Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 18??-1889, May 23, 1860, Image 2

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©K^oiw)cvn(tnlO'pi'isc * MTU VC. WM\ jLlt I SMTOH. ■ • ■’ TOOMIIvtUiE, I \rco>EA>tr T....wav it. CONgTU’UTIdNAIi tJNION TICKET.* #OR JP RESIDE NT; • • J 6.n S; B ETI/3U OF I ‘ WL'.ml., • • s , ; .a !• .*o* VJ£* PRftH>£Sf? 51 ; Echvarc 1 •FI vt Te U , * . ( >r mAm i.( ii rstn r cs * O o •’ * o’ PI at form o( the I oui'fuli<i®*l fenion Pary. it y.tion* of tin- < tK* . Union <>B*tl#*- Sftatefc.l and tl**± t • **• r'.ni<t< i of"S 1 i..'” 5 It contains an HljWtf , disunion- • isti, no Or any ism ; no.feud for domestic vfar,-nor groui ta o a’ & V Acknowledging no tfortli, *n*> Booths no East, no Wc*i, but co*e;ifC fry loot of this vast ony.e, ’ we nrf*cnt it ta* our readers as the onlv plan •upoa which trit patriot!, in Inis country, (ftn |wr \tahd. .# fßr our t, , w nf. up. a. i . uatil the old sbip e nnull ■ ihi 4 - ini*) she som of destruction, and urn id fbt ‘howling *'■ ill >yts • of fanksfeikm -ml theyrushfftg iragihenttfof •ty eftpire, rej >ice a we j> •; in itr, f, fli-a. this great nation could no* dishonor of its* sublime I’he jyovisions of that Constitution are the hig’ic* f.k.iiumeu.s of In Sian ol wisdom towards the per:* *: * hi! trovgri^nent: i and having, with aiinosf .n -kiy anl knowledge, L* *ti extracted (Tom the experience °of multiplied million* whc Tived and perished in. lyres past, jt has invested with n sucre ko*- that ~L O O ‘S /hould not. permit it. to survive* tlie gi'andtftr and’? glory tt> which it gave rise. . , . • • ~or ► . - 6 m ® ® m m Q I’ Ordiiiaucf 4 We are gratified at the result of the vote of the Corporation on Saturday and hofw* the? Coiln- i • will nfw be tfonCWi ‘4*l. A- we anticipated • the ; ® (*) # frebple not interested 1n the property of thq Pi. e . Distrk-ts, mid lia*ing no desire to ivuerfere wist J.!ie prosperfty of their neighbors, vvirti • a‘very fevP exceptions, refused to vote, ami Jhe ot> dinance was accordingly re-establislief. bv a vote of to eight. Jlii-decisive cute places tlie “Ordinance hereafter. controversy, and for •which the Fire District citizen* wuurn to their out ’eiJc neighbors, ti.eir mo%t -iucere thanks. * ~ . ® * ftirjf* The oifizaus of TSn>ok County, C,}t., friend- to the circul.ition of the Holy Scriptures* ire rc-* quesieH to meet at-Quitman,* op Sunday, June lbtft, . iB6O, tp form a Bible jSycietv.for* the County. • R. IT. LUiTKIIV, Agent A. B. S.• • Thuuiastille, May 17, 1860. ~ —— -* *0 o •- ►-©- • ‘Nnranna I. K*, ■iblicnu. 9 ® We omitted to notice 1:1st wetd*, that ihls sterling • , •• 0 paper has been greatly enlarged, an f now.lyings to us itfits daily issues a nuieli greater quantity of an #*teresing news *nnd other matter? than fonuerlv.— Thl Republican is edited with marked ability, a,pd is one of the leading journals of the State. We hope its indefatigable editors mnv V>e lully coin pen -3 sated for their expensfc*of enlargement, by# corre sponding . • * Book*. Hooka. Books. 8 a We call the attention of oar reading community 10 a •.lot of well spigoted Xjiw Books, just receivciljunl for sale by Dr. X. G. McDonald, second tk’- t- from E*Thomp som's dry (goods house. Among these b.ioks are several •splendid premium* I*be awarded* wlmn tlfe .l*'t is sold, and purchasers will thus stand a .chance to draw some w*.u k many times the value of the book actual]v purchus ed. • The stock i\Hl hereafter be'largclv increased.joid -.J we propose to supply ibis station <jtf 4he country with good books a! Iconc, wo liope the pi#>lh ill ujpinib st its appreckion of die advasdigea tbuiioffered and byu liin'r-., al•patronage enable ‘s to “stake purchases commensurate • iv Hh the damandffo*’ 4he ’c<*mtrv - ® devote much space on our first page this week, to the publication of Professor Orr’s repi “t o# the Georgia aud Boundary—first, as a ‘ matter of history, for futftre information? and, se condly, because wr|!ia!i u*e of porupas of it in the course of a week or an attempt to show that the line lately established i>etween Qje two States* was ndt established according to die act of the Georgia and that die line sur ’ • ® ® • yeyed, a ymliiiion of tha instructions‘under • ( e which the* surveyors entered the held. We*ask for the report a cant/ul reading hy.fill.who feel interest ed in the matter. . ® * ®„ w ’ ® i in® Property. . * , We are offering fbr sale some of the besf property iu the country, and n<yv is the time and r fflio ! svamt good lands-#nd l e?ideiFes to*buv. Prices will j • • • e • mot again %e sft favorable. The Alain Trunk Kail- t •) ® j road is rapidly approaching*from Savannah, will bo •here next winter.* and cVicea grcatlv increa’sedt.— I ® • * ° * • They are offered Jjecaust their owners caftnototand the steam whistle and are in hast© to get awav’iro'.rt* 1 ® ® • it. Look over our atiiertising columns* and if yegg find nothing described there to suit you.* call upon us.’in person and you can have choice of some of the * tinesi places inthe county, ttpu here advertised. • -♦ ♦♦ ‘“(g) ® Attention is directed to the card of Mgstrs. Hardwick & CVi., Factors atfd Couw .issrin MeiXthant* .at.Bavannah, iu another column. They sell cptton at N cent's per b o.'. . - *• *’ , . * * *— ® ,® • Ra(ziiw> nmd iitfrarj .Journals. • ® Received this week, the Edinbut.di ffevlew, Ec- I® *w # ® 9 lebtic Magazine, Southern Fi#!d and Firendc, Iloiue ’Journal,'New Y#rk Ledgmr : we have also received the Printer, now s<* well kno*wn to tyjftigrtphers. tr — * —- • • §■ * k>hn ‘* AVelmfc y-’ U) see the fink i:i Gcargdt. , “that has priced‘this mu.w at of. ffs c*J” umns- .His nomination, is the tuost pglirntiiHj still- , born abortion, diat .the poliii<yil WOldd has seen for a long time. —Savannah Exprt-.