Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 18??-1889, April 18, 1860, Image 4

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NEW.FIItM. * w 1 * u ’ \v t J? V* •LIGHTFOOT ■'a: tho firm of © ® ■. .Will.lll v * ® c% • S'l.tU - ® inteireat of thoa wfc ■ . - . * . : • , * ® * ai *.tiejor,; i . * © ® i . © _ <S l|)l ® fcj. *® ® ® * *. * ® Mur. a *’ ■.* •• * - * • **° * • . : s\V‘. J * ,® : ® ‘-- ‘ “ ;$ ’■'*&& AUum ® Butter >*’ . * gL f Sage - # Meul * • Scuff • • C Oil • ® - * • • • r r c . ! # . • * • •:JS © € ii:% * ° **’ tmi i * ( * ® ’*.%‘V • _ A • • . * C?C. BEALL ‘ 2 , the busirresS - ‘• ‘ # R jy 23 • T. i ■ ; ®,:< F FGf r* * # ♦ • • Ebonpiliy. Sat'e Time, %:;ve Labor, Lav ? Cloth . Save, Save! ® • VraHAVE , • - K %\ \ t#tnu! ■■■■ • ir■ , • # ® • lirotv*'*s I’rtioJi? V . . s> %In Til ■ fri ilie id ! ■ f.; •• % ’§ Wo expo# ™ 4n 1 Lowndes, B @ l in ail of • *> East Florida. 9. ® * * Til * * # 1* i* fl.® !>■•-: , . m “ .vis can -I w® . ji'i -j r dy rui-o'i in 4T .is 1 Machine in ihii ‘ . ®,inu: ■'. 3$ 1 is mosii'i; • and fcll hii*®’ -6 i® • • t * are i*. % . . * ® m M: 11 I,ir■ ♦ -s , : r ® one{ f ,H> *♦ , swill l;fn- 1 - ® • i- ; ■ faiiiilv. a : * gd ‘ff ® % & 4 \ v V\ e would S'Tl 1 ; i w 1; a ; •.<• c • • :i ----da r oo good <•- WON &tO. Dry LakiLGc, Feb _ # v • #tt’ TiS’ )S .■ • e<i’ *. unVUTiOfIIS * Ml 96 Bay SfcrfJfet, Ga. • liefer to }f<\asn.% E iloniington k Son, iJJ N McKinnon & C ]p,i •• ♦ M !w tyjhs, Thonyjson & .M li 1; Vouu ~ i 1 .. vy & Cos, 11011 .1 i! Whaley. Thomas G fi.el 1 ,, 1* *. Dr i®.- Dr ;a. @ _'Vm (’ Mi 1/ # # ♦ KINGS-& BAKEJL ’ a JEP&LCtOJPSEi FORWARDING,* AGENTS, SAVANNAH, GA. • Commission for Short Simple Cotto!), 55 els. per hfle. McL. KING, W. 11/UAKI F.#. * mh 10 ®v, 9 jy # CJi. @ . vt‘ Tr: r *:n a ~ Saddle & Harness era y iii-idor;. * ‘ EITHE rd is -i ill proseciuiv; hi old trade. ® L in. Thomas • 4 - Opposite E. i Lington's, V s v - V where lie is prepared to execute, .GW-vl *1 in the best stvle, & \ ~ 9 Work of every Kind, (Pj.artia mt <.r’ his bmim 1 > is v ‘ll supplied with .1 .Tr, .. or’ ;;t -I and, I \ .id especially call the atteuß ju of the ; vi l lie to his neat and elegant lo of Carriage and Buggy, Trimming, Harness ami Saddle Manuiact irijig, #•£,• etc. aug 7-ly CHAHITIB MEIITZ. I,B^6 Q* • Cuthbeft, Georgia. . riTIIE SPRING TjjRT WILL V, LG 1 9 THE R ... A ‘;;/( of’ J.tnit.t r>/: r Valuable nl<titi;>., < Lave been made to the F.aetiU^ r . The Auniber of pupils jjjars. Solid, can be l*a l. It is itn;, it for pupils to. be present the firs <. ® :#tp;y to dec tf “ ® .• 4t .A 1; V. I'-.vsi a-at. • ISoforc lla rebates, JAEES* *3 ; r 3EITf’S ® G !fi •vT.dVIL! E, * •4 D I. X m . •. %< * o *x> .* Gi* •$, . * Ci.iNSjS'i,l:M.l ( ® Staple Sc Fancy ;Or-y t:k>q('S, Cludtins;. sSiFN. :-.nisi<‘ ;t and MH* lilV I- . •'.):.• SC- Crockery %mml flass-WaFe, , Si a i’-ti - % I % *. j tt • -• e . 1 . . , In fact, you j. ® 9 want, as liis *■ k @ i-i-:- <-.\ ‘ n-i’-dlv kept in a C 4 ry >• .e: \v]i. . !.e will s<-11, a as g0,,.1 terms :% •a I.• id in S’ # ,i or ® Florida.# 4, _ ® ;0-if w \ • * t'oufct iional v, fIIHB \£s L> ER SICN h D RESP * M •JL form tip’ citizens of * Southern Ge * . 9 rida, .■ . ■ _ ■ # ta ® 1 v * -■ \ •> k coiv ; . ‘ ; - ‘ pienisiiiu v l.i- A % and- * • - -- -y-'-'-’ G'Jods and ‘*.:?••• ,i',u ‘ •■-77.” among whi h ; .re t!.e ■•’!- ‘gL-’ ‘ V - ..g ‘ ], IW M t J ‘4 of la e tm ’ • Pres ® ® ® Pr . L j ® ■ Brazil. IV •% ® ® ® eltovies. Sardines • (< Mcai gar and Fa, ‘:, t t ■. ;•<; I'd ,and. .. t t’hoiee V\ i” bottle-; S, * ... Candy, of-ihy own Manufacture. 1 • tue special attemi, nol rftercha Uyig in t • .DIES. . un a with.the( • . . All !!.•> . s> with n menus’ articles not men tion ed. for sale bv • f hoAtasvili,.. Ga., ap l-1y ST A RK. xA BOLTS heavy Kerseys.-Negro lists. Bliwikets *./* * aad Brog Bl> 17 ® RXi \ FINE lot of us . • \ ‘ 1 H • K REMINGTON & SON ra dt and Klliart FaCtbry. @ . V RED rO Nf.\N •PwL ufacture. tjA . ® • * ®® ® s . c ” , |L . - ® _ ~ ® ’ ® •. ♦ ■*>’ ® ® ® ■ • a” ‘ a • •.*•• a ®® ® ® s•■ • s ® ta • n * •< l A. •.ynn r. * M.. f-.-epabcD • k 4 -• . ® ~~l.* - Si.—*, ® c* ® |R #.n •j ® - hJIJb'K. ! g K*'.* * ■ *\sVV : •■ . •- % mm . > • *;W ■ ‘ • ‘ ® •5; t ■ n ■ ( ® * • (, • Burt* itar,’. Tied If 1 hud Pinea; t ■. Ft biitiv and Plam Tables; % j •Cenfre and Sid^STaides; * # < ’ ad-. ♦ . <; * • • * . • 4 u ft * ‘ # a. * . and duim • - TJurmng and Sawing, ‘1 * • : ii.: .or itu! # ** ♦ • ♦ * if. a y . # . #.h is-tt# EsiaiVishniAtt and Nev, 1.. i ■ , fjf'i N * : TN, <■ ir A • • • ‘ •;sy G E f It . • I O * . ■ | • . Rtprietdr Deals m C • % * E# # !