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Mallard & Varnedoc.
List* of Those Who Are to Serve in Excitement Caused in Pavo by Hla
• ' Superior and County Court. Anita* 5
/ Pavo, Ga. t Opt., 8 1903.
(Special to Times-Enterorise. '
Mr. Henry Burney, and sister Maggie
of Boston, visited relatives in Pavo Sun
Mr. Gibson’s daughter Eunice died
Monday after a very short illness.
tsirs. Mexico Dallas paid Moultrie a
visit Monday. ;
Mrs. H. T. Reddick returned from a
visit to Quitman Monday.
Lazarus Bros, have’opened a stock ol
general merchandise on the comer of
Broisd and Harris sts. ,
Mrs. Lizzy Hendry of Quitman is
visiting Mrs. D. D. Peacock this week.
Mr. Cale returned to his home in Car
rollton, Ga. f Tuesday after a visit of
several days with his daughter Mrs. B.
H. Norton.'
Dr. Joe Brandon moved into his new
dental office in the second story of the
Brandon block Monday.
Miss Lena Bushin and & T. Green
were married Sunday at the home of
the bride’s father W. A. Bushin by our
popular Justice of the Peace W. J. Mills. 1
Book Cochran of Boston was in Pavo *
Mr. M. E. Tison of Boston was in
' Pavo Tuesday looking after the interests <
of his new paper The Pavo Enterprise.
1 Mr. P. S. Heeth tax collector for
Thomas county was in Pavo on his re
gular round Saturday.
Mr. Ansel Holloway was on the streets
Tuesday after a sickness of two weeks.
Miss Hattie Redfeam of Barwick was
in Pavo Saturday.
Mr. Briggs Arrington of Quitman was
a visitor Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. D D. Peacock visited
their mother in Morven Wednesday.
A business meeting of the Epworth
League was held in the Methodist
church Tuesday night to elect officers
for another year. The following officers
^ere elected: Mamie Roberts, Presi
dent; Wessie Roberts, 1st vice president;
y Floy Foreman, 2nd vice president; Eula
Ivey 3rd vice president; Dnncan Ivey
secretary and treasurer. Brother Wal-
ters complimented the officers for last
n year on their splendid work. x ,
>t Mrs. Howell Peacock returned today
d from a visit to friends and relatives in
sd San Antonia Tex, and Mississippi. Mrs.
* Peacock will begin her fall music classes
i. the first of next week.
a Considerable excitement was caused
** by a mad dog passing through Pavo
a * Tuesday evening biting several milk
cows, several people were warned in
time to get off the streets
of D. G. F.
October is court month Jn Thomas
county and abeady 41,6 officials are be
ginning to get ready for “big court”
which means on Monday the nineteenth.
County court meets next week on the
14th. The following gentlemen have
been summoned to act as jurors in the
J JFerrill, Byron Collier,
E S White, F A Roddenbery,
W A Carter TN Reddick
Jas. Gribben, C C Miller,
PW Leek, Sr., E Gibson,
W H Smith, W J Reddick.
Those for the superior court are:
) JURY/ •
DlW Tyos,
Remcr Singletary,
MD Redfeam,
Robert Dekle,
N L Stan aland,
A Way, Jr,
AW Ivey,
Jesse Howze,
J GRebberg,
G W Swift,
J W Hightower,
W M Brooks.
We call your att. ntion to the car
load of Virginia Wagons which we
have just received.
It you are going to need a * agon
this fall, now is the time to come and
We have all sizes in both
pick it out.
Virginia and Weber wagons.
Also we have just received a large
lot of White Sewing Machines, you
know the quality and we will make
the price to suit you.
The Oxford Buggy is the standard
for lightness and durability. i '
Atlanta Stoves by the carloed.
A large stock of Furniture, Matting,
Trunks and Valises.
If you don’t see what you wan - , ask
for it. We won’t be undersold
A H S Cooke,
JE Stephens,
M S Groover,
W Y Cochran,
T W Carter, Sr
JM Dekle,
G. W. Parker,
A B Cone,
E A Carlton,
J W Boothe,'
Thomas Wight,
W W Williams,
JI Hancock,
'Having bought our stock of Clothing just before the rise
in woolen goods, we will you the
The best tailored, the nobbiest fits and the most stylish cuts
ever shown in Thomasville. So come right along, boys,
We Mean Just What We Say.
Also the best lines in SHIRTS and HATS. Our FURNISH-
IN6S always new and fresh.
R*L Forrester,
W A Carter,
C G Boatwright,
J B Williams,
G W Forbes,
D L Barber,
Alf Massey,
J P Fulwood*
E J Nesmith,
W J Hudson,
Y AWLite,
J B Brooks,
J M Crawford,
B F Powell, ■"
E Gibson,
JE Barrow,
W. T. Wilson, Jr,
W C Lambert. *
JN Donaldson,
J L Singletary,
T O Beverly,
J E Smith,
F P Hay, ' ,
M A Fleetwood,
W H Parker,
J F Howard,
O J Beasley,
ER Clark,
H G Cannon,
M C Scott,
A W Moller,
HH Brandon,
A C Dickey,
T H Humphries,
W D Barber,
E R Pringle,
The Comfort Trading Company,
• Boston, Georgia
Industrial & Agricultural Fair
Savannah Racing Association.
And find them at the leading style mak
ers of the world. Our store is
fairly bubbling over with
Bright* Fresh TJp-to-Date
$12,000 In Premiuins-ln Purses 2,000
It will be a pleasure to you and
to ns for you to inspect it. ; - -
"The Sport ol Kings,” Upon the Bit and FaatcM M'le Track In the South,
by Scores of Thoroughbreds Front All Parts ol the U. S.
Midway, Circus Attractions, All
Amusements Unexcelled
All floods purchased here, if not satisfactory, money
Cheerfully Refunded.
Louis Steyerman
Comer Broad and Jackson Street.
Anri Figure in That Fifty Dollars
100 Bed Spreads, worth $1.25, at
40 dozen Towels, all Linen, worth
$1.75, dozen at
and January 1st. If you have not done so, look up
coupon and send to us. You may get a
ir for nothing.
thomasville SHOE CO