The Thomasville times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1904, December 26, 1903, Image 8

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GE0KG1 THE MARKETS. The Prices at Which Things Buy and Sell-Corrected Weekly. V 1,. THE J. U. GARTER GO. ’ GEORGIA—'Thomas County. TO THE SUPERIOR COURT OF SAID COUNTY The petition of Daniel Willis, E. E. Wilkes, J. N. Carter and J. R., Hamble- ton respectfully shows that they desire for themselves and their associates, suc cessors and assigns to be incorporated for the term of twenty years with priv ilege of renewal at the expiration of that time, under the corporate name of the**J. N. Carter Company.” . The object of said corporation is to be pecuniary gain and profit to its stock- . holders and to that end they propose to engage especially in the purchase and sale of merchandise of any and every kind, as well as the manufacture there of, including fertilizers, lumber and naval stores; to invest or engage in any business or enterprise not contrary to law or inconsistent with the before men tioned purpose of the corporation! and which may promote the interest of said corporation or develop the resources of this section of the country. To this end your petitioners desire that they, their associates and success ors be invested with corporate power and authority to purchase hold, build, improve, sell and lease or let any and all kinds of property both real and person al either for themselves oT for others, charging for the aame; to sue and be sued andhave all other powers conferr ed by the laws of Georgia on such cor porations and all such powers not men-, tioned above as are incident to said bus iness and necessary to the operating of LOCAL BUYING PRICES. Tliomaeville, Ga., Dec. 26, ’03—Eggs per floz.,85to40c. Best butter,25c. Medium butter, 20c to 22c. Chickens, fries, 32-1-2 to 85c ; hens, 80 to 85c. Sweet potatoes, 550 to 60c per bn. Fodder, per 100 lbs, 75 to 80c. Seed oats, per bu., 65c.to75c. Country bay* pe> '0° lbs., *50c. to 7$c ; New Syrup 22 to 25c. fe- ? albCAL .SELLING PRICKS. ' Tbomasville Ga.; Dec. 26, 1903.—Cof- 16c. Green CoflWf ‘ favor Mis. B- ®- i. Less Wells- 8au* i to, me by B. sfendaht notified in tth District of Thom- . booadea bya line Northeast corner of itli 1809 yardsjtbenee thence North 130* trie: thence East to aining 270 acres, fi fa from the Supe- ons county in favor of ■ Company vs. W. E. :. Williams, the same, fee, Arbuckles fair 10c. choice, 12j£c, White ted sugar 6% cents Brown • vu^aOl^o. Suc.Soda per lb. 5c; crackers lO to 20c. Stick candy 10 ^Kerosine oil 20o—6 gals. 90c. Side meat per lb 10 Meal 76c per bn. Floor $4.60 to $5.50 per bbl. Western hams 16% to 18c. Lard, Compound 9c., Leaf* 10c. Breakfast bacon 17 to 20c. Timothy •hay, $1.25 per 100 lbs. Bran $1.25 Ter 100 lbs. Cotton Seed Meal $1.35 per 100 lbs. Cotton seed hulls 60c per 100 lbs Williams and T being levied on i Williams, one o T.J.H the. defendants. jht;’Sheriff T, C. G$. I ATION. « naa County. incero: R- G.Stone ion to me in dne permanent admin- te of Mrs. M. i- county. Nofioeis id application wjU alar term of the said oonnty, to bo. : . Conday in January,* hand and offidgk th day of Nov.190$' Jone6,'t>rfijnary ') form to be appou ted istrator upon the m Bennett, late of t dd hereby given tba si be heard at the rej court of ordinary fo held on the fir t -1 1904. Witness m: signature, this th i $1 . Wup 12-5-4t - ■ Among the out of town guests at the Whiddon-Wright marriage was Mrs. McRae of Pelham. Miss Varioa Russell of Bainbridge was here yesterday to attend the Thom as-Jones wedding. Applicatioi teave to Sell. GEORGIA—The nap County, Notice is hereb r given that the finder- signed has applie l' to the • Ordinary of said County for ltJive to sell the saw mill privileges ori 80 acres of land lying intV • northern jortion of lot number a.2 in the thirteenth district of TIxomas j v, for he purpose of distri- uUbiuii. Said api iication will be heard in the Court of C rdinary on the • first Monday in January 1904. Mrs. S-JAa Pearce, Admx., Estate of J. W. I earce; deceased. Dr. Gaston has returned to his home in Macon] *' Boschee’s German Syrup. We cannot understand why any per son suffering with a cold or throat and lung troublewill neglect to purchase a bottle of German Syrup, sold in all civilized parts of the world, without a single case of failure. There are thou sands of consumptives right here in Georgia that give Boschee'e German Syrup thesble credit of their being alive to-day. Ask your druggist. Price 25 and 75 cents. S. H. Price Company. 3eod Handsome Cottage Organ, Mason & Hamlin make, secured from Carter & Dorbugh, Valdosta, Ga., Will be i on exhibition here within afew days. Value .. ;« Partin & Orendorf “Rex’* Buggy from Comfort Trading Company, Boston, Ga Choice of any model of a Wheeler and Wilson or New Home Sewing Machine. On exhibition at C. K ~ Quinn’s store. Value...... Scholarship to Stanley’s Business College. Value Application 1 »r Leave to Sell; GEORGIA—TJic mas County: . Notice is hereb ' given fbat the un dersigned has ap lied to the ordinary of said county tor' le ife to sell' the east half of lot of lane dumber 150 in the 18th district of Thomi s county Georgia, .for the purpose of <( istribuuon. Said ap- 5 Iication will be leard on the first Mon- ay in January 1 04 in the Court of Or dinary. Mrs. f. F. Ballard, Adm'rx. er.t. of h B ; Ballard, deceaeed. and needling tree*. THE G.M. BACON Ga is to be $40,000.00, divided into sliares of $100.00 each, all of which has been paid in, with the privilege