Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 18??-1889, April 18, 1860, Image 2

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<£jre Southern Ciitorise.! ~ © O a, ‘ ® ♦ ♦ ♦- *- U ® ®(g 0 * Uni■ < . BRTAH, BHTOI, - m mu ‘ wt!i,m:mdav. • .<&... u'Kii, fsoo. i s_® ® ! ► ® AVe m e graftii © t® guvioujssc I Am IM. MIX. JB. • : a®< 4 *l’ tbr Noiittai rn Circuit. ■ iou :->?!<•, I „ UMldrlk SOCTIIiIIN KifTKßl'ltWKl* s in;; hi-* !**•:;>’ IBM i?soa Sit C lii^ouxhout the ('ifiiiil’ aii;l ii in an i receipt for ull mib<ri;inoti>i io iiir fmprr, au:l tocouirat! for Silver: joi*: ,is- ‘ ‘% ‘it * sue. EITaUL COB!{EJ*?O.VDf” ; T @ . ® • A K, • Leaving Timavion tii ®® . ® to write ® a&renxlj @ ® ® i distance between the two places is overcome in a rer i ® @ © ® * @ ® © * ;•■.*: •' %jn •- m ■, |. M.. c-\Rv® ® on®, and an • • #k*i 4 * #nAt*9 yiu I, . of tl.-- • .if: # ftt and • the present* mi ® the n M.'nt iea-t t'x hours ► mort © .f. |.— • • t & ®*R’ ipart to I ‘ ‘ jj, ® ts A+ - # hoi..* © • taucc ot 1 vflle, , . • id th% to the cast of Troupville is Id miles distant. iff, -r-.s. * lif ca , • •. , Riv en, u.ffj. i ftt i-, i • ■[,, a in. ® 1 :gr c! * “* ■ * . ■ ■ “g a- conies .hr •ir *’ % ♦ i # ’ f*£ wiui the cat-:- at ; ♦ tm.... at Cos *, , , Trun^ • *.*l wjkth ail its defects, ai is if putting i isaenfcefW v tkrouglif#m , . * nflh :■ r time and u. money, tiian any r Route ■>n iv:.'. * > iuo i ..11 -:er ’ oKmgemmt Mtmn gs toe gul he that section*TvliO ‘4,ein iucliit i$ patronize it* of all Oth#S m ■ * facilities should hofs a • p >-8# \ and then the enormity ♦ the • t.\ ihe in® •rrcasffff p.itronßrc j. After a thefresent terminii: •ho Mom Trunk at ft if ion J 50. 13, two miles eaßof the Alappaha, at 7 o'clock, f A. M., and found the small populatio^ %ii <'[t’it#a spirited fit !i the people flftthcdp west, and showing the it-ted indicat#ns railroads igive to pr<MH>erity. The Main Trunk. #lken i.Rcrui nection the S ivanuah, Vih#ky & Gulf a prodigious work, and we tire only astonished, vi c take iflto cjfcs rescaled p <■> ‘ in its construe: in, trar it lias westward so rapidly. Its cross# ■’ ay,he Altamaha would have * been sufficient to deter most from undertaking a work of such inaptitude, to say the least odgloubt ful durability; but fortunately for fwvarifia-h and: Southern Georgia, a man wa- b#nd infae lamented Dr. Screen, so long its President and leading spirit, who knew what the u. acuities were and !.♦> to and overcome them. They and now the road stretches to the Alappaha, L4O miles futm Savannah, incomplete running oril|| a;ii #ieeps fu# tiiuUarge time employed in transportation through a country heretofore Rtbought to be unproductive. 1# ‘ Main Trunk is the most pleasant railroad we have ever traced upon; th track is almost perfect* smooth—so much so that in very few any extra noise is heard by the wheels in going joints of the vails, ns so heard in uproar on all ■ the other rewds in the^jiate. _ mm Wv iiaye again tußolivonicle the death of a worthy and%'iiniable citizen of our #wn. Mr. !1. L. Andrksox, one of our most, energetic meveliants, departed t IR. life b'uuday morning 1.-: -i He had been failing for weeks past, and was the g<#tg of a wary man to sleep. Re leaves Ram friends to sympathise with hc;#t-stri d#n widow and children. S) 7 r Lady's Book for May ha.- been re ceived. # ® ■*# the April number of the North Carolina University Magazine. % ® * 0 ’ ft *•***• TOSS* We have rccei #-l a copy of the Gt'-tyu CNfipcr, a neatly printed pa#pr, recently started at | Warrenton, G;v,~anßeditcd by Wm. l#®Royal. — - - *• - - I —* • Spft nil attentioif is directed t# Che adver tiseineut ®)f John ‘Wind, architect and . •il<Rr,#.a another column. ® • f ® • Also, to the alu crii-cment of J. .Sc hi If rm her I who are sidling cheap go ■ 1 - # ® R *.® . # f • •DOGtlflrifAl.f’ * # 111 the name of all >!:e e ; Is at unco, is t o *, no had from Congre#', or Legisliftune, i Superior Cos t, or Justices t'ourf! or the ‘ff an e • sr.c : l ot Tii i* i-viile. against • the miserable |ble, ungodly and detesi.iblc •hiking ami howling of cur dog? > in our town, from t* o'clock I*. M. t* 1 o'clock A. M.? # STATE (•OWEM*<>.>. f Macon Mandi lGt# i s GO. i At a consultation of the State Executive Uoimißt -8 tee of at ft Oppositi n Unfty T G eo. g la, this day* (Till the m< • beingfpreseULor c ting theret*x. except Col. Miilcdgf. T.f tiro it*was uuwnimousW resolved to isru* tft raloviig & call; m • * ® * citizens of Georg! : who ui-r-*, >ed 1 cfh •• the mwL scheme.