Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 18??-1889, May 23, 1860, Image 1

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SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE. voL *nr. CJje t.o'itlitnit (l : riliT(jr['jc. • iucft sy. ni'VAx! p^ribtcfr* # # ‘©> • * * *1 *>< kii*i !u\. •* T r # * ®* •I?****'****- * -'fi.i \G* at F t + iri *’ • •• * • i* irii to,- v . i. I. A w O Order* for the * ° by T! .... . v , . i fftrccL with the *■ o kj. * ’ vvu “v Hf rur 7 wmicn. : ‘to _. ._ AOTERTItII.VG, < * * * • TERMS/ . *•,*■ * , # ’*’ g ‘ q • 8 * “j ‘ rs , % to will be pußlijfied until order fed out and charm * * * °° <• * *• # N . * in • six lines, will Be ” * ‘ 1 ■<,:>?■ % • % that number, ’ ‘• g * ° ** .• “ >5 ’> lease luuca in uir in p 0 i ‘ ‘ ‘ lllrNlj 1 * O O •L • t • - o 1 . TOUIiU r ‘ *#s Otr Contracts with gftdvtogtiserS *will be gjCfvsrntsl by •isle.: .*. i 8 ° 9 & R twelve lolid Viniou lin.-s: 0 v 1 ‘ —a: —-S’ - ■§’ a G o . * *•*••.;* * 9 j ~ < * # * / *’ ‘ °a 3 Ig. * 0 1 r © 3 , Lkxgth or AprEßTitoi . £ . • .* • * sL J * •? . \ _* *” ? “ * • >r, t-t 1 a < i—s—i One Square a *■ - ■ “id, • I si. 1 im •'I w Squares ....i 8 0(14 Tine,- Squares - 4’ ‘ “*<*’ (lli ’ Vj 1 "’ 25 <'U I 8 ..< 6 p ’ Fits Souse e ... II & 2®, OQI 25 00 30 1111 J • js * ra 1 s °*'6 w .oo One Half !.|25 00 30 00‘ 35 00 40 . Th: , ** • ■ •>One Colunjn?. •* 50 00.60 00 70 00 80 00 - | - -o- Q o Bosis ii . S 0 e year, wj % •, % ■■ y. r i).\ ■ pur Line. Oiii li'EfiiV AD v ■ ittis i: u: \ t.*. 8 |c si j a IS- c x ■ •*< 8 i t* by Jaw to comply with the I ■ ... VI ’ ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ I• v „ A . EX( * Ills, ■ pftii ■, I J;v law t<> be hefißon the fht Tit —lav fn U it •1 j# : . afterboon, at the*Coiuth t tlie ujjihtj in w hich 1 tlio propi tv is situate. Not u^oi - these sales must j 1 * ihlieJ.: i-w I. >\ 4mv , f Nii’.c of l**rsnal Prnpci q S’oticea us silks <4 Property must be s, given at least JPuys pi i .h. 9 *• : Stic. jr.slill'-ftil; l,lnr~ . -,i i : w ... Notices uHV-btW* ami Creditors of an esUite mspt be published Fortv D;w a. Ordiitnr) Lcnte i<> *>< !!: 8 ‘S. ‘ , i’ 6 -ij ; e (’• ,url ♦ • <>nlii:i • 1, ivf ‘ b. ’• N, ini;.; i•• p.I w, hi .-•* iw• - M - • s I AdniaisDatiM arid (un/diitnHfiipt ° ( to ! P’ : I-’ °> pnMi-licl ‘I , ]-” I 1 c io* A to- . Ito f’ .• fr •! tin--. el * 0 FtrerleMßrf of tld'rtgagc: 9 Kalis foe Foreclosure of 31 ,y. ..nijjt be pub. j Tished monthly f< r Fqr M ntlis. J IXiabliftliinu ljo.*t , l*airr*s s„ „ Notices lor esta ill an 1. si I apers must be pun 4 • lished for the full faprtn t>f ®- SjS” Publicationg*will aiwawl oulinued according ■ > tiir -lln 1 rill s, unless i W “I'liTed. TaAW CARDS. T •• e ® ©’ •. * J. 55. R. Stanley, 8 4 .TTORNEY*AT LAW, , r.> m, g v. 9i VVll.l. pvp i :. 4 S-; I h.'ri, (J I ’P cuit, and Coffee, t ‘line: . v, .-.icaa i Ech.6ls of the. r>runs\viek Cimiit. , • • . ® • • -ft’ • -* . w. ir. x:oiuu t, • V.TTCJHItESI AT L'Aw, . | , QI'hTMAX. ];KOOKs CO.. GA. ♦\ll?l. practice in thoinas, Lowndes. Srooks and * Berrien e untfes. , 8 8 *ian 10 * o o . • %sc\amlv i. 3 ? ,4 TTORNF.Y i'T L’AW, ? j,\• toll tfi 9 * . Tib <; a.° • . V, R. o ( : 4 TTORNEY A-? l>w, WILL practice in tbs counties of the Br'iltnswjck I • Circuit; and in Lowndes and Southj • ’em Circuit. . ® e - - -B ----• * J Oil ft* 11, R.Ysdu, 9 . V'TTORNEY at ; f LAW, J., • * , Yih'M\"\lfl.i:. Go.\. (OEKICE next door rg l>r. Rice’s'. mh l?i —— i—- —-*• e , ; * . -i:ii£i‘HC L.>lliuc4, A TTOftNEY AT LAW, . *; ° V\* .jo -0 .!+ rib.)MASVI I LF., G.\. * ‘ 15ry 11 ft. 0 “ t OR KEY “AT LAW. /A Lih *lo ’ rH(>Nl.\.§VI LLSyGW o - r~*— IL.C. X TTQRKEY “AT LAW, 0 . NASHVILLE, BK'RBTF.X CO., GA. 1 •WILL praeticcfin the 1 g s> ••nid^r cnit. %.U-i . .•• Id : .'Cp I v.w bn:.:.dn f . - erty • f tlir \iae"n. .mi t.d,tlVv* Ciit *? aud W..w f the Brunswick Circuit. A Ulte.-- :u Flat tie. • rp'.-otiiee. GA. * mil 18-tt’ 0 — sfil— • 11. T. Peeples. 0 °„ I..TTORKEY AT LAW. 0 0 - m . . NASflVlltofeE. BEftBIBN'tO,. ?iA. o •je 12. * * v ®* ts •Samuel B. Spencer, • \ ‘PfOENEY AT I*AWY - / XIL * ’ . ’ iTLIOj£ASYILLE, GA_ | . >\ ILL giv* liis entire an*n i.n praetio ‘ 4 Law*id t’ue colonies oi G.