\ • Finding the above pwag&pfc i B ■£. : v the 19th, w* were prompted to look dlt* ‘ ? „ n * e o f* itf ordft- to tesfe , uv cuuo,, „ sincerity, ajui w have, comedo the uAananou* co€ ‘ elusion that i*e is cit’icr v’ y ’ i.a'By .ported, 0? not mean tp Joe sincere. ‘ Nearly all tire flpposrion paper* fei tlje bu-y publishing eT^tbigg • laT °rabl to Messrs. Bell and Evcnett, and entering*: vrarmly into their defence. * lathis is not the standard *1! Bell and Everett, we sboulddike to hear ‘ a letfturo.ti'om the tditor of tfi<toJ?r<.;'.\v- *nfhc ■ „ •.0/ human molivet. Btu the editor says he 1 vis. vet .see she first.paper in Ge©rgt*, fhav ham pla-cfl ,ho * jiame of John Bell aurtie n f its col,mm.” Per-; • haps he does not* exatmine tge Moj§ oppositfba pa- J pers scattered ov<y tl*e State and can-diterefore eerv : truthfully say “he has yet to glancing • at the mornings’ mail we’fid Beli atf Everett at tbe • mast head af the Griffin L'hv-w, .-f’clunibus Smavircr, .■ LjGrange R + -■ * ‘pubkcait an J /awnl ml tf* ’ ‘* ! -•In tiie lultiiudc of Conacil Ihere is Whilom.” proverb be true what an abundance of —■ * inu-t pc-rvado*!fe DemocraSc council? now. j * •> !tmt cf DeSiociafiic Ceutral CoiumKtce i:t e j Georgia, a extemporary has dubbed it * ■ s committee, whose duty it seems to be, tomotirn over „ to. ttrtuA form of tl# ‘‘.fry T “ Din :acv. • . I consult itsml 1 : w ily 1 hy-h itpns, as to whasskind of . should be adadniftered, iu this # trylag j moment,,*ta strength and animation j,o its “cM iron xv.,-. ‘ They i & rrued these duties v#th nt irk.-J Zealand abiljjy —in .much ; at they have nofit-oofined themselves to tbc°agcd and ex pc- ‘ ricnced of tlieir ptditical raca/is ; btu fully apprt-ci j.atin*4)m great dSftgtft lo the •* .■■(■> r-£ -J” 4 are exposc.l, tfiley fael extremely by * * ’ *jrort, and, casting about among the am all fry, w.v® -ucceeded it* -earing up,', perfect sshower of quacks, <jhly reco,intended nostrums have had the iiajfjiy efiechqf consolit:gs&ifyj! with the amicipa tioii of the couvah.-ccnce of G the paffient. and j a hasty at°Baiu%oit:.- °8 Thfs is indeed eonsol.uion to?l,e house- !’ hold of Detriocracy, for othcy o have not l'drgottcu j | their old revels the aftd and i prfci.-r.retu|.uin- la the vh-p'-'c ” and tilery, to \ wEnre they knowsnot M ,to §ght. un- , crtawi buttles of fre&fom. •As for this MosOs they Wat not what is bocome'°’of ‘ S ] Aitfong those-* j have responded to tfie ‘•’TriQuM- | tioß°’ committee,*we find Alexander 11. Steplefib, ® Too.uos, -H. V. Johnson, Ifetwell Warner, Ni -bet, Wrjg*;:, Love, and others, and, strange to say. every one of titesc except llowc-lFCobb, repudi ate °the t'hatle-Aon and the scndiijjt of delegates foaßaTtimare., Howell believes . : the uedegates onglft so Be sfrnA to Ilichmomf. „ 1 s o w ! © g™ 0 - o’ 0 *v% they to ‘settle..the matter? In the /SfewanaAn “A o quarter of the State so4°cssi • lm is rampant and * aO O 1 o tiealt out unsparingly oft fill Sides. W hat is to be don&°with ibtsie men in'the fitilte ConsentUn soon a 0 o to be held? Jhey have declared 4t to be the duty of all Southern men, and have publicly and privately ‘ * pi* Aged themselves, to susflain seweders. ° Can these get back info the old national fold? “When i 6 © they go to Milledgt!lle r '.md im-.-t*tl.ere the friends *of Dottj£us,.in the persons of Stephens, Toftmbs. : L doliiison, ami .other.-, with ttretbie |iroir? of! newspaper publications, political built, of excommu- [ nieatiou *gsdftst the seccder* will they be *ble to stand, or shali we find tio :9 shrinfitiag and backing down avow 1 Have tliey | the courage t® “4l Ike MificdgeviHe Convention, in case of Douglas should Be as tuiswevW ;0g there as at f harlcstdn? If not, dishonor awrit? them in a .base desertion of their Charleston col ts’: gues and d‘ slavish sifltmrtssron to DougSs. * Saiainiiih Democracy. ® Thisportioftof the “unhappy familjt” i tlje tftust wir'cht,!.of alt. AYc niigun thou* who have so far„with ■ p desperate effect, against a lSncing to the contrary, kept to the seeea’.ers They vf<w.- #0 car Charleston during ‘ the sc-sion ot tin- Convention, ’that, being in jidvance of their brethren A more rt iujite. portions of the State, in catting the lii'W. they went wii !. put on as much enthu siasm as possible and* attempted to carry the State with-*! the sceaders. .At ( it seemed they would be success ful, but the people had not had time to think, and now | they find themselves Blmo-i flic sole ocigipar.fß of the secession field in Georgia, t heir voi—e was not so potent us they feiiagjjic'i, and their prestige aitegedier taw tv ;A for elective service. The A etc* and Express have bet#i Very bury ever since the Convention reprobatiug all \v!io diEere.l a\ itb the -feeders, even among® their old j fri 1 a pay . i the lal u--t to tin- ti-w t Knoiv S tiuner prers who bearing their.wailings and I 1 commiserating tlieir cenditioa, otf—red consolation to their distress. By the way, how noble, honAr*. able and patri-’ otic some of tin se K ..YmVu/tgftresses have suddenly become in the leakl'id eve* of the sick Democracy—for instance the Montgomery Mad. It is tiwiy refreshing to notice how grateful they are for small favors, in this hour of We 000. sympathize with them, for we cannot but deplore their untimely ease vvhiMi we see it> t inevitably take place at the iipffroachr.ig Alilledge ville Convention. J'hev have prepared their own wind ing sheet and mii*t J-el the heart thrust ■•# the Douglas knile in :ii hamls ..f OWn partisans. There are j Brutuses still living. „ - ~ 8 . * iue Cigars anil Tobajco* We #re indebted to Dr..i*. S. Bower, for samples j i of fine Cigars‘and Tobacco, from a fresh lot just re ojdved andjiako pltgi-uro in leoomftiemtong them to 1 ,W of the very bes*t quality. *Those wlto to j/urn*sh theuiscltfos with a real*good article, cau 4b so by calling at Bower's drug store. ® .