Newspaper Page Text
• VOL. 47.
By Their Work* Ye Shell Know
Thoee Who Deelre Informetlon
Regerdlng Thle Section.
A prominent gentleman was discuss
ing the dots yesterday with a Times
Enterprise representative, and he sug
gested a thought that is ingenuous if
not original.
The gentleman said that the list of
prize winners in the dot contest would
be a list of the best people in Thomas
cofinty. . “Any person’* said he; “who
connts those dots nearly enough correct
ly to win a prize will win success in life
along with his prize. A person who
counts the dots is not only possessed
of patience* but his share of energy,
s ickability ambition, add almost every
other quality thnt goes to make a man
successful inisfe, is abnormally develop-
Pointers and Personals About Horn
Folks and Strangers—You and Yotn
People and Where You Are Going.
This advertising has already begun
to bring results and many enquiries are
being received from people who con
template removing to Georgia; to make
their home in future. Capt. John
Triplett of Thomasville is the local rep
resentative of the Association and he
has furnished the Times-Enterprise
with a list of those deriving informa
tion. The list js published for the bene
fit of the public generally^ Apy farm,
er who has land for sale, any real estate
a^ent or property owner’who has prop
erty to dispose of, any merchant who
h :8 a business proposition to make, will
find the following list of interest.
It is not composed of curiosity seek
ers but of people who have bona fide in
tentions of coming to Georgia to live.
A letter to any of them setting forth
the advantages of this section and of
your particular proposition is sure to
have attention and may result in new
citizens and new capital for Thomas
county and Thomasville:
Business Men’s List—H. A. Ferrell,
Appalachian. Fla; B. B. Newman,
Foreman Composing Room, Armour
Printing Works, Chicago, His; John F.
Sebley, 60 W. 76th St:, N. Y; L. J. Mel-
bourne, 411 E. Pratt St.. Baltimore, Md:
W. C. Gillin, Douchess county, NV*Y;
N. L. Bridge man, Bus. Mgr. Standard
Union, Brooklyn, N. Y; Roscoe O. Gor
man, Opelika, Ala; Morton Loeb, 56 W.
112th St., N. Y; James F. Albert, 217
W. 105th St., N. Y; W. J. Henkel, 85
Seabwright St., Gleanville, O; Howard
Hall, Pocomoke City, Md; James Finn,
F. W. Van Brunt, the well known
Floridian was in^town on Tuesday.
W. R. Lunsford from Merrillville was
among the visitors to this city on Tues
day. ^ .
The gentleman comes very near to be
ing right.
In the list of the hundred or more
prize winners that Will be published in
December the future leaders of thought
in Thomas county can be found.
The simple fact that a count comes in
late will by no- means necessitate its
failure to get even the first prize. The
dots are very deceptive and these con
tests have been run by other papers for
several months, without anyone getting
the exact number. Even if some oije
eUe lias already hit the nail on the head
you are in no way hindered from hitting
iu the same place. If you hit thdre, no
matter if the count does not oome in
until Christmas Eveyou are good for a
| prize worth at least $20.00. Isn’t tho
game worth the candle? it costs . no
money at all.
Mr. Wayne McRae, who has been
employed at Neel Brothers has gone to
Pelham. ' V
C. M. Robinson and wife are attend
ing the meetings of the Mercer Baptist
convention at Valdosta.
Miss Helen Miller of Olnoago is spend
ing the winter with Miss Janie Leo
Brown on Jackson street.
Cottage Organ, Mason & Hamlin make, secured from Carter & Borough, Valdosta, Gas- / Will be
ibition here within a few days. Value rr.
Parlin & Orendorf “Rex” Buggy from Comfort Trading Company. Boston, Ga.
Choice of any model of a Wheeler and Wilson or New Home Sewing Ms
Quinn's store. Value ’.
Magnificent Studabaker Wagon. On Evans & Son’s Warehouse.
T. J. Sutler and wife came over from,
over Boston and spent tfie day in
Thomasville on Wednesday. /
Columbia Talking Machinegnd six Discs. On exhibition at C. M. Tuttle’s store. Value.
On exhibition at Neel Bro’s. store. Vgjfae
Beautiful Art Square. On exhibition at Neel Bro’s store. Value
Double-barrel Shot Gun. On exhibition at Wertz & Son’s. Value
Mrs.’ W. R. Flowers and Miss Mo-
Davis of Jakin, Ala., were shopping in
Thomasville yesterday. \
Suit Eff-Eff Clothes.
The annual convention of the Mercer
Baptist Association is now in session at
Valdosta. The Thomasville Baptist
church is in the jurisdiction of this as
sociation whioh is one of the most im
portant in Georgia.
A number of delegatee and visitors to
the convention went from ^Thomasville
to Valdosta yesterday. Among the
number were Rev. Alex . W. Be&ler,
Rev. T. A. White, Messrs. J. 8. Mont
gomery, J. M. Dekle, and D. C. Bar-
row, Mrs. J. 8. Montgomery; Mrs. E. E.
L Maples, Mitchell county’s represen
tative in the Georgia legislature was in
Thomasville yesterday.
Splendid Syracuse Chilled Plow. On Exhibition at Coleman & Adams. Value.
Van De Grift,
Farmers List—Jos.
Gladwine, Pa; Frank W. Green well,
Jr., Box 147, Huntertown, Ind; W. L.
Coon, Gastonia, N. C; J, H. Brown,
Cushing, Okla; Robt Hunter, Bock,Ind;
Harry Flynn, Lafayette, Ind.; L. B.