- of tlu n a * pigrty of the iiorffii and t# th • 3 nd e.x;rtß f* Democratic all in%® : with thed mestic institi tii ,i- of another, whither in file Spates, or in ■ t -.w-vei are the cum jjon property of alUhe > believeHresg** stitutional rigiit of toe Sot.tii a free v merit r the latter, with ®er property oßewßt description; both jusiin l*indef*asible—w{je esekew all political pMrties as ical to rr.c u —who reverence the Cciist itutiou and advocate ie spywt and obei.Uomy to all laws ptßsed ii9pursuance i 1 hereof, and to ftic decision# of theconsfitaued judicial 4 i ri ihimi i s® l • ! . • ‘ r t- :Lt-;r respective counties. rf*s early jtf p, , , sd al delegates to a the eii \<. lullig ‘■ ille, © i dnesibi\. . fj.j ijjwv Us May#ne.xt. the purpi ® as may be deemed expe lit-’ t ig rei to the .** y ® ® l ire :it Cdiii:ihii>. e , ! (g ™ w The N-jTclty in € dumbi* With atfvr-* al buildings, was d-s ,-d by tire on .'Sat urday ; he 7 tii Just. I--- 920,1 J©o- p., r ih ® sred. * ® ® ®’ ® - ()(§) Ig @ Vl,(,| SSI DbllT., e • Noi lolk - lki—Tlfe ‘CI:, oner lVom ftii’otiTend. i ® *! i: , :U nu „ dev. iji a leaky condiftorL. ® ® ,* ® <SpS> w @ . * @ 9 Ship on Firr. e • York, April 11. The slyp Jacob V WCsicr '■’bi.'-o; o, i for Livcrpefd, o- op she off the s 8 ® /=v (Hi C ® - ® * . © v r j bill, the whole subject has , re-oommitteeL wid ® ‘ ® - ton: • a i ® * ® 9 ® #> ® ® ‘ ‘ , ®- * 183 78. V m * p ‘ \'f ® • ‘ ‘ ‘ * o*’ el ,'fr Potter, of W;sc< ..o i j mating - j ® i £ @ ■ -m & m J® ® 8 ipressian that Mr. Pryor wiUrcnallenge 1 ® ® * so ; I otter. • • * aaofngttn, April* 12.-5n -the Senate Ro-da * m ■ ■ * - ijct.rr. t-.u* uic- < . -irleston 1 oii \nti “was v.rl,uniw,n Several hills wereßiassed, i ® © r *’ §-* tiie U ,*~® m ■ , * ise passed tl!v Senate tjetl* to scttpthß titles f ® * ..Tio ri , Tke TarirF bill was discussed. (R - J , # #■ #. w ■ y' :!n i rr. Rti i; concenin.gW •a . •.-# -P y a.i 1 1 • *t ‘ The latti.w . it ,v i iff he city. ® * *— j&. Wfclilies io Fight. - * Aprijt 11.—Mr:* P. ’ter “■.-him* to j ave the 1> strn-t for tiie pt Rose a lies- ; tilffnote ft*m Air. Pryor. ® | 8 m •** •** •* • (8 8 * fcwlfcw Kobbcrv-S <l|olni t |. U- iR April I(ir--The Ageutff iißghis c#y o%] ! > he Mailin’ Beak ofßileißofiu was r<jbbe<|y[ast night ! 1 o! tv. r Jri-iv ’l'houßtmt I*• -11 • iff by pf false Lkcys. halt the moouir is .’ll (hi Wa- j Inc Bau.jji .e* ris ui bills#!’ G m. ia %ml : 0 ‘arolina Banks. r (f * • thffisaad and- •#b fffer 'cfL * 1‘ * , ® • ‘s4 * ‘M# un icistaud^ioit Rrty-threi iff fortA-ffMb (hoHsaid t:ve , linn'l oiavstni.en fr- in the Agi ncy of ti.RiMa -Ba - In Columbus iiaVt been refßverc I.V . ‘• % . • * *. orthe ( >;* .Htnlur i# >. Orleans. Non ; to 1 y|>!te@witne?s the of the 1 f Henry Clay was threSj I mill m lens'll The statue *vas uny ill-d amiand shout-,,*,( the nmltitude. the firing of minute guns. J •'id tlo- Riling w hells. Tlir ovalfcn wt. >#i vered i Ty Um II llun®: 1 Ail the RU-lness ot the : eit ’ tiro t Rod. ® I * ,'•#• I liri'tj:<w \ >.'oc i; linn ■ h New Orleans. April 1J Men -Cl>h j jfian Association iRiRi net!,: tliip city yesterday, ‘and were organis'd RjUiPn. •’ ■ ■ ‘** * * 0 Drstrnrtivc Frcilirt, ° P^t ; -burgh. Pa., ApriM2.—A destructive freshet ocfftrrß at this yesterday. Thirteen canal | boats were cavried-oveF ffiejJam, and Ihe Vail road ( ’ track was aw ay,•and at? travel impcßd for ihe ° § r- . dft g, - Augusta Election. ® The vtet: yißll-1a 1.i.-t'Rlonday for Ma ftr stood I —for Foster Blodgett, American, 700; 11. May. People’s Ticket, 708. • m The t ouncilmen-sfill Indepncdent or #,Peopie's : Ticket—?were elected R an average majority of 223 votes. *’ ‘SjJ’hc HommU-ad Bill. The bill, as agreed I# by the Hfiiise, sat s the An £ list a ('■ -uMituiton'iHsl, provides that e-Srli citizen ol • the United States, or who shall have filed his inten tiff to become sueli citizen, shall be entitled to cn terßnpon possession, free of cost, the singly man eighty* acres; nnd the married, without children, one huffired and sixty acres; the man with chilurcti, three hundred and twenty acres; and at the end#!’ Itvffycars possession and occupation of I saitUaiß lie shall be entitled to fi deed and ceriiri catc of ownership from goyernnieut, upon payment 8 O of a fee of ten dollars. - - - - - - -* (j l><-;:tb nl nii old Editor, Mr. .'iinmel 8. Littlefield, 1* twenty-one years an editor of the New Orleans Price L'urrmi , died in that city on the Ist in-t. He was the great a lit horn I ity on the cottoh crop in the NRnth-west. and Rftß lldistinguished for eapaei'v, itidustff, integrity and W courtesy. ;# R *-* Sew M’npri-. * Mi ssi# Wm and A. I*. of M- #!- gomcry. Ala., propose the publication >f anew journal in that oitv, Mffltffomery* to^ be independent in politics—lV Larkins, iff; , Editor*’ i# * ~ - lit ill'll MlalßS ( i'ourt. Th* grand juty of this Court, 9ots th#’ Savanmt!i A 'eics, fnffnff a true bill against (’apt. J. E.