#• O A !*!, S, Ek ♦ Bup'pii©S,'E 0m G .0 ■’ I 4 VNII.Y MV IIANIr- g. V A';F&gl- S^jgßEf^gf • 1 # “ ;i>:- • . aii ■<•T. t-r (.'oui;t.rv sl r.. Quh ;• Ba?j < $ * *• .nniN 11. dews. 9 ly #. K• ‘ ‘ ‘ m “ * ® Brophi re Jail, l Nlb 4 I it s -mt. a, negro nfii narn- and #♦>>!. a# / about five a #, .1 of dark < omplex- He has no p#rticu%r maflt Except a heavy im dv ;■ lip. He .‘•a - he was bc#ghtof Dr. WiWrn is ••’ -v, inn * ‘j, • 01 - re: 1 ember the lotrehater's fttmc—hasftncen rijjtawav t\ ■ I*. Torn seentw-to - - itt-b ; Lioou ft iii: 1, whiePis ylaiuly in dicated by his l:h!r. ® ihe owner is n''-pi ,'d to conic .foJkard, sroro i” | • harj f hawillfe* dealorith is tit? di •. 4 4 D. JtIHKUOK, Jdßlor. . Tlih “-villc, Ga.. Sept. 16, 18f.V, 25-ts * * m • leor -4,. i-f-ar,'. Connfy. ” AM! V I.’ I#EN having applied to be appoin fj) ted Guardian of. the person and properl# of Laura J. McMullen, a minor under .fourteen years aid i1a11,;., .i ..f No.lh if ‘ icMullen, ed, resident of . county, this is to cite admonish | • ■’ ■ ■> miv- ni.-d to be and appear al the term Gt tlio Court ol* to Vo Li.e>l<l next utter tiio cxpiraA t of thirty duv.’ from the first publication # u-,.% .Sind how tu.-o #ii -aid .#:. ■ McMullen should no* 1 rusted with the Gttardi ausLip of the persou and property of Laura .1. Mo- Mull rp m Witte. • a'. Mai -f IrfO, Feb. Ci, lA'Vh. #. -t'S MOUIUhTtN, feb 11 ■-I ('i'liinai yof Bn Is County. I Gjale w’ iv.'rl.T,’ Gossaty.% j CHM OF Ol! DIN AK V, Feb. 20, D. 1860. #r Peyton P. f-tnith aaakes application, ■ G>i” 1, to ihi.- : on t, i'.,r. 1. tors of Idutini-tra tion on tiie e.-i 0 F. Edwards', deceased, wflhin the limits and’ bouu ... ‘dat'd’ ,i;."C <!••.•• #’ ? * All persons in--vd are t i'ere fore hereby notified ■ ers will >#granted to said ;■ plica if, 9 a tbii’ to # of said Court, to be and a! .1 # • villa, .-aid county, j'i ! :t !... ‘p: -a ,:. .’ id:#K E, .Ordinary, of Geovnlii, TStotHati Coonly. • • rim.LT ;i F OoiM'NA UV, Fcbruarx 2L iSdU.— j \_J • :i:iin<R- >. #®(i uardiau of and > ■ ‘ “ii and p ‘ . Sat 01 U. illinm Blaylock, minor r, makes a • :.,n. by pmition-, to this & - j.d a . --1 u from s.iid ’ *> . , • • gj 4, in iore hereby 4 ® ; . i ouvt, if any mee # 9 9 •9 1.; , !’■: licit® at ,tli*s C Thoniasville- said county, on the tirsl MondaJ’ in May TteSr. “ # VJT.*X4 >■ 1 .Mi. (Irdiqar tSj, ® Si:* • ■ > /a;;:. L’fit;SislS i'tllinh'. C® 9 •• : v-'id 1 . #••:.—Wliereas i 4 fe 4toP d• # .mm with the Wild , m < n t , - 9 ®@ * ® j., .k -• : pplication • • . ?s offti is mission frorti # • * -ns i : ire ■ icrt'iore hereby notiii !m-;- in - •® • any ihj ’ ‘ “ ,■ ... IIVIIV ‘ i'll lltc-'l to -tid ’ i 1’ a I ■ . 114 9 @ ® on isv iiie, said counlft-. leu;,.’ # !).jr 1. | •• 9 t5’ ‘ ‘■ 1 | i ‘ 0 ’- -- • * ■ ’ or - j>l .•<*. ® to the eslate .of ® * V \ lecea-,®l. ■ ® “ undersigned, ‘'d 4 * ii i vsialo, are vc- L in tjerms of the®law. *M v 9 ;d* K ‘i l P. SMHTI # Adm r. ®_ <'SiaMi h!(fpi|jr Sales. j. y r dl. i! ! . ,>•'.-> o lore t.ltc ('mirthoil so door#n j til a, Ua[ Clinch pdunty, on. file i ; #: \PiilJj next, vnthin the lawful 41 i! ’ • • 1 i: g ; roporiy, iorwii : 4 ® 1 i® 1 rt’ nr linti ’red ;l;t<i -isty m 11th ftistricbof originally Irwin * 9 * . ft 4 e wo ii fas issued ft : )52d iUt., M.. if! * tss; levy shale and ret urned fi 9 * 19 @ •same * 9 pr hundred and nine tv M 90,) containing J, § • or i-'-s, Well * ‘ ■ -vvonth distri.-t n ® pd how Cli tcih county, levied on as ‘* i -;y one : ® T ir* Court < said county, in favor j of S. Timmerman, J.*J. *. .1. s. . n. Justices of the Inferior Court of .-aid j 2 !Jravles 1 owart, lor taxes unpaid, fonKie j ® ‘ 9 ® S L TISI#IEUMANy Sheriff. # i : .r,-b f.. i.-un. * ® f IVT 1 • a?tev date application's 1 . ‘ V!l1 be , t„ life rourfof Ordinary oj W ■ f.f< rgia. at [the first regular tertfi i kof this iotics; for leave to sell | ? ■"■'eUij; to the e-tate of 1 • ‘ ’’ : , ;V i “M- - Brook* noun.l ,i.-. ® 1 •,. .. 5 • and creditors! ® ! ‘ A • G.. ( lerk SJ ’ \dni'r . • [gr,.oo] • ’ 60* : @ • •. ® -•* • ® -- - m ® • * ■ • • ■ , . . • ® ® * ® • , t * * a ® , s • r • • . , f ®® @ w . * # * ® •* ® , • • . J * * • ••• * i @ ) Vs ’ @ ® . • • ® ® ■ • _ irai * * ® * ‘'l is e,!l tetter e r. ® ® • * * ■ ‘s* • • , * *V. . *V @ ® * * • : f, r • • * M m * li 'W> ’ . * #® ! • @ ® ’r s- I-. : Hl.-h: _r • , ‘ i‘ * ® a # * *1 . ■ * * 1? watea* | ‘ 1 ] M.l i’ • l, ® • • i ; '# than* % | ■.•■■. •. : r : I'm ■■ .■:• •hi w\ ~ •!i may always ® • • ® • *’ ‘* i. v • n;i rmrs stoma a jjit -1L * nttle. For * • • .dl i'l Oil'll * * # i • 18 ■ k .. t 1? n ii v not * - kflbftli I, • . dftfefe v m • ■ ■ ;l pro * * *f • • • ‘ • • I .'ill £ . • J .. : v. • 4 . * .