. G. Hopkixu.
Mia 3. L. Mallard, Mrs. T. N.
Hopkins, . Mrs. F. W. Hopkins,
sad lUfaea Honorine Mitehell.
Goorge Mitchell, Cora Welker.Carrie
Chisholm, Geodwya Sapp. Ella Sw
art, Benda, Blaokairsar, Fannie Hep.
kina and Minnie Evans, rhoae at
Ur. Linton’s wan UhKa Luti'e Lin
ton. Hope Linton and Susa* Gvrdine.
Elegant, refreshaems were served at
both places
To Time, and the Third Party is in
the Soup,
Thomas county elected a good set
of officers yesterday. And they are.
every one oi them, dyed in tbe wool
Mr. M. Isaac, of Brunswick, drop
ped in on his rhomasvtlle friends yes
terday. Mr. Isaac’s hosts ot friends
here are always giad to see Lira.
Well, the agony mod the suspense
attending the election oi county ef-
Sent is over. Everyone is glad of it;
oven those who got beak an glad.
The farmers ol Thomas county anil,
we hope, look first of ill to a good
provision crop. Let cotton be a snr-
plus crop, purely a surplus crop, and
the farmer will be independent as a
woud sawyei.
The Raodtll house is the only
house in the city that enjoys the dis-
uocioo of being fiihd. Therein not
a vacant room iD the house, and this
fact alone is ample testimony as to
the adm table manner to which the
house is conducted.
It Means Considerable
No 31 and 32, tbe new freight
trains leaving and arriving here
8:00 p. m., and 11:30 a. "m., respec
tively, dohot carry passengers. The
taking oil of 25 and 26 without mak
ing the' new. trains aseammodation
freight means -considerable to the
merchants.. It means a less ef mnch
ont of-town trade. Tbs custom io
the put of people living between h«re
end Bainbridge wtw to come in on
tbe morning.or noon trains, complete
their shopping and visiting, and then
retem in the evening. But they will
have this'priviledge no longer, unieu
tbe railroad pats a ooach on 31 and
32. and much valuable trade will be
diverted from Themuville. Fat en
the coach.
The battle ot bailout' took place
yesterday and last night tho dead
and wonndod were removed. They
were not democrats It was notice
able in the town district that the
man and brother” did not respond
to the wooing* of the third party mea.
Not much. Only abont twenty
voted In other districts they voted
heavier. At this writing it looks as
if the third party had polled about
400 vutes. Something like 150 ot
throe were colored. The democrats
have carrid every district in the coun
ty except Spence and Murphys, ex
cepting also. Glasgow, which is about
a tie. The democrats carry the coun
ty by at least 500 majority and that
in a comparatively light vote.
dietrict. Not a siogle disturbance.
The vote polled here was 396. Tbe
following is the Vote in dotail:
1 Car Robbed.
A local box car on No. j3 was
Krand to have been pillaged Tuesday.
The discovery was made by Conduc
tor Jones, while the train was at
Meigs. Tbe contents of tbe car was
■nerebaedite, consigned to many sta
tions between Albany and Taomas
mile. Boxes bad been opened end
shoes, etc,. Scattered about promis
cuously. It is not thoagb” that the
thieves secured much. If was evi
dent that they were looking for seme*
hing they could net find. Only about
ten days sgo another car was dt-cov-
ered io the same condition at Qo.t
man. The thieves made quite a haul
there The car had been robbed in
Gone to New York.
Mr. 1 Levy left tan Bight for hit
future l»rae in New York. Tits nf
friendship and of busmen have linked
Mr. Ls vy with Thomasville, ard he
Messrs. Mark Gower, M. C. Poulk,
Henry Heeth and L. Williams, cow ^ leaves r.ere carrying with him tbe
posed a partywftoupg men from Ci..- iteany best wishes of scores of cm-
to that pa-sed through the at, yester
day bound for Indian river. The,
have all accepted positions and will
engage in orange culture.
Mr. L. H. Rigsby, an accomplished
painter, now has charge of tbs paint-
i"g department of Palin’s mrringe
and wagon works on Broad stmeu
Mr. Rigsby is a very fine workn tan
in hia line, and tbs Messrs. Palin are
now better prepared than avar to
give tneir customers first clam work.
Twenty seven pnsocers were com
milted to jail during the month ol De
comber. This number is exchuive of
tbe prisoners returned to jail that were
tned in the Superior Court. The re
cord shows the vigilance of Sheriff
Doss and hts officers. Tbe city po
lice also d>d good work, especially dur
ing the holidays.