*Uarnlt im pi’aev. Against fik ere#o^tee Wanderer tlic’fo were no Imlls found. *© ® c -*“ * ‘•” m Tl:c EliTtioil in l.hoitr l.l^nilt I The elmjtioß in Ilhoilc has resulted in the defe attif he Republicans by 1,500 majoii ty, atd the emotion t#i anti-republican Legi&laibre. In the #lcction Mr < ioveniur in , l s ‘iO, they earth Stat(*by 7), 115 inaioiity. t William jjjj >ra K ue i bee* elected (fbver nor, iff culled an o#Amcncan0 # Amcncan Republcaii.” lie wt# mmtince an Aißcrican State Cc?!i veAron,'aim \rs ai‘;er#* Fiontiiiatec?bv thp Dennicratic Metis a Calico ! uianufaeturer, amt bis Wealth at ovffr 82.0'>0,000. 1 ie is several business firms in New YdfL * ® . * # _ • * Fepitnl Jl’iiniHliiiieiit (* Ihe 1);iI wTicii has pt.ssed the New Vork aboMshet the substituting continement iatlit#tate Pfisou fur life. The perso# conviete* of is to be joii.-.ih rcd dead t-ffall and as respect!# “matrimonial relations,” and all civil not to he bailtble in any ease. The act ttSffs *pffe c ßim a#dlately. * ...►• R R f; i Tlir ol” ITusbuiJH iiml His t* 8 a 6 1 I#te f<illowill!* bill has passed both ;of the Xe# Y>.' k I,i"'i.'iature. designed to bft- j • ter pr. :cet tne ri JiTs af*inarned persons. Ry the ninth svctjpn, the mother ’ the natural gitawlian ifi’Jicr *tildt*n. The •tent# sect thc iutslStnd rmlil oi’ down# # : n !# real osta* the wife: * * Bcc. 0. is hereby con stituted and declared to bo the joint guardian of h*r children* with her husband, With etjual powers, righfe aridSdaties• regard to them, ®4vitli her hus ! i;fnd. * Bec. 1 ‘fe T\t ti.e decease of hushand “tffvS’e, paving no minor child or elwldrcn. the survivor -hall boln, possess and enjoy a life estate in mie thirt'fol’ all the real estate of which thf hii'band or WT|e died seized. w *B*e. Jb. At tl*e deceas? of tbe*hu-)iaud or .wiß* intestate,Reaving minor ohil^i # or children, tire survivor sluill hold, possess® and enj'iV aU th.ev-real estate*’f which the or \Vife died seized, and all the rents, issues and profit# thereof-daring the minority® of the Voon grist child, 1111,(1 r-m thh.-t tlyrc. f during bis or her! natural !if< ® ® > © j *. . ® ® ® 9 [CO.M M L N iCAT to.] Mr. Editor: Some three voaßfe ap? an ordinance I ® • ® was passed by im Towa Council Living out a ,1 if ufr ‘ 1 >cks on Main : re t ® ® f * ® ‘ • • • * • *, • enhancement in valiwwpf #ri*ai£mem\ This Ortli ■*# R * . * ® ® : - „ * 4 . • * 3 al •*. taftn tftifcimjl*’ Lave ® >W* V .♦ ‘ 1 ril..t I “ :i>> - ’ ‘•;• ti •• .. V. :.r.e is M® I qpence#? #U-t .... ■■ g ; #tr Main vim uiiiLcC’ iw : ffA’.J. ‘. :c _;. v !■ ‘ idling?. ‘#'o be*..!! mg, tie: *,*:•% ..-gv-.j. B • R.c town, bat actually a nuisauee #irh a .firm Uouncil, o o 41 ■ * 0 IS made. It i -mew.. _ . ! .-*•* that • :.r ■wk m® but W .... • • : --- ; ; ® insuranee officers -♦ I’ .. : “ ithreft & .. is inuah tax is levied , I-. , . • • . m at m this v. :y ujw ti the truant?*):. .v. ter elf such j,4,0- : 1-ertv. If the evil s: rnffed here it would not be so j 5 V l .- Ii: -tt, ir.-u.el . tin-', um of g~. 1 anjJ I safe hoi^es —but for the aiSrouadings—hajre I ..l” tt! as much insurance a- hi.- mi#'. tteh ) occli-; fit: -‘d v. * : #eneineniX Lit < !*>.•. I ask if j i this is fair? Is it right? Le< the guardians of the town 1 x. ‘ o Ri ..> :i ! ;v#'.vef “ ! the #m;Stion. In my opinion, the difference in the ; price 5r a gi od briik house au>? a ot the t uuefeize, is ju-t .. •, at iiiv Cu# of fftnr O O or fiVo years, ii Ike difference in insurance bwadds • 4 the w >oden buillin j. M< n are in tbe habit ol • fg. I saying they simply want ... put up a ue lory wood hull liujf: ■•!'■>r ihe 1 i ■ ■ tffffhtmpsare usu si. 1 • A\i - * Wy f% lay long enough to injure the value I •Hr vf’ ry thing ( yhjat ana perhaps burn up tii beside. It infinitely ’gutter to ! erect # pood, thick wall of go4d brink ailt good ® ® , c mortar, ana at day, when tjbe o\vgn.\ ‘fias become rich, and Lis i&st roof fias-sfiegun to ” decay and require it will then be an tsv < niatftfr to .p th ; tory . It tfe peb s i pic nra in putting up wooden buddings •v. )iM just® and tili ikmfefeis matter- ove. O O •they certainly Weimi poll dawn ilie waoden fabrics i *■ . % ‘ I now beiijg con tai! ami hejpn at the f i,h ® a ■<b'. ! • >.,k base an 4 (fivery thitfgd foifap. .- t;d I'it‘ui •• doy Mj. indivi lu vl interest, at tire paeser.t, ft opposed to the-® j ,l#ey indicated## v# flit t am so -.•-#? satisfied that fftv Q *■ future frit crests, as well as that of (lie whole call for and substantial buildings, that I am willing to forego poeseat interest fer®future and more importdevelopments. 1 am a friend, a fast friend to the t'cuncil and every tfSfeg that {tertaCniri to ft-; real and lasting interests of .Air town. Hence, l raise warning gi anting vileges, so conmum of late. It wouhf please me to .#e the “fire®district “ extended over every block T •? lroutiitg the C btfr win use square, and the consent of every member of nece-safy to special privi leges. With this rule jirml v sidliered to, we ium * © O’ expect to scei)T!ioiuasville most and flourishing town south .Macon, #ui(l that too ifi a very few years --ail built op of ymri vwrufr and, good ® ° Bricks. 