-.—. - . J6fe„.-'’ -As the Democracy of (ieorgia are in the ’ moist a great political utuss, and their delegates* : hating split at Charleston, producing a war of cri mination, and re-crimipation at home, it ir*y 1® •M cl? to remind our reudtfrs who thev tire. Slaviag *.m, * • 0 adopfAr a resolution to bolt the Convention at the f< Rowing delegates signal it aud, withdrew: ® 9 fies'cl'-vd, Thai all who in the foregoing ir. solution sign the me, and request rim Conven ’ tiofl to enter it on their records. ; Juiiiu# Wingfiekl, . Ilenrv L. Benning, Henry R. Jackson, P. Tracy. ® J. M. Clark, o Jef;'v#.-> N. Lamar, AVm. M. .Slaughter* Edmund J. AleGeheg, ft John A. Jones, George JJiilyt r, • .Jjavi-l f. Barrow, A! ark Jul(*r-on. * ;• a ‘J -. J. Diamond, Edward 11. Hardqp, ** A. Hill, •Jefin 11. Lumpkin, ® Ed. L. G. G. Fain, b). G* Gibson, James lloge, . 1 Henry 0. Thomas# IV. J. Jonnsoifr * . . vffhe undersiguetl delegates Atom Georgia, having voted in the mceting'V’f the delegation with drawing from the yet believe, under the instructions eontfii:*d *n*the resolution of the Geor gia Contention, that the fotc of th%,majority should control our nn.u 11, and v*c tbCrct*)re \®thdw wiHi *the majority. ® ® I. It <'<tn. JnlitAi ® % Vii. 11. L. Jlv Briscoe, i The Chftirr.ta# accordingly reported tiese 1 tictis to she f invention, and,-hereupon those t-f tj'le ..delegates*wt.o had siguc# them, be.yig twenty-six in OSimbet. withdrew Trom tit* Convention. minoii ty prt forredi to rcnfhjp in the Convention. Ft consis ted of Judge Warner, Judge TlutHnas, Messrs. Rew ard, Cohen, Gaulden, Neltt*?, Cleveland!, Render, Cjfidleff, ‘ilvm Burney afbd Dr. Casey. * Aft * r i,e utalj? !S.e Ceuv a ion determined that G‘is not entitled to cset tiiertf§bf Geer gia, and the vot *of (leo gia was no more cast in th* Convefitj;nw ® ® 1 <§. •. * ► —® - @ lit* li*v*iblirnn Cotimitiftn, 1 •?. U ‘ * 18. —Afa%luun feineoln, of ttlinnU^knui nosainated ibrP*ewdent, on the third ballot, by a*n:ttj.i*i 9 pf three. Tills r.-snli whs bi-uight a boot, it,Js sag, by the aid of li>- I of lVnnSnvenia. • . ©j-®-.—• -- - ® From the Flwwda.gßepubliean. * ® TS:i)ili*t fMiitc Conifiitios of Fl<kt4<la. body will conveii# itt the city of Florida, aft Friday tjie ’kdth of Alay. Delegates coming' Steamer or Avail be met H .v w( luamittee t• u.-wign *lm nomes.during the® - salon ‘kibe Q invent)on. If any are not.met bf. * > •'inmytee tlfey will ratfort themselves a’t the of- s five of the Judsofl Hiftis#. • 1 ® LJ. IHIIS SON, Paster. ’ *Ce’ f -wHfe 1 ‘f hVa ,k i Everett, nmhing *eed b’e .-.tid. a . ‘®* k U - U^r ; . —SouMMe fe r Thus speaks ft*Sothern Brgftn of * Do-mlas -We *'vsetne W uiSMlle ma B * think%it ids n u #re iifabie to ilr. Everett 4h"w Z f ® personal effort)hosjooln the aid ot the jt' 1 US Hi“’ \'a>h >*■ *%*&3SEC Nt V T “‘"l", !l ’ s .eontribiitions lo £ ’ k Le . H S. Qf .’ TLe *f The Democrat. * tn,es *r j r ‘ v fora pn per and packets tie .1 1 C nK'ut.-S'mphis Bulletin. XATIoNAI.. # iQ>sTmTioA.u, i >io\ foAtxfrox. This body convened ip*' the st ytm iau QJiurch at Baltimore,-on Wednesday, the 9th just., all the States bciug represented except South (%ro ftna and Oregon. Hon. John *. Crittenden. @iair f® (®) i man of the National Executive Committee, called j the Contention to order, v. : ,g. | ; ton Hunt, of New oVork, was chosen temporary Chairman. The remainder of the morning session wa.-> devo£ed exclusively to prfliiiitiitctrj f-df organ!/ t!iat! . . , t ~ The suleq■lent proceedings drill USlow, taken from the Baldwin • Patri.ot. A. !'• UNO. * *SI% ‘ 0 i The Convention reassembled at four o’clock, and was called to order the temporary President. The conttniitee on permanent oreauixati n ed the following report: w The committee oh ot from each Syue chpsep to select permaneSt officers for the Couveiifton would respectfully report, 0 • dTISU tot President the, onanimqub choice 8& the j t <oiuiittoe was &e Hoi# Washington Hunt: of Hew j°-¥ork. For \%ee-Pr&s Petits*- ° ° Hurt S°H 1! y.ion, of Maine; ll<-n N 1* Wilder, of Massachusetts 2 ; Hon Un M Orn<frby. of Y.-vmont; lion Austin Baldwin,of CoimeetiettJ; Hon T A T%ll- j . ige.’ Nov York; Hon l’ J CYmrK, N J; Hon j lt° Ingersoll, l’a; lion D Claude, Maryland; Hfit A H f ij H Stewart, Virginia; Hod V&n B Giiiinian, North 1 ; Carolina; lion James M Calhoun, Georgia ; lion J (0 A Deer, AbiL.<S#a ; Mima 11 W Thompson,'Median-.', ; Hob D \ Sayre Kemncky; ll.s E T McGee, Missis®l t-sippi; lion John M Scott, Missouri Hon N T Un- * dfrwood?'Arkausas: 9 11.jn OutttTQS Henry, Tetmes | see; lleaJ S Harrison,%hio; film J P ygs, i > Delatfare. ° Y’acaftcies fur other State®. Xc., filled on'’arrival : of tfeje other State.'. 1*0? Secretaries— 0 ‘ 8 4 8 C Long, Md; .1 E N J ; E Chtrf, Conn; 1 —& Snow, 111; L SaltoryshaTr* Mass; .John IV Syne.o C ; 0 S Davis, Ks; John P V.arly, I nil; Ad®[; lifts [ O E Shippen, Pa. • ** @ ! The report was'k.higited. °' >< * 0 I On taking tlu: chair, Mr Hunt ad darted the Con -1 veutiop as 0 follows: ° act of kindness on your part, for tlie honor confer- i i red on 1 fuel that 1 verjl nmchrt'r-ithcv. that she Convention had chosen one metre worthy to fill f the position than 1 am; buteas you have chosen me, I I wilWry to lu- B mv lufst. There,, is a large nau-s of •jewple iti the country who Iceland know thati® the 1 £Snfftitgjtiono§ the country*d.