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find styles and quantities nuly found in large cities and at dty prices.
In TEomasville
Thomasville’s Dry Goods and Millinery Stores are noted for their up-to-dateness.
Thomasville’s Clothing Stores carry the flnest clothing made in America and clothing that is smart in style
and fit * - r v ; \>
The masville’s Shoe Stores sell shoes to fit all sorts of feet and prices to fit all sorts of purses.
Thomasville’s Drug Stores cannot he excelled for their qualities and varieties of medicines. They cut the
prices as low as any firms in the country. >
Thomasville’s Furniture Stores are establishments where elegance and excellence are combined with low prices.
At Thomas ville’s Book Stores and Jewelry Stores are selections to please the most tasty and fastidious.
Thomasville can boast of the best "Grocery Stores f-und in the south. Here, the “inner man” can be promptly
satisfied to the palate’s taste ■ 1 /
Thomasville’s Crockery and Hardware Stores are reliable apid are known for their excellent varieties and
serviceable goods ^ y *
At Thomasville’s Soda Founts can be had as good soft drinks, ds can be made
Thomasville’s Iron Working facilities are the best^n this section, and stock feed can be Lad here at wholesale
- prices.
Last, but not least, Thomasville is proud of her one photographer, Moller. , ^ _
Thomas ville’s Merchants want your trade- and will prove
to you they deserve it. x
Why npt come where you can get a big'selection and do not have buy all at one place.-
Do Your Shopping and Return Home the Same Day.
/ill Sraips. ipto Jtyomasuille frofl\ a Distance of 56 jT\ites or £055,
The Progressive Undersigned Merchants
home to Thomasville, and back to your home, if your purchases from all of them together amount to $25.00
^X J iL - -— -iff 1 • J.i —^—
day. Buy your ticket, get
receipt for it, and the amount will be refunded you.^'^M^ ■>
/ , E. L. Alderman, Soda Water and Candies.
- ... - Quinn’s Crockery House.
~ V" ‘ Mrs. J. A. Epply,Millinery.
Watt Supply Co., Furniture.
G. W. Ferrill, .“
Forbes’Furniture House.
H. Feinberg, Dry Goods. .
Thomasville Iron works.
y - Thomasville~Ice Co., Stock Feed.
Coleman & Adams, Hardware.
Jas. Watt & Bro., Hardware.,
• . . J. E. Robison & Co., Book Store.
J. T. Pittman & Son, -Groceries. _
W. A. Pringle, Groceries.
C. & S. M. Wolff, Mitebell House Comer.
Louis Steyerman, Jackson Street Comer.
Neel Brothers, Dry Goods.and Clothing.
Taylor A Watson, Clothing and Furnishings.
Mallard A Vamedoe, “ ‘ -
R. Thomas, Drug Store. '
R. C. Dickinson, Drug Store.
J. W. Peacock, . “
. Thomasville 1 Shoe Store.
L- H. Jerger, Jewelry. j
C. M. Tuttle, Jewelry.
Church well Cut Price Store, Stark comer.
D. A. Dixon'& Sons, Shoes and Notions.
A. W. Moller, Photographer.