Newspaper Page Text
"j The most loathsome and repulsive of all ~4jr
lrvinglhings is the “serpent, and the vilest and
most degrading of fill human diseases is Contagious Blood Poison. The
serpent sinks its fangs into the flesh and almost instantly the poison passes
through the entire body. Contagious Blood Poison, beginning with a little
ulcer, soon contaminates every drop of blood and spreads throughout the
whole system. Painful swellings appear in the groins, a red rash and
copper colored splotches break out on the body, the mouth and throat
become ulcerated, and the hair and eye.brows fall out; but these symptoms
are mild compared to the wretchedness and suffering, that come in the latter
stages of. the disease when it attacks the bones and more vital parts of the
body. . It is .then that Contagious Blood Poison is seen in all its hideous-
Monticello, Fla.,' Oct. 2.—Cannons
booming, bonfires burning, church, bells ,
ringing, men, women and ‘children :
cheering, such were the doings in Mon- :
ticello last-night, for it has gone over- j
whelmingly dry, and reports from the i
country precincts indicate .the same" ;
popular result of yesterday’s election.
Nothing in years has wrought up the
people to such a state of genuine en
Judge S. A. Roddenbery and other
prohibition leaders of Thomasville labor
ed earnestly,for this ‘ result and are
much gratified at the majority for pro
The ladies of the Foreign Missionary
Society of the Methodist church held an
interesting meeting • Friday after
noon. . They converted an oid fashioned
spelling , bee into a new fashioned
quizzing bee on * missionary topics.
Sid*es were chosen and both sides claim
the victory. : ' . -
The^convention of the Tliomasville
district meets at Boston next week and
remains in session from'Thursday until
Sunday. Mrs, T. J. McCartney was
chosen to represent the Thomasville
society. A^ number of other Thomas
ville ladies, : including. Miss Groover,
Miss Mollie Lowman, v Mrs. W. Pi Blas-
ingame, Mrs.. Ed F. Cook and Mrs. Jas.
F. Evans will probably attend.
. The good.; ladies of Thomasville are
much interested
cured by
Sfaye. of Augusta, is in the
Mr. S. W.
oity. ■
Harry Kline of Monltrie was here on
Miss Ogilby, of Iainonia, Fla., was in
the city bn Monday.
Mr. George Berlin of Moultrie spent
Sunday in Tliomasville. '
Mr, J. H. Bailey lias gone out on the
xoad for a couple of weeks.
Dr. H. C. Ramsey made a professional
"visit tp Duren Monday.
M. A. Reaves of Loti Ga., was a
•visitor to Thomasville on Monday.
Elder , Lee Hanks of Boston was in
Mr. D. Kauble of Mrs. W. W-Ur-
Nevada, O., was 1 ex of Hilliard,
A p „V^ r 3o
“ • i Ham Jailed.. •,,:
A son of Haul named Jos. Hamis charg
edwith assauitwith’ intent to murder.
He was brought over by Sheriff Hight
from Boston where the trouble oq£urred
and is now in jail here.
of stomach
trouble which ,
had effected J
his heart, tk
missionary work',
both home and foreign, and their socie
ties are active. .
/ Mrs. Fudge Better.
Every one .in Bainbridge and a large
percentage of the traveling public wel
come home again Mrs. B. D. Fudge,
the txipular lessee of the fitotelBon Air.
Mrs. Fudge has been absent several
months and has been critically ill dur
ing the time. In Atlanta she was op
erated upon by Dr. McRae the noted
surgeon, for appendicitis. The opera
tion was an exceedingly dangerous one
but was fortunately successful, though
unusually painful. Mrs/ Pudge is
rapidly regaining’, her . strength and
Government Report Showing Low
Condition Boosts Cbtton.
Blankets& Comforts
day states'that the condition of the cot
ton crop is 654 as compared with 81.2
one month ago.
New York, Oct. 8.—The government
October report' on the condition of cot
ton, placing it at 66.1, proved lower
than had been generally expected, and
Among the prominent visitors to
Thomasville on Monday was Judge O.
F. Stubbs of Meigs.
'Among tfve new arrivals rat Young’s
Female College is Miss Clyde Patterson
For next week starting
October 5th, 1903
J. O. Bell, who has charge of the con
vict camp near Coolidge, was ifi the
'city Saturday.
•Mr. and Mrs, H. Lambert of Toronto
Canada, are the guests of Mrs. Wm,
Parish in Fairview. ^ <
Mrs. Frank Butler of Camilla' is the
guest of her brother Hon. John F
Upward in this county, f
its announcement caused an advance of
20 and 22 points, with;October jumping
from 9.18 to 9.40; December from 9.27
to 9.46* January from 9.28 to 9.50. The
market had opened weak 6 to 9, points
lower oirbearish cables and favorable
weather in connection with renewed
selling by prominent bear interests and
Always Adding.
, Mr. O. L. Thompson is continually
making improvements on his opera
He has re-
We can save you money on these goods. Call
and see us before purchasing same, from $1.00
up t^.ooi We also t sell nice'Flannellette
for school dresses at ioc. per yard,, worth 15c.
Be sure and call around and see us before buy
ing, for I can save you money.
house on Jackson street,
ceptly^ut in a number of telephones in
the house, establishing * commuhication
between the stage, orchestra pit and the
box-office. He fop algpput upanew sign
and several electric Mgfofl at the en
trance of the theater. *
Nothing has ever equalled it
Nothing can ever surpass it.
.Mias Bmle McLeod of Morven, Ga.,
has entered the boarding department at
Young’s Female College.
J- Wi Hightower came hctae Sat-
-tirday fiibrhihg ffom Macon and Atlan
ta, he has been for several weeks.