#'*iiot take parGwith | otftc section of the country, which it arrayed against i the other in political war. We are Americans, ;.9id 1 are ready to stand by the Union through all its ifan gers, and also to sta&td by tliiVeoilWsels of our fore | fathers, those who fopght and bled for the country of whieli we are citizens. l.*a few days ago. visited tl*4 beautiful Mississip pi river; and whilst there, I was struck with the ,J noble grandeur of our country—*ihe br.'frd States 1 bounding on all its side* beititr inhabited by our ; countrymen, ands thought that “what God has i joined together, let n<Y man put asunder.” 0 9 i Mr. Alien, of New Jersey, at this point stated that the lion. Condif” cf felte a>vve Stated and wlio had served in the Congress oi 9 the United Stftftes j for twenty years, was in the hausg, and he would j rflove that the Convention elect him Honorary Vice j’ j President. _ * • * Tbe aanouiif men is of tlie motion by the Presi- I dent was received by most vociferous ap; feuise, and the President staffed that the aunouncebiept ot'Mlie name was enough, a!vt would, therefore, declare the j lieu. Lewis CotMit Sti honorary Vice-President of tin^Conventfon. I® , © I Chariest'. Latrobe, of Pennsylvania, that the Convention* ju oee and to ballot fo# President and \ iee-Presidnif o! the United States. lktward of Pcnusylvauia, made the ful- j lowing to the motion : ° Jirmlvt-tl, That each tjt.ate shall now nominate one personas candidate for the Presidency of the United States *and one for Vice President ; quid that this , Convention thereupon proceed to the election of such ofiiei rs lYot'i tlu Aimiinatioii- |Jen to be mad. . and ! that after the first three ballots the candidates hay- j ing the lowest number of votes on each sucewsivt ballot s;<dll be dropped, ami the balloting continue 1 until a candidate for the Presidency ami Vice-Prcsi- ! | demy sdujll !<• #id>’ < 1 acted, by a of the i whole number of votes, . Mr* Harris, ol .\L - mri, object ed to the a incit'd- ■’ | ments, stating that idf'■•o were a large number us ; States would not be here before to-morrow, that it. ‘ r *!i m%i bo Wight lof them to go to balloting before thesdelegatcs from the absent States arrived. Mr. Pcndlctogi of Missouri, then made the follcw | ing amendments to the resolution : Resolved, To strike out all after the word “ re e solved, and insert : That the delegation in ‘ each State be requestor toVonstitute a central com mittee, and that ef'k person tints nominalcj, shall state to that committee the general opiniofr'of his delegation. . , Several i tlier m'Wions wetH- made when i Mr J W 0 Watson, of, Mississippi, ’at this point I made a few very patriotic remarks, which were re , ceived by the Convention with deafening:* applause, fie also made a® motion, u. postpone the uoinina tion of candidates for and of tiv* United Spates. The lion. Thomas Swann of Maryland ,seconded . th©motion of the gentleman from Mississfjipi. •Mr. (Tnggin pi said: ’Wierejs a vener able friend of mine, Mr. CriUrnßen, oi Kentucky, ” that I would respectfully invite 40 take a seat on the platform, and iajdo so in thowiame both of*11#! North atpl the South. ® * “® ® - The (his. was recciveil l, vkh ap pVausc, but it was found that Mr. C. \fas not in the hall to take tlie seat which bad fcecti him hy the Convenrion. 9 . ® •* * Thongs A. liafiis* of rmumlnee should be ppoiii led to take i: 11 9 ,ms■ j <ieu , at ion and repot* ConvenUon tn names of ®ati i diifates for President and e President. He wa.v in tavor ot Miilaru Fillt#<#e. ■.iilieeVs.) Ifb was the ► e&oice of Missouri, but I have no eboic? thjat 1 can not yield, a#d Missouri has no such choice. And if 1 can lay him and ’wu,l ein lay any n:®ri ;lown wh> vrtll be brought befdfe the Convention, of the I Missouri delegation, know whoJv*uld tVe acceptable .in >Bssg*iri: wc hast no doubt onfhat point. J’ut we want time to constat and ascertain who will bo .the most preferable candidate in all the States.®) \Yk- I are'Tormin% a party that is to continue, lie hoped, to ! the end of time, a mere phemci®l organization for thugpresent moment. IVo, therefore” have no > other duties to perlyrin besides tl^ of seeking to ‘ nominate,juo'r personal favorites. Our aim should be to nominate those .who will moot with the hi®,iciest (•support lY'*ff the pc pie ofyhe vflude Colm. Vie look to no section lav countenance nd support, but 1 and all; and in the selection of ejtgididate# ■ should have a siafiiar object in view. A little ■ i time, fhre. s#ent4i cuhfvafing and*’ c^tnparing views, which can be so well done in a . comm Sice 04 tlie kind 1 have proposed, would bo ad visable before gn oeeding to baUot. No one here has 1 stronger ps-e^rehce^"than shave, bt I t.gjt some 1 mcftnsLsf nsccrtainiiif wlietkty my vieu are those of) ! fo om “the: -c . sis ®f the Coufederaoy, I y ,| * t I * of moving tlie appointment j of a Commit;#.’ on Notainations, move ri.M the reso- , ! lutfcon to pV.*eed % on.* to ballot for®Presideat anS Vice President be laid i*pon the lable! . ‘The several resolutions'Jleoe themwithdrawn bv their mover*, and the question was on Mr. Mrooks* njotion* to*adopt of the Ift. of : llepreseßtatives, so far a satiny mayibc for the governine'St 1 ® s ■, . * committee us iji\sin*;s. . Mr. Pr’onks sthen moyttd t!,fo a one 1 from ftieli State heWfc represented be appointed by*he’* 1 several delegations, which shall bo toyirc ;mre busine's the Aonsideration Conven 'tion. whfeh wjll .b.uV'tless be prepared T# report by Mhehourof ta-ffioftrow morn llff. H _ ® Mr. McCiHV%*i<# PeSnsylvrtnia, desired n<y®plat- i fprm boye*ith*n that proposed by Mr. Coombs, of, Kentucky, lie thougiitf however that a platfori# sh'ould or .14 l*ast some Hction should Tie | taken oh the subject.