Newspaper Page Text
Petition for Charter
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To the Hou. the Superior Court,
The-Prices at Which Things Buy
and Sell-Corrected Weekly.
The farmers are haring fine weather
for gathering their crops of hay and
other things.
Contractor Christie informs ns that
the Baptist church will soon be com.
ptete. We wish for it much success.
Mr. Harris Berwick, who x&staying at
Paro, Ga.,_in the interest of l\is brother
Roy, who is ill with typhoid fever r was
witl* ns Saturday and Sunday. Mr.
Roy Harwich is- improving and we will soon able to take charge
Thomasville, Ga., Oct. 9. ’03—Eggs,
per doz. f 35c. Best butter, 25c. Medium
butter, 20c to 22c. Chickens, fries, 28
to 80c; bens, 32 to 96c, Sweet potatoes,
70o to 75c • per bu. Fodder, per 100 lbs,
70 to 75c. Seed oats, per bu., 66c.
Country hay, per 100 lbs., 6CY. to 60c
New Syrup, 40c. - .
Thomasville Ga., Oct. 9, 190& r Cof-
ft*y Arbucklea 12#c. Green Coffee,
iehoiice, 10c, fair* 12^c. White grarrnla-
\tfidi sugar 6 to 6#c. Brown sugar &#e.
Soda per lb. 5o; crackers 10 to- 20c.
Stick candy 10 to E*‘c. Koroswne' oil
20c 1 —& gate. 85c. Side meat per 121©
13&c. -ileal 750 per bu. IW **.«)
to $5t50 per bbl. Western hams- liS to
fife; Lardi, Compressed 10c., Leaf
Breakfast bacon 16 to 20c. linrothy
hagr,.fl‘.25>perN 100 lbs. Bran $1.25 per
lOOilbs-.- Cotton Seed Meal $1 85 per 100
lbs Cottonseed hulls 50ft-per 100 lbs
SACk. --j.f f
less and needy female children! between
the ages of SO and 18 years.
Third. Your petitioners show that
they propose to care for, train and edu
cate all such female children and to pro
vide their said home with an industrial
department that tlie said children may
be taught and instructed in thofeo thirgff
properly appertaining thereto.
Mr. B, A. Alderman and others at
tended the association at Magnolia
church, fear miles south*-vroefc of Whig-
Mr. Bom Blanton passed through the
city Tuesday enroute to Meigs.
Mr. J. C. Connell, our ex-sow mill op
erator was visiting here Saturday ’ and
Sunday. It seems that there is some
thing very attractive in these ports for
Mr. \Roy Y. Ballard, the clever rail
road agent hen®, is spending m few days
at Lave Oak, Fla.
Mr. Clias. Barwick was in town Wed-
nesdaybn business.
Mr. M. Mathews, our hustling saw
milt man, was here Wednesday to have
several cars of lumber inspected!.
. Rtor. Stubbs fillbd his regular appoint
ment at Pierce's Chapel, near here, Sun
day,. and was heard by large crowds.
Mrs. Willie Cowart of Whigftnm is
teaching music at Mr. L B. Hooka.
Th®entertainnienfegiveaby Miss*Willie
Cowart on Friday night, in honor-of her
sisters, Misses Clyde and Ruth Jones of
Whigham, was enjjayed very much by a!
throng of young folks. The amusements
wen® playing flinch, crokinole, etc., in
/ •*»***• • 5
Fourth. That the capital stock of the
said proposed corporation is to be tlireo
thousand dollars; *11 of which has been
paid in.
Fifth Petitioners* desire the right to*
acquire bypurchase©® gift real and per
sonal p.operty in the-name of the said:
proposed corporation.
Sixth. Petitioners desire the right to*
make all such rules, regulations and by
law* for the government of the said.
Hcme as may seem proper,
j Wherefore petitioners-pray to be made,
a body corporate under the name and
style- aforesaid, entitled! to the rights,
; privileg* s, and immunities* and subject
to* the'liabilities fixed by law.
This September 30,19081.