• Southern L'ireuit. Ot dKce on the second floor us Dpnald McLtan’s brick $ • I uilding. * * ® s „ i— -* ? * • A. V.^l’cCardelj JUSTICE OF THE PEACE—AII btisines eatrastea ts him attended to*•promptly i ••ind vritfi dispatch. Oiiiee u: w- ?: i-. . osville. tia. , .. ** m ; Ck. 11. .. OF TIIE iPEA£E WTICE **. J y * tfcS” 6 PI’OJIT K T ItfT... r ’ ‘ V <**’ >'t c*. . j .O - ‘its *f° A n- a - aui..- 6 <..-° tier in Justices’ Superior Cfllik ** ... * .■ — ” - *• Selioiielii's * • iPv-Oisr wdiMvS, * • • AdjoiAitijr the fitegot, • *’ Macon....! .V*.. .. ........Georgia, • * ManuftfcArers of-® .* iPlfelntt ft nil t V ami <4itru<s;*i iiit. * • .* e . . . Cat MHlsaiid Pans, * . .• Syrirp is. t • **k *>-• i j , S **iltfus itiid Twllob.. And a? kinds %f ftflcfeflß&y made to order at 6boi% notice. m . ® . . E # REMINGTON & ShN, . jai H-l T *• .‘Agenr^Tllofaa^rjilerGa. , 1* l < I I 1 C, R It \ \ N , 3 * O Ihlilor dt PropHctdr. m MBDJ6AL AND DENTAL CARDS. .* a : ■ o. o o Medics! 0 0 o „ r. R. I, a \\ ‘ s?■ * s s • M *. ° o . ol O o- 9 6 9 a. o .1 . ■ ‘ pen i s Hospital : . . e o c °t> o °° a * O 0 o'® ■ 7 .. ° O 6 ,0 §°6 o , £ “p o 0 -iw .pm’ • | i * I>r. -V. C.*Mcl>onftald, } 0 * O s (MS J 9O . pcople of. Thomasvilh c _° -o O 9 o p ticn g medicme in Jt: 1. •.- > ~ : • 1 >o v;l 1 time he lfas met and 1 moat of the v-'ljai-h oCcur in this lntitu ie. ° 0 o OFFICE, on the wide street, i^eav®-.:i i( > La# Office of C. J. Harm. E, l.,.°And. r- n. o 0 Thomasfille,. 1860. 0 ts. 0 ° o Dr.HE. J.'OllvcV&ft, 0 °° Pjp&otiiioner oL- Mtslicinc ancf Surgery, juHtt%gow> Th*i.v ( G o ° o 0 I>r. s. s. Adams ’ j 1 J V ... 6,ie6i l’ ani^the public,* p°| fstut Ji*e vial con y| J, : at the old .stand ffnd yespectfffily tlifders iiis .--i \i-sd w the 1 ablif. ® * o Ol | , -q .0 <8) ts ,5 1 ■ tori 10 9' 1 • P o’ o BSt*’. P. S. o 0 Oil EUS his Professional Services to the citizens Os TlumiasviUti ail’d vicinity. 1 Htlis. ai :i! i-g mrs. o.*° 1 OO o lIY. Urajidon n a ° tftic f. id, vi-’y occupied l.v 1 •J®hn ‘ Id.liw ,o E- ~. o*;, a Law Office, proffijutly at tended. _ 1 f-.v” Special Attention iven to] Surgery and Surgical j “i kon^jisvllle, Jan. 15, o 0 o I ° B. <. .Iniofd, -• ResTdent D-niLK T]min;i-'- 1. ! Vl/E llAfil the practical advantage of fifiecn 0 t T sj’ears, experience in every ( bran<|i of n. , .M e can refer to many who have had i Trr | o’ -©■ - 0 . . * Idl too!. -Ib * e °0 9 ’ do o Gurri W6rk, *6, 4‘ 1®) ? ;Ol la 5 * ’ p •*•'•... f. 1 l utietit's favoding its v- , roly ftp oft our mni'i-t exert hns to ■spovtii'i v J operation in as perfec-b a maatfcr as 1 ossißlef •nh i 1 o % s Woo rs -A- M. fiff. S. E. Eaion, U7 r OB4iD °) ° ’!y lirfoAh °the erfizciis of I Thomas? i # I 0 0 . a vicinity, °i 4 . • -the/ \rft a 4] A 9 , 5 A Medical M / -/• to i ‘ i 1 1 1 m ■- W -■ ’OFFICES * v '” , dm-A-yi". lhe tal Room i> v.i arratig- V VxJJjX \ 9 I'd JtS lll't ‘jj • : and ; / 7,’ 3^3 ‘A *’ 9 •,! t)®e ■. • 6 . V ; ; t ‘0 111-1 Gi 111!” ,ICII 9 yo o-V •> S ‘P- , P’ - : j that n • s court / e ‘< hjAivu /,>••</,. .I.'//, v H -o'; t \TON . as lrc* 1 has no Gopahtxr.ii in ° it . ° , o ■■ Iml ( QJtihllCC TL 1 /. .1 ii 1.1 . /. I). o b b. 6- - 4 ’ o’ mh 1 ’ 0 °New c Drtig Stero. DR. I’. S.° lit IV. MR 1; - 4 j 1.1 Id.'; . b il ;'P ‘ll the stand fonnerly occupied by Palmer & Bro. <0 . ... oW .. ti ■ o O’ O o 1 o j Drug's, -3S.;a,<liii iiirjs, Pefliitiun v. Inks, I f ® FANCY SOAPS, No . 0 ito U o'. >° 9 9 ■ iw to ■6- <6<- h s . F • ■ | | And will be glad to them with suo^arHolefi as -y may in y ° mil i<-r f 0 Q - _ . —3l— 1 i 0 a-.aiU )'T'ST larg- and jv-ll - stork of o 6 OJ ’ 0 .il-aivTaiiHg. Oil- (fl Putty, VaSSfiish, Pirustii's. P Dye Stuffs, Patent .Medivines. Garden S®eds, Toilet %: ■h. ’ ■■. r o o ■*’ 0 ijld I<* ;•<; Caiuplieii''. B-iruiug Fluid and Lamps. °’ . o 1 >viv l-. V ; . - ! -b Th e.-vil 1 , >. ,\| 1 v 21, ]s.Yi. 0° otf ° ? \jpn tailoi'isis Hsiiibli'ilusieiit. 