Newspaper Page Text
HA. OCTOBEtt .10
The spread of the prohibition Senti
ment in Georgia and Florida, has been
tliecanse of much remarks of late.
Within the last few months, twenty-five
counties in Florida have voted dry,
among them are Jefferson and Jackson
onr near neighbors.
Scarcely a month passes bat that a
prohibition election is held in Georgia
and almost invariably with the same
result; a majority for the dry side. Col
quitt and Talaiferro are the latest ad
ditions to the prohibition column.
Wherever an election between the
advocates of bar rooms and a dispensary
has been held, the result has.' in nearly
every case favored^ the dispensary. •
Agitation for high license is being
vigorously waged in many cities.
Moralists everywhere find signs of
hope in these facts, and can read in
clear letters the doom of the open bar
is a God-send to women, carrying
Mb P* jfj| m them through their most critical
I ordeal with safety and no pain.
No woman who uses ‘'Mother’s Friend" need fear the suffering
and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror
and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in
a condition' more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is
f&tsrsgra uimicwe
“Motherhood,” is worth PffiSBJS n tTH K,RB aS
Has the joliiest vacation.
Ever tried making pictures
from start to finish? It’s fun
with the right material. Let
us show you!
so as to further, not thwart, the large
ambitions.'* V' ..
All of ns can call to mind several in
stances where the nagger dr the naggess
gets in work, and there must of necessi
ty be much more of this than appears to
the public view. Of all the minor liabits
calculated to drain life of its sweetness,
and shnt out life from its light, it seems
to us that nagging in the worst.
The nagger is to private life what the
knocker is to the business world. Not
long since, a minister of the'gospel in
Iowa quit *»is pulpit and left his wife,
stating publicly that he did so because
she was a “nagger” and had made his
life unbearable. He admitted that it
wasJjis duty to be patient and remain
at her side, bat said that even Cliristian
fortitude was not always adamant.
Many a happy home lias been blighted
by the nagger. The nagger is not con
fined to the gentler sex. There are
plenty of male naggers; they contribute
their share to the particular and general
stock of unhappiness. We know that if
yon are not a nagger you will agree
its weight in gold to every ■■■UP
woman, and will be sent free in plain
envelope by addressing application to
Bradfield Regulator Co. Atlanta,Ga.
$i and $2.
The Atlantic and Gulf Mills at Quit-
man will double their capacity. South
Georgia forever.
Brownie Developing Machine,
$2.00. .
novel reading.
Just listen to the new editor of the
Cordele Sentinel on novel-reading.
“Of all the evils that infest modern
society, we do not believe that there is
one so wide-spread in its ruinous ten
dencies as this one; it inflames the im
agination to riotousness, it softens the
intellect to voluptuousness, it weakens
the memory apd destroys the originality
and individuality of the mind, disposing
it to take things for granted without
the trouble of farther investigation, and
predisposes today-dreaming.”
The book trust will have to subsidize
that fellow. And think ht^w sad all
the great novelists now sleeping in
their graves, would feel if they could
only know how the Cordele man re
gards their work.
10 Copies of Rev. X. DeWitt Talmage’s
“Travels in the Holy Land”
—Will be—
GIVEN aw ay
In the Tinles-Enterprise ••Dot" Contest.
These boohs ere on exhibition now at
oar store. They are splendid works,
which sell for $2.75 each and will be an
ornament to any home.
Some of us are beginning to couple
the millenial dawn with that Greater
Georgia edition of Harper’s Weekly.
“Tic Best Wagon Mad;.”
We selltlie Studebaker and most any
other kind of Wagon and Buggy
you may need
Jacksonville, Fla.
Discouragement is bat disenchanted
Content is a good caterer and can
make the homeliest meal a banquet.—
Wifnfcut constancy there is neither
love, friendship, nor virtue in the world.
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Western & Atlantic R. R.
Nashville, .Chattanooga S St*
Louis Railway. /'
Tickets sold each Wednesday and
Saturday, up to and including Septem
ber 30th. Good returning sixty days
from date of sale. For information write
to • E. J. WALKER.