Rqbcoo Luke,
Petitioner* Attorney.
) GEORGIA—Thomas County.
% J. W. Groover, Clerk Superior
’ Court, hereby certify thatrthe above is a
; true* and correct copy oif the petition
filed)in my office this day. This Sept.
! 80,. KK)3l
J. W. Groover; C. S. C.
On improved farm lands in Mitchell!,
Thomas andi the eastern part of Decatur
Co., Go.,.for five years at eight per cent
interest,. Also on city property &i Ca
milla, Thomasville and Yaldosfca, Ga.
All applicants to furnish good abstract
tiles, Call on orcorrespond with
,A. K.. Whitfield, Me%s, Gav.
Handstme Cottage Of gnu, Bisson & Hamlin make, secured from Carter & Borough, Valdosta,. Ga.. Will be- <
on exhibition hero.within a few days. Value... ... —
Farlin & Oreudorf vRex” Buggy frim Comfort Trading Company. Boston,Ga ...... ......
dhoice of huv nudei of a Wheeler and Wilson or Hew Home Sewing Machine. On exhibition^ C_ EL
Quinn’s store. Value ................ ...—......
Magnificent Studabaker Wagon. On exhibition at Evans & Son’s Warehouse. Value.
Werta:& Sou will hold their annual!
auction sale at LOo’clock on Saturday;.
Oct. 10,1)908. All repaired goods that
have remained uncalled for 80 days,, a
lot of new remnants, and a good young
work mute; with a liamess and buggy,
will be sold* to th® highest bidder for
cash on the-day above mentioned.
Columbia Talking Mac hine and six Discs. On exhibition at C. M. Turtle’s store. Value.
Sheriff Sale for November.
GEORGIA—Thomas Countv..
Wite be sold before the courthouse
dnor oa the first Tuesday in* November,
iyo3 r within the legal hours of sale, in
the city of Tbcmasville, Ga.,. the follow
ing described property, to-wiC^
Ten acres of land, ^inore or less, situ
ated, lying and being in Thomas Coun
ty, Georgia, and bounded aa follows:
On the-north by lands of A. A. Griffiiy
and J. J. Griffin, south and west by
lands of A. A. and J. J. Griffin, and east
by lands of Mrs. George Whitehurst,
whereon the defendants now reside,
levied on as the property of Jfehn and
Easter Taylor by virtue of a justice
court ft. fa. issued from the justice court
of the 754th District, G. M., of Thomas
County, Georgia, in favor of Groover
and Groover and against John and
Easter Taylor; property pointed out by
plaintiff in fi. fa. Defendants notified
in writing.
This September 19th, 1903.
T. J. Blight, Sheriff.
9-19-6t Thomas County, Georgia.
Suit Eff-Eff Clothes. On exhibition at Heel Bro’s. store.
Beautiful'Art Square. On exhibition at Neel Bro’s store. Value..
On exhibition at Wert* & Son’s. Value
by Miss Clyde and Miss Rath.
Miss Frank Mathews of Union, S. C.,
is visiting Mrs. B. A. Alderman* this
Mr. J. R. Mims of Cairo stopped over
a few hours Wednesday en route for
Yours truly,
Double-barrel Shot Gun.
Sooial Events, Municipal Affairs- and
General* News From Barwick.
Splendid Syracuse Chilled Plow. On Exhibition «t Coleman & Adams. Value.
1 Pair Ha nan Shoes. On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company’s store.
Barwick,. Ga. r Oct. 7, 1908.—Tlfi con
tinued fair weather has caused cotton-1©
open very rapidly, and the farmers are
kept very busy^|athering and hanling
it off to be ginned.
Messrs. T, M. and B. F. Massey are
spending tins week at Hampton Springs
drinking from the life-giving fountain.
Mr. B. Cfc Johnson of Patten, was
among our Sunday visitors. Berry is as
jolly as ever, but he will not talk about
his fine cotton, as he did last year. The
yield must not be satisfactory this year.
However Berry is one of the best farm
ers in the country, and if his cotton is
not as fine as be would like to sbe it/the
shortage is not due to lack of attention
on his part.