* * •*’ % ‘ # i 1 .;; c 1 • 2 ?*• • ; • • • a ■ • ♦ • ® I E ;.i.a Auu A G US, • i * . ‘ * f # ♦* * * * a, % • ■ ‘ • • • •• * * • ■ >■ ‘ nos IETI EBL’i * ‘•! -.i ii a 9 •.i - ■ a —v -a- • A"'* to f. ® • if * *®® ( $ * f -l •- 1 £ ® . # tfji ® i- • ; • 0^ r - • • •’ ■ u=u.! I'ur- • | B’j;..-, 1 .it j-1 - i:.i i! I.y *1 t * i 1 ‘ ’ COll’ I® # -• I ■ - i'l.".:-■ a ill .\ u * a 1 i pent 9 f & * lor i’orSjiia . years * ; #4 ♦i • ajid * A & ■■ #1 n>; S) [: r: .f m. ■.-lit ul . % . . : ..l ii o<■-i-s •x j I * g t 0 ■ 1’ 1 nil v. h'oj Ui9 i/ !#:;h:n :iA u %•.i(lc' l u.Ue to the demands t : ! .iM. ■ • :• sti'ei _'.li n.u>t y;gd, . ‘1 r*. •. 1 icl. is 11- tetter’s • > iMrt toiDj ‘-lary strength ” this feiuedy lor ;•!! n.S'.; of debility, and before so • and. . - y :r ji! \ •, in, who, is acquainted > ‘•. h • vr. ‘ : 1'■ sos i•. aSui'i .h, wim roe.iiiil-.ei;d tlle'r me it !! cases ot weakness. O Cli riOSj*-We eaution the jnil)lie'agtitot ‘ i. uii,’ ii:;v of iiiany imitations oK-coun t* rfci;s, hut. ask for liositiTiji’s ‘Ci.LCßU.vrhi> Stomach lirrii us, and -ou that, bottle • has ill,’ \t,rd.4 *fl)r. J. Hostel tor’s Stoiniieh IdlA's blown on the side.of the boitlo.and i# . u on :ln” caj> covering the fiWal , -• rvc that h signa • | ® ia* i- ,>’i lilt, lniioi. W r I V’,a,ii anil sid.i b) UOSTI-ITTEft &. ® o ; # i’l... ami suld b} all hrin;; ii ii 11 lie,dvrs gfiieraity t ::*• . * i: i ‘ taoi :L:, :OH til iUu; t‘-l lit.tii}'. • 000 V 1 L <2*l*. ini £2 , !• ; • V.’ *i i * i vr>s, &A, t # *i.o Jesule £v a tjs. l-'or s&l.ln !'. -KIXAS, On. may 7 * w •. ! * l) *WILLIAMS & BOTTOMS’ Hew Ootton Press. A TO Of ONL HUNDRED IK)U,A ILS ! !!! 4rums INVENTION, TIIE SLull’Ll:,ST. I w uio.-i practicable, powerful and cheapest (JOT- i TON TRESS ever invented, ofiered to the j public. L•. i- : i is constructed „ plan so simplest hat any farmer may, with four hands, put 1 up one complete, in running order, in one week.— When put up i| will pack . g Five aild*Six Pound Bales * with greater facility than® riy other Press 4 A ‘i- -i 1 1 > ’'ales, and so perfect ifttstructure thju# at least. ()N E T 11! R* Mo!t EBA LES (W\ NBE I’ACK- E< ) <>N 1 t i’ R I*.\ \ than tiny other Tres®^ - Screw lever indented, * i lie cibseriiiers liave sccttred a patent for this idcrlii! l’ro'S.•atul are now prepared by th( -, ives and .\i|,’nt private eo.imiy and State rigjgs iliriitglicmi the cotton groWsn* region of the. .South. They have already began to reap the reward ‘ I ' l 1 ' 1: im ■ : ® ■in vein in: hen ootton plant ei’s eyaryt fo-ro shall learn* that this Presfeis con tracted at a cost <4 more One Hundred Dolltft’s Les§ 1 |,:, n any 1.1 ;- r ! O’. iv extant, -pnd --♦’-“inc Bvuch ORE AT E L, EV H P< OVER with gre.fler -#inplic:'.y and T.-i■ -i 1i 1 \ fur packing, we find confident. 1 Hut our J'frss wdl supjdant every thiag in the shape es a (®iton iTc®-i§n°w in use. Models of this Press intfA- be seen bv calling on us at Thomasvi or any of our‘.Agents. AVe are willing to let it live or die by # ks own merits, feeling perfectly secure in it. to all pitrch *- .* , fi, R* I s'ep 4-ts 9 9 jj’. J. ltoTTOMiv® ‘ ’ j. ‘ IM-PHOW-iD DOUBLE LEVEi? SCREW ‘ , Cotton Fncltor. miiE SiT.Si’RJP.EU NOW OFFERS To TIIE PUB lie, Hawthorivs ißiprovecf Double tever Screw * • Cotton Packer, I for packing ONE Oil TAVO B 4LES ai a time,” 1* e!- ! ther hand or horsepower: find for ease, speed, and ‘alcly in packing, it stands without a Parallel. 1 | have one of these screws on my fa I rnr,Vith which 1 1 haivc successfully packed Jsoth one and two bales at l a tilde, and ean safely say, ii is the best thing for I packing Ooiton. Ifay, or Tobacco, thi 1 has ever been Uinvetit?*.l, and its ..peratinns need unly be seen in be j believed. ® ® * Beingsole•owner'of the patent right for.the Pni ted States. T am prepared to dispose of rights for ter ritories of any size that may be desired. I am engaged in having the Shrews built in t ids and adjoining, counties Persons wishing them bolt this season, will Icnv? ilieir orders at. ;1 ( , 1 j- 01 . * further particulars, address the subscriber at Boston Thomas couhty, G.corgia * • Juno IJ, 1£59. JAMIIS C HOWEf.E ® piniititflon for Sale. rrULES subscriber n tie his desirable and valuable # Plantation, i.:i t:,e*Troupvide r id. 1 • .rt n •..‘.- ,i . _ ; s • * ‘ * and well improved. acres , 1 tl#l ind under cultivation Hud eicellcnt fenced, whileTha * ‘ * , 1 •. 1 v ■ i —a portion r it li pine, and w ith pak, # | hickory, and other hauunock tinker. ,On the pretn !