Fla. Pass. Agt., 212 W. Bay St..
Jacksonville, Florida.
“Daddy * wouldn’t bny me a bow
wow” bids fair to become a popular-
song since the dog tax-ordinance waa
The Georgia , industrial, development
for the week as reported by The Trades
man includes, the following new organ!
zations as among the most important in
the state:
Conyers—Electric light plant; water
works. )“'
Windsor—Electric light plant.
Pelham—$500,000 oil and fertilizer
Dahlonega—Gold mining company.
Our immense new warehouse just below our old one
s us far better facilities than ever for
If Elijah Dowie keeps on growing
richer he can bay himself a chariot of
gold, instead of the fire-like equipage of
the prophet for whom he i^^med.
Handling Your Cotton. - •
keeper than a poor teacher: an expert
stenographer than an inferior lawyer:
an efficient nurse than an inefficient
doctor.- Selected.
The only way to regenerate the world
is to do the duty which lies nearest us,
and not to hunt after grand,, far-fetched
ones for ourselves.—Charles Kingley.
There sometimes wants only a stroke
of fortune to discover numberless lat
ent good or bad qualities, which would
otherwise have been eternally conceal
ed, as words written with a certain
liquid appear only when applied to the
fire.—John Greville.
A fife convict who attempted to es-
eape from the Dade county mines liad
•wo years added to his life sentence.
That seem* like adding insult to injury.
Those things are so hard to give up.
Col. Rufus E. Luster announces that
lie will for the ninth time make the
race for congress from the first district.
Col. P. W. Meldrin is silent in regard
to his candidacy, Hon. J. A. Brannt-n
The Atlanta Journal lias an editorial
on “Is it wrong to be rich.” If the
Journal is like other newspapers, that is
one sin its editor is in small danger of
committing. y .
We will piiy you i cent for on presentation at our store in ' homasville.
J3l Yale professor is experimenting
upon a class of twenty victims in order
to ascertain liow little a man can live on
and work. Most of us are experimenting
to6ee how little we can work and live.
Hickory Tobacco
is good
50 Lbs.
Of this Splendid Chew
will be given away
County Gazette has reached our ex
change table. It is edited by W. P.
Ward, and'G. W. Beasley, the latter a
recent resident of Thomasville. If the
Gazette continues to be as gobd as its
first issue it will be one of the best
weeklies in Georgia. Success to it.
A good deal of pressure has been
brought to bear upon the President to
induce him not to call congress into
extraordinary session in November: but
to all callers who have spoken to him
in that vein he has said tliat this govern
ment is committed to the proposition
tliat the Cuban reciprocity treaty be
made effective at the earliest possible
date and he regards it as a matter of
good faith that this country should
keep its word. He lias declined there
fore to consider any proposition looking
to the abandonment of the idea of an
extraordinary session.
Yellow fever still rages at Laredo,
There is a wide spread interest in the
Tillman trial. In the minds of most
people Tillman is already condemned
as a brutal murderer, but there is great
doubt that he will ever see the gallows
•r the penitentiary.
A typographical error in a paper yes
terday, made the headline “Twelve per
sons were prey of mad waves,” read
We don’t know
Absolutely Free in
Captain J. O. Moore, state warden of
the penitentiary department, has re
turned to Atlanta from an inspection
tour of the convict camps in South
Georgia. Captain Moore says that he
frnmd the convicts at all of the camps
3a excellent health, not a one of them
leag in the hospital.
Time s-Enterpriss “Dot Contest.
“prey of mad wives,
which is worse.
Subscribe for the Times-Enterprise and get a
count at the Dots and try for the tobacco.
Lost. Reason After
Daughter Had Fre
quent Spasms.
Dr. Miles* Nervine Cured
Them Both.
In the opinion of Commissioner of
Agriculture, O. B. Stevens, the Georgia
exhibit of the St. Louis Exposition
dwld be handled by the Greater Geor
gia Association. The abundant energy
af that body would probably be equal
to the task if the exposition was sched
uled for 2004, not otherwise.