The entire third party rots was
407. According to doss estimate*
made at-each precinct, the oolornd
vote footed up a fraction over 200
In other words tbe third party vote
was about half negrnea. Than weri
only abont 200 whit* area in th*
county who voted the third party
ticket. This is about their strength
in ths county. And it wiDmrpw
beautifully lean.
Is referring to the famous csss of
Dr, Briggs, charged unit heresy, yen-
terday morning, murder waa coiamtt*
ted. We wrote that “a decision hu
been rendered,” tbe intdfigeat com
positor said a “decision had bean man
dered.” The public will probably be
astonished to learn that that
(or still lives. It would be a great
crime, to send him into etermty with
that sin fresh on bis soul,. We shall
give him a few days in which to re-
pent^-not very many —; well tbe
friends of tbe deceased will be invited
to attend the funeral. There will be
no flowers,
zens. It is safe to ssy that amid new
hfe and new scenes in the metropolis,
his old home will not be forgot
ten. Mrs. Levy is at present
Charleston, but win shortly re
turn, and with the childrea spend the
remainder of the winter in Tnomss-
The Piney Woods Orchestra.
Tha Piney Woods orchestra arrived
yesterday and last night the' parlor
of that hotel wu filled with the eweet
•trains predooed by them. Tbe
orchestra is a splendid ene this season,
bat this is not to be wondered at
a it II known that Hr. Oaear
Gold* it again leader. The person
nel ft the orchestra is u follows:
Oocar Golds, violinist; Jobn Gles,
pianist; Giovanni Saotri, florist; David
Goher, celloirt. :
Mr. Golds’* TLomaaville friends
are find to see him again.
Boston uku’tbe cake. She ought
to have a banner. The democracy of
foe town and county should present
that plucky, simoivpare democratic'
district with an appropriate banner.
It is richly, entitled t». it.' The Tinas
Ehixuiobb will start the ban with
non. Who will follow suit?
Let the banner go, every two yean, to
tbe district coming nearest giving a
aofid democratic vote.,
Mr. and Mis Robert Burden, ot
Moultrie, are Mapping at th# Bcuart,
"Boh” says/that th* report wu cur
rest at tha atraata whan he left heme
yeeterffiay morning that the demo
crats' bid elected their entire ticket
over Use third party by, three to one.
Hurrah for Colqhitt.
Judj;e Martin is the only candidate
so far as we bare heard ot for Justice
of tbe Peace of the 637th dish He
will be elected. Mem*. Knttman
and Mfltrd are, ruining for constables.
The Vote at the Election on -Wednesday by Precincts.
J. W. Groover.....
Nathan Maloy.......
John F Parker.....
Job. NeSmith......
J. F. McCann
W. R Wtnn
M. W- Simmons^..
J. *. Wilson
W. H Rodgers...*
B. ''’. Johnson.......
A S. Bmawell......
Total :
, 36
. 65
101 153
The German at the Mitchell.
The german at tha Mitchell last
night wu a very recherche aflair.” It
wu given by Mr P. G. McLean, uf
Washington (Sty. complimentary
the young ladies of the tawq. Mr.
McLean is a most excellent gentleman
nho spend, no little.of his time at .the
Mitchell, and is very popular in -oce
The german lost night wa* one
of the most brilliant that hu taken
place this eea-on. Mr. McLean
splendid N host, * and
left nothing undone to make alt
enjoy themselves. The music wu
■annulled by Krsier’s band of Mtci*.
and wu splendid. The favors were
very handsome- During the evening
the choiceat of retreohments were
served, which added no-little to the
enjoyment of the occasion.
Mrs. G. M. Tiitou chaperoned the
The favor table was presided over
by Mrs. Clifton, Mrs. Hatmell Mer
rill and Mrs. Tilton.
Mr. J. E B. Love and Miss FJorine
Smith led the german.
The following partieg participated
in the dance: Misses Luctle Linton,
Hope Linton, 8usie Gerdine, Bessie
, r . ... . ,. —xuuiun, ousie uerame, jaesete
The best of order prevailed at this Bltckjhe „ Fiorine Smilh> u ,^ l|e
Hayes, Meo Young, Miss Finch',
Johnnie Sloan. F-nnie Hopkins,
Mamie Blacksbear, Mis. Richmond
and Miss Hand Messrs. Maurice
Uransmsn. P G. McLean, Charles
Paxion, Tom Livingston, L >ve,
Lee Wylly, A W Stuart. B H.