3 April !<•. 0 0 ® 0 ®® O V'K -v 1: w (amox FIKi.OS. The following is Dr. I,i\iiiustoiio’s h.-ttoWAiio- Kcribing his discovery in Africa of a fre.v cot lon The South m #! not. feel tiny gr* at alarm", we tliiukf'of any very early competition* from this quarter: * ® 0 © Mount Stueet,*Manuih-.stui;, | Slit: Vott arc af liberty to pubtfsh the cn cldjKal letter front the brother of Dr. Living ston%. He sends me six <4 cotton, vvlricli I value as follows: No. 1, 7 id. to 7 *d.; No. 2, Old. to 7ds No. ii, 0-jd. to 7di? luirt^y; No. 4, Tld,*! o o|d.j No. .5, did. to Od.j No. 0 t<*®dd.; all useful qualities, particularly the first four. The last two will be used as substitutes, till improved, for East Indian colfon. r l'hc cotton may be seen Imre. Yours truly, Tll o.VIAS (Ji,K(i® . • To the Editor of tlie.*Manehc.-'tor Gufedi*,n. ‘®* * • 0 © KIV rat biiyjK, Nov. 4, l ‘,>9. My Dear Mr. Cuego: ’\Ve*)ba4'o*just re turned from vitiug the the ( sdftree ul the liver Shire, and, what is of grea ter importance, havcifliscftvered a tfijfftm grow ing and cotton mauuf'acturftg country. r cotton is o&)two kinds, native atid foreign.— The native is l# short in staple, and feels iftore Like wool than cotton, if he foreign, appears t*> lie of good with a staple from three fourths ol’ an inch to ass inch in len gtlft It'is perennial, and requires planting oi#y once in • three years, while the native lias to bg®,planted ‘-manually the highlands; yvft the people pre fer the latter, because, they say, it limffes stto iger cloth. ® ® , 3 e Remarked to #. number vs •Ltifclligent looking me# itfoifc village, :an- olant plenty of cotton, and perhaps the English will come soon and 1)1% it.’’ “ Truly ! #l# fountry is*4'ull of cotton4’ replied one elderly man, who a trader antt had traveled Siueii; and our ‘owij, observations confirmed 4-!u: truth Ev erywhere we#aw it, while passing through two #legrces of latitude, and it pro bat) ly Steads much Ew.'.jjj- family Save* 1 a piece of cotton grouud, and it was gratifying® to see l*>w Sear of weeds and grass they kept thei*. Doctors Livingstone and Kirk, wdtile part ot the same region fast April, 4w cotton patches of from two to three., acres #:aeh, though this* timeg)OU#a (JtfFerent 1 ‘route, we do “not observe any conti'SninV more t one thirdlof an acre. They gen- a quarter of an acre each. In eve ry village we saj|| busy cleaning, spinning and weaving cotton. The bourns tg’ the pbssibl* construction, and all p> ocsses are cltoeediugly slo\v§ ® This tjffst eotton•region is cfsily accessible. The Shire joins Zambesi aboiit <uic hun 8r :d miles i'rmifsea, htdowjhc dtieult garta of 1 tb.e river; and one hundred ami twehr Stvirt haft deep channel*tfie river lieing from oe*hum!rcd s and fifty to two hundred 3aids wide. One hundrcPiuml twelve miles from it.- mouiji the cataracts’ commence, (latitude 15° the river is*uot navigable t goods would bav^to' 1 carried overland lieiy) abovethe cataracts j to the lake N*yassa; .sixtyn*iles® the river ®gam iftvigable, and*hov iar the great navigable bike extends, we d<?iiufkno\v. The natives styd thq.t it would taU.> months to* get U*the head of the lul?e. • . The cotton country —not that merely where cotton may the easily grown, wh?re they | arc actually growing it* twenty or thir ty iiiil .. li<J"W the cataract and extends up fn 1 - * the*lake and probably far beyond, both in the 1 plains%nd in th<*highlands, thcfoTeign cot; 7 v. r :tt tit *:.kc and in difierent places for ■ : . ;;nie< ! e: . .. i a iso .in belovj the *e l w’nile the native is cultivired through out ti..- wi.Te extent- of cmui'rt? Wte feople ! jiyc in viil re yettymamenHis; they * # ti Iron is dug out i: r ’ 1? *■ “ ,e has one or ; two stii.. in-,: h Rises. t'B t native iron •V man lilactu re Ic-es, ax s, qjpars, arrov i heads, kim-es, ornaments. *ly ril tiuir #)wn clothingthey ptvfarc them ! it consists either oi*the bark of tregs, skins of gojts. hr are il vv ofno v>#d an i:#a!s in the highlands or in the well peopled j kin® a- nathv#cloth* u#d then’ ai; £ also cultivator-, of the soil, women, and.ehil yjKn, are often -hell as work in tlm field. Ibis ! seems lvaH'. afoie e -untry for Iwiievd-leut*n- heal thy Highlands and’ foil commode aft.l later tftmmuiiieation, blit with t*a single exception. ?At # market bo opened, | (* .-*• g nev ap; rnted ¥br the rufchase ‘■ th*#r iuiton,%#“. 4 an3*tltoy will soon increase amount raised t#a large extent, as it does j not require the sevc'ro toil which indues in the • l ‘nit :d ).tes,#nd t'##.e are no l'rost# to kill it. | dU'ev arc very anxious to trade. At #he'vil- i j !;<-.•< we could h&r fall night, to meal#) scil*)befo#s w<* left. | The peofde of one village which we passed Without sto|i[)ing* followed us. to: fdnduee us all night with tivtu.