Mr. Jim Redfeam who was detained
from school on accoant of fever, left
this morning for Athens to enter the
State Normal school.
The fall term of the Barwick school
opened Monday with favorable condi
tions for a very successful term.
Mr. E. Alderman, ofPavo, was crack
ing jokes with friends here Monday.
Mrs. S. E. Sanchez left this morning
for Atlanta, where she will visit her pa
rents. ■
Mrs. Elizabeth' Huckabee and Mfrp
Flora Market of Smithvill?, are popular
visitors in this commnnity,the guests of
their unde, Mr. S. M. Market.
77he mayor and aldermen of the
town of Barwick were sworn in Monday
after which they organized, and Bar
wick is now an incorporated town.
Elder R. H. Barwick filled bis regu
lar appointment at Harmony Saturday
and Sunday, and was assisted in the ser
vice Sunday by Elder Aaron Parish.
Mr. M. E. Pope is making some im
provements at his water mill near Bar
Mr. S. J. Morgan, Snpt. of the liar-
wick Cooperage Co., made a business
trip to Palafcka, Fla. , , this week in . the
interest of the Cooperage Co.
Mr. O. T, Biggs, of Payo. was a busi
ness caller here Monday.
Mrs. Julia Thornhill Massey and Mr.
Percy Kendrick were happily married
this afternoon, Wednesday, the 7th
Inst., at 8 o’clock at the residence of Mr!
fes&tapr*- J - ^ *
The marriage was witnessed by a large
concourse of relatives and friends.
The contracting parties are both Bar-
1 otetsnn Hat. On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company's store. Value
On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company’s store.
Pair Douglas Men’s Shoes.
1 Pair Douglas ileus* Shoes. On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company’s store.
1 Pair Queen Quality Ladies Shoes. On exhibition at Tliomasville Shoe Company’s S|ore., Value.
1 Pair Q.:een Quality Ladies Shoes. On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company’s Store. Value.
Merrillville Students Publish Paper—
Other News of Interest.
1 Jefferson Hat. On exhibition at Thomasville Slioe Company’b Store. Value .’
10 Copie? of Rov. T. DeWifct Talpage’s “Travels in the Holy Land.-’’ 10 prizes having each a value $2.75.
On exhibition at J. E. Robison & Co. i ...1
Merrillville, Ga. Oct. 8.—Merrillville
Ethool is publishing a paper. The editors
of this paper for tins week are Misses
Belle Duren and Sallie Green. It will
be read Friday afternoon. Every one
who would like to hear the paper read
isInvited to come every Friday after
Mrs. M. J. Evans has moved over in
East End near the academy.
Miss Mamie Belle Cnlver a charming
young-lady from Montgomery Ala. is
visiting Mrs. Jarrett of this place.
Miss Tahitha Duren a churning
young lady of Thomasville is visiting
relatives here.
Miss Helen Marstoh visited friends
at Patten, her did home. - . *
Mr. J. M. Dyke and son made a fly
ing trip to Thomasville Tuesday.
Misses Vetitia Dyke and Belle Duren
visited Mrs, Sandy of Duren last Sa
Little Ernest and Roscoe McMillan
who live near Merrillville visited Bos
ton Ga. a few days last week. 0
Miss Mamie Evans lias a flourishing
school atMerriilville. *
Miss Bessie Martin of' Patten visited
Misses Helen and Mattie Marston Son-
Miss Bessie Wilson of Coolidge is visit
ing her sisters Misses Della and Miss
Johnnie Wilson at this place.
Miss Sallie Green and her little sister
Ella; went to the river to a fish fry
' Tuesday. ' —
Quite a large crowd of the Merrill
ville people went to Mr. Ad Way’s at
Patten to a moonlight picnic Wednes
day night. r ■:
Mr. A. Green went to Moultrie Satur
day on business.
V. O. D.
Application Leave to Sell.
Georgia-—Thomas County.
