The Thomasville times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1904, December 26, 1903, Image 1

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mng to thomasville. !
in Dispateh Says Secret)
fill be Here Next Month.
tree ad-
will be ;
Stanley’s 1
, worth =
Twelve Couhts of That
Are Received.
if«ta?3r of State Hay will probably
i.tovrn to Georgia for a rest immG-
I dy after the 1st of January. Ho
■been confined to his home by a very
Ibborn cold for some days, tod la con-
pring the Advisability of a short rest
Wfron* the scene of his labors. *tf
leaves here he will go tOrThomasv^Ue
***:.: will b8 the guest of Coldnel
kecPayneat] the beautiful Payhe
n^on the. outskirts of Georgia’s fa
ns' winter resort.
[t will be recalled that it was at the
' masmlicetU j
[ range from
dams worth j
: fird addition* i
n. it ' * -?
George M. Smith of Thomasville Wins
T£ ■ Contest and J. F. Pittman Second—Th
)d from * the Famous Times-Enterprise Dot Conte
‘ The dot contest is ended. It closed - —~ " : - , w
*T «■ Z\’Kife. . . .
ach, to a record breaking day. The last count 7 / Juo T Chambers, Ttiomasville,-
« roU : received after five o'clock Thursday afl | * V :i. • iGJ
t as to ^rnoonfrom Mr. Jno. Giant proved a 10 AHWUliama, , ,
Dtribute ' *' v. ‘ \\
■ Tiie management of the paper guiiran-
teed tfprize worth at least *20.00 to ey- , w ‘ ■
($$!* cry correct counter. In as mf «* jf J H r^ke'r, O^lockonee,
id flRV there were only nine prizes of ‘tliat «. ,\y E Duren,'. .
ey'think v ^u* on the original prize list, this 1st ^ '•
dred to have to be supplements J. > x <s G M Pbwell*u V
1Ter - ' topfyementfcuneMe to tett at thU 1» AHW^ms. * .V
“tW T*** S Si^aThon^vUle.
oat just ;wU1 jfcmce it to say that the ™ j^e J Groover, Boston, f
°te end guarantee will 1» 'n»de thoroughly 24 ;A WMolier,
vote just gooa. .'v ■ • ■■ , Mi ao PSHeeth!'j£ Thomasville, ; '
There is no specified order fortho dis-S iAA, Blan-.Scnnymi Fla,
tribntion of the prizee-Npartier one t *3J^y<«efer? , c55w’ ' •
daeshot have a prize assfeWto him, SO ' ^JGraceE Beach, Snsina,.
but rather has choice of nil the prizes in g3 ; £ g Hehth, Sr, Thomasville,
r -.if# 4 2-
rom the oboico, number three third ohoice end jj MrM tr A. itrosvn, Tiftoii,
vho was so oh down.. . » JTCtaSgS ' Ihoa ^ e '
lay. He UntiLnext-ThursdayMt nW^iU X®gg L JO*iubanks, ‘ *V ■
ma home that Secretary Hay's
ighter, who is the wife of Payne
dtney, the nephew of Colonel Payne
nt her honeymoon. Mr,. and. Mrs.
dtney will spend the holidays, with
secretary, and it hi probable that
entire party will run down to Geor.
t for a few days. .
Dho secretary has to be here for the
lomatic breakfast
Mr. 04 W. McMath. of Pelham waft.
here Wednesday.
on New Tear's
jri and the cabinet dinner he wjil^ive
pet week; after that he will be free to
1V6 ywlftw there should be tnfosaalin-
nutional complications not now ex-
The above dispatch calls to mind tlm I
^ rumor prevalent last year thatSecretary I
Hay was coming at that time to ▼itit t
Col. Payne. Col. Payne has not ye*- *
iarrired himself but is expected ixpme- '
[ ly after Cliristmas. The close friend*
' Whip between the distinguished gentler {
men makes Col. Hay’s visit very proba-
:resting marriage.
Let wedding of ronh interest to
sville people took place Wednes-
,ming, when ^iss Annie Wldd-
s married to Mr. M.^ Xr ^tight
fsMiss Annie Gook, a fair daughter of
Cajjro^wal shopping in tow»<Cu^dayU ,
Miss;Mamie Evans of Merrillvill^was
among the visitors to Thomusville-
| Mr. J. BElw^U. of OcWo<i^6e^ ani |
his young son, wire visitors,to Thomas-.
the Kelly HoW Hi^, brothers, Mesas.
Hen andHenry^Kelly of this city wjll
Attend the fdk^tpL * * ,
iw .
> " v •
AVto^j^ef^of Nortlipni'guests are
do'mi^^tor the season at Old; Oaks,
tlx* liomis of Miss R. it Hliler, formerly
of iniiladtiphia. . Among them are Mrs*
>, ana mi®- »* *-e—- . . i
; vniin for Gincinnettl, where they
hereafter reside.}Ii8B Whiddon.wM
ft this city’s most attractive young
e. She hue'a number of. staunch
d, who regret her removal to au-
• -Wriglit is well known in Thom-
l*e as 1). lets traveled this territory
ieveral tears. He is a \-irginiau
his present headquarters are in
Mr. and Mrs. John Vaughu s
ter Florence are in the cit
i.ieuce, B. L,.Mr. Geb./Wv>1
New. York,'Mrs;Joim^!^«ti<
Albany is the
fr, Thomsville,
ngletary, Cairo,
tom* Withdraw*. . i
ise, Thoma6Tille, Ga. i
I note in your pope* mjv' s
Late'fbr alderula’ - . K nd’y
, and thank mj. "friends
kind expressions.. ’I am
j,-a« my jiefeition takes me
ne a great deal of my
vn will be in • safe Mii4s
ie namefi^\ mentioned v I
to vc.te ior .themjtU.r \ ‘
Very truly. . .
,T. J. Bottoms. >
le, Tiiotnasvflle
jckson And Mr. Shephc-
ihryfirst, ,and' . th# .’glace j
iouse. Ilians FoV A-de-
ag have been tuade by the
committMfand the evont
Ily fhu most, tmpoi^ant
the hbfiday ^eas^i ’.in
in .-iha- f
Back From New Y\>rlc ,/
'' q jj. Thompsoh ‘came ; home
^ay from New Xorkwlfere . he has
for the past ten days. Hewae^l^
panied on his returnby Mrs. Charley
iih; lelphiafor teu ■
1 short vacation troi
Among the huniV
wlioardftt home fo