Wright, W H. Hammond,- A. W.
Ball, C. M. Tattle, Maxey Tharin, M.
D.-Murray, B. H. Hili, J. R. For
Among the spectators were: Dr.
end Mrs Board man Reid, Dr J. G.
Hopkins, -ledge Hopkins, Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Hand, Mr Hansell Mer
rill. Mi. J. S Clifton, Mra. MeRey-
nulds, Mr. J L. Linton and others.
Lateu: t he third party carries
Murptai. bv 42. and Spence by 65.
They n*o carry Ochluckonee by
three maj iri-y, on the face .of tho re
turn, throngh i is claimed that they
pohed s-vvral illegal votes.
He Declines to Run.
Rev. J W. Car er concluded some
me stocc ' hat nr coa d look after hts
flock, and. a 'hr same time, dispense
jus-ice in the 63711 D.strict G. M
After an m-ee igatton of ibe status of
the voters in the dis'rict, Carter coo-
dudes that it would be uowts - for him
to make the race, A hand bill, an-
souncing hts c inclusion in tbe mailer,
sms scattered around oo Wednesday.
There is something unique, original
and refreshing about the way Carter
figures out the situation*.
Here is the circular: .
Thomasville, Ga , Tan. a, ’93.
Mv Dear Friends:—About two
weeks ago I announced myself, ver
bally, a candidate for tha office ol
Justice of the Peace io this, the Thora-
asville district, and not a few ot my
friends, who thought they were legal
voters, promised to support me. But,
after examining tbe defaulters list, by
which the voters will be governed next
Wcdnesdae, I respectfully dtdiae for
tbe following reasons:
tsL The registration shows 303
who paid their taxes for last year, sss
of them are defaulters from 189s back
to 1885; leaving 80 voters in this dis-
tnct, subject to two more restrictions,
viz: Tax defaulterage from’85 to’77,
and steaflng from ’65 to ’ga '
2nd. To suppose that 50 per cent
#f these 80 voters are honest, is more
than this county can stand, however,
I - have concluded that 15 oi them
<am’t vot* for stealing, and lO of them
did sot pay their tax** from 77 to
’85, leaving 56 men to dTeet me, for
I could not expect any white votes.
Thera are over 400 white votes is
this dietrict. I would stand no more
showing of an election'than a bob tail
oow in fly-time/)
Yonrs, respectfully out of the nice,
J. W. Carter.
Intelligent colored men, as we
predicted, refused to allow rite third
party people to pull the chestnuts out
of the fire with the fingers of the
colored voter.
A Negro Detected Setting Fire
to a House.
It «ill be remembered that only las'
week Ben Smali’a store on lower Jack-
.on street was set on fire and the roof
burned off before the Games were out.
ed. A second attempt to bum the
same house was mgde on Wednesday
night, but like tbe first was unsuccess-
tul. About twelve o'clock on the
night mentioned, Small wis ' attracted
by a noise at the back part of the
house, and, deciding to investigate,
arrived just in time to detect a negro
mao throwing kerosene oil on the side
ot the house. The fellow had already
set fire to a pile of small kindling
wood placed up against tbe house and
was sprinkling the kerosene' on the
weath r-boardiog. Small recognized
his man, before he made his escape,
and yesterday Policeman Bland
restedDennis Wallace and placed him
in jail. - r .
The object of the incendiary was ev
idently. robbery, and an - officer,
armed with a search wareani, wait
through the prtsonei’ yesterday
and found a mattress that Small iden-
t fied as belonging tci him, Ot course
•t is not known,but the presumption is
mat Wallace is the same man that
- arted the first fire.' If the above
statement can be. proven in court it
•mid look like 'Wallace was 10 for
coed long term. —
adjouraeii teroi, I8s3. Tae. Georgia Loan &
Crust Couapany, va a to,.licit Boss.
Also at tuo s-uuu Umo aud yiacc* 423 3-4 acres
list, ia tlie 13th district of
hom m county Go., tno same being a lot oi
i-anu whicn li u. VYIlby lor tho u*o of Xhomsa-
vM® National B.nk, liol/fa warrantee do*d
irom 4. L. H*ud auU U. If. jicCormlcA of G. W.
yicuoruaict, io vied uu a» the prvoerty of tt. \V.
UoCormlck lo sailufy a Xhum«s suporlor court
ilfaltMU® October a Jourutd term, lboa, R
G. Wllby fur tii© use ot ihooiasrUlo Natlonjw
Uaus. ysG. W.^toGurznlck.