* *A* *1 la*,t ipu-itm-ur. they cried Mb'? us, u ai> wlf to hate At that white j)#.oplo passed c otir <*,juntr# and we atlid not see them? 3 ’ Wee iljltieo# extern tracts of lau*L* 011 the plains. .vvWre .-alt exudes from tHe sn#. 4 hose • jirobabJjklv well miayted lur *ca*iidand, as ijie f'i#ie)i cotton becomes longer in the staple on .ftu.-c lauds. ° /* S f* *1 ia#cft the two kinds oft eot tou.jjs-#.ed in difiisvont pari- on tl4e an 1 iin tlie Tiighla;ms.. 0 g ® * • v .,** ® t iiAitf.?ts InviNG-Toxi:. ° *--♦ ♦ 0 i J frr ami Urscnc of • The 14.!-turi*J#fGmq? the 4tfi *yst. <lfe Tollowing of tin av::#sf and it-s- a cue of it \#ll be ohieiatedy.iV Jtfhn lirfivn’t Setretaryjof Wit 1 and ot subsistence*® T'Mu'^dgfyiut 0 .*■ m * a © * * i? Al#tut 9 o'clock a man n®med freeman wen^ S to ?-a ti born’s door and rung the beff sister the sail. Freeman-?v&ed*if Sai?bo/n, a wa* in, on being told shat he was, sajjl he had a detter fbr liift wanted to see him. Hi* .-:s?er turned to go in to speak to her brother, as she went she heard alow whistle. On turiiimr again s.litfsatv two or three Wen in’ the entry way who immediately seized Mr. Sail-* i born ai J attempted ft carrv him from the house, life sister resisted to the Extent of f?er j 10 war, a#d Mr. Sanhufti used all his power iny.ndeav ’ oring to escape from the haitdtS of the •who lime hafe got the handcuffs upon prisoner. 0 Yv the sister stopped her resistance and screamed at the Sop of her. voice and alarmed the neigh bors, a score of whom were soon on the spot. By the time they got there .Sanborn had been dragued.into tttc tnitWle of the street •without 1 his hat and in his stockingi'eet. Sanborn at this -point held up his mnmftled hands over his head, and shaking them, said “ Citi zens, look and see what the United States Sen .,t done for me.” His remarks made a great sensation among the crowd, and matters began to look squally for the ( . officers. — In the meantime a mo -enger was to ring the bells, and soon they wore pealing out the alarm upon the evening air. l The #jrqjvd was momentarily increasing. J O a ( ®Mr. Sanborn's sistOr . eeim? the #‘Mwd sur rounding the officers and her briber, and tint*, he cfttld do ftiore service there, seized the whip i'rom the carriage and began belaboring the horses in good earntftt. but one of the men jsok the whip liel . ir■ ■ thc-ti jumped iu e (0 the earriage'to prevent being put into it, but she ftas take# out w ith fpce “than politeness, having her clothes torn in the strugnje. 0 While the w rit of h<s as corpus was being prepared, as stated.ahove, the crowd siood round flic officers and gave vent, to their feeligs°in hisses, grows, etc., calls more empiric o than complimentary, sfth as “ fliese are the men who struck tjfciwn Charles Sumner,” Ac. One oJi> jbthe offiyefs turned round and mad# some kind of to a bjstShder, when fete was im ine<uately#cizea by the waist and pitched head long into |*amlbank, and<*imn.edifftcly half# dozen nien vfttre piled ftn top of him. While they \fere still waiting, Mr. Sanborn avas golf back into bis house,* Mr. Keyes, his w ent out to the officers and*askb7l then# for the ?Uy of the handcuffs, telling them that if they ‘ woulfe gkte it to him lie would lutudcuils and read© writ ol habeas corj>us. j This ws done. 0 ° ®® *. in the meantime® s.imeGd the citizens Ifadi afiplied to and Jhi# for a warrant tfe arre# the United States officers fifr bft tery. T’lic wafrant Svas issued, but bel'ofo it coi#!l be got ready to be serwed, the ofen-ftm tuok to tlieii(*eaniage and were pursued to the limits BT®Xhc ti#Vn Oi-’ ‘lioxiimtoirf but their l#sitcrs were uifetble to overiike them. ® It is said that with #vo exceptions the Demo crats entered ns'& hewtily into the spifife the .peopleti’ the town. o ,Ali were indignant at the ■ mannrft in which the arrest nud Hecii'mgde- ® ADPtTidjs \ nftß'if eunAßs# • Mr. Sanborn resides in Sudbury street, a short fn#n the depot, his school aWd hou.ft being connccled. tlje agitation incident dolm Brownft'afcl, be Inns lsecti careful not to go to t#e door of bis lipise in lesf 1 lie might ft wee t uiy , welcome Oy.tbis occasion he was*!ess discreet. Immediately <ft reaching ylieMior, Freeman, otiefef the officers, rushed int-othe ei#rancc to prevent his retreat atnFwhistled for his aftiytarfts, whoypimoiliately their prisoner, afed handeufljjig him on® lift own p'remigp, hustled him into the street. ** Thi! feelinft manifested tl*’ Ifeieifey-loving ‘ ►citizens oj* when {ft ! |phe arrest ifeaeliod tl cm, was a£in -to the spy'it displayed by their patriotic forefathers in earlier Di qps. ®® # ® Tliejtysin Mr. Sanborn's school,feeing the. peril in which their Behoved mentor was place#!, as scouts, ants raifth .