* ■* ’■ g 8 ‘ . ■ *’ ® ■- ...: i ~ ‘ r t. , , or meat house, which is ilsp mw, j , V - peculiar In style; having i. en constructed at , -', v\ i * a vn’ w i # ti cotivi'iiien*,', ard at ® : aibg'it: .g ‘.. surest facilities o r ihe gre*ervtifin of meat, anew and excellent uu ; house sll bh as barns, carriage house, stables atid comfbrTa ble negro,cabin-—-ill in good condition. Also, a sugar.furnace, kettles * *1 This pS.ce is rendeped doubly Valuable by a fine apple orchard nn£ vineyard, she orchard is largeal ( and the trees all young and of the* best quality ofn .apples, the sul scjmbSr lotving, at much trouble and expense, procured them from v,"ell known obeli awls in Tennessee and The vifteyardls. the best jn tlie CQtimry without guiy exboptioiflf, ami is stippljsd With t'\i*y v.u iiith‘*.- doiiot this gave,un]v 1 j. . •The place is one of the best in Thomas •county, 1 lies*!a ftn eleviued section of ahnndanlly watered by wqjls and spring, * idi excellent streams J (lowi through the premises. • AVifh a - mg so many advantages ii Would seem folly to pdrtf; : bai the ,-ul •oi'iin r iuvesu-d i ir-g* umnsin west • era knots, haying faade up h%‘ mitul to. emigrate till ii- > • • S' l •!-, ijow his indiuptiou avhctliei’ lip succeeds in soiling 1 - place or n•• 1 oj fhi - removal, however, ‘ j he offers it upon the no a liberal terms, and thoft; w is> desire valuable locafcionsin this sept ion will find I such opportunities to |tTirci|ase very “rare. Fun : rinForteajJj,on, mjy bo ha i by the j her at Dry “Lakt?, (!.a., or she Editor of the pSout4i ci n I'.nferpris.i ai Thonift-villc. * * , I Pocldlbdy*’ , ADONIRTM VANN.. . ‘."” * , • • - • I-trtdi Out! Oui! VLL Persons are hereby warned agaipsl ttSifug ‘ w- ■ 1 or tiiifber of any kind*,!! • .10 li j half of lot number six, *u the i dirtri’.o Thoioa.- eoiflity. V. id bin i lies j road, one ami a Jtalf j U>yesArom -ThOtnaSsiik, ancUbclojigsto p*l>'. sail'll and J. B. ED\A Aklab. AA'e canaot ’*’W dfo furnish fown with wood any longer Ihe dud is for stlfe at a reasonable price: there is alfbutdwo lflmdtvd i and forty-live acres %f it, with tw good settlements pon it. ® • , -■VIsP, ys>. 172, in the loth did. of Thomas enemy tbr fealo. My address is Albany-, (J r,. Rev. M. (J. Sniitn, Th6masvilie“,*Ga.‘,” Is inv agerlt. _ •’alt 21-din , ** 1 P.'WSnTIT. • Agency. • * w # I rpilK undt'iv igim i wMI buy ftii-P mil Lands 011 a Jj small commission business w ill give #&*£ m. i | such information as the Record# and il^ix *'kS2 sts ‘he State House may furnish. 4Plnioatioiis such information wiH be ,!• I strictly complied with wlup, in. every instance, ihe is accompanied d< gar. * -NATHAN II.MVKAs .\ <’(. . MUledgevillff,at 9 mh^Stf . . 2 '* ei I£,< • rnilE HOUSE AND LOT OF Dr. T. K. I.EONARD I situated ou .the Tallahassee road, and ._jj# known :l ihe McDonald place. <y^. Said premiss consist of a good, framed and other necessary Lpildings, get Her with fifteen acres of laud. M good bargain will be given. Apply to *, * ap 17%# SAM. B. SPENCER. •< ■ • ‘laiiiuhEc SnveiiPfQns! 1) iBEER’S Economical and Var* i v Sicet Blade •4 .* l. - . Patented June. 21st, ioo'J, —the most economical, ► convenient and efficient Culiiv atov 1 ver invented. ■ “'hen properly made and used, u’ it d..fe not thus j P rove usell‘,‘l herein pledg* myself to return the motley 10 those rights for tln.-ir plan : ttitions. :• , ‘ •* I Requires but one Stock for any kind of a Blade, t m.*” which may be'put u,% fastened and taken oil’ in one minute. , v 1- adapted lo sod, subsoil, hillside and general cull iv at ion. an 1 may be turned into a double fdow I it.desired, and Is so constructed that a seed planter be attached to it, she costof not cx- I coed one dollar. Every I'ari is d.-; acl> ddc and ad_ 1 <is 1 aide to itself. lim Stock, which may be ntado outfit’ commoi} pine plank, is so ‘-imply coimi rncicd. and Uicro being no weld Hi the iron pari, tint tin- whole plow rcadiiv put 11 j> #y the cotninoucst Smith after i.m •• obtaining a correct pattern. The opinion of all who liave seen and trie# it. is that ii will be the. * ONLY PLOW USED. as soon asitsmerits are 4 generally known, and that, taking several year*!,.- it w'#l be but a small j | part of the present plow expenses, being not only the most convenient, but tlm cheapest plow that ca'll be used. Fanners can fit their present sitpply ,* Scuters, Sbovefi, and Svnjep-. for this Stock, and •even knock, the wings on their wrought Turning “ Pl.ows and this. Persons wishing Individual#ar County Rights Will ’ address # 2# PEELER. Ylontieello. Fla. # or Rue. AAAI. PEELER, “auhctWh, U* .1 unuara l I. 1880. • • •• + LL” Y-A # ■ * ® # . % •• I am AAVfiRF THAT IN PRESENTING Mi • Slniitei’ * te Hie pub no, I h.a\? to cont. -with the iiv.