Also at tho saiue timo aud placo, that-tract
«>f land be log In tho lath dlmilct. of Thomas
ooonty Ga., iusd being pari ot lot So. sw, con-
talnUis 7* uerss, atoro or less, being the place
whereon Amanda Doses forme ly lived and
bounded north ty lauds of Charles Vann,
south- by property of Burr aud West by lands
ot leswis vano, levied upon aa the property ot
W M. Bees* and W. c. Cason to satlsty a
Thomas superior court fl fa, lssr J - -
aajournod term, 13J2 J. Z. Gottswal,
Reese and >Y. C. tasou.
- Also atthe same ti mo and place,
ot land Mo. Ml In the latn district of Thomas
ooonty Ga., Uescrabed as follows: Commencing
at the old Hanford crossing near .he boulevara
»tbe S. F; t VY. railroad Couip»ny, and run-
The Vote Consolidated.
The managers of the election in
tbe various precincts of the county
met at the court house yesterday
morning aud consolidated the return.
Squire Biob wee made chairmen ot
the board and Mr J H Merrill
acted ns clerk Tbe returns were
opened end’ investigated AU were
fnuud right, bat before Ochlo. knnee
district tree put down. Mr. Patten
Slated that there were three illegal
vote* cut for the peoples party in that
district, that tbe throwing out ot three
votea would chsuve the result in tha!
district and he moved that th-ae
votes he thrown out —The board in
veatigaled the charge*, examining tbe
tally iheeta and tk* ba lou, and
finally decided to do so. One of tha
third party managers wanted some of
the demuerstie votes examinsd,—but
Mr. A. I'. McIntyre objected to them
tampering with the ballots, saying
that no one had soy right to open the
ballots bnt the grand jury. There
wu considerable diacnaion about this
and some pretty strong language in
dulged in, but everybody soon quieted
down and tbe work of consolidating
continued without further interrup
tion. The throwing out of these
three votes gives the democrats one
mejnrity in the Ochlockone* precinct
Elsewhere in ibis issue will be found,
in tabulated form, die consolidated
vote of the county. ■
Metcalfe Mentions.
Metcalfe, Ga, Jan. 5, ’93
Editor Times. Enterprise:
At the recent election for town—offi
mi lor the eusuing year,C- O- Wheel
er was elroeU mayor. H- G Cope
land, F. I. Stnnger, T. J. Montford,
V. D. Stegall and J. T. Connell,
'unctlmen. J. T Hancock marshall,
. F. Berry clerk, and T. J. Montford
treasurer. Liquor license wu placed
8400 00.
Messrs. F. L and R. E. Stringer
have rented the Manning store and by
the sotb wifi open np a line of choice
Mr. H. O. Copeland hu sold ont
bis stock of groceries, liquors, etc, to
Mr. W W. Felkle, who will conduct
the business at tbe old S'snd.
Messrs. W. D. Stegall & Bros., have
sold their entire rock of general mer-
chandise,-together with good mil, to
Mr H C Copeland, who will contio
ue tbe bnstneu id its present quarters,
anfi will enlarge the stock io every
line. ' /
Mr. W ti ts hu rented the store for-
mrrly occupied by Stegall Bros,, and
by February 1st will open np a 'stock
ot general merchandise. He will oc
cupy the Cay residence.
Hus Lncy Twitty, of Camilla, is
vttinng her sister, Mrs. J. K. Bibb. -
Mr. Franklin McMillan, of Texu,
will occupy the pnlpit at the Hetho-
it church at tbe 11 o’clock service
• Sunday next.
We hear of only a few who intend
to increase their acreage in cotton
is year.
Preparations are befog made by a
few for planting melons. Touch her
ligh- boys. O. O. R.
There wilt not be soo- third party
voters to Thomas county two years
tmrn oow. There is no reason why
the men who have wondered
.ou d not return to the democratic
Ochlockonee democrats are plucky.
They are fighting between two cross
fires, Spence and Murphys,’ both
strong thud party precincts, bat they
never get rattled or give np. No
district in the county is so close. In
the lut election die democrats carried
it by one vote; in the election before
the third party carried it by one, end
in the conwlidation yesterday it was
put down as a tie. That is three
remarkably dose contests. The dem-
ocrats say, however, that not lees than
fifteen or twenty of their party were
unavoidably absent, rick or forgot
that the election wu on 'Wednesday.