9 | ? o JPetei” U / Mi; ill H \ £ TAELOfe; would bv'T’ e-fol'y in form the citiz#jis of Tlfo,r °/g? ,q, i iuasville and surround f ° ° {W j iuntry 0> that fce lo a i *• ‘SHOP . f ’ Nex aiiud&ekle’s ■■ Furniture Store, ° ;,v 8 B ’ b o ini those °->u °O I faVi-r .1 o . a ?q ° ®to o o m y JGAtfMENSS | Os toUoksilns eiu ,iiid°m.: I thd*lafe£t and most fashionable c p. ci ** . ‘ .mi \. •. o : on'hand, 0 mh 25-if o 1C o. o_ 0 . f J oilii r. 0 v\ rEfiaiANT TAlLoßris still%n!olti*oMt:tnd, \|_ bet vet'll the 1.-t: . k 0 0 °£!j\ sis . - ‘ Si. u - J*b and B a ‘°‘ £ \ ton, whore bo is pre; o rV®-- 8, t ,6 Id wofko if .$3 , ‘in his iit o the best style Ijy, >? siAd latest lasl°ions. ° w c ,o Ho°: ,<? if . ®’ - 0 f -10 0 i I ply of'fine.patterns for A Ad J Coats, Pants, i : o all th% “trim- 4 J 1 j j* 6 _ ° 0 o • .. • mad tj f ler. ° c ® —— _ i ■ >i <'\St:n#Mone all time? in the bit- fashii ° at the shortest notice. Call and for t*n#r?eU'r. # * 9 Tl'r.'inasville, Oia..ZM. ; '*h. 1” 00 ts ® 0.0 fi, O Saddle and’llarness Manufactory. , 4 l*¥i’.GE and * iis’ffidment of Jsttness *A ml nit, • • • - ’ ‘ O. °,o ’ ® ; Belting. Harness ur.d ‘/?■% S ‘.e 1. . •:■!>■•.. ke ■■■ i ,A%jl•' ’ V, ‘ is^ s® • • n" ! - 1 -w ( I ■£ and ’- ® , 0 die Repairing promptly attended tt Y MoGLASIfA.x $ LITiLE. i Thomasville. ° * jj, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MAY 23. 4860 O —9— W * ~s o o ° 1 1:1 !l-e lai ltl *l. ;. T‘j A< • A.< • •.//< .!.,<• “j,k /,’. Bn,mn : S DeaftSir': Having dischai—ed the duties iff o -o nfy appointiyerrt as on th# jmd u 4 Georgia, to run the ititfdary line between our • v ’ : ’ and 11 1 Ii. a < y leave to submit the f ‘i. iv am re’ll-vt : ? ° * o -i O Th? ps duti- ii? passed by the Legislature* of the iwu >Siate-iiu l v b7. adopted ih.terminal i pgints ofe the recognie<l boundary, and requir ed a eorjeqt line to lie and lhlrkffdl bgtween tho'#* pofnts, pro\ ided ascertained “that the old line was ineorre<?u* The survey.n-> did not think it nc9e>s'ary toVun upoiiothe old line ATfeorder to dcci le as.jfo ie> Correctness. Indeed, they before eoinuiencinjj the work, that i ; tbe gld lirife* iroito the man net hi „\vhic4i it was run", necessarily deflects to the South. They 4her@foi • !to rftn. l>y i . 1 * ealett- * lation. line betyeen tjhe fdrmini with® out attempting to follcsf tne Tine. ■> Accoii iiSgly a e#!ulation was made care. — The ehYta u.-i ‘d jn calculation were derived %?ra •• i'iiiic'd's .lourna! M diml the figltte notes : asasurvey made in Tx? 1; in obedience to an ; itrterbeutoty decree of the Supreme Court of >'sthe t uuc;l States. Ellicott and Minor were commissiordYS | l'nite.l States and lo ahifeestab ; lisli tin- boundary beM#gen®tlie ] 1 si-iffs of tby two luntrleand performed |,heir work in the They determined the 1 | latitude and lomritudo of the tewninaf puim*,<f!’ j ptnat part linow!iielJ9i-uns hetween Gecfr gia e.ffd KfLi'ida. by astr inorhical obsefvhtioti, abd Cht ■ \Sv !•<+}■ cnide?? in |he journal be : r. rcl't l'W'd to. ’i he survey of lSdff e\ r y.d the fact ilmt a inist-'flie had been made hv jl'illi '* cott in determining these eh-merfls. The dis tance bo twee if thb ternitui was foddd to be groat- t f.,er 1 y actual im- •• ~• -m-nt. than Cdlico - . ■ Tati tudos i?nd,4oiigitiides would have made it, and it was.consider. Fiimst jo-'bablo tnaj. his error was committed iii ascertaining the longitudes. Accordingly, by the spd of geodetic,, tables, the ohaiinjog of ljoil was tiffed in correctift” ; ■ those longitudes ys j-ait'ol the work |criuiiiing the latitude and longitude of the east- | ern termiiius 9 Ellicott iiad run a traverse r .l his tracersd frgg iv-run iiMBS4, amU round to be intlceuratp; proper correction i - als 1 igiadc liffre. i ruin these element ei\'- eii ; . Ellicott, tluf car. fully e el, the heariiicito,’! ended the line trout the other ! i was*camputcd by spliewcal*feigorrot®et!*y. Huy- i j ;ng thus ascertained ;lre true azimuths, theory, ! tTOuld have the use id’ a theodolite on transit in VtTnuing the line. Either of these ~ti ..i; 11 • 1 11 .