* The cwvjdained that tlieJL’ommittee on The Secretary then proceeded to Aall the rolloff Stat<*. whea the Allowing gentjemen tftere nan®d bv the respective delegations as tlie Pommittee on Business: ® Alabama. —A 0 Arkansas. —M S Keunarife. * ® M.aifare. —Chiles PCullon. 0 0 Georgi#. I Uni. Joshua Hill- @ ® Indiana. —R IV Thompson. Illinois. —John YYilson. _ Kentucky. —C F Burn^ftn.” Maine. —George E B Jacksoft. @ Mnw nlyettg.—A § Lew la, . . • IMinnesot.i. —F J ® M;uyluiid.-*G A Pearre. * o Mississippi.— 3W C V*j t ssoftri. Thomas A Bands. • 0 • *• New York.—E raft us Brooks. New J. i-v.y —Jos. F Randolph. • * 1 \'9>ri 1; U.nA'irm. Kicluu I<t Donald. G 0 J • Ohio.— Ns’G e 0 Pennsylvania—Jos. R Inrersoll. Q , Texas.—A B'NurTon. Tennessee.—Dai lie Peyton. o Vermont. —Jmni U'herlor. 0 E Scott. Th?/resident announced That 4j;*°Yoiiimittee on Basiift'.-s would mat at th# Eutaw. House o'clock , last evening. i. On mutual, the Convention then adjourned to meet*) lat Dfeo.'*doek thjy} t Thursday) nionfliig ■• •’ t @ „ ij * ®- * ■ -o lion. John Beil on the lxniiu* liilP. ! from a dt bate he the Semite, May *|.h, I*6l, be- : |° o tween .Mes. W’s. Bell,*'roomi>i*>iuul others. Mo. Bell. It i*,. very ° lor the lomoraLle ; Senator from (Air. ToombkJ) to proclaim now ho is not legislating aj'or section; lie iodgrtaiifly is not going tli® Souftli! ®I think no | Southern that the South has any Particular ityw-estin this bill, bauHise it is not like the compromise of ls*h4; for@in New Mexico ©tali you let lie territoz stand legally restricted against slavery as it was by public law. When tlnU Territory dWas brought into Union, All'. Calhouu and jornc other honorable senator \ , o®!*hiftd tlnfl the Constitution would operate as a repeal of tlw> Aftwic6n daw. abolishing slavery, and give the life oilier Sen- ‘ ; ators doubted on that point. r l®lil; honorable Sena tor from Mississippi, (Mr. Brown, lean, perhaps, 1 etjilain the. doctrines wlTieli then were iield in the South on this .subject. At all evnts, tlie eoiiqfromise aetsAf 1850,“left tho* Territory tt9 it was whi. anunxcdj’tvnd allowed the people* to in terdict or establish slavery, as they pleaded, when tfccy should form tlu#r Const Bntion. That fe was the doctrine of non-intervention then. What j 1 isp in this bill? lam in favor of thosprinciply of Viu 11 -41 11erveti-tion ® Suti non-imerv*;ntio*4 us w<Mild •have given to the South Ciß-a tv# a slave State, should®t ever be annexed to the United States; iragh ivon-mterventioa as that, if theie had Lorn no compact with regard tody.’ admission of slave States 1 to 9 be curved ons of Texas, would have secured to us those slave States, independent of tljs# by which t he United States are bontWSfo admit them. But under theftlate of th;hlbf i#iw produced—under the and vesoetmen € getting up aft *he North against the South —1 predict— 110, I wilt not predict .•Because it is too serious a subject will state that, if this of things shall not change essentially, the time will never come when a State cr. be admitted out of Togas. The non-in tervention of ISM), Iras to I,:‘ the Territories which come irntoahe Union as sla*o Kinitorv be slave* territory unHl the inhabitant® determine, 1 when they foi in a State that slavery j should be abolished; and if It came in ttl free ter ritory ‘liftn the inhabitants to restrict or adopt t-lav- ! ery, at their discndion, when they form a State j Constitution. But by this bill you interpose to re- : peal tha Missouri compromise, which would rcstory the territory to the condition of slave territory, as j it was when Uiuexed ; but not. content with that, you furrh r interfere to make it free territory. You 1 then provide, witlieu'f'limiiatien of time or nutfibgrs, that tlie inhabitants shall decide in their Territorial Legislature to establish or prohibit slavcvy. Well, , suppose tlie last L< eisl.uturc shall admit slavery, may not the ncxi atiftli-h it, and thus keep tip a 1 . perpetual struggle; while Congress, at the same j 1 time, may be agitated again by questions #f furh 1 inj erven tion ? Yet it i*b ; a measure of peace to the i country J It is to give qliet; all agitation is to ; cease under it! S - 4 • - (®) Em;!l at::l vcrell.— Opiisiimn of Hie lYeiilrnl Einin the Philadelphia Hqjhisin. ’ .The moderation of the Convention, which cfesed .itA session at Baltimore yesterday, is to be com mended and emulated. The Wisdom shown .is its choice of candidates js also to be admitted; lor slowerer the tickets uiay answer ior ‘*a run,” in political parlance, there ctii is as respectable a nckeras lias beet© presellt#<l to J the American ft least within the memory of the present generation o£* voters. Nefilier John Bell nor Edward Everett lias o*cr tone anything to'! bring repi#ach f*f>on him self'or his counfby. are man ot toftents ; Mr. Deli s liang of the praettw cal kttiil, wlttilc Mr. Evert It’s are of the Bo:J* are of age; Mr. Bell being %ml Ylr. Eve’gtt sixiy-sjx. Both are., old Wli^gs. ► ;md -iYice tne death oi* the old Whig pnif?v, both have •kept'from tlie slain of modern Democracy, anto whitrti many of their old associates so ruthlessly plunged when Mr. Buchanan was elected, l’rC%i dent. So far tyi the abiliticMjffthe Characters and the ca reers ol the candidates ®o, the Baltiuua’u ticke’Pis an . iinexcejit iigpable nut 4 , arm if the people of tlie United States could all be induced to vufw f*r men .011*1 heir merits, it would lS)„®rtfcßd ®>> a v*ry 1 strong tickff. ® ® a s , From the Kiclittiond Dispatflft .