A prominent third party man said
at the court hotlse on Wednesday
when told that be odght to corns beck
Into the democratic party: “I shall
never vote another democratic ticket.”
Well, that’s all right. The democrat
ic party will get along without the aid
of those who say they never will vote
another democratic ticket. These
gentlemen can stay out in the cold
the? choose to do so. They have
beeo invited back and have declined
the invitation, and now they can—
well they can do just as they pleue
1 about it.
id formerly'known a*
aeusvA sswvf iLDUWQ US Ul© VAD-
ia, thence nupm lu a norih eastern
alon* the line of Mid land to a road
way between ©eud VauDUEer and Dr. Buucheil©
* eluding Bald roaa way ana tueuce treat
o on tbe to. nor ot Dr. BuuuheU'e lend,
enstly Along BoucLoil'tj land until u
- tho etst and weat line ot eald first
inenUoneu trace un-i thenc» aoittU to the fco-
ginningpolz.t, contnim-g J23 acres, noth Irac.o
AggTAMAUag2d© store*, ievl aouusthe p oper-
ty ot the ThumoBville uecout rear Comp«ny,
to BAtify a ThomAB HUportor court d la, usued
October Adjourned term, iiau, Ure. r-. If. Srnltu
lit) 78 tho ihouias-
place, that city lot
▼die, county of Ibviuaa aud
it being the present resiucnc
* ’ particularly ucocribed
put ot .ok AO. ©, bit
Dr north com
extending then.e norm 'along the
_ tof Dawaun street a distance ol Ui
to the south line Of J (1 aaopklns’ residence lot,
present resiuence lut of Genu M.
it <ot
tpper or north comer ot U \\ Hu,. Jims'
thence A littio south of West stud ut rjgnt angles
Icet to the
T residence
.. . uutn ana along awld hut
menilunad boon..wry line a uistancc of luu feet,
nee nearly suuth
_ ted boon..ary line a
thence In A direct Uue and a little north of east
point ot beginnln*.
. laes containing one-
foortia of »u acre, more ur less, and having upon
it on> two-Btorylrauie dwelling huuae wun the
cuatomary out butlulngs. Li Tied on as the
property of Dena Al, rame to sattsiy a mortgage
fl fa in taYo. of Yi » Guocu <vuu aama T Guocu
executora of JL> W Gooch, vs Lena Si Paine.
placo, lot or land
;age Q fa issued
Octobe* adjourned term, i'r'Ja. J. L. 11.
■. Langly.
Also at the same time and /dace; two certain
t». commencing ut the corner of fence as u
uwet nds, at tne inicraacuon of proad auu
alhoun streets and running down Broad street
i • feet, thence at tight angles to Dro&d street
10 feet, thence back to oaiuuun street niu feet
ad op line of feucensj feet to point of
ucie L. iteese’s lot, levied on «s tno jiropcriy
iea octooer aujouruea ——
Ga., bounded by
cant corner of tne lot, u
t wo humored ana sixty’
puollo road, thence
the branch at tne £1
od and twenty yards, tt
hundred and ulnety-.-ix yar
and twenty- eignufj *1 da to ■
north along tho turn line
aIihi Uu a. rea oil of lu
tnct ol uuC county, I
nlng at the sour
ruutilug seven 1
But didn’t Dancanville show up in
great style. Captain Doss received
v.e-y vote east There was only one
third party sote ettt ont ef 72, and
st men voted tor Captain Daw.
Brick! Brick!
>00,000 Cntebu Brick new ready tor
d-livery. Parties esppUed expeditiooilj
and mt reasonable price*. Apply it mj
y trds or kddren me throngh Poet Office.
riiutnuTille, Qtsw April 29, dAW tL
Notice to Overteere 637 DIti G. M.
Overseers haring county tools in their
sjttsion are hereby ordered to deliver
thorn at once, to the county commissioner*.
U-Hftia fail not.
W. B. HAiuunrok.
Ohalnaaa 937, Dis. O. U.
hand* high, mouse colored, got away
me 2 miles from town on tbe Magnolia
road. A liberal reward will be given for
the mnle to be delivered to W. A. Dari*’
stable* in this city*
jan. & a Jew .2 w
y. A. Cox*.
On the night of the Tth of December, 18939
one sorrel Texas horse mul*-, about six years
old, branded on ons Up and on each Jaw;
has harness marks on Mm. Suitable re-
Notiee to Debtors tnd Creditors.