- tvsuld carry the opo#sitor upon the arc ol” a great circle, were the earrhAi ; -here, a supjfosition near emu gh lhe in the pros eat casp, 4br ali practical purposes Lt he surveyors coin pas.,, as is well known, will now .vxeci - v teen the line run coincides with a me ridian or the equator. In the present instance : tiff* last it; tfu'ihinstniTnciit, at eith er cud, would have run northward of the tru‘6 I ! line, the line to be run being in a northern lati i tude, %nd oblique to* the meridian. Notwith standing these ijicts, from coiisid- ratwiis that were -atisfaeo’ft'} to the minds of the surveyors, | ; it was determined to u3e the cotffpass. In or- ! dor to °ruu a- ettfa-y with a tliepdolitc or transit the instfuincjat imfc-t be made perfectly | | itvel af:d to be ke>p : s®. In running 41®- pres ent i im-toit would h ave .J-iccii hardly “practicable in many'places'to do this. Fifteen miles of the line hes in the Swamp, and many : mile? of It in otlicr swarfs, where the running was i-atud to be much worse. In many of these 1 swamps tied,ground is buggy and .-hakes @nderi th# tfead to Such a degree as to render it verv difficult ttf'use a compass much less a transit !or tlie Mortmver, the me oLtlic tjan | -d or theodolite would have renderea it neces sary to remove evevy°ol*truct and cnt'%verv tree that fe I h >on the liye. ° J It is not jb’eteti'led’ that it would have bee% ats-vlm- : h 1 pos.-ibh’ iojjyercimfe’ tiiese dillicul tiesf but it is claimed.-iliaulo do so, wmil t have liv 11 t *nn cxffrtidicure of ti’ffc add jjoney va.-ily I'litweinhinu any practical benefits lilff v W- restbti For. while it is true that it was im o.o _ a pcL ‘run the proposed exactly upon the are of a gi'yd circle, with a eortipasp y^t. it was a very blc/le ftpproximaUoo could, be mffde, so much rte, jftdeed, accuracy could Itatrdly bg.mor# if.-swahle.— . Thu. folkeviii:;’ is the method by which this ap-: ’ gi'bxitjiation was a%ctcd: The dilb. fence gs the azimuths at the two endisofetae lirTc was coat sorted intu liismui's. (thesmlbest that t. could be 1; lid off ou tii iifttrument used, which igave the nr.i'ftbcr ofe times 4he bearing had to be changed by half'*uiinrtes. .* sTlie lehath Lpl tune pvas then divided o ly the mmlbcr df times tl e bearing had t be chan gawk aftd this . iv® the iiitcrvSfii at srhichsthe changes We*e to >1 be made. As the western 4.evmiuus lies North of tjjc 9 eastern, in this ease, the azimuths had • § -i-hed !*y two Wlf iinutdiß at* l e%cli oof ihe.-M* iyitorvari.- iii eastward. The : Opposite change would nave beef! nacessat®!'had o; the running A Tine correct!}* ruuf. to.this ‘ perKsq A o: %t nopoint, be farther than thirty to fifty ! liiiKS thc’tirc.of a great circle. Sucl° y. rc su?t. for an practical purposes, would be^r{uiva lent to perfect accuracy. ‘Thg calcufeitidft hav ing beeiGuiadef apd the azhnufhs determined, to thg, naetkotj explained, the s wv< and ranSeaetwlrd. Th© ]>lace of beginning was pdeGmnined, by a fore and aft t; „ hi the ‘old recognized f?b;unlaw .vnowif* as McNeifs and ifc about fuiir “cliains beluw the jtinetionf the conjjtanWtttition of the vaiers iiavisy wortfoff tit© point bv about that ataounti 0 * ■ The lint? was carefully 0 run upon the azimuths “culled for by the calculation, and cam%Ouiiffir*; siiia or® about twonty-n Noctn j , tfie eastefeii terthiuus, l@iawh .as Ellico(^*s to n ! & i O, ° o fo u e _ m (9 ‘ihir w;,’ a fesult har<|jy to be hojpea Jin - , cotfeidering il*nt the distance run was a-lia O “4 . over 4 a: lifty t i iit n.. o. and proved tne corfeetqes§ calculation and the ai cfYi A-y of the ui.oration.? upoft the field. It has 1 ■ n-•,t -1 u!at A kne# he-* ? lore they their work, that°the Ale- N’eilline. from tliemiauner in was rust, necessarily deflected .youthvfard. °it is proper i that I should state the reasons for this concli> ■ ® ‘’ o / ‘* >'i * n their” pussession a eer:ided made out Aktlfeily IV.mi whiendhev learned two important Tacts, viz ; Ist, that his line waPfun all tfay upon thf same azimuth; and 2d, that the Sam < was made tor the magnetic variation from one end . ; the lino the other. A Hue rati on a -plprc •any cTOstaht oblique angle witlTthe meridian would form what is known matfreniab cians as tl.ej^codromicspiral? Aline, sbught to he run with the in a simi iar manner, .jv .aid be, from one sight to am tin > r, t|poh pie ate of a and from the Sight to the tlftrd, arc of another great #irele, thus forming a *iccessiig4 01 arcs of d/'b-i'ent circles, dnd would :8p- i proximate the former very closely iu position. ‘ lo Mwh a line, c mmenccd at cither terminug of the boundary with the proper in present ease, run out northward of the ! •%t terminusT and then a line. l>®in >■ : * ■ - • . _ .AV 0 similar in form to the grille line* would neces : sarily deflect southward, as is known to every one at all o eonvc!