-jily hfemse •house, ringing door bells and arousing citizens. Men rtt-hed to the scene with list?, sometif which continued effective weapons. • T!ie of y-rq were foremost imthe fray, and by every possible means worried ijic offi em-s. .Miss feanborn Seized an ojjieer’by the 1m ard ami eompolled him*to relinquish his bold of Mr Sanborn* Mi-fe Ann Whiting “laughter •oi 00l \\ biting, approaching officer Tarletcgi, j id- bat. and looking him -teadilv in the be ‘ -'id I-<tin *nr what kind “Ia looking man vou are. \ou may come here a .rain some I uay, ami 1 shall want to lftiow you!” Mr. (ieovge 1,. Prescott seized the arm of an office®, beneath the emit sh ee rof u a.el? a “ biiiy ‘ was eonecaie i.®.;:u lie. 9uito it until Mr. hue ! orn®was released. tuning t>M the assurance that a writ would ; s*.in be obtained and Mr. B:fiibornrf*.-a n-od in a a! way# prevented the exasperated citizens 5 iff :;i :i 1 i:_r the officer#. @ i t seuin ; the 4 prisoner. Several attt tnp:s ‘lfcre male to atiacJi, j the oiiieials. One u.'V raised his list to strike. < ‘ey a citizen who vnt 1 his ; inovome:.-. Another was on th<s ■. im!| ing a stone #'.t the officers, but was arrestc® in | the attest. # The citizens without distinction of , party, united in sympathizing wi4i ofe - . :*• tin horn. But three men were found who ed th# e* #f the offiedfcs, an® one of them was th(#hV istmas -fc r,ft ncl another #u the Custom House. The latter was j handled in the nieloc by George lloward, Town * ’ Cl#rk, who las tffe Democratie official Jtn bis ; ba& in a ditcl. • * * . ‘JKie carriage offerers was considerably : stones and other igissiles. (h#c do#* was broken and the glass sheltered. i * * ‘ Outrage on li||’ SoatS y t Captain Swasey, y’ lkc slyyti MaaconoiHt), | tVom Liverpool*reports that on Thursday, the 1 Bth of March, while on her hither, be ing off the Island of Cuba, in latitude Ip. *>s’ North, fliigit(#i.le 7.5° 4ti*\Vest lie was several# .. hours chased by * Wiytjf’teauier, 1 Spanish flag, who lißfcl several u _ Btt< and, at tfce ship. • . , . CajittlfWiiSwasey, fearing dftmftve ty his ship, j hove to, whety the war steal** r*ann; up, simply inquired rf*e hajpeHif the shii# from, and vfftitjje’r bound, uftd tl*e!f'. .-ailing a\w#’ to*iie ! #*-: \v.,r#, ’ -J CjlptaWi S#;fsey #tai*% during all Uiis | tfiuo he iifrd Aj.nci ican Hug l! \ ing, as w#|l as Chip’s private signals, lie adds that the 4blij;\ving d*i.V h% wife boarded by ail officer of • th*’ l nittsX States war steamedSa 11* Ja eft;to, to 1 whom he the? particular of out rage. and who n liinffo muioi|jthe sai## immediately upbft hj# arrival iii*pui t. . A repqjjt likoniu/ de.-. rves mote than usifcil attention at tl* - ore-sent when on? relation,’ in the (frill arc by *o*l*eans 1 -o h could he gff< 1 ®As t# the ••• •ss of tli? statement., uiort ■net*, there can scarcely be a’doubt, or, ll there b-. *. .;#!ly ascertained from •officii ana au|#ioiitative sources.; —A* O. April 0 l -**■ 1 1 J /iarannali tlinkrl, April l.'t. 3 ® Cottons—Ti.c mark# juiet to-day—feiiders. if #py tiling, stiller than a#our last quotations, which v# repeal • • -• • Middlings’ 10% tr 10% Strict Middlings ? lilts a 11 p C 1 Middti ■ • 11 1 m ‘4s 1 1 ■ Mi'HHimj Fair ll :i sjk 11% ,Tlie only :-a!i s we could hea#,9f were ti# following 15 hales atSt-s, 5S at It 3 X 10%, and 4 at 11 “ 8 —ilia king but 150 bides. ‘ * # lYcw tinikct. #piij If. Sates of Cotton to-day 1,000 bales: market The. Clay Monument Celebration overshadow ■> all-busi iless. Mobile llarlnl, \piil tl. B*ics es Cotton for two days, 4,00(1 #;;!cs, and maud nr proved i#i< prices unchanged. • Ken fork Mai-bet. April i I. fvtlcs of Colton 1,000 hah > . ttiddlings 11 ll %c. Flour advancing ; sales 15.000 barrels Son# r, <!-; „• W1..4h iidvaHting: sales t>o,ooo bushels. Coin firmyaUe.- 10,090 bushels -white 80e.. v* ljj>w 7?e. TuqiWting. *1 od Kk\ o ® Arrii 14- Sale- Cotton, TOO Lali-s- market v,-i- dull. Flour firm; sides I* Ijiitrrls; Soutlieru liuchmige*!.— ‘ W laid ;4>ghliv (IcciilH-il; s:ilc- IC.O’IO hnshejs. (’ —n h- o’ -■ -i ; ' : j# i -oh; ,76 ft 77. Tig-; a °dy. It isln dull. lt : ce ijiiie". . U.|o , ‘ .:$• THOMASVILI.E •pI*LCE3 CIRbIn?. w*#- -- • • * —— H 1 . CARER LI,Y CHiJIKEOT ED —WEEKLY. * ■* APPLES—fir. m ‘|> ,#■ - Dried p it. i 1:2 12 ‘7 I 15 I>AGO i Xi#- —Jv< lit 11. ‘jg> .. .. ! ; vi!’ -9> ■* India l> Vil! •'§; Sea Island I 1 vd BALE liOt’E—KcHtcky pit. and * k Northern p Ib <r ftEifeAYAX . ... * P tb . . CANDLES— Sperm pAb , ;’•'* $. o Ailaiiiiintme hi fb 30 35 Wax “ ft # i* Tallow... P It)s*® 5 *® .7! I! . COt FEE-—ftio plb 15 n ffliV-’3 .lava .®. ... m -.. 4# lb 19 fu MOl ha i’ ib : § F I* Ay * JT f Meal... * i>JG 1 ?, a !-V> •’ Hominy . A*. flu i25 . 1 10 FEA TIiEKN’ *C ‘m . *7 * Fl#H—Mtjakerel No. 1 9’ )> ’ 1 *■,! ® ” n o.®j®.. Yft) :.. pb i <, • .