All persons having demands ngainst the
•state of H B. Ainsworth, late of Thomas
county, deceased, ere hereby; notified to ren>
cording to law; and all penoni
said estate are required to make immediate
Th« TioxAsyitt* Natiosai, Baxx, '
TfloxASYitiB, Ga^ Dec. 7th, 1892.
The Annual meeting of the stockholders of
this bank for the election of a beard ot di
rectors lor the ensuing year, will be held at
the hanking honsq on the second Tnesdav in
January next. Blank proxies cab be badoa
application at the beak..
JAS. A. BRANDON* Cashier.
1 have a lot ol extra fine Sea Island Cot
ton Reed for sale. These seed were shipped
from Florida last season, consequently
Will bo sold beforo tlio coax't house door, 1__
between tbo legal
olluwiug uuBcrlocd property to wit;
mpArnsf *—
mwerlor court Ufa Issued October adj.
. Hcotuslt American Mor. gage Com
p-any (mnlied) vs Geo JS Carter.
at iho aa.uo limo and placo. ono farm,
consisting otlzb acres of laud lu Uxo lath dis-
tiot of • TUumaa countv Ga. being 100 aci
the northeast corner of lot No. 25, anukS »
ijrtUwest corner of tot 2JG, levied upon
property of Stephen Bass, to satisfy a
• superior court li fa, issued
IT — The-Georgia
railroad t
> yards wu the laud I
bio railroad, thence
the startuia poLai, coutaints
along said
- . _ . . - - iitalntng.'iut
Also the following pure of said lot com-
g at the sou tL a. st c-rner of saidltC
acrea and running'due M eat to ho north and
“ * a. Afexonjlth’s land,
sooth hue ot a
thence north
tto i*. O. BTyon lam
Dozer land, thence
city <
a the v
f Tnot
i county,,
dred and four yarue, th
and ana Apur yards, tb
laud fine seven hundre
starting puiut, cuuuiuiti
becurlty Company vs Daniel W
—itrlct o
distinguished in the plan
‘1 of lots Nos. 2H) and isi s
aescriuedasb i glfiJat
the °*-ost
bounded on the eaa
tnd ou the west by 1
Carroll, levied ou as the i
Oswold to satisfy aThomns si:
issued October adjourned ti
Logland Alortpatf
Jo rued term, i&fci, the 3
‘neurit- -
tho 13th district of said county, known'
•“stlnguiabed in “* — — - • * -
rts of lots Nos.
parts l
larly a
oa the oast side
Cook * Bro. re J. 11.
Also at the same tlrno and placo, the follow
ing property to-wlt:
house with brtca pil
of J. I. Moore, situated ly
i duelling
of lot No. 21, in tuo lbth dlsti ict of
bounded as follows: Norih by ,>ew
by Broad street, south by-
east by JlcDohaid, being
less, levied on as tho property of J.
satisfy a Thomas sapetior curt l
October adjourned term, lb'J'J, i, \V. AtcCoid
" T Moore
Also at tho san.o time and pi ,co tho follow-
11 fa, Issued
town of Cairo, Thou as •
' ‘ ' bill dlsti let of j .
North by ,iew street
— l by Ueonre Di
by AlcDohaid, being
.levied on as t'
satisfy a Thomas
October ad]<
4.1 Moore
lng property to^trlt: Lot
18th outrlct of Thomas county U.
lying and being in the town «,airOG;
on the east by Isaac Wilson's lauu,
street, west by t* lllie Kooius’ laud,
1-4 of an acre, more or less, levied
property of Thomas uayes to satisfy
ooonty superiot uurt muitgage li
Uchiber adjourned term, is*i, J. \Y.
"homas Mayes, uotloe given to defe
Also at the same tluio and pi co y
t land In the southwest corn -r ol u
No. WU In tho nth diatrii't of Thui
Ga., and better anuwn aa the place
owned by Crayton Hlugletaiy, levied o
“*“ofJ. A. Atkinson to satisfy Thoi
court mortgage U fa, l.sueu ociobei
d term, 1 om, M -nk of Ihomasvl le vi
- kinaon, notlco gisen to defendant.
Also at the same *liue and place, lots of lana
Noe. 2 <7 29ri,aoj,3-)l and XW.ult in the is district
of Thomas count, Ga , containing 11W acres,
mor* leas, Wrled on as the property of J. M.
Blacks ear to satisfy a Thom, s superior coun
fl fa issued October adjourned hmij is<J2, the
Mew Kngland Mortgage Security Co., vs 7.. U.