of increasing to $100,000.00 with the approval of two- thirds in value of the stockholders, each stock holder to be liable only for the stock subscription unpaid. Daniel Willis. E. E. Wilkes. J. N. Carter. J.R.Hambleton Petitioners. GEORGIA—Thomas County. I, J. W. Groover, clerk superior court do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of petition this day filed in my office. This Dec.. 10,1903 12-12-4 ' J. W. Groover, C. S.. C. Magnificent Studabaker Wagon. On exhibition at Evans & Son’s W^honse. Value... Columbia Talking Machine and six Dies. On exhibition at C. M. Tuttle’s store. Value. Steal Cooking Range. On exhibition at Coleman & Adams. Value 1 bat Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved tber matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build Up your health.Only 25 cents, money back if not cured. Sold by J. W. Peacock Druggjst. ■ i Application I r Guardianship. GEORGIA—’Tho nas County, To all whom it nay concern:' " James M. Rusli u having applied for guardianship of he property of James Rnshin Groover i nd Sam' D. Groover, minor children o: Sam D. Groover, late of said county, d ceased, notice is here by given that sa d- application will be heard at my offi e at. my office at ten o’clock a. m. oil the first Jtfondav in .Tannanr t(Ul( JONES, Ordinary. • Suit Eff-Eff clothes. On exhibition at Neel Bro’s. store. Value. On exhibition at Neel Bro’s. store. Value. Nothing has ev(^ equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it Double-barrel Shot Gun. On exhibition at Wertz &'Son’s. Value. Dr. King’s New Discovery Splendid Syracuse Chilled.Plow. On exhibition at Coleman & Adams, j .Valve, lfr-5-4t Shoes. On exhibition at Tbomasville Shoe Company's store. Value. Applicatioi Leave to Sell. GEORGIA— 1 Th< nas-County. Notice is hereb giieu that the coder- signed has applie i to the ordiuary of said county for 1< its to nil 1 land be longing to the es*te of J. B. P. Diw» Sr.torthepaymit ot debts, said ap plication tnll be heard at the remlar term of the court! of ordinary for ..O’ oonnty to he heltMen the first Monday in January 1904. T is Nor. S7, 1903T 7 vU* A 1 Stetson hat. On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company’s store. I Pair Douglas Men’s Sho6s. On exhibition ait Thomasville Shoe Company’ll store. Valuei A Perfect For All Throat and Cure; Lung Troubles. Money back if it fails. Trial Bottle* free. the court house in Tbomasville. Ga., be tween the usual hours of sale, a 1-8 un divided interest in the following tracts or parcels of land in the 13th district of Thomas county, Georgia. Being 100 acres in front of the honse and part of lyt No. 10, and in the southwest corner of said lot, bounded on the east by the 1 Pair Douglas Mens’ Shoes. On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company’s store. 1 Value........ 1 Pair Queen Quality Ladies Shoes. On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company’s Store. Value. Bankrupt Sale. The stock of Everett & Battle at Pelham, Ga, will be sold by order of Bankruptcy court, in several lots or as a , whole, on Wednesday Dec, 30th. «tock consists of Dfy Goods, Shoes, Hats, Household & General Merchandise. Terms 10 per cent cash on day of sa\e, balance on confirmation of rale by court Sale will be at the firm store in Pelham and will begin 10 a. m. |A. H. Codington Receiver. 1 Pair Queen Quality Ladies Shoes. On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company’s Store. Value. 1 Jefferson Hat. On exhibition at Thomasville Shoe Company’s Store. Value y.;.. * 10 Copies of Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage’s “Travels in the Holy Land.” 10 prizes having each a value of $2.75. On exhibition at J. E. Robisofi & Co..... * •••• Application lor Discharge. Georgia—Thoi ias county. VT. D. Peacock, Guardian of MaA from such*guardij aship) concerned show cis— ■ ' court honse in sai county on tho”to Application ft ■ Leave to seliT —Thomas County. f° r le *T tQ sen, TOd beHn! >w c 086 before me at the * «iai county on the first ora* r» 1904, why snoh ap. wge should not be — n>y official signatnrn - »mber, 1903 n. D. JONES, Ordinary. Maynard land, to be hereafter described; on the west by the Groomsford road. Also 22 acres of lot No. 9 in said dis trict, state and county. the same lying immediately east of the Groomsford road and south of the tract last above de scribed, and beginning at the intersec tion of the south boundary line of lot No. 10 and the east margin of. the Groomsford road as a starting point, YOU HAVE JUST ABOUT TWO. MORE WEEKS In which to buy the best Shoes for the least money and get keys to the Re<T Box that has 50 dollars in it. We give this money to the keys that unlock th^ Box. There’s no doubt about it: We sell you the best \ v Shoes intfie county—that’s our - :'j , business. Ask your neighbor. L 1 * We are closing out one lot of Ladies $1.50 and $2,00 Shoes at - - 75 cents. One lotof Boys $1.50 and $2.00 Douglass Shoes at - - - - 75 cents. One lot of Childrens $1.00 and $1.50 Shoes a t - - - - 50 cents. G “ R ° IA -T'-oraa S Count, John E. Parker, Executor cite all persons concerned to 112-5-4). Ww.MJon^ ia-12-4 Citation. GEORGIA—Thomas County. To all whom it may concern M.A. Fleetwood, public a< tor, having made application due form to be appointed - administrator upon the < Lacy, late of sai Jcountv, nom that said application will be the regular term of the cot for said county, to be heli “witness my’hantl* and' rare, this 7th day of Decet . . «* rae in ..'Qs&gz ?«««■« rivea t of ordinary on . the, first