*® * • In th<4 tjpfted ;3fiti®i. SenWte, Mr. Bell at once 1 took aiWong the great, then billed 1 (ft at body ft lie iavored the oniise Mcasunjs 1 of IS-: 1. and desired t® see taffy settled by a division of Texas into .States. the piea.s- | unis which he lias proniiiieutW - opposed in the Sen ate, acreJ,hp Nebraska Bill, the admission of Ivan sas undftr (lie L#onipton Constifeitioii, the Yliiine*- S'ji-i Bill'Aftul the Fifteen Aiillions Loan Bill. ll# Js a warm friend of the %avy, sti'ingly in favor of , the l’icific Railroad, and a thorough Union man.-* SucH is a f rief summary pf the career'iod opinions bf Whig statesman, Without cornnfb- | misiljg ®1 lie neulKility of this Journal in pojitieal fe we may ne® permitted ftp congratulato the country uponr©hi diei'osjtion reecitt4y manifesteii*by alljpurtie to jutt forth tßcir greatest con niction with the highest offices. Mr. Bell is a lead er. under whose illustrious ffag even in the‘old Whig Guard Who fought under Harpar.of the W est •may marclv.wuh pride and put riot ban. The N. Y. Titan, tie aide st oml mosA imlapendont * of all papers vviifti Republi •antfteauings Thus speaks • of the mftnination: ® 8 tribulaipm, wc have at lpst one Pres idential Wai#lidate fiifrly in the field. Tfte Bunin Convffhtion at Baltimore yc*tcrday nominated* dolin'* .Bell, of Tennessee, fog President, and Edward Ev erqjt for \sice-President. Two more t respectable names could uoh be found in the country,—nor will aßy ono*B übt iha®in their bauds tlie Government would blftadministered with ability, dignity and tli® tlevcuion to’phe lion* and wel ftare of the wh#le country. *. ® C® (D 9 (Bp-*- 4’-® ® - <§) , & . ® ® l'rartiomil \.t(,. The Baltftyore Sun explains tlie reasoti of the , £i' !l **io'ial *i etc* wiii'.h are- fo;yid* in the of tlie ftlliaiPeston t'onvent*i#i. !.;w U Cong*es*ional f'iltrict scud®awo delegates, but under *he'*nliw that@bo.ij-. a dptrict is entitled Bo only one vote. W ln, thereto*#, the two delc/ateißvote as a unit—for instance, btr* Mr. —they are citunted as .Wtie ; but when they i’iv.j le, one for ©Mr. Doifglas. .4,1 the other for -Mr* (.ailirie, (ffec set down as half for each. ® Ini- mode olf tptuing secures to eachtjongressional District the full vole to which it is entitled, Jh case ’lie two delegates’ disagreed, there would* under a*Hftferent ryle, be a fig, and therefore no rote ‘^ e S iv . eB - 1 ®_ ® • * (9) ‘9 * i@n i al Rattl<* *:! .Ifexico* Nt:y 4fay ‘a#pico advices 6th inst., have be®i received. ® battle had been fought near t,oufs Potosi, actionists wore completely rmued, with.a loss of 1 ’ eiglrteon cannon, and ammunition ‘drain, and one thousand men prisoned® The San Louis l'o#%i *nikdt the® rejoicings of tJie pejjde. ® ® The R'|MiMicaiiH Uvina Over to the Squatter o Not ( i < ieilai. i The Congressional proceeding show that the IL.irs# ha* lately, on motion of o il m Fii in-iyer, of Maasaeimssevts (Republican table i#U :1.0 uve lulls for 01 -anizit e,’ theqvaste Jetttii rios tint West, • ever', one *o: which b .Is centumM ti.* h-ili ot l’r. - ■ viso. Several Republicans voted to table, ami motion prevailed 5 y a i-jo jrity of n< : ‘■/ [$ ‘tty. • Matt# ot tiie Ut; u'n’ p .ms are gottiug to see that -| 1 T’.nurres<ional exi-liiu >n is not so ]>••> a “as sipt it ter exclusion, atul no more to aecon l j lisli their purposes Bence, they led diuposod to ahan ; don thei|,!*t doctrine of the Proviso. and go for j S.poiUor Sovereignty. Four ya'iirq ago we predicted that tl.e incnoU Georgia then so li.~-iily huA-ahing ftr the ‘Little S mailer. ‘v. uhl in less than l:\t 8 years. . denounce hint more bqteUt?’ Ui|d they had denoun- I ced Van Huron, n has vrge turn: (tm* we now |>r o.i i tiffit it’ Hi defeated It Bali iinuro. he and Seward will stand .id: mbler to do older, nothing CQfnmtin cause ajUUBS* the South, M id M Itf# ‘ jvc (/••-■. .We call attention to t!i% following House m> port.—ftA’i cM'W)n! It .s . Mr. Tlayer was against organizing a government whore there were not three while men. lie ’ contended that all governments derive their power ; from the consent of the governed, as set forth in the 1 Declaration, of Indcpoß’ienci'. His colleague (#OW h ’! wanted to lend a hoping hand u> politicians. The ; 1 people have the right end jmtrer to govern them -4 selves, and, ‘thould be left alone : and. qrondly. his colleague or else should be prevented from with them. „ J Mr. Gooclfecxpfained as: 40 Sgiv.latiou for the territory. 0 Mr. Thayer resumed, occasionally exciiitjg Intense his replies to his colleague. Ills wished, lie said, R emove slaveiw contention from ('. tigress, and denoting, and Congressional intervention as a httm bug. On liis motion the Will was tabled. ® (©) : -s •• . - v‘ * Cosnpulin;; Hulcus!. 7, ® A ney mode of committing intercs-f at six per cent lias been published, vhuli appears very simple. Mill tiply ©py gives number *of days of interest desired ; ■ separate the ri§ht hand figure, and divide by six ; the rest tit is the tnrß interest in cents of s a*li sum |uch number of days at six per cent. This wile is simple, and“o true, acporenng (<gall busines? usages, that every banker, merchant and clerk should post it up for reference an*! wpe. There being no such ! tiling as a fraction Stbouf. it, is scarcely any j liability to error or ini stub •• ly nw'other :u ii?ime tical process can so dee; tod information be obtained with so few figures. ‘ 0 ( ® ® i , Tiie I\ev© lork I’ost Otlice. • The appoltiftnebi of John A. Fix, Pstmas ter of Mew York noticed in one, telegraphic news, was consequent upon a way piant i.rf uih c .very of dei.leatiftii to a tanouiit, ly 4 Isaac X. iiqr, the Into Posfto aster * Tbc i 1 era Id #q*S of it. In another column may bo fi&ti.d an elaborate account uf'*tlo defaleatioti of the York* bust Office in the Herald vostci & morning. ‘4'lie delinquent is Isaac V. taiwler, the Postmaster, and the an.yuirt of tliOTlqlatca, tion §ls;> f oofy a upwards. ‘On tla,o being, made knoatai to tit* 1 Oilicc dr par! ;ui4 at Washington, officers w> ri sent to this'eity to depose Mr. Fooler and procure bis arrest.