#> “ N-38...T..JP b’l * a'. * Salsnoud.ifp Ib 28 4 *3A * <: • it, .8 0 it to ±> hi tor % Family •#.. , m . p b’l 1 , , Kxtm #at#ilv #.. P hi 12 00 A (.1 NPOWDER U> lb, to i ..1 HIDES (§). 1 p#b y 1n ; 10 .JD lb to ,■ ®Sweedee P 11.. - • S ■Sheet * .#. . rfP It.* . 0 ■ •. ra'ds and Hands *. --j-P lb # 1d 1 a IA Alb, ... NAILS. .. ...... ... J P ff. 6 .7 (AJLS— Prftl 1 I2'd I 25 1 Train 0 OTI “to Sperm ... - IP g't “ # * Kerosine ‘ P g'l 200 ft PKOVINIO>M. m L Hues— Mes* “.#¥> Ib and • ! p Ib | and BiCO.v —liana-#. (> tb ! L2l-.- and 15 * Side.-. A’ lt> ftoto and 15 *< iSboufiei-s. ™* Ib 12C> - *IJ M Country Round’ Ib > 12‘s’ and l3 Pork K | P Ib a r Prime .. ..& p tb ‘ % a (.•mitrv Plb 8 a 8 10 t-ABfl t# p ll# ♦}! * 15 Hi 1 1 f:k— fbPbeii Plb #{s a 3; t s 3 Western. .• Ptb j #2B a 30# “ s#intty #... I> ib ; 25 •to t •#, , r to n - ESL ‘■ n, l I,; *s\ E I |> on 350 SHOT rn P bj.%5 25 e 250 Siltl'P—M.-j Orleans y'l # Conotry .... •• j# g’lF 40 l 50 # TIOI tongahela. P g'l # Old Hye pg I 75 # 1 no SPIRITS TERPENTINE .... p y| “ Sl’CSAß—Brown #4> It, s „ i2‘ 2 • •Wartlied. -•-• - . P 11, I . , 15 * P tb; it TANARUS, id ‘''’ u t- •,!’ 7\t a s -* One Hundred & Seveuly-live Hollars RsEWARD. | * *J> AN A WAY OK E.WICED FROM 111 PR EM IS as the undersigned, tw* lva miles south of Thom its vi lie. my boy 1C 1,1 A Stßabont thirty years old. six feet and perhaps one or two inches high, walks erect and will w eA'li one hundred and seventy or eighty pounds, speaks quickly when excited, wo*- a goatee and left on a dark bay horse of good size with aw liite spot in tile face, a good saddle horse and about eight years old. ELIAS is a very bright mulatto, almost white, lffsir almost straight and will no doubt attempt to pass as a white man to some free 81 ale, or umler the protection of some abolition em issary. @1 u ® ® l will pay SEVENTY FIVE DOLLARS for thcdcliv * rv ot said hoy and liorsegfo me, or a satisfactory reward tor cm her. routined where I can ect-them, and will pay ONE ID'NDRKD DOLLARS for the white Mn, with niont to convict him of carrying off the negro. ® • ‘ CICERO 11 Vnf Vt; • Thomusvilh <g,i April is, 18*;o. • ®tt ® Chills and Chills and Fever!-® i D ne oi tbe greatest remedies that has ever %en laid be© \ tore the public, lor Fever and •,gne, and which has re I ceived the highest encomiums from the press and the peo ! P|?> l>r. HOSTEITKK’S CELEBRATED BITTERS !j’ - u * would e;;,.arc the torments arising from this terrible v hen it can I*F so < asih cured ! Who would en c:'"’ • © n^neverffand icthhills alter y can be obtained for a n#re trifle r #|v A; As >y faSilies linger out a painforexistent ,and don (thing but gulp down quince, mad ,t a @ j *■ •’ • foolisb and A: ■ - 1 ; a ‘’ - : - Aron,, oven® where. See ScLvertisemennn another column. ‘ ® ® ®- • ® -j.® * m Practical Advice to © ; m ■- esc should'never be dis. r< # ■p #* is evils will inevitably fo|. ‘V - * @> „® >:a; will n.-t ® -r; *“ should *c asoited.— | 1 icy, ms#ad t>t .. -;-yi:g na: a hen ilinL nebilitu®-® |i th*'-# 1 i Vamle Coiiiplaints a tk^McLean's S.tcugthen l ll ( ordia! and Hlo., and Furila r. It pre ; eminent •; -i es m-cA ar to femak - Try it it is ! a delirious Aron ~ t•7T . • 2 tr' J Sold bv E. Seixas, Thomasvjllle, Oia. @ a R5cEablI7GS OF CO^lSyjlL. • KEOI ISiIETIMJ; ; ® COl CHA.tfitFR, Arittr. 16, !SOO g-l’reo ® Jlon. C. C I'.*#ll. Mayor —Aldermen flt'ookc, i .hill >\ on, ,1 .a • l#ihert. Coniioit;*# g-ci • -*i >i e.M ® ion of -rs*>n *® jg>. -i # * •• --id* I adopted The co.muiitt -#|ippt iatcdT* his Hon#!*, tin- Mayor, n dor a #*-l'iion m’ ('*•..n.-iUpk r with * J licllain, ; as to the e.\t,Tisi# of Jelferson s**'t through his proper tv, beg ‘# ‘■* i 1 report, That i# y have sen Mr. Me Bast, aad(#*iur comniiitc, must sat , t ! at he met the coimuittee in a spirit el’ liberality, aiuWprm that the Council laigi.i select any t!.n-e of the leal s ;u<* owners of tho I t*jwn to value his property, and ihat he would be botmd T to their award, a: I allow reasomilie time to for tl;- ft But y< ft tominittee w**uft suj#r-*sl. that ihe C'fp.cil app- • ft- nppr; ■* . and thaw Mr. Mcßnin j bo requeued t*> appoint the other, and tliarif they disa steed. i• appoint a third, and that sai# j appraisers yalue the laud, allowing Mr. Me Bain rcaswiu Me time oft u . aAo - b',:Miags^ier*ftom; p# vi ded that if tin Coun® -r s.w #-prai. *-rs make nieir , retails, sliyjild ;-ncl*i-le ; . at th# are not able to pay sank a\va§l, i y?t th# if ft anv I'm tlier attemp ft run *U*l-#eefUn;oug!a.aid %f#Uhs land# # • I I All 1 is i\.-pi ctft.hT'jdiantr, and. * m m Antic LIT#) 0 .. DVSftX, C-#mo;ee^ TOOKE, > flmulced, T. J. Meßain h* mftlied of th“ pro ceedings of C'-inn il in i* ar*i to tiie exteigion ftJellcr ill i. ;a:d th. .1 ft #♦ ft 1 -e.r— : liie Council apt'-w ;- ; ! .iy o>• -.\as --n thi-ir pan € It is moved, iftai theft'ouncil apyoiiULan arbitrator the a.