The Thomasville Ice Company
I^hefidquarters for
0 anything you need
in-the .
scenery. During the entire summer
there will be low excursion rates to Salt
Lake City and contiguous country. It
is on the road to the Pacific coast, .if
that be your destination. W rite S. k.
Hooper, G. P. & T. A., Denver Oolo.,
for beautifully illustrated pamphlets,
cte 8-t-oj-iunoi.
It Saved Hi's Leg
P. Av Danforth, of LaGrange, Ga.
suffered for six months with a frightful
ranmng sore oti his leg; but writes that
a . 3 s Arn i? a Salve «Mt cured it,
in five days. For ulcers, wounds. Piles,
l.s the best salve in the in the world.
S&ISSSFLSs'j **• Sold *
Scott’s Emulsion is the
means 6? life and of the en
joyment of life of thousands of
men, women and children.
To the men Scott’s Emul
sion rives the flesh and
strength so necessary for the
Dr. Miles’ Nervine is a specific for nervous
disorders. It removes the cause and effects
a speedy and permanent cure.
*T feel it is my duty to let you know that
your medicines have cured my little girl of
nine, of spasms. She commenced having them
at the age of three. Our family doctor said
1 — — but she did not.
.... w „..vrv..v. xr-ysician who said
her trouble was epileptic fits in a mild form.
U. J ..'it ch.
Governor Terrell is going to the Ath
ens fair next week. He has promised
to visit Thomasville this fall. We will
frave no fair bnt fair weather, bat if the
best climate in the wcril and a warm
South Georgia welcome will please' the
excellent governor he will have no cause
to complain.
We are in a position, to make prices that can’t be dupli
cated. Our warehouse is located on the A. C. L. Ry nea
freight depot. It means money in your • purse to get ou
prices when you
We took her to another]
He did her no rood either. She was so
nervous she could hardly walk. As I had
already used Dr. Miles’ Nervine and found
it a good remedy for myself I commenced
giving it to my child. I gave her in ail ten
bottles of the Nervine and one of the Blood
Purifier. That was over two years ago and
she has not had an attack since we com
menced the treatment She is no longer
troubled with nervousness and we consider
her permanently cured. I enclose her pic
ture. My mother-in-law lost her reason and
was insane for three months from the effects
of LaGrippe. Six bottles of Dr. Miles’ Ner
vine cured her. -My sister has also taken it
for sick headache with rood results. We nil
thank you very much tor your good medi
cines and kind advice. I don’t think there
is pny other medicine half so good. I send
my daughter's photograph so that you may
see what jl sweet little girl lives outrin
cure of consumption and the
repairing of body losses from
any wasting disease.
For women Scott’s Emul
sion does thjs and more. It is
a most sustaining food and
tonic for the special trials that
women have to bear.
To children Scott’s Emul
sion gives food andT strength
for growth of flesh and bone
and blood. For pale girls,
for thin and sickly boys Scott’s
Emulsion, is a great help.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,
400-415 Pearl Street. New York.
t w Ainiy
J. W. Peacock, druggist.
J. O. Turner, president of the Mitch
ell County Fertilizer Company of Ca,
■Ola, has made complaint to the rail-
mad commission that the Louisville
mtd Nashville Central and* Coast line
aharge him 50c. a ton more on coal than
Is charged to Pelham, the charge to
Pelham being $1.70 and that to Camilla
$3.20. The railroad commission £will
submit the matter to the .interstate
The Formula tells the story
Grove’s Chronic Chill Cure
Not a patent medicine: a thin spirituous Kculd r nf «■ pi^ nn A
Fluid Extract PERUVIAN BARK Fluid Extract POPL.AB ra„ „
Fluid Extract BLACK ROOT Fluid Extra* PRICEY *
Fluid Extract DOG WOOD BARK Fluid Extort SARSAIMrS” BARK
It Cures the Chills that other CHOI Tonics Don’t
TEh Best Genaral Toidc. N° Cnre Np pJ/ PF k
TXCrS Wop rw <cent