Notice is hereby 'given thaib the un
dersigned has applied to the Ordinary of
said county, for Leave to sell all the
lands belonging to the estate of Cora
Zeigler for payment of debts and dis
tribution among the heirs. Said appli
cation will be heard at the regular term
of the Court of Ordinary for said county
to be held on the first Monday in . No
vember, 1903. This Oct. 1st, 190$.
■ •> M. A. Fleetwood,
- Admr. Cora Zeigler.
50 Pounds Hickory Chewing Tobacco, 20 prizes. On exhibition at C. W.’Cooper <& Company’
60 Subscriptions to the American Farmer, 60 prizes. *
The person who sends in the first correct count of the
Dots get first choice of the above list of prizes, the second
nearest second choice, etc. If no correct count is sent,
then the count most nearly correct $ets 1st choice and sec
ond; nearest second choice, etc.
we guabantee
perseverance and ingenuity winging.
6. That the count costs you absolutely nothing.
cent yon pay is applied toyonrsnbscription. .
Con’ditioHs—Read Carefully.
Any person is entitled to one count with every $1.00
paid on subscription to either the daily or weekly Times-
Enterprise. If yon are an old subscriber and are beliind,
or if you are a new subscriber, every $1.00 paid gives you
one count or guess. You can guess as many times as you
wish; the more guesses you turn m, the more your chance
of winning. No count will be entered. in the contest un
less it is submitted on a regular blank and is accompanied
by either the cash or one of our agent’s receipts for at least
$1.00, dated after 'August 14th, 1903. No one person can
submit two county of the same number. Every count will
be registered both day and hour when it reaches this office.
Subscriptions paid prior to this contest ox submitted in
another envelope or at another time from the. count will
not-entitle yon to a registered count. This contest closes
December 24th, 1903, at 6 p. m. As soon as possible after
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia-Thomas County.
By virtue of an order of the Court of
Ordinary of said county, I will sell at
public outcry, on the first Tuesday in
November, 1903, at the court house in
Thomasville, said county, between the
usual hours of sale the following real
estate belonging to the estate of bleary
Mitchell, late of said county, deceased,
situate in Thomas county, to-wit: Lots
of land numbers 209-211-232 and east
half of lot No. 281, containing in all
eight hundred and seventy-five (875)
acres more or less. The sale to continue
from day to day, between same hours
until aJU of said property is sold. Terms
cash This 1st day of October, 1903.
. , . . . _ Fohdren Mitchell,
Administrator Estate Henry Mitchell.
LThat everybody who sends in a correct count will get
prize worth at least $20.
2. That no one in Thomasville. even the editor himself.
3. That after the content is over the patentee of the scheme,
Mr. J. R. Oollmrn, New York,' will send ns a sworn affida
vit and proof of the count.
4.' That no person in any way connected with the Times-
Enterprise will be allowed to enter contest. N :
“.Dot Editor” Tuies-Enterprise, Thomasville, Ga.
Enclosed flndf .... apply on
which send until ordered discontinued to
Application for Discharge.
Georgia—Thomas County.
Baylor, guardian of Susie Car
mine, having applied to me to bedis.
-? hy ii uch application for discharge
should not be granted. “sonarge
official signature, this
22nd day of September, 1903.
Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary.
(Dally or Weekly)*
(Stxte) *.
(Write name and address and make figures plainly. Are you taking the paper now 1
Application for Discharge.
' Metcalfe Mentions.
T. J. Eight, our hustling and popular
sheriff, was here on business Wednes-
• day.
Mr. Iva Wheeler a yonng man of our
town who for some time has been in
Tampa, Fla., has returned to . take a
position with his father as clerk.
Misses Bessie Copeland and Norma
Monroe leave Friday for Boston where
they go as delegates to the Woman’s
Home Mission Society which convenes M
there this week. da’s
R6v. J. A. White filled his' regular Thn
monthly appointment here on last Sun- wag
day afid preached to the delight and edi- oar
ficationof large congregations, both *su
morning and evening. a.
Miss May Manning a cultured and fell
popular young lady of Mannington,Fla., j ful