‘sant with (jhaoprinciplifis involv ed. In this npnncrowas the old boundary line run. Ifftd'.-flt etion southward was still further aggravated by thpjseeofcd fact above sftted.— Tne allowance made variation, froth } one end to the other, waff the variation at TalJ*- ! b; -ve, which was much too great gt the eastern | terminus, where the line was commenced, and eui,iinid o nnfth.tlm givat ]° Ttiou °<d’ the way. and ids in the allowance is wiiat ag gravated ffi’c deflectioifoSonthwani. Ttf^difFt#- j eneft at flic :-*i terminus, 4 the bearing used by slcX-.;!, and Lm ti (i b .-string is -I'irf. The sddmrenci* in the magnetic variation be tween T.dluhassre and tin’ eastern is, at present, about l-sf Assuming that’ this dis I fcrence, was the same when 3lc-Xcil’s Ihne wag run’ ud the line and 3leXeii‘s would set ‘•out with a divergence of ltd; Tbk would sause -McNeil's line to ilepart southward from the true Woe 2.09 chain's in a mile, which, con tinued .rmiforitvly, would separate the two one:- 1 1 \ a olittle over a mile in-* distance offiorty ( miles. ° o a.°o O (8) o o q It js known,howcver;4(hat thisdpifr?lu-£ would ri >< be uniform. I'iiif.rmity -.voitld be prevent- 1 ed by tb nature oj the two lines run, and 1 b\ fact that, the excessyof 31 c-Xeil's variation*'* Avould not he, the same at diliVrcnf pornts along , ‘the distamgc°of lofty miles. Still, th-e vrumbors ! above nfe give if in order to show causes 1 alleged are adequate to produe<?thc actual di- 1 ferggnee in the two lines. We were, perhaps, ! at n,> j. A v>inmo'Pc tjmn Jiaen three quarters of a Wile, toss mile NOrtHr of the old boundary. ! though.!lie distance between them was never Uiea-:(•,••• 1. ’Phe two lines come together at th-e two Terminal © mts. and :iv<- i . to. ‘® Is tin- middle pmai,,n-) running ti> arev to- * get her, o however, for some distance near the I eastern, all of which facts are readily**-**] lained 1 by the causes above stated. He to re dismissing - the -McNeil line, it is proper to,state that it Avas.j not run originally for a boundary, but simply 1 ns a precautionary line upon.which the surveys * of the government lands on the .South side of j it -might be closed. !„ • The ordinary tfi>de of marking in djimnoVi . . ‘o surveying, vizT- by chops in the trees, was em ployed Pri this survey. iVnf as lines so marked are ojfeen identification after a !. of a lew years, it was thoughfcudvisable to have! recourse-to ether means of a'more permanent character. “Accordingly rich light wood post's were set up wherever they eßuld be procured, ■V’.-d moulds of earth vjjgrre threw up o . t^gjn*about live Tcdt in height ami 0 ten f-c < tln->mgfi ;u t] ic ha*-. These iimitrtds were plac ed at the cud its every mile wherever it was practicable. The permanency of this kind of marking is abundantly maned by the fa-ft that fillip jll's mound ‘J3 winch was thrown up sixty years’ ago, is still well defined and distinctly Visible. 0 a, : ? > Jlavin given you a* aceCunf-of thomapner in which all thy duties properly belonging to tli surveyor were peiTornieU, i might h&j-c bring tjffls report to a close. ftut having Bc conio fouvinceil in tln&pr igress of the .work, ‘ that our Legislature acted yviscly in adopting th,f° pre-smit settlcfnent, and softie important facts, whieh constitute the sia.-is of tliis opiu- ! ion® ;otbeing generally known, I ®n#ve ti\ouglit it advisable Vo make this the vehicle of | their communication to the Allow me. tliftn, to give, m a condensed form', the Raiding 5, “•facts in the history of this boundary^,tpt^fffcion. The controversy grew ofjginally oht of tlft dis ficidty of'deti-rVhiniiig tne sguref* of the 3r:try o .s river. That mouth of o thc Flint; ri\ <-r. Aver- in dai® litig betweeji the.. Uriitcd Stat< s-.