The Thomasville times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1904, December 26, 1903, Image 2

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parents • Was that given out. by Thomasville .s in a recent issue. It was to the effecl man comes early to make her Xn avoids the rush. This advice is not only to the woman but to child. Get ahead of.the crowd—and you haveJei: lections, and an almost 1 limitless assort&mt from Now, those in search of gifts suitable Tor Y Dekle of Marianna, The weather is^a&v&ftoing, and clothing innst be departing. From now. until Jan. ist., we are going to run three special price clothing tables willjact ns maid of honor «o4 best man. They Jvilfbe the onlj- attendants. This Wedding is of unnsnal interest owing to the social prominence of the contracting parties. Miss Neel iB known as one of Themasville’s most", beautiful and charming young ladies, itr. Bra- cey iB prominent in both business and social circles. Each has a wide circle of fiends to wish them every happiness. MARRIAGE NEAR TOWN. I want to- One On this table will be found Price suits that have been selling 53.91. froln $4.00 to $7.50 per suit. Gifts of the sensible, ar< lowing list which fairly*: nobby suit of clothes or; an ideal Xmas present, c ■rill*}© go/at one* price-. ■ ’ One' ." On * this table suits 2 Ow? r « e worth from $7-5° & Sio •$4.3t. per suit, also on this ta- ble witl be found 24 suits S'aters best blue flannels to gO'dt shnae price................ Will be hard duplicate. Everyrfungra SHIRTS, boib dress and neghgee, • Gorgeous Neckwear, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Silk.Mtif- | ' * fllrs, Fancy Hosiery, Suspenders, Uttderwear, • Hats and Caps, Sweaters,Smoking' Jackets,White■ Vj sts,- ; T nrmtrino- HoheS. 'Mneintoslies/' Umbrellas. JEWELER, At the residence of the bride's par* eats, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Floyd,- four •idles north of Thomasville, on Dec. ikh. at«p- m., Mr: S. 8. Carlton was | t-4»r#a to Miss Loi-ti<|L' Floyd, R. G. I Jackson, of Ocholockonee, performing ; he ceremony. The couple wore pre ceded into the room by Mrs.. C. B. - Joinh, win* 8toed to . th^ • left;- leaving •nem'facihg tho assembled company of rear friends and relatives. The bride dresqeg'beautifully in-a caster silk CmCHESfEKS ER0U8B PENNYROYAL PILLS i lounging *K.bbe§,^Maciiitoslies^ Umbrellas, Waikins Canes, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases, Etc. < ’clock. Saturdays later.' . j f ENTIRE TABLE of boys clothing. Allot stock left in this line we are going to sell at one fourth (1-4) off. $2 suits will be $1.60; $4 suits will be $3.00. 1 Nothing hut cash can get-these prices. The prices - on most of these- suitswill'mean less than we paid Sloieopcn every evening until 8 Mallard & Varnedoe l I , was c h'ess with corresponding. laces and ribbon*., ' * •• V' ;' . After the ceremony a most - elaborate stepper was served, to which Charlie Qainn and Lee Adams did full justice. WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY AND HOPE TO CLOTHE YOU. MONEY TO LOAN. , 3 O* Improved farm lands in Mitchell, * Thomas and the eastern part of Decatmr. 06., Ga., for Ire years at eight per cent interest. Also on city, property in Ca milla. Thomasville and Valdosta, Ga. All applicants to famish good abstract tiles, Gall on oreorrespond with A. X.. Whitfield* Meigs, Ga. BY RAIL ARD HORSE ARD FOOT home of the groom’s father, Mr. Wright Carlton, of Oolquitt oohnty, w$ere ar- angezhehiB had been madeto entertain a. host of friends and kindred. The con tracting parties were of t wo of the old est and most' substantial. families of Thomas and Colquitt, and their friends wislisflw them a long and prosperous' tf» happy life." R. G. J. Worst of .all Experteoc^E^Y Cam anything be worse that every jninute will be wjt? Such was theexperience of Newson, Decatur. Ala. ‘*Kor thro^years” she writes, '*1 endured insufferabuTpaia from indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seemed inevitable when doctors and all remedies failed. At length 1 was induced to-try Electric Bit ters and the result was miraculous. 1 improved at once and now I’m complete ly recovered For Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel troubles Electric Hitters is the only medicine. Only 50c. ,It's guaranteed by Jj-Wj Peacock, drug- Hon. J. B. Rountree of, Barwick spent , Saturday here. * Miss Leonora. Jelks ef-Hawkinsvillo World’s Fair* Commissioners Here. A trio of noted Georgians wliawere in \ ntomasville was composed of Hou. Dad- ey M. 'Hughes of Danville, Hon/ Hugh V. ’Washington of . Macon, and f !ou r Glasscock Bib-reft of Augusta. These is theguestbf Mrs. Ralph NeeL »—\ ft - Miss Ruby Ball left Saturday for Qijpicy to spend the holidays. I Miss Edmi Roberts of Hawkinsville is the guest of Mrs. A. L. Spicpr. 