. Thom #s
a, lauu
property of J. A. Atkinson t
iperi i court mortgage fl *
JJ .urn d term, imz, M.-nL
J. A. Atkinson, notlco gl«<
Postponed Administrators Sale.
Agreeable to an t-der obtained from iM
louoraole Court of Ordinary o.Tnomas county,-
will be sold before the court home r*—
i ThomaavU.e, Ga. between the legal h
today in January, 1898.
>. Ga. between
liuwlng property
legal hours
uouary, L
- _ _ That trtet
parcel of land situate lying and being . a the
13th district of said county, and known as
parts of lots Nos. 7»and 79, and more partlca-
northeast tot '“ M folluW8: Commencing at the
No. 78. Thenee eas to tbe line of Simeon
Myrlok’s land, thsuce eouth lo the sont^
of the lot, thence along the south line of
te the nerthr- -■* •— -- “
el ng
i let
79. thenee
south al ng the east line said lot No It to
the eoutn line of Simmon’s land In said lot.
lhence west along tne lmmons line to the
Jggjyed.' orner uf hie lantL Thence south to
thusbuthllneof lot .10, 7J, thenoe west to the
SJ^wertcroneroflot No 79. thtnee north
along the west line \>f said lot to tbe southwest
dower u> the bianch,
oo the •oath hneot lot
lot No.
GXOEGIa—Thomas county. -
Ordinary’s Office, Jam 3.93.
To ail whom It may concern: X U Mal-
lette administrator ef tho estate ef O«o, &.
-smith, lata of Wakula county, Florida, has In
due form applied to the nnuerslgneu ter leave
to sell the land bsslengntg to thewstata ot said
ueoeased Bald application will be *»"
the Hi st Monday in February, next, U
in Ibkniary. next, 1SS8.
‘ Jos. S. axxnn.T., Ordinary..
aroBGU.—Thomas aomm.
Ordinary’s Office, Jan. 3, ’93. .
To all whom it may concarn: Mrs. Vary H.
lnsworrt, administraUx ot tne estate of H. B.
in due fora applied to°tS*mKlftraigxe4 for
eld deceased. Said application will bo heard
on the first Monday InFebruary, IMS. -
Jos 8. Mx^Hiit, Ordinary,
GEOxGlA-Thomas Conrrr.
OXDOTAxrs omex Nov. 3D, 1893.
M- A. Fleetwood administrator of the mtata
Ot lfr . Annls Watu, decsaSdTlms appuSdl
mo for ktBrasof dismission, and I will pm
Jos. 8. V«nWiT.r. t Ordinary
The Columbus Southern
Tliomasville and Atlanta, Gi.
bany and McDonough.
Lean Quitman,8. F. * W...
i'oeton ••
‘i homasvllle ' ••
. TfOna
Arrive Ovlu&b. g«
“ Orlffln M, & G
** McDonough.
r («psu
6 to d m
M.T.V-&G SOOpm
Leave Albany, f. B. Kwy.
•• Richie
Arrive Columbus..
8 05 p m
10 p m
Leave Atlanta.
arrive nlchland
- Dawson
K.T.V &Gt. 1 1
McDonough..._Q U Jt i
Griffln " 9 07 a m
Columbus. ..08 Xwy 12 06 a m
Kichland *• 13S p m
Dawson •• . .... 2 38 p m
3 30 p m
•• ... 6 30 p m
:: ? p«
...0 B Rwy • 45 a m
. • 30 a m
.11 25 a m
. l oo p m
Trains Nos. 5 and 11 run solid between
Albany aud McDonough, and carry through
coach between thomasville and Atlanta, vis
figrAll trains arrive at and depart from
Union Depots st Thomssvills, Albany, Co-
umbus, Griffln snd Atlanta.
W. D. MANN, C. A., Albany, Gs.
... AA. —A a A A, — ■ , U. a., AtURULUt.
W. M. PARSLEY, O. A., Columbus, Gs.
CECIL GABBETT, General Manager.
Columbus, Ga.
aeofoia Southern and Florida R. B,
7 20| • 25
8-m-Ip. m.
notice gl.en to a lendant.
I same time and place, tho u
-hatf Interest in the east halt uf lot No.
. u the ui
Scree ef lot N<
tlonal lot Ne.:
land lying and being
Thomas county, Geot L .
perty ef W. u. Haxvln, to satisfy a Thum
AJSe at the same time and place, tho umlivld
d ona-hmf Interest in the east halt uf lot No.
