The Thomasville times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1904, December 26, 1903, Image 7

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THOMASVILIiE TIMES-ENTBEPRISB, THOMASVILLB. GEORGIA, PECENB&fi2i,,I903. At Jersey Farm. bathing at ostend. I coatrjUt Between Belgian and | American Bench Cmutumm. | How dJffemitjy from ourselves Eu- j wpeaus do . sonic tilings is shown by : tne marked contrast bptweCn.tlie bath ing customs and methodsat the typical American beach and those at'a leading seaside resort abroad, snub, for in-. stance, at Oat*ncLBelgUUn.;'Tbe Aiper- ican avay is loo .familiar tor our readers' to need description. Ostend bath ing, jvblch is the most.striking thWg about the city, is'! carded, on in Ac cordance with raptinemal ideas of pro priety most shocking to the average American.. Instead of * die ordlnaiy dressing rooms. Ostend was the first Place to use the little individual houses on wheels, into which the. Intending bather, goes to disrobe and don his or her bathing salt The bouse Is then wheeled out in the water by a horse driven by a man employed for that purpose. The steps dre let down ftom the Uttle house, and tbo bather enters the' Water without having to prome-- hade over the sand. At ftp end of the bath the-bather mount* the steps into his little bouse and, calling the driver again, has his dressing room hauled up high and dry on*tbe ahc-re, where, bnv- ing dressed at hls ^tetetire, be leaves the key with an attendant and goed on his way. The bathing costumes seen at Ostend are noted for their scanti ness, the striking peculiarity of which, however, lies to the fAct that, the shits woni by the women: rarely, h ’ eter,' have any skirts otta^wd to them, ev erybody—men, women and children alike-wearing tigbt fitting- suits, the suit* furnished* by in^st of the public LITRE STORIES; . „ j .. •- A BRIP^ IjOOT.V | A story of more than the usual amount of “human interest’’ was told 1>y ■’• a drnmm’er at the Staart’Hoolkv on* Sin£ 1 day afternoon* It seems that he went' 1 up to MOWJliJU .tipT,',T. &Gr, • Saturday in- compimy will* a ..proepec- tive bridegrohm, 'whose' ? he.trf' was -Ob bubbling over with joy at'’.the ’.prospect of his nuptials .which, were io he solemn ised, tliat hatdot everyone in the car ilito his oonftdenro, and was overwhelmed with congratulations. The train returning to Thomasville aI-‘ lowed a half hour at tliis town and the traveling man came back’ . Much to bis surprise he found the erstwhile bride groom on tlie train, but he was a very different creature from the radiant be ing who had gone there a few hours be fore. A half hour, had made him a wailing mourner with heaving’sighs and shaking sobs. His: promised bride had coldly jilted him and had married a Moultrie man . the night before. The blighted ioyer made threats of *. suicide burWastiQked into a more reasonable frame of mind by the- embassador of cojamerce, and 'returned,to his,home in the country vowing to trust woman •“nevermore.” I ,' There are doubtless several morals in this story and" everyone can draw his Mr. E. A. Smith; of Meigs has jasi] completed a den? by-which hfewccuiop, 4>ie oWner aim maimger of lU-Staitli & (J^rter naval stores business. Mr. J2 N. Oarter still retains Ids other business in terests at Meigs.. Mr. Smith lias beeu operating in Thomas. county less than For Infanta and Children. and push Ale business getically than before. Cauxioc attack the child becomes hoarse.’ ,Thi> is soon followed by- a peculiar 'rough romrh*. fiivi- ('.haimhifrlain'^ f nmfh mis « uui< a fcuuMO • niuu-rouB you think how liable y6u arenot tci purchase the only -remedy universally known and.a remedy that has; liad . the largest sale of any 'medicine in. the world since 1868 for the cure and treat- On December Thirtieth. The holiday daneo at the. Mitchell Boom will be given on the evening of December thirtieth. Thie wilijiiiSn» of the pleasantest of the many social 1 Actions for theriiolidays. R YD ALES LIVER TABLETS. Rydaiea Liver Tablets cure aH- liver troubles. ■ JEbey act specifically on the especially mgs, tldWWiBBBESh c>- The 26 cent size has traduced this year. AtS A Nightmare-. V bladder, and bile duct, and bowels* They stixnu the i late .