®aud ti.* o O ° •Spanish possessions, as far hack ara the Spanish ( plation°iif Uia-ida; but the^f[uestions f6 as <o what Avas the ° true soiree of the river, seems’ u,jver to ha*e been settled. After tin.- ac<puifiji tioUoof Florida I.>y the Fiiited Sftttes, and du rnig the |pntifmance of her territored®condi- J tfon, tWs was still an unsettled and j 4*ontinue-.1. to be one B aster her admmsumTntfl [ t-bc Cnitm a State. It was contended, on this , one side, that ihc laastern prong, Avhicli takes I 1 its vise in Ukecleftoj-foe swamp, was the princi- 1 Pail strram ;'while tin*, other side, ?.> lcasfat one penial, that ttec middle prong, which was said-to flow out of Ocean Pond, , now known a* lake Randolph was that distinction. A suit, mm at length institu t'd ill the-Supreme Pmut of the TTiit^l States between die States of < fC-urgia°and 0 , settle guestion of Jt Avill be f •collected that during th<? pentlciufy of this 6-r.r, (Jo\. liroonie, Florida, jjmjioiSed to you? pr#Ue* • -or. a- u coinpromi.-e, to mlopt the terminal points of the TUcn recognized “boundary, and lTaffe a ruai between | them. \ ;^ v . recMvedlhe proposition and on his thy Legis- passed resolutions Harrying it into effect, •the FliftriJa u i.- lafure. the case wa.s thus f;?kcil out of the hands of the Court. 4 6 'It i- this action tin.- tMI l hav* -. ; aV foun-i IJu t-Uicott am? iklinor, as has already keen stated Ufa forme? pgH of this report, w®re on the, < ( >f the United States and Spain, from 1 P.'G to afw.eitainiug, running, and ffiarking j"the boundary between the tferritoriifl posses sions of the tavo couutiies. The. portion of - the line between the m&ith of F&nW'iver. and o ® the source ot the St. Mary’*, w - P f r . , out. the actual of the v. rk 1 -, d pivyet.ted by th.e iio>iil :f v .f the 1 1 ,- |to.y,ansi I -a’ oi,it.ffude cpd fongitude Os mou'u ot Tim* river* and Isa po’nt - • th* St. -U a .L v y as h' l1 ’ -Toiih as they conki ascend with 1 * their insintmuus, v.eiv determine#. A muui i ! was thrown up. by them at this laltev 1 on it, as by- w 1 “** : ’ ucsmnaU'd u mU fcl, since known as l.bicoUi moundl moun ! they found ino wateVs of the Sr/Ylarv’s tutting iroui tii 0 swam jl, ‘"-with but little, it atftr perceptible current.” “ <v ld u came to the that thj j of the river was near\v, and a^feetf that the termination of a line run too miles nutth-c.i-t * 10m mound L. fib o u lif he the pointy trom which a lifte should to the ii.^*uth j TiF Flint river; -AvWelt line. whvoT rlrawn,should ; bo final and considered the ] crimuient l.ouuda ry hetuP'oTi tliCql’ *• l C Majesyjr.'’ ‘ 0 "l Ins acrmoiiieiit 1 find recorded in ‘‘■tbicot-Ss now lying before nuj. It the suit, had progressed iiioilm Court, in Avlmt Avould they iuyre viewed this . agreduftiitf Vfmild° they have held that the acceptance of the otic r j*.*.- f tne line as ife term'm-d by the comii.i-,-: Hie \\:. V i.- ,°;i *,lei,i to, the the- agreement: 4. e ,.. tffi- wbuld nave tnroAvn the UotimiaiV line, at j its ci.-to it? terminus, ajuiie and a half imr?!i (Ti the one recently run. c L lt>on.4hc hgf i o °- i tlic agioom <.-*t i tne c--;u . , - , , . i Wani°of rati! i>: >1 ioi =ou tilt- part ei’ tip ir l'esi tive ao\ o yrnm. :,iis,° i 9 “(:• “i .< n j...., ; had 11 -,e<ieeide the questK?li, yhat arejlu’ gfea'd : waters of the St, 3?ary’s v o ‘l’he oovidence *on : this point would hav*> lie'on sqmewliat vam 1 in i- cm i%eter. In f|ie beott’s journal Avoid been iutmdm-ed to >how;.what was considered the prineipaWtrearft 8- far as the yeßi ]t j s distinctly stated in this journal tfi.-ft the eastern !#-.• <ll i the main stream, and, iu 0 a plate repivsi-nun the stroftm, whole of the eastern ] ; mg - ..laid down just baivly of 0 ill middle to show its noint of entrance iyio the * O o 1 intern. © ’ Secondly, the results y.f seh-ntifie * would havft hei-n introduced. About tin- war •°1 tlffe late Professor (’ anlak, pf Athens, was } cm] irtye-1 by tin to gaum- tb- Ift <;■ ::m>. 1 have not been able to ■ l!is report, if he ! ever made any. lam confident. 