The Thomasville times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1904, October 10, 1903, Image 3

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Or. Harris Makes Investlgatlng'Tour
In South Georgia.
Are Never Without Peruna in the House
for Catarrhal ^Diseases,
“Atlanta, Oct. 8.—Dr. H. F. Harris,
secretary of the Board of Health of the
state of Georgia, left last night for
Thomasville and other South Georgia
cities, where he goes at the direction of
the State Board to make a study of the
typhoid and malarial fever cases of
which there is quite an epidemio just
There is a great difference of opinion
smong the South Georgia physicians as
to whether the fever is typhoid or ma
larial, and owing to the great experi
ence and knowledge of such fevers ly
Dr. Harris he lias been requested to
make a personal observation of some of
the patients and to make an official re
port. ’ He will be absent from Atlanta
abont three weeks on his trip.*’
The above is a nows dispatch sent out
•The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been.
In use for over 30 years, lias borne the slgnatnre of
— and lias been made under bis per-
f, sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one todeceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
•' Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute-for Castor Oil, Pare-
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. 16
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcoti©
substance. Its age'is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It enres Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
. and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
y^Bears the Signature of ..
" On descending to the deck I reported
my discovery to the captain, and an
hour later, the wind being very light,
we were up with the wreck. To our
great surprise ,the drifting hulk proved
to be that of the missing Magnet
From the time of sighting her to the
'moment of heaving to we looked for a
signal to show that some one~was still
living aboard of, her, bnt none was
shown. When we bad her under- onr
lee the crew ran aloft* to look down
upon her decks. The fall of the masts
had crushed her bulwarks; but the
damage bad been repaired afterward,
though the new work had not been
painted. As for the hall. It was appar
ently as tight and buoyant aa when it
sailed out of Bio. It was terribly
weather worn, however, and seemed to
be sailing In a bed of grass.
A musket was brought up and fired
three or four times, and the crew shout
ed in chorus again and again, but aa we
got no response the captain ordered a
boat lowered to go aboard. We board
ed her at the bows, and when I fol
lowed the captain over the rail 1 braced
my nerves to meet a grewsome specta
cle. Nothing living or dead was In
sight, however. Every bit of the wreck
was gray white in color because of long
exposure to the weather, and her© and
there about the decks were black spots
of decay. There were N a few colls of
rope, a heap of clothing and bedding
little better than black mold, and three
or four water casks had rolled about
with the hull until demolished.
The door of the cook’s galley was
held open by Its book, and we looked in
district. Dr. Taylor said, “The report
is in general correct, though the situa
tion has been somewhat magnified. The
Board of Health is very *nilnn« that
this matter and all others pertaining to
health and sanitation be folly investiga
ted. It has never been definitely de*
termined as to whether continued-foyer
is malarial
typhoid in nature, or of
an independent type. Dr. Harris is a
skilled scientist and an expert micro-
scopist. By careful blood analysis he
should be able to shed new light on the
nature of the disease,
I wrote-to you abont her case. You ad
vised a course of Peruna and Manalin,
which we at once commenced, and have
to say it completely cured her. She
firmly believes that she would have been
dead only for these wonderful remedies.
“About the same time I wrote you
about my own case of catarrh, which
had been of 25 years’ standing. At times
1 was almost past going. I commenced
'to use Peruna aooording to your instruc
tions and continued its nse for about a
year, and it has completely cured me.
* * Your remedies do mil tbmtyoa clmlm
for them, mad even more. Cmtmrrb
and thus better
treatment can be devised. Bat the dis
patch is in error { n stating that there is
an epidemic of the disease. Fever is not
anything like it in Thomas
county, and in fact, there are few»T
• cases than usual this year. I do m t
know of any epidemic in South Geor-
The activity of the Health Board is a
favorable indication for befter sanitary
conditions in Georgia. Dr. Harris will
bejaelcomed to Thomasviile and will
rec. ve every aid in his investigations.
Over' Tliirty Years Experience.
Expert Handlers of Sea Island as well as Upland Cotton..
Liberal cash advances
against Consignments.
Money loaned Cotton Shippers on Approved Security,
Large dealers, in Sea Island and upland Bagging, Sugai^
to find pots'and pans hanging up and
Thomasville enterprise.
Crescent Chemical Company Mai
factures Pine Dentifrice.
The continuous clamor of all of Thom-
asville’s well wishers for a number of
years has been for more manufactories.
The sight of the label “made in Thom
asville,’’has caused a thrill of town
pride to go through everyone who has
seen it. and the only regret lias been
ttiat more articles do not bear it.
A concern that has begun in a small
way, but that gives promise of great
things in the future, is the Crescent
Chemical Compay. This concern manu
factures an article whose good qualities
are already known to many Thomas
ville people It is Dr. J. H. Coyle’s,
patented tooth paste. The company is
putting np the dentifrice in tubes, bear
ing a neat trade ibark and the inscrip
tion “Dr. J. H. Coyle’s Magic Tooth
Paste, Put Up by Crescent Chemical
Company, Thomasville Ga.” Dr. Coyle
has been making tooth powder for sev
eral years, bnt this form of the denti
frice is new. The tubes are marketed
for the retail trade on a neat display
card, and its genuine-merits are sure to
•win for it a large sale.
The company is backed by ample lo
cal capital, and every one wants to see
it succeed.