1 - : — —* t J.R. Macon of Meigs was, a recent ^ visitor to Thomasville. : ^ Mr. W. A. Rehherg, of Ochlockonee, 1 was among the visitors to Thomasville ^ 6S Frjday. * | Mis. Bums and Miss * Mattie English j ' of Taltdiassee are in. town for the Vann- j e ■Wilsbp wedding. . 1 jc Mr. John p. Davidson r . who .lias a -f Li :1 .f llAMlfma iL* of 1 FARMER FRIEND R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find _ A good , prescription • For mankind. The 5-cent packet is Horse-Power. enough for usual* j'occasions.. The family bottle [COcts.] | contains a supplyfor a year. AH drug. We make a specialty of 1, 2, 3.1-2 an** 4 1-3 H.-P. Gasoline Engines for farm uses, such as grinding feed, pumping water, saw- 'mg wood, running tho grindstore or for any other purpose whatsoever requiring power. We guarantee satisfaction. nqdangef 1 This is the "season, of the year when the prudent and careful housewife re- plemsheiL her supply of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. _ It ts certain to be needed before the winter is over, and re sults are mote prompt andsatis- I factory when ,»t is kept-at h.and and u ‘r S so °^ , as ^ e cohtriicted and betore K hiis become SetUed in the system In almost overv instance a ’se vere cold may be warded off hv taking this ren ctlv freely as soon as the tir-,t-4n- ctcattcn Unfold appears. There is no danger m uvgu to children' for i^ con am no harmful. viibstancej It'is p««ls.n: lotukc-bwh aOuhs nml chil- dra. I.k« it !'.„y ,< «i,d vou- *.(«| get the best. }ca!wav» cdi,rts. For *•.!« h v I at- Moultrie a Busy Day. . The hclidayjjrade*went|witli a rush Saturday.- Every store' in town was packed all day. long, and tho streets were thronged •pntil late nt night bv crowds, of holiday shoppers. Among tho'prominent risitorfe were Messrs. O. Blakes(ee MTg. G> Birmingham, - - Ala., U. S. Mr. C. H, -Brown of Susina Was visitr-r to Thomasville on Saturday. Mis? L-iUBicd, b£ Mmti '.ello. tgueft. of friends h^ro, and will until after the holidays,* • Thoasands Have Kidney ' Troable and Never Sospect it ~ -Hiiw To Find Ontn Filfa bottle'or common glass '— water and let it stand tVftnty- ' jm• ? ase>li CyQ tlingr Misses Marn^e arid Luc.ui Eyan^of Memliville, were Saturday sli^p;s. here. . / D.-F. Handjey J. W. Car- | Oornelins LiU^’ Metcalfe, J. A. loch, Byron Collier of Ochlockonee, V 'Turner'of Merrillyilie, G... K. ran of Boston *uid James Jones aliu Vann of near tb^s city. * i hS •’ ■ V A Pictured Trio. Sunday’s edition of- tlio Atlanta ''ion contained the photographs ^lomasville’s popular young in its .social section, •y ^rc^^Iisses NeHie and Annie'* uJjf£*raaMrs. Geoige S. Cox. . Mr. H. E TliompH&Vhas arrived fr St. Paul a!id**Ts occajtring fiis wii residence on the Plirk Frout. *; \ / 'Tailor Made Suits, [Shirt Waists, Furnishings, Wraps, Etc. Mrs, R. Thomas and son, aiiu Mrs.. Gunnison, have arrived in' TllOmas- ville from New York. They are at OakHiU. . ^ * —TO— Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Ok lahoma, Indian Territory, California, Colorado, Utah,^ Wyoming, Oregon, Montana, Washington’ and other points . West, Northwest and Southwest, also convincing proof that--* and bladder .are out oPorder. V. "What To Do. Mr. Joe Craigmilesis at home from Atliens for the Christinas holidays. He is one of the leading students at the University of Georgia. There is comfort in the km often expressed, that Dr. Swamp-Root, the great kidney fulfills every wish n curing rfilex pain in-the back, kidneys,'liver, and every part of the urinary t It corrects 'inability to hola and scalding pain in passing it, effects following use of liquor, winfe ( beer, and overcomes that unpleasant n. cessity of being compelled to go oftei. during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root Suits, Hats, Overcoats, - Furnishings, Underwear, Etc /Mr?.:'V&JfeoE, of Philadelphia^ has leased nle residence of Mrs. E. H. Bhiith at Reward and’’Jackson streets, for ' the winter. She was here this week, but. has returned to her northern home for. i} few days. She and,Tier possession next Tlmrs- Miss Ethel Kelly, who has been the guest of relativM in Thomasville, fer several days, left for Atlanta Friday WRITE FOR PARTICULARS: We Ship-C. O. D. To any Express Office, with priv liege of examination before - accepting. Boys arid Children’s Suits, Hats, Overcoats, Caps, ; Furnishings, Etc. Write or call on, * ■ I-G. HOLLENBECK, v Oisti O-assenger Agent, LOUISVILLE & NASHVILlI R.R. NO:, ;XY“^: ( Grr‘ , ' Uniw Mr. Henry H. Bonnell and family o Philadelphia have rented] Mr. B. H. Neol's residence on Lore street for the season. They will take Jpossession on January Mr. Ed. Smith, of Meigs, one of the most prominent naTal stores men of Hie county, passed throngii town Saturday pa his way to Savannah, from where Vie will go to Tarpon Springs. Florida, for the holidays. family will tike Mr. Hamilton Vose and family, of [ilwaukee./Wis., are in the city for the- : bottle aud SAVANNAH,