^ndiees created liy tin* fai!ur#< f like 1 flatter myself, however, thaf my I’l.AN i I. R will per# nil t tic* vv.gk in a -1 1;-1 V1 c t.iry i am -1 rengf hotted in that con vie |r, bv tlie opinion if!’ nearly oil the • •• a • • •Practical Farmers. • ‘4 Ihomas and ailjuininojcountics wno - mi*; .judgement of the members of the latent Office, who pronounce it to be by far the best •PLANTER that has ever been presented'to them. * It is intended io ]>lunt t'"#u ai#l Cotton,4ud to sow. .Grain o#Wll For sowing “heat broad cast and harrowing in at ilio#same time, ii cannot be equalled. It can be usfcd for putting :>ui Guiana, either by strewing or by putfitig desired quanti ty at any riven distance. Tim distance proposed ft® drop the .-eed is grad *,d by the number of coc-# and the quantity by the size. 9 A glance at the PLANTER show-, the amount of labor saved by its use, and the nature and accuracy of the une; and horse lays oqf the row-, •drops the seed and covers it. in the same time ami with the same labor that it takes, i* the n-ual wav to lay out the row. The a’id gjyla by tlm*w?,eel J cn . d.-m it equally easy, so Ihe li yse tls fi Single plough. H being impossible for any one*man to br&gst in th ’ ‘ ‘ v ' i 'w- ry ■ : W. rto supple the fofand vuy-i exjuiuted, I propose to sell the 1 ;-h< to any may desire, and fit rates ihe purchaser will make mmiey. ] trust in. one wi 11 mdctnn it without an examination, ma-au-c it is®:he inven% of a South ern man. If, however, #fter examination;-they re ject it, 1 have nothing i®. iy. * .’ • i •'IQS. -I. B()TT()A1S. oed ld-fim • , ThQßiasville, Ga Slate f keergia, Broods C ounty. “VrOTICE IS HEREJ3Y GIVEN TO ALLCPESONSi 1* having dpiqands agatiiist John Hill, late of Lowndes but ho'fc Jtrohfcs # county deceased, so pre •3en( .® I V? P ro made out, within thp time I -1 <■•-<■ t-i icd by law. so as to show their character and anion lit .and all persons indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make iinmodiafe payment, jan 21 lod DANIEL AV MoR \E, Adm’r * 9 UIcLEAN’S 0 /y ‘ rj STRENGTHEN?XO • ®^* CoßDiAL^b^- /flsL BLOOD Kjj® “ * * PURIFIERf **V ‘ ~ • Ik'foretaking. * After taking, *!’ Tlii> irdtfwt pomeilj. in the world] This eonU>l is distill <1 l: in a ‘-iiy ni n -uly to uiyvlf, • chemically combined with eome of*the nu-st valuable L’ ia li iual i and bturjis known the Sfmd it man*, ‘i BlOOO K QT, Buct Ropr, VilD * Cm t, Yn faoW Doi is, iMMimoj, SARSAP ARILLA. Ki.nt ii IloiNrs. w itli otlit jjji, proiijucing tlio roost infallible l in dy h r tie’ r -'.oration of health ® , ever known. It is n lure s own ivntwly, cnniig ilis- # r.isi* h> natural laws.* V. i.. n tal;*'i. ii< iiifffleiica ii # • fott coursing t!nei_!i >\ y vin of the bdily, purify- w jj iug ami nc*ler.i: i: ®'ii t f thi’ lh and. It & neutralizes any laiioa* i.. e r in tiie ;.:iuuli, iiu.l etren_;tln*ii• tile wii ■ . . i . • * S STRENGTIIEJUNG CORDIAL , Will ell® 1 enra LIVEK COM PLAINT, rVMKi'sIA, JACNDICK, * ( or ItTertoiis llchililv, Oisrux's ® i the an! ill UUrnsrf ® _ arising; lie -ti ds i tfi I'iver or #toiniici>, i)v*(irii<ii:i “ _ <9 ! §* % $ I % . u), Diiti Pain or Swii in tli • Hc.t 1‘ ■i• i■: • u •’ u• • II j', I- : \V :ht i: 1!i 1 ‘ nr Knictiit ■#” l i, iu . • • Sudilea 1 uahvs of Heat, 1 teMCßiion of ] Spirits, Frightful DreaTns, Liu ghor, Despondency or • * a. \ Nei\ ius Disease, S res or the Skin, *, 11 % ami \§ i • fill. a.el T ver). It will : * also oure diseasns 9f the ffnd Womb, such as S minal W< iik'i - . In. • > nf I’l'ine, Strati* (in in i -in lA.iiil. • . cl’ the Viunb or ® • ••Bladder, \Wiii “etc. * NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT. j lvis ( itol will never fail to cine’ any of, the atpiva ♦ diseases, if tal nas pi r directi ms eis each buttle, in •Herman, Jiuglisli, and French. OVER A MILLION OFaBOTTLES • Have been sold during t*e*l.i-t iflonths, and in I-. ins Ia neo let-, it - .1 intact i- *n.# % TVhv then, WlDsuffer from weakness .u*debility, when • Nlcl.i an s Strengths nine: Cordial will cure you ? TO THE 3jA.DIES. * Dtkjdh.wish tojsc healthy and strobg.? Then go at • # mi*e, and get soma of V Lean’s Cmilial. It will strengthen and invigorate your vdiole system. causing a healthy and puree ircnlati.jji of bl. .and to flow through * every vein, and the rich, rosy bloom of health to mount to yftur cheek again. * ‘ • • Every is warranted satisfaction. 