— ► ’Jdi tirst ] a i'd) ol their duty i.a< been p, rl'.rmcd. but Mr. F. bast left fat part unknown. Some of liisqT-ier.'j.s think he Ifls comurifled suicide, ‘fhe caq-t* vAieK’ ledf'to the°det'aleafion is W iid f 0 be a ntfiniojwhich Mr. Fowler laiand in all g. irts of new of w* ie-11, i with one exception, iled to bring lilui any j , profitable return. Others ascribe bis , Anorst to the too frequout loans of iu?mey to lif -1 political friends. George Law and Gustavos ! A. .('onovev are bis the sum of I ; 975.0UU, or less than one lialf the amount f i btlic,*!elieit. s * @ ® ‘ .Tfc’dinij or isic jPa*ews. (’ll \itb*'.".'lApril 180% 4 Avery large number oil representatives cl' ; the Prbss from nearly every Suite in the Union, met this evening’ at the torial of W'. I F. Podge, Ksip - c .) j ! On motion ilr W. K. Melffnatcr, of X",v York. Was eai; and jo >. a: ? air. T. A. burke, ot she ‘avaiitian Ak. ; ap- j pointed Sit*rotary. The foliowiuu resol.itio® ; e v,'i'i'c < \i -r< 1 by Mr. V* ilkam 1 Priteli.ii l.ot t!fo u> ■"Hit: I ‘J hat the thai'&s of the visiting ; Press are telide*'(Si to- the lneuilers of phe I'uily.k ] Press of Charleston, for their ; attentions dtying .the present session op the Natrona f J > e niocrat i s4'o itv enti oft. JitsoUed, That we are under grateful obiiga- ; , tions to Mr. William F. Podge, proprietor of ’ Macbienry®i\gencv,” in tlieMu-titute ! Hall, for ,-uj ; b : rig tke vi-itb g editor?Jfi#l reporters with a comfortable am] well lighted hall, wife 11 tables and chaim fc with 1 P en J> ill k the dafly phpetfc fr*ui all secDums Os the Unteii, and fur iuumerable kind attentions reeefved. ® ® 1 Seso/re.'tf S hat our are also to [ | ?t. Joseph Walk.-, ol the 1 ‘intFr's Furnish- 1 ing t&n his many ]iriticivß kindnesses to the visiting* Pin*;, and while Kh rooms ‘were not as convenient tq§)ueas kfv. i : . \ve_ne ! ?ci'tlichms jafurn him our thanks for*lifs. kind tender of, the -fVee use of his vp.un. n-<t 9 That we Adams’ Ex f ifenpany's d>g nts. in this city, as eour- Woits iid attt fttivc to the visiting Preiy. as we iiave tiicr reAujtiized thenirin all sections of the Union. 31 any of our craft Wve *mfn kiutfly ftiryisleul with sleeping* apartments in the Ad ;an%’ Express office fir this city—they havesap .plied us promptly and liber;Ui.j with newsj ’in advance of the opening oft! .q moil, pnd have eliewi’ully •conveyed coinmuiietions* to um reifibetive publishing establishments without ’ charge ® a *, jtesoh'cd, That we also tender to Gilmore’s* Boston Brass Band our thank* ibr their e<?nipfi-'* •mentary serenade to our,.* body ou fc’atufday i might, the 2Sth instant.® Jbsolwl, Thai it the request of U e .is nmW ing tliat proceedings bo publl'ln'd in the gapers of (Jhaileron, and tliat the Press us the Cpjpn geerally rojifct,'B. & a fftoless ional courtesy,f,o re-publisli theqt entire. she above resolutions were Unanimously adopted. which several addresses were lpade and the meeting *’ Tl in. . Mt-Mas ter, ui A. I,f Cliairman. T. A. Burffe, Scdfetary. ® ; ® 1 is —*■— - - The Japanese a i* said to be divi.Ml into two uarhvU, lavorable, * the ouier opf'Ole'B, tou Opening intercourse withother nations, i hi ’plnef rep:esi fits the former, and tee resistant Ambassador iiiF latter plirtufe The other afoot equally divided Between the parties. Each ®de is required to ifcake a separMe repgtt the Twooh, for the bciiefrt ‘ of the nation. These**reports, and Uie judg >ment of the Nation tlttreon, will final de- to our successor failuac ?h Jaatin. ® *— ■*“*” —— * Poor 80-er Williams’®;fftcr all li*,di.Kwl.ile uving to away and to feed with his inani mate body an %pple trfle! ft seems, he ha# bcen Mliode Island descendant,! exhmugd ®l!og*‘r’!U remains aud it was found On#, the *pple tret ‘ run it#lroots, through tine gt&se absorbing itS'Contents. Nothing represented- Wil liams fragment of coffin and some rusty nails. — 3%0. Bulletin.\ i*aribnl,li Nuiii” lor a Divorce. • A correspondent of the Manchester Guardian say* .that Garibaldi,.the geieluated Italian lead er, has already separated from his wife. He i adds the following: gi lie morning alter the wedding, the General * received information as to the antecedents of | his hrtde, which led to a long and stormy inter view with her father. ai4l to his subsequent de pnrtijjre. lie has not since rejoined bis wile atfd an Austrian report qays that the General has aj pbcePto tile l ope for a dispensation fcap his marriage vov s. • • O (•’ • The (la .’tU <h L iu * the*fullow .ug, taken irom a Lucerne journal. The young wife®pf Garibaldi Jiae arrived at l,iienii'.oin enßipany with an adju’starft of her husband. The officer, being challenged to a duel by the General, replied to it bv fight, a—, Chills and Fever! Chills and Fever!— .o’ . One (>f 1 eim dies 4>; i lin.s ever lie. n laid he* ♦ tom- tliopjilii 4 F ,; vcr and A <• ami ivln. alt;; ? # ceivtM tße lif*rla->t eiipninimne from the prees and the peo niu, % Dr nns l'Kl'l Ki; h CEIJBItItATED BITTEBB. , \Vho went !<-ii.'u;. U ■ a <fromthiatarriblq disease, when it can be so easily cured ! \\ ho would ew ; dure all < -* hts, l.urmmr icy cßiiis ife. > Butelv. wßeu R remedy tar-i l>e ohtained in- a iti.-i . trifle ’ And yi i lie® iftiny families tin ®i a p. mini e.\i.-tei: o i under this deadly blight, aud*do nothing But gulp down (jlliuim-, Ui, ;i it l>e, mA-s ®e ■ : q daily * and vet t! rfnre not rtlieyed. Non* but tße foolish and weak hesitate to jirft -ure tlie.