Watrous, Route B, Marathon, N-Y.;
B. T. Wood, Tullahoma, Tenn.; R. L.
Unger, Bible Grove, Mo.; J. 8 Beach.
Atlanta. Ga.; 8.
I Pair Han an Shoes. On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company’s store. Value.
1 stetson Hat. On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company's store. Valu9 ......
Mr. ThatL^Adams of the Moultria
News was mingling with his Thomaa-
ville friends Thursday. ""
1 Pair Douglas Men’s Shoes. On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company’s store. Value.
1 Pair Queen Quality Ladies Shoes. On exhibition,at Thomasville Shoe Company’s Store. Value.
l Pair Queen Quality Ladies Shoes. On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company's Store. Value.
l Jefferson Hat. On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company’s Store. Value....:..!
10 Copies of Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage’s “Travels in the Holy Land.” 10 prizes having each a val
706 Prudential Bld’g,
H. Stewart, 214-18th street. Milwaukee,
Wis.: L. A. Griswold, 104 Maple street,
Richmond, Ind. ; C. B. Little, 263 East
3rd street, Dayton, O.; H. L. Bunn ell R.
F. D. No 1, Jefferson, O.; J. J. Steven
son, Route No 2, R F D, Syracuse, Ind.;
A. M. Kester, 325 Flournoy street, Chi
cago, 111.; J. C. McCormick, Jr., Edge-
wood Park, Pa.; A. A. Bronson, Ray’s
Crossing. Ind.; J. H. Norsworthy, R
F. D. No. 3, Mt. Carmel, Illinois;
F - L. Shinier, Wells, Pa; O. D. Hill,
KendoUa. W. Va; J. W. Patten, Nor
wood, Mass; H. W. Glover..Mo. Valley,
Iowa; W. G. Gilbert, Roesville, Kan;
M: F."Johnson, Box 712, Schuyler, Neb;
J. T Yates, Reed, Ky.
Mr. L. R. Rehberg, a substantial far
mer of the Ochlockonee district, was a
visitor to the city on Thursday.
10 Pounds Hickory Chewing Tobaooo, 20 prises. On exhibition at G. W.'Cooper & Company’s.
VO Subscriptions to the American Farmer, 60prizes...
Mr. Ben Ainsworth has returned to
Tampa. Fla/ He had been the guest
of relatives in this cuty for several days.
Mrs. William Chilton Houston of
Louisville, Ky., is the guest of her par
ents, ; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dillon on
D iwson street.
you absolutely nothing. Every
T T. & G. Passenger Train Takes
IIHeader With a Freight..
Conditions*—Read Carefully.
Any person is entitled to one count with every $1.00
mid on subscription To either the daily or weekly Times-
Enterprise. If you are an old subscriber and are behind,
or if you are a new subscriber, every fl.QO paid givesyou
one count or guess. You can guess as many times as you
wisly the more guesses you turn in, the more your chance
of,winning. No count will be entered in the contest un
less it is submitted on a regular blank and is accompanied
by either tlie cash or one of our agent’s receipts for at least
$1.00, dated after August 14th, 1903. No one person can
submitjtwo counts of the same number. Every, count will
The T. T. &G. passenger train dne
n Thomasville Tht^ofo^aight at 7:55
failed to make The T. T.
& G. is right often late and the delay
aroused but little comment until tele
phone message’s reached the city'' an
nouncing that a head on oollision was
the cause of the trouble. *
It seems that a freight train headed
north was standing on the track at
Kingwood, at about the time the pass
enger was dne to.pass that point. The
passenger rounded a nearby , curve at
full speed before the blockade was dis
covered, •
The powers that be were all pressed
into service, but not to sufficient qvail
and a collision resulted. By good for
tune no one was hurt. The two en
gines were badly damaged and traffic
was delayed for some hours, but tlu
regular schedule , will t again bo operated
l. That everybody who sends in a correct count will get a
worth at least $20.
•3. Th*t no one in Thomasville.
knows what the count is.
Mrs. T. E. Blackshear and little
laughter Mary. Louise left jesterday
morning for Kalamazoo, Mich., where
they will spend a month with relatives
and friends. *'
^vrhftt^afterjhe^^testis over the patentee of the scheme,
Conditions by Department
of Agriculture.
Review of
Mr. J. R. Colburn. New York, will send-us a swom affida-
connected with the Times-
will be allowed to eater-contest.
That there is no fake or humbug/abont the puzzle. It
f Visitors From Ma&alfe.
A number of Metcalfe ladies visited
fliomasvjlle yesterday being attracted
o this city by the excellence of out
;tores. Among them were Mrs. O. Q_
Vheeler, Miss Wheeler, Mrs. White and
digs Stringer. N
We for harvesting of crops, The ear y
part of the weelrwas moderately warm,
tlie letter part cool and windy. Reports
as to cotton continue discouraging; t le
weather is such as to prodnce no new
growth and there is no top crop; the
crop continues to open rapidly. bnt J**°
bolls are faulty and lint is short. 9
ing oontinnes to be the order of the day
and is rapidly drawing to ******
some counties. Little or no fall plow
ing has been done up to date, henceXaU
seeding is considerably delayed.
(Do not fill* in these blanks)
"Dot feraTOK” Timeb-Ektehfbise, Thomasville, Ga.,
.Enclosed find 9,... toapptyoni
which send until ordered.difoantinced to
" * r (Nusi
(Dally or Weekly*)
(Write name and address and make figures plainly. - Are yon taking the paper now: