Newspaper Page Text
Don’t pay $1.60 a.gallon for Linseed
oil (worth 60 cents) which*you do when
gra buy thin paint in a can with a paint
8 & 6 make 14. therefore when you
want .fourteen Kalians of paint, buy only
eight gallons of L. & M., and mix six
gallons of pure linseed oil with it.
You need only four gallons of L. & M.
Paint, and tlifee gallons of. Oil mixed
therewith to paint a good sized house. .
Houses painted with these paints
never grow shabby, even after 18 years.
These celebrated paints are sold by
C. W. :Cochran, TlipmasviUe; Wight &
Bowne, Cairn; G. L. Duren, Meigs;
I furnish plans and specifications for anything
that can be biiilt o( Stone, Brick, Steel or
Wood. I build anything in \ the above
.Office—At Moultrie, Ga.
Merchants of Thomasviile Have
Formed a Means of Paying the Rail-
road Fare of People Who Will Como
Hereto Trade.
The progressive business men of
Thomasyille have banded together in d
most landable effort to induce trade to
come into the city.
Some twenty or twenty-five of the
leading merchants have agreed to pay
the railroad fare of any person who will
come from within a radius of fifty miles
of Thomasviile and spend $25.00 in one
A checking system will be employed,
so’that each merchant in the movement
will have to pay only his prorata share
of each customer's railroad fare. In
other words, if a gentleman from Bos
ton comes to Thomasviile and trades ten
dollars with one merchant and fifteen
with another, the first will pay two-
fifths of his fare and the second three-
fifths. No man with whom he does not
trade is to pay any part of the expense.
This splendid movement will be ad
vertised very extensively, and every
wide awake person within 50 miles of
Thomasviile -mil be made aware of the
fact that he can come here without ccst,
if he is only willing to spend $25.00 with
the local merchants.
A list of tlioee who will join the
movement will be published later.
Other cities in this section have adopt
ed similar inducements for the trade of
their tributary districts. Thomasviile
will not be left behind.
The DURABLE Fence, & ~
None so STRONG, . “
All large wires. “'Hr—Tp
Highest EFFICIENCY. 1—+®
.LOWEST COST, —tilt- -*» L_—pi
ing was saved. He's
well.” Everybody ou
the only sure cure to
.and all Lung disease.
Absolutely Pure
Wording Overtime.
Eight hour laws are ignored t
tireless, little workers—Dr. Kin
Life Pills. Millions are always'
night and day, curing indigestic
ousness, Constipation, Sick H
No Wraps _ -ga_ 212, ' [j ... .. „ Z.
Moisture *5 ~Tirj*TT—pt^r*** - * "
and cause ~t~ ;r‘• iT-1^-1 “ . Z
Rust. -TiMiT -J • ■ I -1 -
“Pittsburgh Funci" Fencing. (Standard Style.)
Absolutely STOCK PROOF. V* can SAVE TOO MONEY on Fancies.
Adjourned Until Next Monday Owlrg Alabama Man Maetsand Wads Way-
, ti Illness of Judge Jones. | erase Girl Here.
tic Learned a Great Truth.
It is said of John Wesley thathe once
said to Mistress Wesley: -Why do you
tell that child the same thing over and
over again?” “John^ Wesley, because
once telling is not enough/’ It is for
this same reason that you are told again
and again that Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy cures colds add grip; that it
counteracts any tendency of these dis
eases to result in pneumonia, and that it
is pleasant and safe to ; take. For sale
by J* W.'Peacock. K dw
Monday was the regular day for tl e A romantic runaway marriage, such
meeting of the conn of ordinary, and i as Thomasviile is becoming famous for,
there was considerable routine business - % j >k place here Monday night. John
on the docket. Each month the ordi-j Pilcher from Dothan, Ala., met here
nary hears application for support, peti- yesterday afternoon Miss Mattie Lee
tions for discharge, applications for leave | Hutchins, a pretty Way cross girl who
to sell land, and the numerous other had dipped away,from home to join
things that the law places under his Jliim here.
jurisdiction.. He procured a marriage license from
Hon. W. M. Jones was not able to I Ordinary Jones and they were married
preside at the regular session Monday, by Rev. Alex W. Bealer last night. The
however. He has been confined to his groom is a manly young fellow, and the
home by illness 'or several days, and bride, though very young evidently has
has not been able to be at his office, a mind of her own to enable her to
His condition is not serious, however, brave parental opposition-
and he adjourned court for one week ~ . _ .
Turned Green.
and will dispose of the cases next Mon- _ ....,
day, October 12th. Jndge Jones is one ^ ie front of the Thomasviile Shoe
of the most popular of the court house Company’s store baa turned green dur-
officials, and everyone hopes for his , .....
complete restoration to health at an in? the last few days. The proprietors
eaakr date. deny that it was caused by envy of any-
low About Gnus?
Our big stock of;
Dieting Invites Disease.
To cure Dyspepsia or indigestion it is
no longer necessary to live.on milk and
toast. Starvation produces such weak
ness* that the whole system becomes an
easy prey »o disease. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure enables the stomach and digestive
organs to digest and assimilate all of the
wholesome food that one cares to eat,
and is a never failing cure for indiges
tion,Dyspepsia and all stomach troubles.
Kodol disgests what you eat—makes the
stomach sweet. f’ JJ *— ' 1M *
Coleman & Adams
Sold' by R. Thomas,
Considerable excitement was caused
in Thomasviile Monday evening at the
rumored assassination of President
Roosevelt. Rumors flew thick and fast
and seemed well authenticated. They
wexe greatly exaggerated, however, and
all that really happened is told in the
following dispatch:
Washington, Oct. 5.—A man who
gave his name as Elliott, and his home
as Minneapolis, engaged in a fight with
a policeman at the White House today.
Both the policeman and Elliott were
slightly injured and taken to a hospital.
Early in the day Elliott appeared at
. the executive offices and asked to see
the President. He was nft ld-mannered
and was told to come bacK later. Some
time after this he appeared at the White
House, and, while talking to Officer
Cissell, drew a revolver. In the strug
gle that ensued he was disarmed.
Because It’s for Oue Thing Only and
Tbomasville Is Learning This.
»n Picked Clealt and Cana Im
proving in Thomaa County.
Nothing can be good for everything.
Doing one thing well brings success.
Doan's Kidney Pills do one thing only.
They’re for sick kidneys.
They cure backache, every kidney ill.
Here is evidence to prove it:
J. M. Smyth, clerk in the office of the
Durant-Lnmber Co. at Valdosta, Ga.,
living in the outskirts of the city, says:
“My wife used Doan’s Kidney Fills for
kidney troubles and backache and found
great relief after having tried a great
number of other remedies with no ap
parent result. She had; Buffered for
some six or seven years with kidndy and
bladder trouble. I had spent hundreds
J. N. Donaldson, traveling representa
tive of the Times-Enterprise, returned
Monday from a few days tour of the
county including Ochlockonee, Akridge,
Meigs, Chastain and Merrillville. Of
course he brought back a goodly num
ber of new subscribers and 58 good resi
dents of those places will • receive this
week's Times-Enterprise as new friends.
Mr. Donaldson reports that he was ev
erywhere cordially received by the good
people of Thomas .county. He mentions
especially the kindness of J. R. Ham-
bleton and J. N. Carter of Meigs. Mr.
Carter's handsome and hospitable home
is one of the' finest residences in South
Mr. Donaldson reports that the cotton
is picked clean throughout the county.
Cane is rapidly impraving in condition
and other crops are doing well.
We make a specialty of 1, 2, 3 1-2 and
4 1-3 H.-P. Gasoline Engines for farm uses,
such as grinding feed, pumping water, saw
ing wood, running the grindstore or for any
other purpose whatsoever requiring smau
power, we guarantee satisfaction.*
5 in flesh. He is now fully recov-
We have a good trade on the
Tablets.—Holley Bros.
Long Branch, Mo. For
Blakeslee MTg. Co?
Birmingham, - - Ala., tl. 5. A
Only a Very Few Published.
It is not possible for the proprietors
to publish more than a very few of the
numerous letters received in praise of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ana Diar
rhoea Remedy and telling of its remark
able cures. They come from people in
every walk in life andrfrom every state
in the Union. The following from Mr.
T. W. Greathouse, of Prattsburg, Ga,
speaks for itself: “l would have been
dead-now but for the use of Chamber
lain’s Colic; Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy: It cured me of chronic diar-
water and did everything I could but
nothing relieved her until I got Doan’s
Kidney Pills. Since using them she has
entirely regained her health. She feels
no pain whatever in her back and the
action of the kidneys has been regula
ted until normal in condition. We think
the world of Doan's Kidney Pills and
recommend them to all our friends.” _
Just such emphatic endorsement can
be had right here in Thomasviile. Call
at R. Thomas’ drug store and ask what
Salesrooms, 78 and 80 Peachtree St. Wareroome 71 and 73 N. Broad S
Ground Floor Eng.-American Bldg., ATLANTA, GA.