9 * * • ■ siyto parents, it vour hiklivn arc or afflicted with c<nnpluii:is | • • valent aim*n., tiiMrcn, 9 giv thenPU small quan iv • f Me. Lean's Cordial? and it Mill make tlcm fat, jfcd robuSt € Delay not a uiQinent, try it, and •ju will be convinced. ’ . LT IS DEBICIQUS TO WKE. # (u r ;.'•;. C are est tli-n • or dealers wWfc may • • try tfTpalin upon.) piitrr or i\la tra*b. wiii. il til * I ‘ c s.I . . it is jn-'t :is y and. Avoid tsiiuii mm. >u lor 31 l.'*an‘s Strength- • Cordial, and tako n-ithing else. Jt i* the < jjkO Remedy tlYtttwi 11 purify tlie ii Ihoroiiglily, 0 1 sa ■ tim -1. i •..; 1• 1 •:. •■s’■. ■ • in. • m Oho %hi $ ‘§>: fi •■cr, la • a o rtain pi -vcnti\ e fur C !• n i '! A’- ;*'ft I• • v 1 Allow LVvi-r or any y% V . ll # .i 1.1 ■'[> iu large li.ith , s. * % Driee onJ> cl f r bottle, -r C ;tV f. r 9 J. 11... M. i ! AX. So’ r 1 ■: ir tor of this A’* 1 ‘Mela all’s >i :i !: m<hi I. o iniflit. Principal T><a tl. • ■ n u r t dl. nl am’ Pino Streets, St Lutii', Mo. * McLEAN VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT. # Tut lb iM.iM ifM’ in tiir: w a i.n, A ThaONLY s.ito and -cii’.i < ■ f r w t -in • i Id*, T illliils. Sw !!i :n I 1. i < urF <>l* C.'itre. 1 ‘ ■.: .•’ ■ - gi, Xeiintlgia, %Veakim>i if the Jlubclcb, Chronic or I nlfminj . tore It:. : nt. i S:. f‘r i■ —of the .) , # (S-v “I lln- I-’ ■ r I “■ s-• I I.n* r ‘i'. .■> l - O’ he. Mil!’ - S; > 1 -11 ‘ . I*’ h*< hits, t : *, F. ver Sni’ -s. C lk’ 1 llr. s -ts. S Ni I'l'i. Iturn o S’ hid . S’ ■i ■ ’ Throat, “i ;o . Tnflarnniation .'tTiiin, no , difference fc.w severe,’ or bow ling the dfscaae may * have exist.™ McLean’S Celebrated is a • , certain rem ly. * Thousands nf humau hoi.- have been saved a life of de,li|>iinde jk i luise. y ly the me el tbii invalu able medicine. McLean's Volcanic Gil Liniment Will relieve pain nlmo t i ••..ntaTicf.u l\#und it will cleanse, j.iHifvoand heal tin loulvst tuie, in nil ill- # credibly short time. • For Horses and other Animal^ 9 McLean’s celebrated Liniment is tbo <? 1 v .-aft*-rul reliable remedy for tie*, cure of Spavin, Tting Pone, f> Windfalls, Splints, I’nn •#:! Lumps, Nodes or * Swellings. It will n iver i.iil to cure Pig Head, Poll • evil, Fistula, Old Punning Son. c r Sweeny, if properly .applied. For Sprains, Lruis< s, Scratches, , Cracked Chaf*<, paddle < r ik ar Calls.^uM, • Sores, or Wounds, it is an ii ft; >m* dy. Apply it as directed, and a cure is certain in every instance. Then trifle no longer with the many worthless Lin irrfents #flVr<*d to you. Obtain a supply of Dr. 3!c- * Loan iHnelebrated Liniment. It will cure you. J. H. McLEAN, Solo Proprietor, Corner of Third and Pine Sts., St. Louis, Mo. >..r p.ilc by KD' I '. “iSLIiXIS; !■'. Thom •Tsvilio. Cm. # nil. 115- * V * ii f£k(i.’ vvt tt 0 ,3 S ‘. MAGAZIIn Eaud BRITISH REVIEWS. T SCOTT & CO., NEW- lOKK coiitiimo to pub j 0 lie-'i t ; ■ T i:.g (ii g liriti- . i ri 4ica! * V l7 it 0 l. The London Quarterly (Conservative.). Tlio Edinburgh Review’ “ JR: i I>. The North. British IleAew tree Church.) 1 ■ Thi? Westminstor Review (Li >•-x.-si.) • o. Blackvvooecs Eoinbia-gh Mazarine (Ton I liese peri-, lica’s abljj repre. •!; o .tffree great Aoiifical partie -of Href liriiiiah—V “i Torf,’ an.l •Kadicai— . ivi’m - • .■■■oac i ,u . * ~i ;i charactir. As Oryan.-: of whiten* on S-ience,* i.itoratuj • tn-1 it-lici. n, tln-v soih.l, as evej*l?V<* sldocr, yn 1 in w i.t letter?, 1. in..; . .mMuere i . j U- .lev :■ 1 ‘V : . the soh.Mi.t* a. !.-• •;* es? i > mail, w hile to intelligent reader ©f .".cry#; , . ; . correcraiw -v :-Ifi'.-t” ;••••. 1 of t... ei. :Te:.l liter;t tur. “I throughoul tHi world, ilaii c.,n £•: possibly obtained ,u>v oilier source* #0 # Early Copies. Tiro receipt#! ’ Sheets from thc-Britisli pub -lis hers gi# - so. iitiojial v ’ tle’irims, in :is:;.uc;. as :; • i j.ic h-m-1- o: * ti>- Sef:> w. s a 11.ui; m #■; i .; i . i . ’ ♦ *j?OriUS. . , *o, at,,. one of the four llcviev.™ ()• > any two <■:’ i i.o . . f li, ‘ •<. - - oim I’ci’ iffis tio-coof the 10114 Review:-. - - 7 (hi For all lour 01# he .-, - . - 800 %<• Bl£ckw-oo<l's .Magazine, •- - 00 j For Blaclspwpd and gpe Review, * - • - 500 For Kacd< wood ah i two Ireyiews, - - # 7 ( For Blackwood ihree Reviews, - - 000 ! :• ‘■ Blackwood au i the four Review.*’, - 10 00 i f/.u; >/ currcn’ n > , h c ~j., I nl J . * Clubbing. • A discount ot twenty five per cent, from thejil)oV* pi.’.(” w ill l■.■ ab.’ .ied 10! :< oi'.ieijjng i,..ur or mre copies otjjfuiy , ■ move oi'Tlie above works. Tims: ol FlaeKw, and, or of one*Ucview*vHllbe sent to ~ne addre-s fdr $9; fouSuopies of th? four iNview* and i’,,r 8:50; and :-o on. f . Postag# * .