Mr. W. B. Thomas, one of this conn-"
ty’s sturdy fanners from near Merrill
ville, spent Monday in Thomasville.
New Discovery
Gentleman Who Has Been Readinj
, Jhis Paper fpr 47 Years Calls.
La bat eat MorL
•‘Le Cat est Mort, vive le cat.”—In
plain English: the wildcat is dead.
About fifteen enthusiastic sportsmen
braved the chill of the early morning at
mosphere and' gathered at Cubana
Friday at 4 o’clock to chase the Bibb
cat. Kitty had a half hour’s start of
the dogs, made, a good run, pat up a
good fight—but finally expired and with
him died a fruitful source of a local
item. Requies-cat in pace!
i Branch Globe Store,
l Ben Schoenig, Manager,
A i2i Jackson Street, - - Thomasville, Ga.
A Perfect For All ‘Throat and
Cure:' Lung Troubles.
Money back if it fails. Trial Bottles fres.
perhaps itsoldest subscriber, on Satur
day. He is Eton. J. A, Bulloch of the
Ochlockonee neighborhood and4s one of
the most prominent and highly respected
citizens of the county. /
Mr. Bulloch is now marketing his
fiftieth crop in Thomas county and has
taken the Times-Enterprise since its’
first issue, as . the Thomasville Enter
prise in 1857. He has" been a staunch
friend and admirer of the paper all
those 4J years find says he would not
be without it under any circumstances.
• Mr. Bulloch has lived a half-dozen
years more than the alloted three score
and ten but is still hale and hearty and
a fine specimen of physical manhood.
Bjs example shows what Thomas coun
ty land and North Carolina energy can
do. He has a fine farm and has reared
a fine family, and is now fully prepared
to “crown a life of labor with ansage of
R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind.
-cent packet is enough for usual
Lons. Thq family bottle [60 cts.]
ins a supply for a year. All drug-
Solicitor W. E. Thomas was in the
city yesterday morning from-Valdosta.
He was on his way to Superior court at
No Decrease of Interest In the Dot
Counts Much in the Price for Which
- - - You Can - - -
Mr. Berry Johnson made one of his
frequent and always appreciated visits
to the Times-Entexpri6e office Saturday
Monday is always a busy time at the
Times-Enterprise office, as on that day
the dot counters who have spent Sun
day in this pursuit, send in the result of
their work. ~ '
As the contest goes on interest in
creases instead of diminishing, and the
guesses flow in as a constantly increas
ing stream.. But the guesses are so
widely apart that tljere is plenty of op
portunity for present and future guess
es. One young man in Bending in his
guess said that the counting hurt. his
eyes so badly'after he had counted
about half the “Dots” that he had esti
mated the balance. This has been the
case in several instances but these
guesses are not reliable. The only man
ner in which fij^rect estimate can
be made is by anfrOual count and this
lahoma, Indian Territory,
California, Colorado,
Utah, Wyoming,
Oregon, Montana, Washington.
and other points
West, Northwest and Southwest,
Write or call on, \
Dist. Passenger Agent,
No. I. Brown Building, (Opposite Union
Depot) Atlanta, Georgia.
Thomasville has proved this fall to be one of the
best cottommarkets in the state.
Of course it’s the best market in the country for
Miss i Ruth Wetherington, who has j
been absent from the city on an extend- '
ed visit to Florida, has returned home; !
Vr- M. R/ Elder who has been Occupy- <
ing the Wetherington residence at Han- i
sell and Sniith avenue has moved4o 1
Mrs. Emma Mitchell's cottage. _ '<
Interesting Marriage.
Announcements have been received in
Thomasville of the marriage of Miss
Maude Wood&de to Mr. Theodore G.'
Daub, at Pittsburg on October 29th.
Mr. Daub; has Tinted Thomasville
many times, and has spent several win
ters here. He has, many southern
friends who will learn with interest of
his marriage.
Have your Cotton Gained Here and
- - - get the beneft of a - -
, * W *N ** the following places on the
date named for the purpose of collect-
taxes an{ * registering the voters
of Thomas county for the year 10031 ’
Duncanville, Monday. September.a8.
Metcalfe, Tuesday, September
Glasgow, Wednesday, September to,
Boston, nv'isday, October!. '
Coolidge, Friday, Octobers.
E a ?°’ Tuesday, October^ a. m.
Patten, Tuesday, October 6, p. m.
S®i r0 ’ Wednesday. October 7, p. m.
Cairo, Thursday. October 8, a. m.
Spence, Fnday. October o.
Meigs Monday. October?,.
PSJPS 00 ?’ Tuesday. October 13.
at court bouse in Thomas
ville during court week.
' P. S. Heeth, T. O.i
-that Gins it so as to bring you best results-
For Kitchen and; Bath.
Bagging and ties at lowest price. Cotton seed bought
at the gin for highest price. ,
' Thomasville, Ga.
Located at the foot of Washington St. near old compress. ,
Lee McLendon .one of the best known
railroad men in the state, has left the
ranks of that occupation and gone into
insurance work. He has been appointed
district manager of the Manhattan toe
by General Agents Coggins and North-
cutt, with headquarters at Valdosta. Mr.
McLendon has a wide circle of friends
end acquaintances who will watch his
career in his new ■ profession with a
great deal of interest.
Used with sour milk makes go
bread; also fine for the bath.
One Pound Package
S. Heeth. T. O.i
Milligan's Creosote Shingle Preeert|^
ive will make' your shingles last OtRf
toes as long as they otherwise would
There is. a big dooket for the county
court which convenes on Oct. 14th arid
also for the Superior court on the 19th.
I he will]