Largest Dealers and Best Repairers South ! Satisfied customers.
taU and Rafail Dralara in
Fire Alarm Sounds i
sale and Retail Dealers in
The fire alarm whistle gave one long-
blast shortly before twelve o’clock yes
terday. That meant that the Are was
in the center of town.
The fire department responded
promptly, and found that the alanp
came from the residence of O. B. Poole
at Smith avenue and Dawson street. It
proved to be a burning chimney, bnt
was extinguished without mnch trouble
and with small lose-
New Model No. -4 for 1903;
Visible Writing, Positive Alignment Baa I
Bearings, Strongest Manlfoldlng, Ex
treme Durability, Greatest Speed, Inks
From Pad, Prettlest'Werk, Single Shift
■ Yosts, Densmores. Callgraph* ud other-machine*
In good repair. Our tnaohlnea and prices are th«
While opening a box, J. C. Mount, of
Three Mile Bay, N. Y„ ran a ten penny
nail through the fleshy part of his hand.
“I thought at once of all the pain and
corpiiPM thi« wi-inlH raiKP me ” he save.
' A Perfect Painless Pill
is the one that will cleanse the system,
soreness this would cause me,’’ he says,
“and immediately applied Chamber-;
Iain’s Pain Balm and occasionally after
wards. To my surprise it removed all
pain and soreness and the injured parts
were soon healed.” For sale by J. W.
Do Good—It Pays.
A Chicago man has observed ' that,
“Good deeds are better than real estate
deeds—some of the latter are worthless.
Act kindly and gently, show .sympathy
and lend a helping hand. You cannot
possiblv lose by it.” Most men appre
ciate a kind word and encouragement
more than substantial help. There are
persons in this community who might
truthfully say: “My good friend, cheer
up. A few doses of Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy will rid you of your cold,
and there is na danger whatever from
pneumonia when you use that medicine.
It always cures. I know it for it has
helped me out many a time.” bold by J.
W. Peacock. dw
1 have used f
Witt's Little
perfect.” So
Six Davs and Eat Anvthine You Want”
as grave as an individual disorder of
the system. ^Overwork, loss of sleep,
nervous tension wi'l be followed by ut
ter collapse, unless a reliable remedy is
immediately employed. There’s noth
ing so efficient to cure disorders of ,the
liver or kindevs as Electric Bitters.
It’s a wonderful tonic,. and effective
nervine and the greatest all around med
icine for run down systems. It dispels
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is doe to a diseased condition of
the kidneys and bladder and not to a
habit as most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made miser-
ablevrith kidney end blotter txouble.
and both necd^the feme great remedy
The mild the immediate effect o
Sitfarnp-Root is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, in fifty* fSd,—1
cent end onenlollarjffiSSaSCKgsSB
size bottles. Vonmay|^^»lEffifg3
have a sample bottle W' 11
by melt free, also e s»ei-s»rt
rampblet telling ell .boot Swamp-Root,
including many of the thousands of testi
monial letters received from sufferers
cured; In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N.Y., be sure end mention
this paper. Don’t make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swwnp-Rort,
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, Binghamton, N. V., on every
(Crystalized Mineral Water.)
Positively Cur^s stomach Troubles,
Constipation, Indigestion, >pep ia,
Kidney, Liver and B ladder Troubl s.
A Cure. For Dyspepsia.
I had Dyspepsia in its worst- form and
The Salve That Heats
without leaving a scar is DeWitt’s. The
name Witch Hazel is applied to many
salves, but DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve
is the only Witch-Hazel Salve made that
felt miserable most all the time. Did
not enjoy eating until after 1 used Kodol
eases ijeo^iar to womOT, tot Nine ty.
Smith’s Sure Kidney— tinted with
Kidne/oSrTtot have
Dyspepsia Cure which has completely
cured me.—Mrs. W.W. Saylor, Hilliard,
Pa: No appetite, loss cf strength, ner
vousness, headache, constipation, bad
breath, sour risings, indigestion,dyspep
sia and'all stomach troubles are quickly
:j k... .L. ...r.: ir i_i tr >_i ___
contains the pure unadulterated witch
hazel. If any other Witch Hazel Salve
is offered you it is a counterfeit. E. C.
DeWitt invented Witch Hazel Salve and
DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve is the best
salve in the world for cuts, burns, bruis
es, tetter, or blind, bleeding, itching and
Smith’s Sure Kidm
come under our od«
©d, and xnonev wiUl
is not effected.
Pride 60 cents ana
JW. Peacock •«
Correspondence Soi ed, and samples mailed to a -ddress. '
protruding piles. Sold by R. Thomas.
KALOLA COMPANY,. M .‘.lecturers.