— «— r ~.. ^ oile into the bowels, keep tlie bile duel healthy, increase the peristalie move ment of the intestines and thus restore a healthy action Of all these organs. Ry- lales Liver Tablets are easy to take, be- iug small chocolate coated tablets. The; act promptly and can always be depend ed upon. Price per box of 60 tablets. FOR SALE—Vacant lot, MunroeSt. near Female College, 65x202 feet. Price $400, $100 cash, balance to suit in reason, with Interest.' I will nego tiate loan, if desired, to byild ° S600 house andtaKe payment for house and lot in monthly Installments of $12 for ten yea rs.^ E. rC'.aihftt-. 22cJ2w1t 'Death cf Mr*. Kuc'er Mrs. Aon Kuder mothcr ot. Mr. L. Kuder, routo .agent of the : Southern Express comjiany, died on December, eighteenth at ‘Weston, Ohio. Tliia news will carry sorrow to the hearts of all who knew this good lady. She was a mmnber.of M»e Presbyterian church in ^ this city, and m^de her home hero with' y her eon Mr. L. Kuder, and her daugh- t tar Mrs. O. C: Wolff. • She was vdsitirg relatives in Weston'at the time of her 1 death. : ; - • . \ : \ . * ENGINE TRANCE.. . A Sort' of Temporary Paralypln. That Sometimes Afecti Track Men. ’The numerous fatal accidents report ed in the newspapers to rail layers that occur every year on the various rail road systems throughout the country are not In every case due. tf ia gen erally supposed by the public, to neg ligence or carelessness on the frart of the workers themselves.” said .0 New York physician and surgeon employed by the New York Central railroad. “The fact is, the hearing of these men in time becomes affected owing to the constant stooping pdsitUMi which they are obliged to assume in laying the rails, patting the bolts in, etc., and that renders them often oblivions, to approaching trains, notwithstanding the fact that they work In' gangs and have lookout men near at hand; Art- Other fact which Ts'accountable lt» many instances for fatal accidents to rail layers is what is known among the men themselves ns ‘engine trance.' This 1 might describe inorc clearly as a temporary sort of paralysis which aft fects siraulfaneously both the mind and budy. The ‘stroke* lasts only a few seconds, but those few soconds mean life or death when a fast train Is approaching. . */1 “A rail layer who may be in perfect physical condition is hot proof against the powerful fascination as he gazes along the rails and sees an engine with its row of riirs coining toward him at express speed. Although be lias been warned by the lookout and the shouts of his fellow^-of the ; approach ing danger, he will ipay no heed, hut stand spellbound for ah Instant- And that inshtot’a delay 1s generally fatal, or, if not Jt results in the amputation of a leg. . , ‘♦There are few rail layits who have not. they will tell you. experienced this peculiar trance at; pne. tlme^or another during their careers on. the track. An! mals are also subject to ‘engine trance.’ particularly dogs atul cats, and that no doubt accounts to some extent for- the Iar^e number of them as well as other animals that are killed on the railroad.’* —New York Times. . MmfiniiiimmmroiiinnnnTmnimmmmmmmmmm! g -G'W MILLIGAN. ARCHITECT ANET BUILDER. HOGS FOUND;—Mr. Harmon D. Davis, Q mi'es southeast o? Meigs took • Death of Mrs. Carver.' News has" reached the city of the death of Mrs. G. A. Carver at Gaines J ville, Fla., Mrs. Carver was well kpowxi ! in -Phomasville, and All- who were ac- , quianted with hef will learn with deep I regret of her untimely demise. Mr. ! Carver was employed here by the At- lintic Coast Line a short time ago H 8 wife Was formerly Miss Ida Mixson and" was a sister of Mrs. Ed Ward oi tuii citv:^ " . ' Thomasville and Moultrie. I furnish plans and specifications for 'anything that can be built of i Stone, Brick, Steel or /Wood. I' build anything in; the above Wood. I build anything in; lines. * Office—At Moultrie, Ga. returned;in o few minutes leading by the band—his wife!