GRANT home sold.
In the deckhouse above could we find
so much as the heel of a boot or shoe.
From between - decks we proceeded
to the cabin. The first sight to greet
our eyes was that of a human body i
hanging by a rope around Its nock |
from a hook in the coiling. There was
no odor emanating from It, The body
had simply shriveled up until it wa9
uo more than a skeleton. On a table
just beyond where the man was hang
ing was the ship’s log, and near it an
ink bottle and a pen. The captain took
the log on deck and very soon announc
ed that It contained some particulars
of what bad happened aboard. We
then made a closer search and fonnd
the ship’s papers, about $200 in gold
pieces and a bag containing $125 in sil-
^ Watch
This is the Ingersoll Dollar Watch,
which sells at the lowest price, carries
the strongest guarantee anc[has a larger
sale than all other watches. Perfect in
accuracy, size and style. Other Ingersolls
at f 1.50, Si.75 and Jaxo. Sold by dealers every,
where or postpaid by tu for f zoo. Booklet Fre.
Boiler Works
Shops and
. Kmtrmm. Separator*,
ver, together with several watches and
other things o( value. Neither the
ship’s flag nor any charts were to be
found, and not a compass, quadrant or
sextant could be turned up. The en
tries in the log book for the first two
weeks were in the captain’s handwrit
ing. Then came
entry In a different
hand, reading:
We found out that they had deceived us
and sent them adrift in one of the boats.
Ten days later another entry In still
another hand referred to some of the
people sailing away In the longboat.
After that many weeks elapsed before
there was another entry. The man
now, hanging by the neck and swing
ing to and fro like a pendulum had
written In a trembling hand:
I have been all alone for the last ten
days, and,for the last four l have fasted—
neither food nor drink.
On the next day, or the next, he had
arranged the rope and put an end to
his sufferings. After the gold hunters
left, the Rio they must have found out
that they had been deceived by the
originator of the adventure, and per
haps blamed the captain and mate as
well and sent the three adrift After
that followed a storm and the wreck.
Of the people who left In the boats not
one was ever heard of, and the only
one who refused to leave the hulk
remained bnt to commit suicide. We
left the wreck to drift whither she
would, bearing the grewsome burden
In her cabin, and daring the next three
months she was twice boarded by mer
chant craft They fonnd the same
sight we did, and continued their way,
and she may have drifted for months
I later before She plunged to her doom
or went ashore on. the sands of the
African coast M. QUAD.
It contains 100 useful articles such as every Lady in the land finds
necessary to use at all times of the day. If you send for a package
of onr famous U. S. Army auditory Dyspepsia Tablets (for indiges
tion and constipation troubles,) or a package of ourKil-KoldTablets,
either of which costs only 25c., we will send post-paid the handsome
present-of a Queen’s "Jubilee Toilet Case for the price of the medicine
alone. This offer is made for a limited time.
Take advantage of it at^ once! I ,'<■■■■ - ^
260-266 West Broedwey NEW YORK
Mr. Grant WIN Build Fine Residence
on Jackson Street.
I Vf are the only make in the world with particular and precise
I ff models for every possible build of figure. By buyingthe Erect
W Form you can secure perfect ease—double as much service
'!• and an absolutely exact fit. Thefe are over fifty different
' The Erect Form follows your own contour—it does not
k press uron the bust or abdomen, Dut give* a graceful effect to
the person by keeping the shoulders in a straight line,
tract Worm 973 aad 701 For median figures . $1.00
t\\\\ tract Form 974. same as above but made 0/ finecoutfl 1.80
in\\\ Croat Farm 949 Improved, for average figures . I 2.00
\\\\\\ Erect Form S71 In batiste. For developed figures.
\ \\\\ Low bust Long over hips and abdomen ... |,so
tract Form 982 For stout figures. Long over
1\\\SV ‘ESUS«S-»‘ ] i 3:SS
\\Wr\ hotirte, like 973 - 1.00
\\ V fitxla 711. at 12. Style 713. at 04
AtidldMkfs. If yowsctasotsupply yomwatloahl* nanwaad tonnrd prtco direct to
Weingarten Bros., 377-379 Broadway, N. Y. I
Mr Grant recently purchased a flne
building lot on Jackson street, near
Crawford. Plans have already been
drawn and lie will at once commence
the erection of handsome ten room, two
story residence, on Ms new property.
Mr Grant is one of onr most progres
sive and prosperous citizens and shows
his faith in ThomasvUle’s future by lus
Mr. M. C. Sheffield of the firm of
Sheffield & Lang ®w men of ““*
rillville. was in ThcmasriUe on Mon-
You should see the \vj*»rhe«-tl'at :*r- •-••Ihng'at 50 The* are warranted
timekeepets. Should » oii n mit «oti{c thing fruiter • hey Iran be seen also.
Clocks that *r'll ai £125 him i-puMjc.^Vnu pn?e m> ?ua:Jc. They are the best-
clock you can; bu> in Ahl a vn* >, .ind die tx?i i> 1 l.capvsu in the end
The world fammis Ct-Jun ! i;« t'.rap>M {d one, ,
Records, Needle. E c., on .-ale here Also. C. G- Goehring, Jewel r
; ! , ' 1^0 S. Broad St.
Branch toUert.BX Peachtree .treet, !- -- 3U<!
Macon, j