}f. a ,r i ripple Cities and Towns th< works will be delivered/rs tfp, slope. WBen sent by mX\. the %.stagc to any parLof the Fiutd States will Lw put th cnty-j’.nr c v for ’i;iaekw."id,” and but four teen emit* * year for eafti of the Review s. # ♦ The priijg ip Great Brittain of’ihe five Peri poclicald ooo\c naiited is |• j* jinnuni, • Farmer’s Guido * To Scientific at?d Practical Agriculture. l y JJi:\iiy l on i.n s F. R. 8.-, „f ivii.,lm.-h, and (he late J. 1 . Sm;rox, Professor of Scientific .Wri <:ll ,Ullv l!l ] ‘ ‘ ■ Jx-1 -. 1! ,1# Octavo. 1000 pages, and-numerous Engravings.* * Tins ‘S, ootifcfcsedly, the must coh'jdi’te Work on Agriculture ever jutlrlmhod, and in order to give it a wider circulation ilu: publishers have res'dved to reduu.- the 1 • .b ive Dollars for the Two Volumes !! When .senj,b,\ mail paid) to California and Oregon the price w KIV sf. ‘i*i every* other part of felie I tii'Ui. jj.ii- 1 to ( '.uiada po-.t-ji.iid 1 SB. j, fcriT” This work /.-'.not th, /.p,. , l; 'iiiiiin,i,'cs Cm any of the above publications s,lo "i’ i avva y s ■’ id's cd, p.,ii -paid, to Ihe Put.* li-diors, @ . * LEONARD SCOTT & CO. . fC No. ol GoJjd sireei@Ni.-w York. ® am aiiifiT? (if mm i said • * AMERICAN AND FOREIGN. . * STEREOSQOPIC EMPORIUM V * .‘ E. AVI IIOM . * . Yew 11 • m 9 l>ol l>r ‘>('.’wii*f 9 two doors from ho. . St* Nicholas Hotel. • \ rpHE •STEREOSCOPE ISJflffi JfOST INSTRUC- L : esting ftntertautifig, amusing, and x- -> ’ eiti ng, # of inodern inventfoß&.* Si None are \ >ung, n.iue too old, non? too inteli gent, *i:i,l beauty. • *• • No home.tscompji te without, it and it must an,.j,wi. pullel “a I*@. li UJ-’ sents t;i ymir view every part of t*lif world #ll iiiV ljelie;', bojdt ss, perspective,ffndsharpuetc of detail, as jryoti*webe on the spot. **’ Phm.'graphe s .ire exploring Europe Asia) \. *. .. America, in search oj and Wautifttl, and th’. 1 results of their skill is constantly, enri ‘liine our si.• # * . have an*inimense variety or paper Views*of 9 Scenes in Paris, Wales, FiKtnce* Holland, Switzerland, Fjiain, The Rhine, Vers.-illiT 1 ?, St. (’kind* Fonteiine bi. au, ! ailli lie * Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Athens, e the Land, Cnin.a. India,T’rysta/ Palace—<ilß #<ronys Historical, anmsinm marfiges soenCs, break fas^scenes, -taiuart, . Ac. An*exqui ! assortment ol lluistrated Interiors of Palaces t hurche'k, ;."*i 1 :CI., ir il-*u France, Italy, \& The effect of*thcse illuminated views is must remkrk- @ af* * • • m> • * ,E\ ery gem! si nan •,f wealth and refined taste should have ui his drawing room some of ouj exqqjHite view Non glass, vrphAjrevoFvjng [ster|oßcope, show, ing PJ. 26, friend fond of the picturesque and die beautiful. * Anthony’s Instan aheofi 9C< pe Views ate thq lat* st 1 •!.,■- >graj jjic wonder. taken in the fuYtn th part Os a second, jud everything ne mattet l ;r i ‘f**v it may h<#moviqg, is depicted as sharp ly and distinctly as n it had hieen perfeefiy at res?:. * fhis g'.ve - an i..!;.:1 td-the beauties of inanimate nature it adds the clnmu of life and niii iijin. Ihe jfurts.s is a discovery of @ur own, and Iteisg unknown in Europe, we receive from London afel L‘*i is large ordert foaAnthony’s Instantaneqns \ lews of .Vmerican life and scenery. • ‘ 0 s Among,qther 1 higgs v. e have jiftt published Stereo scopic Ulkstratipus of the Scenes of the FultontStreet Prater Meeting, in which many •hearts Teel an in® • l, ' : cstl’-Phe particular of this will be found in our catalogue. . “ ’^i l 1 1 al,,git•’ “f sand price? will !*• fr- , Warded addfessem regeipt of a stamp, s Parlies at a, di.-tu*. e sending us SZ, <5, $l, sls® •S2O, can hlvekgtud instrumOni and such pic tuyes as they - ipjiywreqest, sent bv Express^ \ iew® alone, (without instrument) cam be sent bv mail. ® • ‘ Parlies who Wi -h to beeadvised of everything real ly vaii aide in the fill.* that c#> - out. mav send us their jWmfstff j lace on record, and we will ‘keemthem “ pos if ..I own # exjion so. e • Men it! leisure Will find t*hc#ography a most fasci ► nating*awl delightful aAqgQinent, 1 We are prepared to fit out. am.-.!ci;r- # wiih everyuiing nec *- try f„r 1 Iffn^suc'ces- iqstrnctions “Hk>wtoda& • ];* \w'l PONY ® liiipori"i-aud.M.u,"ifa.#urer of i'h .tocrrajiiiic Ma teiqgl-. S£ereos< op< ssand RJereosi opic \ iew . ** x; y = Mei'. bants from every s, mr()) 4 .% are re.sjiecttudy to make an* oxaminaiion ~f e our stock, as our discount to the trade will be li be riff. To Photogi! \.rnr.];->.