—London THI-Bits.. 8YMP TCM Candies! A rieautiful line of...: Relieves Instantly or Money Refutxied. Itching, Bleeding Biles, ops the Itching. Stops the Bleating. Allays all Lrooiibv wur. iu~s the Rotated inners nembraiits gently stimnlaes tlie uervt-* tliat coutrol the :esi)iratory organs and . mjt*« lielps nature to ppeiidi'y rrstore uor- mal ••toitJili ms and laultli;* action. J ■ » Feac «tk ■ • • •. ■ ; r *• . Mrs. Turnbull , dfyMouticello Fla,, is the guest of Iter son l^r. A. N. •Turn- onU. u . s 1-v r, ? Her Bunlnem. She—Is she a business 'woman? < Hff^Yes. • She—Whdt> business is she interested Xmas Souvenir Boxes. *rybody’s.—Boston Herald/ The Thomasville Ice Company ikT THE LO WEST ?RI0ES: Wood, soft and hard Coal, Texas Rust Proof Seed Oats, Corn,, Hay, and Feed'Oats., Cottbtt; Seed Meal and HuHsj Soda .Wateiv and Siphons.. Method is like packing.things■ fn a r box. -A goo<rpacker will get In half as. wticbagain as u bad.pne.—Cecil. • Mr. Frank Ansle;-, Jr... oi ;YalAosta >t.v Stindav -here. • FROST A to CROPS. «E -YOU GOING IP so, Writs To - B. J Walker, Florida, Passenger Agent; Nash ville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway. “Dixie Flyer Route” Jacksonville, Florida. . V -" Low Rates now in effect to Colorado, California, Washington, Oregon and other Western States. double Daily Service*,- Fast Schedules. Guide Book. Time Tabres and ties- , . criptive Pamphlets Free. Dr.’ Moody of Brntcu was - a Monday Lpitor to Thcmrp.-.v’ll -. moth- d Wife of Pelham mi Monday-. ' replied the lad. _ ,ow.” said the teat y. “you read It exact • it to your mother." ■o is hi* reply: “Lot tltere J uwk!”—Phi u'i’ie Mae Bogers, of Barnes- 'her cousin, Frances -foriho holidays. To use a homely, illustration; ■ . m * When you find yourself-in the wrong and the right is pointed out to you, to be honest with yourself, what should you do? SWITCH! If you are using lard for frying and shortening, and we prove to you that Cottolene is. purer, more healthful, more economical, what should you do? SWITCH 1 \* Nature’s Gift from the Sunny South v ou the Pacific coast. **; Ciir load sjupment.; will lie (fi j routed via New York and Gape £?> Horn to Sim Francisco. The price ^ ! .will bo liiyliOr, but'- Californians aTe>villiug to pay f or a cood thin z. g , Success Soda nttnilr at five cents SJ.; a pound in , the Southern SOacs. The price is within reach' of ev- ^, eryflQdy—get the best. ^ j MOREHOUSE A] MANUFACTURING •« COMPANY, . S Savannah, »■ ■ Georgia K Fond of Stv. ot Tliins.. ■e very fond of sweet things, o who knows little about 9 'surprising to learn the f candy they consume. Jn store are kept buckets if , wliicl) l» one of tbe chief in exchange for which a with his pocket money. thousand pounds! y consumed on a them It Is quantity of the ship’s : this article. commodities sailor parts On large ship? seve. of candy are frequeT cruise-—G untoP 8 M Mr. M, R. Catherwood, auditor of the Atlantic and Birmingham railroad is in the city. '.1st and January 1st, 190-1, the Atlantic loast Line will sell between all stations on its line, and on connecting lines to all oiuts east of the Mississippi and south f the Ohio and Potomac River, include ug St. Louis, Mo., and intermediate >oints. " • ' . Rates one and a third fare for the - ctmd trip, plus 25 cents, tnininram rate > cents. •^ Final limit returning Jan. 4th, 1904, C* SfacrtcBSTDurftod—LcnriknsMiar lifc ^ Now, lard, as you know, is mads from hog fat. It may or may bs purs, Cottolene is always pure, because it contains nothing but osd vegetable oil and choice beef suet. It is always uniform, and guarantee the quality. Besides, it is nsver sold in bulk likt lard, v comes in sealed tin pails, hot open to contamination. So ch for purity and healthfulness. ■ - ' • As to sconomy—Cottolene is richer than lard. It rsquires, therefore, two-thirds the quantity to secure better results. This means economy. Why not do justice to your stomach and give 4t a digestible product her than an indigestible one? Your grocer will, start you right With . Mr. E. H. Smith i after a br.sia*wB .trip part of the county. at homo again o flic northern Ratee for School and Co ill be sold Dec. lfitfi'to ve; with final limit Jan. •:ls and teachers must ,b igned fromBuperintenflc f school to secure this ra ^or all information adc 2nd inclu- 1904. Pa- 3 „ h |.bn«">krtaT“ victim-