Bo the undivided one-bali interest in lOu
ef lot No. 2J2, also i4 t-2 acres of rrao
tlonal 10c Me. 262, all uf said lots and parcels of
of B L. Hayes vs. VY. C. Harvln
Notice given defendant.
B, P. DOSS, Sheriff.
T A Green lud etc. Thomas superior
VS [court, April term, 1892.
X. H. Halford) sheriff of said county
f-rd, you are hereby notified.
e and appear t the ne 1
of the superior court to be held in
ityonthesrd Monday in Apr
l there to answer to all such matters
and things as are charged *ga|ns<
bill of oomplamt of l’ A. Grcen und to abide by
such order or decree as may be mado in the
Witness tho Hon. Aug. H. Hansell, judge of
saU court, this Dec. suth, 1892
J. vr. GBOOYEB, Clerk.
eXOBOll—Thomas Covntt.
Willie J. Collins f Libel for divorce
- vs j Themes super]
rhecyhilus a Collins \ court, 'returanble
; . (.April term, 1833.
TO Theophilus a Collins, you aro hereby
aeafled. d noted and commanded to be and
appear at tho next term of th> superior court
to do held in for the oounty of The u. as and
SUM of Georgia, to beholden tbe 3rd Monday
la April next, to answer the complaint ol
Walls J. Outline in a -lbcl for divorce against
yourself now pen ilug in said court.- witness
tne Honorable A* H* Hansell, Judgo of said
court, this the Itb darof Dec. 892.
J. W. Gbooveu, Clerk.
will produce better tbe eomiag ssxsoa tkam
any ee*-d now being used. They were tested
on different eoils in Thomas county the put
season and proved to make u mueh aer
acre on c ay or stiff land an the short cotton.
The lint from this cotton sold for 24} cents
per pound. Write me before they are all
•old, or call on J. T. Evans A Son., at
Thotnaiville, and se« tbe cotton tad Iht
rtalka to show for it Mlf,
Chastain, Ga., 4m31m3
GEORGIA- Thomas Comnrr.
To aU whom it may concern : S. M.Mallctle
ot said state having In proper form applied as
a person selected by tbe next of kin for totter*
ofadmlnlstratlun on the estate of George it,
Bodth deceased late of WakuUcouefy Florida,
This is to cite aland singular the heirs and
creditors of said George it. Smith to bo and
appear at my office at. January term 1893 ot
the eourtof ordinary of aaid ouunty to show
cause If any they can why permanent letter*
of administration ebould not bo pranted as
prayed for. . - Jos. 8, Mebrilt,
Dec, l 1B92. . v .
GEORGIA—XnollAa Cocarrr.
Ordinary’s Office, Jan* 9,'S3.
having been returned to this office, all per-.
interested are hereby citod
— *—n, 1893.-or GS ...
exista, why said report, »h-.ulil
7 46!
1 T>!12 66
Oct 1* TH 18M
...Palatka Ar
L>r....Jacksonville.... Ar
v. . ..LakeCity...
...Oordele ....
..Macon June....
Ar...... mS^7..".!-Lv
-- Chattanooga.... M
.. -tvansvilto
8l Louis
io 4a}*v*» Ar.......Chicago
Beil Ip.
5 83 4 43
4 27 1 43
2 68 * M .
12 51
‘ ft
...... M.
Sleeping Car Pslatks to Maoon.
Connect* In Union Depot at Macon with 'M.
” T. H, C B. 1L, and ikmthwestern
S-. north and south, and in Uu ton 1
.. . . . Depot at
Palatka with aU trains from Points In PlorKla,
-ssv west and south. .
H. BUB sB. - A. a KNAPP,
Trav. Pass. Agt. Trafflo Man'gr,
Maoon, Ga. Maoon, Ga.
Iron Works,
I am better prepared than ever to
do any and aU kind* of repair work
in iron and bras.. In addition to lonj;
rears of experience, I am folly equip
ped with the latest improved tools
and can guarantee all work entrusted
to mo Shops in rear of former resi
dence, on lower Jackson street. Give .
me an apportnnlty to make an call- -
mate oh yonr work.
To Build Up
Your system and restore
Your Strength
Invigorate your Liver and
Purify Your Blood
Strengthen yoar Serves and
Give aa Appetite
Make ‘bat Rflcellent Medicine,.
P P. P.
(Prikoly Ash, Poke Root and
W' 1 ^