- ss.iiics# otftiaii # - to iandot o: Kindred Bras iVgl-Liu thetension oLlhw-# -treet and that Mr l>Ris’vv<-lrWe irotilied to a]# nt one m>-iti his part in ten days. The#C‘.'#icil appo.ut part James T lh'W'S , 15 M . ft ted * * F 11. Clerk. NEW AD V^ETj-SEjgENTS. > Tax iftcclvo^s I WILL BE A'l Till# 1 LACES OXC thy (Ibip- Spc< Iliv ti: * i,. Tow. ft..! arikr. A . Anj-ikj.’] fetation, Monday gAp-insl # . Ancilla® fuesda .ft... ®\pril ’dl _ Ocklockne*-. Wednct.lay- .W. April 35 • w ®Murphy's, Tinir■.■-day April 36 • Young's, Friday # \pril 37 Seventeenth, Sam May April ‘A 9 Tltomasville, .Monday April 30 ft I’ft -u.ville. Tuesday May 1 ].:fttwood,#V'ediic: lav May 3 F"r the #l< cel* #ie Tax Returns of Tho f mas County, Ua. _ ap JB-31 HENRY M. llUßj#’, R T K Ti Vt i \; A\ r i \T . ft >C>XX j\ \\ I \ l ) ,ft Alt • lilt'd asst! l’radital I^siilt^t-i-, <3l OTHOMASVILLE, * • I>ESI*E< TFULI.V I^'ORMSTiII*XHABITANTS Y of Thomas and adjm-ent Comities, that he intends ■ devoting the greater purlieu of hi time to the Arftedi-’ - I rural part of his profession, such ns the Drawing<>fTlMis, Elevations, Sections. Detail Drawings, Perspective Views of Intend- and ll;,i;.!-w Spccim a!h-a-. Bill- # Lumber,! Estimates of Cost, *V™ id in s*.liciting jiatronjigwJkom I a disciiuiinaiing jiuMic, refers to his well known ammies j iii the above business, as being the best recommendation, i but would refer to the following gentlemen near Thom : asvilte: , ‘j’hc Honorable Inferior Court of Thomas County. , I K. Remington & Sou, 4 lb liter’ 11. Hanlawav, Ekq., iro A. T. My■ Intyre L- ‘ ft John W . ft. Mitclieil,, Tliomatsvill** fia # Chits. 11. Remington. #i . # f Rev. James M. Cray, j Thomas Junes, Esq!, I Tim Honorable Inferior Court’ of Brook* Count v Jolm W. Sjikin, Esq., ) V> in. A. Bowen. J£sq., , Brooks County, Ga. f5 aril-tv 54.0ik5.) y# #T. J. Mil'll. Esq., ... I* . m, A J T. Bluckshear. #.j., • j#tUKaiivil.e, B AprplS, 1 Stilt. ft t s J < KfIBSM. KIUMBH# C’Ol .VrV JOHN Mr ? T iMCLLF.X. Cm .. ,ii ; SAV VCX.UJ EliWRIisL 1 SAVANNAH 1C #!1. ; o i 1 i.ff{IE#ED\VAKD* n- f >ARIf.N KIN'!. iu,v-::g. in ;mji. r form, ajipli ed to t he'Court of Urdumry of said countv for it discharge from bis Guardianship, of Savannah Edwards, now Sa v iSaliFojjj !.; #•• v> Ihiri* n King's jtefsons ana property — @ Till- is, lie r. ft jstt i, n -!c vf* cansby lilin_ . s_j*-. lions m mwutlice.#} the said John M( “'I .! • #’ # bis gllii” # i a- ‘! p - #i\e . 1 i..•• .- <>t li. ’ mon. # ® # ft ft# Giv<# und- r toy .# id and oliiciai sigt.ayu- . this the 10th day of April. 1 • ANG FS JfttRRISON, Ordiiiiirv. /ai-IORRI.i, I O! .\TV. * s '() AXL Vt wL-ni it ft#. p, JOHN I>. BOZEMAN ’mng, # “ jn for pernQnent Let oi ft ffe ciftlAVIN J. LEWIS h#ft f said comrty Tii- left •!'■• ft is guliir. ftf-fl Mrs and next of kin. of Irwin J.T. w # u In anil appear at inv office, within tie time ill-■ w->i by law. <fti #w cause, if any Ha-y cauPwlix*>*.• rna.i,eii• iulm if-mi * should mot lift *ranU-d#i D. lloz* mau on li win wis’ “tate. , Witness my hand :■# . a are. Algal 10, ajiJS :sud #s-’.5 .-j ANIoS MORRISON, olxmiary. (’U ttSl.l l. BROOKM ( OTXTV I A ORDIN *; #s#jl Fit iftOF SAID COI NT4 N'n'll ‘E is hft by .spi a# persons who have t# liianum-iin-ii! -it -aid uiinitv. as ExeWitor, Ad ministrator, Guar or Trustee, wlio ha#- nut rejire s.-id stub mf;- is. hi said enmity, by ffie June ‘l'.-ftn oCrm* N :-.ft r C art. ls'.O, at t#s IVftu of strnl { pl’ourt, mi CU'k <*f the Superior Court will b*#apjK>intea ;to I ;ik# i I large • ft®.-: r* -.-ntml esi;.:. std minora Given under fly hum l and nflmal signature, this lOtli day of Amil, lS6t). j® ap IS 3* [S3 #\\GL’S MORRIS**'. Ordinary \t 2Ti>*ctJAgTrfifl!S ! . Bargains !! BE IIAD AT THE FRAMED STORE, NEXT j # $ —door to Mr R. R. Evaus, by ® XK( fIMIO lIAVEftRECEIVED STOCK OF §fJWoc* As tln-ir Siniv is TOO SMAL#, they offer to sell their I GOODS at vflty L( lAV PRICES. ‘ft & ! “ir Call sucii and examine their STOCK and TRICES am?you can SAVE about 1 Y-GIVE PER CENT , N’lgiiiia ville, April IS, lSfitr ft ® ® be W ‘W- -rj- * ~ A*ifOT FINE SILKS, Grrana^.in6s; # T3iii*e<>es, ® Genuine French Organdies, BONNETS. ft ft LADY'S D? ESSES. • #LADYS SHAWLS, , MANTILLAS, ® © < * •ft DfcSTERS* @ ® I'AKASftLS, ® ® ft FANS, & £ •• ® HOOP SKIRTS . i | AND CORSETS; ItxijJit cheap ui.t"!*-ale ‘low, bv || it H. WOLFF A BROTHER * ——* * “ • — ; — • ■ J_jOST ® e ® li) © O’ THE THIRD INSTANT, SOMEWHERE ON \ f in< Groover Ville road, betwween ‘Roberta’ Ford on Ward’s Creek and Grooverville, a null POCKET •BOOK, cootakuog $6.50 in lufiik lulls, not remembered, and a promissory note on William A® Fort for SBO.OO, da i.-d DecJsth, 1859,and made payhble to the undersigneds 9 ill peraena ar* hereby forewarned against trading Mr J -aid note. ® N ATHASIEI? FI TCH® ’! April 11, 1860 3t Aa V® e- (S