4 wever, tliat he decided imiavor of Am middle aa-ngv a.-, Ava.- run by p. L. Thoma>, ftLds. so. f o. fioni lake ! Ilandolph to -the meuth of Hint river. The court, dioAvew#'. Avoidd not have refit and upmi a jingle detyuiuiatioii fi tan®- gau-jing; for the . I tV!’ l’ 1 itui I 1 l'v l. V ;'•v \ V -i tU<t, --ini., ttyp 1 either the easternV.r the m'nftlle Av-mld be f a I to convoy more Avatef at any given time, ac-cor° I ding asm ore recent heavy rains fiad laKcu to wifrds tha source of the®bnc or the i*lft r. To - I make the process of gaugoi;.- at all roliable ! then, it Avould have been necessary to obtain ’ the average resuU. of a nuini tv of inde-peiideßi j determinations made in several successive years, i Pvell if the couri and 11 10 pasties hut been willing to postpone a decision so long, it would have Jk-cn veiy uheerrain what result Avould have Been finally reached. 0 > *fo o Tyirfly, the bv -tinwny of -< ■ 111 -rs would ’ nave been 1 was bet a sHtirt time ! in the nciglxb.orliWid of the mound, and did 1 fe'iivcto V, ith mu Hypo, tiie Si-fle/s. One 01 these, Avho. resides on the G uoigia -y. . and , I AYhy.w may Be presiuned to been, on the side of his own Haw. guu- it decided opinion, from eou^lnueji^observa tion,’ that the eastern prong is th- pi itwv a! stream. I heard 11a b’stiimmy e ntradiwo.y I • this. ® I Xvuuhl further renun jg, tlm it is al ways thß ease that the nffmo of a stream rtfso to the principal v ftp mo its source. I.ußtaitees might be cited to show the truth, of this remai j. 6 lt may v eil be doubted, therefore, Avliether the court Avould have decided that’ protig to be the St. Mary's,’ Avliieh conveys the greater volume of water, ‘seven*aftar that Ava% ascertained. would more probably lm\ T e decided that the j source of that pr<®ig,‘ Avliieh lia® borne the ! mime of st. .Mary’s citrlies: ascertain *ble the frue eastern terminus. — | Froth airfhat has been said, I think there Was. I strong ground tt fear that the the casteui branch Avould have bco made the ter ! minus, and if this been the yh-efehm, ac cording to the best evidence that i could Col lect, (ht Line vouKl lu‘i lt'<i ddn’ ini jiy'tt j in lit.-; abort its jo cor nt loiufioii at th< eastern end. When the survey #f 1 I a§ ftnade, a settler who nad been a gifide to the party, stated that he had tern prong about fifteen uiiles df> the Okecfer nokee found running Avarer all the Avay up to the pond whence it issues. vetprs Life to make a fresh : ation that 115 might H’e able to cotmhicf then#up the witlmut- upon their ret it ui with theymrretted line. *The survey was bro -1 ken olfe ami they never returned. 9 I man. hoAve\ft. B was' o guide to <>ur party, and sta ted that i!? aceorfifpnee with l?i J engagement*! lft 1 a fresh examination, and verified 111 forumr impressions, anckthat lie avas.ythen reap- 1 °d vto conduct us up to the source, if °saw proper to go. In view, th&n, the probffbili-. ties thfffc the decision of the c e ourt might have made it worse, and perhaps muel worse, for Georgia, I think it will wryvvis® in °tfee gislature to adopt the present . 0 * harmpny as tog vj.-ws and ift?- subsisted be twee h the purveyors from the Beginning r.y the Imi of rti av. rk". and 1 .-f . fdispatgh and Av; Avas ac ,e.-umprisJked, the public, in bpfb States, ly imlcbt( #lO tlm energy and s. . >md fflfil : ity of-jhe surveyor f*n tlm part of The Btfrvev AVLi' 9 V"mii‘nci-°l on the 30th of Nds : On theTlttJu< f Fcblsuary •followin'*, hod although the p.iriy Av#e ft 111 AWiding, li'g'ife- ;.i:d day, Irmii ->/■ v> t 1 half thiglfc-deep. lbr at m iwndli an T “1 a half ci “the time, yet feliey enjuged almost unintffrnipted health; ujid [ cannot close this report rvitlmnt returning thanks, ia this publiff manner, to Almighty Gift, for 11 is kind provi dence overotis during this unusual and-'protrac ted season i?f exposure. a 0 0 <; U-T tvi J- Orb.^ 1 Emory College, Oxford, Ga 9 r-, * . tab THU YUS. TWO BOIAAKS, lii At 111 nee. o * . o * jx A JPc \\ for k-t .’S :uodiM-,. * . -’'O * y the Mi i- .: -1 /.; i9 ■ .1 in J;, tie o 1? .h ■ SCeOte *’ * have# told most Was* s ‘ e • “ * .