—First-fßa-s sff-reosotipic Ne gatives vvan#ed, # Send by mail a print unmounted, with price of Negative. * • jan2l-4m ( [Cut this out for future reference. ] Great Attraefioif! rriY.'O SPtENBig PLATFS— < | * 1 SPERIAt-COURT OF FRANCE. * ROYAL FAMILY OF ENGLAND. The Eclectic Magazine lof January, iB6O. Will bo Embellished with two Splendid Plates: *l. The Empress and tlie Ei in Ladies or nEßsCouua. 9 Beautiful portraits of y Beautiful 1 Ladies. 2. Qfkk.v VTcToitfA, PniNcff Albert, and the Chil .I'Leu.T tho Royal Family. The artistic sembellish ana the literary infractions of the number are | inteiidedao be matchless.. Qjlier brilliant gems of . art will foil,'W. li i intend 1 to pleasevtl.e artistic : eye ami gratify the taste ot all lovers of choice ding. Ready for delivery. Dec. I**l,. 9 * FOi; FEBRUARY, Two Splendid Plahus are in.Pncpaxation ’ We invite* the j ding to lAf Eclf,-uc , ii- rich and varied contents | and its beautiful enibellisjonents. 1. Tfln EdtECTic as a of 114 1 NO -U 1 0 ‘ll 111 Tl -, im- 110 . r \ jit era y utl-i uor arti-ri, •b-dllsliff ■ ut. J —. Its letterpress is ma<le up 01 the choicest arti i c *‘ ■') “- ■ #• < Rif mu Quarter lies and .■ ,Bi,:.u AlonthliLS. it turns t’ %ive the cream of all * •1. 1 hPj j.t., nc, hi one equals in printed matter any ve Anii.-h tei Be- Tae j • t.-e of i, tiiein is >7 the price of the Eclectic for the same | is only So, while the prints in the Eelectic*are forth aloue.SS more. ® variety, richness, and affluence of She Ec j l * , ' n< s articles in fall tlie departments .©literature , | and popular science, both instructive nud entertain ing, stamp it oest Magazine pnblislied. [0 80 l the press and eminent men sav. in all inrts of the land. A. #very nun. Lei of the Eclectic i.- em ellislied with one or more portraits or prints.* IS fine Steel Plates, and 100 Portraits and A lices in i L'’ ’.’ worth more alone vlian the price of the work. f i. iA” Eclectic :#f iicijuircd established char (. or •;< a standard#work amAig literary men. jt kiwi- a place in many libraries From Hon. Fflward Ever? *• Boston, Sent. :)U, B ‘ —lfnncur ir the highly favorably opiAons of tue Eclectic Magazine winch ; have b.-igi expressed* by many emiminent persons j in several leading journals. 1 have read it for three years, and find its contents judiciously selected j so as to present a great variety of instructive and interesting matter, a fair specimen of the current literature of the day ” q ‘Edward EvEifrTT.” From Noble Butler, ouisville, ® *, * he 1. Icctic Mi:fftziiic is one of the guesfs that can be invited into the family. Its influence i ,lU,5t h’’ g° od <* ewerv meiqßer. *lt is teally more be and tlie line ‘cream® of which j gi V( '’- Mis the same tning as if took the wlele S j ©f® ; periodi ul-. ni-*l employed urgentleman , f to read them all over.oand scl?et the best Ton j our own perusal.” * o e. ° From tl© Hon#Judge Lumpkin, @ \thens, Ga. lilt constant rtfider of the Eclectic fmt j f'-tny years. M nether instruction er en^>rta*umeq/ ; he Wie o. y-e. the selections of its articles, in my : humble judgment, are unequalled. The engravings | worth the price of#he subscription.’® j l*rom the IWingstreet. President of the _ 9 Son til Carolina C.dlege.* 8 # # “ I have long been a reader of the Eclectic .Mag azine, Und regard it as unsurpassed by any work iM 6 the ktnd in our country for valuable reading.” * The*commendations of the Press are many® and generous. ® All lexers of choice reading and beautiful art-por traits art invited to send their or : pt tlie .pining year. Each new subscriber to the (*.otk, or any person who send;, anew name with the pa , in advance, willßbe entitled to a choice of ei ther ot iwo beautiful premium prints, worth §2 30 cAch. N family, no young lady” or gen-p i tTeim> a. >liuld be without fte gems of art and treas* ures of literature to be found in the Eclectic. ■J’IJIIMS. © ® The Eclectic is i.-sued on the first of ruonth. , Each., umber contains 1 11 large octavo pages, on find pas or, by Sartain. The twelve munbers@comprise tlt Fee <s ‘mnes. of 880 pagi s each, with titles, indexes, and embellishments. Price ss.*-. The postage is only three cents a number, prepaid at tlie office of deliv ery. Tim ’January ntftuher # for 50 cents, any other for 12 cents, sent in postage stamps* ® “ N\. 11. Bll>\\ LLL, No. 5 Beekman St N Y •_ i ® l.umliH 1 ! liUnitx’i’M \Y r ® HAVE ON HAND FOK SALE ONE HUM’ \ v yd ihousandfeet of well seasoned LUMBER? suitable tor building purposes. s @ July 81 ts ® ‘ MOOHE & HOMAN #