-e valuable Hitters, i and siive tnewselves intense a pony. • ‘V* Sold by druggists and dialers generally, every where. See ipiveri .semeni In anoilier column. e . • • O ° ’ * ♦- s Practical Advice to aLadior I Tiie first symptoms of should never be disre irariieti. If not removed si riousqrvila will inevitably foi- WW; icm , , lill remedies tliat wiu Violently Or redone *:■ strengt&F #botld be avoiiWh— i ‘they. uMteagof assisting nature, weaken and dnbilitata thi> i: ofa-iins. *1- Female < n! ais take Mi Li-au’s Cordial aud Hlood i’urilier. It stands pre , eaiineip, ill aii diseasi •pe uliar l” f< Ua] B Trj it li .s’ a delicious ftM. atie CordinT . • ix** boland lq &> 4 MARRIED. ; * On thq 17tb ins Wat ’Sonit* Murphy's, Leon Couutv Florida, by.tflfc ReT. W. 11. Crane, liV. Et*R. Tot no to Miss M. H. HARr. t ? - - .9 o - - -—9 • PROCEEDINGS Oc* COUNCIL.* e \ KEOtbAU 111: KTIVU; .* ° COl xyifc Cll AMI; I4>. Mat L‘l, ISoO. IV sent, Shel.h u s M. l —Ai leruicn M cUm Lane. J , !ln ert, Jlv.-on. •• I sent. C. C. Dealt. .Mayor. ** (da lami'. the wn; iir- the eh . tioilas of the Fire ©rdiauec, wi ri order I to bi dpened and end. ,i appea - fro . I*T retnrns, that t iere wen ’ votes in favor of contiyiugthe o dinaaei; in force, and 8 a-all's, and. oM m<*i'iii the ftuaflfvwis ristiiie 1, and the ore •*<*.!... • hui full f uec i g [united that tNfe Ccmncihuttach blocks 11 and 1- to i ire 1): i*. t, all j ~ -t-Al am *Te qnired to mako.oi je, lions, if um , bv the r.cxt uu. till” 0 f i Council. 01 ii> at - it decliui to the award of tiie Coiniah sione; > as to the e.v.cnsiou of Jefferson { street through Mr. .‘.I • Ruin's pgppeTfy. J.’assed Moved, tl at any m ’ m a.-, i I tno eat . Dawson street be p ost [>o 11 .] eti rdtely. * UK IT OKij \(>•!.!). ’ y ‘layer a1 T ,1 of tiled \\ nos T oa. isvftli .that whenever aiW'm suin’* , tieu is placed in any ol the Si;vets, A!,e_\ nr - iav;. ia said tow a? now or hereafter recogtti/ed as a stra( pteVj . it upon the brought t , notice of the Mayor of said Town, that tiie SLavor, or (. Wayi r pro ti a., i-sue to tiiuse who u nv have p!a< > - >tie*h kphstruction a notice for its iiumediutt; removal paid up . the failure io remove such obstruction, that rthe Mavor | nnpoiie a line of not le.-s than ten. nor more than thirty dollaA, for each day mat iu % .'m uoii *hail ivu,u'ii. and, to i.:.y said fine, that the Mayor order j the Clerk to issue a 1 icri Farias against the person plac ing -va h oi'stiiK'tion, f-.r cj > i day. su,d that i • e suiq ho P l **'’ -d ul tin hands of ih< Marsha!."whose duty it shall bi • ‘if -fe a■ i. . g * I . .4 no i’ui't!.,-i ■ f'i .n. 1 1 :i -Bi and. . . F. 11. lOi.UCXCTOi, Clerk. 1 -OH kGTILLE PRICES CURRENT. ~m ® CARF.I'I FLY * COirftF.CTED—WEEKLY. , * Aid : ] >r:ed . jd lb Vl'it u fIAGCL C—Kentucky r vd’ u India. . ‘ f> vd * ® Sea Island :*..’ p vdi S * f 111 1 ’aw -l A i AX p Ik . ‘ti e CANDLKt perm ,e i e A etiiiiuuinc D fii 30 a Go * AVitX Ulb a • COFFEi-:—Riv>. ..*. ■> lb, 15* a 10*i k Java g }ij.|* ld ~ 20 Mod a f „ ... i v lb V Laguira * ‘ D lb a can's 4 5.... , I . it . MeJii , : !V ’• u 125 v. 140 ’ Hominy -- 1 F bu 125 a 140 ■ iTATiil'Ts p ii. a ; FlSll —Jtucki rel No. 1 } , % >. - D b’l atj •“ No. 3 C b Ia Salmond -. Vtb as a 30 ■ L-d ~...* i*-!:, 10 FLOW?—trti! • ifine > i.'iYi 00 H Extra .* Obi 8 .. . f ... p ‘ - • C.rNFOWDEii <8 glb ‘4O 3 50 UIDIV .Vg It. 0 a 10 lllljX—Englissh 4- v 1!>. ls i* * Swe® AS A5....-* >■ lb ? *• & ’’ l e 1 * ii” (t • Does and j; in ..s. .... *• ■ Li.ui: XAfi.S gi£ o a ! 7 • ; OlLS—Linseed ? C -1 li','-.- u 1 25 * I rani i v <i . f p ,M .* „ - 1 ’- V,. : - ¥a 1 ?CO U r>. 61—Mess ‘ g lb ! ! a>? I’- mie .v- t>. lu j ii a- ; * IBt ia%!®f 15* . Saids. g It,. Jrfif a- 15 CnHjitrv Round ...g li, 12 i s a 13 * Lov.’ -'UU: ib • * „• 9 * l’riine glb * j® ® Conntiyn. {► ih § ci • 10 8 Lard V* j... gib 19 ik a is * w 3.5 r>r , AVestifn i> lb! .28 <i 30 ® r Country -. F li. 25 a . ® CuuSsE -7- ®th I 16 . & 20 BAI. F %y gsk 3,1*. a 350 Hi l<)'%.. A ......®. V g;ga 225 a 250 ’ , qIKIT- NewTi. oas g g g I C'a i try S>... g>l 4Q 5O SVHISKV—Ue.-t%d. g u-i •- 5? v . 75 Mononeahi 1a..? 1’ ■ 1 ‘ 2 “H U- *- ’1 *5 • I 00- * SPUR ITS?*T r!! PEN Ti_N E .... - ■ . 1 a SU6AK®Brown g lfilU 8 \n\ 12t4 Claritiftd.® ig ft 12Vgfi 15 ’ Crushed .® to 1? a TC TAI.I.OiV 6 *. g It, 1 .3. 10 HICK. g tb 8 WOOL.. S. .* gib i 20 1# 30 -a- ■ , ■ — ■ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.. ft EL ARD WtCK * & €O, . lIM til Missm BIMB e Bay Street, • SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 4 K. r ' e *l‘.rrM W. k. lURSriUAi ‘* C. WVicJP - May 23, 1860. r j, . 6ra ’ ? i'i,i} e VAr.v ‘ ■'>•* • 1 LL gf.KSONS IN DEI TBJ'TOtIIE * FIL of® .Ti ?ii£R *. i. <v .T -A 3SiKr.A, will qldjve thf subsciiber by at the with the “ •- • $ - till further oM*- ‘'"n will if the pHtron&i&f tl ,■ Ime firm, and *y< ryl ody else, vrII call at she same • : place find supply thnselve6,jjnth Groceries apd |M>t ions of all s<’r:s, * f expect so keep up the business, with* h aoeil stock always on baiul. • , V s ’ ® ® j jr S. MERRILL. • House*aiid Lot fqr Sale. * | OKfffiUNG FOR SALE MY BOUSE 8 and I/ot. It I* sit listed in a IxKutil'ul and pleasant part eftlt** town. The Lop* is juqv aud large, vi con- Vtiient, V. ith and garde*. „ 1 have also lOl'K BUILDING L< >TS, containing one 4U re each, all corner lots, which 1 will *< \¥. Should any one ifesire to build, or to buv an improved place in town, now is the time as I am deterasped loVelG * Terms, e ouc Cash, and tlw remainder on the first dig- of January. 161. without interest, with notes and Approved Becunt, * ® * 9 • * , i Ilia v* 23 (f IffAIAII VEKLf: * ’ •) m ,