**■ the 1 j?u s: i.” 1: ° * 9 Me s . o- * • k °> : ‘I / * * t & \ov,-, o ii’ it fas” a sid , g * c . a 1 root and brunch. \ ‘ ie-ctlu ,:i : ijtv ;> I :l 5111 o1 ‘j ( ‘ u Lj G 1 • 41* aMittojsr'af slave-’ ■d.V gks Sw, the,yvhyle iji.loSt , i& . ;i siu or not:'’ TiuTo wa ;a gw :l t deal t>f uus rhetoric * ... entalie Ib] Oiiathie tin me. Slayerv ft * ;*. syw 9 ? R ■* ’ --tti >y y 0 w ! ” 1 - : ” . : o out id’ *> Vo- , ° ll j * ° . rh ‘ 01 v>. k o’- ° ° °-’ v bmy v<Sif( ■-*•• !.■ thi u gg % on, we’ like to hear him.” S so - *li c,° W . * v ’ “ Jlery but who would date t - -•-* . ® - >!, >;n!-i!” a.e <* . 0 ’ world owed every-Tuan a livmr\ wfts nonsense • b “ bo rM if a 1 I , tn! y 9 r'rro. ‘ , o w s, * \° P‘ r; • ]O -’ ° i v ’* ’P) O 0 9 ,0 ® * •6 *: a o ” b O 9| al 9 c to o !* ttj r ; r * : OV, : ° 9 • 0 . • to c< >. them from ana. .i O ° F d make |yieiii\io - . ? ° <j ’ slat * & 4 to them usas pun..... ; UoW’ txi'O .t£ lift :i v.. - if y° i paupers upon the w- . i ft - lft . Pi! l'i 11’ U i 1.. i ifc 0) - ed that tin yv ■ j “ . pr< v . ’j !... negro in the \\h ... d* ■ *3 ,e ? ‘* 111” C.o-. ~f 11 i;i,.- i et . T?l one li.'ilf of .°><S o ft w#B proved inc ml ;f . i ture *ft-e-wfiod the .. ■: # blacks, and t ..4. .*• * | Code.” witlt tin- iii - o’ .1 f r e nil f•- I race. Go where dd u. dur own Xorth < and the negroes wore au 1 .. | 1 > 4 T > O *-■ ‘■ * *♦ ‘ • • > i elevate him t 1.. J I4) p ! the eiih tlli c and . m oeiiv it 1 In moralg hoa-it-h-. i the slaves were far above* the free fio'fftes. - Mny .- W:jt • \ ® \\ csley v -a 9 * rican slavery was th tlio sun/’ Mr. VC. s% : haw. * .. t Blinded by pipjudiee, of I . ild have .... cle .-ucii i a remark. Folks said we w< ■? e .. ned-” Jjt -safceft c “ ft its from th i. • .o'c £< devation. /l'he’ speaketL ■ to contrast [ A produSts * •'an 0110 Vi:, to . the oouclud. ft f,h-; e w.- the on cl. who were actual!-. drvh ‘ •. 5 ... ■ h mfit -oti'Oiil P\ .o P <3, 4 . t 1 • 1 tei 9 jb°e- @ vy-to e.'.y, tolj, a f \ i/uk <n’ • at*nlibliitf<;- slavery liyyfivin . w . it was . iiicthn. ■ Vec i .b. a iiicr* I o c *- MP ■&*' l f .it a.. . t speoah, with ! a cotton %hirt <** iiis hack, and fobucoo in his mouth, [tii ‘.at laii:,lueiv] ;1 . lovely fltvas a I relic td barb®{istg ; twa%Bccauyo were o'i; aK ‘ .. .r hemg purptal with us. he*didq .. . * lt was all n iristirrce an 1 p .> hiptigvAttempts to .alter Smth.. u fi • , 4 a hv ruel: liim think of th • <w ° 1 viila.’ s, • | ‘.i Great Garre’’ and ‘.‘J/mio Havre a’ The peo- ‘ pie ill the 1: ttei- ?/:.•. id* : lyl y “ >■- ith I wonderful chick ki Ir. the ri val villagf, troua, which £he#/§mhl njee of a liu- Unan cotmtoiunee 1 tomed forth and made fhges Barrc, wh . ek|*tiuk the urf the-da . Lift wc were cn gagey. in going—mmcmg the fuutn, and he didn’t think'it v>,.s t cry digniued, or it woftld result ia teh in end. — [G*eat men imgnt and coniusi,,0n‘ • o w jToiiwtion of tlif Ki v. Mr 1 Ilnrdrn.,. The trial of Key. Mr. Harden, sit; Bclvidcre, N. J.. for Tlie ..-'ii. on W & lay, Tn.-t.. con ■ n m • . t* 1 .. o ® O On the’name day il;- tsrisbi#r was sentcncecf. * ’ ‘ • * * ) a ! On arising to hear h:-. 0 i he was greatly and harulys./nie to stapd* In reply to the ulital judif/.i be fcpi*c-d <• J l.ave # 1 nothing to say/* j: wa 11< fed to be Lung ‘ roo 2stb. of June !*>xt. Tlte . York Ex- , press, referring so t ;t• ■■ ■ v -• : # .j “ Endowc> with tlil , -1 ive, of a * church wheiy® t> i . . . - mfn i hood, and bgmg possessed with tke same pas sion.- an'3 vs ■ •g ■ :o;vn ’ . 0 ‘© into socji-.ty w.-o. g . i .•* *al ■ honor*to -s >4 ■ *® . ft mii is 1 • 1 * l' :.;id in . •©. p ■ * \iriuea 3 t®. A y ■ - r uiay 4|arde 0 is *• ministry, k ‘ i... l.u.s hansl. 0 A *’ iid be 1 followed by 1 a . ti^atfoU, itand seemed _, 4 .. ‘ . # vi.-^o^ of Harden but to tai: - Jk . whom lie • it i.b loVe and profeefc. Thft funefal, fli_bt, inijai * ! condem nation fulk'ViV .in • .# n, and * j now-poonftlie gaHov* will -)i-l the tragedy,- and the world willliavo lia ■ anod*er pr<‘<-i oi the ” yermcious etlect oi 1. •>- • i; pl "? dctcriora . ted society, and shortsighted Clnfch 1 tion.” ® • • “ # ISO. T.